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Abbot’s residence丈室

Abhidharma-kosa-sastra 俱舍论

Abhidharma Pitika 论藏

Abstract of Abhidharma-kosa-sastra 俱舍大要

Abstract of the Deportment of Ten Shramanera Precepts 沙弥十戒威丁录要

Agama Sutra 阿含经

Altar 坛

Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经

Anuttarayoga Tantra 无上瑜伽部

Anuttara Yoga Yamantaka One Deity 无上部大威德一尊

Attachment to external objects 法我执

Attachment to inherently existent self 人我执

Auspicious Vinaya Monastery 吉祥律院


Baizhang’s Pure Regulations百丈清规

Bde-ba-can Monastery 极乐寺

Bde-mchog steng 喇嘛中观师

Bhiksu's Daily Recitations 比丘日诵

Bhiksu Precepts 比丘戒

Bkah-gdam-pa 迦当派

Bkra-shis seng-ge 吉祥狮子

Blessing 加持

Bo-dong phyags-rnam-rgyal 尊胜大师

Bridge of Coolness 清凉桥

The Great Buddha Hall 大雄宝殿(有翻译成the grand prayer hall, 译者考虑到穆斯林殿亦为此译。为作区别,又查万佛城资料,故取现译)

Buddha of Immeasurable Life 无量寿佛

Buddha-spoken Ullambana Sutra佛说盂兰盆经

Buddhist Association 佛协

Buddhist Institute 佛学院

Buddhist Logic 因明

Buddhism Panorama 佛学概论

Bu-Ston 布敦


Candrakirti’s view of the Middle Way应成派中观见

Cause and effect 因果

Chapter of Samantabhadra's Aspiration to Noble Deeds 普贤行愿品

Chapter of the Universal Door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva 观世音菩萨普门品

Chapter of the Universal Gate 普门品

Chapter of Zen Meditation 禅定品

Chos-kgyi dpal-ba 法胜,或译法祥(人名)

Chos-skyab bzan-bo 法依贤(人名)

Classifications & Verses on the Steps of Exoteric & Esoteric Ways to Bodhi 菩提道显密修行次第科颂Cloud and Mist Monastery云雾寺

Commentary and Explanation of Abhidharma-kosa-sastra俱舍颂疏

Commentary on the Bodhisattva Vow Section of Asanga’s Levels of Yogic Practice菩萨戒品释

A Commentary on the Twenty Verses on Consciousness-only 唯识二十论述记

Commentary and Explanation of Abhidarma-kosa-sastra 俱舍(论)颂疏

Commentary on the Bodhisattva Vow Section of Asanga's Levels of Yogic Practice 菩萨戒品释Commentary on the Classifications & Verses on the Steps of Exoteric & Esoteric Ways to Bodhi 菩提道次第显密修行科颂讲记

Commentary on "the Middling Exposition of the Stages of the Path"菩提道略论释

Commentary on the Right Bodhi Path and the Bodhisattva Vinaya菩提正道菩萨戒论

Conciousness-only 唯识

Cymbals 钹


Dakini 空行母

Dependence 依止

Dependence Method 依止法

Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature 缘起性空

Dharma Character 法相

Dharma joy 法喜

Dharmaraksita 法护

Dharma Teacher 法师

Dialectics of nature自然辨证法

Diamond Sutra 金刚经

Discipline of Esoteric Vehicle 密宗戒

Discipline of Esoteric Vehicle 密宗戒

Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only成唯识论

Dragon Flower Monastery 龙华寺

Drepung Monastery 哲蚌寺

Dung, the long metal trumpet 莽筒

Dunhuang 敦煌

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