当前位置:文档之家› 对科技英语中被动语态的功能分析





任凤伟 杨仕学

(中南民族大学外语学院,湖北 武汉 430074)

[摘 要] 科技英语的主要目的是为了传达信息。本文采用句末重心,主述位信息结构等几个常见的功


[关键词] 科技英语; 被动句; 功能

中图分类号:H 314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8610(2009)02-0085-02











末,叫末端重心(end focus)。一个句子如果使用了被动语态,将受事放在主语的突出位置,一方面既可


(1)A sti g m atis m is caused by the lens having t w o foca l p lanes for axes at ri g ht ang le to each other .


例(1)中施事t h e lens 的修饰限定成分hav ing t w o focal planes for axes at right ang le to each other 太长,若将施事及其限定成分放在主语位置,使用主动语态,将会造成头重脚轻。例(1)中使用被动语态,按照末端重心原则(end focus),既可以强调施事the lens ,也避免了头重脚轻,从而保持句子结构平衡,保持末端重心。

(2)Rubber is found a good m ateria l for the i n su lati o n of cable .(被动语态)

People find r ubber a good m aterial for t h e i n su la tion o f cab le .(主动语态)


从例(2)中,我们可以看到句子的施事是人们(people),在这里由于施事是不言而明的,因此在被动语态中我们省略掉了施事部分by peop le 。若我们将此句转化成主动语态,从语义上讲,差别不大。但从文体上讲,由于主动语态中的主语使用了人称代词people ,故带有强烈的主观色彩。而科技文体的主要任务是阐述、表达客观事物的本质特征、变化过程以及与其模仿事物的联系等,而不是发挥想象,

85 语文学刊 2009年第2期


除此之外,英语中以it作形式主语的被动语态,施事也是不言而喻的,通常指人们(peop le),常常省略掉,已被广大读者所接受。

(3)It should be noted that i n creasi n g t h e leng th of the w ire w ill i n crease its resistance.


(4)It is stated that ther mocrete has v irtua ll y the sa m e strength as nor m al concrete.



20世纪20年代崛起的布拉格学派主要是从功能的角度对句子进行分析。这个学派的代表人物马泰休斯(M athesi u s)认为可以用主位(the m e)和述位(r he m e)对句子进行功能分析。按照他的说法,主位是话语的出发点,是交际双方已知的信息或至少在给定语境中是明确的;述位则是发话人要传递的新信息,是说话者陈述的有关,或者涉及话语起点的内容。虽然构成句子的成分都是信息的载体,但负荷的信息量不同[2]。承载未知信息的词语交际价值大,往往放在句末,成为末端重心(end focus);已知信息是已知的,或能从上下文情境中获得的信息,多放在句子开头。整个语篇就是按照从已知到未知,再从新的已知到未知的顺序组织起来的。研究句子的主述位结构可以帮助我们了解和掌握语篇中的信息分布规律,从而帮助我们了解语篇的中心思想。


(5)ABS codes can be accessed on pre-#90ve

h icles by j u m ping a d iagnostic pin to ground and w atc h i n g the ABS ligh t b li n k out codes.


很明显,这里的!ABS系统的故障代码?在上文中已提到过。采用被动句将已知信息放在主位上,作为话语的出发点,述位部分则是对主位的发展,告诉人们如何获得ABS系统的故障代码,从而体现了与上文的连贯性。如果此句采用主动语态,句子的主语是指任何一个人,下文将会以!人们(peop le)?这个话题作为出发点,展开叙述,背离了文章的主体。

(6)If t h is coating is not re m oved,large b l o sso m s o f corr osion on the ter m ina l c la m ps are the end resu l.t C orroded ter m i n a ls and c la m ps cause a vo ltage dr op at the connection,w hich reduces the available voltage flo w i n g bo t h to and fr o m the battery.


例(6)中,是按照从已知信息(this coating)到未知信息(l a rge b l o sso m s o f co rrosion),再从新的已知信息(corr oded ter m i n a ls and c la m ps)到未知信息(a vo ltage drop)的顺序组织起来的,内在结构十分有条理,读者可以清楚到理解语篇传递的信息内容。













说文解字 任凤伟 杨仕学/对科技英语中被动语态的功能分析


英语中的被动语态及练习 1. 被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为: Visitors ___________(request) not to touch the exhibits. 2)was/were done 一般过去时 I ___________(give) ten minutes to decide which I should choose. All the preparations ___________ (complete). By the end of last year, another new gym ___________ (complete) in Beijing. A new cinema ___________ (build) here. 6)was/were being done 过去进行时 A meeting ___________ (hold) when I was there. Hundreds of jobs ___________ (lose) if the factory closes. 8)should/would be done 过去将来时 The news ___________ (send) to the soldier's mother. 9)shall/will have been done 将来完成时 The project ___________ (complete) before July. 10)should/would have been done 过去将来完成时 He told me that his new clothes ___________ (make) very soon. 2. 被动语态的特殊结构形式 The baby should ___________ (take) good care of by the baby-sitter.


英语被动语态用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择被动语态 1.More than one worker ______ dismissed. A.have been B.are C.has been D.has 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查主谓一致和语态。句意:不止一个工人被解雇了。如果主语由"many a,more than one +单数名词"构成,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词仍用单数形式,故排除A和B,“工人”和“解雇”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,故选C。 2.________sco res of times, but Derek still couldn’t understand how to use past participle in a concrete situation. A.Having explained B.Having been explained C.Though it was explained D.It was explained 【答案】D 【解析】 因为有连词but,前面应是完整的句子,排除A,B; Though不能和but同时使用,所以选D。 3.—Have you heard about that school bus accident? —Yes, fortunately all on board including the driver ________. A.were saved B.was saved C.have saved D.has been saved 【答案】A 【解析】 考查动词时态和语态。句意为:——你有没有听说那起校车事故?——嗯,幸运的是,车上所有的人包括司机都获救了。由题干中的Have you heard...可知,事故发生在过去,且all 为主语,和save逻辑上构成被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,故答案A符合语境。 4.The new library ________; it will be open next year. A.had been built B.was built C.was being built D.is being built 【答案】D 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:图书馆正在建设中;明年开放。根据后面一句可推知,图书馆是正在建设中,所以要用进行时,图书馆是被建的,要用被动。所以本句要用现在进行时的被动语态。故选D。

科技英语翻译--被动语态的译法 (1)

翻译技巧第九节被动语态的译法 英汉对比研究表明,英语中被动语态的使用极为普遍,尤其是以科技英语为主。这是英语区别于汉语的显著特点之一。在英语中,大凡为了强调受事,以突出其鲜明位置,而无需提及主动者、无意点明主动者、无从说出主动者,为了上下文的衔接与连贯等等,或是出于礼貌措辞圆通等方面的考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁的,往往都采用被动语态。例如:(1)When will we be interviewed? 我们什么时候来参加面试呢? (2)New British and American films are often shown to English major juniors. 常给英语专业的三年级的同学放映新的英美电影。 (3)The happy man cannot be harried. 吉人自有天相。 (4)You are cordially invited to a dinner party to be given at the Workers’ Club in Xidan at 7 P. m. Nov. 23. 谨定于11月23日晚上7时在西单工人俱乐部举行晚宴,敬请光临。 (5)The plan was especially supported by those who wished to have more chance to speak French. 这个计划特别受到愿多有机会说法语的人的支持。 在英语中,被动结构能给人以间接、客观的印象,因而在科技文献、政论文和新闻报道等文体中使用尤为频繁。相比之下,被动语句在汉语中的使用范围小得多。主要原因在于,在历史上,汉语被动语句主要用来表达对主语来说是如意或不希望发生的事情。现代汉语的这种限制虽然在西方语言的影响下有所动,被动句式有时也用来表达中性甚至希冀之事,但是汉语采用的主要是语义型句式,大多数被动意义并不一定非得通过被动语句来表达,而可以通过形式上主动、语义上被动的句式予以体现。英语和汉语在被动语态使用上存在的这种差异决定了英汉翻译中语态转换的必要性。 一、译成汉语的主动句 英语被动结构的句子译成汉语主动句包括以下几种不同情况: (一) 原文中的主语在译文中仍做主语 在翻译英语被动句时,如果没有必要指出施事者,有时可以按原文语序翻译成汉语主动句,原文的主语仍然充当译文的主语。因此,要把英语译成纯正地道、的汉语,译者往往需要采用“受事主语+谓语动词”的句式。例如: (1)The whole country was armed against foreign invaders in a few days. 几天之内,整个国家就武装起来了,准备抵抗外来侵略者。 (2)The transistors are widely used in communication system. 晶体管广泛用于通讯设备中。 (3)On our domestic stations,events in Iraq were dismissed briefly. 在我们国内电台的广播中,伊拉克事件只轻描淡写地报道了一下。 (4)Water can be changed from a liquid into a gas. 水能从液体变为气体。 (5) The old woman had been stricken with a heart attack earlier in the morning. 清晨,老太太的心脏病发作了。 (二)原文中的某一部分在译文中做主语 英语中有些被动句译成汉语时,可以将原句中的某个适当的成分转译成主语。经常转译为主语的成分包括一些地点状语或其中的名词以及某些谓语。当然,谓语转译成主语时,谓


Introduction(被动语态) Handout (1) Ⅰ. Multiple choice. 1. These buildings ____ painted this time last year. A. were B. being C. have been D. were being 2. When ____ the composition ____ in? A. must, be handed B. should, handed C. must, hand D. does, handed 3. The suit ____ over $100. It will _____ at least 5 years. A. costs, last B. is cost, is lasted C. costs, is lasted D. is costed, last 4. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet. A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided 5. The boy who ____ cheating in the exam _____ by the head teacher. A. has caught, will be punished B. was caught, will be punished C. caught, is to be punished D. was caught, were punished 6. Great changes _____taken place in the city, and a lot of factories _______. A. have been, have been set up B. have, have been set up C. has, have set up D. were, were set up Ⅱ. Cloze 1. A new library ________________(build) in our city now. 2. We shall _______________ (ask) to attend the meeting. 3. He has worked in the factory since it ___________ (build) 10 years ago. 4. So far, many man-made satellites ______________(send)up into space. 5. The decision has to be ___________(make). 6. Sheep are ___________ (keep) by farmers for __________ (produce) wool and mutton. 7. Outer space ________ (not explore) by people before 1957. 8. Computer science ________________(teach) now almost in all universities and institutes. 9. The first railway in the world ______________ (design) in the last century. 10. Five units of this textbook ________________ (study) by the end of last month. 11. I don't like ________________________(laugh at)in public. 12. Do you have a letter to ____________________ (post)? 13. Visitors _____________________(request )not to touch the exhibits. 14. The meeting is to ______________________(put off )till Friday.


【英语】英语被动语态用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择被动语态 1.The film “Schindler’s List”, was ________ by a real person, named Oskar Schindler A.inspired B.prompted C.rised D.insured 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查过去分词。A. inspired鼓舞;B. prompted引起,提示;C. rised上升;D. insured确保。句意:电影《辛德勒的名单》的灵感来自一个真实的人,名叫奥斯卡·辛德勒。结合句意可知此处用被动语态,故答案为A。 2.It is the third time so far that such a festival ________ in my hometown. A.is held B.has been held C.will be held D.had been held 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查句式用法。This is the first (second, third…) time +that从句,这是第一(二,三…)次…。一般来说,This is the first (second, third…) time +that从句,这个句式中that从句使用现在完成时,但是这个句子中,so far距今为止,表示现在为止这个节日庆祝活动,还没有举办,要用将来时。故选C。 考点: 考查句式用法 3.The new library ________; it will be open next year. A.had been built B.was built C.was being built D.is being built 【答案】D 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:图书馆正在建设中;明年开放。根据后面一句可推知,图书馆是正在建设中,所以要用进行时,图书馆是被建的,要用被动。所以本句要用现在进行时的被动语态。故选D。 4.The plan for Xiongan New Area ______ officially on April 1, 2017. A.announced B.was announced C.announces D.is announced 【答案】B 【解析】考查时态与被动语态。句意:设立雄安新区的计划在2017年4月1日被官方宣布。计划是被官方宣布,故用被动语态;动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。 5.Please wear your best clothes on Monday, as your class photos ______ then.


第二章被动语态 语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态(active voice) 和被动语态(passive voice)。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。 一、被动语态的构成 被动语态是由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成,如果有必要强调动作的执行者,动作执行者可以由介词by引出的短语表示。助动词be随主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。 A. 十种常见时态的被动语态 1. 一般现在时 主动语态:do 被动语态:amisare done We clean the classroom every day. 我们每天打扫教室。 The classroom is cleaned by us every day. 教室每天都由我们打扫。 Such songs are usually sung by girls. 这些歌通常是女孩子们唱的。 Russian is not taught in our school. 我们学校不教俄语。 Are many goods shipped abroad every day 每天都有许多货物运往国外吗 2. 一般过去时 主动语态:did 被动语态:waswere done We cleaned the classroom yesterday. 昨天我们打扫了教室。

The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday. 昨天教室被我们打扫了。 The window was broken by my son. 窗子是我儿子打破的。 Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday 昨天山上种了许多树吗? How much money was stolen in all 一共被偷了多少钱? 3. 一般将来时 主动语态:willshall do 被动语态:willshall be done We will clean the classroom soon. 我们很快要打扫教室。 The classroom will be cleaned soon. 教室很快要被打扫了。 The work will be done immediately. 这工作将马上做。 Will the school sports meeting be held next week?校运动会将在下星期举行吗? When shall we be given a lecture on the Internet 什么时候给我们作有关因特网的讲座? 4. 一般过去将来时 主动语态:would do 被动语态:would be done We told him that we would clean the classroom soon. 我们告诉他我们马上就打扫教室。 We told him that the classroom would be cleaned soon. 我们告诉他教室很快就会被打扫的。 He said that a new trade center would be built in the centre of the city. 他说一个新的贸易中心将在市中心建起来。


最新英语被动语态用法总结(完整)(1) 一、单项选择被动语态 1.My brother and I have __________her birthday party. A.been invited B.been invited for C.invited to D.been invited to 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查语态和固定搭配。句意:我哥哥和我被邀请参加她的生日聚会。My brother and I与invite之间是被动关系,invite sb to somewhere表示“邀请某人去某地”,故D项正确。 2.—Are we about to having dinner? —Yes, it ________ in the dining room. A.serve B.is serving C.is being served D.has been serving 【答案】C 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:——我们准备去吃饭吗?——是的,饭菜正在餐厅被供应。it是指饭菜,和动作serve之间是被动关系,且动作正在进行,四个选项中只有C项是现在进行时的被动语态,故选C。 3.The affairs of each country should be by its own people. A.elected B.settled C.developed D.contained 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词。句意为:各国事务应由自己国家的人们解决。由句意可知,选settle,意为“解决”。elect选举;develop 发展;contain 包含,控制。故选B。 4.The new library ________; it will be open next year. A.had been built B.was built C.was being built D.is being built 【答案】D 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:图书馆正在建设中;明年开放。根据后面一句可推知,图书馆是正在建设中,所以要用进行时,图书馆是被建的,要用被动。所以本句要用现在进行时的被动语态。故选D。 5.—Do you know why a meeting by the middle school teachers last Sunday? —To demand smaller classes of no more than 25 to 30 students in each class. A.was held B.had been held C.has held D.held


科技英语中的被动语态 论文作者:潘爱华 摘要: 科技人员在用英语说明情况或讨论问题时, 习惯于多用能够体现客观性的无人称被动句。因此在科技文献中频繁出现被动语态。本文先用将被动语态与主动语态进行对比的方法介绍有关被动语态的基础知识。然后参考和引用一些论述科技问题的例句来具体说明被动语态在科技英语中的应用情况。 关键词: 被动语态; 无人称句; 科技英语 Abstract: Scientists prefer to use impersonal passive sentences when they talk or write about their work. After a brief introduction of the fundamentals of passive voice, its application in scientific English will be discussed in this thesis. Key Words: Passive voice; impersonal sentence; scientific English 在科技文章中, 多数句子是无人称被动句,因为科技着作者想要客观地对待事物, 而不强调行为的主体, 所以通常不用“I”、“you” 或“the operator”等作为句子开头。[1](P64) 一、被动语态 语态表示句中主语和谓语动词之间的关系。若主语是动作的执行者, 动词用主动语态, 当主语是动作的承受者, 动词要用被动语态。只有及物动词才有被动语态。[2](P178)例如: His father planted this tree.( 主动语态) This tree was planted by his father.( 被动语态) A pump supplies compressed air. ( 主动语态) Compressed air is supplied by a pump. (被动语态) 被动语态由动词be 和及物动词的过去分词构成。被动语态与主动语态的对应关系、被动语态一般时、进行时和完成时的常用句型, 可用以下各组例句概略说明: They will find it out. It will be found out. We keep the butter here.[3](P263) The butter is kept here. Did she open that letter? Was that letter opened by her? A mechanic is repairing your car. Your can is being repaired by a mechanic. They were painting that house.


科技英语中使用大量的被动语态 Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine.应当注意机器的工作温度。 而很少说:You must pay attention to the working temperature of the machine .你们必须注意机器的工作温度。 (1) It has been calculated that only 1/10, 000 part of the energy radiated annually form the sun is taken up by plants. 据计算,太阳每年辐射(到地球上)的能量只有0.01%被植物吸收。(植物) ( 2) It was found that one of the culture dishes in which colonies of the bacteria (细菌群体) were growing had been contaminated by a colony of another organism, a mould of penicillin. 结果发现在一个培养液中正在生长的细菌菌落受到另一种菌落的感染,这种菌落就是青霉菌。青霉菌菌落感染了一个正在培养液中生长的细菌菌落。(微生物) (3) The surface of a metal is attacked by various gases in the atmosphere. 金属的表面受到大气中各种气体的侵蚀。(自然现象) (4) Each of the body systems is regulated in some way by some part of the endocrine system(内分泌系统). 人体的每个系统都在某一方面由内分泌的某一腺体进行调节。(生理现象) ( 5 ) Large quantities of fuel are required by modern industry. 现代工业需要大量的燃料。 (6) Nationalized in 1951 by a Labor government, the British steel industry was denationalized by the Conservatives in 1953, then renationalized by Labor in 1967. 1953年,工党政府把英国钢铁工业收为国有。1953年,保守党政府把它退归私营。然后1967年,工党政府又把它国有化。 ( 7 ) The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator. (人们)用发电机,可以将机械能再转变成电能。 ( 8 ) A vapour is distinguished from a gas by the property that it can be liquified merely by compressing it, while a gas cannot be liquified without cooling it below a certain critical temperature. 蒸气有别于气体是因为性质不同, 即蒸气仅通过压缩就能液化,而气体则必须冷到一定的临界温度一下才能液化。 (9) The existence of organic chemistry is further justified by the importance of carbon compounds or mixtures in our lives. 有机化学的存在之所以必要,还因为碳的化合物和混合物在我们日常生活中非常重要。 (10) The filament is heated by the application of a voltage. 灯丝因通上电流而发热。 ( 11) Condensation is caused by the passage of a particle through the vapour. 只有微粒通过时,水蒸气才会凝结。


语态篇——常见与不常见的被动 [提问]在下面这个句子中,那些部分为被动语态?“I had not originally been scheduled to work this day but I was extremely pleased when I was asked to help out at the last minute, for it would be one of the most memorable days of the games. (Experiencing English Integrated Book Page120)” 答:要分析上面这个句子,并划出相应的被动语态部分,首先要清楚地了解什么是被动语态和被动语态的结构。 在语法学中,语态是针对动词而言的一种形式,描述句子中动词和参与此动作的主语之间关系。语态分为主动Active V oice和被动Passive V oice两种。当主语是动作的发起者(或之一)时,称为主动语态;如果主语为动作的承受者时,称为被动语态。例如:“猫吃老鼠。”这句话是主动语态;而“老鼠被猫吃。”则是被动语态。 一点意见,我觉得这些语法太简单了 被动语态强调动作的对象或动作本身,句中主语是动作的受动者。分析句子时找到主语和谓语动词,如果主语并非主动行为,而是接受动作,是动作指向的对象,那么该句就是被动句。被动语态的基本构成为: be动词+及物动词过去分词。其中be动词随着句子的不同时态发生相应变化,并要注意随主语人称、单复数变化而使用正确形式。 1)一般现在时:am/is/are+V-ed 2)一般过去时:was/were+V-ed 3)一般将来时:will/shall be+V-ed 4)现在进行时:am/is/are being+V-ed 5)过去进行时:was / were being + V-ed 6)现在完成时:have/has been+V-ed 7)过去完成时:had been+V-ed 8)将来完成时:shall / will have been + V-ed 9)过去将来完成时:would / should have been + V-ed 例如:1)All kinds of commodities made in China are widely used in many American families. 这句中文翻译漏了吧。 2)The package was delivered yesterday.包裹是昨天快递发出的。 3)People will be paid for their contribution.人们的奉献会收到回报的。 4)The food is being prepared.吃的已经在准备了。 5)Were all experiments being carried out when your professor asked? 你们教授询问的时候各项实验在进行中了吗? 6)The arrangements of this trip have been made for you.这次旅行的筹备工作已经为你们做好了。 7)We had been given visas for three months.我们拿到签证已经三个月了。 8)The government promises refugees will have been settled down well by then. 政府承诺难民们到那时都会被安顿得很好。 9)The general considered that the bridge would have been mended before the troops could pass.将军认为部队通过前那桥应该已经修好了。 被动语态一般不常出现将来进行时和各种完成进行时,但是也存在将来进行和完成进行的状况。以下给出一些例句,以供参考。 将来进行时:will be being +V-ed 例如:There are so many mistakes in the editorial that will be being edited this time


英语中的被动语态 摘要:英语中使用被动语态非常广泛。本文分析了被动语态的形式和结构 ,以例子说明在什么情况下需要使用被动语态 ,同时阐述了学习英语被动语态应注意的几个问题。 英语中使用被动语态非常广泛 ,在许多汉语中一般都不用被动语态的情况下 ,英语中必须或者最好使用被动语态。如:This computer was used by my father.这台计算机是我爸用过的。如果译成“这台计算机是被我爸用过的” ,那就不符合汉语的表达习惯了。那么 ,究竟在什么情况下使用被动语态呢 ? 在使用的时候又应该注意哪些问题 ? 根据教学经验 ,下面我们举出一些例子 ,帮助英语学习者正确使用被动语态。 一、被动语态的形式和结构 1.适用场合:人们在发表自己的发现、发明和意见时 ,在介绍分析、推理、总结的过程时 ,在说明事物的性质、特征、状态、用途、工作原理时 ,总想尽量做到客观、公正 ,有意识地避免使用 I、We ,以免主观、武断和强加于人 ,这时常常用“物” 作主语或者使用 It 作主语 ,谓语使用被动语态。 2.英语被动语态的结构:是由助动词 be加及物动词的过去分词构成 ,其时态是通过 be 的变化形式体现出来的。英语的被动语态常用的时态有:一般现在时is.am.are+done. 一般过去时was.were+done、一般将来时will be +done、过去将来wouild be +done 现在进行时is.am.are+being +done、过去进行时was.were +being+done、现在完成时have/has +been+ done过去完成时had been+done等。Can/must/may/should/shall/will +be +done ought to be done/have/has/to be done,is.are going to be done. 二、在几种情况下需要使用被动语态 1.当我们不知道或者没有必要说明动作执行者是谁的时候(这时都不带由 by引起的短语) ,用被动语态。(1) Such books are writ ten for the teachers.这种书是为教师写的。 (2) The typewriter has not been used for ten years.这台打字机已经有 10 年不用了。 (3) My cellphone was stolen this morning.我的手机今天上午被盗了。 2.动作的承受者是谈话的中心或者特别需要强调的情况下(这时可以带有 by引起的短语) 。 (1) This school is run by him.这间学校是他办的。 (2) The lathe was designed by themselves.这台车床是他们自己设计的。 (3) The TV set has been cleaned.这台电视机擦干净了。 3.在动作执行者不言自明的情况下使用被动语态。 (1) A book of reference in the library must not be taken away.阅览室的图书不准带出。 (2) The mobile phone can not be used in class.课堂上不能使用手机。 (3) The wine is not touched when driving.开车时不要喝酒。 4.在为了委婉、礼貌而不愿或不便说出动作的执行者的情况下 ,使用被动语态。 (1) Enough has been said just now about the question. 关于这个问题 ,刚才谈很多了。 (2) He is expected to study english hard.希望他要努力学习英语。 (3) Y ou are advised to reform and open.建议你们要改革开放。(4)you are welcomed to speak here. 欢迎你来这儿讲话。(5)Everyone is asked to be on time.大家要按时到达。(6)It is said that Edison invented the telepfone. 5.使用被动语态后可以更好地安排句子的情况下 ,使用被动语态。 (1) Principal often speaks to his schoolmates and is always listened to with enthusiasm.校长经常和同学们谈话 ,同学们总是热心地听他讲。如果说“Princ ipal often speaks to his schoolmates and his schoolmates always listen to him with


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e817248681.html, 科技英语中被动语态的翻译技巧 作者:陈刚杨春华 来源:《科技创新导报》2011年第34期 摘要:本文论述了科技英语中经常使用被动语态结构的原因。采用举例说明的方法阐述 了科技英语翻译中被动语态的五种翻译技巧:译为主动句、译为无主句、译为被动句、译为“把”字句和it作形式主语的被动句译法。 关键词:科技英语被动语态翻译技巧 中图分类号:G633.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2011)12(a)-0000-00 科技英语的特点之一就是被动语态的广泛使用,原因是被动语态句比主动语态句更能说明需要论证的对象,即把所要论证、说明的科技问题放在句子的主语位置上,使其位置鲜明、突出,更能引起人们注意。此外,被动语态比主动语态更少主观色彩,这正是科技作品所需要的。正是由于被动语态在科技英语中的广泛使用且与汉语在某些表达方式上的不同,给科技英语被动语态句的翻译带来了一些困难。往往科技英语中用被动语态表达的概念,汉语却用主动语态表示。因此,在翻译科技英语被动语态句时不能恪守原句的语态,而必须采取灵活多样的翻译技巧。 1 译为主动句 英语的被动语态结构的句子译为汉语的主动语态结构的句子有下列几种译法: 1.1 原句子中的主语在译文中仍作主语 英语中的被动句在汉译过程中,将原文句子中的主语仍译为译文中的主语一般有以下三种情况: (1)当英语被动句子中的主语是无生命的名词,句子中也没有by引出的动作发出者,汉译时可以不改变原句子主语及句子的结构,直接译成汉语的主动语态。如: The new reforming reactor has been put into use. 新型重整反应器已投入使用。 The surface tension is reduced.


一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Her house ___________(sell) last year. 2.The book __________(write) by a famous singer 30 years ago. 3.I ___________(tell) to post the letter, but I forgot. 4.He is a good teacher and ___________(love) by all of us. 5.He said that his wallet __________(steal) in the bus. 6.It’s very dangerous. Something must ______(do) to stop them. 7.English __________(teach) in every school here. 8.More money should _________(spend) on the work. 9.You _________(send) to the country to work next year. 10.You can’t use the office. It _____________(repair) now. 二、把下列句子改为被动句。 1.He broke his leg in the match. ________________________________________ 2.He is repairing the machine. ________________________________________ 3.He has finished his work. ________________________________________ 4.We often sing this song. ________________________________________ 5.We must do something to help her. ________________________________________ 三、选择填空。 1.The big room ___________for meetings. A.are using B.will use C.can use D.can be used 2.The Great Wall _________ all over the world. A.has known B.was knowing C.is known D.knows 3.The work _________ at once. A.must do B.should be done C.is do D.does 4.The bird ________ fly away yesterday. A.let to B.is let to C.was let D.was let to 5.Water ________ into ice. A.will change B.canbe change C.should change D.must be change 6.Where _______ rice _______? A.does, grow B.will grow C.is, growing D.in, grown 7. A strange sound _________ last night. A.was heard B.hears C.heard D.is heard 8.Plays ______ once a month in this theatre. A.put on B.are put on C.was put on D.puts on 9.The Great Wall _____ by visitors all over the world every year. A.are visited B.will be visited C.is visiting D.is visited https://www.doczj.com/doc/e817248681.html,lions of trees ______ in a few years’ time. A.will plant B.will be planted C.planted D.are plant 11.Many trees ________ these years. A.are planted B.have been planted C.plant D.will plant 12.The key _________ for locking the classroom door. A.was B.is used C.is using https://www.doczj.com/doc/e817248681.html,e 13.---When _____ this kind of computer _____?---Two years ago. A.was…used B.did…use C.is…used D.does…use 14.About 500 cars _______ in the factory next month. A. produced B.will produce C.will be produced D.produce

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