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大学体验英语 快速阅读教程3 Unit 11 Technology

大学体验英语 快速阅读教程3 Unit 11 Technology
大学体验英语 快速阅读教程3 Unit 11 Technology

Unit 11 Technology

Text A Robots

Bobots Are About to Invade Our Lives

From performing household chores, to entertaining and educating our children, to looking after the elderly, roboticists say we will soon be welcoming their creations into our homes and workplaces.

Researchers believe we are on the cusp (转折点)of a robot revolution that will mirror the explosive growth of the computer revolution from the 1980s onwards.

They are developing new laws for robot behavior, and designing new ways for humans and robots to interact.

"I think robotics technology will change who we are, just as eyeglasses and fire changed who we were before," says Rodney Brookes, robotics entrepreneur and former director of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Human-like Robots

Commercially available robots are already beginning to perform everyday tasks like vacuuming our floors.

The latest prototypes from Japan are able to help the elderly to get out of bed or get up after a fall. They can also remind them when to take medication, or even help wash their hair

"Current robots are not human like. For example they are things like automated beds and wheelchairs M says celebrated roboticist Prof Hiroshi Ishiguro, director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University, Japan. He believes the time is coming when robots start looking less like machines, and more like us.

Welcome to the Machine

People are going to have to like, and important trust robots before they welcome them into their homes, and several groups around the world are working on making it easier to communicate with them.

Much of human interaction takes place unconsciously, through body language. Gestures, eye contact, and concepts of personal are all things that robots are being taught.

In learning about how people interact with machines, researchers are also discovering new roles for robots in our lives. Robots can communicate with human in

ways that other technology can not.

"If someone finds the robot to be more persuasive, more credible, that's going to affect how they interact with it," says Dr Cynthia Breazeal, director of the Personal Robots Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“We can now start to think about domains where it's the social interaction, which is the core means by which a robot helps someone, through motivating them, or giving positive reinforcement"

Dr Breazeal says that means robots could have applications in education, learning, and healthcare, where social support is important.

Roboticists have had impressive results with autistic(患自闭症的)children, who often find communication difficult. Children seem to be able to interact more easily with a robot "buddy" than with other people.

In Control

Science fiction may have primed us for the coming robot revolution, but it has also given us an idea of the types of controls we may want to consider before welcoming robots into our lives and homes.

One of the most celebrated science fiction authors, Isaac Asimov, outlined "Three Laws of Robotics" in a novel featuring human-like robots:

"A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws."

At present, robots are not sophisticated enough to be made to behave ethically. Prof Winfield says that means roboticists building them need to behave ethically instead.

1. According to this passage the current robots in Japan can.

A. talk with the elderly when they feel lonely

B. do all the everyday chores for the elderly

C. take care of the elderly carefully and completely

D. assist the elderly in getting up from bed or a fall

2. What CANNOT be inferred from the passage about the current robots?

A. They have been taught to communicate with human beings.

B. They have been designed to be like persons rather than machines.

C. They have been used in many fields like education and nursing.

D. They have been enabled to interact with autistic kids effectively.

3. The main aim of rules outlined by Isaac Asimov may be to .

A. protect robots

B. ensure humans' safely

C. prohibit the coming robots revolution

D. welcome the robots into our lives

4. The last paragraph of this passage most probably means.

A. current robots are not emotional yet

B. current robots are able to express their morals

C. roboticists are responsible for their robots' moral behaviors

D. roboticists are smart enough to design complicated robots

5. What would be the alternative title for this passage?

A. Ready for the Robot Revolution?

B. Sure of Your Control Over Robots?

C. Aware of Advantages of Robots?

D. Able to Interact with Robots?

Text B How Technology Made Civilization Possible

A)By the time modern man appeared, probably in Africa between 100 000 and 250 000 years ago, his forefathers had already invented stone tools. It is possible that they had also manufactured crude canoes and shelters. However, it would take many more years and a succession vital inventions for man to evolve from a primitive

hunter-gatherer to the highly technologically literate(有文化的) citizen of the time of Christ.

B)We like to think that we are currently living through a period when technology has an unparalleled hold on society, but it is nothing compared with that of the ancient world, when invention and technology were the most powerful forces shaping civilization. Technology was the one factor that made all the other changes possible. Without the inventions of ink and papyrus (草制成之纸),many of man's ideas would not have spread as fast nor as widely. Without weapons and, later, the wheel, armies would not have won territories as quickly.

C)The single largest step in early man's social evolution came around 10 000 years ago with theinvention of animal husbandry(饲养业) and agriculture. This enabled him to progress from living in nomadic(游牧的)communities to settling in villages and small towns. The progress was brought about by a combination of climatic change and ma n’s invention of more efficient hunting tools, of a means of controlling and utilizing fire to clear undergrowth and of ways of building lasting shelters. It led to a massive growth in population, which in turn triggered a further rapid increase in technological innovation.

D)Four thousand years later, the urban revolution had brought a momentous cultural transition that in turn generated new needs. These were met by a quantum leap in technological innovation and the establishment of craftsmen and scientists. For the first Ume, manufacturing became established as man invented ways of making textiles, firing ceramics (陶器), producing metalwork and processing foodstuffs.This prompted barter methods to evolve into more sophisticated trading arrangement, culminating (达到顶点)in the invention of tokens or early money.

E)With these technologic, changes came a corresponding increase in the complexity of the social and political organization of human groups, which in turn necessitated the invention of written language, first to keep track of trading arrangements, then to communicate and record events, processes, philophies and, of course, inventions.

F)The history of invention is littered with inventions that had little or no purpose and

never caught on, but this was still a period of invention for necessity's sake. It would be some timebefore an invention would be greeted with questions as to its role — and even longer untilMichael Faraday would retort, "What use is a baby?" when asked what use his dynamo had.

G) It was also a period when science and technology’s symbiotic (共生的)relationship was reversed. Technology, now often the application of scientific discovery and observation, predatedscience and in this period was empirical and handed down through the generations. By the timethe city states were flowering in the early centuries BC, scientist-inventors began to emerge.Figures such as Hero, Strato, Ctesibius and Philon used observations and measurements of the physical and natural world to devise inventions. However, they were all minnows (小鱼) when compared with Archimedes. Here was a man of the caliber(才干)that the world would not see again until Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. The inventor had truly arrived.

1. The invention of early money was the direct result of complicated business arrangements.

2. The history of man’s using stone tools dates back to almost a quarter of a million years ago.

3. Livestock farming and agriculture made it possible for early man to settle down.

4. In ancient times, technology happened before scientific theories and based on experience.

5. The invention of arms and vehicles enabled soldiers to rapidly conquer lands.

6. In the ancient world, the most important factors pushing civilization forward were intention and technology.

7. Written language was invented firstly to record trading arrangements.

8.During the earlier period of invention what people were interested in was the invention for necessity’s sake

9.At present, technology usually means putting scientific discovery and observation to use.

10.Early scientists made inventions on the basis of their observations and measurements of the world


《大学英语》二级课程教学大纲 (College English Band 2) 一、简要说明: 参照国家教育部制订的《大学英语课程教学要求》, 同时根据我校教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等实际情况, 特制订本《大学英语教学大纲》,作为我校组织非英语专业本科、专升本学生英语教学的主要依据, 用于指导本校的大学英语教学。大学英语课程教学包括听、说、读、写四个部分。 二、课程性质、地位和任务: 大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生必修的一门基础课程。大学英语教学是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、教学基本要求和方法: (一)教学基本要求 1.听力能力要求:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂慢速英语节 目,语速为每分钟110词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。 2.口语能力要求:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题和英语国家 的人士进行交谈,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 3.阅读能力要求:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟60词。在阅读篇幅较长、 难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。能基本读懂国内英文报刊,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。 4. 写作能力要求:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见 的应用文,能就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出90词的短文,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。 5.推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到2800个单词和800个词组,其中1000为积极词汇。要求学生能 够在认知的基础上熟练运用。 (二)教学基本方法 1. 授课以英语为主,汉语为辅;精讲多练,讲析与操练相结合;以学生为中心,积极引导学生参与小 组讨论,角色扮演等课堂活动;根据学生具体情况,适当融入各类有针对性的教学方法,如:句型操练,背诵与默写;运用启发式教学手段,调动学生学习积极性,激发学生思辨能力。 2. 课内外相结合,讲习与讨论相结合;根据学生具体情况,适当增加文化内容和背景知识的介绍; 适 当采用有针对性的教学方法,如:限时阅读,归纳总结等。 四、授课教材及主要参考书目: 1. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)第二册 2. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程教师用书)第二册 3. 《大学体验英语听说教程》第二册 4. 《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》第二册 五、学分和学时分配: 本课程共256学时,16学分。二级64学时,4学分。根据我校学生的实际情况,本学期原则上完成8个单元《全新版大学英语(综合教程)》讲授内容,每单元6学时;完成18个单元《大学体验英语快速阅读教程》讲授内容,每单元0.5学时。另外4学时安排小测与期末复习。学时安排可根据具体情况适当调整。


U7P 1 Lead in A family begins with two people. Love deepens and grows between a couple and soon a wedding takes place, the beginnings of a family. Children are born, growing and maturing with every passing year. When grown up, they, too, fall in love and marry. The process of creating a family begins again, adding generations to the family. A day in the life of a family is filled with work and school, errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we can find children excitedly sharing the events of their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time for - working together and playing together. Reading to the children, singing songs, doing homework together, and playing games are some activities that take place during family time. A television show may be what each family member needs to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Strong family relationships are developed by spending quality time together. Key: 1. takes place 2. maturing 3. process 4. filled with 5. excitedly 7. singing 8. activities 9. show 10 relax 完形填空 1. You have to be a born optimist to be able to do this hard job and not despair. 你是一个天生的乐观主义者,能够做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望


大学体验英语听说教程3原文与答案大学体验英语听说教程3 Listening Task部分+答案 UNIT1 1.A: Jake Sutton~Is that you, man? How are you? B: Hey, Andrew! I didn?trecognize you for a moment, long time no see! A: Yeah, wow, Ihaven?tseenyousincehighschool graduation! what?ve you been up to? B: I?vebeenbackEast, at collage. A: collage? Where? B: Boston. b. u. A: Oh, cool. B: And this past year, I got to go to Spain as an exchange student. A: Spain? No kidding? I remember you always hoped for an international lifestyle. B: exactly. A: So how was is, amigo? B: Oh, man, it was so great; I got to see a lot of Europe. A: Year! Like where, B: All over. Italy, France, Greece, and my homestay family was really nice. They?ve invited me back again if I want to go to graduate school there. A; sounds like we won?t be seeing you for anther few more years then, eh? B: I dunno. Half of me wants to go , half of me wants to stay here , you know, when i was there , I missed home a lot more than I thought I would.


新视野大学英语快速阅读第三册答案全 Unit1 Passage1 1—5 DCDCD 6—8 AAB Passage2 1 smart enough 2 enters the house 3 only one act 4 properly trained 5 race horses 6 500 to 600 7 because used to each other 8 family or food Passage3 1—5 ADDAD 6—7 AC 8 talking 9 direct commands 10 cultural,not personal Passage4 1—5 Y Y N NG N 6—7 N Y

8 the individual 9 responsible behavior 10 written budget Unit2 Passage1 1—5 Y Y N Y N 6—8 N NG Y Passage2 1 the use of drugs 2 dull and hopeless 3 more and more drugs 4 LSD 5 really able to do 6 long jail sentences 7 dangerous situations 8 full of tension Passage3 1—5 ACBDC 6—7 DA 8 skills courses 9 certificates 10 world communication Passage4 1—5 NG Y N Y Y

6—7 Y N 8 it is easier 9 confront different challenges 10 allowing everything Unit3 Passage1 1—5 BCBAC 6—8 CAC Passage2 1 900 miles 2 weeks of time 3 the kind of boats 4 getting into the mud 5 different levels of water 6 man-made lakes 7 the force of the water 8 the photographys taken from spaceships Passage3 1—5 DBCAB 6—7 AD 8 the chain store 9 th e firm’s expenses Passage4 1—5 N NG N Y N


Unit 1 Hi! How are you? Vocabulary Task Answers/Script 1. Hello! Hi, how are you doing? Pretty good. 2. Hi, how are you? Fine, thanks. 3. Good morning. Morning. What’s new? Not much. Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 4 (at school), 2 (home), 3 (at a reception desk), 1 (in the park) 2 Second Listening Answers/Script 1. A: Hello! B: Oh, Hi! A: It’s a beautiful day! B: Yeah, a good day for running. 2. A: Hello. I’m home. B: Hi! How are you? A: I’m tired. It’s goo d to be home. 3. A: Good morning. B: Good morning. A: I’m Mia Clark. Is Mr. Lee here? B: Yes, just a moment. Mr. Lee, Ms. Clark is here to see you. 4. A: Hi! B: Hey. What’s new? A: Not much. Look, the teacher is coming! B: We need to go to class. Real World Listening 1 Predict 2 Get the main ideas Answers Good morning. Hi. How are you? Hi, Nadia. Hey, Nadia. How’s it going? Hello, Ms. Barnes. Good morning…coffee? Good morning, Ms. Barnes. Script Man-1: Good morning, Nadia! Nadia: Good morning. Woman-1: Hi! How are you? Nadia: Great. I had a great weekend! Man-2: Hey, Nadia! How’s it going? Nadia: Morning. Fine. How about you? Woman-3: Hello, Ms. Barnes. Did you have a good weekend? Nadia: Yes, it was very good. How about you? Woman-4: Good morning. Nadia: Good morning. Woman-4: Coffee? Nadia: Sure, thanks… Sorry. Gotta go. Nadia: Good morning, everyone. Students: Good morning. Ms. Barnes.


Why I Love the City 我的许多朋友都离开了这座城市。它们是在郊区买房子,因为他们想要远离城市的喧嚣、烟雾、交通、和犯罪的城市。一个朋友说,“有太多的空气污染的城市。我更喜欢郊区,那里的空气是那么清新。“另一个朋友抱怨交通:“有太多的汽车市区!你不能找到一个停车的地方,交通堵塞的情况都很可怕。“每个人都在抱怨关于犯罪:“城市有许多罪犯。我很少离开我的房子”的幻影却如太危险了。 在我朋友搬离城市,他们通常会背诵优势郊区生活:绿草、花卉、游泳池、烤肉等等。然而在我的朋友们在那里住了一年左右的时间里,他们意识到郊区生活就不那么愉快,因为他们期待。这种变化的原因是什么?他们的花园!他们很快了解到,一个不可避免的一部分yardwork郊区生活。他们整个周末都在工作在他们的花园,它们是非常累的一把,又要取他们的水池游泳甚至做一些肉放在他们的烤肉。又有另一个投诉:他们不能住在郊区没有一辆车。我的大多数朋友都搬到郊区,避开塞车,但现在他们不得不上班市中心。他们坐在一个繁忙的公路每天两个小时! 我的意见是非常不同的城市生活,从我朋友的我住在市区吗?和我爱它! ! !为什么?嗯,首先,我喜欢nature-flowers、绿草、树木和动物。在这个城市里,我有一切优势自然:我可以步行通过公共公园,闻闻花香,坐在草地上在树下。我可以参观,动物园里的动物。然而到目前为止我还没有一个缺点:我不需要做yardwork或喂动物。同时,在这个城市,到处都可以让我乘公共汽车吗?如果有交通堵塞,我可以走回去。 似乎每个人都搬到郊区,避免罪恶的大城市。我有一个理论的城市犯罪的,然而,所以我觉得安全罪犯将反映在社会生活的变化:如果人们买了房子在郊区,罪犯将步其后尘。罪犯想避免噪音、烟雾、污染了。不久,过于拥挤和犯罪的问题,而不是城市郊区! People on the Move 美国人的历史,在某种程度上,历史运动的美国人民。他们移到东海岸的殖民地到开放空间的西部。从乡下搬,农场到城里去。最近,美国人一直不断地由城市郊区。 开放空间;西部地区迁移 美国人开始先驱移动,从东海岸到西250年前。他们向西边移居的原因有许多种。一个理由是无限的开放空间的可用性和土地耕作。美国人喜欢大的开放空间,他们也喜欢独立和自由发展的土地以他们自己的方式。一些土地变得农场。重要的矿产资源被发现在某些地区,因此有一些那地就都归了地雷。其他大型地区成为牛牧场。似乎对每个人都有足够的土地。但这是一个困难的生活——一种无止境的工作和困难。 城市 1860年以后,工业革命改变了美国。美国人学会了如何生产的钢铁。他们开始生产石油。汽车被发明了。工厂各类开始出现,而在城市开始长大了工厂周围。农民和其他的国家里,人们搬到越来越多的城市人为了寻找工作,更容易的生活。在1900年代早期,城市工作忙、令人激动的地方。然而,也有很多贫穷和困苦。 城市增长的城市建筑taller-and不必得到增长out-they展开的中心。私有房屋和门廊与码就消失了。公寓,每一个个子比下、就住在他们的地方。越来越多的人搬到城市,越来越大,城市。 一些城市不能分散因为没有房间这么做。这些城市,纽约就是一个最好的例子,变得越来越拥挤。更多的人意味着更多的汽车、卡车、公交车、更大的噪音,更多的污染,以及更多的犯罪。许多城市变得丑陋肮脏。有些人而有些公司开始离开城市搬到郊区城市外围。 郊区 搬到郊区的仍然是发生。美国人正在寻找一小块土地,他们可以叫他们自己。他们想要一座房子和院子。然而,他们不想放弃好的工作在城市。在许多情况下,公司在郊区给他们的工作。在其他情况下,美国人常常通勤到城市,在城市他们职业。近年来,越来越多的企业开始向郊区迁移。他们吸引了很多人,郊区变得拥挤。 接下来要做什么? 美国人看了他们缓慢下落到大城市年久失修而死。许多人离开了城市中产阶级,只有非常富有的人和很多贫困的人呆在后面。有关美国人正设法解决这一问题的噪音、灰尘、犯罪和污染在大城市里。他们正试图重建坏的部分城市为了吸引和保持业务的人。他们正在努力使他们的城市美丽。如今,许多美国人都正在考虑搬回了城市。 其他美国人发现甚至郊区已经变得太拥挤了。他们正在寻找无污染的开阔空间和作为独立的生活方式。他们准备离开郊区到乡下。 也许美国人总是会在前进。 Caution: Bumpy Road Ahead


Unit 1 The Evolving Notion of Home “Home, sweet home” is a phrase that expresses an essential attitude in the United States. Whether the reality of life in the family house is sweet or not so sweet, the ideal of home has great importance for many people. This ideal is a vital part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth-century European settlers of the American West, was to find a piece of land, build a house for one’s family, and start a farm. These small households were portraits of independence: the entire family — mother, father, children, even grandparents — living in a small house and working together to support each other. Everyone understood the life-and-death importance of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, the ideal of home ownership is just as strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S. soldiers came home after World War II, for example, they dreamed of buying houses and starting families. So there was a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and nearly identical, but they satisfied a deep need. Many saw the single-family house as the basis of their way of life. For the new suburbanites of the 1950s and 1960s, however, life inside their small houses was very different from life on a farm. First, the family spent much less time together in the house. The father frequently drove, or commuted, as much as an hour to work each morning. The children went to school all day and played after school with neighborhood children. The suburb itself was sometimes called a bedroom community because people used their houses basically for sleeping. Second, the suburb was not a stable community: Families moved frequently as the fathers sought upward mobility — better-paying jobs and bigger houses. Although the idea of home was still as precious as always, it had taken on a different meaning. In the 1970s and 1980s, as more women entered the labor force, the family spent even less time together. But the picture is changing: People can now telecommute, or work at home, while being linked to the office by means of their computers. More and more people can now stay at home. So the old expression could change from

大学体验英语综合教程 课文翻译

Unit1 蛙的故事 最近发生了几桩怪事儿。 我在北威斯康星州的树林中有一座小木屋。是我亲手搭建的,前面还有一间花房。住在里面相当惬意。实际上我是在户外做音频制作和环境方面的工作--作为干这一行的工具,我还装备了一间带电脑的工作室。 还有一只树蛙也在我的工作室中住了下来。 去年十一月,我第一次惊讶地发现他(只是这样称呼罢了,事实上我并不知道该称“他”还是“她”)坐在电脑的音箱上。我把他放到花房里去,认为他呆在那儿会更舒服一些。可他又跑回来呆在原地。很快我就习惯了有他做伴,清晨我上网查收邮件和阅读新闻的时候,他也在一旁关注这个世界。 可上周,我突然对这个爬上爬下的“小绿人或小灰人”产生了好奇心。 于是有一天,我正在工作室里干活,电脑嗡嗡作响。当树蛙从我面前爬过时,我不得不停止工作。他停下了并转过身来,坐在那儿看着我。好吧,我也干脆停下来望着他。五个月了,他一直这样陪着我。我突然有一股强烈的欲望想了解他:为什么他要呆在这儿而不乐意呆在花房里?我认为对树蛙来说,花房显然要舒适得多。 “你为什么呆在这儿?”我情不自禁地问他。 我目不转睛地盯着他,他也直视着我。然后我听到一种叮咚声。这种声音似乎一下子就进入了我的大脑中枢,因为它和电脑里发出来的声音十分接近。在那个声音里我听到树蛙对我“说”:“因为我想让你明白”。唷,太不可思议了。“明白什么?”我脑海中突然跳出了这个问题。然后经过短暂的体验这种交流之后,我觉得我已经理解了树蛙待在这儿的原因。我开始理解树蛙只是想听到其他同类的叫声并并与之交流。或许他误以为计算机发出的声音就是其他树蛙在呼唤他。 真是有趣。 我继续工作。我正在写一个关于全球气候变化的故事。有个朋友刚好发过来一份传真,说地球的温度正以每十年1.9度的速度上升。我知道,照这种速度下去,每年春天我都爱去提取树浆的这片枫林,到我孩子的那一代就将不复存在。我的故乡美丽的威斯康星州也会在下一代变成一片草原。 此刻,树蛙从我脚背跳过去站在电脑前的地板上。然后他伸出手来从后面拢起左耳凝神倾听,接着他又站在电脑前伸出右手拢起另一支耳朵。他这样转动着脑袋,聆听那个声音,非常专心致志。他的皮肤起了微妙的变化,呈现出一种亮丽的绿色,然后他就用尽全力跳到电脑上。 我猛然想起去年在收音机里听到的一则关于青蛙的消息,说是全世界的青蛙正在死亡。消息说因为青蛙的皮肤就像是一个内里朝外的肺,所以正在受到污染和全球气候变化的影响。据说已经发现有些青蛙的皮肤已变得像纸一样干瘪。还说青蛙是一个"物种指示器",由于对环境敏感,这个物种会先遭灭顶之灾。 这时我明白了。 青蛙向我们传递了一个信息。一些头脑清醒的人士也曾向我们传递过同样的信息,那就是"我们别无选择。"我们已经进入了关键时刻,为了人类的子孙后代,也为青蛙,我们必须对这个星球负起主人的责任。 因为我们休戚相关。


Experiencing English Listening &Speaking Level 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.” Alice: Look, there he is. Jean: Who? Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about. Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with? Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with. Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him. Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi. Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean? Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before. Jean: We have? Where? Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party. Jean: Oh, Sam. Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore? Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago. Robert: Oh—Oh, really?


Unit 1 Alone in the Arctic Cold 一个人在北极严寒 一天打碎了非常寒冷和灰色,当那个人偏离主要育空试验和爬上斜坡,在那里的是一个朦胧而过去向东穿过了踪迹松林之间。坡率陡峭,而且他停顿了一下喘不过气来保持最佳的状态。没有太阳和缕阳光,尽管他天空无云。这是一个晴朗的日子,但在那里似乎是一个蒙上了一层水汽表面看来,把这天黑暗。这个事实不担心那个人。他被用来缺乏阳光。 那人回头而且他已经来了。育空河打下英里宽藏起来了以下3英尺的冰。这个世界上的冰一样多英尺的积雪。这是连续的白色的,除了一个黑暗的发际线了痕迹,向南延伸达500英里去的库特关口。 但是,整个神秘,深远的发际线跟踪,没有太阳从天空,巨大的冷的,陌生和怪异的没有什么印象all-made上了的人。他是新来的人在这地,这是他的第一个冬天。他的问题他是缺乏想象力。他很快和警惕在生活的一切,但只有在去吧,而不是在意义。意思eighty-odd零下五十度学位霜。这样的事实了冷漠,而且不舒服,就这些。它并不带他去思考男人的一般是脆弱,能够只活在确定的限度窄的热量和冷。零下五度代表点冰霜伤害必须提防,利用厚,暖和的衣服。50度以下零是他就精确50度零度以下。应该有其他东西了可那是一个思想,从来没有进过他的头上。 当他转身要走,他吐不确定。就有一个陡坡、易爆裂纹他的震惊。他吐了。又一次,空气里之前,这可能下降至雪吐口唾沫裂了。他知道五十岁的唾沫在雪地上闪现下面,但这吐口唾沫空气中闪现了。毫无疑问这个五十个更加寒冷below-how要冷得多了不知道。但是温度还显得无关紧要。他注定的老我的左边叉子汉德森的孩子们在小溪了。他们来了在山上从印度人小河的国家,虽然他来拐弯抹角看一看的可能性走出木材来源于群岛的育空。他要在六营地点,有点天黑之后,这是真的,但男孩们会去,火灾的去,和热晚饭将为此做好准备。 他陷入水中在大松树。踪迹减弱了。他很高兴他没有雪橇、旅游的光。事实上,他带着什么都是用午餐手帕。他很惊奇,然而,在寒冷。当然很冷,他总结道,他又揉麻木,鼻子和颧骨和他"握"手。 Memories of Afghanistan 阿富汗的记忆 Afghanistan-a国家一场人道主义灾难的边缘的土地,充满了逃离难民,饥饿的人,turbaned恐怖分子在训练营。电视画面告诉一个国家的故事破坏和贫穷的国家,几乎完全摧毁了二十年的战争和斗争。然而once-though poor-this真是一个值得骄傲的那国,并有美丽的国家,还能存活下来,许多世纪的严酷的历史。不要太长前,它还是一个国家在和平,有丰富的文化遗产… 除了欧洲国家,很少有国家在这个世界上,从来没有在殖民rule-or至少从不在最近的几次,:阿富汗是其中之一。许多几个世纪以前,成吉思汗的那军队策马撞倒从蒙古、无情地杀死了阿富汗的部落山敢于抵抗侵略者;但除此之外羞辱时期Afghans-who,在时间,其实是一种混合的三个独立的民族groups-have把头抬得高高的面对的入侵。


Unit 1 Passage A (p12) 学无止境 终考的最后一天,东部一所的大学里,一群大四的工科生聚集在一幢教学楼的台阶上,谈论着即刻就要开始的考试。他们脸上都充满自信。在参加即将到来的毕业典礼和从事未来的工作前,这是他们最后一门考试。 他们有的谈起了已经找到的工作,有的则谈论着要找的工作。4年的大学学习给了他们全部的自信,使他们觉得自己足以征服世界。 眼前这场考试,不过是小事一桩。这门课的教授已经说过,除考场上不能交头接耳外,允许他们带任何书或笔记到考场。考生们依次进入考场,心情轻松而愉快。当教授把考卷发给在座的考生后,学生们脸上的笑容更加灿烂,因为考卷上只有五道论述题。 3个小时过去了,教授开始收回考卷。考生们的脸上充满惊慌的表情,自信已经荡然无存。当教授收完考卷,看着全班学生时,所有的人都沉默不语。 她扫视着一张张焦虑的脸问道:“5道题答完的有多少?” 没人举手。 “答完4道的有多少?” 还是没有人举手。 “完成3道题的?2道题的?” 考生们有些坐不住了,不安地动了动。 “那么,有没有写完一道题的?我想总有人做完一道题吧!” 考场里还是一片寂静。教授放下手中的考卷,说:“果真不出我所料。” “我只是想让你们牢牢记住,即使你们已经学完了4年工科课程,在这个领域里,你们还有很多东西不懂。在你们今后的日常工作中,类似于今天考卷上你们无法回答的问题很常见。”接着,她微笑着补充说:“你

们都会通过考试,但是请记住,即使你们现在已经毕业了,你们的学习才刚刚开始。” 多年后,这位老师的姓名已经被淡忘,但她的教诲却深深地刻在记忆中。 Read and translate 1. →译文:He has no longer written to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone. 2.→译文:Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the Internet, aiming to know about the latest development in this area / field. 3. →译文:Professor Li made a short speech at the commencement, his words of which were deeply impressed upon my memory. 4. →译文:Talking of the final exams the students were not nervous at all. On their faces was confidence. 5.→译文:To write a short passage of about 100 words within 30 minutes would be a snap to most students in their class. Passage B (P17) 时光如能倒流 四年的学习生涯结束,毕业的那一刻终于到来。不到两个星期我就要毕业了。回首往昔,竟不敢相信时间就这样匆匆逝去。我依然记得第一天去上课时的情景,我一边望着课表背面的地图,一边询问教学楼在哪儿。现在我已是即将毕业的老生,用羡慕的眼光看待大一新生。我每天都祈愿时间会凝滞,让接下来的两周过得更慢一些。许多人迫不及待地等待毕业,我却与他们恰恰相反。我希望时间倒流,让我将大学生活的每一天重新来过。 对我来说,大学生活是非常重要的学习经历,绝大多数学习过程都是在课外学到的。大学第二年对我来说也许是生命中最精彩的一年。正是这一年,我终于让妈妈确信我住校没有问题,她同意了我住校。也正是这一年,我结交了一些终身好友。经历了许多成功与失败使我对自己有了更深的了解。大二生活使我体验了许多新的事物:山地宿营,在报纸上发表一些拙陋的诗歌,在课堂上给老师画漫画。 漫步在熟悉的校园路上,我陷入了深深的反思和对往昔的回忆之中。我多希望能够重头来过,再次扑捉大学生活的快乐和兴奋。一想到就要毕业我的心就惶惶恐恐。从记事起我就一直在读书,我感到还有许多东西想学,可我不得不离开学校毕业了。世界如此之大,可能发生的事情又如此之多。过去的四年我一直


Book One Unit Four Passage One Directions: You will have 10 minutes to read this passage quickly and answer the following questions from A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Youth Speak If you think the English language is getting shorter, you may be right. From news bytes to text-messaging to famously shorter attention spans, we're saying less—and relying on slang more. Why? With so much of our daily communications taking place online these days—and that doesn’t include just e-mail, but text-messaging on increasingly teenier devices—it seems everyday English has been reduced to a code of accepted abbreviations, mysterious combinations of numbers and letters, and even symbols masquerading as facial expressions. :) Often in all lowercase(小写字母) letters. Certain numbers, “2” and “4” in particular, play starring roles—replacing, respectively, “to” and “for”—but the far more interesting development is the embrace of the number “3” for the letter “e” (“b3” and “th3”), and the number “8” for the sound it makes (“gr8” and “l8r” for “great” and “later”). While some of these brave new acronyms(首字母缩拼词) can actually be self-explanatory (“u” for “you” and “ur” for “your”) or fairly logical (“b4” for “before”), or can highlight the sounds the letters ma ke (“qt” for “cutie” and “cu” for “see you”) or act as abbreviations (“cuz” for “because”), or can be just straightforward acronyms (“bff” for “best friends forever”), some do border on strange (“peeps” for “people”). Some terms that have been in circulati on for quite a while are pretty recognizable: “lol” (“laughing out loud”), “btw” (“by the way”), and “imho” (“in my humble opinion”). Some, meanwhile, are puzzling: “iykwim” (“if you know what I mean”), “mtfbwy” (“may the force be with you”), and “wysiwyg”(“what you see is what you get”). At times, this alphabet-soup vernacular (本国语,俗语) feels absolutely confusing to everyone but linguists and computer geeks. But it’s difficult to argue with it s speed—or even its necessity—when forced to use a toothpick-sized device to reply to an office memorandum (备忘录) while driving a car (not recommended or legal but, unfortunately, all too common). With the exception of “peeps,” though, all of the above examples are mostly used in written slang. Spoken slang is a whole o ther story. And it’s here that the younger generation truly has its say (pun intended). Today’s slang changes faster than yesterday’s password. That’s because words that were popular only a couple of years ago have lost favor—among t oday’s teens—for no reason at all. These include: “sweet”, “excellent”, and “awesome” (which all mean “good”). But, then, slang is short-lived by nature. In order for slang to be slangy, it has to have a feeling of perpetual newness. Slang is like fashion: never “in” for long. Americans eventually tire of even the most popular words, and by natural selection, only the strong survive.


Warm up 1. Isn't this a cute hat? It's really warm, too. 2. Look at my new sweatshirt. It has my university's logo on it. 3. These sandals are so comfortable. I hate wearing regular shoes. 4. I need a new pair of jeans for school. Mine are torn. 5. I have to wear high heels to work. They really hurt my feet! 6. I want a new jacket. This one is getting old. 7. That's a neat polo shirt. I like the little crocodile logo on it. 8. Wow, these slacks are tight. Too much junk food, I guess. 9. Ooh, that dress! It's so beautiful! 10. Cool T-shirt. What does it say? 11. These pajamas are very soft, very comfortable. 12 .I need to wear a suit for my new job. 13. The sweater is so warm. I wear it all winter. 14. My new cargo pants are so cool. They have like a million pockets. 15. I need some new socks. These have holes in them. 16.These sneakers are great. Really comfortable. Listening task 1. A: So, what do you think of these? B: Hmm. Pink slacks? I don't know. Maybe you should try these. A: The black ones? B: Yeah, black looks good on you. 2. A: Hey, hey, hey! Check it out. B: Uh ... A: Isn't this shirt great? B: Yeah, um. But I think you should try a bigger size.

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