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One sentence of gossip is too much:don't talk. Spreading the faith,a thousand words are not enough:keep talking.


When we go out and drive, our mood is easily dominated by the change of traffic, and goes up and down with traffic flow or traffic jam. If we understood the changes of traffic are the presence of impermanence, and it is perfectly normal, then the traffic jam would not affect our mood so much.


The best help is to praise others' good merits. The worst hurt is to reveal others' shortcomings.


The best favor is to help others do well. The worst evil is to tell others to do ill.


‘Not being disturbed’ is not referred to as thinking of nothing or sitting foolishly. Under all the circumstances, we should remain our mind natural, stable, normal, without feeling wronged or hurt, which is seen as not disturbed mind.


The secret key to success in practice lies in frequently reflecting on ourselves, not repeating the same mistakes, refraining from transferring our own anger on others, and considering other people's needs.

经得起否定才是真正的强大。被否定之后还能保持情绪,继续钻研,这才是真正强大的能力。True strength is about being able to survive through rejections.True strength is about being able to remain calm after rejection and continue delving into learning.


Virtue and detachment is the key to new friendships.

Intelligence is the key to learning.

Ignoring gossip is the key to disarming slander.

Self-examination is the key to repentance.


Each time we repeat the same action, the memory trace is deepened. The more we repeat, the deeper that trace is, until habitual thinking and behaviors are formed.What we should develope should be bright, kind, and positive thoughts.


We ourselves are inseparable from others. To discuss how to make ourselves happy is pointless. We could only be happy when we are grateful and ready to benefit others.


?It is not difficult to accumulate great wealth, but hard to be in peace; it is easy to have a life of pleasure, but difficult to get freedom.


? Favourable and unfavourable conditions are the thoughts of human mind. If you are attached, your mind is not stable, then this is the unfavourable condition; if you are detached, your mind is clear, everything is favourable condition.

And for a lot of people, that's where their freedom lies: in their ability to think about anything they want to. But when you come right down to it, how much happiness comes from jumping around like that?



If you don't read until you have time, you will never have time to read.


If you don't help others until you become rich,there's no chance you'll help others.

1. 能量的第一个层级,叫做「外求」:


2. 能量的第二个层级,叫做「内修」:


3. 能量的第三个层级,叫做「自由」:




If we want to learn how our mind arises and ceases, we should engage ourselves in the cultivation of the mind. Without cultivation we are heedless, how can we experience the realm?


When your lifetime comes to end, you must make your last thought most valuable and then what's it?


Good communicators are by no means eloquent speakers who use incisive words, but those who can listen attentively with patience,

think from other people’s perspective, and discover others’ strengths with admiration.


What hurts us most is what we cling to most firmly. We are not hurt by the external things or people, but by our attachments to them.


Past and future lifetimes are equal to yesterday and tomorrow. Past, present and future lifetimes can be said to be yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Tolerance is not suppressing your feelings

or being deprived of choices, but letting go with an open mind.


Tolerance or weakness cannot be judged

by the surface of things, but by your state of mind. In case of tolerance, your mind will be

calm, broad, powerful and free of concerns;

In the case of weakness, your mind will be

disturbed, upset, cowardly and remorseful.


If we spend one day without finding our flaws and shortcomings, we spend it without making any progress.


Don't expect any profit from this world. Don't be jealous.

每个人的心灵深处都需要“信仰”,找到自己生命真正的价值,才会珍惜生命、懂得生活。Everyone needs "faith" deep inside. Only when one finds the true value of life, can he or she treasure life and know how to live it well.


Life is not about answers, but about attitudes.

Therefore, it’s better to change our state of mind, rather than external objects.


Stop searching outside and you will find the treasures in your mind.

Why do people have arrogance and inferiority?

Because they have self-attachment and they are self-centered.



Those who live in yesterday will miss out on today.


A thrifty parent fittingly bestows habits of thrift on his children.

A thrifty parent wisely teaches his children to be thrifty.


From the thrift, the gift is generousity.

To the thrift, the virtue means desiring little.

把一切批评当作成长的机会,说的对,接受,不对的,正好练习自己的肚量和包容。Regard every criticism you received as a chance to grow. Accept it when it makes sense and practice tolerance when it doesn't.


One feels lonely when one is preoccupied with oneself, caring too little for others.


In friendship,consideration and respect.

In study,care and attention.


In speech,tender words of praise for others. In business,industry and fortitude.


Cherish the hours when you walk in sunshine. Cherish the little things you need in your life.

Don't waste breath on the ignorant.

Cherish friendship in commerce.


No attachment means you can take it and then you can let it go; attachment means you took it but you can’t let it go.


To transform greed,learn to be generous.

To transform evil actions,observe precepts strictly.

22. “Don’t try to build your happiness on the unhappiness of others. You will

be enmeshed in a net of hatred.”



Will others accept your criticism when you point out their faults? If not, you are just venting your own feelings rather than benefiting them. Only when you have moral integrity yourself will it have positive effects and significance by pointing out the mistakes of others.

21. “Make your mind pure as a silversmith blow s away the impurities of silver, little by little, instant by instant.”

净化心灵的过程应该如银匠吹走银中的杂质一般,一点点地,有一点吹走一点。“When watching after yourself, you watch after others. When watching after others, you watch after yourself.”


“On e is not wise because he talks a good deal. They are wise who are patient, and free from hate and fear.”



Even with all his money,a jealous miser cannot rise above mental poverty.

Even with his strong legs,a whiner cannot walk away from his inner weakness.


?Without caring for others, one can never get what he wants.


It is definitely impossible to satisfy ourselves

with every outward pursuit; whereas, with inward cultivation, there is no failure.

A mean person expects all things from others,and then forgets to reward the favor.

A virtuous person does not expect things from others,and always thinks of repaying favors.


“Those who have destroyed the roots of jealousy have peace of mind always.”一个人如果铲除了嫉妒的根源,他必能获得一世心安。

Things shall always be smooth sailing –this is the assumption of ordinary beings. We need to be receptive of its condition, regardless of either good or bad – this is called awakening.

认为做任何事情都应该一帆风顺,这是凡夫的一种偏见。好事、坏事都一样接受,这叫觉悟。“There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires.”


There are two principles in life:Do not lose your own path;Do not disturb others’ minds.


Life is a game. Play it hard but do not take it too seriously.


The difference between desires and wishes is that the former benefits oneself but the latter is for the well-being of the others.


Every second, you have the opportunity to make the next second greater than now. Change, is in all of us. I believe, you can change your destiny.








The focus should be laid on developing good habits.

The more we have, the fewer we will develop as bad ones.


The reason why our lust leads to pains is that you can never feed your lust.




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