当前位置:文档之家› 雅思写作Task1柱状图考官范文(46)




The chart shows student expenditure over a three-year period in the United Kingdom.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


(1) includes non-essential consumer items and credit repayments

*Source: Student Income and Expenditure Survey. Department for Education and Employment.

Sample Answer:

The given bar graph represents data on the expenses of students who were less than 26 years old and were in higher studies in UK based on ‘Student Income and Expenditure Survey’ conducted by the Department for Education and Employment. The data presented in the graph were for the years 1996 and 1999 and the expenditures were classified in 7 main categories.

As is presented in the graph, entertainment was the highest expending category both in the given two years and the expenses for

foods, accommodation, household goods, non-essential travels and course decreased in 1999. According to the bar graph, the highest percentage of expenditure by the students (under 26 years old who were engaged in higher studies in UK) were in entertainment both in 1996 and in 1999. The percentage of expense for entertainment was 26 in 1996 and after three years that increased to 31%.

They spent 23% for their accommodation in 1996 which was the second largest expense category in 1996. Interestingly this expense decreased in 1999 and reached to 20%. A similar pattern can be observed for the foods, household goods, bills, course expenditure and non-essential travel in which category the expenditure actually decreased in 1999 than they were it 1996. About 1% of total expenses were for children in 1996 by the students who had children and no data was given for the year 1999 of this category. In 1996, the expenditure on courses was 10% and that decreased to 7% after three years. Non-essential consumer items and credit repayments were categories in ‘Other’ categories and that comprised 12% in 1996 whereas it increased to 16% in the year 1999.

In summary, the expenditure on foods, course fees, bills, accommodations and non-essential travels increased in 1999 compared to the expenditure of 1996 whereas the amount spent on

entertainment, credit repayment, and essential travels increased in 1999 by the students on UK who were in higher studies and were less than 26 years old.


雅思小作文柱状图Bar类解析 关于柱状图我们主要分两种写法: 1.如果横轴有明显的时间推移的话,烤鸭们应连接柱子顶点,重在描述柱子的升降起伏,写法类似于线状图。 2.如果无时间推移,则写法和饼状图一样。即按照各比较对象所占比例的高低写,同时要注意各所占比例之间的比较。 可以用到的词汇有: 1.表示“占多少”的动词 Account for Take up Make up Contribute to Have Represent 2.表示“最高级”和“比较级” 第一/最小the largest/biggest proportion of 第二the second/next largest/expensive(+ 形容词的最高级) 第三followed closely by 最低/最小the smallest percent of all 3.表示“相同比例” 即在饼状图中遇到了比例相同或者差不多的饼,如有A B两个比较对象。 A accounts for the same percentage as B . The proportion of A is as high as B A and B contributed equally/evenly to (all ) 在观察柱形图的时候首先要留意横轴的数据,若横轴为时间轴或者是年龄趋势,那么我们在主体段写作时候的基本思路就为从左到右;若横轴数据为具体专有名词诸如地点,交通工具等时,主体段的写作思路就可能是按照柱形的长度排列。本文根据上述的分析做以下的总结: 一、按照横轴从左到右排列数据: 1. 两根柱且趋势截然相反 在这种写法中,我们要注意观察2根柱的上升/下降的幅度。以下我们就来看一个例子:


Topic 1: When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programs) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion? 媒体信息一致的缺点: ?国际媒体(global media)—般掌握在少数几个有实力的机构手中(in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations);有了媒体的宣传(propaganda)后,西方文化成了主流(domineering force),大规模的、有吸引力的广告(mass seductive advertising )唤起了落后地区人们对物质新的向往(create fresh desires),经济联系增强(strong economic ties),西方产品取代了本地产品,使人们更加向往西方的文化; ?文化开始融合在一起(mingle),人们被新的价值观所围绕(bombarded with new values),对自己的文化失去信心和自豪感(confidence and pride),拒绝接受自己的文化传统(rejection of their cultural heritage)转而接受西方的文化习惯(adoption of Western cultural practices);西方媒体削弱了民族的特征(ethnic identity)和社会的凝聚力(social cohesion);因为担心失去观众(a loss of viewers),当地的电视台也开始播放西方的电视节目(television shows), ?国际媒体的普遍会降低世界文化的品质和多样性(degrade the quality and diversity of world culture);文化被商业化(commercialized), —些文化产品(cultural goods),如音乐、服装,都变成了商品(commodities in the marketplace)。因此,即便一些文化在世界其他地方传播,它原来的性质(authenticity)已经丧失。 媒体信息一致的优点: ?国家之间的频繁交往会促进文化之间的交流。因此,相互了解和相互认同的可能性(likelihood of mutual understanding and mutual acceptance )就会增加,这是顺应全球化的趋势; ?未必一定放弃传统观念(not necessarily lead to the abolition of traditional values),事实上媒体可以起到宣传和稳固传统文化的作用; ?主流媒体一般都会反应文化多元性(The dominant media reflect cultural diversity.); —些外国节目其实促进了文化多元性(Most foreign programming is promoting cultural diversity.),适应了当地的条件(adapt to local conditions),注意到了当地文化的敏感性(aware of cultural sensitivity).自我调节来适应市场(exercise self-censorship to suit the market :)。 As international media companies expand across the world, the growing popularity and uniformity of some media programs (such as TV shows, movies, fashion shows) is causing worldwide concern. Many people have strong views toward this trend. In my opinion, international media is closely linked to cultural globalization and cultural homogeneity. The dominance of international media is a sign of Western cultural imperialism and has the potential to thwart cultural diversity. It is not a secret that international media is owned and operated by a handful of giant corporations, such as Time Warner. They control large sectors of the media market and place national media companies at risk. The contraction in the number of media owners will cause a proportional reduction, in the variety of programs broadcasted. For example, painting, music and movies accessible in the media have a small number of genres, imposing restraints on one's knowledge of artworks of different cultural backgrounds. In addition to seizing control over those creative industries, global entertainment companies affect cultural diversity by reshaping the perceptions, beliefs and norms of ordinary citizens in different countries. Most of the cultural values and ideals promoted by the leading mainstream media are of American origin. American culture values individuality, maximization of one's benefits and material wealth, rather than communal life and family solidarity, the values and norms previously treasured in" many Asian countries. Unfortunately, many Asian people now imitate American people, causing the alteration of their perceptions of family. This radical change can be attributed to those movies and TV programs that portray the success of American individuals or corporations.


雅思大作文广告类句观 点总结 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

雅思大作文广告类句观点总结 Advertising 广告类 Positives of Advertising 广告的优点 Advertising is a key part of modern need to tell customers about their inform us about the choices we have. 广告是现代商业的重要组成部分。公司需要告诉消费者他们的产品。广告告诉我们有哪些选择。 Advertising is a creative industry that employs many people. 广告是一个创业产业,吸纳了很多就业。 People enjoy advertising we would have less choice. 人们喜欢广告。.没有广告,我们的选择很少。 Without advertising there would be higher unemployment. 没有广告会有更高的失业率。 Advertising is a form of modern art. 广告是现代艺术的一种形式。 Negatives of Advertising 广告的缺点 Advertising manipulates aims to persuade people that buying a product will make them happier.

广告操纵着人们。它的目标是说服人们去购买产品让他们高兴。 Advertisers focus on selling a brand are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status. 广告重在售卖一种品牌印象。我们会不自觉的将一些品牌与社会地位关联在一起。 They use glamorous,successful people. 他们使用迷人的,成功的人(作为形象代言)。 We now live in a consumer are persuaded to follow the latest trend. 我们生活在消费文化里。我们被说服去紧跟潮流。 Advertisers often aim their marketing at can easily be influenced by put pressure on parents to buy them things. 广告商经常把营销目标瞄准儿童。儿童很容易被广告影响。而孩子带给家长购买压力。 Opinions about Advertising 关于广告 Advertising should be aimed at children should be controlled or even banned. 广告应该被监管。将广告瞄准儿童应该受到控制甚至禁止。 Unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that Products that can be risk to healthy should display warnings. 垃圾食品不应该以一种吸引人的方式推广。危害到健康的儿童产品应该标示警示文字。


# 43. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. You should write at least 150 words.

model answer: The chart shows CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre for variuos methods of transport in the European Union while the pie chart shows European Union spending on transport. Flying by air produces by far the greatest CO2 emissions, approximately three times as much as passenger cars which are the next largest producers. Very little is spent by the EU on air travel while roads make up more than half of the EU transport budget. Trains produce about three times less CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre than passenger cars and eight times less than air travel. Nearly a third of EU transport funds are spent on railways. Ships are a clean form of transport and produce about the same amount of CO2 per passenger kilometre as trains do. However, only 2 percent of EU funds are spent on ports. A further one percent is spent on inland waterways. Coaches are the cleanest form of transport. Emissions of CO2 per passenger kilometre from coaches are half those of buses. Buses emit less than half as much CO2 per passenger kilometre as cars. The European Union spends 10 percent of its transport budget on public transport, such as buses and coaches. (197 words)

Simon考官范文-雅思写作Task 2: problem/solution(问题与解决办法) essay

题目: In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. 范文: It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems. As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives. There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens. In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older. (265 words, band 9)

雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 城市成活困难与解决方案.doc

雅思写作大作文范文雅思写作报告类城市成活困难与解决方案 今天我们雅思写作大作文范文的文章来研究下城市生活困难与解决方案。随着城镇化的发展,越来越多曾经居住在郊区或者农村的人移居到城市之中。他们希望找到一份工作,从此过上更好的生活。但是,城市有其自己的问题。物价较高、住房紧张、交通拥堵、空气污染、上学难、看病难等问题一直困扰着市民。那么政府可以做些什么来解决或者减轻这些问题呢?小编搜集了一篇考官范文,以供大家参考。 雅思写作大作文题目 More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone? 越来越多的人为了更好的生活移居到城市之中,但是在城市生活下去可能极其困难。说明一些居住在城市中的具体困难。政府应该如何做才能使城市生活变得更好。 雅思写作大作文范文 Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for the average inhabitant. 城市经常被看作是充满机会的地方,但是居住在巨型城市中也有一些明显的缺陷。在我看来,政府在为居民提升生活品质方面还可以做的更多。 The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas. Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful. 希望移居到大型城市中的人的主要问题是生活成本可能要比小的城镇或者村庄高很多。城市居民不得不为住房、交通、甚至是食物支付更高的价格。另一个问题是,与郊区相比,城市区域倾向于遭受各种社会问题的困扰,如高犯罪率和高贫困率。此外,由于来自交通的污染,城市中的空气质量经常很差。街道和公共交通通常都很拥挤。因此,城市生活可能既不健康,又压力巨大。 However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly, they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban


1.四国人口 The chart below shows the percentage of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002. 思路: 【首段】转述题目+补充信息【二段】中国的人口规律和未来趋势【三段】印度的【四段】美国和韩国的【尾段】总结,重申全图最主要趋势,印度将取代中国成人口第一大国 答案: The bar chart compares the changes in the proportion of population in India, China, the USA and Japan in 1950 and 2002. And it also indicates the projections for 2050. In 1950. China accounted for one fourth of the world population. Although this figure decreased slightly, it still ranked the first in 2002, compared to other three countries. It is estimated that the population in China will continue to drop to 19 per cent in the middle of this century. India ranked the second in terms of the population in the table, which made up 15 percent in 1950, but since then, there was a dramatic increase, climbing to approximately 19 percent. The percentage is expected to increase slightly to 21 per cent in 2050 and will probably exceed that in China. When it comes to the population in the USA and Japan, both of which witnessed a decrease from 1950 to 2002. It is predicted that in 2050, the percentage will remain the same in the USA, and in Japan, the percentage is likely to keep falling. Overall, it seems that India will become the country with the largest population although there is still a huge number of people in China.


雅思10范文急求雅思范文10篇 无忧雅思网论坛: 这是他主页: 3g雅思网: 上面都有范文!希望对你有帮助! 首先分析这种现象的利与弊 advantages:pany 会进一步推进科学研究的发展,由于公司大多数会投资有生产或者市场价值的研究,这样就弥补了政府在这方面投入的不足。而且商业性研究会带来利益,进而带来一系列好处。。。 disadvantages: 也许会导致科研商业化,吸引研究者更多的从事商业研究而忽略基础研究,造成基础研究薄弱,科学技术研究水平发展不平衡。 然后,假设你认同利大于弊,进一步阐述你的理由,强化利大于弊的观点。

假如你不认同,同上。 最后别忘了作总结,再次重申你的观点 Training Experience in Shanghai chmin 发表于 xx-3-28 8:29:00 Last week I went to Shanghai for the taining classes held by Altair, a famous engineering software pany.I can't remember the exactly times that I have been to Shanghai, but this time, i'd like to say, is very memorable. Not because I excursed some splendid artifical sights nor I was taken to some characteristic restaurants, just only since the afflictive time in autobus every morning. Life in school is quite fortable. If there's no class in the morning, I just need to wake up naturally, and inordinate some time, the moment i opened my eyes, it's alreay 12 o'clock. Incredible, I got up before 7 o'clock the whole last week, and spent more than one and half an


雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4) 本文为大家收集整理了雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4)。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below.

Sample Answer: The given graphs provide information on the amount of Carbon dioxide emission per person from different vehicles in the European Union and also show the expenditures on different modes of transportations. As is observed from the given illustration, the highest amount of CO2 per person is emitted by the Air transports and European Union spends highest percentage of funds for the road transportation system. According to the bar graph, a single passenger of a personal cars emit around 130 gm of CO2 per kilometer while a passenger in a bus contribute to 65 gm of emission per kilometer. Coaches, maritime and rail passengers emit the lowest amount of CO2which is about 50 grams per passenger in a kilometer. Finally a single passenger of airplane contributes to 370 km of CO2 per kilo which is the highest amount of CO2 emission among the given transportations. Based on the pie chart, the European Union spent the highest amount (52%) on the road transportation system while spent only 1% or 2% on ports, waterway airport

慎小嶷 《十天突破雅思写作》总结2

General Knowledge 注意: 1. 作文要有实质内容。 2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。 3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。必须在对英语造句知识准确理解和把握的基础上流畅地写出复杂的长句子,而不是刻意、机械地拉长句子。(准确、严密、多样、清晰) 4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。 5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。 6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。 7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。 8.

如果Task 2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task 2。反之,就先写Task 1。 9. 齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行 缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行 10. 可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首 11. 7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长 ?Topics ?学术类写作的特殊要求 1. 不接受缩写形式 2. 不使用非正式口语表达 3. 英美拼写不能混淆 4. 用词要有特色 5. 句式不能过于短促 6. 句式不能过于干瘪 7. 感情色彩不能过于强烈


雅思经典小作文柱状图4篇范文+写作要点分析 C1T3 题目 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 范文的思路好了。这样好的东西,可惜不是我整理的,是一个叫landfish姑娘收集的,厉害! v105 Some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you ag ree or disagree? 范文1 The birth of cars has made an enormous change to our life. In the past, we travelled fro m one place to another only by foot, nowadays, cars can do the same job . It goes withou r saying that the invention of cars bring great benefits to all of us. but as an ancient prove rb goes, no garden without weeds. Car is no exception. Owing a car has a lot of advantages. For one thing, car provides us the most convenient wa y of transportation. we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time. Emotionally, I always found driving is so exciting. For another , it is comfortable to drive a car.in winte r.Drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy weather .In addition, drivers are saf er in their cars when they are out at night. While cars bring the human a large number of merits ,their side-effects gradually come t o the surface .Firstly, running a car needs a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.The incre asing number of cars contributes the lack of energy.Secondlly,as more and more cars are util zed,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which leads to the seriou s traffic jam.Moreover,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantitie s of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.It makes the air of cities unbreathable, it strips peop le’s contact with fresh air. Therefore, the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental p ollution can be avioded , and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars un der control. Thus, our heavier traffic can be solved!


雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4) The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below. Sample Answer: The given graphs provide information on the amount of Carbon dioxide emission per person from different vehicles in the European Union and also show the expenditures on different modes of transportations. As is observed from the given illustration, the highest amount of CO2 per person is emitted by the Air transports and European Union spends highest percentage of funds for the road transportation system.

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