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专题十七阅读理解之阅读新题型 1.【2015·北京卷】第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分。共10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出正确的填入空白处。选项中有两项为多余选项。 This Way to Dreamland Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers hav e a bad reputation for being unaware of what’s happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy._71__They annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things. But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. __72__ Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions? So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool? First, understand that some opportunities(机会) for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams.__73_ And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming, try to do it whil e you are involved in another task—preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings. It’s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to concentrate. “Mindfulness”, bei ng focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep.__74__ Finally, you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.____75_ Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds. A. Having interesting things to think about also helps. B. They stare off into space and wander by themselves. C. Without wandering minds, we wouldn’t have relatively, Coke or Post-it notes. D. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses. E. It involves slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive. F. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. G. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you’re in the

2015考研英语阅读真题:考研英语(一)第2篇Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest. California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling, particularly one that upsets the old assumptions that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies. The court would be recklessly modest if it followed California’s advice. Enough of the implications are discernable, even obvious, so that the justice can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants. They should start by discarding California’s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smart phone —a vast storehouse of digital information is similar to say, going through a suspect’s pur se. The court has ruled that police don’t violate the Fourth Amendment when they go through the wallet or pocket book, of an arrestee without a warrant. But exploring one’s smart phone is more like entering his or her home.

2015年考研英语二真题答案(完整版) 2015考研英语二答案 完型填空题 1 .C signal 2 .D much 3. C plugged 4. A message 5. C behind 6. A misinterpreted 7. B judged 8. D unfamiliar 9. B anxious 10. D turn 11.A dangerous 12. A hurt 13.B conversation 14. D passengers 15.C predict 16. D ride 17.A went through 18.C in fact 19.B since 20 B simple 阅读题答案 Text 1 答案 21. D offered greater relaxation than the workplace 22. B childless husbands 23. A they are both bread winners and housewives 24. C earnings 25. B division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut Text2 答案 26. C miss its original purpose 27. A the problem is solvable 28. C are in need offinancial support 29. D are inexperienced in handling issues at college

30. D colleges are partly responsible for the problem in question Text3 答案 31. A more emotional 32. C sports culture 33.D strengthen employee loyalty 34.A voices for working women 35. C companies find it to be fundamental Text4 36. B the increase of voluntary part-time jobs 37. C cannot get their hands on full-time jobs 38. B shows a general tendency of decline 39. B empolyment is no longer a precondition to get insureance 40.A 阅读新题型 41 .D Most of your fearsare unreal 42. E Think about the [resent moment 43.G There are many things to be grateful for 44.A You are not alone 45. C Pave your own unique path 翻译题 回想一下这样的经历:开车行驶在一条非常熟悉的道路上。这可能是你每天上下班的必经之路,可能是进城的旅行,亦或是回家的道路。不管是哪一种,你都了解每一个屈折拐弯之处,就像熟悉自己手背上的纹路一样。在这些所有类型的旅途中,很容易失去驾车的注意力,并且几乎不注意沿途的风景。结果,比起这段路途实际需要的时间,你的感觉是花费的时间更少。 这就是经常旅行线路效应:人们往往低估了花费在一条熟悉的路线上的时间。 这种效应是由于我们分配注意力的方式引起的。当我们旅行一条非常著名的路线时,因为我们不是非得注意太多,时间似乎流逝得更快。然后,当我们回忆起这段旅程时,因为我们没有花费太多的注意力,因此我们对之记忆地不太清楚,所以我们认为这段旅行更为短途作文 PART A 【参考范文1】 Notice In order to enrich high school students’ life in summer holiday and expand the reputation of our university, the Students Union are going to host a summer camp in our school campus and volunteers are needed. The details about this summer camp and volunteer recruitment are listed as follows. Firstly, the summer camp will begin on September 1st and it will last for ten days. Secondly, the main theme of this summer camp is “Better English, Better life” and there are various activities in this summer camp, including English-speaking contest, drama contest, sports meeting and

2015北京中考英语作文 【篇一:北京2015中考英语作文指导(分8个话题)】话题训练 一、介绍人(自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等)单句翻译 1, i am liming, a boy of 15, who is tall and wears glass. 2,it?s convenient to take the subway to school. 3, i won?t go to sleep until 10 o?clock. 4, i used to be shy and afraid of speaking in public, but now i am getting used to it. 5, i have been collecting stamps for 3 years. 6, i get up at 6:00 in order that i can spend half an hour reading english every day. 7, i find it interesting to collect stamps. 8, i am not allowed to go out on school nights 9, not onlydo i finish homework in time but also i help my mom do chores, which makes mom happy. 10, i am so interested in english that i listen to the tapes every day. 11,listening to music makes me relaxed. 12, collecting stamps can make me learn a lot about the history. 13,he devoted all his time and energy to teaching, often working late into night preparing for his lessons.(他把所有的时间和精力都投入到了教学中,经常备课到深夜。) 14,he is capable of making his lessons lively and interesting.(他能让他的课生动有趣。) 15,although he is very strict with us, he shows us great concern.(尽管他对我们非常严厉,但是他也很关心我们。) 16,he helped us not only in class but also after class.(他不但在课上帮助我们,在课i consider him not only as my good teacher but also my close friend.(我不但把他看作我的好老师,而且把他当作我亲密的朋友。) 19,iam sograteful to my english teacher that i wish him a healthy and happy life in the future.(我非常感谢我的英语老师,我祝他身体健康生活快乐。)

“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”样题 一、“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”比赛内容包含四个环节: PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己) PartⅡRead and Reason(读以察世) PartⅢ Read and Question(读以启思) PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志) 二、比赛样题仅为2015年阅读大赛赛题的内容和形式样例,并非完整试卷。 三、大赛的模拟赛、复赛和决赛都将包含样题的四个环节,但各环节的赛题内容和形式会根据不同阶段比赛有所变化。 四、大赛的初赛由参赛学校参考样题内容自行命题,组委会不做硬性规定。 五、“PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。 Part I Read and Know In this part, you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities. Read as fast as you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself. Are You Charismatic? Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you. It won’t affect the quality of your work or provide you with wonderful original ideas, but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want to make it b ig in life. If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you are a genius, you will have made it. The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes. 1) Do people find themselves attracted to you? A. Yes, it can be embarrassing sometimes. B. No, no more than other people. C. I suppose they do a bit.

2015年考研英语二阅读理解真题及答案(阅读理解) Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points) Text 1 A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys. People art actually more stressed at home than at work. Researchers measured people's cortisol , which is it at stress marker, while they were at work and while they were at home and found it higher at what is supposed to be a place of refuge. “Further contradicting conventional wisdom, we found that women as well as men have lower levels of stress at work than at home,” writes one of the researchers. Sarah Damaske, In fact women say they feel better at work. She notes. “it is men not women. Who report being happier at home than at work,” Another surprise is that the findings hold true for both those with children without, but more so for nonparents. This is why people who work outside the home have better health. What the study doesn't measure is whether people are still doing work when they' re at home, whether it is household work or work brought home from the office. For many men, the end of the workday is a time to kick back. For women who stay home,they never get to leave the office. And for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks. With the blurring of roles, and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women, it' s not surprising that women are more stressed at home. But it's not just a gender thing. At work, people pretty much know what they're supposed to be doing: working, making money, doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income. The bargain is very pure: Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola. On the home front, however, people have no such clarity. Rare is the household in which the division of labor is so clinically and methodically laid out. There are a lot of tasks to be done, there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have no clear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into it, or if they' re teenagers, threatened with complete removal of 新祥旭官网https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb18118228.html,/

2015年考研英语二阅读Text1真题详解 整篇文章的主题是与我们生活息息相关的内容,文章的难度不大,相比2014年英语二的阅读来说,难度稳定,这是在我们预料之中的。 第21题According to Paragraph 1,most previous surveys found that home___(根据第一段可知,之前的调查中认为家是一个____地方)。[A] offered greater relaxation than the workplace [B] was an ideal place for stress measurement [C] generated more stress than the workplace [D] was an unrealistic place for relaxation题目中明确给出范围,所以我们只要在第一段中找答案,且要注意题目中的关键词是previous。回归第一段,不难发现文章的首句便是答案出处:A new study suggests that contrary to most surveys, people are actually more stressed at home than at work.(新的研究显示不同于以往的绝大多数调查,人们在家比工作时的压力更大)。这句话中new、contrary to most surveys是提示词,与题目中的previous study相对应的,不难做出正确答案是[A] 第22题According to Damaske, who are likely to be the happiest at home?(Damaske 认为,谁可能是最家里最快乐的?)读完题目,回到文章第二段找Damaske的观点:It is men, not women, who report being happier at home than at work.在家男性比女性更快乐,Another surprise is that findings hold true for both those with children and without, but more so for nonparents.这句话的关键词是more,它与题目中的happiest最高级是相对应的,所以解这道题的关键便是nonparents.但是对于很多同学来说,nonparents是个生词,不认识。其实大家只要上过中公考研的英语词汇课,学习过词根词缀法,这个单词就变的很简单。nonparents是由否定前缀non-+parents构成的,non-这个否定前缀表示“不无非”,所以整个单词可以译为不是父母。四个选项[A] Childless wives [B] Working mothers [C] Childless husbands [D] Working fathers,我们可以轻易选出答案C,没有孩子且是丈夫。 第23题,The blurring of working women's roles refers to the fact that__。回归第三段中,找到With the blurring of roles,发现前面的句子正是对这种现象的解释:for women who work outside the home, they often are playing catch-up-with-household tasks.以及后面的the home front lags well behind the workplace a making adjustments for working women,指的便是女性不仅得工作赚钱,而且还得在家得忙家务,所以她们的身份是双重的。所以选[D] they are both bread winners and housewives. 第24题,The word“ moola”(Line4,Para4)most probably means__这是一道词义推测题,它与前文中的marking money是近义词,答案选[C] earnings收入。 第25题The home front differs from the workplace in that__。文章第5段there are inadequate rewards for most of them. Your home colleagues-your family-have no clear rewards for their labor;家务劳动不会像工作一样得到足够的奖励,而且分工也是不明确的。答案对应选项[A] division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut. 虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,

2015年考研英语一真题原文及答案解析完整版 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Though not biologically related, friends are as “related” as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is _(1)_a study, published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has__(2)_. The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted _(3)__1,932 unique subjects which __(4)__pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both_(5)_. While 1% may seem_(6)_,it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, “Most people do not even _(7)_their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who_(8)_our kin.” The study_(9)_found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity .Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain, for now,_(10)_,as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more_(11)_it. There could be many mechanisms working together that _(12)_us in choosing genetically similar friends_(13)_”functional Kinship” of being friends with_(14)_! One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes seem to be evolution_(15)_than other genes Studying this could help_(16)_why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major_(17)_factor. The findings do not simply explain people’s_(18)_to befriend those of similar_(19)_backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to_(20)_that all subjects, friends and strangers, were taken from the same population. 1. [A] when [B] why [C] how [D] what 【答案】[D] what 【解析】该题考查的是语法知识。根据句子结构和选项的特点,可以判断出空格处应填从属连词引导从句;再根据句子的内容,可以看出该从句是一项研究的相关内容(what),不是指研究的时间(when),原因(why)和方式(how),因此,该题的答案为what。 2. [A] defended [B] concluded [C] withdrawn [D] advised 【答案】[B] concluded 【解析】从此题所在的句子的前后内容可以判断出,that is_______ 中的that是指第一句话的内容(朋友与我们基因上的相关性),很显然是研究得出的结论。因此,答案为concluded。 3. [A] for [B] with [C] on [D] by

2015年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英 语 试 卷 学校________________姓名________________准考证号________________ 考 生 须 知 1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 2.在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B 铅笔作答,其它试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3.

A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. When will Grandpa arrive? A. AT 8:00 PM. B. At 7:00 PM. C. At 6:00 PM. 7. How is Grandpa coming? A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8.What is the woman studying? A. English. B. Chinese. C. Maths. 9. What is the woman good at? A. Playing the guitar. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing the violin 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Where is the woman going?

2015年高考英语阅读理解练习:Sensitive When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are. People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly. People who are farsighted(近视的) suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses too. Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. eyes become cloudy because of cataracts(白内Some people’s 障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them. When night falls, colours become fainter to the eye and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the sides of your eyes rather than

2015年考研英语一真题及答案(完整版)Section 1 Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Though not biologically related, friends are as "related" as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is 1 a study published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has 2 . The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects which 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both 5 .While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, "Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin." The study 9 found that the genes for smell were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity in olfactory genes is difficult to explain, for now. 10 Perhaps, as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more 11 it. There could be many mechanisms working in tandem that 12 us in choosing genetically similar friends 13 than "functional kinship" of being friends with 14 !One of the remarkable findings of the study was that the similar genes seem to be evolving 15 than other genes. Studying this could help 16 why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major 17 factor. The findings do not simply corroborate people's 18 to befriend those of similar 19 backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care was taken to 20 that all

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