当前位置:文档之家› 英语演讲稿:食品安全




Good morning everyone, Before my speech, I want to

ask one question, what do you eat this morning? Yeah,

food is present in our life every time. So today my topic is how do we eat on cus?

1,In China there is an old saying: Bread is the

staff of life. The Chinese meaning is 民以食为天。Obviously, it means food plays a decisive [di'saisiv] role in our daily life, Food safety is a matter of

primary ['praim?ri] importance , The issue is closely related to ordinary people??s health.

2, As we know, The food safety is a serious problem

in china, and on cus ,the matter is also exist, and the unhealthy food harm our health everyday. For exle, in the morning, you buy a donut ['d?un?t] for breakfast, and likely, the donut is made by drainage ['dreinid?] oil; and when you hungry you buy kebab [k?'b?b], it may be dealed with chemical materials. So even on cus, we also should improve food safety awareness.

3, The unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to

cancer, This is not a threat, some unhealthy food, Containing various additives. And which give a tremendous threat to us. Some unhealthy food will make us ill, such as diarrhea[,dai?'ri?]、stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. Some food additives use chemical materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sin?u'd?enik] in a long time.

4, Due to food safety is important in our life, so there so many things waiting for the government to do. (问1) First, Strengthening food safety legislation

[,led?is'lei??n] , and use the experiences of developed countries. Strongly punish criminal for food safety. Second, our government should promote food safety knowledge, to rise people??s of self-protection.

5, What is more, as a postgraduate, we also should do more on food safety. First of all, we should learn some essential mon sense about safety food, and learn to recognize the unhealthy food by ourselves. ( 问2) second,do not covet ['k?vit] petty gain,in normal situation, the food price is stable, when you see a abnormal price, be carefull ! Last, everyone should have

awareness of unhealthy food, raise the sense of prevention.

Though the food safety situation is bad, but I still believe through the joint efforts of government and all munities, We finally will eat the security food .


关于未来英语演讲稿带中文翻译 we are the world ,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshneof the deep spring of life. a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i’d like to share it with all of you. let’s


关于食品的英语演讲稿 篇一:英语演讲稿(食品安全) Food Safety A miracle - we are still alive Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore. Leather milk, substandard milk powder, illegal cooking oil exposed in recent years. It’s greatly influence our live. There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend. In fact, the poisonous food associated with Japan. In China, a variety of pesticides, antibiotics,


英语演讲稿5分钟左右 英语演讲是提高其英语综合运用能力的一个重要的手段,而英语演讲稿的撰写对于英语演讲的成败起着至关重要的作用。下面WTT小雅整理了5分钟左右英语演讲稿,供你参考。 honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.


展望未来英语演讲稿 【篇一:展望未来,放飞梦想(3分钟英语演讲稿)】 greeting everybody!its my honor to share my topic here with you. today id like to talk about my dream. when i was a little girl,i often thought about my future.will i be rich or will i be successful?in fact,i never considered what job will i get.a writer?a reporter?or like now,a speecher? i don’t know.well,i think i’m an ordinary person.so i just want to have a house of my own when i grow up.in my imagination,it may not be very big,but it must be comfortable and warm enough.if the weather is good,i will sit on my sofa and read books or listen to music on the balcony in the sun.if it is rainy,i’ll sit ther e and watch the beautiful world in the rain through the window.sometimes i will walk by the riverside and enjoy the scenery.sometimes i won’t do anything but just lie on my bed. i think all of these things are tiny and beautiful moments in life because they can give me a heart break.it seems that i live a very simple life.however,it’s the life that i really want to live. no scenery in the world remains unchanged. as long as you keep your heart basking in the sun,then every dawn will present a fine prospect for you to unfold and the world will always be about new hopes. yes,maybe i won’t be very rich or successful,but i believe that i will live a happy and healthy life.and,that is my dream,my own dream. that’all.thanks for listening! 【篇二:展望未来演讲稿】 展望未来演讲稿 告别了寒冷的冬天,我们迈步走进春天的校园。当温暖的阳光洒在 身上,当鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起的时候,我们这些新时代的少先 队员都会感到万分的自豪,无比的幸福。然而,亲爱的同学们,你 可知道这美好的生活来得多么不容易呀! 忘不了雪山草地,每一颗红星闪亮着希望,二万五千里的长征路啊,气壮山河!忘不了少年英雄王二小,机警地侦察敌情,用自己少年 的生命,在共和国的旗帜上留下血染的风采。


关于美食的英语演讲稿 篇一:健康饮食英文演讲稿 Healthy Diet There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don’t hurt yourself trying to make money instead of taking care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more important. So I think heath is very important. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health. Today,many people can't be in good health,So,


5分钟英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:5分钟英语演讲稿 good morning, everybody! in this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. does anybody know what it is called? right. it is time. the topic i am going to present to you today is called “ treasure every minute”. the clock is running. make the most of today. to realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade. to realize the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. to realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. to realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. to realize the value of one minute, ask a person who missed the train. to realize the value of one second, ask a person who just avoided an accident. to realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal in the olympics. treasure every moment that you have! and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. and remember that time waits for no one. yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift. that's why it's called the present!! the clock is running. make the most of today. good luck, everybody! 演讲稿二:5分钟英语演讲稿 dear teacher and classmates: i am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! this time, i'd like to talk something about english. i love english. english language is now used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. learning english makes me confident and


有关未来英语演讲稿 篇一: my future long-term career goal is to bee a part of the managing a recognized hotel or restaurant. i would need to attend school, graduate and bee diploma certified in order to bee a hotel manager. i believe i will be successful in being a hotel management. i may find several job opportunities, because of the experience that i will have from the internship and the best reputation from a swiss hotel management school. my job skills relate to my future career goals in several ways. my knowledge of puters is very useful in todays society. i am experienced in several aspects of the puter. i am literate of several puter programs such as microsoft office with several years of experience in the internet. furthermore, i consider myself very puter literate, and in todays career fields literacy is required. munication and social skills are very important when dealing with customers. the happiness and satisfaction of the customer is what panies thrive on their business in order to profit, and keep up with supply and demand. whether the client is happy or not,


关于食物主题英语演讲稿例文4分钟 演讲是在公众面前就某一问题发表自己的见解的口头语言活动。那英语演讲稿该怎么写?小编为大家整理了关于食物英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 关于食物英语演讲稿篇一 as a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in china''s history. as a visitor or guest in either a chinese home orrestaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits! on the eighth day of the last month in the chinese lunar calendar, people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called ''la ba zhou''. in ancient times, monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day. people still keep this convention. in central china, when a baby is born, the happy father will send red boiled eggs to announce the news. eggs with a black pointed end and dots in an even number such as six or eight, indicates a boy''s birth; those without a black point and in an odd number like a five or seven will say the baby is a girl. in addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on new year''s eve. 关于食物英语演讲稿篇二 i'm a student.i like eggs and coconut.because eggs is very good for me .it's very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .i like them. what about fruit?i like banana very much.banana always grows in the warm area. it's nice to eat, and it is good for our healths. like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas. you can see this in the zoo.


本文共有5554字,如对您有帮助,可购买打赏第一篇:英语演讲稿5分钟 when the breeze gently hold when liuxu savoury, when the sun put it golden glorious quietly around the cherry blossom trees on appered handsome; when the beautiful petals in the air to reach several commonly roll long, then gently landed, we are enjoying a brilliant happineof campus life. early morning, happy bird singing, accompany us go strollw floral path and watched the we walked into the campus, eye is full of happiness. sunshine shop in writing has "e, nanjing normal university affiliated yangzi dickers" e, the bronze medal and put downy light reflection to our body, we cheerfully accepted this light, vigorous entered in campus. on the way to the classroom, and every day that we can all see beautiful fountain and pool, and forceful huaihe books and rather ? the most successful person may not be the smartest ones.according to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or boss. why the smartest kids in the classwill not end up the richest? why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? and what factors lead to


英语演讲稿:世界是我们的,未来是我们的 过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信"我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们"。这里是一篇英语演讲稿,让我们一起来看看具体内容吧! e are the world ,we are the future someone said "we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite". i don't know who wrote these words, but i've always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. we are all in the position of the farmers. if we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. we are young. "how to spend the youth?" it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask "what do you understand by the word youth?" youth is not a time of life, it's a state of mind. it's not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it's the matter of the will. it's the freshneof the deep spring of life. a poet said "to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i'd like to share it with all of you. let's show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let's make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves. we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we've learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we've learnt that we


关于食品安全的英语演讲稿 演讲稿是一种实用性比较强的文体。是为演讲准备的书面材料。下面XX给您 3, The unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to cancer, This is not a threat, some unhealthy food, Containing various additives. And which give a tremendous threat to us. Some unhealthy food will make us ill, such as diarrhea[,dai'ri]、stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. Some food additives use chemical materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sinu'denik] in a long time. 4, Due to food safety is important in our life, so there so many things waiting for the government to do. First, Strengthening food safety legislation [,ledis'lein] , and use the experiences of developed countries. Strongly punish criminal for food safety. Second, our government should promote food safety knowledge, to rise people’s of self-protection. 5, What is more, as a postgraduate, we also should do more on food safety. First of all, we should learn


5分钟英语演讲稿(30篇) 六、周怡雪,19岁,上海 I believe in our future Honorable Judges, fellow students: Good afternoon! Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society、The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places、 But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? The cynics say the college students are the pered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest disfort、 But the cynics are wrong、 The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently、 We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money、


关于未来的英语演讲稿 同学们,你想过你的未来会是怎么样的吗?小编为大家整理了有关于未来的英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 关于未来的英语演讲稿篇1 How to say future man’s life is a process of growing up, actually i’m standing here is a growth. if a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then i grow up along with these choices. once i hope i can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know i come here, now i wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. when i come to this school, i told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. following i will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” i will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process i will combine learning with doing. if i can achieve this “future”, i think that i really grow up. and i deeply believe kindred,


篇一:关于食品安全的演讲稿 食品安全演讲稿 老师,同学们: 大家好!今天我要与大家分享的是关于食品安全的问题。 俗话说得好:国以民为本,民以食为天。食品是人类生存的第一需要,食品安全直接关系着人民群众的生活,影响我们每一个人的健康,更关系着子孙后代的幸福和民族的兴旺昌盛。不讲食品安全,哪怕是一块豆腐,一根豆芽,都能让你身体残缺;不懂食品安全,哪怕是小小的一包盐,就能中断免疫系统的正常运行;不要食品安全,哪怕只是小小的一个意念,就能让生机勃勃的生命处于危险之中。 健康,何等重要!生命,何等珍贵! 一旦我们失去了健康,甚至是失去了宝贵的生命,我们不可能再重来一次。所以我们要时刻维护自己的健康,珍爱自己的生命,而食品安全则是生命健康最有力的保证。 最近我们不断从报纸、电视中,看到有关食品安全的新闻:南京“冠生园”事件,让人们望月饼而生畏;三亚的“毒咸鱼”,使我们谈“咸鱼”而色变;广东的“瘦肉精”事件,令我们望肉而怯步;号称生命杀手的“苏丹红”竟出现在我们最喜欢吃的辣味食品里;去年8月8日北京地区的福寿螺事件,使131人发病,至今想起来还会让人胆颤心惊;还有近来的染色馒头、毒豆芽、蒙牛毒牛奶等事件接二连三地发生,究竟要到什么时候才停止啊? 面对这一件件让人触目惊心,不寒而栗的事件,我们不禁要问:究竟,我们还能吃什么?我们吃的安全吗? 上述重大事件都已熟知,可是,你们可曾注意到在我们周围,劣质食品也正在悄悄地危害着我们的身体健康。 现在,有很多人还是不关心不注意自己所吃食品是否是安全健康,只想着满足一时的食欲。我想再一次提醒大家,那些东西不但不卫生,而且在制作过程中,还有可能产生致癌物。作为一名学生,,我们有责任维护社会食品安全,从我做起,从点滴做起,了解食品卫生安全常识,学习食品质量安全相关的法律法规,监督和揭露危害食品安全的事件和不法分子,传播食品安全知识,为食品健康尽一份自己的力量。 “以人为本,安全第一”,食品安全需要你我的参与;食品安全需要你我共同的努力。生命的美好从健康做起,身体的健康从食品安全做起,食品的安全从我开始。为了阳光更加灿烂的明天,让我们从现在做起吧! 初三十一班韩永麟 篇二:关于食品安全的演讲稿 关于食品安全的演讲稿 老师,同学们: 早上好!今天我们


3分钟经典英语演讲稿五篇 外语教学的不断改进,各类英语演讲活动愈来愈频繁,为此,小编整理了3分钟经典英语演讲稿,供大家学习和参考! 3分钟经典英语演讲稿篇一 Imagine a car without a steering wheel. Tough to imagine, right? Well, actually thats the image you see if a person has no faith. Faith helps to guide us in our lives, encourage us to persist, and give directions when we are lost. In this peaceful era, our life paths seem to be already well-planned and determined. What we have to do is to follow. Yes, we may face different sorts of challenges, but at least they are less harsh when compared to those in the past. We do not need to worry about starving to death, or how to earn enough money to buy food for our siblings and sustain our lives. It is like driving from a muddy road into a highway. In the muddy road, path, you would say, as it is formed only by crossing on it many times, flattening the ground to form a smoother area so we can pass. The road is so bumpy and rough, with holes here and there and rocks lying all over. When we drive along this road, we have to be very careful, having a firm grip on the steering wheel, ready for a sudden


关于科技的英语演讲稿—Technologyand the presence of students, ladies and teachers, everyone! i was prepared intervals of cloud today, in honor here entitled "technology and future" speech, i am very proud of both, but some unease. in recent years, we have seen our great motherland, the cause of the rapid development of technology, which allow me to a chinese i feel very proud. remember that long ago, cell phone use almost the only one, which is called, but a few years ago, cell phones has undergone great changes, not only look more beautiful, but also use more, you can use the phones to take pictures, meetings, internet, text messages, etc. a series of things that i their life more convenient, so i am more aware of the strength of the technology, but i am just a fledglings students, "technology" as the word also aware of the limited, i am unable to use some very difficult theory to elaborate technology xuanji, no right to work on their elders i can promise of the technology blueprint. but i am willing to use a student’s

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