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鲁迅简介Lu Xun (September 25, 1881 - October 19, 1936), formerly known as Zhou Zhushou, later renamed Zhou Shuren, the word Yu Shan, after the change only, "Lu Xun" is his 1918 published "Madman Diary" But also his most influential pen name, Zhejiang Shaoxing people. Famous writer, thinker, an important participant of the May 4th New Culture Movement, the founder of modern Chinese literature. Mao Zedong has commented: "Lu Xun's direction is the direction of the new culture of the Chinese nation."

Lu Xun's life has made great contributions in many fields such as literary creation, literary criticism, thought research, literary history research, translation, introduction of art theory, introduction of basic science and ancient collation and research. He has a great influence on the development of Chinese social ideology and culture after the May Fourth

Movement, and has a great influence on the world literary world, especially in Korea and Japan. It is known as "the largest territory in the East Asian cultural map of the twentieth century Of the writer ".


Guangxu seven years (1881 years) September 25 (summer calendar in the eighth day of August), was born in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Dongchang Square new home door Zhou. Young name A Zhang, long root, Chang Geng, scientific name Zhou Zhushou.

Guangxu eighteen years (1892), into the Sanwei book from the Shou mirror I read, after school pictures. And friendship with Zhang Run water.

Guangxu nineteen years (1893), grandfather Zhou Choufu due to imprisonment, the father Zhou Boyi and seriously ill, family property in the fall, the whole family refuge in the countryside. Often for the father out of the quality shop and pharmacy, was cold eyes.

Guangxu twenty years (1896), his father died. Hardships. Write diary this year.

Guangxu twenty-three years (1897), the family meeting room, assigned to Lu Xun their both poor and small, Lu Xun

refused to sign by the uncle who denounced, feel the world of cool.

Struggling to study

Guangxu twenty-four years (1898), in April, into the Nanjing Navy School, renamed Zhou Shuren. In December, by his family to urge to participate in the county test, after the list to four younger children on the grounds no longer participate in the government test, continue to go to Nanjing to study.

Guangxu twenty-five years (1899) into the Jiangnan Lu Shi school attached to the mining railway school, learn mining. This period of contact with Huxley's "Evolution and Ethics", on his future thinking has a certain impact. In addition to reading the new book, love riding a horse, dare to fight with the children of the flag horse race.

Guangxu twenty-eight years (1902) in January, mine school graduate. In March, the public went to Japan to study. April, into the Hongwen College General Gang Jiangnan class (for Japanese learning crash course).

Twenty nine years Guangxu (1903) cut braids. After school classics read the philosophy and literature of the book, especially attention to human nature and national issues.

Guangxu three decades (1904), in April, graduated from Hongwen College. In June, grandfather Anfu died, sixty-eight years. In September, into Sendai Medical College.

Guangxu thirty-two years (1906), January, class "Russo-Japanese war education film", by the stimulation, decided to abandon the medical from the text. In June, the school will be included in the German School of the Tokyo Independence Association. Summer and autumn, cheated to go home and married. Immediately returned to Japan, in July, from Sendai back to Tokyo, no longer school, specializing in literary translation work, after a few years through different ways to learn German, Russian.

Guangxu thirty-four years (1908), from Mr. Zhang Taiyan study, as "Guanghuihui" members, and with the younger brother translated "foreign novel collection", during the hard life, proofreading book subsidy life.

Xuantong first year (1909), "foreign novel collection" two published.


Xuantong first year (1909) in August, returned to Hangzhou, Zhejiang two normal school physiology and

chemistry teacher concurrently Japanese teacher Suzuki Guishou's botany translation.

Xuantong two years (1910), in August, Ren Shaoxing secondary school teachers and supervisors. In 1911, write the first novel of the novel "nostalgia".

The first year of the Republic of China (1912), the provisional government was established in Nanjing, should be invited by the chief education officer Cai Yuanpei, the Ministry of Education Department of Social Education, the first section chief. August appointed ministry for ministry of ministry. From this year to 1917, he copied a large number of monuments, recorded inscriptions rubbings, proofreading ancient books, which also carried out a certain study of Buddhist thought.

In six years (1917), July 7, due to Zhang Xun restoration chaos, anger and leave, 14, chaos is to return to the Department.

In seven years (1918), in January, to participate in the "new youth" reorganization, any editorial board.

Literary foreword

In the seven years (1918) in May, Lu Xun for the pen name published in the history of modern Chinese literature with the modern creation of the vernacular short story "Madman

Diary", contained in the "New Youth" Volume IV fifth.

In 19 years, in the Peking University, Beijing higher normal school teaching Chinese novel history, in June, read the "Communist Manifesto" Chinese translation praised the translator. In September, published the novel "storm".

In the twelve years (1923), in August, the novel set "cry" published; with his brother Zhou Zuoren separated, moved to the West four tower alley 61 residence, separation reasons unknown. December, as "how to do after the Nora" speech, part-time female teacher, Esperanto school teachers; "Chinese novel history" published on the book.

In 19 years (1924), in July, went to Xi'an to speak "the historical changes in Chinese novels." August to Beijing. In November, "language silk" published weekly, Lu Xun published in the first issue of "on the fall of the pagoda", since Lu Xun became "language silk" one of the main group of writers.

Democratic warrior

In 1940 (1925), "Women's big wave" to

further upgrade, Lu Xun because of support for the progressive struggle of students to be educated chief Zhang Zhizhao exempt Qian Qian duties, the same year, Lu Xun to the Peace Court sued Zhang Shizhao.

In fifteen years (1926), March, "March 8 tragedy" occurred. In April, Lu Xun as "dead" "remember Liu and Zhen Jun" and other criticism of Duan Qirui government slaughter of students of the crime, was hunt, refuge in Yamamoto hospital. During the evacuation period, August, "Wandering" published, went to Xiamen University Ren Guowen Department Professor. Resigned in December.

In sixteen years (1927), in January went to Zhongshan University to teach. In March, with the CPC Guangdong and Guangxi Communist Party Secretary Chen Yannian met. April 1, went to the Whampoa Military Academy delivered a speech "revolutionary era of literature", 12, "four one two anti-revolutionary coup" occurred on the 29th, rescue students failed to resign. August, published "Wei Jin style and articles and medicine and wine relationship." September, sent a letter to Taiwan static farmers, refused as a Nobel Prize winner, left Guangzhou to

Shanghai, and Xu Guangping in Shanghai began living together. In December, and Liang Shiqiu and others on the "third person", "free man" controversy, the two sides argue lasting, great impact.

In seventeen years (1928), spring, to participate in the Chinese revolution and mutual aid. This year, with the creative society, most members of the sun community on the "revolutionary literature" issue debate. It is a large number of years to collect Marxist works and translate it. At the same time began to promote revolutionary art, advocate modern wood carvings.

In 18 years (1929), September 27, Xu Guangping son, Lu Xun named "Zhou Haiying." At the end of the year, with Feng Xuefeng many consultations to form the "Chinese left - wing writers Union.

Left main league

In 19 years (1930), in February, China's free movement alliance established, as one of the promoters. March 2, attended the establishment of the Chinese left-wing writers Union, was elected as the Standing Committee, as "the left-wing writers Union" speech.

In twenty years (1931), January 20, Roushi was arrested, Lu

Xun left refuge. 28 back to the old apartment.

Republic of twenty-one years (1932), January 29, the case of war, in the line of fire. The next day to avoid the mountain bookstore. February 6, by the Neishan bookstore friendly escort sent to the British concession in the mountain branch to avoid. And Ai Qing, who initiated the "Spring Art Institute."

In twenty-two years (1933), in January, Cai Yuanpei asked to join the "civil rights protection alliance", was cited as executive members. February 17, Cai Yuanpei invited to Song Ching Ling House, welcomed George Bernard Shaw. As "to forget the memorial" miss Roushi.

In twenty-three years (1934), in January, and Zheng Zhenduo co-edited "Peking Ping spectrum" published. May, the order of the woodcut "cited jade set" published.

Republic of twenty-four years (1935), in February began to translate Gori "dead soul". June, the integration of "new literature series novel collection" and made a long sequence.

In twenty-five years (1936), in January, shoulder and ribs were painful, the last innovation for the "new

story" published. In February, began to translate "dead soul" second. May 15 re-onset, the doctor diagnosed stomach disease, since the fever healed, 31, Ms. Smedley Lai cited the United States Deng doctors to diagnose, the situation is not optimistic. In June, the body slightly improved, Lu Xun and people around that "Mr. Lu Xun good." October 17 disease recurrence, 18 days before the onset of disease, more than asthma. Died at 5:25 am on the 19th



大 众 文 艺大58 day forward, Buck lived for that man. After being with this man for quite some time, Buck started to hear a call from far away. He started paying more and more attention to this call. He went out for days at a time searching for its source. This call was the call of the wild. He had a will to go off and be with other dogs. He felt the urge to be free from man and catch his own food. One day, Buck finally left for good. He was excepted by a pack of wolves who treated him like a wolf himself. And so the transformation was complete. Buck had changed from a dog, to a beast of nature. Bibliographies [1] London Jack. The Call of the Wild. [M]New York: Airmont Publishing Co. Inc, 1964. [2] Pizer, Donald. American Realism and Naturalism. [M]Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.[3]The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.1993. [4]蒋承勇(主编). 欧美自然主义文学的现代阐释.[M]上海:复旦大学出版社,2002 [5]柳鸣九.自然主义大师佐拉.[M]上海:上海文艺出版社,1989 作者简介 孙海晶(1983年-),女,满族,河北省遵化市人,北京第二外国语院,英语专业 O’Henry, one of the three most famous short-story writers in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. His short stories are famous for its unexpected ending, as well as their exquisite conception. O’Henry’s sympathy for the poor social underdogs, his eulogy of human virtues and exposure of human evils are highlighted as the keynote of his works. Humanity endows his works with perpetual artistic charm. His short stories are typically American, portraying various types of people in the United States. 1 The Main Theme of O’Henry’s Works 1.1Human Virtues In his works, O’Henry presents the panorama of the American people to readers with ironic and humorous tone. O’Henry is sympathetic with the poor; he praises the human virtues and denounces human defeats. Humanity, as the eternal theme of O’Henry’s works, endows his works with perpetual artistic charm. Human being has many virtues from ancient times to the present. They are kind, brave, honest, hard-working, polite, thrifty, generous, and hospitable and so on. Some people pay a great deal in order to maintain these virtues, they sacrifice their own happiness even life for the lofty love and friendship; they help others without asking for rewards and regard it as a pleasure; they give up their own treasure and chance to others etc. Such people bring love and fine things to the world; they are the ones who endow the world with light and hope. 1.2 Human Evils Human beings have many defects, too. Sometimes they are lazy, rapacious, gluttonous, officious, vain, arrogant, shameless, cowardly, impetuous etc. They benefit themselves at the expense of others, they never show mercy and sympathy to the poor in order to make money, they realize their own aims by hook or by crook etc. Their evil deeds make the world vicious. By exposing the human defects and the dark sides of the world, O’Henry wants to awaken people’s conscience and deepest desire for all good things, so that people can use their efforts to save and cleanse the whole world. 2 Features of Language of O’Henry’s Works 2.1 Figure of Speech 2.1.1 Metaphor In O’Henry’s writings, metaphor is another feature which is worth mention. “A symbol differs from a metaphor in that its application is left open as an unstated suggestion, whereas the metaphor ties a concrete image to an identifiable abstract quality.” The image in metaphor represents specific meaning. But the symbolic image remains indeterminate in its possible meanings; it is usually a substantial image in its own right, around which further significances may gather according to differing interpretations. The metaphor under discussion here does not mean that as a rhetorical device or figure of speech, though the metaphorical sentences as wonderful as the one “Manhattan, the night-blooming cereus, was beginning to unfold its dead-white, heavy-odored petals” teem in O’Henry’s short stories. What is to be probed is the metaphor exploited as a skill in story-writing. In the third branch of Roads of Destiny, the hero David Mig not is a shepherd, but he is too indulged in writing poems to take enough care of his sheep. The flock steadily grows smaller and his wife keeps on complaining. Then one of his friends introduces him to a learned man called Georges Bril, David asks Monsieur Bril to read his poems, because he wants to know if he shall write more or give his attention to his sheep. When Monsieur Bril has read all the verses, he concludes that David has no talent for poem-writing. In order to tell the harsh truth in a mild way, he asks David to look at the crow in the tree. Instead of commenting on the poems directly, Monsleur Bril praises the crow that is content with his lot. In this metaphorical way he advises David tactfully not to try to write poems any more. David sees the point and feels discouraged. He goes back home and thrusts his poems into the stove. Hearing the rustle of the 欧亨利短篇小说的主题思想和语言特点 张明洋1 刘映雪2 (1.长安大学 人文学院 西安 710064 2.沈阳师范大学 旅游管理学院 沈阳 110034) 【摘 要】欧亨利是美国二十世纪初期最著名的短篇小说家之一。他的作品有趣而又意味深长,反映了当时美国的社会现实。并且他的作品因其奇巧的艺术构思,出其不意的结尾而著称。他的作品散发人性美与人情美的芳香。本论文将分析欧亨利作品的主题思想以及从修辞层面和写作技巧方面分析他的作品的语言特点。 【关键词】欧亨利;短篇小说;主题思想;语言特点 【Abstract】O’Henry is one of the greatest American short story writers of the 20th century. His short stories, depicting American society of his time, are both interesting and thought-provoking. And his short stories are famous for its unexpected ending, as well as their exquisite conception. His works was full of the beauty of human nature and the human interest. This thesis intends to analyze the main themes and features of O’Henry’s works from rhetoric aspect and writing techniques. 【Keywords】 O’Henry;short story;main theme;features of language 文艺评论

高中英语作文素材 我最喜欢的作家-鲁迅 My favourite writer—Lu Xun

我最喜欢的作家-鲁迅(My favour ite writer—Lu Xun) Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famou s writers i n China. He w rote a lot of literary w orks.He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that ti me. At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save peo ple’s lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he at tacked the soc ial mores in tha t time, and in his works, many persons were known v ery well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji”. I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a g reat writer lik e him. I like reading and writing, and I of ten write some arti cles in my free time. Though I don’t have good literary talent o r a l a rge vocab ulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improv e my writing skills. Lu X un is my hero, I w ill learn more fro m h im.I believe I can be a great wri ter like him in the future.


大众文艺58day forward, Buck lived for that man. After being with this man for quite some time, Buck started to hear a call from far away. He started paying more and more attention to this call. He went out for days at a time searching for its source. This call was the call of the wild. He had a will to go off and be with other dogs .He felt the urge to be freeform man and catch his own food. One day, Buck finally left for good. He was excepted by a pack of wolves who treated him like a wolf himself. And so the transformation was complete. Buck had changed from a dog, to a beast of nature. Bibliographies [1]London Jack. The Call of the Wild.[M]New Y ork: Airmont PublishingCo.Inc,1964.[2]Pizer,Donald.American Realism and Naturalism.[M]Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000.[3]The New Encyclopaedia Britannica,15th ed.1993.[4]蒋承勇(主编).欧美自然主义文学的现代阐释.[M]上海:复旦大学出版社,2002[5]柳鸣九.自然主义大师佐拉.[M]上海:上海文艺出版社,1989作者简介孙海晶(1983年-),女,满族,河北省遵化市人,北京第二外国语院,英语专业 O’Henry, one of the three most famous short-storywriters in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. His short stories are famous for its unexpected ending, as well as their exquisite conception. O’Henry’s sympathy for the poor social underdogs, his eulogy of human virtues. es and exposure of human evils are highlighted as the keynote of his works. Humanity endows his works with perpetual artistic charm. His short stories are typicallyAmerican, portraying various types of people in the UnitedStates.1 The Main Theme of O’Henry’s Works1.1Human Virtues In his works, O’Henry presents the panorama of the American people to readers with ironic and humorous tone. O’Henry is sympathetic with the poor; he praises the human virtues and denounces human defeats. Humanity, as the eternal theme of O’Henry’s w orks, endows his works with perpetual artistic charm. Human being has many virtues from ancient times to the present. They are kind, brave, honest, hard-working, polite, thrifty, generous, and hospitable and so on. Some people pay a great deal in order to maintain these virtues, they sacrifice their own happiness even life for the lofty love and friendship; they help others without asking for rewards and regard it as a pleasure; they give up their own treasure and chance to others etc. Such people bring love and fine things to the world; they are the ones who endow the world with light and hope.1.2 Human Evils Human beings have many defects, too. Sometimes they are lazy, rapacious, gluttonous, officious, vain, arrogant, shameless, cowardly, impetuous etc. They benefit themselves at the expense of others, they never show mercy and sympathy to the poor in order to make money, they realize their own aims by hook or by crook etc. Their evil deeds make the world vicious. By exposing the human defects and the dark sides of the world, O’Henry wants to awaken people’s conscience and deepest desire for all good things, so that people can use their efforts to save and cleanse the wholeworld.2 Features of Language of O’Henry’s Works2.1 Figure of Speech2.1.1 MetaphorIn O’Henry’s writings, metaphor is another feature which is worth mention.” A symbol differs from a metaphor in that its application is left open as an unstated suggestion, whereas the metaphor ties a concrete image to an identifiable abstract quality. ”The ima ge in metaphor represents specific meaning. But the symbolic image

【最新】鲁迅的名言警句英文版-word范文 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 鲁迅的名言警句英文版 导语:鲁迅是著名文学家、思想家,五四新文化运动的重要参与者,中国现代文学的奠基人。下面是小编整理的鲁迅的名言警句英文版,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、沉着、勇猛,有辨别,不自私。 calm, brave, discerning, not selfish. 2、小的时候,不把他当人,大了以后也做不了人。 a small time, do not put him as a person, a big future can not do people. 3、说过的话不算数,是中国人的大毛病。 said the words do not count, is a big problem for the Chinese people. 4、人类总不会寂寞,以为生命是进步的,是天生的。 human beings will not be lonely, that life is progressive, is born. 5、事实是毫无情面的东西,它能将空言打得粉碎。 the fact is no feelings of things, it will be empty talks shattered. 6、墨写的谎说,决掩不住血写的事实。 the ink to write a lie said, can not cover the fact that blood written. 7、其实先驱者本是容易变成绊脚石的。 in fact, the pioneer is easy to become a stumbling block.

鲁迅(英文评论 杂)

Considered by many to be the founder of modern Chinese literature,he wrote in baihua (白话) (the vernacular) as well as classical Chinese.Lu Xun was a short story writer,editor,translator,critic,essayist and poet.In the 1930s he became the titular head of the Chinese League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai. Lu Xun's works exerted a very substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement to such a point that he was lionized by the Communist regime after 1949.Mao Zedong himself was a lifelong admirer of Lu Xun's works.Though sympathetic to the ideals of the Left,Lu Xun never actually joined the Chinese Communist Party.Lu Xun's works are known to English readers through numerous translations,especially Selected Stories of Lu Hsun translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. has been considered one of the most influential Chinese writers of the 20th century and the founder of modern baihua (白话báihuà), or vernacular, literature. Highly influential in 20th century Chinese history, his literary works exerted a substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement. He was also a noted translator. Lu Xun, termed "chief commander of China's modern cultural revolution" by translators Xianyi and Gladys Yang, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. He produced harsh criticism of social problems in China, particularly in his analysis of the "Chinese national character." He has


欧亨利短篇小说读后感英文 导语:以下是一篇关于欧亨利短篇小说读后感英文范文,欢迎浏览借鉴! was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. His father, Algemon Sidney porter, ,hismotherdied,,butattheag,wherehehadanumbe rofjobs,,;theyhadonedaughterandoneson., he died in New York on June 5th 1910. In this novel, there are many short ficition,every of them are worth reading,but TheGiftoftheMagi left me a deep impression is, I think this is a good article I have ever read, it is meaningful. In this article,used his style of writing narrated a winding and simple story with humorous and a light sad, in western literary area this theme of presenting the gift in the Christmas eve is so ordinary, some of them is wonderful, but I think TheGiftoftheMagi is the best one. First, let’s looked from the content. the entire article took one pair of poorly love husbands and wives in American presenting the Christmas gift as a middle line, The family housewife in order to save each coin,


O.Henry’s writing styles O.Henry is one of the American famous short-story writers. His novels expose the darkness of capitalism from different angles, describe the difficult life of lower class, praise their sincere friendship, love and desire to blessed life. He always write a comedy ending to express deep social meaning, serious social reality and higher level. Furthermore, it points out the inevitability. As we all know O.Henry’s ending is always unexpected. He will suddenly change the inner world of the figures in an unbelievable way, or reverse the fate of the hero. In most time, it will make people feel in track, but the majority will think it reasonable after a while, such as “The Cop and the Anthem”. In the passage, Souby wanted to be in a prison so he made troubles outside. However, his hopes always were defeated. When Souby was reclaimed by the Anthem and decided to live a new life. Unfortunately, policemen put him into prison on some trumped-up charge. When all people assume he will be safe through life, policemen took him to a court. This is a typical O.Henry’s ending, which puts people into a dark hole with thinking deeply. And yet O.Henry just use this way to reflect the reality of being unable to distinguish the good from the bad. The artistic effects of O.Henry’s ending does not always appear in the end. For example, there are two plots in the “The Cop and the Anthem”. One is that Soupy molested a woman, but in an opposite manner, the woman molested him. The other is that Soupy took away a cus tomer’s illegal umbrella. Both a simple and attractive woman and a well-dressed customer give readers a decent feeling, but in fact, they are not the people what we are thinking. I believer everyone will think it is incredible like me. Only if we think carefully is it normal. After all, those people really exist in our society. Is everyone in upper-class noble, kind and well-behaved? Of course not, someone just put their dirty behaviors under their beautiful mask. In order to express the inner dirtiness, O.Henry had to decorate a lot in the passage. Although what it is isn’t as how it is, in short, it is reasonable. O.Henry’s ending exposed the public morals going from bad to worse of capitalism in the humors.

鲁迅《祝福》英文全文 The new year's sacrifice

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ed344189.html,/english/n12.htm(这是网址) THE NEW YEAR'S SACRIFICE New Year's Eve of the old calendar seems after all more like the real New Year's Eve; for, to say nothing of the villages and towns, even in the air there is a feeling that New Year is coming. From the pale, lowering evening clouds issue frequent flashes of lightning, followed by a rumbling sound of firecrackers celebrating the departure of the Hearth God; while, nearer by, the firecrackers explode even more violently, and before the deafening report dies away the air is filled with a faint smell of powder. It was on such a night that I returned to Luchen, my native place. Although I call it my native place, I had had no home there for some time, so I had to put up temporarily with a certain Mr. Lu, the fourth son of his family. He is a member of our clan, and belongs to the generation before mine, so I ought to call him "Fourth Uncle." An old student of the imperial college who went in for Neo-Confucianism, I found him very little changed in any way, simply slightly older, but without any moustache as yet. When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries. I knew this was not meant personally, because the object of the attack was still Kang Yu-wei. Nevertheless, conversation proved difficult, so that in a short time I found myself alone in the study. The next day I got up very late, and after lunch went out to see some relatives and friends. The day after I did the same. None of them was greatly changed, simply slightly older; but every family was busy preparing for "the sacrifice." This is the great end-of-year ceremony in Luchen, when people reverently welcome the God of Fortune and solicit good fortune for the coming year. They kill chickens and geese and buy pork, scouring and scrubbing until all the women's arms turn red in the water. Some of them still wear twisted silver bracelets. After the meat is cooked some chopsticks are thrust into it at random, and this is called the "offering." It is set out at dawn when incense and candles are lit, and they reverently invite the God of Fortune to come and partake of the offering. Only men can be worshippers, and after the sacrifice they naturally continue to let off firecrackers as before. This happens every year, in every family, provided they can afford to buy the offering and firecrackers; and this year they naturally followed the old custom. The day grew overcast. In the afternoon it actually started to snow, the biggest snow-flakes as large as plum blossom petals fluttered about the sky; and this, combined with the smoke and air of activity, made Luchen appear in a ferment. When I returned to my uncle's study the roof of the house was already white with snow. The room also appeared brighter, the great red rubbing hanging on the wall showing up very clearly the character for Longevity written by the Taoist saint Chen Tuan.One of a pair of scrolls

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