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abandon vt.放弃 abruptly ad.突然

absorb vt.使精神贯注 abstract a.抽象的

abuse n.责骂 abuse vt.滥用

academy n.专科院校,中等学校 access n.接近accomplishment n.成就 accord n.调和,一致account n.考虑 accountant n.会计accumulate vt.积累,累积 accumulate vt.积累,累积accusation n.罪名,谴责 accuse vt.谴责

acquaint vt.使认识 acquire vt.获得

acquisition n.获得 across ad.阔

act n.(戏剧的)一幕 action n.战斗

adamant a.不动摇的 add vt.增添

addition n.增添物 adjustment n.调整admittedly ad.公认地 adopt vt.采纳

adore vt.崇拜 adorn vt.装饰

adult n.成年人 advance a.(只作定语)预先的advance n.进展 advantage n.有利条件advent n.出现 advertisement n.广告advertiser n.做广告的人 advise vt.劝告,建议advisory a.咨询的 Aegean a.爱琴海的

afflict vt.使苦恼 agonizing a.使人坐卧不安的agreeable a.宜人的 agriculture n.农业

air vt.发表 air-flight n.班机,航班

air-raid n.空袭 alarm n.惊恐

alarm n.警报 alien a.外国的

alike ad.一样地 all-night a.通霄的

alone ad.仅,只 along ad.向前

alongside prep.在...旁边 alter vt.改变,改动alternative a.两者挑一的 amass vt.积聚

amaze vt.使惊奇 amber-like a.琥珀色的ambition n.抱负 ambitious a.野心勃勃的amount n.数额 amply ad.足够地

amusement n.开心,逗乐 anchor vi.下锚

annual a.一年一度的 anonymous a.匿名的

ant n.蚂蚁 anticipate vt.预期,预料antique n.古玩 antique furniture n.古老家俱anxiety n.忧虑,担忧 anxious a.急要的,渴望的aphides n.蚜虫 apologetic a.道歉的apologize vi.道歉 appeal n.感染力

appeal vi.有吸引力 appearance n.露面,出场appoint vt.任命 appreciate vt.重视

apstream ad.向上游 arc light n.弧光灯

arcade n.有拱廊的街道 archaeologist n.考古学家architectural a.建筑学的 archway n.拱形门廊

arduous a.艰苦的 argue vi.争论

argument n.争吵 aristocrat n.贵族arithmetical a.算术的 army n.大群

arouse vt.唤起 arrange vt.排列

article n.物品 artificial a.人工的

artistic a.艺术的 ascertain vt.查明

ashamed a.羞愧 ashtray n.烟灰缸

assail vt.缠住 assemble vt.装配

assess vt.估价 assiduously ad.勤奋地associate vt.使发生联系 assorted a.各式各样的assume vt.假定 assumption n.设想

asterisk n.星号 astound vt.使吃惊

astride prep.跨 astronomer n.天文学家

atmosphere n.大气 attach vt.系,缚

attach vt.喜爱,依恋 attack vt.攻击

attack vt.攻击 attainment n.达到

attend vi.照料 attic n.顶楼,屋顶室

attract vt.吸引 audience n.听众,观众,接见,拜见automatically ad.自然而然地 automation n.自动化

available a.可得到的 awe n.敬畏,怕


background n.背景 backwater n.回水处,回水

back-yard n.后院 baggage n.行李

bake vt.烤 balcony n.阳台

band n.伙,帮 bar n.棒;栅,栏

bare a.赤裸的 barely ad.仅仅

bargain vi. n.讨价还价 base n.底部

be glued to vt.盯着 bear vt.负荷

bearing n.关系,联系 beat vt.打败

bedraggle vt.(在泥水中)拖湿 beekeeper n.养蜂人

beetle n.甲虫 befall vt.降临到...(指坏事)

beg vt.乞讨 being n.存在

beings n.人 belong vi.住

belongings n.行李 bend vt.(把目光等)集中

benefit vi.受益 benefit n.好处,受益

bet vt.打赌 betray vt.暴露

bewildering a.令人无所适从的 bewilderment n.为难

beyond prep.超出...之外 beyond prep.(表示范围)超出

bind vt.使结合 birth n.出生

bit n.小片 bite vt.咬

bitterly ad.厉害地 blackberry n.黑莓blackberry n.黑莓 blacken vt.使...变黑blame vt.责怪 blank a.空白的

blare vi.发嘟嘟声 block n.街区

board vt.上(车船,飞机) board n.船舷boathook n.有钩的篙子 boathouse n.船库boatman n.船夫body n.身子 bomb vt.轰炸

book-keeper n.薄记员 booming a.轰响的

boot n.(汽车的)车箱 bore vt.钻

boredom n.烦恼,无聊 bother n.麻烦

bother vt.烦扰 bottom n.底

boulder n.大石块 bound a.必定的boundary n.边界 boxer n.拳击手

boxing n.拳击 brake vt.刹(车) breath-taking a.惊人的 breed vt.培育

brief a.简短的 briefly ad.短暂地brilliantly ad.灿烂地 brown paper n.牛皮纸bullion n.金条 bump vi.碰撞

bump vt.颠簸地行驶 bumpy a.崎岖不平的bundle n.包袱 burglar n.盗贼

burnt a.烧焦的 burriedly ad.急忙地bus ride乘公共汽车 Byron拜伦(英国诗人)


cabinet n.橱 cable n.海底电报;缆索cage n.鸟笼 calculate vt.计算

calender n.日历 call-box n.电话间

camera n.摄像机 canal n.运河

cancel vt.取消 cap n.(笔的)套

capacity n.负载能力 capsize vi.(船)倾覆

capsule n.宇宙容器 capture vt.引起,赢得cardboard n.硬纸板 care n.小心,忧虑

cargo n.货物 Caribbean n.加勒比海carpenter n.木匠 carve vt.镌刻

case n.情况;案例 cast vt.选派...扮演角色casualty n.伤亡人员 catastrophe n.大祸

cater vi.迎合(常与for连用) cattle n.家畜,牲口

cause n.事业;理由 caveman n.洞人

cavern n.大山洞、大洞穴 cease vi.停止

ceiling n.天花板 celebration n.庆祝会

cell n.单人牢房 chain n.一连串;链子,链条chalk-mark n.粉笔记号 champagne n.香槟酒

chance n.机会 chaos n.混乱

characteristic n.特征 Charlie Chaplin查理·卓别林chasm n.(地壳的)陷窟 chat n.聊天

cheerfully ad.高兴地 cherish vt.抱有

chest n.箱子 Chicago芝加哥(美国城市) chief n.头目 china n.瓷器

chip vt.凿 chug vi.嘎嚓嘎嚓地响

chunk n.(厚)块 circumstance n.(常用复数)情况citizen n.市民,公民 city-state n.城邦

civil a.平民的 civil servant n.公务员

civilization n.文明 civilized a.文明的

claim n.(据权利提出的)要求 clamp n.夹钳,夹子

classical a.古典的 classify vt.分类

clay n.粘土 clectrician n.电工

cleft n.裂缝 clerical a.办事员(式)的cleverness n.聪明,机智 click vi.发出卡嗒声

cling vi.粘附 clog vt.堵塞

close a.准确的 closely ad.细细地

closeness n.接近 cloth n.布

cloud plains n.云海 clue n.线索

clump n.丛 cluster n.一簇簇

clutch vt.抓住 clutter n.杂七杂八的东西

cock n.公鸡 code n.代号

collar n.衣领 colleague n.同事

collector n.收集者 collide vi.(车辆)碰撞,猛撞collision n.碰撞 colony n.一群

colossal a.巨大的 colourful a.绚丽多彩的,彩色的column n.队 column n.柱

comedian n.喜剧演员 comfort n.安慰,舒适comfortable a.舒服的 comforting a.安慰的,安慰人的comic a.喜剧的 comment vi.评论commercialization n.商品化 common a.普通的

communicate vi.通讯 community n.社区

compartment n.密封舱 compensate vt.补偿

complaint n.抱怨 complex a.复杂的

complicated a.复杂的 composition n.构图

composure n.镇静 comprehensive a.包括内容多的computer n.计算机 conceal vt.隐瞒,隐藏conception n.概念;想法 conclude vt.推断出

conclusion n.结论 concoction n.混合物

concrete n.混凝土 condemn vt.谴责

conduct vt.引导 confidently ad.自信地confront vt.面临 confuse vt.混淆

confusion n.混乱 conscientious a.尽职的conscious a.意识到的 consequence n.后果considerable a.相当大的 consist vi.由...组成

console vt.安慰 conspire vt.(巧合地)协力促成constable n.治安官,警官,巡官 constructively ad.积极地consult vt.查阅 consumer n.顾客,消费者contact n.接触 contaminate vt.污染contempt n.轻视 content n.内容

contented a.心满意足的 contention n.论点

contents n.所装的东西 continuously ad.连续不断地convention n.习俗 conventional a.传统的conversely ad.反之 convey vt.传达

convince vt.使信服 convoy n.护航

cool vi.变凉(常与off连用) coordinate vt.协调

coral n.珊瑚 corn n.小麦

corner vt.使...走投无路 correspondance n.往来函件corrider n.走廊 cosmetic n.化妆品

costume n.化装服 cottage n.村舍,小屋couchette n.(法)火车卧铺 countless a.无数的

country house n.乡间住宅 countryman n.同胞,同国人couple n.夫妻 couple n.两三个,几个courage n.勇气 court n.法院

cow shed n.牛棚 crack n.缝隙

cramped a.拥挤的 compile vt.编制

crane n.起重机 crawl vi.爬

craze n.狂热 crazy a.疯狂的

creative a.创造性的 credulous a.轻信的

creep vi.蹑手蹑脚地走动 crew n.全体船员

crime n.罪行 critical a.危急的

crockery n.陶器 crow vi.(雄鸡)啼

crown vt.为...加冠 crude a.粗野的

cruiser n.巡洋舰 crust n.地壳

cupboard n.小橱 curiously ad.稀奇古怪地current n.电流;水流 current n.水流

curtain n.(舞台上的)布幕


dangle vi.摇摇晃晃 dash vi.冲

dashboard n.仪表板 Dauphine Alps多芬·阿尔卑斯山dawdle vt.慢吞吞地前进 dawn n.黎明

dawn vi.渐被理解 daylight n.白昼

deal vi.对待(与with连用) dealer n.商人

dear a.亲爱的;昂贵的 debt n.债

deception n.欺骗 deck n.甲板

decorate vt.布置 decorate vt.装饰

decry vt.诋毁 dedicate vt.奉献

dedicated a.潜心的 deduce vt.推断

deer n.鹿 defence n.防护

definite a.一定的 degree n.程度

delay vt.耽搁,延误 delay n.耽搁

deliberately ad.仔细考虑地,故意地 deliberately ad.故意地delicacy n.精美的食物 delicate a.淡色的

delight n.高兴 delightful a.令人高兴的delusion n.幻想 demand n. vt.需要

democratic a.民主的 demonstrate vt.证明

dense a.稠密的 deny vt.拒绝

departure n.离开 dependent a.依赖的

depict vt.描绘 depth n.深度

descend vi.突然去访问 description n.描述description n.描述 desert a.无人居住的

desert vt.擅离 deserted a.无人的

desire n.欲望 despise vt.鄙视

despite prep.尽管 destination n.目的地destroy vt.毁掉 detail n.细节

detailed a.详细的 detective a.侦探的

devise vt.设计;想出 devour vt.狼吞虎咽地吃diagnose vt.诊断 dignity n.尊严

dim a.昏暗的 diminish vi.减少

dimly ad.不清楚地 dinghy n.救生橡皮筏,小船direct vt.指引 direct ad.直接

direct a.直接的 disadvantage n.不利disappear vi.失踪,消失 develop vt.产生disappearance n.失踪 disappointing a.令人失望的disaster n.灾难 discard vt.丢弃

discovery n.发现 discreetly ad.谨慎地disembark vi.上岸 dish n.一道菜

disillusion vt.使幻想破灭 dislike vt.厌恶

dislocate vt.使混乱 dismantle vt.拆卸

dismiss vt.解雇 disordered a.混乱的disregard vt.不顾;漠视,无视 distinguish vi.区别distasteful a.讨厌的 disturbing a.令人不安的distinguished a.杰出的,著名的 disused vt.废弃,不用

dive vi.头先入水地跳入 diversion n.改道

diving n.跳水 do-it-yourself自己动手dome n.穹窿,圆顶 domestic a.家里的

don''ts n.禁止的事 door-way n.门口

do''s n.要求做到的事 dot n.点

doubt n.怀疑 dweller n.居民

doubtful a.可疑的 downfall n.垮台

doze vi.瞌睡(与off连用) dozen n.十二个

drain n.排水沟 drainage n.排水

dramatic a.扣人心弦的 dramatically ad.戏剧性地draw vt.画,划 draw vt.提取

draw vi.(向某一方向)移动 drawer n.抽屉

drawing-room n.客厅 dread vt.害怕

dread n.畏惧,恐怖 dreadful a.可怕的

drill n.钻 drilling vessel n.钻探船drip vi.滴下 drunk a.(常作表语)醉的dubious a.可疑的 due a.预定应到的

dump vt.把...砰的一声抛下 declare vt.申报(纳税物) dustman n.清洁工 dusty a.多灰尘的

dye vt.染


eagerly ad.急切地 earn vt.挣得

ease n.容易 easily ad.容易地

Easter n.(耶稣)复活节 eccentric n.古怪人eccentricity n.怪僻 economic a.经济上的

editor n.编辑 eerie a.引起恐惧的effective a.有效的 efficiency n.效率

efficient a.效率高的 effortlessly a.不费力地elaborate a.精心构思的 elder n.长辈

Electricity Board供电局 electronic a.电子的element n.成分 embark vt.着手

embark vi.开始,从事 embed vt.埋

emerge vt.出现 emigrate vi.移居(国外) eminent a.杰出的 emit vt.放射

emotionally ad.感情上 enclosure n.围场,围栏encouragingly ad.鼓励地 end n.结束

energy n.能力 engage vt.使啮合

engrave vt.雕刻 enjoyable a.愉快的enlinghtened a.开明的 entertain vt.抱有,怀有entertain vt.招待 entertainment n.消遣,娱乐enthusiast n.热衷者 enthusiasm n.热情

entrance vt.使出神 entry n.进入

equal vt.等于 equally ad.同样

equator n.(前加the)赤道 equip vt.配备

equipment n.设备 era n.时代

erase vt.消除 error n.错误

escapist n.会消遣的人 essential a.基本的estimate vt.估计 eve n.除夕

event n.事件 Everest n.珠穆朗玛峰evidence n.证据 evidence n.证据

evolve vt.使逐渐形成 exact a.确切的

example n.实例 exception n.例外exceptionally ad.例外地 exchange vt.交换

exclusive a.独占的 exempt a.被免除的

exert vt.施加 exhaust vt.使精疲力竭exhausted a.精疲力竭的 exhibit n.陈列品exhilarating a.使人高兴的 existence n.存在experience vt.经历 expert cook烹调能手explore vt.考察,勘探 express n.快车

expression n.表达 extend vi.延伸

extinct a.灭绝的 extol vt.颂扬

extraordinarily ad.特别地 extraordinarily ad.特别地extraordinary a.离奇的 extravagant a.侈奢的extreme n.极端 envious a.嫉妒的


face vt.面临 fail vi.停止作用

faint a.微弱的 faintly ad.微微地

faith n.信任 faithfully ad.诚恳地

falter vi.结结巴巴地说出 fame n.名声,名望

family home家乡 fanciful a.想像出来的fancy vt.喜欢 fantastic a.大得难以置信的farm hand n.农场工人 farm labourer n.农场劳动者farmhouse n.农舍 fascination n.魅力

fashion n.时髦 fasten vt.系牢

fat n.油脂 favour n.恩惠

favourably ad.有利地 favourate n.特别喜爱的事物fee n.费 feeling n.感觉

fellow-actor n.(唱戏时的)搭档

fend vt.挡开(与off连用) ferry vt.渡运

fetch vt.(去)拿来,请来 fete n.节目

fickleness n.易变 fiction n.小说

fiercely ad.猛烈地 figure n.人影;人物

figure n.数字 file n.案卷

film show n.放映的电影 final a.最后的

find n.收藏品 find n.发现物

fingerprint n.手指印 fire vt.解雇

fire-brigade n.消防队 fireplace n.壁炉

firmly ad.牢牢地 fissure n.裂缝

fist n.拳 fit vt.安装

fit vi.适合 flash vi.闪光

flash vt.闪烁 flat n.一套房间

flaw n.缝隙 flee vi.逃走

flicker vi.闪烁 float n.浮船坞

float vt.漂浮 flood vt.注满水

flooding n.洪水泛滥 Florence佛罗伦萨(意大利城市) Florentine n.佛罗伦萨人 flourish n.戏剧性动作

fly n.苍蝇 fog n.雾

follow vt.遵照 footnote n.脚注

forbidding a.令人生畏的 foresight n.预见

foretell vt.预言 forgive vt.宽恕,原谅

form n.形式,形体 form vt.构思出

formidable a.难以对付的 fortune n.大量财产

found vt.建立 foundation n.地基

fragment n.碎片 freckle n.雀斑

free vt.释放 freedom n.自由

frequency n.频繁 frequent a.频繁的

frequently ad.经常 fresco n.壁画

fresh a.精神饱满的 frighten vt.惊吓

frontier n.国境线 frustration n.挫折

fry vt.油煎 fulfil vt.达到(目的),实现full-length a.全身的 fumble vt.乱摸

fun n.乐趣 fundamental a.根本的

funeral n.葬礼 further a.更多的furthermore ad.而且,此外 fuse vi.保险丝烧断不通电fussy a.大惊小怪的 future a.未来的


gaily ad.愉快地 gallery n.美术馆gangster n.暴徒,歹徒 gaoler n.(监狱)看守

gap n.裂口 gathering n.集会

gear n.用具 gear n.(汽车等的)排挡general a.普遍的 gentle a.从容的gentleman n.绅士 genuine a.真正的genuinely ad.由衷地 geological a.地质的gesticulate vi.打手势 glare vi.怒目注视gleaming a.闪闪发光的 glint vi.闪烁

glisten vi.闪烁 glove n.手套

glow n.白热光 goat n.山羊

goddess n.女神 good n.好处

good-humouredly ad.和气地 grab vt.强夺

graceful a.优美的 gradually ad.逐渐地gramophone record n.留声机唱片 grant vt.同意

grapple vt.抓住 grateful a.感激的

grave a.严重的 grave n.坟墓

grease n.润滑油 greedily ad.贪婪地

greet vt.冲鼻 greetings n.问候

greyish a.淡灰色的 grievance n.不平,不满grieve v.(使)悲痛,(使)伤心,忧伤 grinding a.嘎嘎响的grocer n.杂货商 grudge vt.舍不得,不愿给guard''s van n.列车员车厢 guest n.客人

guest-room n.客房 gather vi.聚集

guilt n.罪行 guilty a.感到有罪的guinea n.几尼(英国金币)


hair-oil n.头发油halt n.停止

hammer vi.锤击hand-made a.手工制作的

handy man n.能工巧匠happily ad.高兴地

hardened a.老练的 harm n.害处

hasty a.匆忙的 hate vt.恨

haul vt.拖曳 haunted a.闹鬼的

hawser n.粗缆绳 hay n.干草

headlight n.(汽车等的)前灯 health inspector n.卫生检查官heat-wave n.热浪(意即炎热) hen n.母鸡

hero n.男主人公,男主角 heroine n.女主人公

high-handed a.专横的 highly ad.高度地

highway n.公路 hinder vt.妨碍

hip n.臀部 hire vt.出租给

hire vt.租,雇 historian n.历史学家

hoarding n.收藏,贮藏 hoax n.戏弄

hobble vi.跛行 hollow a.空心的

holly n.冬青属植物 honestly ad.诚实地

horde n.群 horizon n.地平线

horn n.喇叭 horrify vt.使震惊

horror n.恐惧 hospitable a.好客的

hostile a.有敌意的,不友好的 house vt.收藏

human a.有人性的 human being n.人类

human frame n.身躯 hunt n.捕捉

hunt vt.打猎 hunt n.捕捉

hunting n.狩猎 hurricane n.飓风

hypnotize vt.使入迷iceberg n.冰山

icy a.冰冷的 ideal a.理想的

identity n.身分 idyllic a.田园诗的

ignorance n.无知

illogical a.不合逻辑的 ill-treat vt.不友好地对待,虐待illusion n.幻觉 illustrate vt.说明

imaginary a.想像的 imagine vt.想像

imitate vt.仿效 immaculate a.清洁的

immediately ad.紧挨着地 immensity a.优美的

immortal a.不朽的 impatient a.不耐烦的

import duty进口税 impress vt.印,盖印,留下印象impression n.印象;压痕 impressive a.给人深刻印象的imprison vt.关押 improbable a.不大可能的

impulse n.冲动 inaccessible a.达不到的

including prep.包括 incompetent a.不称职的

inconceivable a.不可思议的 incorrect a.不正确的increasingly ad.日益 incredible a.难以相信的independence n.独立 indicate vt.表明

indiscriminate a.不加选择的 individual a.个别的individual n.个人 industious a.勤劳的

industry n.勤劳 infinitely ad.无限地

inflatable a.可膨胀的,充气的 influence vt. n.影响

informal a.不拘礼节,随便的 information n.情报,资料ingenuity n.机灵 ingredient n.配料

inhabitant n.居民,住户 injure vt.伤害

injury n.受伤处 innocence n.无辜

inquisitive a.爱打听的 inscribe vt.刻,雕

insect n.昆虫 insignificant a.无意义的insist vt.坚持 insistent a.逼人注意的inspector n.巡官 install vt.安装

instance n.例子 instantly ad.立即

instinct n.本能冲动;本能 instinctively ad.本能地instrument n.仪器 insurmountable a.不可克服的intellectual n.知识分子 intelligent a.智慧的

intensely ad.强烈地 intention n.意向

interest n.利益 interest vt.使...感兴趣interference n.干预 internal a.内部的

interview n.接见 intimidate vt.恐吓

intoxicate vt.使陶醉,醉人 introduce vt.引进

intruder n.入侵者 invariably ad.常常,总是investigate vt.调查 investigate vt.调查

inveterate a.积习难改的 invisible a.无形的

involve vt.牵涉 ironically ad.讽刺地

irritating a.气人的 item n.物件,东西

ivory n.象牙


jacket n.茄克衫 jeweller n.珠宝商

jewellery n.(总称)珠宝 jigsaw puzzle n.拼板玩具

join vt.连接,衔接 journalist n.新闻记者

judge n.法官 judge vt.判断

juncture n.时刻,关头 jungle n.丛林

junior n.等级低的 junk n.破烂货

justice n.正义 justified a.正当的,合理的Justiteombudsman n.国会司法物派员


keen a.热心的 ken n.见识

kidnapper n.拐子,绑架者 knowledgable a.有见识的knowledge n.知识,学问


labyrinth n.迷宫

lack vi.缺少

landing n.着陆landshape n.景色

largely ad.在很大程度上

last n.最后一次

launch vt.使(船)下水lavishly ad.慷慨地

law n.法律

lawn-mower n.草坪割草机laying-out n.布置

lead n.领先

lead vi.通往

lead vt.过日子

learner n.初学者legendary a.传奇似的leisure n.空闲

leisurely a.悠闲的length n.根,段

level n.水平

level n.阶层

life work毕生的事业

life-boat n.救生艇

lift n.电梯

lift vt.拿起

likely ad.很可能

like-minded a.志趣相投的lime-stone n.石灰石

line vt.沿...排列

liner n.定期航班船

lines n.台词

link n.链环

liquid a.液态的

list vt.列举

listener n.听众

litter vt.在...上放杂乱东西

living accomodation n.生活舱

living creature n.生灵

load vt.装

load n.(车、船的)装载量

lobster n.龙虾

locate vt.确定...地点,找出

locate vt.位于

lodge vt.提出(申诉等)

log book n.航海日志

loneliness n.孤独

lonely a.寂寞的

long-lost a.失踪很久的

look-out n.嘹望员

loose a.散乱的

lord n.勋爵

loss n.失去,损失

lovable a.可爱的

lubricate vt.使润滑

luggage n.行李

lull vt.催眠

lure vt.引诱,吸引

lurk vi.潜伏

luscious adj.甘美的

luxury n.佳肴


magic a.有魔力的

magnetize vt.使磁化

magpie n.任意收藏的收藏者

maid-servant n.女拥人

mainland n.大陆

maintain vt.坚持认为

major a.重大的

mammoth n.长毛象

mania n.(医)颠狂,狂躁,癖好,狂热

man-made a.人造的manned a.载人的

mantis n.螳螂

manual a.体力的

manufacturer n.生产者marble n.弹子

march vi.行军

marking n.标记

marking n.条纹

marquis n.侯爵

Mars n.火星

mass n.大量

masterpiece n.杰作match n.比赛

match vt.与...匹敌material n.物质mathematical a.数学的

meadow n.草地

means n.方法

mechanic n.机修工medical n.医学

medicine n.医学

meet vt.与...对抗

memory n.纪念

mental a.精神的,脑力的mentally ad.内心里mention n.提及

mere a.仅仅的

mete vt.给予

meter n.电表

Miami迈阿密(美国港市) microscopic a.微小的midday n.正午

midst n.中部

mighty a.巨大的

mildly ad.略微地,适度地

milestone n.里程碑

military a.军事的

milometer n.计程表

miniature a.小型的

ministry n.部

minor a.较小的

miracle n.奇迹

mirth n.高兴

miserable a.使人难受的misery n.苦楚

misfortune n.灾祸

miss vt.避开

missing a.失踪的

mistaken a.错误的

mixture n.混合物

model car n.汽车模型

model clothes时装

modern-looking a.时髦的modest a.不过分的

monastery n.修道院

money-box n.储蓄罐

monk n.修道士,僧侣

monotonous a.单调的monstrous a.(加强语气)极大的moonlight n.月光

moor vt.系舶(船只)

mortally ad.致命地

moth n.飞蛾

motionless a.不动的

motor-way n.快车道

mow vt.割

much-travelled a.旅游多的mud n.泥


新概念英语第三册单词大全(1054个) puma n.美洲狮 spot v.看出,发现 evidence n.证据 accumulate v.积累,积聚 oblige v.使…感到必须 hunt n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry n.黑莓 human 人类 corner v.使走投无路,使陷入困境;n.角落 trail n.一串,一系列 print n.印痕 cling v.粘 convince v.使…信服 somehow ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因 disturb v.令人不安 equal v.等于 vicar n.牧师 raise v.募集,筹(款) torchlight n.电筒光 goddess n.女神 archaeologist n.考古学家 Aegean

explore v.考察,勘探 promontory n.海角 prosperous a.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 civilization n.文明 storey n.楼层 drainage n.排水 worship n.祟拜 sacred a.宗教的,神圣的 fragment n.碎片 remains n.遗物,遗迹,废墟 classical a.(希腊和罗马)古文化的 reconstruct v.修复 rest v.倚放,放置 hip n.屁股,臀部 full-length a.(裙衣)拖地长的 graceful a.优雅的 identity n.身份 manual a.体力的 collar n.衣领 sacrifice v.牺牲,献出 privilege n.好处,特权 dustman

新概念第三册单词lesson 53 In the public interest

新概念第三册单词lesson 53 In the public interest Lesson 53:In the public interest 为了公众的利益 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What could not be reported in the official flees? The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries too. The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual. A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in


puma n.美洲狮 spot v.看出,发现 accumulate v.积累,积聚 oblige v.使…感到必须 hunt n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry n.黑莓 corner v.使走投无路,使陷入困境;n.角落trail n.一串,一系列 print n.印痕 cling v.粘 convince v.使…信服 somehow ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因disturb v.令人不安 equal v.等于 vicar n.牧师 raise v.募集,筹(款) torchlight n.电筒光 archaeologist n.考古学家 Aegean a.爱琴海的 explore v.考察,勘探 promontory n.海角 prosperous a.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的civilization n.文明 storey n.楼层 drainage n.排水 worship n.祟拜 sacred a.宗教的,神圣的fragment n.碎片 remains n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical a.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct v.修复 rest v.倚放,放置 hip n.屁股,臀部 full-length a.(裙衣)拖地长的graceful a.优雅的 identity n.身份 manual a.体力的 collar n.衣领 sacrifice v.牺牲,献出 privilege n.好处,特权 dustman n.清洁工 corporation n.公司 overalls n.工作服 status n.地位


—-可编辑修改,可打印——别找了你想要的都有! 精品教 育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环 节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模 式 新概念英语3-单词(打印版) Lesson 1 puma ['pju:m?] n.美洲狮 spot [sp?t] v.看出,发现 evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据 accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] v.积累,积聚 oblige [?'blaid?] v.使…感到必须

hunt [h?nt] n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry ['bl?kb?ri] n.黑莓 human ['hju:m?n] 人类 corner ['k?:n?] v.使走投无路,使陷入困境;n.角落 trail [treil] n.一串,一系列 print [print] n.印痕 cling [kli?] v.粘 convince [k?n'vins] v.使…信服 somehow ['s?mhau] ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因 disturb [dis't?:b] v.令人不安 Lesson 2 equal ['i:kw?l] v.等于 vicar ['vik?] n.牧师 raise ['reiz] v.募集,筹(款) torchlight ['t?:t?lait] n.电筒光 Lesson 3 goddess ['g?dis] n.女神 archaeologist ['a:ki?'l?d?ist] n.考古学家aegean [i:'d?i:?n] a.爱琴海的 explore [iks'pl?:] v.考察,勘探 promontory ['pr?m?nt?ri] n.海角 prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] a.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的 civilization ['sivilai'zei??n] n.文明 storey ['st?:ri] n.楼层 drainage ['dreinid?] n.排水 worship ['w?:?ip] n.祟拜 sacred ['seikrid] a.宗教的,神圣的 fragment ['fr?gm?nt] n.碎片 remains [ri'meinz] n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical ['kl?sik?l] a.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct ['ri:k?ns'tr?kt] v.修复 rest [rest] v.倚放,放置 hip [hip] n.屁股,臀部 full-length a.(裙衣)拖地长的 graceful ['greisful] a.优雅的 identity [ai'dentiti] n.身份 Lesson 4 manual ['m?nju?l] a.体力的


abruptly ad.突然 absorb vt.使精神贯注 abstract a.抽象的 abuse n.责骂 abuse vt.滥用 academy n.专科院校,中等学校access n.接近accomplishment n.成就 accord n.调和,一致 account n.考虑 accountant n.会计accumulate vt.积累,累积accumulate vt.积累,累积accusation n.罪名,谴责accuse vt.谴责 acquaint vt.使认识 acquire vt.获得 acquisition n.获得 across ad.阔 act n.(戏剧的)一幕 action n.战斗 adamant a.不动摇的 add vt.增添 addition n.增添物 adjustment n.调整 admittedly ad.公认地 adopt vt.采纳 adore vt.崇拜 adorn vt.装饰 adult n.成年人 advance a.(只作定语)预先的advance n.进展 advantage n.有利条件 advent n.出现 advertisement n.广告advertiser n.做广告的人 advise vt.劝告,建议 advisory a.咨询的 Aegean a.爱琴海的 afflict vt.使苦恼 agonizing a.使人坐卧不安的agreeable a.宜人的agriculture n.农业 air vt.发表 air-flight n.班机,航班 air-raid n.空袭 alarm n.惊恐 alarm n.警报 alien a.外国的 alike ad.一样地 all-night a.通霄的 alone ad.仅,只 along ad.向前 alongside prep.在...旁边 alter vt.改变,改动 alternative a.两者挑一的 amass vt.积聚 amaze vt.使惊奇 amber-like a.琥珀色的 ambition n.抱负 ambitious a.野心勃勃的 amount n.数额 amply ad.足够地 amusement n.开心,逗乐 anchor vi.下锚 annual a.一年一度的 anonymous a.匿名的 ant n.蚂蚁 anticipate vt.预期,预料 antique n.古玩 antique furniture n.古老家俱 anxiety n.忧虑,担忧 anxious a.急要的,渴望的 aphides n.蚜虫 apologetic a.道歉的 apologize vi.道歉 appeal n.感染力 appeal vi.有吸引力 appearance n.露面,出场 appoint vt.任命 appreciate vt.重视 apstream ad.向上游 arc light n.弧光灯 arcade n.有拱廊的街道 archaeologist n.考古学家 architectural a.建筑学的 archway n.拱形门廊 arduous a.艰苦的 argue vi.争论 argument n.争吵 aristocrat n.贵族 arithmetical a.算术的 army n.大群 arouse vt.唤起 arrange vt.排列 article n.物品 artificial a.人工的 artistic a.艺术的 ascertain vt.查明 ashamed a.羞愧 ashtray n.烟灰缸 assail vt.缠住 assemble vt.装配 assess vt.估价 assiduously ad.勤奋地 associate vt.使发生联系 assorted a.各式各样的 assume vt.假定 assumption n.设想 asterisk n.星号 astound vt.使吃惊 astride prep.跨 astronomer n.天文学家 atmosphere n.大气 attach vt.系,缚 attach vt.喜爱,依恋 attack vt.攻击 attack vt.攻击 attainment n.达到 attend vi.照料 attic n.顶楼,屋顶室 attract vt.吸引 audience n.听众,观众,接见,拜见 automatically ad.自然而然地 automation n.自动化 available a.可得到的


Lesson 1 puma ['pju:m?] n.美洲狮 spot [sp?t] v.看出,发现 evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] v.积累,积聚oblige [?'blaid?] v.使…感到必须 hunt [h?nt] n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎blackberry ['bl?kb?ri] n.黑莓 human ['hju:m?n] 人类 corner ['k?:n?] v.使走投无路,使陷入困境;n.角落 trail [treil] n.一串,一系列 print [print] n.印痕 cling [kli?] v.粘 convince [k?n'vins] v.使…信服somehow ['s?mhau] ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因 disturb [dis't?:b] v.令人不安 Lesson 2 equal ['i:kw?l] v.等于 vicar ['vik?] n.牧师 raise ['reiz] v.募集,筹(款) torchlight ['t?:t?lait] n.电筒光 Lesson 3 goddess ['g?dis] n.女神 archaeologist ['a:ki?'l?d?ist] n.考古学 家aegean [i:'d?i:?n] a.爱琴海的 explore [iks'pl?:] v.考察,勘探 promontory ['pr?m?nt?ri] n.海角 prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] a.(经济上)繁 荣的,昌盛的 civilization ['sivilai'zei??n] n.文明 storey ['st?:ri] n.楼层 drainage ['dreinid?] n.排水 worship ['w?:?ip] n.祟拜 sacred ['seikrid] a.宗教的,神圣的 fragment ['fr?gm?nt] n.碎片 remains [ri'meinz] n.遗物,遗迹,废墟 classical ['kl?sik?l] a.(希腊和罗马)古 文化的 reconstruct ['ri:k?ns'tr?kt] v.修复 rest [rest] v.倚放,放置 hip [hip] n.屁股,臀部 full-length a.(裙衣)拖地长的 graceful ['greisful] a.优雅的 identity [ai'dentiti] n.身份 Lesson 4 manual ['m?nju?l] a.体力的 collar ['k?l?] n.衣领 sacrifice ['s?krifais] v.牺牲,献出 privilege ['privilid?] n.好处,特权 dustman ['d?stm?n] n.清洁工 corporation ['k?:p?'rei??n] n.公司 overalls n.工作服 shower ['??u?, '?au?] n.淋浴 secret ['si:krit] n.秘密 status ['steit?s] n.地位 Lesson 5 editor ['edit?] n.编辑 extreme [iks'tri:m] n.极端 statistics [st?'tistiks] n.统计数字 journalist ['d??:n?list] n.新闻记者 president ['prezid?nt] n.总统 palace ['p?lis] n.王宫;宏伟的住宅 publish ['p?bli?] v.出版 fax [f?ks] n.传真 impatient [im'pei??nt] a.不耐烦的 fire ['fai?] v.解雇 originally [?'rid??n?li] ad.起初,原先, 从前 Lesson 6 smash-and-grab n.砸窗户抢劫 arcade [a:'keid] n.有拱廊的街道(两旁 常设商店) Piccadilly [pik?'dili] n.皮卡迪利大街(伦 敦市中心一条著名的街道) jewellery n.珠宝(总称) necklace ['neklis] n.项链 ring [ri?] n.戒指;环形物 background ['b?kgraund] n.背景 velvet ['velvit] n.天鹅绒,丝绒 headlight ['hedlait] n.(汽车等)前灯 blare [bl??] v.发嘟嘟声,吼叫 staff [sta:f] n.全体工作人员 raid [reid] n.偷袭 scramble ['skr?mbl] v.爬行 fantastic [f?n't?stik] a.非常大的 ashtray ['??trei] n.烟灰缸 Lesson 7 mutilate ['mju:tileit] v.使残缺不全,毁坏 chew [t?u:] v.咀嚼 fiancé [fi'ɑ:nsei] n.未婚夫 microwave ['maikr?weiv] n.微波,微波 炉 oven ['?vn] n.炉灶 safekeeping ['seif'ki:pi?] n.妥善保管 Newcastle ['nju:'ka:sl] n.纽卡斯尔(英国 港口城市) identify [ai'dentifai] v.鉴定,识别 spokeswoman n.女发言人 Lesson 8 monastery ['m?n?stri] n.寺院,修道院 St.Bernard 圣伯纳德 pass [pa:s] n.关隘 watchdog ['w?t?d?:g] n.看门狗 rashly ['r??li] a.莽撞地,冒失地 enclosure [in'kl?u??] n.围场,圈地 monk [m??k] n.和尚,僧侣,修道士



《新概念英语》三册词汇表(L1-L7) 1.体形似猫的cat-like 2.看出,发现spot 3.受重视be taken seriously 4.有必要做某事be obliged to do sth. 5.声称已经做了某事claim to have done sth. 6.积累,积聚accumulate 7.人类human being 8.走投无路be cornered 9.一串的 a trail of 10.抱怨某物complain of sth. 11.相信be convinced that 12.为…所拥有be in possession of sth. 13.筹集资金raise money 14.让人修理教堂的钟have the church clock repaired 15.打点报时strike the hour 16.突然惊醒wake up with a start 17.借着电筒的光in the torchlight 18.看见catch sight of sb./sth. 19.不久之前some time ago 20.享有高度文明enjoy a high level of civilization 21.装饰华丽的墙壁beautifully decorated wall 22.安装be equipped with 23.祭祀祈祷的场所 a place of worship 24.重新拼装碎片reconstruct the fragments 25.结果时,原来是turn out to be 26.身高3英尺stand three feet high 27.拖地长裙full-length skirt 28.相貌摩登的modern-looking 29.繁荣的prosperous 30.考古学家archaeologist 31.优雅的graceful 32.身份identity 33.体力劳动manual work 34.被称为be referred to as… 35.就是因为for the simple reason that 36.白领工人white-collar worker 37.人性human nature 38.愿意做某事be willing to do sth. 39.为…而作牺牲sacrifice sth. for sth. 40.引起give rise to sth. 41.做某事的殊荣the privilege of doing sth. 42.清洁工dustman 43.换上工作服change into overalls 44.损失点钱也值得be worth the loss of money 45.走极端做某事go to extremes to do sth. 46.为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth. 47.被指使着做某事be instructed to do sth. 48.出发做某事set out to do sth. 49.(杂志等)出版go to press 50.勉强地reluctantly 51.不耐烦的impatient 52.起初,原先,从前originally 53.高档商店expensive shop 54.珠宝店主the owner of a jewellery shop 55.在… 的背景上on the background of sth. 56.宁静被打破The silence was broken. 57.(车)停了下来come to a stop 58.留在驾驶座上stay at the wheel 59.铁棒iron bar 60.被某物砸中be struck by sth. 61.爬行scramble 62.价值数千英镑的钻石thousands of pounds worth of diamonds 63.在某人身上发生happen to sb. 64.洗衣机washing machine 65.大面值的纸币 a large bank note 66.比白纸还白whiter than white 67.喂狗吃某物feed sth.to the dog 68.未婚夫fiance 69.经营一家家具店run a furniture business 70.化为灰烬be turned to ash 71.妥善保管safekeeping 72.女发言人spokeswoman 73.残钞鉴别组mutilated ladies 74.识别,鉴定identify <<新概念英语>>三册词汇表(L8-L14) 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


新概念英语第三册词汇总结:U U ugly-looking a.模样丑陋的 unacceptable a.不能接受的 unbroken a.连绵的 uncanny a.不可思议的,神秘的 uncle n.叔叔 uncrumpled a.衣冠整洁的 underclothes n.内衣裤 underestimate vt.低估 underground ad.在地下 underground a.地下的 underside n.下侧 undertake vt.着手做,实行 undertaking n.任务,工作 undoing n.毁灭,祸根 unduly ad.过度地 unexpected a.意外的 unexpectedly ad.出人意味地 unforgivable a.不可原谅的

unforseen a.意料之外的unfortunate a.不幸的 unique a.的 unit n.部队 universal a.普遍的 universe n.宇宙 unknown a.未知的unlessconj.除非 unlock vt.开启 unmade a.未经修筑的 unpack vt.打开 unrealistic a.不真实的unreasonable a.没有道理的unrelated a.互不相关的unrelenting a.不松懈的unscrew vt.拧开,旋开unsettling a.令人不安地unshakable a.不可动摇的unsinkable a.不沉的unsympathetic a.不表示同情的untold a.数不尽的

unwanted a.不需要的


新概念英语第三册Lesson32~34必背词汇 新概念英语第三册Lesson32必背词汇 ●salvage v. 救助,营救;打捞 ●Barents n. 巴伦支(海) ●sunken adj. 沉没的 ●cargo n. 货物 ●bullion n. 金条;银条 ●scour v. 彻底搜索 ●chest n. 大箱子 ●contents n.(复数)所装的东西 ●belongings n. (复数)所有物 ●item n. 物件 ●cruiser n. 巡洋舰 ●find n. 找到的物品 ●log book 航海日志 ●piece v. 拼成整体 ●convoy n. 护航 ●torpedo v. 用鱼雷攻击 ●submarine n. 潜水艇 ●naval adj. 海军的

新概念英语第三册Lesson33必背词汇 ●prelude n. 序幕,前奏 ●unforeseen adj. 意料之外的 ●series n. 系列 ●catastrophe n. 大祸,灾难 ●cr ockery n. 陶器,瓦器 ●suburb n. 郊区 ●collide v. 猛撞 ●learner n. 初学者 ●panic n. 惊慌,恐慌 ●windscreen n. (汽车的)挡风玻璃 ●alongside prep. 在……的旁边,与……并排●slide v. 滑 ●stray adj. 离群的 ●confusion n. 混乱 ●greedily adv. 贪婪地 ●devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃 ●prelude n. 序幕,前奏 a prelude to sth ……的前奏 Eg: a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦的前奏introduction 导言,绪论


新概念英语第三册课文翻译及词汇Lesson40~44 如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面就和大家分享新概念英语第三册课文翻译及词汇Lesson40~44,希望有了这些内 容,可以为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助。 【课文】 It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was


新概念英语单词表第三册 $第1课__________n. 文明__________n. 总统 __________n.美洲狮__________n. 楼层__________n. 王宫;宏v. 看出,发现__________n. 排水伟的住宅 __________n.证据__________n. 祟拜__________v. 出版v. 积累,积聚__________a. 宗教的,__________n. 传真 __________v. 使?感神圣的__________ a. 不耐烦的到必须__________n. 碎片__________v. 解雇 ___________________n. 遗物,遗__________ad. 起初,n. 追猎;寻找; __________v. 打猎迹,废墟原先,从前 __________n. 黑莓__________a.( 希腊和第 6课 $ __________人类罗马 ) 古文化的__________n. 砸窗户__________v. 使走投__________v. 修复抢劫 无路,使陷入困境; n.____________________n. 有拱廊 v. 倚放,放置 角落__________n.屁股,臀部的街道 ( 两旁常设商 __________________a.( 裙衣 )店) n. 一串,一系列 __________n. 印痕拖地长的__________n. 皮卡迪__________v. 粘__________a. 优雅的利大街(伦敦市中心一____________________n. 身份条著名的街道) v. 使?信服 __________ad. 不知怎$第4课_______n. 珠宝 ( 总称 )么搞的,不知什么原因__________a.体力的__________n. 项链 __________v.令人不安__________n. 衣领________n.戒指;环形物$第2课_________v.牺牲,献出__________n. 背景 __________v. 等于__________________ n. 好处,特权n. 天鹅绒,丝绒__________n. 牧师__________n. 清洁工__________ n.( 汽车等 ) __________________n. 公司 前灯 v. 募集,筹 ( 款 ) __________n. 电筒光__________n. 工作服__________v. 发嘟嘟$第3课__________n. 淋浴声,吼叫 __________n. 女神__________n. 秘密__________n.全体工作____________________n. 地位 人员 n. 考古学家 __________$第5课__________n. 偷袭 a. 爱琴海的 ____________________n. 编辑__________v. 爬行 v. 考察,勘探 __________n. 海角__________n. 极端__________ a. 非常大的 __________a.( 经济上 )___________________n. 烟灰缸 _n. 统计数字 繁荣的,昌盛的__________n.新闻记者第课


新概念第二册单词表 1 Lesson 1 2 1 private ['praivit] a.私人的 3 2 conversation [k?nv?'sei??n] n.谈话 4 3 theatre ['θi?t?] n.剧场,戏院 5 4 seat [si:t] n.座位 6 5 play [plei] n.戏 7 6 loudly ['laudli] ad.大声地 8 7 angry ['??gri] a.生气的 9 8 angrily ['??grili] ad.生气地 10 9 attention [?'ten??n] n.注意 11 10 bear [be?] v.容忍 12 11 business ['biznis] n.事 13 12 rudely ['ru:dli] ad.无礼地,粗鲁地 14 15 Lesson 2 16 1 until [?n'til, ?n'til] prep.直到 17 2 outside [aut'said] ad.外面 18 3 ring [ri?] v.(铃、电话等)响 19 4 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈 20 5 repeat [ri'pi:t] v.重复 21 22 23 Lesson 3 24 1 send [send] v.寄,送 25 2 postcard ['p?ustkɑ:d] n.明信片 26 3 spoil [sp?il] v.使索然无味,损坏27 4 museum[mju:'zi?m] n.博物馆 28 5 public ['p?blik] a.公共的 29 6 friendly ['frendli] a.友好的 30 7 waiter ['weit?] n.服务员,招待员31 8 lend [lend] v.借给 32 9 decision [di'si??n] n.决定 33 10 whole [h?ul] a.整个的 34 11 single ['si?g?l] a.唯一的,单一的 35 36


新概念英语第三册必背词汇Lesson26~28 新概念英语第三册必背词汇Lesson26 affect影响(负面) care much about关注 mean a lot对…意义重大 make great difference巨大影响 make no difference没有影响 exert influence on施加影响 affect one’s mood情绪 My mother cares much about me. He means a lot to me.

His arrival makes great difference to me. l take pride in (me)为…自豪 =be proud of I pride myself on my good taste. l exert汉语中的施加都可用它 exert pressure on压力 exert influence on exert fascination on魔力,魅力fascination奇妙的 miraculous奇谈般的 amazing让人惊奇的

fantastic妙不可言的 magic奇妙的 maternal love母爱 新概念英语第三册必背词汇Lesson27 philosopher 哲学家 wisdom 智慧 priest 牧师 spiritual 精神上的 grudge 不愿给 surgeon 外科大夫 passer(s)-by 过路人

dignity 尊严deliberately 故意地consequence 后果afflict 使精神苦恼ease 容易 nature 自然,本质contempt 蔑视envious 嫉妒的Notes on the text philosophy 哲学psychology心理学sociology社会学


《新概念英语》三册词汇表(L1-L7) 1.体形似猫的cat-like 2.看出,发现spot 3.受重视be taken seriously 4.有必要做某事be obliged to do sth. 5.声称已经做了某事claim to have done sth. 6.积累,积聚accumulate 7.人类human being 8.走投无路be cornered 9.一串的 a trail of 10.抱怨某物complain of sth. 11.相信be convinced that 12.为…所拥有be in possession of sth. 13.筹集资金raise money 14.让人修理教堂的钟have the church clock repaired 15.打点报时strike the hour 16.突然惊醒wake up with a start 17.借着电筒的光in the torchlight 18.看见catch sight of sb./sth. 19.不久之前some time ago 20.享有高度文明enjoy a high level of civilization 21.装饰华丽的墙壁beautifully decorated wall 22.安装be equipped with 23.祭祀祈祷的场所 a place of worship 24.重新拼装碎片reconstruct the fragments 25.结果时,原来是turn out to be 26.身高3英尺stand three feet high 27.拖地长裙full-length skirt 28.相貌摩登的modern-looking 29.繁荣的prosperous 30.考古学家archaeologist 31.优雅的graceful 32.身份identity 33.体力劳动manual work 34.被称为be referred to as… 35.就是因为for the simple reason that 36.白领工人white-collar worker 37.人性human nature 38.愿意做某事be willing to do sth. 39.为…而作牺牲sacrifice sth. for sth. 40.引起give rise to sth. 41.做某事的殊荣the privilege of doing sth. 42.清洁工dustman 43.换上工作服change into overalls 44.损失点钱也值得be worth the loss of money 45.走极端做某事go to extremes to do sth. 46.为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth. 47.被指使着做某事be instructed to do sth. 48.出发做某事set out to do sth. 49.(杂志等)出版go to press 50.勉强地reluctantly 51.不耐烦的impatient 52.起初,原先,从前originally 53.高档商店expensive shop 54.珠宝店主the owner of a jewellery shop 55.在…的背景上on the background of sth. 56.宁静被打破The silence was broken. 57.(车)停了下来come to a stop 58.留在驾驶座上stay at the wheel 59.铁棒iron bar 60.被某物砸中be struck by sth. 61.爬行scramble 62.价值数千英镑的钻石thousands of pounds worth of diamonds 63.在某人身上发生happen to sb. 64.洗衣机washing machine 65.大面值的纸币 a large bank note 66.比白纸还白whiter than white 67.喂狗吃某物feed sth.to the dog 68.未婚夫fiance 69.经营一家家具店run a furniture business 70.化为灰烬be turned to ash


Lesson 1 1、原谅 2、我(宾格) 3、是的 4、动词现在时第三人称单数 5、这 6、你的,你们的 7、(女用)手提包 8、原谅,请再说一遍 9、它 10、感谢你(们) 11、非常地 Lesson 2 1、钢笔 2、铅笔 3、书 4、手表 5、上衣,外衣 6、连衣裙 7、裙子 8、衬衣 9、小汽车 10、房子 Lesson 3 1 、伞 2 、请 3 、这里 4 、我的 5 、票 6、号码 7 、五 8 、对不起的 9 、先生 10 、衣帽存放处 Lesson 4 1 、一套衣服 2 、学校 3 、老师 4、儿子Lesson 5 1、先生 2、好 3、早晨 4、小姐 5、新的 6、学生 7、法国人 8、德国人 9、美好的 10、遇见 11、日本人 12、韩国人 13、中国人 14、也 Lesson 6 1、(产品的)牌号 2、瑞典的 3、英国的 4、美国的 5、意大利的 Lesson 7 1、我 2、动词现在时第一人称单数 3、be动词现在时复数 4、名字 5、什么 6、国籍 7、工作 8、电脑键盘 9、操作人员 10、工程师 Lesson 8 1、警察 2、女警察 3、出租汽车司机 4、空中小姐 5、邮递员 6、护士 7、机械师 8、理发师

Lesson 9 1、喂(表示问候) 2、喂,嗨 3、怎样 4、今天 5、身体好 6、美好的 7、谢谢 8、再见 9、见 Lesson 10 1、胖的 2、女人 3、瘦的 4、高的 5、矮的 6、脏的 7、干净的 8、热的 9、冷的 10、老的 11、年轻的 12、忙的 13、懒的 Lesson 11 1、谁的 2、蓝色的 3、大概 4、白色的 5、抓住 Lesson 12 1、父亲 2、母亲 3、女衬衫 4、姐,妹 5、领带 6、兄,弟 7、他的 8、她的Lesson 13 1、颜色 2、绿色 3、来 4、楼上 5、时髦的,巧妙的 6、帽子 7、相同的 8、可爱的,秀丽的 Lesson 14 1、箱子 2、地毯 3、狗 Lesson 15 1、海关 2、官员 3、女孩,姑娘 4、丹麦人 5、朋友 6、挪威人 7、护照 8、棕色的 9、旅游者 Lesson 16 1、俄罗斯人 2、荷兰人 3、这些(this的复数) 4、红色的 5、灰色的 6、黄色的 7、黑色的 8、橘黄色的 Lesson 17 1、雇员 2、勤奋的 3、推销员 4、男人

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