当前位置:文档之家› 有趣的中英文双语故事



a Mouse and a Bull

A mouse once took a bite out of a bull's tail as he lay dozing. The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard. The mouse was too quick for him, however, and slipped easily into a hole in the wall. The bull charged the wall furiously again and again, but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns, the mouse stayed safely inside his hole. After a time the bull gave up and sank down to rest again.

As soon as the bull was asleep, the little mouse crept to the mouth of the hole, pattered across the yard, bit the bull again -- this time on the nose -- and rushed back to safety. As the bull roared helplessly the mouse squeaked:

"It's not always the big people who come off best. Sometimes the small ones win, you know."




公牛刚睡着,小老鼠就爬到洞口,嗒嗒地跑过院子,又咬了公牛一口?? 这回咬了鼻子?? 又跑回安全的地方去。当公牛毫无办法地吼叫时,老鼠吱吱叫道:"大人物并不总占上风。有时小人物也会取胜。"

An Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."



a Magic Pumpkin

It was a sunny Fall day, crisp and blue and gold. Kevin and his friend Katie climbed onto the school bus, heading for the Pumpkin Patch. They sat on the back bench and had fun bouncing around. But Katie was grumpy. She didn't want to go on the trip. She hated cold Fall weather and pumpkins and everything. The bus parked at the farm. There was an enormous pile of orange pumpkins beside a wagon and tractor. Everyone rushed for the wagon. Kevin and Katie sat in the front as it headed out. They watched the huge wheels of the tractor bump slowly over ruts in the dirt path. More bouncing! Then the tractor stopped. On either side long rows of pumpkins lay in the dust, each in its own tangle of vines. They were all different sizes and shades of orange, with light brown patches.



A Lion Falling in love

A lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.

The old parents did not know what to say.

They did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.

At last the father said, "We are glad to marry our daughter to you, but we fear that you might possibly hurt her. So if you remove your claws and teeth, we will give her to you."

The lion loved the girl very much, so he trimmed his claws and took out his big teeth. When he came to the parents again, they simply laughed in his face, and beat him out of their house.


一只狮子爱上了一位美丽的女孩儿,便找到她的父母向她求婚。女孩儿的父亲不知道该如何回答,他不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又害怕激怒这兽中之王。于是父亲说:“我们很乐意将女儿嫁给你,但又怕你不小心伤害她,如果你拔去牙齿,剁掉利爪,我们就将女儿嫁给你。”狮子非常爱这个女孩儿,于是他修剪了爪子,拔掉了尖牙后又去找女孩的父母。可是这时,他们嘲笑他,并把他赶了出去。寓意: 有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己的长处,结果轻而易举地被原来害怕他们的人击败了。

The Hare and the Tortoise

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."

The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."

The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.

The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.






The Bat 、the Bird and the Beasts

There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts. The bat did not join in the fight. Some birds said to the bat, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a beast." Later on, some beasts said to him, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a bird." At last the fighting ended peacefully. The bat first went to the birds, and wanted to join in the celebration, but they all turned against him.

He then went to the beasts, but was also driven away.



A Wolf and a Sheep

A wolf had been badly wounded by dogs. He lay sick and maimed in his lair.

He felt very hungry and thirsty. When a sheep passed by, he asked him to fetch some water from the stream.

"If you bring me the water," he said, "I will find means to get some food." "Yes," said the sheep, "if I bring you the water, you would undoubtedly make

me your food."



The sick lion

A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree.

The animals came around him. When they saw that he was going to die, they thought to themselves, "Now is the time to pay him back."

So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.

Then a bull gored him with his horns. The lion still lay helpless before them. So the ass felt quite safe. He turned his tail to the lion and kicked up his heels into his face. "This is a double death." growled the lion.






●当驴子看到可以对这庞大的野兽为所欲为时,也用他的蹄子用力去踢狮子的头部。这头快要断气的狮子说:“我已勉强忍受了勇者的施暴,但还得含羞忍受你这个小丑的侮辱,真是死不瞑目啊。”寓意: 无论过去多么辉煌,都难以避免辉煌失去后别人的不敬与报复.

The wolf and the lamb

Once upon a time a wolf was lapping at a stream. When he looked up, he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.

"There"s my supper," he thought. "I will find some excuse to catch it." Then he called out to the lamb, "How dare you muddle the water?" "No, master," said the lamb. "I cannot muddle your water because it runs down from you to me." "Well, then," said the wolf. "Why did you call me bad names this time last year?" "It was impossible," said the lamb. "I am only six months old." "I don"t care," shouted the wolf. "If it was not you, it must be your father." After that he rushed at the poor little lamb and ate it up.






Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish. The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it. When she left the meal, she was still very hungry. "I am sorry," said the fox, "the soup is not to your taste." "Please do not apologize," said the stork. "I hope you will come to my house, and dine with me soon." A few days later the fox visited the stork. He found that his food was put in a long bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was very narrow. He could not insert his big mouth into it, so he ate nothing. "I will not apologize," said the stork. "One bad turn deserves another."






The lion once said that he was sick on his death bed. So he asked all the animals to come and listen to his last wishes. The goat came to the lion"s cave. He stood there and listened for a long time. Then a sheep went in. Before she came out, a rabbit entered to hear the last wishes of the king of beasts. But soon the lion seemed to recover, and went to the mouth of his cave. He saw a fox waiting outside. "Why don"t you come in?" asked the lion to the fox. "I beg Your Majesty"s pardon," said the fox, "I have seen many animals enter your cave, but none of them come out. Till they come out again, I prefer to wait outside."






寓意: 我们必须小心别人的圈套,因为一旦进去了就很难再出来。

A cock and pearls

A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied something shinning amid the straw. ‘Ho! ho!’ quoth he, ‘that’s for me,’ and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw. What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard? ‘You may be a treasure,’ quoth Master Cock, ‘to men that prize you, but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls.’Precious things are for those that can prize them.


在农场的庭院里,一只公鸡正昂首阔步地在一群母鸡中间走着。突然他看到稻草中有什么东西在闪闪发光。“哈哈”他说“那是我的”。然后迅速把它从稻草中刨了出来。他刨出出来的是一颗不知什么时候遗落在庭院里的珍珠。“你也许是宝贝。”公鸡说,“对那些珍惜你的人而言是这样的。但对我而言,比起一颗珍珠,我更需要一颗麦粒。” 只有懂得价值的人才会珍惜宝物。

The Two Fellows and the Bear

Two Fellows were travelling together through a wood, when a Bear rushed out upon them. One of the travellers happened to be in front, and he seized hold of the branch of a tree, and hid himself among the leaves. The other, seeing no help for it, threw himself flat down upon the ground, with his face in the dust. The Bear, coming up to him, put his muzzle close to his ear, and sniffed and sniffed. But at last with a growl he shook his head and slouched off, for bears will not touch dead meat. Then the fellow in the tree came down to his comrade, and, laughing, said …What was it that Master Bruin whispered to you??…He told me,? said the other,…Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch.?



How a Farmer Saved the Snake

"Oh, little snake. Why aren"t you at home in such cold weather? Look, you"re freezing. Poor you!"

The farmer thought some more to himself. "What can I do for you? Make a fire to warm you? No, it"s snowing so hard, and I have only a very small bundle of wood. Besides, my family is waiting for the wood to cook."

The farmer turned round and round anxiously and then said, "I know! I"ll put you under my clothes. It"s warm there." He unbuttoned his clothes and put the snake inside, against his chest.

Some time later, the snake came to life gradually.

The warmth of the old farmer had not changed its cruel nature. It opened its mouth and bit right into the farmer"s chest.

"Oh, my god! How cruel you are! I saved you, but you bit me. Why?" As he was saying this, he took out the snake and threw it on the ground. But the farmer was already poisoned and was dying. Only at this time did he realize that he had done something wrong. "I took pity on him, but he bit me in return."








Three at Dawn and Four at Dusk

Once upon a time, in the state of Song, there lived a man who kept monkeys. He was very fond of monkeys and kept a large number of them. He could understand the monkeys and they could also understand him. He reduced the amount of food for his own family in order to satisfy the monkey"s demands. After a while his family did not have enough to eat, so he wanted to limit he food for the monkeys. But he was afraid that the monkeys would not submit to him. Before doing that he played a trick on them: "If I give you three chestnuts in the morning and four in the evening, would that be enough?" he asked the monkeys. All the monkeys rose up in a fury. After a while, he said, "If I give you four chestnuts in the morning and three in the evening, would that be enough?" All the monkeys lay on the floor, very happy with this proposal.



The lion and the mouse

When a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.

"Forgive me, please." cried the little mouse. "I may be able to help you someday." The lion was tickled at these words.

He thought, "How could this little mouse help me?" However he lifted up his paws and let him go.

A few days later, the lion was caught in a trap.

The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon.

Just then the little mouse passed by, and saw the sad lion.

He went up to him, and soon gnawed away the ropes. "Was I not right?" asked the little mouse.






寓意: 有些朋友也许平时看似微不足道,但却有可能在我们身处困境的时候提供巨大的帮助。



1、New Discovery A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room. The doors closed, lights flashed, and after a while the door slid open and a beautiful young model stepped off the elevator. Blinking in amazement, the hillbilly drawled, "I shouldhave brought my wife!" 新发现 一个乡下人第一次到大城市游逛。他走进一座大楼,看见一个岁数很大的矮胖女人迈进一个小房间。房间的门随后关上,有几个灯在闪亮。一会儿,门开了,电梯里走出一位年青漂亮的女模特。 乡下人惊奇地眨着眼睛,慢吞吞地说:“我应该把我的老婆带来!” hillbilly n. 乡下人,乡巴佬. pudgy adj.矮胖的,矮而粗的 drawl vt, vi慢吞吞地说;拉长语调地说 2、Always Thirsty "I had an operation," said a man to his friend, "and the doctor left a sponge in me." "That's terrible!" said the friend. "Got any pain?" "No, but I am always thirsty!" 总感到口渴 一个男人对他的朋友说:“我动了一次手术,手术后医生把一块海绵忘在我的身体里了。” “真是太糟糕了!”朋友说道:“你觉得疼吗?”


一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 演讲稿是在一定的场合,面对一定的`听众,演讲人围绕着主题讲话的文稿。在当下社会,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,那要怎么写好演讲稿呢?以下是整理的一分钟英语小故事演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿1 in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the


英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译) 线话英语|2016-03-14 17:03:05 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!" The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE". 中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。 右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!” 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I’m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months. Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England. Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys." "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.


One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。 He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” “噢!我的天!月亮掉到井里头啦!” An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says, 一只大猴子跑来一看,说, “Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!” “糟啦!月亮掉在井里头啦!” And olderly monkey comes over. 老猴子也跑过来。 He is very surprised as well and cries out: 他也非常惊奇,喊道: “The moon is in the well.” “糟了,月亮掉在井里头了!” A group of monkeys run over to the well .

一群猴子跑到井边来, They look at the moon in the well and shout: 他们看到井里的月亮,喊道: “The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!” “月亮掉在井里头啦!快来!让我们把它捞起来!” Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch . 然后,老猴子倒挂在大树上, And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands. 拉住大猴子的脚, All the other monkeys follow his suit, 其他的猴子一个个跟着, And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well. 它们一只连着一只直到井里。 Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky, 正好他们摸到月亮的时候,老猴子抬头发现月亮挂在天上呢


姓名:XXX 部门: XX部YOUR LOGO Your company name 2 0 X X 英语小故事演讲稿

英语小故事演讲稿 a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "an excellent choice, madam. you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "i don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off. show me some more hats!" 中文翻译 买帽子 一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。已经忍耐到极限的售货员害怕她再改变主意,便恭维她:"你做了极好的选择,夫人。你戴上这顶帽子看上去起码年轻十岁!"但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:"我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。多拿一些帽子给我看看! 第二篇:英语小故事演讲稿 我要自由i want be free good afternoon,everyone.today,my top ic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog. a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.” “why don’t you work steadily as i do,and get your food regularly?”“i would have no objection.”said the wolf,”if i could only get a place.” “i will help you.”said the dog.”e 第2 页共14 页


小学生英语演讲稿3分钟是一个小故事告诉人们一个道理,带自我介绍 篇一:小学生英语3分钟演讲稿大全带翻译 my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我 看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后, 我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演 讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共 同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于 我的中国梦。 so whats my chinese dream finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot

of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了 很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光, 正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的 希望。 这,是我们最初的中国梦。最真诚的我们,最真诚的梦。但是,不知道什么时候开始,我们长大了,生活似乎一下子变得和以前不太一样了,与 此同时,虽然我们很不想承认但是却又不得不承认的是,我们的思想,我们的为人处世观, 我们对我们祖国的看法,也潜移默化中慢慢开始了转变。我们的社会变得到处充满欺骗、冷 漠、勾心斗角、压力、腐败、险恶,我们变得暴躁,不冷静,愤世嫉俗。我们的国家,似乎


经典幽默英语故事(50个) 要求: 1、每天阅读两篇小故事,写出故事大意,尽量理解故事里的幽默点。 2 3、开学后,请把这14页的阅读素材,装订成册,上交给各班的英语老师。老师会根据你的完成情况,给你的阅读作业打出分数。 姓名:_________ 班级:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 第一篇 My First and My Last When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I've travelled in a big plane several times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go." They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again, Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice, "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane." Gerogy was very surprised and said, "Two trips?" "Yes, my first and my last," answered Mark. 故事大意: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________第二篇 First Flight Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was


英语短篇幽默小故事 篇一:英语幽默小故事10篇. 英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下: Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!" The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!” 中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.


Story 1 Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends. 故事一三个好朋友 一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。 Story 2 The Old Man and the Old Cat An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old


十篇经典英语故事演讲稿范文参考 英语故事演讲稿 BUYING A HAT A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam. You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" To his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats!" 中文翻译 买帽子 一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。已经忍耐到极限的售货员害怕她再改变主意,便恭维她:"你做了极好的选择,夫人。你戴上这顶帽子看上去起码年轻十岁!"但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:"我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。多拿一些帽子给我看看! 英语故事演讲稿二 Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she


A New Bike 英文: A New Bike I got a new bike. It is fast. I like it. Ho! Ho! I got a new car. It is faster than your bike. Your bike is too slow. Ha! Ha! I got a new motorcycle. It is faster than your car. Your car is too slow. Hee! Hee! Hee! I got a new airplane. It is faster than your motorcycle. Your motorcycle is too slow. I got a new rocket. It is faster than your airplane. Your airplane is too slow. My rocket is the fastest. The airplane is slower than the rocket. The motorcycle is slower than the airplane. The car is slower than the motorcycle.

And, my bike is slower than the car. My bike is the slowest. But, I don't care! I got a new yellow bike. And, I like it. 译文: 一辆新自行车 我有一辆新自行车。 它是快的。 我喜欢它。 嗬!嗬!我有一辆新汽车。 它比你的自行车快。 你的自行车太慢了。 哈!哈!我有一辆新摩托车。 它比你的汽车快。 你的汽车太慢了。 呵!呵!我有一架新飞机。 它比你的摩托车快。 你的摩托车太慢了。 我有一支火箭, 它比你的飞机快多了。 你的飞机太慢了。


英语课堂三分钟小故事演讲稿 英语演讲如果要讲的吸引人,有趣的故事演讲稿可少不了。下面是小编为你整理的几篇英语课堂三分钟小故事演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 英语课堂三分钟小故事演讲稿篇一 today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. however, as a persons whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. is fortune success? is fame success? is high social status success? no, i dont think so. i believe success is the realization of peoples hopes and ideals.nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. and the most obvious characteristics of them are money, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s


A Soldier's Brilliant Idea Mr. Robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. He liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he got on to the plane, he looked for a window seat. He found all of them had already had been taken except for one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr. Robinson was surprised that he had not taken the one by the window; but, anyhow, he at once went towards it. When he reached it, however, he saw that there was a notice on it. It was written in ink and said, "This seat is preserved for proper load balance, thank you." Mr Robinson had never seen such an unusual notice in a plane before, but he thought that the plane must be carrying something particularly heavy in it, so he walked on and found another empty seat, not beside a window, to sit in. Two or three people tried to sit in the window seat beside the soldier, but they too read the notice and went on, when the plane was nearly full, a very beautiful girl hurried into the plane. The soldier, who was watching the passengers coming in, quickly took the notice off the seat beside himself and in this way succeededin having the company of the girl during the whole trip. 英语幽默:士兵坐飞机有美女陪伴的高招 由于生意方面的事,罗宾逊先生得出趟门。因为有点紧急,他决定坐飞机。乘机旅行时,他喜欢靠窗坐,故而一登机,他就寻找一个靠窗的座位。他发现只有一个靠窗的座位还空着。在那空座位边坐着一名士兵。令罗宾逊先生纳闷的是,这位士兵没有坐靠窗的位置。罗宾逊先生不管那些,他马上径直朝那个空座位走去。 然而,等到了那儿,他看见座位上有则启事,是用钢笔写的:“为保持装载平衡,特预设该位置,谢谢合作。”罗宾逊先生还从来没有在飞机上见过如此不同寻常的启事。不过,他想飞机上一定装了什么特别重的物品,于是他找了个不靠窗的位置。 又有两三个乘客试图坐在那个士兵旁的靠窗座位上,他们看到那则启事就走开了。当快满座时,一位非常美丽的姑娘匆匆走进机舱。一直在注意进舱旅客的那个士兵赶紧拿掉他旁边空座位上的启事。士兵用这种办法,成功地找到了一位姑娘一路作伴。


四年级英语小故事大全小学四年级英语小故事精选【三篇】【导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自 己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是大为大家的《小学四年级英语小故事精选【三篇】》供您查阅。 The Bathing Boy One day, Tom is bathing in a river. He doesn’t swim well and will be drown. He calls out loud for help. A man is just passing by. He doesn’t help the boy, but stands by and says to him. “How imprudent you are! It is dangerous to bath in the river.”“Oh, yes sir,” cries the boy, “ Please help me out and scold me afterward.” Counsel without help is useless. 洗澡的男孩有一天,汤姆在河里洗澡。他不太会游泳。眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命。有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说道:“你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。”“哦,先生,”小男孩喊叫:请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。”只有忠告而不给予帮助是无济于事的。 Big Ben Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England.


英语小故事演讲稿(精选多篇)麦档网 a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "an excellent choice, madam. you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "i don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off. show me some more hats!" 中文翻译 买帽子 一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。已经忍耐到极限的售货员害怕她再改变主意,便恭维她:"你做了极好的选择,夫人。你戴上这顶帽子看上去起码年轻十岁!"但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:"我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。多拿一些帽子给我看看! 第二篇:英语小故事演讲稿 我要自由i want be free good afternoon,everyone.today,my topic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog. a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.” “why don’t you work steadily as i do,and get your food regularly?”“i would have no objection.”said the wolf,”if i could only get a place.” “i will help you.”said the dog.”come with me to my master,and you shall share me work ” so the wolf and the dog went to the town together. on the way ,the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog’neck.he felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that? “oh,it is nothing.”said the dog.”every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.you will soon get used to it.”


One day,a little monkey is playing by the well。 He looks in the well and shouts: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” An older monkeys runs over,takes a look,and says, “Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!” And olderly monkey comes over。 He is very surprised as well and cries out: “The moon is in the well。” A group of monkeys run over to the well。 They look at the moon in the well and shout: “The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!” Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down,with his feet on the branch。 feet with his hands。 And he pulls the next monkey’s All the other monkeys follow his suit, And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well。 Just before they reach the moon , the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky He yells excitedly“Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!” A woman was having lunch at a restaurant, and she was enjoying the food very much. But there was a man in the next seat, and he began looking at the floor near her. The woman was angry and asked,“What are you looking for, sir?” “A piece of cake,” the man said to her, “My cake fell to the floor. w! Take this, and go back to “A piece of cake?” the woman said angrily, “It’s dirty no your seat! I’m having lunch now. ” The woman gave the man a big piece of cake.“But,” the man said, “My teeth are in the piece of cake on the floor! A Good Boy Little Tom asked his mother for two yuan. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday ?” his mother asked.“I gave it to a poor old woman .” he answered . “You are a good boy. ” said the mother proudly . “ Here are two more yuan , but why are you so interested in the old woman ?” “ She is the one who sells the candy .”



英语幽默小故事10篇 Midway Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue. The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!" The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!" The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE". 中间战术 三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。 右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书:“大减 价!”“特便宜!” 左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称:“大砍价!”“大折扣!”

中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着:“入口处”。 Very Pleased to Meet You During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I‘m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months. Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England. Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve come to visit Captain Humphreys." "Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said. "Oh, that‘s all right," answered Joan. "I‘m his sister." "I‘m very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I‘m his mother!"

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