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用语as well 与as well as用法归纳

用语as well 与as well as用法归纳
用语as well 与as well as用法归纳

用语as well 与as well as用法归纳as well与as well as只有一词之差,但意义和用法却相差甚远。

一、as well 用法:

1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如:

I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too).我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。

I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ). 我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱。

2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。如:

You may as well go. 你去也好。

The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home.


3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It's just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。如:

—We were too late to see the film.我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。

—Just as well、I hear it isn't very good. 不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。

二. as well as



as well as 用于本义,可视为as…as结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与……一样好”,在否定句中可用not so well as代替 not as well as。如:

He speaks English as well as her. 他说英语说得跟她一样好。

She plays every bit as well as the men. 她打得一点不比男人们差。

He sings as well as, if not better than, Mary. 要是他唱歌不比玛丽唱得更好,但至少也是一样好。



He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花。

She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。

注:有时还可译为“除……之外,还”,与besides, in addition to的用法相似。如:

As well as learning to swim, he has been taking Spanish lessons this summer. 今年夏天,他除了学习游泳外,他还在上西班牙语课。


A as well as B这一结构强调的重点是A不是B,即 A as well as B=not only

B but also A,注意体会以下例句的译文:

She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮,而且聪明。

He speaks Spanish as well as English and French. 他不仅会说英语和法语,而且会说西班牙语。


当 as well as 连接两个成分作主语时, 其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。如:

Tom as well as his parents is going to London. 汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。

The captain, as well as the other players, was tired. 队长和其他队员都累了。


as well as 后接动词到底是该用什么形式,这是一比较复杂的问题,归纳起来有以下几点值得注意:

1. as well as 通常被视为介词,所以后接动词时,一般用动名词形式。如:

He sings as well as playing the piano. 他不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。

As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。

She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。

注:as well as 后接动词用动名词的情况主要见于主句谓语为简单时态(即一般现在时和一般过去时)的时候。

2.如果主句谓语为复合时态(即其中含有情态动词或助动词),则as well as 后的动词通常要与情态动词或助动词后的动词形式保持一致。如:

Students should pursue their own interests, as well as do their school work. 学生不仅应该做要好家庭作业,而且还要有自己的兴趣。

I have to feed the animals as well as look after the children. 我不但要照顾孩子们,而且还要喂动物

3.如果as well as 是连接两个不定式,则其后用不带to的不定式。如:

A museum should aim to entertain as well as educate. 博物馆不仅要有教育性还且还要有娱乐性。

We cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children. 我们不能指望她既做作业又照看孩子。

4.当as well as 用于句首时,其后习惯上要接动名词。如:

As well as eating a seven-course meal, they drank three bottles of wine. 除吃了一顿有七道菜的饭之外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。

As well as walking, he likes fishing and shooting. 他除散步之外还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。

As well as visiting Niagara Falls, we spent a day in Toronto. 我们参观了Niagara 瀑布,而且学在多伦多玩了一天。

注:as well as 有时也被视为准并列连词,后接的动词可以与主句谓语动词形式一致(但这种情形远不如用后接动名词普遍)。如:

He publishes as well as prints his own books. 他不但印刷而且还出版自己的书。


中考英语重点单词和短语用法大总结 (88条) ◆1 。 cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事: It takes sb some time to do sth 。= sb spend some time doing sth 。= sb spend some time on sth 。 某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth 。 = sb pay some money for sth 。 = sth cost sb 。 some money 。 ※ spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 ※ spent 还可以指“度过”→ How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan 。 = I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater 。=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater 。 He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone 。 It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day 。= He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day 。 ◆2 。 thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴ ______ inviting me to your birthday party 。 thanks to 多亏/于 第 1 页共 1 页 ⑵______ your help 。I got good grades 。


考点: 1. 掌握可数名词的复数 2. 学会表示不可数名词的量 3. 掌握构词法:名词变形容词 4. 掌握名词所有格的用法 5. 掌握名词做主语、定语的用法 冠词离开名词没有任何意义,因此在学习冠词前,首先要了解名词的分类: '个体名词:人或物所共用的名称 dog, chair 名词可分为::可数名词v 丄集体名词:集体的名称 class, family, police, 物质名词:物质的名称 p aper, water 抽象名词:抽象的物的名称 happi ness 专有名词:人或物所特有的名称 Tom, China 考点一:可数名词的数 可数名词复数变化规则: (1) 规则变化:a.以-s,-x,-sh, -ch,结尾的名词,在词尾 +es,发音/-Is/ eg : classes, brushes, boxes, watches b. 以辅音字母+ -y 结尾,将y 变i ,再+es , eg : parties, stories (注意元音同y 结尾时+s boys ) c. 部分以f 或fe 结尾的词,将变 f/fe 为v+es , eg : wife-wives 口诀:(妻见小偷加下藏,手拿小刀想杀狼,忽然飘下一片叶,砸在头上一命亡) d. 部分以o 结尾的词,(生物名词,包括动植物,口诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿)后加 es , 女口: Negroes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, 以o 结尾的无生命的词,一般直接 +s eg : photos , pianos , kilos , tobaccos (2) 不规则变化: a.名词中所含元音字母发生变化 eg: foot-feet; tooth- teeth; man-men; woma n- wome n; b:名词词尾力口 en/ren : ox-oxen ; child-children ; c. 单复数同行: fish; sheep; deer; means; aircraft; d. 关于国家:中日不变,英法荷变,其他后面加 s two Chin ese; five Japa nese;/ En glishme n; En glishwome n; Dutchme n; /Germa ns; America ns e. 有些集体名词用单数形式表达事物总称 ,如hair, fruit,但在 表示"几根头发”,"若 干水果”时,则用复数形式 a few white hairs; several foreig n fruits f. 有些名词形式上是单数的,但实际上是复数的,这一类名词有:cattle 牛, 家畜;people 人 们;vermin 害虫;police 警察;staff 全体职员;clergy 僧侣,神职人员;youth ; mankind ; bacteria ; crew 等 g. 有些集体名词 表示整体时用单数,表示集体中的各个成员时用做复数 ,能这样用的 集体名词有: audienee , club , class, college , crowd , company , couple , department , enemy , family , firm , flock, generation, government, group, herd, navy, party, public, population, press 新闻界 /记者群, staff, team, university 等 (3) 复合名词的复数 a.由man 或woman 为前缀的复合名词,两者都变成复数 a man teacher/ men teachers ; a woman doctor/ women doctors 名词 I 不可数名词


初中英语介词用法归纳总结 常用介词基本用法辨析 表示方位的介词:in, to, on 1. in 表示在某地范围之内。 Shanghai is/lies in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。 2. to 表示在某地范围之外。 Japan is/lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。 3. on 表示与某地相邻或接壤。 Mongolia is/lies on the north of China. 蒙古国位于中国北边。 表示计量的介词:at, for, by 1. at 表示“以……速度”“以……价格”。 It flies at about 900 kilometers an hour. 它以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 I sold my car at a high price. 我以高价出售了我的汽车。 2. for 表示“用……交换,以……为代价”。 He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。

注意:at表示单价(price) ,for表示总钱数。 3. by 表示“以……计”,后跟度量单位。 They paid him by the month. 他们按月给他计酬。 Here eggs are sold by weight. 在这里鸡蛋是按重量卖的。 表示材料的介词:of, from, in 1. of 成品仍可看出原料。 This box is made of paper. 这个盒子是纸做的。 2. from 成品已看不出原料。 Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。 3. in 表示用某种材料或语言。 Please fill in the form in pencil first. 请先用铅笔填写这个表格。They talk in English. 他们用英语交谈。 表示工具或手段的介词:by, with, on 1. by 用某种方式,多用于交通。 I went there by bus. 我坐公共汽车去那儿。 2. with表示“用某种工具”。


高中英语连词用法归纳 一、概说 连词是一种虚词,用于连接单词、短语、从句或句子,在句子中不单独用作句子成分。连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用于连接并列的单词、短语、从句或句子,如and, but, or, for等;从属连词主要引出名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句等)和状语从句(时间状语从句、条件状语从句、目的状语从句等),引出名词性从句的连词如that, whether等,引出状语从句的连词如when, because, since, if 等。 二、并列连词的用法 ◆ 1. 表示转折关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有but, yet 等。如: Someone borrowed my pen, but I don?t remember who. 有人借了我的钢笔,但我不记得是谁了。 He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn?t help us. 他说他是我们的朋友,但却不肯帮助我们。 ◆ 2. 表示因果关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有for, so 等。如: The child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor. 这孩子咳得很利害,所以他妈妈带他去看医生。 You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to serious errors. 你们一定要克服 粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起严重的错误。 注意:for表示结果通常不能放句首,也不能单独使用。 ◆ 3. 表示并列关系的并列连词。这类连词主要有and , or , either…or , neither…nor , not only…but(also) , both…and , as well as 等。如: He didn?t go and she didn?t go either. 他没去,她也没去。 The weather is mild today; it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。 Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。 It is important for you as well as for me. 这对你和对我都很重要。 People who are either under age or over age may not join the army. 年龄不到或者超龄的人都不得参军。 三、从属连词的用法 ◆1. 引导时间状语从句的从属连词 (1) 表示“当…时候”或“每当”的时间连词。主要的when, while, as, whenever。如: Don?t talk while you?re eating. 吃饭时不要说话。 Vegetables are best when they are fresh. 蔬菜新鲜时最好吃。 He came just as I was leaving. 我正要走时他来了。 (2) 表示“在…之前(或之后)”的时间连词。主要的有before, after。如: Try to finish your work before you leave. 离开前设法把工作做完。 After we have finished tea, we will sit on the grass. 喝完茶之后我们将坐在草地上。 (3) 表示“自从”或“直到”的时间连词。主要的有since, until, till。如: She?s been playing tennis since she was eight. 她从八岁起就打网球了。 Hold on until I fetch help. 坚持一下,等我找人来帮忙。 Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. (谚)不要无事惹事。 (4) 表示“一…就”的时间连词。主要的有as soon as, the moment, the minute, the second, the i nstant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等。如: I?ll let you know as soon as I hear from her. 我一接她的信就通知你。 The moment I have finished I?ll give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。 I came immediately I heard the news. 我一听到这个消息,马上就来了。 Once you begin you must continue. 你一旦开始, 便不可停下来。 (5) 表示“上次”、“下次”、“每次”等的时间连词。主要的有every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)。如: I?ll tell him about it (the) next time I see him. 我下一次见到他时,我就把这个情况告诉他。We lose a few skin cells every time we wash our hands. 每当我们洗手的时候,我们都要损失一


Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖 一、词汇 about发生;造成 注意:(1)come about是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态,常指情况不受人控制的突然发生。有时用it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语。 (2)表示“发生”的词或短语有:happen,occur,take place,break ① Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding. ② The moon came out from behind the clouds. ③ I’ll let you know if anything comes up. ④ I’ll come over and see how you are coming along. ⑤ I came across an old friend yesterday. ⑥ When she came to, she couldn’t recognize the surroundings. ① I subscribe to your suggestion. ② Which magazine do you subscribe to? ③ He subscribed his name to the paper(文件). ④ He subscribed a large sum to the poor students. n.量;数量

① It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities. ② A large quantity of silk is sold in Japan. ③ A large quantity of drugs are found in his home. ④ Large quantities of rain are needed in this area. ① He tends to get angry when others disagree with her. ② His views tend towards the extreme(极端). ③ He was tending (to) his son when I saw him in the hospital. ④ Jane is nice but has a tendency to talk too much. =Jane is nice but she tends to talk too much. ① The price of the new house in our area has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter(平方米)。That is(也就是说)it has gone up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. ② The wind has gone down a little. ④ The country has gone through too many wars.


最新英语名词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择名词 1.According to the bank rules released recently, you have to pay a 25% ________ on each cheque you cash. A.admission B.pension C.allowance D.commission 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:根据银行最近公布的规定,你每兑现一张支票必须付25%的手续费。A. admission承认;B. pension抚恤金; C. allowance津贴;D. commission佣金;手续费。兑现支票必须付25%的手续费。故答案为D。 2.As an American living in-Tianjin for about 10 years, Chris says that it has been a ________ be a witness to China’s great progress. A.privilege B.preference C.priority D.principle 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个在天津生活了大约10年的美国人,克里斯说,能够见证中国的巨大进步是一种荣幸。A. privilege 荣幸;B. preference偏爱;C. priority 优先;D. principle原则。privilege“荣幸”符合句意。故A选项正确。 3.We have found that a boy matching your entered the amusement park just now. A.instruction B.explanation C.description D.application 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们发现一个符合你的描述的男孩刚才进入了游乐园。Ainstruction指示;Bexplanation解释;Cdescription描述;Dapplication申请。match description表示“匹配你的描述”,故C项正确。 4.It can’t be a(n) _______that four jewelry stores wer e robbed in one night. A.coincidence B.accident C.incident D.chance 【答案】B 【解析】 词义辨析。 A.巧合;一致 B. 事故;意外 C.事件;事变 D. 机会。句意:四家珠宝商店在


u s e用法总结 -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

use的用法简单归纳如下: 1. used to do sth.意为"过去常常做某事",它表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,而现在已不再发生或存在。这个短语含有今昔对比之意,其否定形式常用used not to或didn't use to。反意疑问句中应该用did/didn't或used/usedn't。例如: I used to swim in this river when I was young.我年轻时常在这条河里游泳。 They used to be good friends, didn't they他们过去是好朋友,是吗? 2. be used to sth. / doing sth.意为"习惯、适应某事/做某事",它表示习惯于某一客观事实或状态,其中to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词;be used可用于多种时态;如强调动作可用get或become替换be。例如: Old people are used to getting up early in the morning.老年人习惯早晨很早起床。 I wasn't used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city.我以前不习惯都市生活,但现在我已习惯住在这座城市了。 3. be used to do sth.意为"被用来做某事",其中use表"使用"之意,是被动语态形式,to是动词不定式符号。例如: Wood can be used to make paper.树木可以用来造纸。 4. be used for...意为"被当做……",其中use表"使用"之意,是被动语态形式。例如: The seal's fur can be used for coats.海豹皮可当做大衣用。 5. be of use意为"有用的",其中use是名词,可用形容词来修饰。例如: The dictionary is of great use to the students.这本字典对学生们很有用。 6. be in use意为"在使用",其中use也是名词。例如:


高中英语连词知识点整理 一.概念 连词是用来连接词,短语,从句或句子的词.连词不作成分. 二.重点连词 .表示并列关系的连词有:and,both…and…,notonly…butalso…和neither…nor…等 )and:和,并且(连接对等关系的字和字,句子和句子) 例如:Ienjoybasketball,footballandtabletennis. Theweatherbecomescolderandcolder. 2)both…and…既…也…,都… 注:both…and…构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 例如:BothjimandkatearefromEngland. both…and…否定句表示部分否定。 例如:youcan’tspeakbothGermanandEnglish. Bothmyfatherandmymotheraren’tdoctors. 3)neither…nor…:既不…也不…(就近原则) 例如:NeitherInorhehasseentheplaybefore. 4)notonly…butalso…:不但…而且…(就近原则) 例如:Notonlythemotherbutalsothechildrenareill.

2.表示转折关系的连词有:but,however,yet,still,while等。 例如:marywasanicegirl,butshehadoneshortcoming. Hewasverytired,stillhekeptonwalking. 3.表示选择关系的并列连词有:or,either…or…,whether…or…等。 )or:或、否则 例如:IsyourfriendEnglishorAmerican? Hedoesn’tlikedumplingsornoodles. 祁使句后连接or,表“如果…,否则…”,有转折的意思,此时or=ifyoudon’t…,you’ll… 例如:Hurryup,oryou’llbelate. =Ifyoudon’thurryup,you’llbelate. 2)either…or…:或者…或者…;不是…就是… 例如:EitheryouorIamright. DoeseithersheortheylikeEnglish? 注:由either…or…引导的否定句是完全否定。 例如:Sheisn’teitherastudentorateacher. 3)whether…or…不管…还是… 例如:Sheisalwayscheerful,whetherathomeoratschool.


中考必考的重点词汇总结 在初中阶段,实验探究的类型主要有以下四类: 1.对基本技能和观察水平的考查;(仪器的使用和实验基本操作);对氧气、二氧化碳以及与它们性质类似的未知气体制备、检验、收集、除杂、干燥、性质实验。 2.C、Fe、Cu、Fe2O3、CuO等物质综合应用的还原反应及金属活 动性的探究题。 3.CaO、Ca(OH)2、CaCO3、NaOH、Na2CO3性质相关的探究题。 4.对未知物或非初中常见物质的研究,主要采用提供信息的方式,考查快速提取有效信息,使用知识解答问题的水平,这种题型难度较大。 1考点一常用的仪器 初中化学实验常用仪器(仪器名称不能写错别字) 1.试管 (1)用途: a、在常温或加热时,用作少量试剂的反应容器。 b、溶解少量固体。 c、收集少量气体的容器 d、用于装置成小型气体的发生器。 (2)注意事项: a、加热时外壁必须干燥,不能骤热骤冷,一般要先均匀受热, 然后才能集中受热,

防止试管受热不均而破裂。 b、加热时,试管要先用铁夹夹持固定在铁架台上(短时间加热 也可用试管夹夹持)。 试管夹应夹在的中上部(或铁夹应夹在离试管口的1/3处)。 c、加热固体时,试管口要略向下倾斜,且未冷前试管不能直立,避免管口冷凝水倒流 使试管炸裂。 d、加热液体时,盛液量一般不超过试管容积的1/3(防止液体受热溢出),使试管与桌面 约成45°的角度(增大受热面积,防止暴沸),管口不能对着自己或别人(防止液体喷出伤人)。反应时试管内的液体不超过试管容 积的1/2。 2.烧杯 用途:①溶解固体物质、配制溶液,以及溶液的稀释、浓缩 ②也可用做较大量的物质间的反应 注意事项:受热时外壁要干燥,并放在石棉网上使其受热均匀 (防止受热不均使烧杯炸裂), 加液量一般不超过容积的1/3(防止加热沸腾使液体外溢)。 3.烧瓶:有圆底烧瓶,平底烧瓶 用途①常用做较大量的液体间的反应 ②也可用做装置气体发生器 4.锥形瓶 用途:①加热液体,


【英语】英语名词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择名词 1.Actively involve yourself in voluntary work and you will see what a(an) ________ it will make to your future life. A.influence B.contribution C.difference D.variety 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 本题考查固定短语。解题步骤:1.确定各项意思:A. influence影响;B. contribution贡献; C. difference不同; D. variety多样化;2.确定答案:固定短语make a difference有影响。句意:积极地参与志愿者的工作,你就会看见它对你未来的生活有多么大的影响。故选C。 2.An advantage of living on the top floor of a high rise building is that you can get a good _________. A.scene B.scenery C.sight D.view 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:住在高楼大厦顶层的优点是你能看很好地欣赏风景。A. scene 情景B. scenery景色 C. sight 景象 D. view风景。view“风景”普遍用语,指从某个角度所看到的风景。根据句意,故D选项正确。 【点睛】 Scene:1. 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分 3.Only when women are enabled to become strong will our families, our economies, and our societies reach their fullest . A.distinction B.innovation C.potential D.appreciation 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. distinction区别; B. innovation创新; C. potential潜能; D. appreciation 欣赏。句意:只有当妇女能够变得强大时,我们的家庭、经济和社会才能充分发挥其潜力。结合句意可知答案为C。 4.With the help of the English teacher, he has made in his English writing. A.a great progress B.much progress C.little progress D.many progresses



. . 教学过程 一、课堂导入 本堂知识是初中最常见的介词by的一个整理与总结,让学生对这个词的用法有一个系统的认识。页脚.

. . 二、复习预习 复习上一单元的知识点之后,以达到复习的效果。然后给学生一些相关的单选或其他类型题目,再老师没有讲解的情况下,让学生独立思考,给出答案与解释,促进学生发现问题,同时老师也能发现学生的盲点,并能有针对性地进行后面的讲课。 页脚.

. . 三、知识讲解 知识点1: by + v.-ing结构是一个重点,该结构意思是“通过……,以……的方式”,后面常接v.-ing形式,表示“通过某种方式得到某种结果”,即表示行为的方式或手段。 I practice speaking English by joining an English-language club. 我通过加入一个英语语言俱乐部来练习讲英语。 Mr Li makes a living by driving taxis.先生靠开出租车为生。 页脚.

. . 页脚. 介词by + v.-ing 结构常用来回答How do you...?或How can I...?之类的问题。 —How do you learn English? 你怎样学习英语呢? —I learn English by reading aloud. 我通过大声朗读来学英语。 —How can I turn on the computer? 我怎样才能打开电脑呢? —By pressing this button. 按这个按钮。 知识点2:by 是个常用介词,其他用法还有: 1【考查点】表示位置,意思是“在……旁边”,“靠近……”,有时可与beside互换。 The girls are playing by (beside) the lake. 女孩们正在湖边玩。 此时要注意它与介词near有所不同,即by 表示的距离更“近”。比较: He lives by the sea. 他住在海滨。 He lives near the sea. 他住在离海不远处。

高中英语 语法复习二十一 连词

语法复习二十一:连词 连词分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词是连接主语与主语,谓语与谓语,句子与句子,分词与分词的词,它要求前后两部分有相同的形式和语法作用;而从属连词一般连接主句与从句,从句形式有名词性从句,定语从句和状语从句等。 (一)并列连词: 并列连词可用来连接词与词,词组与词组,分句与分句。常用的并列连词有:and(和),as well as(既…又),both … and(不但…而且),not only … but also(不但…而且),not … but(不是…而是),neithe r … nor(既不…也不),either … or(不是…就是),or(或者),but (但是),yet(然而),for(因为),so(所以),while(而),when(这时)等。如:Both my brother and my sister are teachers./ His room is bright but mine is gloomy(暗沉沉的)./ He can not only repair radios but also fix them./ It is a glorious(光荣的)yet difficult task./ Strike while iron is hot. (二)从属连词 从属连词是指在复合句中引导从句的连结词。常见的从属连词有: 引导时间状语从句的:after, before, when, as, while, since, until, till, as soon as 引导原因状语从句的:because, since, as 引导让步状语从句的:although, though, no matter(无论), even if (though) 引导条件状语从句的:if, unless, once, so (as) long as 引导结果状语从句的:so … that …, such … that … 引导目的状语从句的:so that …, in order that … 引导比较状语从句的:as … as …, not so (as) … as …, … than … 引导方式状语从句的:as if … 引导主语,宾语或表语从句的连词主要有:that, whether, if三个。其中that 和whether 间或还可以引起同位从句和状语从句。 (三)某些用法比较特殊的从属连词用法区别 1、当while, when, as引导时间状语从句时的区别:①while引导的状语从句中动词必须是持续性。谓语动词多为进行时,或状态动词的一般时。while 的这些用法可用when代替,等于“at the time that”, “during the time that”。例如:Please keep quiet while (when) others are studying;② when除可指一段时间外,还可用来指一点时间,等于“at the time”,也就是说when引出的时间状语从句中的谓语动词可以是终止性的,也可以延续性的。因此主句和从句的谓语可以是一般时,进行时,或完成时。例如:When I went into the lab, the teacher was doing an experiment.(when不能换成while)He often makes mistakes when he is speaking English.(when可换成while)③as常可与when,while通用,但强调“一边、一边”。例如:


2017中考英语必会的60组重点单词/短语/句型用法大 总结 1. cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事: It takes sb some time to do sth . = sb spend some time (in)doing sth .= sb spend some time on sth . 某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth .= sb pay some money for sth.= sth cost sb . some money .注意: ⑴cost 和pay 只指花费钱,take 只指花费时间,spend 可以指花费钱也可以指花费时间。 ⑵spend 和pay 主语都是人,cost 主语是物,take 一般用于It takes sb some time to do sth. 句型中。 2. thanks for 为…...而感谢 Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party . 谢谢你邀请我来你的生日聚会。 thanks to 多亏/由于 Thanks to your help. I got good grades . 幸亏你的帮助,我才取得好成绩。 3. 多么…... what + 名词;how + 形容词/ 副词 What bad weather !多么糟糕的天气啊! How hard he works !他工作多么努力啊!

What fresh vegetables !多么新鲜的蔬菜啊! How cute a monkey it is !它是一只多么可爱的猴子啊4 . 因为......;由于...... because(连词)+从句 because of(介词短语)+ 名词(短语) I didn’t go to school because I had a headache. 因为我头疼,所以我没去上学。 He was late for class because of the bad weather . 由于糟糕的天气,他上课迟到了。 注意:because和so不能同时连用。 5 . 来自 be from = come from Where are you from ? = Where do you come from?你来自哪里? 6 . How often 多久一次(对频率提问) How long 多久(对一段时间提问) How soon多久以后(对将来时间提问) How far 多长(询问多长距离) — How long have you been collecting the kites ? 你收集风筝多长时间了? —For ten years. 十年了。 — How often do you go shopping ?


插入语用法归纳 插入语用法很多,在句子中的位置比较灵活,在学习中应当认真去体会。大体而言,插入语可以分为以下几类: 1. 用简短的句子结构作插入语。这类短语有:I think, I hope, I guess, I believe, I suppose, I wonder, I tell you, I say, I'm afraid, I'm sure, you see, you know, as you know, that is, that is to say, what's more等等,它们可以置于句中或句尾。如: I suggest you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly. This diet, I think, will do good to your health. It won't be raining long, I hope. You will have to work harder, you know, if you want to succeed. 2. 副词或副词短语用作插入语,这类插入语一般放在句首或句尾。如: Happily for him, his father's second wife was kind to him too. You'll be able to pass the coming exam, surely. Luckily for him, he didn't hurt in the accident. Honestly, I don't need it at the moment. 3. 介词或介词短语作插入语,这类插入语一般放在句首,有时也可放在句中。如: Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters-in other words, I'm an only child. By the way, Bob sends his best wishes. On the other hand, I didn't know you were there. In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. 4. 分词短语作插入语。如: Judging from your accent, you must be from England. Generally speaking, he is the best student in our class. Compared with China, the USA is smaller. 5. 不定式短语作插入语。如: To put it mildly, he was not up to the mark. To tell you the truth, I don't want to see her. To be sure, Jim is a faster skater, but he is not good at doing figures. To conclude, it was a great success. 在日常交际用语和书面表达中,插入语频频出现。英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词,短语或从句,通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系,因此,有的语法学家将其归为独立成分。 插入语在句中通常是对一句话的一些附加解释,说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子与前面的语句衔接的更紧密一些。 插入语大致可分为以下10种类型: 1. 形容词或形容词短语作插入语


n.名词pron.代词adj.形容词adv.副词v.动词vi.不vt. 及物动词 prep.介词conj.连词interj.感叹词 A 1.able unable ability n. disable vt.使残废disabled adj.残废的 2.about be about to do sth.即将做...... 3.above---below over---under 4.accept~ A as B 把A当作B接受/接纳cf. receive 5.accident accidental adj.偶然的;偶发的by ~/chance偶然地 6.ache n./ vi. toothache backache headache 7.across---through across the world=all over the world 8.act v./n. action n. active adj. actively adv. activity n.活动 act as...扮演;充当be active in...=take an active part in...积极参加act...out表演出 9.actual adj. actually adv.事实上 10.add v. addition n. additional adj.附加的;额外的 add to sth.增强add A to B把A加到B上去add...up把......加起来 add up to sth.合计为;意思是in addition=what’s more=besides而且 11.admire vt. admiration n. admirer n. ~ sb. for sth因......钦佩某人in admiration钦佩地 12.admit vt.承认;录取admission n. admitted admitting admit doing sth. be admitted into a college被......录取 13.advance v. advanced adj.先进的;高级的in ~ = ahead of time提前 14.advice u.n. advise vt. give sb. advice on sth. advise sb. to do sth./ advise doing sth. cf. advise与persuade 15.affair n.事物family/foreign/love ~s 16.afford vt. can ~ (to do) sth. 17.afraid adj. I’m ~ so/not.恐怕是这样/不是这样。 18.Africa n. African n./adj. Asia---Asian America---American Europe---European Australia---Australian Austria---Austrian奥地利人(的)Canada---Canadian 19.again~ and ~=over and over=time and again反复地once ~=once more=~又一次 20.three years ago(一般过去时)three years before(过去完成时) 21.agree vt. agreement n.协议agreeable adj.可爱的 ~ to sth.同意某事~ on sth(经讨论)达成共识~ with sb.同意某人 come to/arrive at/reach an agreement达成协议 22.agriculture n. agricultural adj. industry---industrial 23.aim n./v. ~ at...瞄准;意思是 24.alive adj.(表语形容词) eat sth ~ bury sb. ~ catch sb. ~ Cf. living活着的live现场直播的lively活泼的 25.air n. in the ~在空中on the ~在播出by ~乘飞机 26.allow vt. allowance n.补助金;补贴 ~ sb. to do sth. ~ doing sth. ~ for...考虑到;酌量Smoking is not ~ed here. 27.almost adv.几乎(可接否定词) nearly adv.(不接否定词)I have seen almost no such book before. 28.alone adj./adv.独自的;单独的lonely adj.寂寞的;孤独的 29.along adv./ prep. all ~=all the time一直 30.although conj.虽然;尽管though conj. 虽然;尽管though adv.尽管如此(句末) 31.anger n. angry adj. hunger n. hungry adj. 32.announce vt. announcement n. make an announcement

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