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验室教授二博士研究生导师三主要研究方向为机械创新设计三梁 欢,男,1988年生三重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室硕士研


马嵩华1 田 凌2




中图分类号:TG333.1;TB472 DOI :10.3969/j .issn.1004132X.2015.06.018Stiffness Anal y sis and Structure O p timization of Rollin g Mill for Lithium ‐ion Batter y Electrode Manufacturin g Ma Son g hua 1 Tian Lin g 21.Shandon g Universit y ,Jinan ,250013 2.Tsin g hua Universit y ,Bei j in g ,100084Abstract :In the p rocess of rollin g electrodes ,due to the contradiction between the ener gy densit y and the material mechanical p ro p erties of coatin g s on the electrode ,the roller p ressure should be con -trolled strictl y accordin g to the com p ression ratio.Actuall y ,the roller surface made the g a p between two rollers difficult to measure throu g h ex p eriments.Conse q uentl y ,it was difficult to directl y q uantif y the relation between the g a p size and roller p ressure b y usin g p h y sical p rotot yp e.The variations of p h y sical q uantities durin g the electrodes manufacturin g p rocess were sim p lified to build the di g ital model of rollin g mill and electrode deformation.With the hel p of the di g ital model ,the relation of g a p variation and p ressure was q uantitativel y simulated.Accordin g to the above stud y ,on the p ur p ose of simulation ‐driven desi g n ,the structural p arameters and work condition of di g ital rollin g mill were o p -timized b y the res p onse surface methodolo gy and multi ‐ob j ective g enetic o p timization al g orithm.The stiffness test has validated the di g ital model and the sim p lification h yp othesis.These results are im -p ortant to la y a p lan for rollin g p rocesses ;meanwhile the research and develo p ment efficienc y is im -p roved b y the res p onse surface ‐based desi g n o p timization.Ke y words :rollin g mill ;lithium ‐ion batter y electrode ;finite element anal y sis ;o p timization desi g n 0 引言人们对移动设备日益增长的需求对电池提出




实程度,需要对极片进行辊压三极片辊压机作用的对象为厚0.2mm 左右的电池极片,


马嵩华 田 凌

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