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Unit1 Great Scientists


高二第一单元的中心话题是“科学家”,具体涉及科学家的名言、轶事、科学家的成功之道及如何向科学家学习等。语言技能和语言知识几乎都围绕介绍“科学家”这一中心话题设计的。我上的这节课是本单元的第二节阅读训练课,包括读前、阅读和读后三部分。读前部分要求学生带着问题阅读文章,以求得学生对部分细节的理解。找到文章中的有关章节并不难,难点在于要求学生用自己的语言概括出来。阅读部分的文章介绍了著名物理学家Stephen Hawking 的生平,他的系列探索发现和他对科学研究的态度、观点。StephenHawking 在物理界享有至高的荣誉和威信,是深受许多科学家和广大物理迷尊重和崇拜的学者。他不为病魔和瘫痪所吓倒,而以惊人的毅力和信心成为物理界探索宇宙的先锋,并界乐观地面对生活。读后部分设计了三组习题。第一组习题的三个问题考查学生对文章内容的记忆程度;第二组的三个问题让学生反馈对的了解;第三组习题让学生以两两对话形式讨论如何运用科学方法解决问题,培养学生的想象力与创造力。这一节课的重点在于文章的阅读,读前起到导入作用而读后则是对学生所学知识的复习与巩固。












2训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读技能;



高二的学生经过一年的学习,在知识和能力方面的有所提高,所以英语教学不能简单地定位于让学生记住生词或者短语、句型,而要引导学生在阅读的过程中学会分析和欣赏。但同时对于大部分学生来说,英语还是相当难的一个学科,所以在教学过程中,注意提高课堂的趣味性,激发学生的兴趣也极其重要。并且,本单元山学生在新学期的第一课,学生门对新的学期充满信心,通过对Stephen Hawking 的学习,了解也能进一步促进学生学习科学家的精神,更加努力奋斗,自强不息。


新课标要求课堂教学要尽可能把时间还给学生,所以在课堂教学中,教师的基本任务是“导”,既起到组织和引导作用。所以在授课中,我更注意采用多种方法启发、诱导学生积极主动地参与教学活动中。本课采用影象导入,利用多媒体播放一些学生熟悉的著名的科学家的资料,引出有关Stephen Hawking 的话题,然后使用提问、启发、分析、归纳的方法,是学生掌握教材内容,培养学生阅读和分析的能力。在学生阅读过程中,我注意设置难度不


Period 1 Warming up &Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Get to know some new words and expressions

2. Know some great scientists and their achievements.

3.Analyze the common qualities these scientists share and revise how to describe people’s characteristics.

Difficult and Important Points:

1. Word study

2. Describe main contributions of the great scientists.

3. Make up a dialogue between two scientists about their inventions/discoveries and their plan for the future.

Teaching Methods:


2.Individual & Pair work

3.Teams match

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Introduce some famous scientists and their achievements, and then do the quiz.

1. Can you remember them? (Stephen Hawking & Yuan Longping)

Have a revision of the expressions: theory, black holes, super hybrid rice.

2. Play a guessing game. Show sentences one by one about scientists’ contributions, and let Ss guess who they are. Ss should compete to answer as soon as possible. Then share some famous sayings by the great scientists, to inspire Ss to learn from them. Each student represents his/her team and gains points for his/her team.

Step 2 Warming up

1. Try this quiz and find out who knows the most. (Pair work to finish the Quiz Questions on P1.) Give Ss enough time to understand the questions in the quiz, and they are allowed to discuss with their partners. T walks around to give help.

2. Check the answers with the whole class. Th en ask Ss about these scientists. If they don’t know, show the further introduction to these 10 scientists.

1).Archimedes (an ancient Greek mathematician & physicist)

2).Charles Darwin (British, author of The Origin of Species)

3).Thomas Newcomen (British, improved the first steam pump and turned it into a steam engine for taking water out of mines in 1712 .James Watt improved it and turned it into the first modern steam engine used on the railways. )

4). Gregor Mendel (Czech)

5).Marie Curie (Polish and French, won two Nobel Prizes)

6).Thomas Edison (an American inventor)

7).Leonardo da Vinci (a famous Italian artist)

8).Sir Humphry Davy (British)

9).Zhang Heng (Chinese, invented seismograph)

10).Stephen Hawking (a British astronomer)

Step 3 Brainstorming

1. Now that we’ve learned so many great scientists, let’s draw a conclusion about them. What common characteristics do they have?

Attention: In this part, Ss may list many other adjectives which they have learned before to describe scientists. So the major job of T should be leading in these new expressions and make some connection between the old and the new, for example, bright can be equal to clever or wise, strict can be similar to serious, co-operative means work along well with others, enthusiastic means full of love for their jobs, and so on. So it is better for T to explain the new words in English-English way. But if the Ss are not so good at English, T can use some Chinese if necessary.

enthusiasticco-operative positivebright common characteristicsstrictpersuasive cautious creative

2. Draw a conclusion about them in sentences: They all…

Eg.made a great contribution

made great achievements

succeeded in their scientific career

overcome many difficulties

Step 4 Pair work

Make up dialogues. It’s a pity that these great minds can’t get together. So now we’ll organize a party for them. Because of an advanced machine called Time Machine, all scientists from all different times can come to attend it. Now they’re talking to each other. Make up a dialogu e between two scientists. They may talk about their achievements, their life and their plan for the future work.

They may talk about these

1.I wonder if you’re…

2.I know you because I’ve heard that you…

3.Thank you for knowing so much about me.

4.I’m the one who…

5.I’m really interested in your invention.


They may ask about these

What’s your nationality? (I’m from…)

What are you interested in?

What conclusion have you drawn?

What are you proud of?

What leads to your success? (My cautiousness/ creativ eness/ determination…leads to…)

Step5 Summary

Step6 Homework

1.Tellyour partner about the great scientists and their achievements.

2. Revise the new words and expressions learned in this lesson, and preview those of the reading text.

Teaching reflection:

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