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1.南通出入境检验检疫局,江苏南通 226004;

2.南通科技职业学院,江苏南通 226007

窦怀智1 吴雯雯2 丁 黎1 陆 兵2 邵元健2 黄 键1作者简介

窦怀智(1982—),男,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事化学分析工作。联系电话:0513 - 68588253

E - mail: redestspring@https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb14576219.html,.


*利用索氏提取法获得10种薄荷叶、茎的挥发油,并通过气相色谱 - 质谱联用法和气相色谱法对提取的油进行分析,比较其中薄荷醇和薄荷酮的含量。结果表明:10种薄荷叶的含油量在14.7 ~ 33.8 mg/g ,其中美国薄荷叶的含油量最高;茎的含油量范围在3.5 ~ 11.8 mg/g ,其中留兰香茎的含油量最高;叶中薄荷醇含量范围在6.8 ~ 11931.4 μg/g ,其中胡椒2品种的叶薄荷醇含量最高;叶中薄荷酮含量范围在2.6 ~ 1492.7 μg/g ,其中亚洲薄荷的叶薄荷酮含量最高;茎中的薄荷醇含量低于5 000 μg/g ,薄荷酮含量低于900 μg/g 。比较薄荷醇和薄荷酮的含量可知,种植胡椒薄荷2和亚


薄荷 薄荷醇 薄荷酮 含油量

Comparative Analysis of the Contents of Volatile Oil, Menthol and Menthone in 10 Kinds of Mentha haplocalyx *

DOU Huai - zhi 1 WU Wen - wen 2 DING Li 1 LU Bing 2 SHAO Yuan - jian 2 HUANG Jian 1

(1. Nantong Entry - Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Nantong 226004, Jiangsu, China; 2. Nantong College of Science and Technology, Nantong 226007, Jiangsu, China)

Abstract :V olatile oils in leaves and stems from 10 kinds of Mentha haplocalyx were obtained by Soxhlet extraction. They were analyzed by GC - MS and GC method, their contents of menthol and menthone were compared. The results showed that the oil contents of 10 kinds of Mentha haplocalyx leaves were in the range of 14.7 to 33.8 mg/g, in which, the Monarda didyma was the highest variety. The oil contents of stems were in the range of 3.5 to 11.8 mg/g, in which, the spearmint stems showed the highest. The content of menthol in leaves ranged from 6.8 to 11 931.4 μg/g, in which, the Mentha piperita 2 was the highest. The contents of menthone in leaves ranged from 2.6 to 1 492.7 μg/g, in which, the highest came from Mentha arvensis leaves. The contents of menthol and menthone in stems were lower than 5 mg/g and 0.9 mg/g, respectively. Considering the contents of menthol and menthone, the cultivation of Mentha piperita 2 and Mentha arvensis perspectively has higher economic bene ?t.Keywords : Mentha haplocalyx menthol menthone volatile oil content


收稿日期: 2017 - 04 - 14;修回日期:2017 - 05 - 15 薄荷(Mentha haplocalyx )用途很广,可用于



的质量分数在0.8% ~ 1%,干茎叶中为1.3% ~ 2%。薄荷挥发油中主要成分为薄荷醇(Menthol ),质量分数在62% ~ 87%,另外还含有薄荷酮(Menthone )等成分[1-4]。作为重要成分的薄荷醇和薄荷酮在不同品种的薄荷中含量是有差异的,南通地区曾经是重要的薄荷制品产地[5],分析选择出经济价值较高


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