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精读3 单词 考卷版

精读3 单词 考卷版
精读3 单词 考卷版

精读3 单词

Unit 1

a___ n. the time, usu. Between the ages of 13 to 19,when a young person is developing into an adult. a___ n. the time when you are an adult.

a___ v. to state that sth is true and you agree with it or support it esp. in public

a___ n. a list of things to be done

a___ n. feeling or showing or saying that one thinks sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory

a___ adj. related to attitude

c___ v. to advise

c___ n. a period of great danger ,difficulty, or uncertainty

e___ n. a book or set of books containing facts on many different subjects or one particular subject

e___ v. to try very hard

e___ n. a quality or ability that sb has naturally

e___ adj. connected with principles of what is right and what is wrong

e___ adj. relating to a particular race, nation, or tribe and their customs and their traditions

e___ v. to carefully consider sth in order to see how useful or valuable it is

e___ adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary.

f___ adj. belonging to or considered typical of women or girls

f___ adj. connected with the way human beings function in their daily lives

g___ adj. connected with genes

h___ v. to intensify; to increase in degree

i___ v. to receive(genetic characters) from your parents

i___ n. a feeling of worry or embarrassment that stops you doing or saying what you really want to i___ n. the act or process of interacting

i___ v. to make(attitudes or behavior) part of one’s nature by learning or unconscious assimilation

m___ adj. belonging to or considered typical of men or boys

n___ n. a news program on radio or television

o___ n. a choice you can make in a particular situation

p___ n. sb of the same age or the same social status as you

p___ to understand or think of sth in a particular way

p___ v. to deal with(sth such as an official document, or request) by using a particular method or system p___ v. to shoe other people(what your future role will be as a man/ a woman)

r___ v. to oppose or fight against sb in a position of authority

r___ n. a feeling of anger because sth has happened that you think is unfair

s___ n. a college for training priests or ministers

s___ adj. full of stress or tension; making you worry a lot

t___ adj. related to theology, the study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs

u___ adv. doubtlessly; certainly

w___ n. a large piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes;(here) the clothes that sb has

Unit 3

a_______: n. a small dish where you put used cigarettes.

b_______: n. a person who is primitive or civilized

b_______: n. the hard horny part of a bird’s mouth

b_______: v. to stand

b_______: n. a person’s chest, esp. a woman’s breast

c_______: n. a French white wine with a lot of bubbles, drunk on special occasions.

c_______: n. a driver of a horse-drawn carriage

d_______: n. to put things in a room or house to make it more beautiful

d_______: n. a plant whose seeds and leaves are used in cooking

d_______: adj. with thoughts far away from one’s present surroundings

d_______: v. to make a sound similar to a drum by hitting a surface again and again

e_______: n. a person who talks too much about oneself and believes that one is better or more important than other people

e_______: v. to irritate or annoy greatly

f_______: v. to (attempt to) give a light blow at sth with a flat object

g_______: n. a plant with red, pink, or white flowers and around leaves

g_______: n. an ugly twisted expression on the face to cause laughter or to show pain, disgust, etc.

h_______: adj. beautiful in a way that makes you feel sad and remember sth for a long time

h_______: v. to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth or because you cannot decide what to do; ~over

i_______: n. state of being unable to decide; hesitation

i_______: adj. extremely angry

l_______: n. the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down

l_______: v. to hate sb or sth very much

m_______: adj. able to do impossible things

m_______: n. a mad person; a wild and foolish person

m_______: n. a plant with yellow or orang flowers

m_______: adj. very sad; causing sadness

m_______: n. action of mocking sb or sth; scorn or ridicule

m_______: adj. sad and sorrowful

n_______: adj. showing lack of experience, wisdom or judgment

p_______: n. a religious building in Asia , usu. a tall tower with several storeys each of which has its own overhanging roof

p_______: v. to take the skin off (potato, apple, banana, orange, etc.)

p_______: n. vegetables preserved in vinegar and salt water;

p_______: v. to ask for sth that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way

p_______: v. to raise one’s ears

p_______: v. (of a cat) to make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment

r_______: v. to move in small waves

s_______: v. to drag, pull or remove using a sharp or hard implement

s_______: adj. occupied with one’s own thoughts or interests; paying no attention to anything other than one’s own; self-centered

S_______: n. a very large area in Russia, between the Ural Mountains and the Pacific Ocean

s_______: v. to sleep comfortably and peacefully

s_______: adj. enough

t_______: v. to hit your fingers lightly on sth

t_______: adj. greatly amazed

v_______: n. a covering of fine net or other material worn by women to protect or hide the face

v_______: n. cloth with a soft surface on one side which is used for making clothes, curtains, ect.

w_______: n. a thin black and yellow flying insect that can sting

Unit 4

1. b________ (adj.) having hair that grows on a man’s chin and cheeks

2. b________ (v.) to be in front of sb so that they cannot see or light cannot reach them

3. e_________ (adv.) in a way that is intricate, complicated or painstaking

4. e_________ (adj.) very beautiful and graceful

5. f_________ (n.) a structure from which water is pushed up into the air, used for example as decoration in

a garden or park

6.g_________ (v.) to laugh loudly

7.h_________ (adj.) partially clothed

8.l_________ (n.) sb. who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way; a mad man

9.m________ (n.) a king or queen

10.n________ (v.) to push sb. gently with your elbow in order to get their attention

11.o________ (n.) a small, bitter, egg-shaped black or green fruit, used as food and for making oil

12.p________ (n.) a boy who in the past served a person of high rank

13. p________ (n.) a self-contrary and false proportion

14.p________ (n.) a small smooth stone found on the beach or on the bottom of a river

15.p________ (n.) the state of being able to be alone, and not seen or heard by other people

16.s________ (adj.) not enough

17.s________ (v.) to pick sth. up with a scoop,spoon or your curved hand

18.s________ (v.) to rub your skin with finger nails, esp. because it itches

19.s________ (n.) sb. who lives in a empty building or on a piece of land without permission and without

paying any rent

20.s_________ (v.) to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way

21.s_________ (v.) to work hard

22.t_________ (v.) to laugh quietly esp. when you are nervous


a________ n. quantity that is more than enough;plenty

a_________ n. area of land measured by acres

a_________ v. to gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation

a_________ v. to gradually become familiar with a new situation

a_________ n. person who goes fishing as a sport with a line and hook

a_________ n. sudden violent attack

b__________ n. a chemical used to kill living beings

b_____________ adv. with respect to biology

b_________ n. a type of northern forest tree with smooth bark and thin branches

b_________ n. a bright flame of fire

b_________ n. the ages of a town ,city, etc.

b_________ n. a type of product made by a particular company, which has a particular name or design b_________ adj. forming a part of something that can not be separated from it

c__________ n. sth.said, sung or shouted by many people together

c__________ v. to cover sth.with a layer of sth. else

c_________ adj. (sth)large, huge, immense

c_________n.a group of plants or animals that lived in the same environment

c_________ adj. kept in limited space

c_________ n. agreement;permission

c__________ adj. great in size or amount

c__________ n. the situation that a place or substance is made dirty or harmful by putting something such as chemicals or poison in it

c_________ v. to argue or say that something is true

c_________ n. sb or sth that has the same job, purpose, or function as sb or sth else in a different place d__________ adj. (here) slow and careful

d_________ adj. empty and quiet because no people are there

e__________ n. a scientist who studies ecology

e__________ n. the~: natural conditions, e.g. land, air and water. in which we live

e___________ v.(of plants, animals, etc.) to gradually develop from a simple form to a more complex one

e__________ adj. increasing suddenly or quickly in amount or number

f__________ n. a type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers, but with no flowers

f__________ n. a very thin layer of liquid, powder, etc. on the surface of sth

f__________v. ,to become suddenly bright with light or color, esp. red or orange

f__________n.sudden outburst of strong or violent activity once more

f__________ v. want to burn or shine and steadily(said of lights or flame)

f__________n.a group of (birds, chickens, etc.)of the same kind

h__________n.the natural home of a plant or animal

h__________n.agreement in feeling, interests, and opinions , etc. or related things

h__________adv.for this reason

i__________adj.not affected by a disease, chemical, etc.

i__________ adj. acting or done with little thought or care;impulsive

i__________ adv. without careful judgment

i__________ v. to live in a place

i__________n.a chemical used to kill insects

i__________n.condition of u and anddividedu

i__________ n. none of intensifuy, which means to make or become greater in amount

i__________ v. to mix together or mix sth with sth else

i__________ adj. having the ability to invent things

i________adj. that cannot be recovered or remedied

i________ adj. separate ;standing alone

i________n. scenery of an area of land

i________adj. able to cause death

m________ n. low-lying wet land

m________ n. a bird that goes from place to place with the seasons, esp. to spend the winter in a warm place m________ v. to change (sth) slightly, esp. to make (it) less extreme or to improve (it)

m________ v. (BrEmould) to shape; to guard or control the development of sth

o_________ n. small life forms

o_________n. sudden appearance of diseases, violence, etc.

p_________ n. a small area of still water in a hollow place

p_________ adj.having great power or strong effect

p_________ adj. most important; the first

p_________adj. of or at an early stage of social development

p_________ adj. successful or thriving

p_________ v. to confuse sb or make them feel slightly anxious because they do not understand sth

r__________ n. the state of being rapid

r__________ n. (here) an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected

r__________ n. rising or reviving after destruction, defeat, or disappearance

s__________ adj. protected from the sun

s__________ v. (here) to make sth suffer from a disease

s__________ adj. suggesting evil or that sth bad may happen

s________ n. length of time over which sth lasts or extends from beginning to end

s__________ n. words which, when spoken, are thought to have magical power

s__________ v. to make sth stop doing sth and become calm or at rest

s__________ adj. considerable; large in amount

s__________ v. to prevent sth from growing or developing

s__________ n. (pl.) the objects, buildings, natural things, etc. that are around a person or thing at a particular time

t___________ v. to meddle or interfere with

t___________ v. (of a place, etc.) to have a lot of life, energy, etc.

t___________ adj. causing problems, in an annoying way

t___________ n. a common river-fish, often used for food

u___________ v. to experience or endure

v____________ n. plants in general; those plants found in a particular environment

w_____________ n. use of evil magic power

Unit 9

1. a_______: adv. up to date with the latest news, ideas, or information; stay~of

2.a__________:n.(here)the act of gaining possession of something in addition to the company's property

3.a______:adj.belonging to another country or society and very different from what you are used to especiall y in a way that is difficult to understand or accept

4.a________: n. anything that relieves or counteracts an injurious effect

5.b________: n. an extreme and violent reaction to a prior event

6.b_____: n. a short period Devoted to indulging in an activity especially drinking alcohol

7. b____: n. an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed , often with interest

8. b____: n. A time of prosperity; ~-bust cycles

9. c_____: n. a plastic or rubber tube containing wires that carry telephone messages, electronics signals, television picture, etc.

10. c_______: v. to publicly support or defend a set of beliefs, political aims, or a group of people

11. c______: n. an outcry expressing discontent or protest

12. c_______: adj. (of an argument, theory or policy)logical and consistent

13. c________: v. to make a good combination with somebody or something else

14. c________: n. a part of mechanical or electrical complex

15. c________: v. ~ of to be formed from two or more things or people

16. c________: adv. in a way that is easy to notice

17. c________: n. somebody represented by an elected official

18. c_________: adj. relating to or causing much discussion , disagreement or argument

19. c________: n. a strong belief or opinion about something

20. c________: adj. relating to large companies

21. c______: n. an arrangement with a shop, back , etc. that allows you to buy something and pay for it later

22. c______: n. a close friend or companion

23. d________: adj. intimidating or discouraging

24. d________: v. to become or make a smaller or less

25. d________: n. an amount such as an amount of money that is less than the amount that you need

26. d_______: v. to not use the usual way of doing things

27. d______: prep. (fml) in spite of

28. d__________: v. to treat a person or group differently from another in an unfair way

29. d_______: v. to ignore something or treat it as unimportant

30. d_________: n. a situation in which something (such as business or economic activity) decreases or becomes worse

31. e_______: v. to be doing or to become involved in an activity

32. e_______: adj. after a particular action or event, esp. as a result of it

33. e______: n. sth that exists as single and complete unit

34. e______: n. (pl.) stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest; ~ investment

35. e_____: v. to gradually damage the surface of rock or land

36. e______: adj. additional and not needed because there is already enough

37. f_____: (old) to get along; to turn out; to go

38. f_________: adj. not to limited in anyway, that is as complete and thorough as possible

39. g_____: n. an oversupply

40. g_____: n. (of income, profit or interest )without deduction of tax or other contributions

41. h________: v. to cripple; to destroy or hinder the efficiency of somebody or something

42. i______: v. to collapse inward in a very sudden and violent way , often used figuratively

43. i___________: n. dependence on one another

44. l__________: n. the act of making or becoming liberal

45. l________: adj. uneven or unequal

46. m___________: n. the control and operation of a business or organization

47. m________: v. to make as great as possible ; to increase to a maximum

48. m_________: n. the state of being a member

49. m_______: n. the act of joining two or more organizations or businesses into one

50. m_________: adj. having or involving many sides or parts

51. m_________: adj. existing or involving more than two countries

52. n__________: n. a discussion aimed at arranging or settling an issue or issues

53. n________: v. to make ineffective

54. o_______: n. a tendency to expect the best possible outcome

55. p________: adj. seeming to be right or believable

56. p_______: v.to say what you think will happen in the future

57. p_______: v. to triumph; to be greater in strength or influence

58. p______: adj. liable to sth

59. p_______: n. something that you expect or know is going to happen in the future

60.p_______: v.(fml) to buy sth

61. r__________: v. to move faster or Pick up speed again

62. r_______:v. to guess a number or amount without calculating it exactly

63. r_______: v. to lessen or remove (pain anxiety, etc.)

64. r_______: v. to slow or hinder the progress or development of something

65. s_________: n. an electronic device that is sent into space and goes around the earth the moon, etc. used for radio , television and other electronic communication

66. s_____: adj. (infml)causing fear or alarm

67. s_______: v. to protect

n. an object used by soldiers I in the past to protect themselves from being hit

68. s______: n. an international slowing down of production

69. s_________: n.the power that an independent country has to govern itself

70. s___________: adj. something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself ,or because you suddenly feel you want to do it

71. s_____: n. a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle

72. t______: n. duty to be paid by importers

73. t_______: n. a government department responsible for the country's financial matters

74. t______: adj. (infml) of the latest fad or fashion

75. u________: n. the act of becoming united

76. u________: n. a sudden or violent change or disruption to something

Unit 11

a_________: adv. used when you are admitting that sth is true

a_________: v. to come close to

a_________: n. an object made a long time ago and is historically important

b_________: n. several large guns used together

b_________: adj. hostile or aggressive

c_________: adj. based on common sense

c_________: v.to think deeply and thoughtfully when considering a possible course of action or future event c_________: adj. done without attention to detail

c_________: adj. already settled and unlikely to be changed

d_________: n. information or facts

d_________: v. to consider or regard

d_________: v. to be the name, sign, or symbol of sth; to refer to

d_________: adj. not proportionate; out of proportion

e_________: adj. difficult or impossible to find or catch; (here) difficult or impossible to achieve

e_________: v. to come into existence or notice

e_________: adj. stimulating; invigorating; exciting

f_________: adj. not capable of going wrong; reliable

f_________: n. strong building or group of buildings for defending an important place

g_________: n. troops stationed in a town or fort

h_________: n. a shopkeeper who sells men’s clothing

i_________: v. to not consider sth or not let it influence you

i_________: v. to put sb or sth in a liquid so that they are covered completely.

i_________: n. stopping or catching sb/sth before they reach the destination

i_________: v. to try to find out the facts about sth in order to learn the truth about it

m_________: v. to strongly express your belief that sth is true

m_________: v. to keep sth in memory

m_________: n. (here) sb whose job is to represent their country in another country, but who is lower in rank than an ambassador

m_________: n. the reason why you want to do sth

n_________: n. (here) a formal letter between governments

n_________: n. a belief or opinion about sth

p_________: adv. convincingly; having the power to persuade

p_________: n. an opinion about an important issue; attitude

p_________: n. a proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn

p_________: adj. in favor of Britain

p_________: adj. nearest in time, order, etc.

r_________: adj. closely connected with what is happening, what is being discussed or what is being done r_________: n. the parts of sth that are left after the rest has been destroyed or has disappeared

r_________: v. to pay back money that you have borrowed

r_________: adj. having certain limitations

r_________: v. to change or modify; to prepare a new version of sth

s_________: adj. evident or obvious, and therefore not needing any explanation

s_________: n. the quality of knowing and understanding a lot about a complicated subject

s_________: n. (pl.) a collection of numbers which represents facts or measurements

s_________: n. the quality of being subtle

t_________: adv. through; by means of which; as a result

v_________: n. the state or quality of being valid, that is, well- grounded and sound

w_________: adv. in accordance with; by means of which

Unite 13

a____________: adj. relating to education, esp. in colleges or universities

a____________: adj. Spreading through the whole of sth and becoming an obvious feature of it

a____________: v. to form a connection between different people or things

a____________: v. to have a connection with

b____________: ad. Basic and simple

c____________: n. sth that causes an important change to happen

c____________: n. (infml) the power or authority to influence other people`s decisions

c____________: v. to force sb to do sth

c____________: adj. always trying to be more successful than other people

c____________: n. the act of putting sb in a room, prison, ect., or the state of being there

c____________: n. a contrary or opposing force

d____________: n. the hrd work or effort that sb puts into a particular activity because they care about it a lot

d____________: adj. controlling other people or things, or showing this quality

d____________: adj. oppressed; badly treated

e____________: v. to give special or additional importance to sth

e____________: n. the whole of time, with no beginning or end

f____________: adj. not serious or sensible, esp. in a way that is not suitable for a particular occasion

f____________: v. to achieve or realize

g____________: n. a unit inside a cell that controls the development of the qualities which have been passed on to an individual from their parents

h____________: adj. treating people or animals in a way that is not cruel and causes them as little pain or suffering as possible

h____________: adj. not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people`s

i____________: n. sth that makes you want to do sth or to work harder because you know you will benefit by doing this

i____________: adv. used to say that a quality sth has as a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it i____________: n. an order

i____________: n. the quality of being honest and of always having high moral principles

i____________: v. to put or print sth in italics

m____________: v. to influence sb or control sth in a clever or dishonest way

m____________: n. the customs, social behavior and moral values of a particular group

n____________: adj. not important or necessary

o____________: adj. treating people unfairly and in a cruel way

p____________: n. the benefit you get from doing sth

p____________: v. to maintain sth in its existing state

r____________: adj. done many times in the same way

r____________: v. to produce young plants or animals

r____________: n. sth you do in order to punish sb who has harmed or offended you

s____________: n. your social or professional rank of position, considered in relation to other people

t____________: n a clear sign; a recognition

u____________: adj. not controlled or constrained

现代大学英语精读2 unit3单词及释义

Unit3 Glossary annual adj. happening or done once every year apart adv. not together; separate or separately; tell ~区分 arena n. an area of activity that concerns the public, esp. one where there is a lot ofopposition between different groups or countrics竞争舞台 back-breaking adj. (of physical work) Very hard and tiring艰苦繁重的 beet n. a plant with a root that is used as a vegetable, csp. for feeding animals or making sugar甜菜 bind v. to tie or fasten sb./sth. so that they can't move or are held together firmly botanist n. a scientist who studies plants and their structure植物学家 bountiful adj. in large numbers broadcast ad. scattered over a wide area撤播 bunch n. a number of things of the same type which are growing together; a~of一束串… catalogue n. a complete list of items, for example, of things that people can look at or buy cease v. to stop happening or existing chaos n. a state of complete confusion and disorder compensation n. things that make a bad situation better补偿 conceivable adj. able to be believed or imagined可想像的;可信的 conflict n. a situation where there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose consume v. to use sth. esp. fuel, energy or time; time-~ing耗时的 creature n. a living thing real or imaginary, that can move around, such as an animal

大学英语精读Book2 词汇复习题

UNIT 8 MONEY 1. Mr. Verder never thought that he would become a member of the board of directors (董事会) because of his __________ origin. A. humble B. previous C. critical D. false 2. __________ he told us __________. A. Until; that we understood B. Not until; did we understand C. It was not until; that did we understand D. Not until; then we understood 3. Now Thomson has obtained __________ from his boss to extend the field of his investigation. A. purchase B. insurance C. determination D. permission 4. __________ I had calmed down, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A. For B. Now that C. Lest D. Despite 5. My mother is anxious to hear any information __________ the results of election. A. concerned B. being concerned C. concerning D. having concerned 6. I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was __________ easy. A. nothing but B. anything but C. something except D. all but 7.They are turned around in a huge machine to get them __________ the forces they will experience in space flight. A. use B. used C. used to D. be used to 8. Barbara __________ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A. consisted B. insisted C. persisted D. assisted 9. Very few experts __________ with completely new answers to the world's economic problems. A. come to B. come round C. come on D. come up 10. Conservative (保守的) people tend to __________ traditional ideas. A. stick to B. turn out C. set aside D. take over 11. The development of industry __________ the attitudes of men toward art and architecture. A. effected B. spun C. affected D. instructed 12. My __________ to this problem is quite different from his. A. manner B. approach C. behavior D. means 13. John __________ the results of the election with amazing accuracy. A. examined B. predicted C. overlooked D. governed 14. Disabled people should not be __________ the chances to study in university. A. forbidden B. prevented C. rejected D. denied 15. The Prime Minister refused to __________ on the rumor that he had planned to give up his position. A. relate B. frown C. comment D. catch UNIT 7 CULTURE 1. He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ________ in the car accident. A. connected B. taken C. seated D. involved 2. As the dictionary says, “graciousness” ________ means being polite, kin d and generous. A. literally B. gracefully C. exactly D. constantly 3. He insisted that she ________ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice. A. could B. would C. might D. should 4. We don't believe that those special kinds of leaves are _______. A. actual B. edible C. ridiculous D. comprehensive 5. She was scared to ________ her father’s wishes. A. go about B. go through C. go against D. go on 6. Many a parent ________ to go through this same painful process. A. have B. has C. are having D. is having 7. ________ the war finally came to an end. A. It was not until 1972 that B. No sooner it was 1972 than C. Hardly it was 1972 that D. Scarcely it was 1972 when 8. He drove to the airport to ________ Mr. Dixon who came to see him from Orillia. A. pick up B. set out C. call for D. tone down 9. It is considerate ________ you to do me a favor at this moment. A. to B. for C. of D. about

大学英语精读3 unit6单词

zombie n.还魂尸 Whiff n. 一吹, 一阵香气, 香烟的一口violation n.违反, 违背, 妨碍 vested adj. 既定的 underworld n. 黑社会 undercut v. 削弱, 廉价出售 ultimately adv.最后, 最终 troop n.群, 组,军队, 大量transportation n.运输, 运输工具, 运输系统symptom n.症状, 征兆 stigma n. 耻辱, 污名n. 柱头 stamp v.镇压,压制 smuggle v. 走私, 偷运, 偷带 sin n.原罪v.犯罪, 违反(教规) sentiment n.情绪, 感情, 观点, 感伤segregate v.分离, 隔离, 分凝adj.分离的segment n.部分, 弓形,瓣, 段, 节vt.分割sane adj.心智健全的, 明智的 sanction n.批准, 约束力,处罚 rum 朗姆酒 reverse v.逆转, 倒退, 互换;改变 repeal n. 废止, 撤消v. 废止, 撤消remove v.消除, 脱掉, 免除, 搬迁relentless adj.冷酷无情的, 不间断的reduce v.减少, 缩小, 使落魄, 简化, 还原recreation n.消遣, 娱乐 rebuttal n. 反驳, 反证 rationale l n.基本原理, 基础理论 pusher n. (毒品等的)非法销售者 pump v.用泵等抽出或压入 proverbial adj. 众所周知的 prosecutor n.公诉人, proponent n.提倡者, 支持者 prohibition n. 禁止, 禁令 premium n.额外费用, 奖金, 保险费 plus prep.加, 加上 persuasion n. 说服, 劝说, 信念 permanent adj.永久的, 持久的 per prep.每, 每一, 经过, 按照paradigm n.模式 outweigh v.比... 重要, 比... 有价值opium n. 鸦片, 麻醉剂 narcotic n. 麻醉药 multifaceted adj. 多层面的mount v.,举行 moralist n. 道德学家, 卫道士 mission n.使命, 代表团, 任务, 布道minimize v.将... 减到最少, 贬低 mild adj.温和的, marijuana n. 大麻 mainliner n. (静脉中注射毒品的)瘾君子logic n.逻辑, 逻辑学, 条理性, 推理 lift vt.解除(法令等) kick v.剔除,戒绝(恶习)intoxicant adj. 醉人的 insight n.洞察力 impoverish vt. 使贫困, 使贫瘠, 使枯竭impose v. 加上, 课征, 强迫, 征收(税款) illusory adj. 虚幻的, 幻觉的 illegal adj.非法的, 不合法的n.非法移民hooked adj.,吸毒成瘾的 heroin n. 海洛因 gaping adj.敞开的 exhortation n.劝告, 训词, 讲道词enforcement n.执行, 强制,实施 dwarf vt.使矮小 dramatically adv.戏剧地, 引人注目地 divine adj.神圣的, 神的 disprove vt.证明... 是不对的, 提出... 的反证demon n.魔鬼, 恶魔, deglamorize vt.使失去迷惑力criminalization n.(制定法律)宣告为非法criminal adj.犯罪的, 刑事的, 违法的 cop n.警察 antismoking adj. 反对吸烟的 confiscation n. 没收;征用;充公 coke n. 可卡因 cocaine n. 可卡因 citizenry n. (总称)公民, 市民catastrophic adj.灾难的, 灾难性的 cartel n.卡特尔,联合企业, bureaucratic adj. 官僚的, ban v.禁止, 剥夺权利 bail v. 往外舀水, 使摆脱困境 anew adv. 重新, 再 analogy n.类比, 相似, 类似 alcoholic n. 酗酒者 advocacy n. 拥护, 支持, 鼓吹


Glossary lesson 1 academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年 affection 喜爱 affirm 断言 agenda 日程表 anxiety 焦虑 attitudinal 态度的 baptist bounce 跳跃 capability 能力contribute 贡献 counsel 建议 crisis 危机 definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)

encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋 ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的 financial 财政的 functional 职务的 genetic 基因的 guilt 内疚 heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流 interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊 masculine 男性的 maturity 成熟 mistrust 不信任

newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的 peer 同龄人 perceive 理解 position 工作 prejudiced 偏见 project 规划 rebel 抗议 relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责 seminary 学院的separation 分开 sexual 2性的 shrink 缩水 stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2


大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编) 第三册Book3 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案 ? Unit1 翻译 1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances. 2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。 Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary. 3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。(confirm) The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。 I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays. 5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official. 6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7) 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。(given) Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter. 8) 数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。 Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods. Unit3 翻译 1) 许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。 Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education / tuition. 2) 除阅读材料外,使用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣。 Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students' interest in a subject. 3) 这位律师试图说服陪审团(jury)他的当事人(client)是无辜的。(convince sb. of) The attorney / lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence. 4) 提问常常会引发创造的火花。 Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity. 5) 我已经把我的简历(résumé)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。 I have sent off my résuméto several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply. 6) 她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。 Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs. 7) 我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。 We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed. 8) 暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。 At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.


Unit 1 Adolescence :n. the time, usu. between the ages of 13 to 19,when a young person is developing into an adult 青春期 Adulthood :n. the time when you are an adult成年,成年期 affirm :v. to state that sth is true and you agree with it or support it, esp. in public 肯定,断言 agenda :n. a list of things to be done议程 approval :n. feeling or showing or saying that one thinks sth is good or acceptable or satisfactory 同意,批准 attitudinal :adj. related to attitude 态度的 Baptist :adj. 浸礼会教派的 Contribute :v. to help to cause sth to happen贡献,出力 counsel :v. to advise建议,劝告 crisis :n. a period of great danger,difficulty, or uncertainty危机 encyclopedia :n. a book or set of books containing facts on many different subjects or one particular subject 百科全书 endeavor :v. to try very hard努力,尽力 endowment :a quality or ability that sb has naturally捐赠,捐助 ethical :adj. connected with principles of what is right and what is wrong 道德的 ethnic :adj. relating to a particular race, nation, or tride and their customs and traditions 种族的 evaluate :v. to carefully consider sth in order to see how useful or valuable it is 评价,评估 excessive :adj. much more than is reasonable or necessary 过多的 feminine :adj. belonging to or considered typical of women or girls 女性的functional :adj. connected with the way human beings function in their daily lives 功能的 genetic :adj. connected with genes 遗传的 heighten :v. to intensify, to increase in degree 提高 inherit :v. to receive (genetic characters) from your parents 继承,遗传而得inhibition :n. a feeling of worry or embarrassment that stops you doing or saying what you really want to 抑制,压抑 interaction :n. the act or process of interacting相互作用 internalize :内化 masculine: adj. belonging to or considered typical of man or boys 男性的


UNIT 1 As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier. 课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。 Some Strategies for Learning English Learning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort. 学习英语绝非易事。它需要刻苦和长期努力。 Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them. 虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。以下便是其中的几种。 1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary. 1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。你可曾因为简直无法记住所学的所有生词而抱怨自己的记忆力太差?其实,责任并不在你的记忆力。如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。你需要做的是根据生词日常使用的频率以不同的方式对待它们。积极词汇需要经常练习,有用的词汇必须牢记,而在日常情况下不常出现的词只需见到时认识即可。你会发现把注意力集中于积极有用的词上是扩大词汇量最有效的途径。 2. Watch out for idiomatic ways of saying things. Have you ever wondered why we say, "I am interested in English", but "I am good at French"? And have you ever asked yourself why native English speakers say, "learn the news or secret", but "learn of someone's success or arrival"? These are all examples of idiomatic usage. In learning English, you must pay attention not only to the meaning of a word, but also to the way native speakers use it in their daily lives. 2.密切注意地道的表达方式。你可曾纳闷过,为什么我们说“我对英语感兴趣”是“I'm interested in English”,而说“我精于法语”则是“I'm good at French”?你可曾问过自己,为什么以英语为母语的人说“获悉消息或秘密”是“learn the news or secret”,而“获悉某


1、She intended to make teaching her ________ . (2 A.profession B.work C.employment D.occupation 我的答案:A 得分:2分 2、 Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ________ . (2 A.a low too temperature B.a too low temperature C.too low temperature D.too low a temperature 我的答案:D 得分:2分 3、 By the end of May 2000, she ________ inChinafor five years. (2 A.will have stayed B.will stay C.stays D.has stayed 我的答案:D 得分:0分 4、 Last year the temperature ________ by 10 percent. (2 分) A.raised B.arose C.aroused D.rose

我的答案:D 得分:2分 5、Despite ________ to see him again,she refused to reply to his letter.(2 A.wanting B.want C.to want D.she wants 我的答案:A 得分:2分 6、 In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to a professor. (2 A.superior B.better C.inferior D.worse 我的答案:C 得分:2分 7、 ________ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. (2 A.Being published B.Published C.Publishing D.To be published 我的答案:D 得分:0分 8、 She was terribly hungry. She had eaten ________ the whole day. (2 A.a little


academic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptist bounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤 dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的ethnic evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高 inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作 involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨 role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的 lesson2 alley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知 glimpse n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的 memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面 smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人Sweden sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅 with thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊


大学英语精读第二册单词表UNIT 1. Is There Life on Earth? NEW WORDS humorous a. funny; that makers people laugh 幽默的 humor n. essay n. 散文,随笔 excitement n. the state or quality of being excited planet n. large body in space that moves round a star esp. round the sun 行星Venusian a. of or having to do with the plant Venus 金星的 n. supposed Venus being 金星人 satellite n. spacecraft that goes round the planet earth and sends back radio and television signals; heavenly body that goes round a plant (人造)卫星 signal n. 信号;暗号 astronomer n. person who studies the science of the sun, moon, stars and planets 天文学家 telescope n. instrument with special glasses used for seeing distant things extremely ad. very 极端,非常 extreme a. feasibility ad. possibility of being carried or done 可行性 feasible a. manned a. occupied by one or more persons 载人的 saucer n. 浅碟;茶托 flying saucer n. 飞碟 conference n. meeting press conference n. meeting arranged by an important person to which news reporters are invited to listen to a statement or ask questions 记者招待会 technology


A 1.To overcome with surprise or shock 2.A loud expression of approval or welcome 3.Machine,esp one in the shape of a human being who moves without anyone controlling it 4.quality that is more than enough;plenty 5.happening unexpectedly or by chance 6.area of land measured by acres 7.person who goes fishing as a sport with a line and hook 8.happening every year 9.sudden violent attack B 1.a person who is primitive or uncivilized 2.The hard horny part of a bird’s mouth 3.a four-footed animal;a disgusting person 4.a person’s chest .especially a woman’s breasts 5.to jump or spring;to run with jumping movements in a certain direction 6.alarge curved container with a flat top and bottom,made of wood or metal 7.Small juicy fruit without a stone


1.s trategy n. 策略 2.m eans n.方法,手段 3.d iligence n.勤勉,用功diligent a. 4.p rolonged a.持续很久的,长时间的 5.p rolong vt.延长,拖延 6.n evertheless ad.然而,尽管如此 7.c ommand n.掌握 8.s ustained a.持久的,坚持不懈的 9.s ustain vt. 保持,使继续下去 10.helpful a.有帮助的,乐于助人的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4957054.html,plain vi.抱怨 12.memorize vt.记住,背熟 13.cram vt.把…塞满 14.bound a.一定的,很可能的 15.constant a.经常的,不断的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4957054.html,mit vt.把…托付给 17.acquaintance n.了解,认识,熟人 18.concentrate v.集中注意力,专心 19.effective a.有效的 20.route n.途径,路线 21.enlarge v.扩大,放大 22.vocabulary n.词汇(量) 23.idiom n.习语,成语 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4957054.html,age n.惯用法 25.basis n.方法,基础 26.addition n.增加,加法 27.repetition n.重复 28.opportunity n.机会 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4957054.html,municate v.交流情况,沟通 30.enjoyable a.令人愉快的

31.campus n.校园 32.rehearsal n.排演,预演 33.partner n.同伴 34.instance n.事例 35.detail n.详情,细节 36.purchase n.购买,购置物vt.购买 37.environment n.环境 38.reliable a.可靠的 39.source n.来源,出处 40.handle vt.处理,对付 41.apart ad.相距,分开地 42.assign vt.分配(任务)给某人 43.motivation n.动机,动力 44.motivate vt.使有动机 45.culture n.文化 46.summarize vt.总结,概括

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