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2016牛津译林版英语六年级上Unit6 keep our city clean知识整理与单元测验.doc

Unit Six


1. keep 保持,维持

2. clean 干净的,整洁的

3. make 使……变得

4. air 空气

5. dirty 肮脏的

6. smoke 烟雾

7. rubbish 垃圾8. messy 肮脏的,乱七八糟的

9. dead 死的10. bin 垃圾桶

11. plant 种植,栽种12. more 更多的

13. museum 博物馆14. throw 扔

15.skin 果皮16. ground 地面,地上

17. slip 滑倒18. fall 摔倒

19. move… away from…从……搬走20. pick… up 捡起,拾起

21. factory 工厂22. Well done! 干得好,做得好。



1. keep our city clean 让我们的城市保持整洁

2. pictures of our city 我们城市的图片

3. make the air dirty 使空气变脏

4. make our city dirty 使得我们的城市变脏

5. smoke from cars 从汽车里冒出的烟

6. black smoke from factories 来自工厂的黑烟

7. messy and dirty 又脏又乱

8. be dead 死亡

9. in the water 在水里10. take the bus/ the metro…乘坐公交/地铁11. take the+交通工具to school 乘……去上学12. walk to school 步行去学校

13. move …away from 从……搬走14. put rubbish in the bin 将垃圾放进垃圾桶15. plant more trees种植更多的树16. help do sth. 帮着做某事

17. your ideas 你的主意18. well done 干得好,做得好

19. sweep the floor 扫地 20. clean the desks and chairs 擦桌椅

21. throw rubbish on the floor 将垃圾扔在地上22. walk home 步行回家

23. after school 放学后24. live in the city 住在城市里

25. many museums 许多博物馆26. clean and beautiful 又干净又漂亮

27. a banana skin 一块香蕉皮28. on the ground 在地上

29. pick …up 捡起,拾起30. do that 那样做

31. too late 太晚了32. slip on …滑倒在……上

33. go to hospital 去医院看病34. I?m sorry 我很抱歉


1. make+复合宾语(名词或代词+形容词)表示“使……变得……”。

如:What makes the air dirty? 什么使得空气变脏?

Rubbish makes the street messy and dirty. 垃圾使得街道又脏又乱。

Fruit can make us healthy and strong. 水果能使我们身体变得健康而强壮。

The film made me sad. 这部电影让我看了很伤心。

The monkey made the lion angry. 这猴子把狮子给惹怒了。

2. keep+复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)表示“保持某人或某物的某种状态”。

如:Please keep your clothes clean. 请把你的衣服保持干净。

Put on this pair of gloves. They will keep your hands warm. 戴上手套。这样让你的双手保持温暖。

We should keep quiet in the library. 我们在图书馆应该保持安静。

I was very tired. I couldn?t keep my eyes open. 我累得眼睛都睁不开了。

3. 不定式短语“to…”作状语,用以说明目的。例如:

What can we do to keep our city clean? 为了保持我们的城市干净,我们能做些什么?

We can sweep the floor to keep our classroom clean. 我们可以扫地来使得我们的教室保持干净。

We can move the factories away from the city to keep the air clean. 我们可以把工厂搬出城市来使得空气保持干净。


1. We can move some factories away from our city. 我们可以把一些工厂从城市搬走。move…away是“搬走”、“移走”的意思。如:

Please move your car away. 请把你的车开走。

2. They help keep the air clean. 它们(树)有助于保持空气清洁。

此句中的keep the air clean也是动词不定式,作help的宾语。接在help后的动词不定式,通常省略to,尤其在非正式用语和口语中。如:

Can you help(to)open the window?你能帮忙打开窗户吗?

Let me help(to)sweep the floor.让我来帮忙打扫吧。

3. I like living in the city . 我喜欢住在城市里。

在这里的living 是like 的宾语。like 接动名词形式作其宾语,意思是“喜爱……”,常指经常性的喜爱。如:

I like swimming 我喜欢游泳。

4. Pick it up .把它捡起来。

Pick up 是个由动词加副词构成的短语动词。在这类动词中,如果有宾语,可以将宾语放在副词前面,也可以将宾语放在副词后面。如:

把香蕉皮捡起来。Pick up the banana skin. = Pick the banana skin up.

把外衣穿上。Put on the coat. = Put the coat on.


Pick it up . 把它捡起来。Pick them up. 把他们捡起来。

5. Billy goes to hospital .比利去医院看病。

通常情况下:go to hospital 是指住院治疗或看病。go to the hospital是指去医院探望病人或去医院上班等意思。

但《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第7版)告诉我们:表示“去医院看病”时,英国英语是go to hospital ,而美国英语则是go to the hospital 。如:

(英国英语) You should go to hospital. 你应该去医院看病。

She had to go to hospital. 她得去看病。

She spent two weeks in hospital. 她住院两个星期。

(美国英语)You should go to the hospital . 你应该去医院看病。

She had to go the hospital. 她得去看病。

She spent two weeks in the hospital. 她住院两个星期。

6. We can take the bus and the metro to school. 我们可以乘坐公交和地铁上学。

We can walk to school too. 我们也可以走着去上学。


We can go to school by bus and metro.

We can go to school on foot.

再如:We can ride a bike to work. = We can go to work by bike.

He often drives his car to work. = He often goes to work by car.

They walk home after school. = They go home on foot after school.

7. Bobby and Tina are walking home after school Bobby 和Tina放学后正走回家。

walk home “走回家”的意思。

英语中,像go, come, walk, get(到达)等词是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,如果要说“去什么地方”,那么后面要加“to + (the) 地点”。例如:go to school, walk to the bookshop。当后面跟副词时,不能跟to或the。如:go home, walk there, come here, get home(到家)。而home除了副词词性外,还有名词词性。当home作副词时,意为“到家,回家”。Home作名词时,意为“家,家乡”等意思。如:go to his home, come to my home此时home前有形容词性物主代词his/my修饰,是名词,所以前面要加上to。

8. Is the city clean? 城市干净吗?

We can clean the desks and chairs. 我们可以把课桌椅擦干净。

第一句中clean是形容词,意为:清洁的,干净的,整洁的;反义词为dirty;第二句中clean 是动词,意为:打扫,擦干净,清除等。例如:

The river is very clean. The children can swim in it. 这条河很干净,孩子们可以在里面游泳。

Did you clean your room? 你打扫房间了吗?

9. 本单元新增了一些动词,它们的过去式有必要记一记:

keep – kept, take – took, put – put, make – made, throw – threw, sweep – swept, fall –fell, move – moved, plant – planted, slip – slipped…





Is he `making a↗kite?

Are they `cleaning the ↗classroom?

Does he `like ↗swimming?.



`Let?s `count our `new ↘books. ↗One, ↗two, ↗three, ↗four, ↘five. `Oh, we have

↘five new books.

We?d `like a `bottle of ↗coke, `two `bottles of `apple ↗juice, a ↗hamburger and `two


`John `likes ↗running, ↗swimming and ↘skating.

He `got ↗up, `got ↗dressed, `brushed his ↗teeth, `washed his ↗face, `had his ↗breakfast, and `then `quickly `went to ↘school.

The `old `man `came ↗in, `asked for a `cup of ↗tea and `sat `down at a ↘table.


Is her `answer ↗right or ↘wrong?

Were they in the `high ↗jump or the `long ↘jump?

Would you `like a `cup of ↗tea or a `glass of ↘milk?


--Your `uncle is tall, ↗isn?t he?

--No, he?s very short. You `like apples, ↗don?t you?

He `went to `London with his↘family, ↗didn?t he?


I was `drawing a ↘picture when my `mother `came ↘back.

`When she `got to the ↗station, the `train had `already ↘left.

Unit Six 单元练习卷



一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)()1. A. rubbish B. fish C. wish

()2. A. sleep B. keep C. sweep

()3. A. dirty B. city C. pity

()4. A. bin B. mean C. clean

()5. A. smoke B. spoke C. took

()6. A. skin B. bin C. tin

()7. A. would B. should C. could

()8. A. make B. take C. cake

()9. A. factory B. library C. story

()10. A. floor B. flower C. fly

二、听录音,给下面的句子排序。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)( )Is the park clean?

( )There is a lot of rubbish in the water.

( )Look at these pictures of the park.

( )What makes the park dirty and messy?

( )And the fish are dead.


( )1. A. We can shout in the school.

B. We can sweep the floor.

C. We can smoke in the classroom.

( )2. A. Put the rubbish in the bin.

B. Plant more trees.

C. Throw a banana skin on the floor.

( )3. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does. C. Yes, it can.

( )4. A. I do my homework. B.I did my homework. C. I'm doing homework.

( )5. A. Thank you. B. That?s all right C. You?re welcome.



Hello, I?m Jac k. Now I _________ all the signs in the park. They mean different __________. Can you see that sign? It means w e can?t litter. _________ __________ the park __________. We should __________ the _________ in the __________ and keep the park __________ and




( )1. A. bread B. head C. clean D. sweater

( )2. A. sorry B. dog C. move D. box

( )3. A. look B. book C. food D. foot

( )4. A. bin B. sign C. pick D. litter

( )5. A. cake B. make C. cage D. class


1. 捡起它____________________

2. keep our city clean____________________

3. 步行回家___________________

4. take the metro _______________________

5. 死鱼________________________

6. our ideas ___________________________

7. 去医院____________________ 8. come back _________________________

9. 把工厂从城市里搬走_________________________________

10. slip on the banana skin _______________________________


()1. What _________ our school clean?

A. to make

B. makes

C. making

()2. What can we do _________ study well?

A. to

B. for

C. in

()3. ---________ you walk to school today?

---No, I can?t.

A. Could

B. Can

C. Do

()4. There_____ rubbish in the water and the fish ______dead.

A. is; are

B. are; is

C. am; is

()5. Trees in the garden _______ green in spring.

A. become

B. became

C. becomes

()6. Bobby ________ a banana skin __________ the ground.

A. throws; on

B. throws; in

C. throw; at

()7. _______ your classroom dirty?

A. Do

B. Is

C. Does

()8. You _______ do that! We ______ put the rubbish _____ the bin.

A. should, can, in

B. shouldn?t, can, to

C. shouldn?t, can, in

()9. Trees help__________ the air clean.

A. keep

B. to keep

C. keeping

()10. Mike likes _________ in the city, but I _______.

A. living; can?t

B. lives; can?t

C. living; don?t


1. It?s time ____________ ( have) lunch. Look, they _____________( have) lunch.

2. The sign means …No ___________ (smok e)?, you shouldn?t ___________(smoke) here.

3. What can we do ______________(write)beautifully?

4. Your answer is right. Well __________ (do), Mike.

5. Listen! The girl ___________ (play) the piano. She ___________ (play) it every afternoon. But she ___________ (not play) it yesterday afternoon.

6. Billy ____________ (go)to school by bus yesterday.


1. Throw the rubbish on the floor. (改为否定句)


2. There was some milk in the glass.(改成否定句)


3. The fish are dead. (改为一般疑问句)


4. We can walk to school to keep the city clean . (对划线部分提问)


5. Smoke makes the air dirty . (对划线部分提问)


6. I go to school by bus. (对划线部分提问)


We live 1 a beautiful and clean city . What can we do 2 our city clean ? We can

3 the factories

4 the city. We can plant more trees

5 the city more beautiful , The water in the river

6 very clean . There

7 some fish in it . We can

8 our city more beautiful.

( )1. A. with B. on C. in

( )2. A. keep B. keeps C. to keep

( )3. A. move B. moves C. moving

( )4. A. away B. from C. away from

( )5. A. make B. makes C. to make

( )6. A. was B. are C. is

( )7. A. is B. are C. be

( )8. A. make B. to make C. makes



Who put ink(墨水) on my chair?

Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time(准时). But today he was late. His mother asked him, “Why are

you late today?”

“I was i n the t eacher?s office.” “Why did you go to the teacher?s office?”

“Because my t eacher asked us a question in class, and nobody(没有人) could answer it, but I could.” “It?s good to answer the question.” “But the question was …Who put ink on my chair??”


( )1. Tom lives near his school.

( )2. He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

( )3. Today Tom was late for school.

( )4. Tom put some ink on the teacher?s chair.

( )5. The teacher was very happy.


Everybody wants to be healthy(健康的). You know food is very important(重要的). There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and carrots because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don?t eat too much chocolate. It?s not good f or you. It?s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow(成长)and make you strong (强壮的)and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don?t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.


( )1. Which is right?________

A. Everybody is healthy.

B. We want to be healthy.

C. We are important.

( )2. What are vegetables? ______.

A. Apples and pears.

B. Chocolate and sweets.

C. Tomatoes and carrots.

( )3. Why are healthy foods good for you? _______

A. They make you happy.

B. They make you grow strong.

C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.

( )4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means:______

A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.

B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.

C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.

( )5. The word “lazy” of Chinese meaning is ________?

A. 懒惰的

B. 忙碌的

C. 兴奋的


保护环境人人有责,我们的校园非常美丽,如何让我们的校园保持这样的美丽呢?。请以“Keep our school clean”为题,写一篇短文。不少于5句。(写得多并正确可以加分)

Keep my school clean

To keep my school clean and beautiful, I should _____________________________








1. fish

2. sleep

3. dirty

4. clean

5. smoke

6. tin

7. should

8. make

9. factory 10. fly


Look at these pictures of the park. Is the p ark clean? No, it isn?t. What makes the park dirty and messy? There is a lot of rubbish in the water. And the fish are dead.


1. What can we do to keep our school clean?

2. What can we do to keep the air clean?

3. Is our classroom clean?

4. What are you doing?

5. Your idea is great.


Hello, I?m Jack. Now I know all the signs in the park. They mean different things. Can you see that sign? It means w e can?t litter. Littering makes the park dirty. We should put the rubbish in the bins and keep the park clean and beautiful.






四、know, things, Littering, makes, dirty, put, rubbish, bins, clean, beautiful



二、1.pick it up 2.保持我们城市整洁 3.walk home 4.乘坐公交车

5.dead fish


7.go to hospital


9.move the factories away from the city 10.被香蕉皮滑倒


四、1. to have, are having 2. smoking, smoke 3. to write 4. done

5. is playing, plays, didn?t play

6. went

五、1. Don?t throw the rubbish o n the floor.

2. There wasn?t any milk in the glass.

3. Are the fish dead?

4. What can we do to keep our city clean?

5. What makes the air dirty?

6. How do you go to school?




To keep our school clean, we should sweep the floor every day. We should clean the desks and chairs. We should also clean the windows and doors. Don?t throw the rubbish on the floor. We should put the rubbish in the bin. We should plant more trees in our school. And we can put some flowers in the classrooms to make our classrooms beautiful.

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