当前位置:文档之家› 北京市朝阳区2015高三二模数学(文)试题及答案(扫描版)





1.(西城)26.(1)小明遇到下面一道题: 如图1,在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠ABC=90o,∠ACB=30o,BE⊥AC于点E,且= CDE ACB ∠∠.如果AB=1,求CD边的长. 小明在解题过程中发现,图1中,△CDE与△相似,CD的长度等于,线段CD 与线段的长度相等; 他进一步思考:如果ACBα ∠=(α是锐角),其他条件不变,那么CD的长度可以表示为CD= ;(用含α的式子表示) (2)受以上解答过程的启发,小明设计了如下的画图题: 在Rt△OMN中,∠MON=90o,OM<ON,OQ⊥MN于点Q,直线l经过点M,且l∥ON.请在直线l上找出点P的位置,使得NPQ ONM ∠=∠. 请写出你的画图步骤,并在答题卡上完成相应的画图过程.(画出一个即可,保留画图痕迹,不要求证明) 0(0) k =>成立的 y x = 请回答: (1)当k=1时,使得原等式成立的x的个数为_______; (2)当0<k<1时,使得原等式成立的x的个数为_______; (3)当k>1时,使得原等式成立的x的个数为_______. 参考小明思考问题的方法,解决问题: 关于x的不等式24 0 () x a a x +-<>0只有一个整数解,求a的取值范围.

3.(东城)26 .阅读材料 如图1,若点P 是⊙O 外的一点,线段PO 交⊙O 于点A,则PA 长是点P 与⊙O 上各点之间的最短距离. 图1 图2 证明:延长PO 交⊙O 于点B ,显然PB>PA . 如图2,在⊙O 上任取一点C (与点A ,B 不重合),连结PC ,OC . ,,,, PO PC OC PO PA OA OA OC PA PC <+=+=∴<且 ∴PA 长是点P 与⊙O 上各点之间的最短距离. 由此可以得到真命题:圆外一点与圆上各点之间的最短距离是这点到圆心的距离与半径的差. 请用上述真命题解决下列问题. (1)如图3,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,AC =BC =2,以BC 为直径的半圆交AB 于D ,P 是上的一 个动点,连接AP ,则AP 长的最小值是 . 图3 (2)如图4,在边长为2的菱形ABCD 中,∠A =60°,M 是AD 边的中点,点N 是AB 边上一动点,将△AMN 沿MN 所在的直线翻折得到△MN A ' ,连接C A ' ,①求线段A ’M 的长度; ②求线段C A ' 长的最小值. 图4


北京市东城区2015年中考二模英语试题 知识运用(共25分)单项填空。(共10分,每小题1分) 21. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. ___ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 22. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me? —Well, my dear, I'd love to, ___ I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or 23. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would 24. —What a lovely dog! _____is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old 25. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 26. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow? —I'm sorry I can't. I _ a movie with some friends. A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen 27. We can start the meeting now,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive 28. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps 29. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 30. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found 五. 完形填空 Last summer vacation, my brother got a set of bedroom furniture (家具) for his thirteenth birthday. When it arrived, I helped my parents moved the __31__ furniture to the garage(车库). It was still in good condition. I thought it might be a chance for us to __32__ someone in our community. I started to search neighbors, anyone who __33__ a bedroom set. Finally, my mom helped me call the local elementary school. They told me about Jaila, a second – grader, the daughter of a poor single mother. I was given an address and a telephone number, and I soon found my at Jaila’s. The moment I went into Jaila's room, I knew I had taken on too big a __34__. When I pushed the old door open,it made a long high noise. But the door was nothing compared with the rest of the room. Some old paint was 35 the wall. One of the windows was broken. The bed was just a mattress (床垫)lying on the old carpet (地毯).It seemed that the room needed more than furniture — it __36__ — for a complete makeover. That day I spent at least an hour looking around and wondering how I could possibly 37 the room. I had never painted a wall, let alone recarpeted a floor. The second day, I returned with a large group of 38 — my Girl Scout troop. We went to collect everything needed d oor to door in our community. We replaced, repainted, and redecorated Jaila's room. We sweated in Jaila’ s house for more than ten hours every day that week. The moment we finished, we called Juila into the room. She jumped, laughed and hugged each of us.


北京市东城区第二学期高三综合练习(二) 语文 本试卷共10页,150分。考试时长150分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考 试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、本大题共8小题,共24分。 阅读下面的文字,回答1—8题。 材料一 墨作为书写工具,同时也是重要的文化传承载体,已有几千年的历史。殷商时代的甲骨文就以石墨、朱砂填色。汉代纸料发明后,出现了一种以漆烟和松煤制成的丸状墨,这是日后用墨的滥觞.。 唐代是文化交流最广泛的朝代之一。唐末奚超避乱至歙州,见此地多松且质优,新安江水质极佳,因此留在此地制墨。因墨的主产区为歙州,故得名“歙墨”。其后奚超之子改进捣烟、和胶的方法,制成了“拈来轻、嗅来馨、磨来清”“丰肌腻理、光泽如漆”的佳墨。制墨工艺的改进,让书写更加流利,也加快了文化的传播速度。 宋室南渡后,宋墨的制作技艺臻.于成熟。制墨业的繁荣表现在三个方面:第一,油烟墨的创立,开辟了中国制墨业的新领域。千百年来,制墨主要以松烟为原料,由于长年累月取松烧烟,致使松树被砍伐殆.尽,新的制墨原料——桐油烟便应.运而生。第二,制墨从业人员众多,名家辈出。宋代制墨名家见诸史册的多达百余人,他们在选料、配方、烧制、用胶、捣杵等工艺方面,都有独到之处。第三,达官贵人及文人墨客与制墨工匠切磋技艺,促进了制墨技艺的发展。创造“瘦金体”书法的宋徽宗喜欢墨又懂制墨,他亲自实践,推动了制墨业的发展。苏轼、陆游、黄庭坚等文人都有过参与制墨的经历。宣和三年(1121),歙州改成徽州,“徽墨”之名正式诞生,并代代相传,延续至今。 明代徽墨进入了发展的黄金时期。先进的桐油烟与漆油的制墨方法被广泛应用。徽墨普遍加入麝香、冰片、熊胆等十几种贵重原料,使墨的质地达到新的水平。竞争使徽墨在工艺进步的同时也提升了造型设计能力和墨模的雕刻技术。徽墨呈现出艺术品的潜质,也带动了从事艺术的文化人士投身工艺品创作的潮流。清代徽墨的发展虽不及明代的规模,但陆续出现了曹素功、胡开文等制墨名家。这一时期徽墨出现了集锦种类的墨,墨雕题材也更加丰富。墨雕题材多取自山川、建筑、风光、典籍、典故、儒家、道家、佛家等,少则几锭为一套,多则几十锭为一套,徽墨成为多种文化元素的载体。 由于社会动荡,近代徽墨的发展一度停滞,直至解放后制墨业才重新焕发生机。随着国家对传统文化的重视与保护,徽墨被列入了首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。承载着厚重历史和传统艺术文化的徽墨也注意吸收时代元素,不断开发新的产品。在快速发展的时代背景下,徽墨如同由传统文化之根生发的绿叶,它从传统文化中不断获得滋养,同时也以自身的发展扩充着中国文化的根系。 (取材于项颂的文章) 1.下列加点字的读音和解释,不正确 ...的一项是(2分) A.滥觞.:“觞”读作“shāng”意思是“酒杯” B.臻.于:“臻”读作“zhēn”意思是“达到(美好的境地)”


北京市东城区2015-2016学年第二学期初三统一练习(二) 英语2016.6 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每 段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. What's the matter with the man? A. He has a fever. B. He has a cough. C. He has a headache. 7. When will the man go to see the doctor? A. Tomorrow morning. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow evening. 请听一段刘话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. Where does the girl want to go? A. To a university. B. To a hospital. C. To a shopping center. 9. How long does it take to get there?

A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Why doesn't the woman want to watch a basketball game? A. Because she doesn't like basketball B. Because the ticket is very expensive. C. Because she watched one last weeekend 11. What do they decide to do at last? A. To go out for dinner. B. To watch a movie. C. To go to a concert. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What do we know about Pedro? A. His English is improving. B. He hates doing his homework. C. His English is better than his mother's. 13. What does the teacher tell Pedro's mother to do at home? A. To speak English with Pedro. B. To help Pedro with his listening. C. To make sure Pedro reads his book. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第巧小题。 14. Where is the speaker at the moment? A. In a shop. B. On a bus. C. On a river. 15. What's the speaker mainly doing? A. Telling about the tour plan. B. Giving advice on what to do. C. Describing some famous places. 三、听独白,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。 知识运用(共25分) 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.These students always do homework very carefully. A. our B. his C. their D. her 22. Many people like to take a long vacation summer.


北京市东城区2010--2011学年第二学期初三综合练习(二) 数 学 试 卷 学校 姓名 考号 一、选择题(本题共32分,每小题4分) 下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个是符合题意的. 1. 2 1 - 的绝对值是 A. 21 B. 2 1 - C. 2 D. -2 2. 下列运算中,正确的是 A .2 3 5 a a a += B .3 4 12 a a a ?= C .2 36a a a =÷ D .43a a a -= 3.一个不透明的袋中装有除颜色外均相同的5个红球和3个黄球,从中随机摸出一个,摸到黄球的概率是 A . 18 B . 13 C . 38 D . 35 4.下列图形中,既是..轴对称图形又是.. 5. 若一个正多边形的一个内角等于150°,则这个正多边形的边数是 A .9 B .10 C .11 D .12 6. 则在这次活动中,该班同学捐款金额的众数和中位数是 A .30,35 B .50,35 C .50,50 D .15,50 7.已知反比例函数2k y x -= 的图象如图所示,22 0根的情况是 A .没有实根 B . 有两个不等实根 C .有两个相等实根 D .无法确定 D C B A

8.用min{a ,b }表示a ,b 两数中的最小数,若函数}1,1m in{2 2x x y -+=,则y 的图象为 二、填空题(本题共16分,每小题4分) 9. 反比例函数k y x = 的图象经过点(-2,1),则k 的值为_______. 10. 已知一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体是 . 主视图 俯视图11. 如图,将三角板的直角顶点放置在直线AB 上的点O 处.使斜边 CD ∥AB ,则∠a 的余弦值为__________. 12. 如图,Rt ABC △中,90ACB ∠=o ,30CAB ∠=o ,2BC =, O H ,分别为边AB AC ,的中点,将ABC △绕点B 顺时针旋 转120o 到11A BC △的位置,则整个旋转过程中线段OH 所扫过 部分的面积(即阴影部分面积)为 . 三、解答题(本题共30分,每小题5分) 13. 先化简,再求值:2 (21)(2)(2)4(1)x x x x x +++--+,其中33 x = . 14. 解分式方程: 1132 2x x x -+ =--. 15.如图,点A 、B 、C 的坐标分别为(3,3)、(2,1)、(5,1),将△ABC 先向下平移4 个单位,得△A 1B 1C 1;再将△A 1B 1C 1沿y 轴翻折,得△A 2B 2C 2. (1)画出△A 1B 1C 1和△A 2B 2C 2; (2)求线段B 2C 长. A H B O C 1O 1H 1A 1C y O A B C x y A 1-1-1-1-1 111 1 111 x y 0B x y C x y D


北京市东城区2015年中考二模 英语试题 知识运用(共25分)单项填空。(共10分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. ___ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 22. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me? —Well, my dear, I'd love to, I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or 23. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would 24. —What a lovely dog! _____is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old 25. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 26. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow? —I'm sorry I can't. I _ a movie with some friends. A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen 27. We can start the meeting now ,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive 28. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps 29. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 30. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found 五. 完形填空 Last summer vacation, my brother got a set of bedroom furniture (家具) for his thirteenth birthday. When it arrived, I helped my parents moved the __31__ furniture to the garage(车库). It was still in good condition. I thought it might be a chance for us to __32__ someone in our community. I started to search neighbors, anyone who __33__ a bedroom set. Finally, my mom helped 24. 25


北京市东城区2014—2015学年第二学期综合练习(二) 初三英语参考答案及评分标准2015. 6 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,选图。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 二、听对话或独白,选择答案。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 三、听对话,记录关键信息。(共10分,每小题2分) 16. Aiden 17. have a meeting 18. Tuesday 19. 214 20. camera 知识运用(共25分) 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分) 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. D 阅读理解(共50分) 六、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分) 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. C 54. D 55. D 七、阅读短文,还原句子。(共10分,每小题2分) 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. E 60. A 八、阅读短文,回答问题。 61. In a local Sue Ryder Charity shop. 62. No, it wasn’t. 63. The public. 64. She feels proud of it. / She feels satisfied with it. 65. She has learned about how a charity shop works and how important the public are in charity. She has also improved her teamwork skills.


2020年北京市东城区中考数学二模试卷 一.选择题(共8小题) 1.在实数|﹣3.14|,﹣3,﹣,π中,最小的数是() A.﹣B.﹣3C.|﹣3.14|D.π 2.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知点A(2,1),点B(3,﹣1).平移线段AB,使点A落在点A1(﹣2,2)处,则点B的对应点B1的坐标为() A.(﹣1,﹣1)B.(﹣1,0)C.(1,0)D.(3,0) 3.判断命题“如果n<1,那么n2﹣1<0”是假命题,只需举出一个反例.反例中的n可以为() A.﹣2B.﹣C.0D. 4.若点A(1,y1),B(2,y2)在抛物线y=a(x+1)2+2(a<0)上,则下列结论正确的是() A.2>y1>y2B.2>y2>y1C.y1>y2>2D.y2>y1>2 5.如图,小明从A处出发沿北偏东40°方向行走至B处,又从B处沿南偏东70°方向行走至C处.则∠ABC等于() A.130°B.120°C.110°D.100° 6.把边长分别为1和2的两个正方形按如图的方式放置.则图中阴影部分的面积为()

A.B.C.D. 7.如图,已知正五边形ABCDE内接于⊙O,连结BD,则∠ABD的度数是() A.60°B.70°C.72°D.144° 8.五名学生投篮球,每人投10次,统计他们每人投中的次数.得到五个数据,并对数据进行整理和分析,给出如表信息: 平均数中位数众数 m67 则下列选项正确的是() A.可能会有学生投中了8次 B.五个数据之和的最大值可能为30 C.五个数据之和的最小值可能为20 D.平均数m一定满足4.2≤m≤5.8 二.填空题(共8小题) 9.分解因式:3a3﹣6a2+3a=. 10.在“中国汉字听写大赛”选拔赛中,甲、乙两位同学的平均分都是90分,甲同学成绩的方差是15,乙同学成绩的方差是3,由此推断甲、乙两人中成绩稳定的是.11.若点(a,10)在直线y=3x+1上.则a的值等于. 12.在平面直角坐标系中,△ABO三个顶点的坐标分别为A(﹣2,4),B(﹣4,0),O(0,0).以原点O为位似中心,把这个三角形缩小为原来的,得到△CDO,则点A的对应点C的坐标是. 13.已知圆锥的母线长为5cm,侧面积为15πcm2,则这个圆锥的底面圆半径为cm.


北京市东城区2014--2015学年第二学期综合练习(二) 初三语文试题及答案 2015.6 一、基础运用(23分) (一)选择阅读下面文字,按要求回答问题(共12分,每小题2分) 青春是什么?青春是一条奔(ténɡ)的河,是一条充满惊涛骇浪的河。每个少男少女都独自驾着小舟,从这条河上驶过。然而,并非每一位水手都能乘风破浪平安地驶向彼岸。世界上哪一条江河没有吞没过船只?况且是这样一条吉凶难卜的河,这样一群热情大于理智的水手。 青春是什么?青春是一座高耸的山,是一座看不见路径的山。每个少男少女都是登山队员,怀揣着征服者的梦想。然而,既然是高山就难免有坎坷,难免有毒蛇猛兽出没,也难免有野花的诱惑和迷路的时候。山林之神只留下一句秘(jué) ——惟有大智大勇者脚下才有路! 青春是什么?青春是一片浩(hàn) 的海,是一片不见天际的海。每个少男少女都是一道小溪,别无选择地汇向大海。溪水是甜的,海水是咸的,由甜变咸根本不管你情愿还是不情愿。道理很简单:一个人光吃甜的,并不能强身健体,只有足够地吸收盐分,骨头才会一天天结实起来,因此,拥抱大海就是拥抱希望。 青春是什么?青春是一片蔚蓝的天,是一片辽阔无垠的天。每个少男少女都是一只羽翼未丰的雏燕,渴望自由翱翔。然而,如果经不起暴风雨的考验,在天空中挥动翅膀就意味着灾难;如果没有天空一样博大的胸怀,纵然远行万里也会郁郁寡欢。 啊,让我们【甲】着河流,让我们【乙】着高山,让我们【丙】大海,让我们【丁】蓝天。那是一个竞技场,那是一个快乐园,那也是一部青春大辞典! 1、对文中加点字注音全都正确的一项是() A 坎坷.(kě)骨.头(gū)乘风破.浪(pè) B 坎坷.(kē)骨.头(gū)乘风破.浪(pò) C 坎坷.(kē)骨.头(gǔ)乘风破.浪(pè) D 坎坷.(kě)骨.头(gǔ)乘风破.浪(pò) 2、根据拼音书写汉字全都正确的一项() A 腾决翰 B 藤决瀚 C 腾诀瀚 D 藤诀瀚 3、对文中划线词语解释有误的一项() A 渴望:波切的希望 B 理智:道理和智慧 C 蔚蓝:像晴朗的天空那样的颜色 D惊涛骇浪:凶猛而使人害怕的波浪 4、对上文中的语法现象理解有误的一项是() A第一段中的“使到彼岸”是一个后补短语,“彼岸”是动词“到”的补语,补充说明“到” 的地方 B第二段中“高耸的山”是一个偏正短语,“高耸”是“山”的定语,说明了“山”的状况。C第三段中用“只有.....才.....”表明“盐分”是“骨头结实”的条件,用“因此”得出“拥抱大海就是拥抱希望”的结论。 D第四段中用“如果.....就.....”表明是选择经得起“暴风雨的考验”,还是选择“远行万里”是每个少男少女遇到的问题。


2015北京东城初三一模 单项选择 1. 一Is this your father's car? 一No. _______ car is black. A. My B. His C. Her D. Your 2. Autumn is the best season___________ Beijing. A. at B. on C. in D. to 3. There are only twenty minutes left, _______we?d better take a taxi. A. so B. or C. but D. for 4. — Must I finish the work today?

一No, you_______ . A. can?t B. needn?t C. mustn?t D. shouldn't 5. — If it__________ fine tomorrow, let's have a picnic in the park. — Great idea! A. is B. will be C. has been D. was 6. ---Jack, where is Tom? ---He _______ in the library. A. reads B. read C. was reading D. is reading 7. The woman had tried her best ______ a lot of poor children. A. help

helping C. to help D. helped 8. I _____ this mobile phone for five years. I'm thinking about buying a new one. A. use B. used C. have used D. will use 9. — What a beautiful picture! — Thank you. It ______ when I travelled in Paris last year. A. takes B. took C. is taken D. was taken 10. — Do you know__________ our school? —The day after tomorrow. A. when the American students visit B. when the American students will visit C. when do the American students visit


2015 东城二模 四.单项填空。(共10分,每小题1分} 21. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. _______ n ame is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 22. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me? —Well, my dear, I'd love to, __________ I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or 23. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would 24. —What a lovely dog! _________is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old 25. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 26. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow? —I'm sorry I can't. I __________ a movie with some friends. A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen 27. We can start the meeting now,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive 28. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps 29. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 30. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found 五. 完形填空 Last summer vacation, my brother got a set of bedroom furniture (家具) for his thirteenth birthday. When it arrived, I helped my parents moved the __31__ furniture to the garage(车库). It was still in good condition. I thought it might be a chance for us to __32__ someone in our community. I started to search neighbors, anyone who __33__ a bedroom set. Finally, my mom helped me call the local elementary school. They told me about Jaila, a second – grader, the daughter of a poor single mother. I was given an address and a telephone number, and I soon found my at Jaila’s. The moment I went into Jaila's room, I knew I had taken on too big a __34__. When I pushed the old door open,it made a long high noise. But the door was nothing compared with the rest of the room. Some old paint was 35 the wall. One of the windows was broken. The bed was just a mattress (床垫)lying on the old carpet (地毯).It seemed that the room needed more than furniture — it __36__ for a complete makeover. That day I spent at least an hour looking around and wondering how I could possibly 37 the room. I had never painted a wall, let alone recarpeted a floor. The second day, I returned with a large group of 38 — my Girl Scout troop. We went to collect everything needed door to door in our community. We replaced, repainted, and redecorated Jaila's room. We sweated in Jaila’ s house for more than ten hours every day that week. The moment we finished, we called Juila into the room. She jumped, laughed and hugged each of


北京市东城区2014—2015学年度第二学期高三综合练习(二) 语文 本试卷共10页,共150分。考试时长150分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、本大题共10小题,共31分。阅读下面的文字,按要求完成1-10题。 【材料一】 中药命名的文化意蕴 “厚朴”是一味中药。中医药书称其因“本质朴而皮厚”得名。但这看似简单的药名却实在不简单。厚,是淳厚的厚;朴,是质朴的朴。淳厚与质朴是中国人一向赞美的品德,巧妙地落在了一味药草上。在数千种中草药中,有很多这样粗看自然质朴,细品却韵味十足的药名。“百合”的意趣 医圣张仲景的经典著作《金匮要略》中记录了这样一种病:患病者精神、饮食、行动皆异于常人,沉默少言,欲睡难眠,不思饮食,此为“百合病”。中医认为这个病多由心神失养,或情致不调等引起。治疗这个病常用“百合”为主药,以百合地黄汤为主方,在此基础上再根据病情及时调整。那么,“百合”究竟是什么样子呢? 说来没什么稀奇,罗大佑歌中的“野百合”和近年被阿宝唱响的“山丹丹”就是这味百合良药。娇艳的百合花在山野蓬蒿中亭亭玉立,其生于地下的鳞茎由近百块鳞瓣抱合而成,古人将其视为“百年好合”的吉兆,花也因此得名。不过,治疗百合病的不是美丽的花朵,而是那抱合的鳞茎。百合具有滋阴润肺、镇静安神之功效,在中医看来,精神、情绪上的问题,就要用“百合”去治。因此,就有了百合病是“因以百合为主药才得名”的说法,百合也有了“因治百合病才叫百合”的另一种得名原因。 中草药中,像百合一样拥有美妙、独特的名字的还有很多。比如《神农本草经》一书中将一种主治时疾寒热、内补不足的“玉竹”列为上品,但此草并非竹类,它还有个名字叫“葳蕤”,有华美之意。不过,“玉竹”之名更雅。李时珍说“其叶光莹像竹,其根长而多节”,故名玉竹。 药名的诗情 比起西药以化学分析为起点命名的科学和理性,中药本草的命名则大都感性。有的药名本身就极富诗意,成为可以寄喻情思的对象。我国古代以中药名连缀拟就的对联、诗歌多不胜数,历史上很多文学大师都精通医药知识。吴承恩在《西游记》第三十六回中,就从数千味中药的药名中选出九味创作了一首唐三藏抒发情怀的诗。诗曰: 自从益智登山盟,王不留行送出城。 路上相逢三棱子,途中催趱马兜铃。 寻坡转涧求荆芥,迈岭登山拜茯苓。 防己一身如竹沥,茴香何日拜朝廷? 这首诗选用了益智、王不留行、三棱子、马兜铃、荆芥、茯苓、防己、竹沥、茴香九味中药。虽然药的功能与诗的内容无关,但这些药名却巧妙地紧扣小说的情节,与全诗内容浑然一体,令人拍案叫绝。 本草的哲学 从药的得名看,本草从天地间带来的自然之美,也是中国人天地自然的结果,本草的名称因此拥有了韵味悠长的人文之美,甚至某种意义上的情意和。但是本草的价值不只在于“美”,更在于“理”,这在药名中亦有体现。 中医常以“本草”来统称中药。通常的理解是因为草本药物占了中药的绝大多数,而明朝的

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