当前位置:文档之家› 经典的英语口语话题



Welcome to join us!Here's a great English party organised in every evening .Please invite your friends join with us!

go with your own will..and neglect other's feelings or thoughts..

Whats the right attitude towards money? 2.What do you consider first while choosing a gift? 3.Can you be friends with your colleagues? 4. .Most parents would send their children to boarding school,if they could

5. Do you think young generation will forget how to write Chinese if they depend on computer too much?


[22:45:12] Ky ?? describe an educational trip you've been to..

[22:46:11] Ky ?? topic 2: your favourite law..

[22:46:28] Ky ?? topic 3: describe an large organisation

[22:46:49] Ky ?? topic 4: something interesting you wanna do in the future..

[22:47:05] Ky ?? topic 5: a game you used to play in your childhood.. [22:47:26] Ky ?? topic 6: a song you used sing in your childhood.. [22:47:37] Ky ?? topic: your favourite book..

[22:48:05] Ky ?? topic 8: a public lecture or speech you've been to.. [22:48:20] Ky ?? topic 9: a picture you particular like..

[22:48:45] Ky ?? topic 10: a foreign language you wanna learn in the future..

[22:49:31] Ky ?? IELTS international english language testing system.. Topic from yahooya

1. to be a team-worker or to be a specialist, which is important when u try to find job?

2. which character is most important for a successful man/woman?

3. How to get a promotion?

4. what is difference between chinese company and foreign company?

5. high salary or good work environment, which do u prefer? why?

6. after earning money, should the children give back money to their parents?


Hello, long lost friends,new topics here

1. do people with big heads cleverer?

2.talk about the TV Star you love most.

3.What do you think of the people who work too hard.

Topics for free talk from a good friend

Hi, these topics are from a good friend caring for our chatroom.

1. ? ? ?How to speak in public successfully?

2. ? ? ?Your idea on Physical Punishment

3. ? ? ?Your comments on Mr. Alight

4. ? ? ?How to obtain and maintain friendship

5. ? ? ?What?ˉs the best relation between Teachers and students?

6. ? ? ?What do you think of ?° Begging?± in China now?

7. ? ? ?Do you think it rational to resist Japanese commodities?

8. ? ? ?The Lucky Red Envelope

9. ? ? ?Beauty Contest

10. ? ? ?Artificial Beauty

11. ? ? ?What?ˉs behind a successful woman/ man?

12. ? ? ?why everyone gets Stage Fright?

13. ? ? ?The Rich get richer

14. ? ? ?Tips on tipping

15. ? ? ?Studying abroad will make a person or ruin a person?

16. ? ? ?Foot/body massage in China

17. ? ? ?Are you thoughtful? What do you think of the quality of being thoughtful?

18. ? ? ?What do you want to say to your parents/teachers?

19. ? ? ?Your way of enlarge your vocabulary

20. ? ? ?What do you think of DINK Family in China?

21. ? ? ?What?ˉs your comments on the popularity of Foreign Festivals/ Fast food ?

22. ? ? ?Everybody?ˉs business is nobody?ˉs business.

23. ? ? ?What?ˉs your attitude towards student trouble-makers?

24. ? ? ?Do you stay up ? Is it benefiting?

25. ? ? ?Is following a fashion a waste?

26. ? ? ?What can bring you real happiness?

27. ? ? ?How do you let off your anger?

28. ? ? ?Which works better, competition or cooperation?

29. ? ? ?How to gain confidence?

30. ? ? ?How to start a conversation and make it go?

31. ? ? ?What are the advantages and disadvantages of asking teacher questions?

32. ? ? ?How to strengthen the ties between you and your family/


33. ? ? ?How would you like to deal with the rumors on you?

34. ? ? ?Do you think that parents have the right to punish their kids?

35. ? ? ?What kind of people do you like /dislike?

36. ? ? ?How to tell best friends from false ones?

37. ? ? ?Blood, to give or to get?

38. ? ? ?What do you think of the use of body language in a conversation?

39. ? ? ?Is dealing with words before each unit good or bad?

40. ? ? ?Why are there so many foreigners coming to China every year?

41. ? ? ?Shyness, is it still sort of well-accepted virtue?

42. ? ? ?How would you celebrate a special occasion?

43. ? ? ?How would you like to apologize in case you are proved to be wrong?

44. ? ? ?What do you think of ?°stay-away time ?° from home/ parents?

45. ? ? ?What part does TV play in our life?

46. ? ? ?Do you prefer to live in the countryside or in the downtown?

47. ? ? ?Reading or Watching TV, which is more important?

48. ? ? ?Is mobile phone a must?

49. ? ? ?The Advantages and disadvantages of traveling?

50. ? ? ?What?ˉs your idea of White Lies?

?Really give our thanks to the dear friend!



1.Never give up,always right?

1. Have you read some masterpieces? Share your idea please.

2. Do you know some mysteries around you or in the world?

3. Can you talk about your job and your career plan?

4. Say sth about education in China and other countries.

5. Do you mind saying sth about your recent life?

6. Do you know Shakespeare? Say sth about him and his plays.

7. Talk about archaeological discoveries.

8. Talk about disabilities.

9. Talk about English literature.

10. Talk about Australian history, geography, nature and its culture.

11. Talk sth about advertising and some advertisements.

12.Talk about your recent learning and skills.


1. what do you think of inter-racial marriage?

2.The TV show Prison Break is now flourishing in China,why it is so pop now?Showing your opinion here.

3.Y our skill or your diploma which way lead you to be success in competition?

4.which kind of visual art do you like?why?(visual art such as painting,sculpture,movies,action art,dancing etc.)

5.Can you accept Action Art? !

1..Do you prefer self_study or following your teacher?

2.Do you prefer to shop alone or with other ppl?

3.What's your ideal job? why?


1 Share your idea "No man is an Island".

2.Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.

3.Why the need for equality and fairness in the world is important.

New topics

1.Talk about science and scientists.

2.Say sth about writing novels or dissertations.

3.Talk about some experiments you know.

4.Talk about some great women such as Marie Curie, Helen Keller etc.

5.Talk about New Zealand.

6.Talk about modern agriculture and agricultural production.

7.Talk about humor and comedians.

8.Talk about body language.

9.Can you say sth about the crosstalk or its actors?

10.Say something about news and the media.

11.Say sth about art and architecture.

12.Talk about literature and poetry.

13.Talk about medicine, health, deadly diseases and your attitude towards


14.Say sth about the natural disasters such as volcanoes, typhoons or


15.Say sth about science and scientific achievements.

16.Talk about water and oceans.

17.Share your knowledge of first aid.

18.Say sth about nature, ecology and the environment.

19.Say sth about civil rights and some freedom fighters .

20.Free talk:" I have a dream".

Some students fall in love ealy , what do you think of?

[讨论]There is only one person on the earth, suddenly, someone knocked on the door......

Submit topics

1.Talk about friends and friendship.

2.Tips on travel.

3.An unforgettalbe experience.

4.Talk about films, famous actors and directors.

5.Be a person with good manners.

6.Make a contrast on table manners in Chinese and Western cultures.

7.Talk about science and technology.

8.Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

9.Talk about new inventions.

10.Talk about wildlife endangement.

11.Talk about ways to protect the environment.

12.Talk about different kinds of music.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee617944.html,pare modern and traditional music.

14.Talk about famous musicians.

15.Talk about art and literature.

16.Telling stories.

17.Talk about healthy food and junk food.

18.Talk about eating habits and health.

19.Talk about festivals and customs.

20.Say sth about a play such as "Necklace" or "the Merchant of V enice".

1.effort,talent and chance,which is the most important?make your own formula to achieve success.

2.share with us some stories about the magic of love.

1.Share with us your opinions of globalization.

2.How to be a good listener? How to lend an attentive ear when others are speaking?

3.So many famous people were born poor.Why?give us some examples

1.Do you think studying a foreign language can affect one's character?why or why not ?

2.What are we living for ,money ,power or anything else?

3.what do you think of nowadays' youth,compared with the old generation?

1.Y ield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.

2.Kindness effects more than severity.

3.Do not trust flatterers

讨论]Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?

The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but Earth is being harmed more and more seriously by human activity. As we develop our technology, we demand more from our planet. Eventually, this will harm people as well.

Our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources are not endless. Strip mining devastates whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground. Deforestation removes old growth trees that can't be replaced. Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where they can't recover. W e are too careless in

taking what we want without giving anything back.

There are more people than ever, living longer that ever. So is it any surprise that many areas suffer from too much development? Anyone living in or near a city has experienced "urban sprawl". There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses, townhouses and apartments everywhere. Traffic gets worse and worse because planners can't keep up with growth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enough. Environmental concerns come in last.

With growth comes pollution. Companies and communities dump waste into water. Landfills are full of trash. Emissions from factories pollute the air. Barrels of industrial waste and worse, radioactive waste have no safe place to go. If we're not careful, we can harm our planet beyond repair.

People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we don't, what kind of future will we have?

some are in favour of you. but i am not. you may feel a little depressed and do wish to have my long story.we often whisper that our plant have being suffered a tremendous tragedy and millions of treasures have being squezzed from our nature. you may wondering of the growing warmth of the winter and the dimly shining early morning sun. one day, you may awake from a nightnare and find you in a deep-ptich dark pool. how do you expect it to be happen and how are you going to get it through while you were in such a terrible trouble? therefore, to save our lifetime from the childhood and keep generations on. dear friends, please stay away from wheels and the hovering of the smoking. 讨论]Topic: What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?

A good boss is imperative to a successful workplace. The best bosses are serious, creative, and flexible. If boss lacks any of these qualities, problems are certain to arise in the workplace.

While humor and kindness are important characteristics for bosses to have, work is a serious business, and must be approached with a serious attitude. A boss must be able to keep his\her employees are working hard and on schedule. He/she must set down rules, enforce them, and personally adhere to them. If the boss come late to work, leaves early, or spends all day joking with the co-workers, then the employees will neither respect nor work hard for him/her. A boss must have a serious and professional attitude that sets an example for all of the employees in the workplace.

To confront the countless problems that arise every day in the workplace, a boss must be extremely creative. If a client needs the company to meet a deadline earlier than expected, a boss must find ways to motivate employees to work faster and harder. A boss who lacks creativity might work force his/her employees to work overtime. In this case, the employees might spend a small amount of money, and treat everyone to dinner at the office to encourage employees to stay late. In this way the company might meet the deadline, preserve quality, and keep employee morale high.

Finally, the most important quality that a good boss must possess is flexibility. While needing to set serious, strict rules, he/she must also recognize that at times the rules need to be bent or broken. For instance, a boss should strictly enforce attendance policies in the workplace. But if an employee with an excellent attendance record needs to take a day off for personal reasons, the boss should let him/her do it. In this way employees’ loyalty to the boss will be lasting.

Common Mistakes

Here are just a few examples of common mistakes made by students of English as a for eign language

One and a half

- Wrong: "I've been in Scotland for one and a half month" (or "one month half")

- Right: "I've been in Scotland for one and a half months"

One and a half is more than one, so the noun ("month") must be plural

("months"). It is better not to split numbers: "one and a half months", not

"one month and a half".

- Wrong: "I like very much"

- Right: "I like that (or it) very much"

"UK" is short for "United Kingdom"; "kingdom" is a noun, so it needs an

article (eg: "a" or "the") - there is only one United States, so it must be

"the United States".

Almost all

- Wrong: "Almost of the people in my class are Japanese"

- Right: "Almost all of the people in my class are Japanese" or "Nearly all of the people in my class are Japanese" or "Almost everybody in my class is


The sentence "Most of the people in my class are Japanese" is correct. But

when you want to stress that there are very few people from other countries in your class, you must say "Almost all of the people in my class are Japanese".


- Wrong: Saying that someone from Wales, Scotland or Ireland is "English"

- Right: Y ou can call someone from Wales "Welsh" or "British". Y ou can call

someone from Scotland "Scottish" or "British". Y ou can call someon e from

Ireland "Irish" (or "Northern Irish" if the person is from Northern Ireland)

Y ou need to know something about the history of the United Kingdom to

understand why this mistake annoys people. For details, see: Britain/Countries.


Y ou are frightened about something.

- Wrong: "I'm scary"

- Right: "I'm scared"

If you say "I'm scary" it means that you make other people afraid of you (like a monster or a ghost).

Agreeing with negative statements

Y our friend says: "I don't like my teacher"

- Wrong reply: "Me too"

- Right reply: "Me neither" (or "I don't like mine either")

If a person makes a negative statement - where the main verb is made negative

using "not" - and you agree with what has been said, you should say "Me


Y our friend says: "I dislike my teacher"

- Wrong reply: "Me neither"

- Right reply: "Me too" (or "I dislike mine too")

Even though the statement in this second example expresses the same idea as in the first example, the main verb has not been made negative using "not".

Answering negative questions

Y ou don't like your teacher. Y our friend asks you: "Don't you like your


- Wrong reply: "Y es"

- Right reply: "No" or "No, I don't"

If someone asks you a question in which the main verb has been made negative

using "not", you should answer "no" if you agree with the statement form of

the question (in this case the statement form of the question is "Y ou do not

like your teacher"). To avoid any possible misunderstanding, it is better to

repeat the negative verb or to answer using a full sentence

("No, I don't" or "No, I don't like my teacher")

Y ou don't like your teacher. Y our friend asks you: "Y ou don't like your

teacher, do you?"

- Wrong reply: "Y es"

- Right reply: "No" or "No, I don't"

The main verb is still "do not like". The "do you?" at the end is just a way

of turning the statement "Y ou don't like your teacher" into a question.

Y ou like your teacher. Y our friend asks you: "Don't you like your teacher?"

- Wrong reply: "No", or just "Y es"

- Right reply: "Y es - I like her"

The person asking a negative question is expecting you to agree by saying

"no", so if you want to disagree (because you like your teacher) you need to

stress your answer. In this case it is done by stressing the word "yes",

and to make your meaning clear you should say a full sentence.

Y ou like your teacher. Y our friend asks you: "Y ou don't like your teacher, do


- Wrong reply: "No", or just "Y es"

- Right reply: "Oh yes I do"

"Oh yes I do" is a way of disagreeing with a question that ends "do you?"

(similarly, if someone says, "Y ou aren't hungry, are you?" and you feel

hungry, you can answer "Oh yes I am").

One word or two?

Some words are made by combining two short words which each have only one

sound (monosyllables). It is a common mistake to write these using two words

instead of as one.

- Wrong: bed room, bath room, good night, on line, off line, every body

- Right: bedroom, bathroom, goodnight, online, offline, everybody

V ery

Y ou cannot use "very" together with an adjective which already has the idea of being "very" something. Examples of these kinds of adjectives are: "delicious" means "very tasty", enormous means "very big", "lovely" means "very nice",

"great" means "very good".

- Wrong: "American food is very delicious"

- Right: "American food is delicious"


Explaining dates in the future, for example when arranging to meet someone,

can be confusing. For example, if today is Monday and you say you will meet

someone "next Friday" what does it mean? It would be clearer to say "this

Friday" or "Friday this week" for the nearer date, or "Friday next week" or

"the Friday after next" for the later date. Americans find it confusing

too - so don't worry about asking them to make it clear what they mean.

Another common mistake is:

- Wrong: "I'll see you next next week"

- Right: "I'll see you the week after next"

Something To Talk About

An interesting place you have been to recently

An interesting person you have met

What you would like to do when you get older

What you would like to learn in the future

A frightening experience you had when you were young

A person you like to spend time with

An exciting experience you had

A favorite pet

Something you like to do when you have free time

A place you would like to visit in the future

A person you would like to meet some day

A person who has influenced your life

Something you have never done but would like to do

Something you have done but never want to do again

An experience which made you laugh

An experience which made you cry

What you would do if you had a million dollars

What you would do if you were President of your country

A gift you could give others

A gift you would like someone to give you

A special talent you have

Conversation Topics


Describe how, where, why, and from whom you learned English.

What version of English (British, Canadian, Australian, American) were you taught?

Have all of your teachers been native-English speakers? Which versions of English did they speak?

Can you distinguish the various regional and national accents of English speakers? Which versions of English did they speak?

How many opportunities do you have to speak English during a typical week?

Conversation Topics



Talk about some of your interests, hobbies and favorite pastimes.

Describe the kinds of things you like to read for pleasure. Compare them to the materials you must read for work or other purposes.

Describe the social and professional activities that give you the most opportunity to speak English.


Talk about the time of day, the day of the week, and the season of the year you enjoy most.

Describe the kind of natural environment you enjoy best or would like to live in.


What languages do you speak or are you studying?

What countries have you visited or lived in?

Do you have any immediate plans to travel or pursue an international career?

Conversation Topics


Tell your partner about yourself before you ask each of these questions.

What name do your family and close friends call you?

What is you birthplace?

What languages do you speak?

What do you say to people who ask, "Tell me, what kind of work do you do?"

What do you like to do more than anything else in the world?

What three adjectives other people might use to describe your personality?

What was the happiest year of your life?

Where did you spend your best vacation?

What is your favorite food?

Hello, long lost friends,new topics here

1. do people with big heads cleverer?

2.talk about the TV Star you love most.

3.What do you think of the people who work too hard.

Topic from yahooya

1. to be a team-worker or to be a specialist, which is important when u try to find job?

2. which character is most important for a successful man/woman?

3. How to get a promotion?

4. what is difference between chinese company and foreign company?

5. high salary or good work environment, which do u prefer? why?

6. after earning money, should the children give back money to their parents?


英语口语热门50话题 1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 3. Your best friend’s sister is g oing to marry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations. 4. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal? 6. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your vi ews on beauty. 7. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 8. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner. 9. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal? 10. Campus marriage: good or bad? 11. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 12. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your definition of “true love”? 13. What can you do to resist temptation(诱惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.) 14. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would y ou like to buy one? Why? 15. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not?


2019年公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1) A 节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的Topic(主题)设计出若干问题, 向考生发问。它出现在考试的起始阶段和最后阶段。在这两部分中每 位考生大约分别有一分钟左右的时间回答问题,大概要说十句话左右。所以不能简单地说上一两句就结束了。因为在口头提问部分不给准备 时间,所以考生无论在考试前还是考试过程中都应有充足的准备。 (1)事先学习使用一些表达方式给自己争取一点时间思考。常用 的表达方式有: As everybody knows. Sofar as I am concerned. What I mean is...Well... That is to say...You know, ... (2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点 时间思考。 (3)考试中选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来谈,否则会因为有些词 不会用英文表述,而给自己造成麻烦。比如就音乐或书籍来讲,考试 时选择一种会表述或表述较为容易的音乐或一本自己熟悉的书,比选 择一种自己真正喜欢的音乐或一本书更现实。 (4)考试中为了使自己回答问题的内容更充实些,能够用列举法 或举例说明法予以适当展开阐述。 (5)考生在回答问题时,如果发现自己要说的话太少,或觉得无 话可说时,不妨把自己想到的问题再详细地说明或细化一下。 A 节部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang.

2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi‘an, which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China’s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi‘an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old, so I really don’t know much about Xi‘a n, apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact, I don’t have any relatives at all living in Xi'an. 3. Where about is your hometown? Xi’an is located in Shanxi Province, which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well, the population is about 6 million. It's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi'an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also, Xi'an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road, which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer, about 40 degrees Centigrade, and fairly cold in the winter, about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well, first of all, my hometown is "X". I was born in the city, but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. "X" is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It's pretty flat, and is situated right near a large lake.


英语口语话题简述 1.个人介绍 我叫李雷,16岁;九年级学生,今夏毕业; 学习英语将近四年,学习情况良好; 在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海; 我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。 My name is Li Lei, and I'm sixteen years old. I'm in Grade Nine. I will graduate this summer. It is almost five years since I began to learn English. I'm getting on well with it. I was born in Beijing. Now my parents and I live in shanghai. I have a dog called Eddie. I love him very much. 李雷是九年级学生,将于今夏毕业;数学很好,喜欢集邮; 他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都很喜欢他; 1994年出生于上海;他现在和祖父母生活在一起。 Li Lei is a ninth grade student. He will graduate this summer. He's very good at Maths, and he enjoys collecting stamps. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and classmates like him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1994. Now he lives with his grandparents. 2.学校生活


2016年英语四级口语常用话题汇总 一、运动 对话: A: Brain, playing tennis seems interesting. B: Would you like to learn? A: Yes.how do you play? B: Tennis can be played in singles and doubles. The outside line is for doubles and the inside line is for singles. A: How do you decide who starts? B: Well, you can toss a coin to decide. Whoever wins chooses either to start or which side of the court o play on. A: How do you score? B: To begin with, the score is “LOVE all”. A: LOVE means 0? B: You have got it. You then score 15, 30 and 40. If you get to 40 and win again, you win the game. A: The opponent starts serving then? B: Right. See. You know how to play now. A: Let’s try it sometime. B: Sure! 补充句型: 1. I usually go to the gym after work.. 我经常下班以后去健身房。


1. Please talk about the importance of time. What’s your view on it? 2. Green food is now becoming more and more popular. Do you know why? And can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays? 3. Your best friend’s sister is going to mar ry an American, and you two talk about the marriage across nations. 4. Finding a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal? 5. You find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit smoking. 6. “The thinner, the better?” You are free to exchange your views on beauty. 7. How would you like to get rid of your stress in daily life? Please share your experiences with your partner. 8. Live to work or live to enjoy? You are required to present your opinions to your partner. 9. How do you understand “Green Olympics”, what do you think is our duty to achieve this goal? 10. Campus marriage: good or bad? 11. Do you think surfing on the Internet can help you? And how? 12. Do you believe in love at first sight? What’s your definition of “true love”? 13. What can you do to resist temptation(诱惑) when shopping? (Your partner is crazy about each hot item on sale, while you are rather sensible and are ready to give some advice.) 14. Do you have a mobile phone? If you do, do you think it’s good or bad? If you don’t, would you like to buy one? Why? 15. Do you like developing friendship or love with a key pal(网友)? Why or why not?


1. Make a self-introduction .Good afternoon ,next I will make a introduction of myself. My name is . I am a nineteen -year -old boy. I come from a beautiful country located at the bank of Chang Jiang River. In this beautiful country, I spent my childhood with my friends. I was born in a sunny day on October twenty-fifth. I am quiet and I don’t like to show myself before others. I am honest and hard-working. I have a strong will. To keep my enthusiasm, I keep exercise everyday. Only with strong will can you conquer yourself and realize your goals. If you don’t keep you dreams alive, you won’t have your dreams any longer. I don’t have many friends, however I have several best friends. They are very good people. We play, learn, and live together. If anyone of us gets into troubles, all of us will give him a hand and get him through these troubles. During my high school life, these memories with my friends are great fortune in my life. My favorite subject is physical. There are some reasons. On the one hand, I think physical reflects the law of the nature. Without physical, we can’t build up human culture and step into modern life. On the other hand, physical is beautiful and practical. Scientists use physical to design machines. We can also use physical to solve problems and seek the truth of the sceneries. To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to learn physical. However, I really enjoy the beauty of the physical while solving these


1.Sport star: My favorite sport star is Liu Xuan ---- a beautiful Chinese women gymnasts, who born in 1984 in Changsha City, Hunan Province started gymnastics training, 8-year-old. She is the 1990s the Chinese gymnastics team heyday of one of the first team, is also the first Chinese woman to participate in two Olympic gymnasts. 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, LIU Xuan in the women's gymnastics balance beam competition, to perfect moves conquered the referees and spectators, as the Chinese women's balance beam project did not touch the history of Olympic champion zoned to an end. 现在她是一名演员,并试图将体操与舞蹈结合,她是一个很有想法的人,我非常看好她,希望她在舞蹈艺术这条路上走出自己的天地。 1、“要想战胜别人,必须首先战胜自我。” 2、“一靠理想,二靠实力,三靠平静的心态。奥运比赛只有战胜自我, 才能成为真正的强者。” 2. A character 主演James Blackwell饰演Matt Prater 《面对巨人》Facing the Giants片讲述一位教练如何重拾信心与勇气,并用信仰击败恐惧的故事。在泰勒的六年教练生涯中,他从未在赛季中获胜,当球队中最优秀的队员Shiloh决定转学后,他们连在新赛季中获胜的希望都随之而去了。赛季一开始便输了三场比赛之后,泰勒发现那些爸爸们决定解雇他,随之而来的一系列压力令他完全失去了希望。他将如何重拾勇气与信心,用信仰击败恐惧The death crawl Your action will always follow your belief. 你的信念总是支配着你的行动。 If you accept defeat,then that what you'll get. 如果你接受失败,那么你将得到失败。 Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you're under par... 不要让任何人跟你说你比别人差... With god all things are possible. Praise God either you win or lose. 3.An interesting historic place 华清池 Huaqing Hot Spring is a natural spring at the foot of Mt Lishan in Lintong County, about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. This hot spring is known as China's famous hot spring resort. Huaqing Hot Spring owns 6000 years history of hot spring use and 3000 years history of royal garden architecture. There are four springhead in Huaqing Hot Spring. They are all in a stone hole and the existing circular pool has the radius of about 1 meter with clear, colourless and transparent water seen at the bottom.The water temperature is


英语口语面试基本话题(小升初入学考试必备) 话题一个人情况(Personalinformation) 能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。 能够听懂他人的有关个人信息,并且记录简单信息。 话题二家庭(Familyandhome) 能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。 尝试着设计自己梦想中的卧室,调查同学家里房间的拥有情况。 话题三学校(Schoollife) 能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单单说明理由。 能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。 话题五天气(Weather) 能够谈论有关天气情况。 能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Foodanddrink) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 话题七:动物(Animals) 能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八:购物(Shopping) 能够询问物品的价格。 能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。


初中英语口语话题训练 XXXX教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号 学员编号: 年级: 初一课时数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语学科教师: 学科组长签名及日期教务长签名及日期 课题初中英语口语话题训练授课时间: 备课时间: 本次课通过对“结交新朋友”话题的共同探讨,尤其是针对学生感兴趣的问题,进行互动 教学目标式口语听说训练。在寓教于乐的氛围中,让学生可以独立的完成自我介绍以及介绍别人。 并通过适量的课后作业巩固加强学习效果。 重点、难点 1. 经典口语句型 2. 标准语音规范 3. 正常语调规范 4. 交叉话题能力 口语能力测试是中考考试的一部分,分值15分,要求学生能够具备语言的综合运用能力,考点及考试要求重点是听说能力。 教学内容 A WARM WELCOME TO you ! Be a Better One! Topic One: Making Friends Firstly, let us make friends with each other! Conversation 1:Interests

Teacher: My name is David, I am your English teacher at 1 Smart. What is your name? Student: My name is Teacher: Nice to meet you, Student: Teacher: I like playing football on Sunday, what about you? Student: Teacher: What else do you like? Student: Teacher: Why do you like Student: Because Teacher: What about basketball, do you like playing basketball? Student: Teacher: It is 5 o’clock and I have to go home right now. It was very nice to meet you! Student: Teacher: Bye! Student: Now, can you introduce your best friend to your teacher? Conversation 2:Friends Student: Good afternoon, sir. Teacher: Good afternoon, Student: This is my best friend , , this is my English teacher, David. Teacher: How do you do, : How do you do.


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee617944.html,ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee617944.html,/ 雅思口语最新话题:有趣的新闻 A piece of interesting news I read several days ago was that teachers’ using red pen to mark students’ work could be harming their psyche as the color red is too aggressive. When students saw a piece of paper full of mistakes marked in red, what they noticed was their weakness. The research has been done in about 30 schools in Austrialia. Some suggested to use a different color. Other tips included that teachers could teach students to make peer tutoring. What they should focus was the individual strengths rather than their weakness. After heard about this news, yes, I cann’t agree more. Mental health in the classroom has become a social problem in China, too. The greatest number of people with mental illness are adolescence. Depression is one of the most common conditions in young people. So it is an urgent issue that should be stressed by both schools and the whole society. It is interesting becaue I never thought that such a small action could do harms too, however, it calles for deep reflection.

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