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Introduction SIGGRAPH 2002- State of the Art in Hardware Shading Course Notes RADEON 9700

Introduction SIGGRAPH 2002- State of the Art in Hardware Shading Course Notes RADEON  9700
Introduction SIGGRAPH 2002- State of the Art in Hardware Shading Course Notes RADEON  9700

RADEON? 9700 Shading

Jason L. Mitchell


3D Application Research Group Lead

ATI Research


In this supplement to Chapter 3 in the bound course notes, we will outline the shading capabilities of the new RADEON? 9700 graphics processor and illustrate its power with a series of examples. After a brief overview of vertex shading on the RADEON? 9700, we will spend the bulk of the time on the fragment (aka pixel) shader programming model. For much of this chapter, we will use Direct3D? syntax due to its brevity and readability, but all of this functionality (as shown in the section on homomorphic factorization of BRDFs) is available through multivendor and ATI-developed OpenGL extensions.

RADEON? 9700 Vertex Shaders

The vertex shading model in the RADEON? 9700 has advanced beyond the programming model found in previous graphics processors such as the RADEON? 8500 by adding constant-based flow control capabilities. The motivation for this extension to the earlier programming models is to cut down on the number of shaders that must be created and managed by application developers. In previous vertex shader programming models such as the one found in DirectX? 8.1, developers generally had to create and use large numbers of shaders from fragments of shader code. This was necessary to handle the large numbers of permutations of drawing state (i.e. with/without environment mapping, with/without skinning, different numbers of and types of lights etc). The vertex shading model found in the RADEON? 9700 enables developers to create a much smaller set of domain-specific über shaders which can contain constant-based loops, subroutines and branches to manage the permutation problem.

Vertex Shader Assembly Language

Like the vertex shading model in the previous generation of graphics processors, the RADEON? 9700 can read from a bank of 4D float vectors as well as the input vertex components. A bank of read/write temps is available for intermediate computations and a bank of write-only output registers define the output from the vertex shader. Specific register counts for the RADEON? 9700 are listed below.

Type Name Count

Float Constant c[n] 256 read-only vectors

Temporary r n12 read/write vectors

Input v n16 read-only vectors

RADEON? 9700 ALU Register Counts

In addition to the ALU-related inputs and temps above, the RADEON? 9700 supports a set of constants and a counter to control the flow of execution as shown below.

Type Name Count

Integer Constant I n16 read-only vectors

Address A




Loop Counter aL 1 scalar

Boolean Constant B 16 read-only bits

RADEON? 9700 Flow Control Register Counts

These constants are set through API calls and persist until set again. In this way, an application can program the control flow by setting a shader once and updating a few flow-control constants as appropriate. A vertex shader on the RADEON? 9700 can be up to 256 instructions long, though more instructions than this may be executed due to looping, subroutines etc. The ALU instruction set supports the usual functionality such as ADD, DP3, DP4, EXP, FRAC, LOG, MAD, MAX, MIN, MOV, MUL, RCP, RSQ, SGE (set greater than or equal to) and SLT (set less than). The control flow instructions include CALL, LOOP, ENDLOOP, JUMP, JNZ, LABEL, REPEAT, ENDREPEAT and RETURN.

RADEON? 9700 Pixel Shaders: First with Floating Point

The pixel shading model in the RADEON? 9700 has also made a large step forward from

previous generations, particularly due to the leap from fixed point internal computations to floating point. The new model goes beyond the models found in previous graphics processors such as the

RADEON? 8500 by adding support for floating point, an instruction set appropriate for per-pixel floating point operations and significantly greater program length.

Type Name

Count Vertex Color v n 2 read-only vectors

Temporary r n 12 read/write vectors

Constant c n 32 read-only vectors

Sampler s n 16 read-only

Texture Coordinate t n 8 read-only vectors

RADEON? 9700 Pixel Shader Registers

These inputs and temporary registers may be operated on by a pixel shader with up to 64 ALU instructions and 32 texture instructions. The ALU instruction set has been extended to include

instructions appropriate to floating point data such as reciprocal and reciprocal square root. The ALU instruction set is made up of instructions such as ADD, MOV, MUL, MAD, DP3, DP4, FRAC, RCP, RSQ, EXP, LOG and CMP.

The texture instructions of the RADEON? 9700 are used to sample data from texture maps and to conditionally kill pixels altogether. The texture loading instructions include the plain TEXLD

instruction, the projective TEXLDP instruction and the TEXLDBIAS instruction. The TEXLDBIAS instruction can be used to apply a per-pixel LOD bias to any texture map access. This can be used for a wide variety of applications including simulation of rough specular surfaces and general blurriness. We will show examples of this in the motion blur and car paint shaders later in these notes. The TEXKILL instruction can be used to conditionally kill pixels based on the signs of register components.

Samplers and Texture Coordinates

In the pixel shader programming model of the RADEON? 9700, samplers and texture coordinates are completely decoupled. Texture coordinates are iterated across polygons and may be used to sample data through a sampler. At any one time, a given sampler is associated with a specific texture map in memory as well as a set of filtering state and texture coordinate clamping state. The RADEON? 9700 can iterate up to 8 4D texture coordinates and has 16 samplers. Naturally, it is possible to sample from a single sampler multiple times in a given shader using different texture coordinates. This is common when performing image processing operations as we will show later in the High Dynamic Range bloom and image space outlining examples.

Pixel Shader Outputs

The pixel shading unit of the RADEON? 9700 can output up to four colors to different render targets. The ability to output to multiple render targets simultaneously allows multiple intermediate values to be saved out between rendering passes and allows for implementation of G-buffer techniques [Saito and Takahashi 1990]. An image-space outlining technique, as described by Saito and Takahashi, using multiple simultaneous pixel shader outputs is shown later in these notes and in the SIGGRAPH 2002 sketch Real-Time Image-Space Outlining for Non-Photorealistic Rendering.

Now that we’ve given a brief introduction to the shader programming models, we’ll discuss the common example shaders used by all presenters in this course: Bumped Cubic Environment Mapping, McCool’s Homomorphic Factorization of BRDFs and Procedural Wood. Subsequently, we’ll present additional shaders including high-dynamic range rendering, motion blur, image space outlining and two-tone car paint in order to illustrate usage of many of the new aspects of the RADEON? 9700 pixel shader programming model.

The Common Example Shaders

All of the presenters in this course have been asked to implement a set of common example shaders to aid in understanding the differences between the programming models. In this section, we

will discuss our implementations of the common shaders using DirectX? 8.1’s ps.1.4 programming model, the ATI_fragment_shader model and DirectX? 9’s ps.2.0 programming model.

Bumped Cubic Environment Mapping

Cubic environment mapping has become a common environment mapping technique for reflective objects. Specifying a normal per-pixel in order to apply local detail or an Appearance Preserving Simplification technique [Cohen et al 1998] is becoming increasingly popular, even in conjunction with cubic environment mapping. In fact, the two-tone layered car paint example shown later in these notes uses a high-precision normal map derived from appearance preserving simplification. In this first common example shader, however, we will use a simple model and a basic ps.1.4 shader which does cubic environment mapping based on per-pixel normals from a normal map. A reflection vector is calculated per-pixel and is used to access a specular cubic environment map. This shader, introduced last year in the ATI Treasure Chest Demo, also does diffuse cube mapping and combines this with the specular environment map based on a per-pixel Fresnel term in one rendering pass [Brennan 02]. As it turns out, these additional effects basically come for free when implementing bumped cubic environment mapping, particularly in the RISC pixel shading models found in the RADEON? 8000 and 9000 series GPUs.

The fundamental operation performed by this shader is transformation of a normal from tangent space into the space of the cube map to be sampled (world space, say). This operation can be performed in ps.1.4 with a series of 3 dot products with write masks to perform the 3D rotation which gives us the correct normal N. Subsequently, the interpolated eye vector E is reflected through this vector using the typical reflection operation:










or if the normal is not of unit length:















The reflection vector, R, is used to do a dependent read from a cubic environment map. Additionally, due to the RISC nature of ps.1.4, we can set aside the intermediate result, N, and use it to do a dependent read from a diffuse cube map. It is also possible to sample several other maps including

a base texture map and a colored gloss map. These terms plus a per-pixel Fresnel term can easily be composited together in one pass as shown in [Brennan 02].

A simple pixel shader which does only the diffuse and specular dependent cube map lookups is shown below.


def c0, 1,1,1,1

texld r0, t0 ; Look up normal map

texcrd r1.xyz, t4 ; Eye vector

texcrd r4.xyz, t1 ; 1st row of environment matrix

texcrd r2.xyz, t2 ; 2st row of environment matrix

texcrd r3.xyz, t3 ; 3rd row of environment matrix

dp3 r4.x, r4, r0_bx2 ; N.x = 1st row of matrix multiply

dp3 r4.y, r2, r0_bx2 ; N.y = 2nd row of matrix multiply

dp3 r4.z, r3, r0_bx2 ; N.z = 3rd row of matrix multiply

dp3_x2 r3.xyz, r4, r1 ; 2(N.Eye)

mul r3.xyz, r4, r3 ; 2N(N.Eye)

dp3 r2.xyz, r4, r4 ; N.N

mad r2.xyz, -r1, r2, r3 ; 2N(N.Eye) - Eye(N.N)


texld r2, r2 ; Sample cubic reflection map

texld r3, t0 ; Sample base map with gloss in alpha

texld r4, r4 ; Sample cubic diffuse map

mul r1.rgb, r3.a, r2 ; Specular = Gloss * Reflection

mad r0.rgb, r3, r4, r1 ; Base*Diffuse + Specular

+mov r0.a, c0.a ; Put 1.0 in alpha

Homomorphic Factorization BRDF

The second of the common example shaders is based upon techniques outlined in McCool et al’s Homomorphic Factorization of BRDFs for High-Performance Rendering from SIGGRAPH 2001. On modern GPUs like the RADEON? 8500 or RADEON? 9700, the actual pixel shader used in this technique is very simple to execute in one pass. For most of the materials rendered by McCool’s sample application, the equation to be evaluated is one of the following:

1.(((diffuse * tex0) * scale1) * tex1 * scale2) * tex2

2.(((diffuse * tex0) * scale1) * tex1 * scale2) * tex2 + tex3

3.(((diffuse * tex0) * scale1) * tex1 * scale2) * tex2) * tex3

Using OpenGL ATI_fragment_shader notation, these equations can easily be evaluated: glBeginFragmentShaderATI();



if (param == PARAM_OHI_H) // only sample the specular map if necessary


if (sg_tex3Type == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB) {


else {



// r0 = diffuse * tex0 * scale1

glColorFragmentOp2ATI (GL_MUL_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, scale1,



// r0 = (diffuse * tex0 * scale1) * tex1 * scale2

glColorFragmentOp2ATI (GL_MUL_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, scale2,



if (param == PARAM_OHI_H) // do a MAD if specular map is used


// r0 = ((diffuse * tex0 * scale1) * tex1 * scale2) * tex2 + tex3





} else{

// r0 = ((diffuse * tex0 * scale1) * tex1 * scale2) * tex2



GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE);} glEndFragmentShaderATI();

Procedural generation of texture patterns is a popular technique for a variety of reasons including reduced storage space and customizability through intuitive parameters. A seminal example of this is the venerable wood shader from the RenderMan Companion.

In this section, we present a shader which procedurally generates wood in an attempt to mimic the real wood samples running down the left side of the page. The shader is based on the parametrized wood shader in Chapter 12.4 of

Advanced RenderMan by Apodaca and Gritz.

Non-real-time Gumbos from Advanced RenderMan

The real-time version of this shader uses a single 128×128×128 luminance-only 3D noise texture and one 1D function texture to evaluate a pulse-train composed of smoothstep() functions, for a total of around 2 MB of texture memory. Of course, the power of this approach is that it’s parametrized so that a variety of woods can be generated by tweaking a small number of intuitive input parameters to a single shader. Also, the sample application used

here has been developed so that an artist can interactively position the geometry

anyplace in shader space (i.e. at any position in the virtual log) in order to obtain a particular look. The disadvantage of this wood implementation is the relatively high computational cost of executing the shader. The input parameters to the shader are two wood colors (C lightwood and C darkwood ), ring frequency (freq ), noise amplitude (amp ), trunk wobble frequency, trunk wobble amplitude, specular exponent scale and specular exponent bias.

Computation occurs in shader space and a pixel’s position in this space is denoted as P shade . This allows us to position the volumetric wood relative to the object by transforming P shade in the vertex shader. This is a similar technique to the per-pixel distance attenuation used in the RADEON? 8500 Treasure Chest Demo which procedurally computes distance attenuation from the light space position interpolated across polygons [Vlachos 02]. In fact, for sampling noise into this wood shader, we will interpolate five 3D positions: P shade and four simple shifts and scales of P shade . This allows us to sample the same 3D scalar noise texture multiple times to get vector noise whose channels are reasonably uncorrelated.

Basic Concentric Rings

We will begin with a simple shader which defines cylindrical bands around the shader space z axis. The intermediate value r is computed as follows: freq P P r y x shade shade *2


This gives us the distance from the shader space z axis which is scaled by freq . We will use r as a texture coordinate into a 1D luminance texture which defines the shape of each ring as it radiates out from the shader space z axis. This 1D luminance texture is a smooth pulse train composed of

smoothstep () functions which has been tuned to mimic the way that colors mix in wood. A single

smooth pulse is shown below:

Smooth Pulse Used to Blend Wood Colors

Using the luminance that we get back from the smooth pulse function texture shown above as a blend factor between C lightwood and C darkwood gives us the following effect on the familiar Gumbo model.

Gumbo with procedural concentric rings

So far, our ps.2.0 shader code looks like the following


def c0, 2.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f // scale, bias, half, X

def c1, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f // X, X, 0.1, zero

// c2: xyz == Light Wood Color, w == ringFreq

// c3: xyz == Dark Wood Color

dcl t0.xyzw // xyz == Pshade (shader-space position), w == X

dcl_2d s1 // 1D smooth step function

dp2add r0, t0, t0, c1.w // x2 + y2 + 0

rsq r0, r0.x // 1/sqrt(x2 + y2)

rcp r0, r0.x // sqrt(x2 + y2)

mul r0, r0, c2.w // sqrt(x2 + y2) * freq

texld r0, r0, s1 // Sample from 1D pulse train texture

mov r1, c3

lrp r2, r0.x, c2, r1 // Blend between light and dark wood colors

mov oC0, r2

The final vertex shader, which generates the inputs to all of the wood pixel shaders is shown below.

dcl_position v0

dcl_normal v3

def c40, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f

m4x4 oPos, v0, c[0] // Transform position to clip space

m4x4 r0, v0, c[17] // Transformed P shade (using texture matrix 0)

mov oT0, r0

m4x4 oT1, v0, c[21] // Transformed P shade (using texture matrix 1)

m4x4 oT2, v0, c[25] // Transformed P shade (using texture matrix 2)

mov r1, c40

mul r1.x, r0.z, c29.x // {freq*P shade.z, 0, 0, 0}

mov oT3, r1 // {freq*P shade.z, 0, 0, 0} for 1D trunkWobble noise in X

mov r1, c40

mad r1.x, r0.z, c29.x, c29.y // {freq*P shade.z + 0.5, 0, 0, 0}

mov oT4, r1 // {freq*P shade.z + 0.5, 0, 0, 0} for 1D trunkWobble noise in Y

m4x4 oT6, v0, c[4] // Transform position to eye space

m4x4 oT7, v3, c[8] // Transform normal to eye space

Incorporating Noise

The ring pattern that we’ve generated so far is obviously too regular for believable wood and needs to be made more noisy. Since we do not yet have native noise hardware, we will use a texture to look up the noise. In this example, we will sample a 3D texture which contains several octaves of

tilable signed scalar fractional Brownian motion noise. We will sample this map 3 times using shifted, negated and slightly scaled values of P shade to construct reasonably uncorrelated vector fractional Brownian motion noise. This signed vector noise is added to P shade prior to the computation of r above.

Vector fractional Brownian motion noise Gumbo with “noised up” rings

Incorporating this additional noise, our ps.2.0 shader code looks like the following


def c0, 2.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f // scale, bias, half, X

def c1, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f // X, X, 0.1, zero

// c2: xyz == Light Wood Color, w == ringFreq

// c3: xyz == Dark Wood Color, w == noise amplitude

// c4: xyz == L_eye, w == trunkWobbleAmplitude

dcl t0.xyzw // xyz == Pshade (shader-space position), w == X

dcl t1.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl t2.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl_volume s0 // Luminance-only Volume noise

dcl_2d s1 // 1D smooth step function

texld r3, t0, s0 // Sample dX from scalar noise at P shade

texld r4, t1, s0 // Sample dY from scalar noise at perturbed P shade

texld r5, t2, s0 // Sample dZ from scalar noise at perturbed P shade

mov r3.y, r4.x // Put dY in y

mov r3.z, r5.x // Put dZ in z

mad r3, r3, c0.x, c0.y // Put noise in -1..+1 range

mad r7, c3.w, r3, t0 // Scale by amplitude and add to P shade to warp the domain

dp2add r0, r7, r7, c1.w // x2 + y2 + 0

rsq r0, r0.x // 1/sqrt(x2 + y2)

rcp r0, r0.x // sqrt(x2 + y2)

mul r0, r0, c2.w // sqrt(x2 + y2) * freq

texld r0, r0, s1 // Sample from 1D pulse train texture

mov r1, c3

lrp r2, r0.x, c2, r1 // Blend between light and dark wood colors

mov oC0, r2

Trunk Wobble

This level of noise is definitely an improvement, but the rings are still all centered around the z axis. We can add noise to P shade.x and P shade.y as a function of z to cause the trunk to wobble as it varies in z. This effect alone essentially causes a wobbly tree trunk as shown below.

Tree trunk without wobble and with wobble in x and y as a function of z

To incorporate noisy trunk wobble into this shader, we sample the volume noise map at two different locations (which are functions of P shade.z) along the y = z = 0 column of texels in our volume noise map. These two scalar values are added to x and y in the pixel shader, causing the rings to wobble as shown in the diagram above. The effect of this wobbling on our Gumbo dataset is shown below.

Gumbo with “noised up” rings and wobbly tree trunk

Incorporating the previous noise and the perturbations to make the trunk wobble, our ps.2.0 shader code looks like the following.


def c0, 2.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f // scale, bias, half, X

def c1, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f // X, X, 0.1, zero

// c2: xyz == Light Wood Color, w == ringFreq

// c3: xyz == Dark Wood Color, w == noise amplitude

// c4: xyz == L_eye, w == trunkWobbleAmplitude

dcl t0.xyzw // xyz == Pshade (shader-space position), w == X

dcl t1.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl t2.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl t3.xyzw // xyz == {Pshade.z, 0, 0}, w == X

dcl t4.xyzw // xyz == {Pshade.z + 0.5, 0, 0}, w == X

dcl_volume s0 // Luminance-only Volume noise

dcl_2d s1 // 1D smooth step function (blend factor in x, specular exponent in y, ...) texld r3, t0, s0 // Sample dX from scalar volume noise texture at P shade

texld r4, t1, s0 // Sample dY from scalar volume noise texture at perturbed P shade

texld r5, t2, s0 // Sample dZ from scalar volume noise texture at perturbed P shade

texld r6, t3, s0 // Sample trunkWobble.x from scalar volume noise at {P shade.z, 0, 0}

texld r7, t4, s0 // Sample trunkWobble.y from scalar volume noise at {P shade.z + 0.5, 0, 0}

mov r3.y, r4.x // Put dY in y

mov r3.z, r5.x // Put dZ in z

mov r6.y, r7.x // Move to get {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0}

mad r6, r6, c0.x, c0.y // Put {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0} in -1..+1 range

mad r3, r3, c0.x, c0.y // Put noise in -1..+1 range

mad r7, c3.w, r3, t0 // Scale noise by amplitude and add to Pshade to warp the domain

mad r7, c4.w, r6, r7 // Scale {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0} by amplitude and add in

dp2add r0, r7, r7, c1.w // x2 + y2 + 0

rsq r0, r0.x // 1/sqrt(x2 + y2)

rcp r0, r0.x // sqrt(x2 + y2)

mul r0, r0, c2.w // sqrt(x2 + y2) * freq

texld r0, r0, s1 // Sample from 1D pulse train texture

mov r1, c3

lrp r2, r0.x, c2, r1 // Blend between light and dark wood colors

mov oC0, r2

At this point, we have procedurally generated the albedo of the wood in a 2.0 pixel shader. Next we will Phong shade the surface using pixel shader instructions to compute L from the position of a single light source and perform several renormalization operations along the way—operations that were previously impossible to carry out in the pixel pipeline due to limited range and precision. With the floating point pixel pipeline of the RADEON? 9700, true Phong shading is now possible in real-time.

With the procedural albedo generation and Phong shading (where specular exponent is also a function of the smoothstep function, giving different specular exponents to the different wood rings), our final pixel shader looks like the following:


def c0, 2.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f // scale, bias, half, X

def c1, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f // X, X, 0.1, zero

// c2: xyz == Light Wood Color, w == ringFreq

// c3: xyz == Dark Wood Color, w == noise amplitude

// c4: xyz == L_eye, w == trunkWobbleAmplitude

// c5: {X, X, expScale, expBias}

dcl t0.xyzw // xyz == Pshade (shader-space position), w == X

dcl t1.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl t2.xyzw // xyz == Perturbed Pshade, w == X

dcl t3.xyzw // xyz == {Pshade.z, 0, 0}, w == X

dcl t4.xyzw // xyz == {Pshade.z + 0.5, 0, 0}, w == X

dcl t6.xyzw // xyz == P_eye, w == X

dcl t7.xyzw // xyz == N_eye, w == X

dcl_volume s0 // Luminance-only Volume noise

dcl_2d s1 // 1D smooth step function (blend factor in x, specular exponent in y, ...) texld r3, t0, s0 // Sample dX from scalar volume noise texture at P shade

texld r4, t1, s0 // Sample dY from scalar volume noise texture at perturbed P shade

texld r5, t2, s0 // Sample dZ from scalar volume noise texture at perturbed P shade

texld r6, t3, s0 // Sample trunkWobble.x from scalar volume noise at { P shade.z, 0, 0}

texld r7, t4, s0 // Sample trunkWobble.y from scalar volume noise at { P shade.z + 0.5, 0, 0} mov r3.y, r4.x // Put dY in y

mov r3.z, r5.x // Put dZ in z

mov r6.y, r7.x // Move to get {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0}

mad r6, r6, c0.x, c0.y // Put {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0} in -1..+1 range

mad r3, r3, c0.x, c0.y // Put noise in -1..+1 range

mad r7, c3.w, r3, t0 // Scale noise by amplitude and add to Pshade to warp the domain

mad r7, c4.w, r6, r7 // Scale {trunkWobble.x, trunkWobble.y, 0} by amplitude and add in

dp2add r0, r7, r7, c1.w // x2 + y2 + 0

rsq r0, r0.x // 1/sqrt(x2 + y2)

rcp r0, r0.x // sqrt(x2 + y2)

mul r0, r0, c2.w // sqrt(x2 + y2) * freq

texld r0, r0, s1 // Sample from 1D pulse train texture

mov r1, c3

lrp r2, r0.x, c2, r1 // Blend between light and dark wood colors

sub r4, c4, t6 // Compute normalized vector from vertex to light in eye space (L eye)

dp3 r5.w, r4, r4 //

rsq r5.w, r5.w //

mul r4, r4, r5.w // L eye

dp3 r6.w, t7, t7 // Normalize the interpolated normal

rsq r6.w, r6.w //

mul r5, t7, r6.w // N eye

dp3 r3.w, t6, t6 // Compute normalized vector from the eye to the vertex

rsq r3.w, r3.w //

mul r3, -t6, r3.w // V eye

add r6, r3, r5 // Compute Eye-Space HalfAngle (L eye +V eye)/|L_eye+V eye|

dp3 r6.w, r6, r6

rsq r6.w, r6.w

mul r6, r6, r6.w // H eye

dp3_sat r6, r5, r6 // N·H

mad r0.z, r0.z, c5.z, c5.w // scale and bias wood ring pulse to specular exponent range

pow r6, r6.x, r0.z // (N·H)k

dp3 r5, r4, r5 // Non-clamped N·L

mad_sat r5, r5, c0.z, c0.z // "Half-Lambert" trick for more pleasing diffuse term

mul r6, r6, r0.y // Gloss the highlight with the ramp texture

mad r2, r5, r2, r6 // N·L * procedural albedo + specular

mov oC0, r2

The final shader gives us the following result.

Final Shader on one Gumbo

Final Shader on test scene

Additional Shaders

Now that we’ve covered the compulsory shaders for this course, I’ll introduce some additional shaders to illustrate a variety of new applications enabled by the RADEON? 9700. This diverse collection of shaders includes several steps of the High Dynamic Range Rendering process, motion blur, local reflections, a two-tone car paint model and image-space outlining.

High Dynamic Range Rendering

With the extended range and precision of

the RADEON? 9700, it is possible to do a

variety of rendering operations in High Dynamic

Range (HDR) space. In fact, we have

implemented Paul Debevec’s Rendering With

Natural Light animation in real-time to illustrate

the ability to do real-time image-based lighting in

HDR space. The block diagram to the right

shows the high-level approach to rendering that is

used in the real-time and non-real-time renderings

of the Rendering with Natural Light animation.

The bulk of these operations need to be performed

in High Dynamic Range Space in order to truly

represent the wide range of radiances present in a

real-world scene [Debevec et al 1998]. The

objects in the scene, illuminated with HDR

images, are first rendered into an HDR image of

the scene. A bloom filter is applied to the image

to give the image a soft look, simulating light

scattering in the eye or the optics viewing the

virtual scene. The blooms are added back to the HDR rendering of the scene. This sum is then vignetted and tone mapped down to a displayable range.

HDR Implementation on RADEON? 9700

The image to the right is a

typical frame from the real-time

Rendering with Natural Light demo.

The first step in rendering a frame of

this animation is generation of the

planar reflection map for the table top.

The HDR planar reflection map is

rendered to a 16-16-16-16 texture.

Once we have the reflection map, the

objects are rendered into the scene,

using HDR diffuse, specular and rough

specular illumination maps as

appropriate for each material. The

table top is textured with the planar reflection map generated earlier in the frame. The local reflections and refractions on the spheres in the scene are handled using a special shader which will be discussed later in these notes.

Frame Postprocessing

After the 16-16-16-16 HDR image of the scene is rendered, a set of three Gaussian filters covering a region of 50×50 pixels are applied to the image. This is achieved in three steps since the Gaussian is separable. The first step is downsizing the image to ? of its original size (? in x and ? in y). Three Gaussians with σ=2, σ=6 and σ=14 are applied in two more steps. The first of these performs the first pass of the separable blurs on the ? size image. It computes an appropriately weighted sum of a column of 25 pixels centered on the current pixel and saves the results to a temporary buffer. This temporary buffer is then processed to apply the filter in the horizontal direction. In this same pass, the Gaussians are added back to the original image, tone mapped and vignetted to create the final image which is rendered to an 8-8-8-8 surface that can be read by the DAC.

The tone mapping process allows us to simulate different exposure levels by simply applying a different curve to the rendered HDR image. Four examples are shown below.

High Dynamic Range scene at four different exposure levels

All four of these images were generated by applying different tone-mapping curves to the same real-time rendered HDR image.

Local Reflections and Refractions

In the real-time Rendering with Natural Light demo, it is necessary to compute local and non-local reflections when rendering the balls in the scene. This is done with two key techniques.

First, a separate cube map is stored for each of the 10 spheres in the scene. These cubemaps are rendered once during a preprocessing step from the center of the corresponding sphere and contain a mask channel which masks the local (other objects in the scene) and non-local (distant environment) parts of the scene. This mask channel is used to isolate local and non-local contributions to the illumination of each sphere as it is rendered into the HDR scene.

Second, some creative reflection and refraction calculations are done when computing the cube map coordinates for the local environment map. For the bottom quarter of the sphere, surface normals are used to index the cube map while pure reflection vectors are used on the top quarter. For the middle section of the sphere, a blend between the normals and reflection vectors is used. This is necessary to ensure that the spheres appear to be in contact with the pedestals upon which they are resting in the scene. These non-standard vectors are used to access the local environment map while “standard”


绝密★启用前 全国统一高考数学试卷(理科)(新课标Ⅰ) 一、选择题:本题共12小题, 每小题5分, 共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只 有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知集合}242{60{}M x x N x x x =-<<=--<,, 则M N I = A .}{43x x -<< B .}42{x x -<<- C .}{22x x -<< D .}{23x x << 2.设复数z 满足=1i z -, z 在复平面内对应的点为(x , y ), 则 A .22 +11()x y += B .221(1)x y +=- C .22(1)1y x +-= D .2 2(+1)1y x += 3.已知0.20.32 log 0.220.2a b c ===,,, 则 A .a b c << B .a c b << C .c a b << D .b c a << 4.古希腊时期, 人们认为最美人体的头顶至肚脐的长度与肚脐至足底的长度之比是 512-( 51 2 -≈0.618, 称为黄金分割比例), 著名的“断臂维纳斯”便是如此.此外, 最美人体的头顶至咽喉的长度与咽喉至肚脐的长度之比也是 51 -.若某人满足上述两个黄金分割比例, 且腿长为105 cm, 头顶至脖子下端的长度为26 cm, 则其身高可能是

A .165 cm B .175 cm C .185 cm D .190 cm 5.函数f (x )= 2 sin cos ++x x x x 在[,]-ππ的图像大致为 A . B . C . D . 6.我国古代典籍《周易》用“卦”描述万物的变化.每一“重卦”由从下到上排列的6个 爻组成, 爻分为阳爻“——”和阴爻“— —”, 如图就是一重卦.在所有重卦中随机取一重卦, 则该重卦恰有3个阳爻的概率是 A . 516 B . 1132 C . 2132 D . 1116 7.已知非零向量a , b 满足||2||=a b , 且()-a b ⊥b , 则a 与b 的夹角为 A . π6 B . π3 C . 2π3 D . 5π6 8.如图是求 112122 + +的程序框图, 图中空白框中应填入

参访中山大学,了解专业选择 研学课程方案

“参访中山大学,了解专业选择” 研学课程 1.课程目标 参访双一流大学之一——中山大学,感受名校的文化氛围和底蕴。通过专题讲座,了解学科专业分类和就业等相关信息。通过霍兰德SDS职业兴趣测试,正确认识自身的兴趣和能力,思考自己“喜欢做什么”、“适合做什么”、“擅长做什么”等个人问题。调查大学生对学科、专业等方面的看法,理解正确选择大学专业对自身发展的重要性和价值。通过制定生涯规划,把握文理分科和专业选择方向。 2.课程内容 2.1.《学科专业和就业前景》专题讲座 以《普通高等学校本科专业目录》为指导文件,介绍13个学科的含义和包含的基本专业。13个学科分别是:哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、军事学、管理学、艺术学。 由于学科下设92个大学专业类,630个大学专业,数量太多,故在13个学科中各选一个大学基础专业进行更深入解析,包括专业设置背景、主干课程、知识技能以及就业前景等。13个大学基础专业分别是:逻辑学、金融学、国际政治、科学教育、汉语言文学、考古学、应用化学、土木工程、动物医学、临床医学、工商管理、播音与主持艺术(仅供参考,根据实际情况可能调整为其他专业)。 2.2霍兰德SDS职业兴趣测试 霍兰德职业适应性测验(The Self-Directed Search,简称SDS)由美国著名职业指导专家霍兰德编制。在几十年间经过一百多次大规模的实验研究,形成了人格类型与职业类型的学说和测验。六种基本的职业类型为:实际型、研究型、艺术型、社会型、企业型、传统型。 通过此测试可以帮助学生发现和确定自己的职业兴趣和能力专长,为未来选择大学专业提供一定参考。 2.3.开展大学生对专业满意程度调查 在中山大学校园内开展随机采访和问卷调查,了解中山大学在读大学生对专业满意度、选择专业原因、入学前后对专业的了解程度差异、对课程教学的满意


数学学院关于2018届毕业典礼暨2018年学位授予仪式的注意事项 一、时间:6月28日上午9:30梁銶琚堂门口列队集合,请务必准时参加。本科 毕业生请按班级,研究生按学位类别列队。特别强调:参加学位授予仪式学生必须获得学位,否则不允许入场。 二、仪式须知 1、仪式注意事项 (1)学位获得者应正确着学位服(学位帽、学位袍、披肩、白色衬衫、红色领带、黑裤或黑裙、黑鞋,不能穿拖鞋),手持学生信息纸条(集合时会发给大家)。本科优秀毕业生还需佩戴荣誉绶带。 (2)仪式进行期间关闭通讯工具及有声设备或使之置于静音状态。 (3)上台受礼时,请勿携带相机、手机等与仪式无关物品,如私自携带被工作人员搜到将无法上台。 2、学位获得者参加仪式程序 (1)在中山大学权杖引领校长及主礼教授入场及退场时,在场人员应起立鼓掌致意,以示尊重。在校长及主礼教授落座后,场内人员方可落座。落座后,司仪介绍台上主礼教授时,请各位同学为我院的导师鼓掌致意。 (2)校长与受礼学生握手,并授予纪念册,学生向校长鞠躬致谢,请学生严格遵守受礼礼仪,不做多余的动作,注意礼貌和仪态。 (3)学位获得者应在指定区域内就座,不可随意走动、拍照,应全称参加,中途不得离场。 (4)宣读孙中山先生毕业训辞完毕后,请全体毕业生集体回应:“谨遵教诲”。 三、仪式程序 中山大学2018届毕业典礼暨2018年学位授予仪式程序 1.中山大学权杖入场; 2.主持人介绍出席的主礼教授; 3.主持人宣布中山大学2018届毕业典礼暨2018年学位授予仪式开始; 4.奏唱国歌; 5.主持人宣读孙中山先生毕业训词; 6.主持人宣读学士、硕士、博士学位授予决定; 7.主持人宣读关于中山大学本科优秀毕业生评选结果的通知; 8.院长(系主任)恭请校长为学位获得者授予学位; 9.校长依次为获得学士学位的毕业生授予学位; 10.校友代表演讲; 11.校长依次为获得硕士学位的毕业生授予学位; 12.校长依次为获得博士学位的毕业生授予学位; 13.全体医学毕业生重温中山大学医学生誓词(医学生所在场次); 14.奏唱校歌; 15.礼成。


2016年全国统一高考数学试卷(理科)(新课标Ⅰ) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)设集合A={x|x2﹣4x+3<0},B={x|2x﹣3>0},则A∩B=()A.(﹣3,﹣)B.(﹣3,)C.(1,)D.(,3) 2.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)设(1+i)x=1+yi,其中x,y是实数,则|x+yi|=() A.1 B.C.D.2 3.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)已知等差数列{a n}前9项的和为27,a10=8,则a100=()A.100 B.99 C.98 D.97 4.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)某公司的班车在7:00,8:00,8:30发车,小明在7:50至8:30之间到达发车站乘坐班车,且到达发车站的时刻是随机的,则他等车时间不超过10分钟的概率是() 《 A.B.C.D. 5.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)已知方程﹣=1表示双曲线,且该双曲线两焦点间的距 离为4,则n的取值范围是() A.(﹣1,3)B.(﹣1,) C.(0,3) D.(0,) 6.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)如图,某几何体的三视图是三个半径相等的圆及每个圆中两条相互垂直的半径.若该几何体的体积是,则它的表面积是() A.17πB.18πC.20πD.28π 7.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)函数y=2x2﹣e|x|在[﹣2,2]的图象大致为()

A.B.C. D. 8.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)若a>b>1,0<c<1,则() A.a c<b c B.ab c<ba c : C.alog b c<blog a c D.log a c<log b c 9.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)执行如图的程序框图,如果输入的x=0,y=1,n=1,则输出x,y的值满足() A.y=2x B.y=3x C.y=4x D.y=5x 10.(5分)(2016?新课标Ⅰ)以抛物线C的顶点为圆心的圆交C于A、B两点,交C的准线于D、E两点.已知|AB|=4,|DE|=2,则C的焦点到准线的距离为()


中山大学工商企业管理专科有哪些课程 一、中山大学工商企业管理专业介绍 工商企业管理是自学考试学科调整后产生的新专业。这一专业的设置是为了培养在社会主义市场经济条件下从事工商业及其他各类企业管理方面工作的专门人才。经过专业学习,成绩合格者应系统地掌握现代管理理论、有广泛的知识。熟悉各类管理的基本技能和科学方法,能够胜任企业管理工作。工商管理是研究工商企业经济管理基本理论和一般方法的学科,主要包括企业的经营战略制定和内部行为管理两个方面。 二、中山大学工商企业管理培养目标 本专业主要培养德智体全面发展,掌握现代企业管理理论,具有较强企业管理能力,较强的语言文字表达能力、人际沟通能力,外语水平高,知识面广,能熟练利用计算机技术、网络技术等现代管理技术,能在工商企业从事各方面管理工作的高级应用性人才,同时具有较大的发展潜力,可以成为企事业单位的各级管理人才。 三、中山大学工商企业管理专科课程 03709马克思主义基本原理概论 04183概率论与数理统计(经管类) 04184线性代数(经管类) 00154企业管理咨询 00067财务管理学 00149国际贸易理论与实务 00151企业经营战略

00150金融理论与实务 00152组织行为学 00054管理学原理 00051管理系统中计算机应用 00052管理系统中计算机应用 11390工商企业管理实习5 06999毕业论文 00055企业会计学 00145生产与作业管理 00144企业管理概论 00009政治经济学(财经类) 00058市场营销学 00246国际经济法概论 四、就业方向 各大、中型企业、外资企业及跨国企业从事生产管理、营销管理和一般业务管理工作,也可从事人力资源管理、财务管理、营销策划、商品调研、市场预测和经济数量分析等工作。从事的岗位如下: 一般传统管理类岗位 市场营销类岗位 人力资源管理类岗位 物流管理类岗位 五、就业前景


2013年普通高等学校夏季招生全国统一考试数学理工农医类 (全国新课标卷II) 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理1)已知集合M ={x |(x -1)2<4,x ∈R },N ={-1,0,1,2,3},则M ∩N =( ). A .{0,1,2} B .{-1,0,1,2} C .{-1,0,2,3} D .{0,1,2,3} 2.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理2)设复数z 满足(1-i)z =2i ,则z =( ). A .-1+i B .-1-I C .1+i D .1-i 3.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理3)等比数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n .已知S 3=a 2+10a 1,a 5=9,则a 1=( ). A .13 B .13- C .19 D .1 9- 4.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理4)已知m ,n 为异面直线,m ⊥平面α,n ⊥平面β.直线l 满足l ⊥m ,l ⊥n ,l α,l β,则( ). A .α∥β且l ∥α B .α⊥β且l ⊥β C .α与β相交,且交线垂直于l D .α与β相交,且交线平行于l 5.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理5)已知(1+ax )(1+x )5的展开式中x 2的系数为5,则a =( ). A .-4 B .-3 C .-2 D .-1 6.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理6)执行下面的程序框图,如果输入的N =10,那么输出的S =( ). A .1111+23 10+++ B .1111+2!3! 10!+++ C .1111+23 11+++ D .1111+2!3!11!+++ 7.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理7)一个四面体的顶点在空间直角坐标系O -xyz 中的坐标分别是 (1,0,1),(1,1,0),(0,1,1),(0,0,0),画该四面体三视图中的正视图时,以zOx 平面为投影面,则得到的正视图可以为( ). 8.(2013课标全国Ⅱ,理8)设a =log 36,b =log 510,c =log 714,则( ). A .c >b >a B .b >c >a C .a >c >b D .a >b >c


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 数学(理)(全国II 卷) 一.选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项) 1.1212i i +=-()(A )4355i --(B )4355i -+(C )3455i --(D )3455 i -+ 2.已知集合(){}22,|3,,A x y x y x Z y Z =+≤∈∈,则A 中元素的个数为() (A )9 (B )8 (C )5(D )4 3.函数()2x x e e f x x --=的图像大致为() 4.已知向量,a b 满足||1a =,1a b ?=-,则() 2a a b ?-=() (A )4(B )3(C )2(D )0 5.双曲线()22 2210,0x y a b a b -=>>的离心率为3,则其渐近线方程为() (A )2y x =±(B )3y x =±(C )22y x =±(D )32 y x =± 6.在ABC ?中,5cos 25 C =,1BC =,5AC =,则AB =() (A )42(B )30(C )29( D )25 7.为计算11111123499100 S =-+-++-,设计了下面的程序框图,则在空白框中应填入() (A )1i i =+ (B )2i i =+ (C )3i i =+ (D )4i i =+ 8.我国数学家陈景润在哥德巴赫猜想的研究中取得了世界领先的成果。哥德巴赫猜想是“每个大于2的偶数可以表示为两个素数的和”,如30723=+。在不超过 30的素数中,随机选取两个不同的数,其和等于30的概率是()(A )112(B )114 (C )115(D )118


个人简历 物理科学与工程技术学院 材料物理 姓名: 学历:本科 地址: 电话:

姓名:性别:男 出生年月:健康状况:良好 毕业院校: 电子邮件: 通信地址: 邮编:000000 联系电话:00000000 教育背景 ●专业:材料物理 ●语言程度:英语四级,有良好的听、说、读、写能力;能流利用普通话、 广州话交流。 ●学历:物理学学士 ●计算机程度:熟悉掌握C、汇编语言,有较多的工作经验; 熟悉WINDOWS操作系统,了解UNIX和LINUX系统; 熟悉计算机硬件及架设计算机网络。 可运用frontpage制作网页 求职意向 具有数学,物理背景的计算工作,对磁场计算感兴趣 学习成绩 优秀,曾获两年奖学金,熟悉数字电路和模拟电路,熟悉计算软件。性格特点 为人踏实,乐观上进,工作刻苦钻研,能进行长时间的连续工作,有

很好的团队协作精神。 实验室工作 ?2001,7—2001,9中大电介质实验室一中型电路的研发工作?2002年2月在低温实验室参与纳米材料的研制与测试 社会工作 ★西码公司促销员 ★安利公司营销代表 学生工作 ★班团支书,专业班班长 ★学生会学术部部长 ★组织理工学院物理系迎新晚会 ★成立理工学院家电维修小组,策划全校的电器维修活动 ★策划组织理工学院迎澳门回归晚会 ★组织理工学院首届运动会 ★组织理工学院每年的圣诞晚会 核心课程: 电路理论分析电工学实 验 课 程 普通物理实验 微机原理与接口试验 模拟电子技术试验 近代物理实验 材料物理实验

主要课程机械基础 算法语言与程序设计 数学物理方法 专业英语 高等数学 线性数学 理论物理 普通物理 量子力学 数理统计 专 业 课 程 模拟电子技术 数字电路技术 结构与物性 固体物理 铁磁学及磁性材料 现代材料分析技术 材料科学导论 材料制备技术 微机原理 选 修 课 程 计算机网络原理 市场营销


绝密★启用前 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科数学 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |31x <},则 A. {|0}A B x x =< B. A B =R C. {|1}A B x x => D. A B =? 2.如图,正方形ABCD 内的图形来自中国古代的太极图,正方形内切圆中的黑色部分和白色部分关于正方形的中心成中心对称.在正方形内随机取一点,则此点取自黑色部分的概率是 A. 14 B. π8 C. 12 D. π4 3.设有下面四个命题 1:p 若复数z 满足1z ∈R ,则z ∈R ; 2:p 若复数z 满足2z ∈R ,则z ∈R ; 3:p 若复数12,z z 满足12z z ∈R ,则12z z =; 4:p 若复数z ∈R ,则z ∈R . 其中的真命题为

A.13,p p B.14,p p C.23,p p D.24,p p 4.记n S 为等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和.若4524a a +=,48S =,则{}n a 的公差为 A .1 B .2 C .4 D .8 5.函数()f x 在(,)-∞+∞单调递减,且为奇函数.若(11)f =-,则满足21()1x f --≤≤的x 的取值范围是 A .[2,2]- B .[1,1]- C .[0,4] D .[1,3] 6.621(1)(1)x x ++展开式中2x 的系数为 A.15 B.20 C.30 D.35 7.某多面体的三视图如图所示,其中正视图和左视图都由正方形和等腰直角三角形组成,正方形的边长为2,俯视图为等腰直角三角形,该多面体的各个面中有若干个是梯形,这些梯形的面积之和为 A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16 8.右面程序框图是为了求出满足3n -2n >1000的最小偶数n ,那么在 和两个空白框中,可以分别 填入


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国课标I) 理科数学 注意事项: 1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷1至3页,第Ⅱ卷3至5页. 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置. 3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合A={x|x2-2x>0},B={x|-5<x<5},则( ). A.A∩B= B.A∪B=R C.B?A D.A?B 2.若复数z满足(3-4i)z=|4+3i|,则z的虚部为( ). A.-4 B. 4 5 - C.4 D. 4 5 3.为了解某地区的中小学生的视力情况,拟从该地区的中小学生中抽取部分学生进行调查,事先已了解到该地区小学、初中、高中三个学段学生的视力情况有较大差异,而男女生视力情况差异不大.在下面的抽样方法中,最合理的抽样方法是( ). A.简单随机抽样 B.按性别分层抽样 C.按学段分层抽样 D.系统抽样 4.已知双曲线C: 22 22 =1 x y a b -(a>0,b>0)的离心率为 5 2 ,则C的渐近线方程为( ). A.y= 1 4 x ± B.y= 1 3 x ± C.y= 1 2 x ± D.y=±x 5.执行下面的程序框图,如果输入的t∈[-1,3],则输出的s属于( ).

A .[-3,4] B .[-5,2] C .[-4,3] D .[-2,5] 6.如图,有一个水平放置的透明无盖的正方体容器,容器高8 cm ,将一个球放在容器口,再向容器内注水,当球面恰好接触水面时测得水深为6 cm ,如果不计容器的厚度,则球的体积为( ). A . 500π3cm 3 B .866π3 cm 3 C . 1372π3cm 3 D .2048π3 cm 3 7.设等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,若S m -1=-2,S m =0,S m +1=3,则m =( ). A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 8.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为( ).


管院与岭院的区别: 1、最本质的区别:中大对两学院的学科建设有所不同。岭院的学科建设为宏观的经济学,包括经济学系、金融系、国际贸易、保险学等。管院的学科建设为微观的管理学,即公司的微观管理方面。包括工商管理系、市场学系、财务与投资系、会计学系等。岭院是宏观的经济学,管院是微观的管理学,这个直接决定两学院的师资重点所在。建议大家可从两学院的系来比较师资的问题。但一般的管理主要还是在于公司的管理学科上。 个人建议,如果从事金融、银行或贸易行业的但不一定从事管理职位,岭院是一个不错的选择。如果您以后的职业规划还是想从事公司管理的,那么管院应该是一个更正统学习MBA知识的地方。所以同学们先要对自己以后的职业发展或从事的行业作一个定位,然后再决定报读哪个学院或学校会更合适。 2、宣传的区别:有人说,在管院是学管理,在岭院是学外语。这个就是不同学院在宣传方面的重点所在。岭院会强化国际化,就是说全英文上课的。管院是强调实战性的公司管理。 其实从研究方向的设置看本土化与国际化并不是两学院的区别。两学院都开设国际班与双语班。同时,大家可以从两学院的每年的海外交换交流的数量比较,合作的国际院校比较,管院都是华南地区具有最多最丰富的国际资源。目前我们有70多所国际知名商学院的合作伙伴,每年有至少50个海外交流交换机会,这些除了清华北大,都是其他学校所不能比拟的。 同时,不管是我们中大还是国内其他MBA院校,国际化的道路是必然的。2009年,管理学院首先通过了国际AMBA认证,是华南地区第一个获得国际认证的商学院,今年也通过了EQUIS认证,(当然岭南学院也同时通过了这两个认证)。这个也充分表明中大其实在品牌、教学质量以及国际化程度更好更高。如果大家是想报读国际班,管院的国际班老师90%是从欧美知名商学院请来的知名教授(英语是母语),而岭院的国际班老师是中大的老师出去培训半年后回来用英文教同学。由此的区别大家也可以比较。 为了方便大家对两个学院的基本报考情况的比较,提供以下数据,以便大家参考。


数学试卷 第1页(共21页) 数学试卷 第2页(共21页) 数学试卷 第3页(共21页) 绝密★启用前 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 理科数学 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 注意事项: 1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷1至3页,第Ⅱ卷3至6页. 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置. 3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的. 1.已知集合2 0{}|2A x x x =-> ,{|B x x <<=,则 ( ) A .A B =R B .A B =? C .B A ? D .A B ? 2.若复数z 满足(34i)|43i|z -=+,则z 的虚部为 ( ) A .4- B .45 - C .4 D .45 3.为了解某地区的中小学生视力情况,拟从该地区的中小学生中抽取部分学生进行调查,事先已了解到该地区小学、初中、高中三个学段学生的视力情况有较大差异,而男女生视力情况差异不大.在下面的抽样方法中,最合理的抽样方法是 ( ) A .简单随机抽样 B .按性别分层抽样 C .按学段分层抽样 D .系统抽样 4.已知双曲线C :22 221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>> ,则C 的渐近线方程为 ( ) A .1 4y x =± B .1 3y x =± C .1 2 y x =± D .y x =± 5.执行如图的程序框图,如果输入的[1,3]t ∈-,则输出的s 属于 ( ) A .[3,4]- B .[5,2]- C .[4,3]- D .[2,5]- 6.如图,有一个水平放置的透明无盖的正方体容器,容器 高8cm ,将一个球放在容器口,再向容器内注水,当球 面恰好接触水面时测得水深为6cm ,如果不计容器的 厚度,则球的体积为 ( ) A .3866π cm 3 B . 3500π cm 3 C .31372πcm 3 D .32048πcm 3 7.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,12m S -=-,0m S =,13m S +=,则m = ( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 8.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何的体积为 ( ) A .168π+ B .88π+ C .1616π+ D .816π+ 9.设m 为正整数,2()m x y +展开式的二项式系数的最大值 为a ,21()m x y ++展开式的二项式系数的最大值为b .若137a b =,则m = ( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 10.已知椭圆 E :22 221(0)x y a b a b +=>>的右焦点为(3,0)F ,过点F 的直线交E 于A ,B 两点. 若AB 的中点坐标为(1,1)-,则E 的方程为 ( ) A .22 14536 x y += B .2213627x y += C .2212718x y += D .22 1189x y += 11.已知函数22,0, ()ln(1),0.x x x f x x x ?-+=?+>? ≤若|()|f x ax ≥,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .(,1]-∞ B .(,0]-∞ C .[2,1]- D .[2,0]- 12.设n n n A B C △的三边长分别为n a ,n b ,n c ,n n n A B C △的面积为n S ,1,2,3, n =.若11b c >,1112b c a +=,1n n a a +=,12n n n c a b ++= ,12 n n n b a c ++=,则 ( ) A .{}n S 为递增数列 B .{}n S 为递减数列 C .21{}n S -为递增数列,2{}n S 为递减数列 D .21{}n S -为递减数列,2{}n S 为递增数列 第Ⅱ卷 本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22题~第24题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 13.已知两个单位向量a ,b 的夹角为60,(1)t t =+-c a b .若0=b c ,则t =________. 14.若数列{}n a 的前n 项和21 33 n n S a = +,则{}n a 的通项公式是n a =________. 15.设当x θ=时,函数()sin 2cos f x x x =-取得最大值,则cos θ=________. 16.设函数22()(1)()f x x x ax b =-++的图象关于直线2x =-对称,则()f x 的最大值为________. 三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. --------在 --------------------此--------------------卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效 ---------------- 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________


绝密★启用前 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (新课标Ⅰ卷) 理科数学 注意事项: 1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。 2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.) 1.设,则( ) A .0 B . C . D . 2.已知集合,则 ( ) A . B . C . D . 3.某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一倍.实现翻番.为更好地了解该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计了该地区新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例.得到如下饼图: 此卷 只装 订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号

则下面结论中不正确的是() A.新农村建设后,种植收入减少 B.新农村建设后,其他收入增加了一倍以上 C.新农村建设后,养殖收入增加了一倍 D.新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半 4.记为等差数列的前项和.若,,则()A.B.C.D.12 5.设函数.若为奇函数,则曲线在点处的切线方程为() A.B.C.D. 6.在中,为边上的中线,为的中点,则() A.B. C.D. 7.某圆柱的高为2,底面周长为16,其三视图如右图所示,圆柱表面上的点在正视图上的对应点为,圆柱表面上的点在左视图上的对应点为, 则在此圆柱侧面上,从到的路径中,最短路径的长度为() A.B.C.D.2 8.设抛物线的焦点为,过点且斜率为的直线与交于,两点,则() A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 9.已知函数,,若存在2个零点,则的取值范围是() A.B.C.D. 10.下图来自古希腊数学家希波克拉底所研究的几何图形,此图由三个半圆构成,三个半圆的直径分别为直角三角形的斜边,直角边,,的三边所围成的区域记为Ⅰ,黑色部分记为Ⅱ,其余部分记为Ⅲ,在整个图形中随机取一点,此点取自Ⅰ,Ⅱ,


原本没计划考研的,但是在大学校园里蹉跎了两年多,便开始有些迷茫起来。经过一段时间的反思后,在大三的下半年学期的时候,我开始决定考研。 因为本科学的就是工商管理的专业,考研便选了同一专业。院校方面,我瞄上了鼎鼎大名的中山大学。其实这也是常事,大部分人,考研要么就是本校,因为考本校的话,考上的几率会很大,要么就是考一些比较好的院校。 考研并不是件容易的事,很多人一时心血来潮,但是常常学了很短一段时间就放弃了,甚至有人买了一大堆资料,连翻都没翻。能够坚持一直学下来的人,不多,能够最后取得一个好的成绩的人,就更少了。 所以,在你决定考研之前,请你先问自己一个问题。我是一时兴起呢?还是真的有恒心有毅力要打一场硬仗。我这样说,绝对没有丝毫夸大。 考研是一场马拉松。当然,也有貌似简单备考就考上的学霸,但那样的学霸毕竟是少数中的少数,我们大多数的芸芸众人只有拼命苦学,才有可能过这座独木桥。 首先,一定要合理安排自己的时间。考研的复习,一般都是好几门功课,如果你不能长期有效地管理自己的时间,复习就是一团乱麻。 然后,还有给自己一个好的复习环境,要养成去图书馆的自习室占座的习惯。 下面就来说说,具体的科目复习了,中山大学的工商管理考研,要考四科。分别思想政治理论,英语一,数学三还有微观经济学与管理学。 (一)政治 之前马哲的课,没有好好上的同学,最好报个班,因为这样比较节省时间。也可以在网上找一些视频来看。 政治最主要的还是把重点理解透了,最重要的就是毛中特了,其中哲学政经最难了,把这些都理解透彻了,再做题就能事半功倍。 做题就是李凡老师的《政治新时器》,李凡老师的题绝对可以,重点理解透彻,题多刷,基本政治就能有很好的分数。 (二)英语 对于英语是弱项的同学来说,这个科目简直就是噩梦。 考研英语的难度绝对超过四六级的,有大量你不认识的生僻词汇,以及长到令人发指的句子,而且就算你查着字典,终于理解了题干说的是什么,你也不一


中山大学2017届毕业生就业质量年度报告 中山大学 2017年12月

中山大学坚持立德树人为根本,以“德才兼备、领袖气质、家国情怀”为人才培养目标,以“面向学术前沿、面向国家重大战略需求、面向国家和区域经济社会发展”为基本导向,全面提高人才培养质量。学校强调学业与就业相结合,倡导“学在中大,追求卓越”的优良学风校风,要求学生夯实学业基础、树立远大目标,引导学生将个人的发展与国家的发展、社会的进步相结合,积极投身到新时代的经济社会建设中去。 2017年,学校贯彻落实教育部和广东省的各项就业创业政策及措施,积极鼓励和引导毕业生到重点领域就业,主动对接国家发展战略需求,向重点地区、重大项目和重要领域输送毕业生;积极促进毕业生到新兴领域就业,引导毕业生到战略新兴产业、先进制造业和现代服务业等领域就业;积极引导毕业生到基层就业,不断拓宽基层就业渠道,完善和落实政策保障措施。 学校2017届毕业生总体就业率为93.1%,其中本科生的就业率为91.0%,有6.8%的本科生因准备考研或申请出国而暂不就业,硕士研究生的就业率为96.6%,博士研究生的就业率为95.8%。 报告中基本数据统计截止时间为2017年12月5日,其中第三方数据调研时间段为2017年11 月07日到11月24日。

目录 第一章就业基本情况 (4) 一毕业生就业及升学总体情况 (4) (一)毕业生总数 (4) (二)毕业生就业率 (4) (三)未就业分析 (4) (四)毕业生流向分析 (5) (五)毕业生升学情况 (6) 二就业流向分析 (10) 三用人单位评价 (13) 第二章毕业生就业工作举措 (15) 一以学业促就业,全面提升人才培养质量 (15) 二鼓励基层就业,做好定向选调生推荐工作 (15) 三积极推送学生去往国际组织实习任职 (15) 四帮扶就业困难学生,构建保障体系 (16) 五积极开拓就业新渠道,确保就业服务质量 (16) 六创建大学生创新创业平台 (16) 附表 (18) 附表1中山大学2017届本科毕业生最终就业情况统计表 (18) 附表2中山大学2017届毕业研究生最终就业情况统计表 (21)


2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (全国一卷)理科数学 一、选择题,本题共12小题,每小题 5 份,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1i 1. 设z 2i ,则z 1i 1 A.0 B. C.1 D. 2 2 2. 已知集合A x |x2 x 2 0 ,则C R A A. x | 1 x 2 B. x|1x2 C. x|x 1 x|x2 D. x|x 1 x| x 2 3.某地区经过一年的新农村建设,农村的经济收入增加了一杯,实现翻番。为更好地了解该地区农村的经济收入变化情况,统计和该地图新农村建设前后农村的经济收入构成比例,得到如下饼图: A. 新农村建设后,种植收入减少 B. 新农村建设后,其他收入增加了一倍以上 C. 新农村建设后,养殖收入增加了一倍 D. 新农村建设后,养殖收入与第三产业收入的总和超过了经济收入的一半 4.记S n为等差数列a n 的前n项和,若3S3 S2 S4,a1 2,则a5 A.-12 B.-10 C.10 D.12 5.设函数f x x3 a 1 x2 ax ,若f x 为奇函数,则曲线y f x 在点0,0 处的切 绝密★启用 前 则下面结论中不正确的 是

线方程为 10. 下图来自古希腊数学家希波克拉底所研究的几何图形,此图由三个半圆构成。三个半圆 的直径分别为直角三角形 ABC 的斜边 BC ,直角边 AB,AC , ABC 的三边所围成的区域 记为Ⅰ,黑色部分记为Ⅱ,其余部分记为Ⅲ。 在整个图形中随机取一点,此点取自的概率分 别记为 p 1, p 2, p 3 ,则 A. y 2x B.y x C.y 2x D. y x 6.在 ABC 中, AD 为BC 边上的中线, E 为 AD 的中点,则 EB 3 1 1 3 A. AB AC B. AB AC 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 3 C. AB AC D. AB AC 4 4 4 4 7.某圆柱的高为 2,地面周长为 16,其三视图如右图,圆柱表面 上的点 M 在正视图上的对应点为 A ,圆柱表面上的点 N 在左视 图上的对应点为 B ,则在此圆柱侧面上,从 M 到N 的路径中, 最短路径的长度为 A.2 17 B.2 5 C.3 D.2 则 FM FN A.5 B.6 C.7 9.已知函数 f e x ,x 0 x ,g x ln x,x 0 fx 围是 A. 1,0 B. 0, 2 2,0 且斜率为 的直线与 C 交于 M ,N 两点, 3 D.8 x a ,若 g x 存在 2 个零点,则 a 的取值范 C. 1, D. 1, 8.设抛物线 C: y 2 4 x 的焦点为 F ,过点


中山大学企业管理的经验 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于中山大学企业管理的经验的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 中山大学企业管理的经验 中大管院历来都是热门院系,尤其是企管专业,年年爆满。由于招生人数有限,无奈很多人都不幸做了炮灰。中大管院着力打造“商界的黄埔军校”,慕名而来的人就更多。作为一个有幸进入善衡堂的过来人,也想把自己的一些经验以及从中得到教训能留给后来人。不求此篇经验能给大家醍醐灌顶的感觉,能有些收获,足矣!也是想通过这样的方式给自己去年的一年一个总结。考经共分六篇,稍后一一会出炉! 孙子兵法言:多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算呼!因此无论在做一件什么样的事情,前期的规划非常重要。它决定了之后你的大致的行动规划。关于规划的重要性大家都是知道的,尤其是学过管理学的,这些话显得累赘了。 我是2010.2.11号正式开始复习的。之前寒假在家的时候就已经在搜寻考研的信息了。最后经过综合考虑,决定报考中大企业管理专业。有以下几点考虑:1.中大企管全国闻名,这没的说。 2.自己以后也想在南方发展,中大在南方首屈一指。 3.自己本科时候学的就是工商管理,对经管类课程非常感兴趣,知识面较广。也非常想通过进一步的学习提升自己。其他研友提到的诸如扩展人脉,更高的起点等等也有考虑。决定考企管是因为自己的志趣在此,也并不仅仅因为它是热门专业。 4.还有一点需要提到:高考的时候并没有实现自己的所愿,最终被调剂。

所以这次算是再博一次。 5.大四时候一直没课,自己找工作的砝码并不足够也是促使我考研的一个理由。因为直接出去的起点太低,各方面的贮备工作还没做好。 当然也还有其他的各方面考虑,就不一一赘述。自从寒假在家里下定决心要考中大企管,我就开始打算怎么去打赢这场仗。而且从头至尾,我从未有因压力太大换过学校与专业的想法。我想说坚持真的很重要! 寒假过后不久我就回到了学校,制定了一个大致的学习计划(有粗有细)。考虑到自己的数学基础不太好,所以前半年一直是在打数学的基础。准备先看课本,真的是相当于一切从头开始,大一时候学的数学忘光了。看了课本然后挨着做后面的习题,一个不漏的很工整的写在本子上,隔段时间再拿出来改正。准备挨着做完课后习题,有时间做一下毛刚源的辅导教材。到暑假时候再着手做复习全书。之后九月十月还做复习全书。最后几个月就主攻真题。 英语差不多也再那时候开始的。考研英语跟其他英语不太一样,所以准备的话要另外安排。值得说的`是考研英语跟四六级考试的成绩基本上没什么太大关系的。四六级不好的同学千万别因此失去对考研英语的信心,只要复习得法,过线很容易的。只是拿高分确实太难,尤其是今年这种BT题目。那时候英语的计划是头三个月基本搞定单词。期间也在背新概念三。NEC3真的很不错,不要为了完成任务而很痛苦的去做。其实这个过程本身就很享受的。NEC3和NEC4基本上是每天自学一篇。先解决词汇,下面是挨着挨着分析句子结构,弄清句型。下面就是背诵,反复的背诵。我身边的研友基本上都是这么做的,效果还不错。计划中英语到暑假时候可以适当做一些阅读理解了。因为这个时候你的词汇已经完全不是问题了。做阅读理解才有效果。暑假过后基本上打算做真题,认真研究


数学试卷 第1页(共15页) 数学试卷 第2页(共15页) 数学试卷 第3页(共15页) 绝密★启用前 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 文科数学 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 注意事项: 1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷1至3页,第Ⅱ卷3至6页. 2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试题相应的位置. 3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效. 4.考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{1,2,3,4}A =,2 {|,}B x x n n A ==∈,则A B = ( ) A .{1,4} B .{2,3} C .{9,16} D .{1,2} 2. 2 12i (1i) +=- ( ) A .11i 2 -- B .11i 2 -+ C .11i 2 + D .11i 2 - 3.从1,2,3,4中任取2个不同的数,则取出的2个数之差的绝对值为2的概率是 ( ) A .12 B .1 3 C .14 D .16 4.已知双曲线C :22 221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>> ,则C 的渐近线方程为 ( ) A .1 4 y x =± B .13y x =± C .1 2y x =± D .y x =± 5.已知命题p :x ?∈R ,23x x <;命题q :x ?∈R ,321x x =-,则下列命题中为真命题的 是 ( ) A .p q ∧ B .p q ?∧ C .p q ∧? D .p q ?∧? 6.设首项为1,公比为 2 3 的等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则 ( ) A .21n n S a =- B .32n n S a =- C .43n n S a =- D .32n n S a =- 7.执行如图的程序框图,如果输入的[1,3]t ∈-,则输 出的s 属于 ( ) A .[3,4]- B .[5,2]- C .[4,3]- D .[2,5]- 8.O 为坐标原点,F 为抛物线C :2y =的焦点,P 为C 上一点, 若||PF =,则 POF △的面积为 ( ) A .2 B .C .D .4 9.函数()(1cos )sin f x x x =-在[π,π]-上的图象大致为 ( ) 10.已知锐角ABC △的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,2 23cos cos20A A +=,7a =, 6c =,则b = ( ) A .10 B .9 C .8 D .5 11.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为 ( ) A .168π+ B .88π+ C .1616π+ D .816π+ 12.已知函数22,0()ln(1),0.x x x f x x x ?-+=?+? ≤, >若|()|f x ax ≥,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .(,0]-∞ B .(,1]-∞ C .[2,1]- D .[2,0]- 第Ⅱ卷 本卷包括必考题和选考题两部分.第13题~第21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22题~第24题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分. 13.已知两个单位向量a ,b 的夹角为60,(1)t t =+-c a b ,若0=b c ,则t =________. 14.设x ,y 满足约束条件13, 10,x x y ??--? ≤≤≤≤,则2z x y =-的最大值为________. 15.已知H 是球O 的直径AB 上一点,:1:2AH HB =,AB ⊥平面α,H 为垂足,α截球O 所得截面的面积为π,则球O 的表面积为________. 16.设当x θ=时,函数()sin 2cos f x x x =-取得最大值,则cos θ=________. 三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分12分) 已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 满足30S =,55S =-. (Ⅰ)求{}n a 的通项公式; --------在 --------------------此--------------------卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效---------------- 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________

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