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Discuss differences between the letter of guarantee and the letter of credit Summary :

The article shows the differences between the letter of guarantee and the letter of credit . The differences mainly find expression in the definition , the essential contents , the debt and responsibility of relationship, the rage of suit , responsibility of payment , the basics of claim reimbursement, relate to the contract, operate the object, the trade can be equity trading or not , the kinds of the letter of credit and bank’s letter of guarantee and so on . Though they are made on the bank’s credit and undertake the primary responsibility . Through comparing the letter of guarantee with the letter of credit , we can clearly know the letter of guarantee and the letter of credit . And if we get a job in a bank , we can also help people to distinguish them after several days . Therefore , it’s important to know the difference between the letter of guarantee and the letter of credit .

Key words :

The letter of guarantee , the letter of credit , bank credit

There are nine aspects to explain the difference between the letter of guarantee and the letter of credit as follow.

Firstly , the definition is different. The letter of credit are made on the bank’s credit with the issuing bank undertaking the primary responsibility for payment , which promotes the development of international trade by guarantee the proceeds as well as the documents and offering financial facilities to both parties . The letter of guarantee is written undertaking issued by a bank at the request of the applicant , guaranteeing that the applicant will take payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal .

Secondly , the essential contents are different. The letter of credit contains three most important parts . The first part concludes kinds of credit, amount in figures and words , number , date of issue , expiry date and place of the address, applicant’s name and address , beneficiary’s name and address , advising bank’s name and address . Second part concludes bill of exchange clause , shipping documents clause , goods

clause , transportation clauses and other or special terms and or conditions . The third part includes the instructions to negotiating bank , the issuing bank’s undertaking clause , the issuing bank’s name and signature , this documentary credit is subjected to UCP600. But the letter of credit includes five parts . The first part is the basic program which contains the guarantee’s number , issuing date , parties’name and address , relevant trade or name of program , relevant contract or biding document’s number and contracting or date of issue and so on . The second part is responsibility clauses which is main body forming bank’s letter of guarantee. The third part is guarantee amount that issuing bank or other financing organization bears the most amount . The third part is period of validity which is the latest claim date or be called expiry date . The five part is way of claim that means beneficiary can come up with claim to the issuing bank on any occasion . And for this condition , there are two ways to deal with it on the international. One way is first demand guarantee , another way is conditional guarantee.

Responsibility of payment is different. For the letter of credit , issuing bank takes on the first responsibility of payment . And if the credit is available , the bank will pay at maturity . Sometimes , even though the credit is available , the bank could default of payment . But on the bank’s letter of guarantee operation , bank’s demand guarantee takes on the first responsibility of payment and bank’s accessary guarantee takes on the second responsibility of payment . In spite of principal agree with it or not or what is the real fact, the guarantee of bank must take the responsibility of payment when someone has a reasonable claim.

The rage of suit is different . In general , the letter of credit applies to goods of trade . But the bank’s letter of guarantee can suit many aspects . It concludes international engineering contracting , tender and bid , debit and credit operation , repayment and advanced payment , maintenance and so on .

The debt and responsibility of relationship is different. Once the letter of credit is created , the issuing bank means the principal debtor . But bank’s letter of guarantee is a guarantee certificate which takes the responsibility of payment and it takes the responsibility of absolute payment .

The basics of claim reimbursement is different . The basic of claim reimbursement is shipping documents which are commercial bills on the letter of credit . But the basic of claim reimbursement is claim letter or other certificate document which can prove the default of principals.

Relationship with the contract is different. The letter of credit , once issued , though it on the basis of the contract , such credit is a separate transaction from the sale of other contract on which it may be based and banks are in no way concerned with or bound by such contract , even if any reference whatsoever to it is included . In a word , the letter of credit is an independent and autonomic document . However , compared with the the guarantee agreement and guarantee , the transaction between the principal and the beneficiary is master contract. That is to say , the guarantee agreement is affiliated with the master contract and is affected all kinds of contains about the contract.

Operating the objections is different. Regarding to the letter of credit , credit transaction is the trade dealing with documents and not with services , goods or other performance . Accordingly, on principle , when banks receives the documents submitted by the beneficiary , they usually examine the document or to make sure whether they comply with the terms and conditions of credit, and pay no attention to the discrepancies between the documents and the goods actually delivered by the beneficiary . As long as the documents presented by the beneficiary are in compliance with the terms and conditions of credit , the issuing bank or the nominated bank should be honor . The issuing bank and the nominated bank must examine a presentation to determine , on the basis of the documents alone , whether or not the documents appear on their face to constitute a complying presentation. In addition , what we need special emphasis is when the applicant finally receives the documents from the issuing bank ,whether he will accept or not should only depend on the documents’compliance with the credit . But for the bank’s letter of guarantee , the bank need to analysis and estimate the contract and the risk of the relevant details . The bank’s letter of guarantee must make sure the guarantee debt’s details , amounts , kind of the guarantee , cash of deposit , handling charge , the condition , date , the

period of guarantee , the change of contract , the cancel of contract , the liability for breach of contract on the rule about the bank issuing the letter of guarantee. Under the circumstances, they know the owner of rights and obligations . Therefore , when the bank gets an applicant of guarantee , bank has a necessary to check the principal’s credit standing and respectability , status of debt , the details of guarantee and the operating risk . The reason why check these information is that the bank wants to reduce the risk up to the hilt .

The functions between the letter of credit and bank’s letter of guarantee is different. For the letter of credit , the beneficiary can through negotiation to get the flow of cash. But as for bank’s letter of guarantee , unconditionally appropriated to the contract of document couldn’t be a evidence to claim and it wouldn’t be mortgage loan . So the beneficiary don’t get the capital turnover.

the kinds of the letter of credit and bank’s letter of guarantee are different. Classification of letters of credit varies with different points of view . According to the attaching of documents , there are clean credit and documentary credit . According to the Revocability of credit , there are revocable credit and irrevocable credit . According to the adding of confirmation , there are confirmed credit and unconfirmed credit . According to the method of payment , there are sight credit , deferred credit , acceptance credit and negotiation credit . In addition , there are negotiation credit and anticipatory credit and transferable credit . However , types of bank’s letter of guarantee has less than the letter of credit . There are bid bond , performance guarantee , refund guarantee , loan guarantee , overdrawn guarantee , payment guarantee , guarantee for bond payment , leasing guarantee , quality guarantee , maintenance guarantee , retention money guarantee ,bail bond , customs guarantee , guarantee for compensation trade and so .

That’s all the difference between the letter of credit and bank’s letter of guarantee . In the moment, it’s important to distinguish the details . After all , you know that and you can do it well . Thus , you can not only do better in your homework or your test, but also it’s very useful on your future work .


《国际结算》关键术语 第一章国际结算导论 国际贸易结算:以票据为基础,单据为条件,银行为中枢,结算与融资相结合的非现金结算体系。 现金结算:指在贸易中,双方直接用现金进行收付的行为。 非现金结算:指在贸易中,双方使用非现金的形式如通过银行进行结算等其他方式。 现汇结算:指贸易双方选择可自由兑换货币即国际货币进行结算的方式,可以是现金及票据或银行信用。 记账结算:也称协定贸易结算,指国家之间所签贸易协定下的商品进出口贸易结算,只用于支付对方国债务,通过银行办理记账结算,不能自由运用。 货币可兑换性:指一国货币的自由兑换程度,只要不受限制可以自由兑换其他货币则为可兑换货币,反之,则不可兑换。 国际商会:(ICC)国际民间组织,致力于协调国际贸易纠纷,并制定国际统一规则与惯例,虽非强制性公约,但被各国普遍接受。 贸易术语:(Trade Terms)是规定价格的构成及买卖双方各自的责任、费用、风险以及确定货物所有权转移时限的专门用语。 推定交货:即货物单据化,以货物单据代表货物所有权,从而只处理货运单据而不管货物。 大额资金转账系统:即大额支付系统,是国际贸易中一国资金支付清算体系的主干线,其运行将对金融市场及金融体系效率产生重大影响。 小额定时结算:即满足社会经济中资金流动额度较小而业务量大的支付

系统,一般由极强的支付能力如各国银行系统、私营清算机构经营。 FEDWIRE:联邦资金转账系统,属于美联储,即美元清算体系一员,是一个实时的、全额的、贷记的资金转账系统,包括电子薄记式政府证劵转账系统。 CHIPS:清算所同业支付系统,由纽约清算协会拥有的私营支付系统,与前者类似,是一个贷记转账、作为替代纸票据清算的电子系统。 CHAPS:交换银行自动收付系统,一种以英镑为主的清算体系。 TARGET:欧洲间实时全额自动清算系统,即是一个跨国大额支付系统。负责欧元国家间大额欧元交易的清算。 SWIFT:环球银行金融电讯协会,影响力最大的组织,其本身不包括结算和清算,只是通信网络,各国会员银行可通过此电讯系统联机,如此业务即可自动处理。 分行:本章中指商业银行在海外设立的营业机构,不具备法人资格,受总行所在地的金融法令及营业地的条例所约束,下辖支行。 代表处:商业银行在海外设立的非营业机构,不能办理银行业务,而是开展公关活动,向驻地政府及国内外客户提供总行经营方针并寻求贸易机会。 子银行:即附属银行,商业银行为扩大海外网络在不能直接设置分支机构时,采取收购外国银行部分或全部股份的方法,其还可以经营非银行业务。 控制文件:(Control Documents)为使代理业务真实、保密,代理行之间的确认文件,包括密押、印鉴样本、费率表。 密押:指银行之间事先约定,在发送电报时,由发点行在电文中加注密码,以证其真实性。 印鉴样本:是银行有权签字人的签字样式,亦是银行将单证上的签名与所留印鉴核对而鉴别真实性的手段。 洗钱:通过有组织活动来掩盖大量以贩毒、走私、贪污等非法手段获得


商务英语论文题目 1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 6、商务谈判中的语言艺术 7、商务谈判的文化障碍 8、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 9、商务英语函电翻译技巧 10、商务谈判中英语的重要性 11、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 12、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 13、浅谈涉外合同英语特色 14、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 15、商务谈判的艺术性 16、跨文化的商务谈判 17、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 18、如何翻译好日常商务文书 19、商务英语信函的语体分析 20、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 21、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 22、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 23、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 24、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 25、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 26、商务英语阅读研究 27、商务英语写作问题研究 28、商务英语考试技巧研究 29、商务英语听力策略研究 30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 31、商务函电交流研究 32、商务英语学习方法 33、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 34、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 35、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 36、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 37、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 38、广告英语的分类及分析 39、虚拟语气与商务英语表达 40、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用 41、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 42、商务英语在国际营销中的作用

43、术语在国际商务中的重要性 44、商务谈判语言技巧 45、浅析跨文化交际中的商务礼仪 46、例析论网络环境下商务英语的拓展学习模式 47、浅析商务英语汇商务英语中俚语的风格及翻译 48、商务英语教学中英语知识与商务知识的关系 49、商务英语中以谓语动词为中心的基本句型的翻译 50、商务英语的语言特色探讨 51、反译法在商务英语中的应用 52、奈达“等值”理论于商务英语翻译中的理解和应用 53、商务英语中的平行结构及其翻译方法 54、语用原则在商务英语应用中的度范畴 55、商务英语语篇文体特征分析 56、商务英语常用单词的多义现象例析 57、商务英语中的委婉表达及其翻译 58、商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素 59、商务英语中书面语言的文体特征及语用分析 60、社会文化迁移对中国式英语的影响 61、英语写作中常见中式英语分析 62、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 63、美国英语习语与文化 64、中美日常交际中的文化差异 65、中西方文化差异及语言体现 商务英语论文题目|商务英语毕业论文题目参考 一、英语论文基本格式 1、毕业论文结构包括:主标题、论文摘要、正文(一般不少于5000字)、注释、参考书目,注释统一用尾注。 2、板式:毕业论文一律用计算机打印。(使用A4规格打印,每页30行) 二、阅读类参考题目以下参考题目对应的范文请到VIP留学生论文网下载,如需原创论文需与在线辅导老师沟通。 1、持续性交际法对商务英语学习者口语和写作能力提高的研究分析 2、商务英语文体学分析 3、语篇功能对等视角的商务英语翻译 4、高职商务英语专业实践课程开发 5、关联理论在商务英语阅读教学中的应用 6、成人商务英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养 7、功能对等理论视角下的商务英语翻译 8、中职商务英语教学中跨文化交际意识的培养 9、论商务英语翻译中的文化转向 10、职前学生商务英语词汇教学法探索 11、商务英语中模糊语言的应用及其语用分析 12、从目的论角度看国际商务英语翻译的质量评估 13、高职院校商务英语精读教学中的任务型教学法 14、词典类型对翻译与习得商务英语新词作用的实证研究


Chapter One 1.Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. (1)local legal system, political, exchange risks (2)open account, advance payment, remittance and collection (3)letter of credit, bank guarantee (4)price terms, delivery terms (5)least/minimum, most/maximum (6)advance payment (7)open account (8)clean collection, documentary collection 2.略 3.Translate the following terms into English. (1)settlement on bank credit (2)the potential for currency fluctuation (3)to dear the goods for export (4)to pay the insurance premium (5)to carry out export formalities (6)the major participants in international trade (7)the commodity inspection clause (8)to fulfill the obligation to deliver the goods (9)the goods have passed over the ship's rail (10)International contract is concluded in a completely different context than domestic ones 4.Decide whether the following statements are true or false. ⑴ F (2)F (3)T (4)T (5) T (6)T (7)F (8)T (9)T (10) F 5.Choose the best answer to each of the following statements ⑴?(5) BCCBD (6)-(10) DACCC (11)-(15) BDDCD (16)-(20) DCACD Chapter Two 1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. (1)barter (2)medium of exchange (3)expensive, risky (4)our ⑸ Vostro (6)vostro ⑺ nostro (8) specimen of authorized signatures, telegraphic test keys, terms and conditions, Swift authentic keys 2. Define the following terms (1)Correspondent relationship KA bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank.』 (2)International settlements [[International settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them. 3 (3)Visible trade [[The exchange of goods and commodities between the buyer and the seller across borders.2 (4)Financial transaction [[International financial transaction covers foreign exchange market transactions^ government


课程名称:国际结算课程论文得分: 课程论文题目以信用证业务为主的三种国际结算方式过程与比较班级 学生姓名 学生学号 课程论文完成时间 目录 摘要 (1) 一、常用的国际结算方式 (2) (一)国际结算方式含义 (2) (二)常用的国际结算方式 (2) 1.汇款 (2) 2.托收 (2) 3.信用证 (3) 二、三种结算方式的比较分析 (3) (一)信用证的结算方式 (3) (二)托收结算方式 (4) (三)汇款结算方式 (4) 摘要:在进出口业务中主要使用三种国际结算方式:汇款、托收、信用证。由现在的国际贸易流通情况来看,每一种国际结算方式对贸易双方都有重要意义,其优缺点也各不相同。在三种结算方式中,只有汇款属于顺汇,托收和信用证均属于逆汇。汇款和托收均属于商业信用,风险较大,而信用证属于银行信用,可靠性比较高。在国际贸易中,基本均采用信用证作为结算方式,但开立信用证一般需要交纳保证金,且费用较高。因此,对各种结算方式进行比较,全面了解各种国际结算方式,熟悉他们的优缺利弊, 选择合适的国际结算方式对于从事进出口贸易的企业、人员以及外汇结算银行来说均具有重要意义。

一、常用的国际结算方式 (一)国际结算方式含义 国际结算方式:国际间由于各种相互往来所形成的债权债务,必须按照一定的贸易条件,使用一定的货币,通过一定的形式来进行结算,这样就产生了国际结算方式。国际结算方式,也称国际支付方式,是一国债务人向另一国债权人偿还债务或一国债权人向另一国债务人收回债务的方式。汇款、托收、信用证是使用最广泛的结算方式。 (二)常用的国际结算方式 1.汇款 汇款, 是一种最简单的国际结算方式,是指由付款人通过银行或其他途径, 将款项汇交收款人。采用这种方式进行国际结算时,银行只提供账户划拨款项的服务而不涉及银行的信用。利用这种结算方式时, 当卖方交货后,买方是否能按时汇出款项; 或者买方汇出款项后, 卖方能否按规定交付货物, 全凭买卖双方根据贸易合同互相提供信用, 故属于商业信用。汇付属于顺汇,即资金的流向与支付工具的传递方向是一致的。 在国际贸易中, 汇款方式有电汇(T /T ) , 信汇(M/ T) 和票汇(D/D) 。汇付方式主要用于进出口货物的货款及贸易从属费用的结算。 2.托收 托收是指出口商在货物出运后,出具汇票委托出口地银行通过它在进口地的分行或代理行代为向进口商收取货款的一种结算方式。托收分为光票托收和跟单托收两种。在国际贸易中托收往往特指跟单托收。按照交单条件的不同,跟单托收又可以分为付款交单和承兑交单。 由于托收方式的结算工具——托收委托书和跟单汇票等是从出口方流向进口方,而款项却是从进口方流向出口方,两者呈反方向流动,故属逆汇。


国际结算/贸易融资系统 银行国际化发展具有两层含义,一是指单个银行由国内银行发展成为国际银行的过程;二是指整个银行体系的国际化,即外资银行进入和本国银行出去的全过程。这两个层次的国际化相互融合,密不可分。鉴于发展战略的长期性和全局性的特点,故可将商业银行国际化发展战略分解为机构国际化战略、业务国际化战略、股东国际化战略、管理国际化和人才国际化战略,从这五方面有计划、有序地推进,实现中国商业银行国际化和全球化发展目标。 随着中国正式成为WTO成员,根据相关承诺,将会对达到有关资本要求的外资银行逐步开放外汇业务市场,中资银行的外汇业务首当其冲地将要受到冲击。而国内中小商业银行的不断崛起,为了寻找新的利润增长点,纷纷把目光投向国际结算业务这一具有高风险,高回报的业务品种。中国的银行业正在国际结算业务领域展开空前激烈的竞争。为适应此形势,国内银行纷纷加大在国际结算业务电子化方面投入的力度。但是,相对于人民币业务,由于受到长期的政策限制,国内银行的国际结算业务反而是相对落后的领域,尤其各商业银行迫切需要更新或增加国际结算业务系统。 《凯越商业银行国际结算模拟系统》是采用了先进的设计理念,本着体现本外币一体化的管理思路和外汇业务专业化特点,在吸收国外先进银行国际结算系统的基础上,结合国内银行业务教学特点开发而成的,是国际金融、国际贸易等相关专业的最佳教学实训软件系统。 系统的定位 国际结算系统是集中处理国际业务的业务应用系统,提供国际结算、外汇担保、贸易融资、外汇资金、代理行同业授信、外汇管理政策等国际业务的操作平台。 国际业务系统是全行国际业务的经营管理平台,应当适应国际业务未来发展需要,实现操作流程、客户服务和政策监管的统一管理,强化这三条线的有机互动;要适应国际业务市场的变化,支持新产品的快速开发。 国际业务系统是重要的信息平台,能及时提供全行国际业务按产品、网点、客户分类的业务统计信息,以及外汇监管部门要求的相关申报统计信息。 设计理念 优化操作流程,提高处理效率 采取国际结算业务中心化操作模式,对国际结算业务进行集中操作、集中处理,以达到集约化、规范化要求,并在逻辑框架上为将来向区域性、全行中心的扩展预留了接口和修改余地。


关于商务英语论文范文 随着我国经济全球化、国际商务快速发展的进一步深化,各个领域都离不开商务英语人才。下面是为大家整理的商务英语论文,供大家参考。 商务英语论文范文一:医学院商务英语论文一、研究对象和方法 1.研究对象 作者所在学校2012级五年制临床医学系学生,共532人,男284人,女248人。其学习公共英语时间为一年半,即从大一入学即开设公共英语课程,目前为大二下学期,之前并未是接触过商务英语课程。 2.研究方法 通过问卷调查以及与学生面对面的谈话获取其对商务英语课程的看法,设计内容包含“你之前是否接触过商务英语知识”,“你是否对于商务英语相关课程感兴趣”,“你是否会选择商务英语作为英语提高课”等选项。通过查阅有关文献资料并依据有关学科的理论方法,初拟了调查问卷,并在调查前进行了信度和效度的检验,本研究共发出调查问卷500份,实际回收478份,回收率95.6%。 二、结果 在I选项“你是否对于商务英语相关课程感兴趣?”中,72%的学生选择了“是”。在II选项“之前有接触过商务方面的知识么?”中

82%的学生选择了“没有”。在III选项“你认为医学专业学生是否有必要学习商务方面的课程?”中63%的学生选择了“是”。在IV选项“你认为商务相关课程对你是否会有求职或创业方面的帮助?”中78%的学生选择了“是”。在V选项“你是否会选择商务英语作为英语提高课?”中70%的学生选择了“是”。数据表明大部分的学生对于商务英语课有兴趣并希望作为提高课开设。 三、讨论 结合调查问卷以及与学生的座谈,作者构思出商务英语教学改革的实施方案,其指导思想和目标为: (1)运用现代教育技术,改革教学模式、教学方法和教学手段。具体是以多媒体教育为主导,更多的运用视频,图片等方式讲解。 (2)以学生为主体,更多寻求学生的反馈,激发学生的学习积极性。 (3)逐步实行分级教学,达到因材施教。在教学改革的内容上,要求转变教学理念,以学生为中心安排实施教学计划。从调查报告的数据统计分析可以看出,遵义医学院珠海校区55%左右的学生有在公司企业就业的打算,但他们普遍表示之前没有接触过商务方面的知识,因此80%以上的学生希望可以开设商务英语课程以提升自己这方面的能力。在开设的所有提高课程中,选择商务英语的比例达到近70%,78%的学生表示商务英语相关课程对未来就业非常有帮助,因此作者认为商务英语相关课程在学生层面深受学生喜欢,同时作者获学校批准的启动项目“商务英语专业在医学院校中开设的必要性”,


商务英语专业论文 摘要:为有效降低国际贸易交易成本、提高贸易效率,营造更加有利的对外贸易机会,对商务英语函电在国际贸易中的变化及作用进行了深入分析,从而了解商务英语函电对对 外贸易成本造成的改变与推动作用。 关键词:商务英语;对外贸易;国际交流 近年来,全球经济化形势日益加剧,国际贸易活动越发频繁。在科学技术的带动下, 各国之间的贸易往来更加密切,有效的贸易交流与沟通就更显重要。从国际贸易角度来看,不同国家的买卖双方相距遥远,面对面洽谈的机会更是少之又少。因此,我们有必要了解 商务英语函电的意义和作用,推动国际贸易交流。 1商务英语函电的含义 商务英语函电是利用商业事务英语传递相关商务信息的函电,是对外贸易活动重要的 基础。商务英语函电质量在很大程度上影响着商务活动的成败,它早已成为对外贸易活动 中的重要组成部分。作为当前国际上的通用语言,英语是国际商务活动中进行信息传递的 主要语种。与常用英语相比,商务英语有着较强的专业性和独特语言特点。随着经济全球 化程度的不断加快,国际贸易活动日渐频繁,商务英语函电能够准确、细致地向各方传递 所需的贸易信息,更好地解决了供需间的信息连接问题,建立了各国、各企业间有效的交 流沟通桥梁,创造了更多的商业洽谈机会,提高了信息的有效性和实用性。商务函电交流 过程是发出者顺利编码、接收者顺利解码的过程。针对对外商务交流途径而言,商务英语 函电就是鉴于外贸知识背景,利用现代化通信工具进行语言表达的电子书信。纸质书信、 电子邮件及传真等都是商务英语函电载体,但其载体又不仅限于此,专业贸易用语及缩略 用语等均是其主要内容。商务英语函电分类标准众多,按照其使用功能主要可分为答复函、来函处理、联络函、任命函、邀请函以及慰问函等多种形式。根据商务英语函电内容范围 有仲裁、保险、索赔、包装、询盘、发盘等。 2国际贸易中商务英语函电的基本功能 2.1寻找新商业伙伴、发展贸易客户在传统国际贸易过程当中,发展贸易客户成本较高,其根本原因在于信息的不对称和不充分。当今社会是一个信息化程度较高的时代,信 息公开程度较高,尤其是互联网等方式的应用,更是打破了贸易信息的时间、空间、地域 上的限制,这就为我国国际贸易活动节省了大量人力、物力支出,有效提升了贸易工作效率。发展贸易客户、寻找新的贸易客户可以通过宣传自己及别人的宣传,进一步接触潜在 贸易客户,并主动与其进行联系洽谈。经验证,通过这种方式的宣传和努力,充分发挥了 宣传作用。 2.2商务交流及沟通信息技术手段的应用推动了商务交流与沟通,而商务英语函电作 为主要的交流沟通方式,经过充分有效的准备,能够将贸易活动变化阐述清楚,并加以补充,这些步骤从根本上决定了国际贸易的成败。因此,想要在国际贸易活动当中充分发挥

大学 国际结算论文

Three methods of the international payments The three methods of the international payments are remittance、collection and letters of credit. Remittance Remittance, as a frequent payment method in international trade , refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries. Remittance, which is always used by those import enterprise, indicating the bank to a certain way pay a certain sum of money to the export enterprises. Now the World Bank generally use the remittance way, as SWIFT system treatment telegraphic transfer (T/T). By remittance, the goods’ direct payment provided by import enterprise is paid to export enterprise, while the documents representing the goods by the export enterprise directly submitted to import enterprise. Payment and the order of the shipment, directly determine the size of import and export both in case of any risks. Practically, some import enterprises’ remittance is divided into former T/T and after T/T j before the so-called roughly the equivalent of advance payments, T/T roughly equivalent to cash on delivery. Obviously, if export enterprise products’ market is competitive, it can make proper requirements before T/T import enterprise pay the cost only if the import and export both have good credit and credit after T/T is stable and powerful tool for orders. Collection A collection means an arrangement whereby the seller draws a draft on the buyer and authorizes its bank to collect the money from the buyer . Collection differentiates from open account or cash in advance. Collection is pointed out in the shipment of the goods after mouth enterprise issued by financial documents and commercial documents, entrust its bank through the collecting bank which import enterprise is located to its payment. Specifically, under different way remittance export enterprise, the collection of


国际结算系统汇款交易操作手册 国际结算系统汇款交易操作手册 一、汇入汇款 一 报文处理 通过清算接口转入的汇款头寸报文的电子信息 在此交易中显示 经办人员可凭此电子信息进行处理 但最终授权时必须凭清算部门的贷记报单解付 此交易只有与清算接口开通后才能使用 具体时间另行通知 点击 列出由清算发送的汇入汇款报文 仅包括境外汇 入的 报文 ~已被处理的报文 即已 并存盘的报文 则消失。 可按报文类型或原始编号查询需处理的报文。 点击 则将选中的报文删除 如果此笔汇款业务非国 际部处理~则用 将报文删除~并将纸制报单退回清 算。 点击 键~则进入汇入汇款交易中~并且报文中的相关 内容会自动带入到交易的相关域中。 操作人员需选择业务所属行~并根据报文中的收款人名称输入 客户代码 此域为必输项 如果报文中列明国外扣费~需操作人员手工录入国外扣费金 额。国外扣费金额不在涉及帐务处理~只在核销单中显示。 有关汇入汇款交易的其他处理见 汇入汇款手工输入 交易的 第 页 共 页

操作要点。 二 汇入汇款手工输入 如果报文没有通过接口转入电子信息~或非境外汇入汇款~可进入手工输入交易~录入汇款信息并生成相应帐务。 进入交易后应首先选择业务所属行~业务所属行在 、 或 后即不可以更改~因为在业务编号中已加入支行 代码~如果更改所属行~业务编号的支行代码将与业务所属无 法匹配。 选择报文类型~按照报文内容输入相关域~点击 可显 示出相关报文其它域的 如非境外汇入款~没有汇款报文可选 择报文类型中的 。 汇款金额为贷记报单的金额~即实际汇入的金额。 国外扣费 如果报文中列明国外扣费金额~则录入此金额。国 外扣费金额不在涉及帐务处理~只在核销单中显示。 核销单输入域最多可输入 个九位的核销单号~核销单输入 需连续输入~不需在每个核销单号中添加任何分割符~在核销 联中系统会自动在每九位数后添加 。当核销单号过多时~ 在核销联的核销单号位置显示不下~系统会自动将其余核销单 号带到备注域~但需操作人员在帐务的 中的核销单备 注域中~在每行的结尾点回车键~在核销联的显示中才能自动 换行。 第 页 共 页 在帐务处理界面~系统默认为需要生成核销单~如果不需要生


学号:20125061824 商务英语写作论文 学院:外国语学院 专业:商务英语 年级: 2 0 1 2 级 姓名:胜男 论文题目:Implication of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations 指导教师:李晶漪职称:副教授成绩: 2014 年6 月19 日

Contents Abstract (3) Key words (4) 摘要 (4) 关键词 (4) 1.Introduction (4) 2. Types of Culture Differences (5) 2.1 Value View (5) 2.2. Negotiating Style (5) 2.3. Thinking Model (6) 3. Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations (6) 3.1Impact of Value Views Differences on International Business Negotiations (7) 3.2 Impact of Negotiating Style Differences on International Business Negotiations (7) 3.3 Impact of Thinking Model Differences on International Business Negotiation8 4. Coping Strategy of Negotiating across Cultures (9) 4.1 Making Preparations before Negotiation. (9) 4.2 Overcoming Cultural Prejudice (10) 4.3 Conquering Communication Barriers (10) 5. Conclusion (11) Bibliography (12)


农业大学 国际结算论文 论文题目: 学院: 专业: 姓名: 学生证号: 指导老师: 二零一五年十月二十四日

目录 摘要 (3) 一、信用证支付方式下顺利结汇的原则.................................................................. ..3 二、信用证软条款与风险.................................................................. .. (3) 1.信用证软条款对卖方收汇的影响................................................................... . (3) 2.信用证软条款表现方式................................................................... .. (4) 三、议付单据的制作.................................................................. . (7) 四、结束语.................................................................. . (9) 参考文献................................................................... .. (9)

信用证软条款与收汇风险 摘要 在国际贸易业务中,信用证是最常用的支付方式。许多人认为信用证付款方式对出口商结汇是最安全的,其实并不然。文章针对信用证中的软条款及其对出口商收汇的影响进行分析,提出应防的风险。随着世界经济的发展,国际贸易业务越来越频繁,国际贸易业务方式更趋于单据化。信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件,属银行信用。为保证各自利益,越来越多的贸易双方在进行国际贸易业务时,多采用信用证作为支付方式。 关键词:国际贸易信用证软条款风险 一、信用证支付方式下顺利结汇的原则 银行处理信用证业务时,只凭单据,不问货物,它只审查受益人所提交的单据是否与信用证条款相符,以决定其是否履行付款责任,同样,开证人也根据表面上符合信用证条款的单据承担接受单据并对其履行责任的银行进行偿付的义务。因此,采用信用证为支付方式时,要想顺利结汇,那就必须使议付单据与信用证的条款相一致。 二、信用证软条款与风险 1.信用证软条款对卖方收汇的影响 在国际贸易业务中,进出口双方都是以追求自我利益的最大化为目标。出口方懂得利用信用证保证自己的利益,而进口方也会懂得利用信用证来设下各种陷阱或条件来保护自己的利益。例如,在签订合同时,进口方拿不定其所进口货物是否能顺利卖出去,就利用信用证软条款来保护自己的利益。 所谓的软条款即不可撤销信用证中规定申请人或开征行可以单方面解除付


国际结算常用缩写 AA Always afloat 经常漂浮 AA Always accessible 经常进入 AA Average adjusters 海损理算师 AAR Against all risks 承保一切险 AB Able bodied seamen 一级水手 AB Average bond 海损分担证书 A/B AKtiebolaget (瑞典)股份公司 A/B Abean 正横 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级协会ABT About 大约 ABB Abbreviation 缩略语 A/C,ACCT Account 帐目 AC Alter couse 改变航向 AC Account current 活期存款,来往帐户 AC Alernating current 交流电 ACC Accepted; acceptance 接受,同意 ACC.L Accommodation ladder 舷梯 A.&C.P. Anchor & chains proved 锚及锚链试验合格ACV Air cushion vehicle 气垫船 ACDGL Y Accordingly 遵照 AD Anno Domini 公元后 AD After draft 后吃水 ADD Address 地址 ADDCOM Address commission 租船佣金 ADF Automatic direction finder 自动测向仪 AD VAL Ad valorm 从价(运费) ADV Advise;advice; advance 告知;忠告;预支 A/E Auxiliary engine 辅机 AF Advanced freight 预付运费 AFAC As fast as can 尽可能快地 AF Agency fee 代理费 AFP Agence France press 法新社 AFS As follows 如下 AFT After 在。。。之后 A/G Aktiengeselskabet (德)股份公司 AG Act of god 天灾 AGRIPROD Agricultural products 农产品 AGN Again 再 AGT Agent 代理 AGW All going well 一切顺利 AH After hatch 后舱 AHL Australian hold ladder 澳洲舱梯 AL 1st class ship at Lloyd's 劳氏一级船


(第一篇) S.W.O.T. Analysis In modern strategic management and planning, SWOT analysis is a widely known diagnostic tool. SWOT analysis refers to understanding the strength and weakness of the competitors relative to oneself, and realising the opportunities and threats that the environment may impact on one's business. Interestingly, SWOT analysis was already advocated by Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago when he said : "Know your enemy, know yourself, and your victory will not be threatened. Know the weather, know the terrain, and your victory will be complete. In fact, "know your enemy, know yourself" is probably the most well-known phrase in Sun Tzu's Art of War. It is also the most cited phrase. Even Mao Tse-tung was known to say, " Know your enemy, know yourself; hundred battles, hundred won". Similarly, many Japanese samurai warriors in the past had quoted aspects of this particular famous phrase by Sun Tzu. In my lectures to executives around the world, I have often used this phrase to argue that what we now commonly called SWOT analysis is not a modern "invention" from the Western world. Rather, it originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. It is a pity that the Chinese have not been able to exploit the wisdom that underlies this saying by Sun Tzu. Let me explain. "Know your enemy, know yourself" is tantamount to knowing one's strengths and weaknesses relative to those whom we are fighting against (e.g. the competitors, in the case of business). Similarly, "Know the weather, know the terrain" is tantamount to knowing the opportunities and threats posed by the environment. They are the external or uncontrollable factors. Interestingly, in business we also have such external factors that affect the way we do things. For example, we often talk about the business climate (the weather) and the physical or infrastructural factors (the terrain), and how they can impact on the conduct of business. Thus, while it is very apparent that while the



KEY OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT Chapter 1 I.Put the following phrases into English 2.Put the following sentences into English (1)国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资, 从其他国家借贷资金,等等。

The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trades, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on. (2)许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业 务。 Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance. (3)大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。 Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade. (4)一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款、 托收和信用证。 Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit. 3.True or False 1)I nternational payments and settlements are finan cial activities con ducted in the domestic coun try. (F)


河南农业大学 国际结算论文 论文题目: 学院: 专业: 姓名: 学生证号: 指导老师: 二零一五年十月二十四日

目录 摘要 (3) 一、信用证支付方式下顺利结汇的原则 (3) 二、信用证软条款与风险 (3) 1.信用证软条款对卖方收汇的影响 (3) 2.信用证软条款表现方式 (4) 三、议付单据的制作 (7) 四、结束语 (9) 参考文献 (9)

信用证软条款与收汇风险 摘要 在国际贸易业务中,信用证是最常用的支付方式。许多人认为信用证付款方式对出口商结汇是最安全的,其实并不然。文章针对信用证中的软条款及其对出口商收汇的影响进行分析,提出应防范的风险。随着世界经济的发展,国际贸易业务越来越频繁,国际贸易业务方式更趋于单据化。信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件,属银行信用。为保证各自利益,越来越多的贸易双方在进行国际贸易业务时,多采用信用证作为支付方式。 关键词:国际贸易信用证软条款风险 一、信用证支付方式下顺利结汇的原则 银行处理信用证业务时,只凭单据,不问货物,它只审查受益人所提交的单据是否与信用证条款相符,以决定其是否履行付款责任,同样,开证人也根据表面上符合信用证条款的单据承担接受单据并对其履行责任的银行进行偿付的义务。因此,采用信用证为支付方式时,要想顺利结汇,那就必须使议付单据与信用证的条款相一致。 二、信用证软条款与风险 1.信用证软条款对卖方收汇的影响 在国际贸易业务中,进出口双方都是以追求自我利益的最大化为目标。出口方懂得利用信用证保证自己的利益,而进口方也会懂得利用信用证来设下各种陷阱或条件来保护自己的利益。例如,在签订合同时,进口方拿不定其所进口货物是否能顺利卖出去,就利用信用证软条款来保护自己的利益。 所谓的软条款即不可撤销信用证中规定申请人或开征行可以单方面解除付

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