当前位置:文档之家› 三十篇作文题目及范文(4)







Wish this list may help lighten your work load in preparing the writing tasks for your students. All the best!


Liu Zhanrong


19. Haste Makes Waste

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 为什么说“欲速则不达”

2. 试举例说明

[范文]Haste Makes Waste

"Haste makes waste" is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages. It has become a precept whose value is universally accepted.

This proverb can be verified by many other proverbs: "There is no royal road in learning"; " Rome was not built in a day". Anyway it means that one should not be overanxious for quick results, otherwise he will fail. If one wants to be a scholar, he should make persistent efforts, burying himself in books. If he wants to take a shortcut, he will never become a scholar. If one wants to be president of a country, he should first display his remarkable ability in his routine work so that his ability will be recognized and accepted by others. However, if he is impatient for success, he will never realize his goal. If a man courts a woman, he should try to win her love gradually. He should not expect to win her heart within a day, otherwise he will never get true love.

In conclusion, one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success, otherwise he will suffer a setback.

20. Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现象?

2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

[范文]Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

In recent years, a lot of fake commodities have appeared in the market. These fake commodities have done great harm to the consumers and the society.

Since the policy of reform was implemented, China ’s economy has improved. A lot of people are getting richer, and their living conditions are getting better. But still some of them are not satisfied. They dream of getting rich overnight and living a heavenly life, which, of course, is impossible to achieve by fair means. So they risk breaking the law to produce the market take commodities.

Once these fake commodities enter the market, they will do immeasurable harm to the society. The direct victims are the consumers. As the quality of the fake commodities is always very poor, the consumers may suffer great losses. Certain fake commodities, such as food and medicine, will cause irreparable harm to the health and well-being of the consumers. Fake commodities also cut into the profits of the brand-name-owners. Since the fake ones are cheaper, people tend to be reluctant to buy the genuine ones.

21. My View on Fake Commodities

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Fake Commodities. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given on Chinese) below:

1. 假冒伪劣商品的危害。

2. 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品。

[范文]My View on Fake Commodities

Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. They range from daily commodities to expensive goods. They have caused a lot of trouble in society.

First, fake commodities damage the co nsumers’ interests. In addition, fake commodities affect businessmen and manufacturers, too. Those who have been deceived will be reluctant to consume, which will make business slack. Worst of all, some fake commodities such as medicine, gas cylinder and e lectric devices will endanger people’s lives and social security.

There are many ways to eliminate fake commodities but the following ones may be effective. First, the laws of the protection of consumers should be enforced to severely punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. Second, consumers should be taught how to tell good commodities from fake ones. Third, they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements.

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of fake commodities and launch a campaign against them. Only in this way will fake commodities be possibly eliminated from the market in the future.

22. Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your compositi on the outline (given in Chinese) below.



[范文]Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?

Some people take it for granted that some lucky numbers can bring them good luck. For instance, the so-called lucky number “ 8” is widely used now because it is sounded like “getting rich” in Chinese and is believed to bring good fortune.

Yet many others don’t think so. They think that numbers have nothing to do with luck. They regard numbers simply as mathematic symbols for counting. They are anything but a mystery. They laugh at those who think numbers can bring good luck.

I’m in favor of the latter opinion. I think our society is very modern now. We mustn’t count on the so-called lucky numbers to fulfill our wishes. Whether we can have good luck depends on ourselves. If we work hard, good luck will come to us.

23. Don’t Hesitate to Say "No"

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Don’t Hesitate to Say "No". You should write at least 100 -160 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”

2. 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”

3. 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处

[范文]Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”

In our daily life, there are many occasions on which we should not hesitate to refuse when asked for help. For one thing, when it is beyond our ability, we should give a direct reply “no”. For another, if we think the thing we are asked for is unreasonable or even illegal, we should say “no” without hesitation.

However, it is not the case in our real life. Many people prefer to say “yes” when they should say “no”. Some are afraid to lose their face, since they think refusal means their inability. Some people are afraid to offend their acquaintances’ face, such as their friends, relatives and so on.

In fact, doing so is quite harmful. If you agree to do the things beyond your ability, the result will only be worse. The other party might as well have asked another person who can help. And if you agree to do the unreasonable or even the illegal favors, such as cheating in the exam, you are in fact not helping the other person but hurting him. You yourself will get into trouble too.

24. Reading Selectively Or Extensively?

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively?. You should write at least 110 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有人认为读书要有选择

2. 有人认为应当博览群书

3. 我的看法

[范文]Reading Selectively Or Extensively?

Some people think when we read we should read selectively. That is to say, we should select some books we are interested in and ignore the others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.

Others think we should read extensively. No matter what kind of book it is, we should look it over. We should read various kinds of books, whether we are interested in them or not. They maintain that reading extensively can help to enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge in different fields.

In my opinion, the two reading ways have their roles respectively in our reading. However, the disadvantages of each method are easy to see. If we only read the books we select or prefer, the framework of our knowledge may not be complete. Our knowledge would be rather limited. And

if we read without selection, we may not have so much time and energy to be specialized in one particular field. Therefore, the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.


1991年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in People's Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to: 1.state the changes in people's diet (饮食) in the past five years; 2. give possible reasons for the changes. 3. draw your own conclusions. 4. you should quote as few figures as possible. Food Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Meet 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Fruit and vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Changes in People's Diet 1993年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport. You should write no less than 100 w ords and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.运动的积极因素 2.运动的消极因素 3.你的体会 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport 1993年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Most Favorite Programme. You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.我最喜爱的电视(或无线电)节目是…… 2.这类节目的内容和特点 3.我喜欢它的原因 My Most Favorite Programme 1994年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller. You should write at least 100 wor ds and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.现代的交通工具越来越发达


作文题目大全范文 第一篇:作文题目第二篇:各种作文的题目第三篇:作文题目第四篇:作文题目第五篇:作文题目更多相关范文 1.阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 有一只乌鸦打算飞往东方,途中遇到一只鸽子。双方停在一棵树上休息,鸽子看见乌鸦飞得很辛苦,关心地问:你要飞到哪里去?乌鸦愤愤不平说:其实我不想离开,可是这个地方的居民都嫌我的叫声不好听,所以我想飞到别的地方去。鸽子好心地告诉乌鸦别白费力气了!如果你不改变你的声音,飞到哪里都不会受到欢迎的。生活中多与这个类似的情形。人们面临许多问题时,都在试图改变。但是,对改变什么以及如何改变又往往仁者见仁,智者见智。 请以"改变"为话题写一篇文章。 要求:所写的内容必须在话题范围之内;文体自选;题目自拟,立意自定,不得抄袭;不少于800字。 2.阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 有一个小孩子,伸手到一个装满糖果的瓶里,他满满地抓了一把糖果,当想把手收回来时,手却被瓶口卡住了。他既不愿放弃糖果,也不能把手缩回来,不禁伤心地哭了起来,母亲在一旁对他说:“孩子,你把手中的糖果丢掉一些,让拳头变小一些,不就把手收回来了吗?”生活中,有时候只有放弃才能得到,但很多人却不明白二者的辩证关系,一味地想要获得,不想放弃,结果什么也得不到。请以“放弃”为话题,写一篇不少于800字的文章,题目自拟,文体不限。

【思路点拨】本题是包含辩证关系的话题,构思时要注意运用辩证的观点进行分析,立意要充满思辩之美。可参考如下立意:1、要获取必须先放弃。例如要装进一杯新泉,就得倒掉杯中的陈水。2、有所放弃才有所选择。例如选择奋斗就须放弃享受。3、放弃是另一种选择,放弃的目的是为了选择。例如放弃各种诱惑是为了获得优秀的学业。4、善于放弃是智者的选择,它不等于盲目放弃。生活中有的东西是可以放弃的。如虚名、小利等,但有些却永远不能放弃,如诚信、尊严、责任…… 3..根据要求完成作文。 汉语词典中与“失去”有关的词语都带有感伤色彩:失踪、失眠、失恋、失职、失散、失宠??因为从内心来讲,我们渴望拥有,害怕失去。一直以来,我们会为“失去”为悲伤。其实,塞翁失马,焉知非福? 请以“感恩失去”为题,写一篇作文。要求:文体自选,不少于800字。 一、命题作文小学作文题目: (一、写人类小学作文题目) 1、朋友,对不起!(提示:人与人之间难免会发生一些不愉快。你想对哪位朋友说声“对不起”?) 2、我最感激的一个人。(提示:你为何感激?请饱含深情地去写) 3、我是个好孩子。(提示:好在哪儿?) 4、我有一个好伙伴。(提示:为何说是你的好伙伴?好在哪儿?)


中考材料作文题目及范文3篇 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《中考材料作文题目及范文3篇》的内容,具体内容:中考材料作文题目1:阅读下面的材料,联系现实,结合自己的思考,自拟题目,写一篇文章。成功的三个层次:要成功,你需要朋友;要非常成功,你需要敌人;要真正成功,你需要战胜自己... 中考材料作文题目1: 阅读下面的材料,联系现实,结合自己的思考,自拟题目,写一篇文章。成功的三个层次:要成功,你需要朋友;要非常成功,你需要敌人;要真正成功,你需要战胜自己。 要求:从以上两小题中任选一题,自定立意,写一篇文章。记叙文不得少于600字,议论文不得少于500字。不得出现真实的校名和人名。 范文:战胜自己,百战不殆 孙子兵法云;千千为敌,一人胜之,未若自胜,为战中上。 若以一个人的力量去战胜成千上万的敌人,当然是够勇猛的战将了,但是,能战胜自己的一定是元帅。这句话的禅机是"最大的敌人是自己,能战胜自己,就会百战不殆,就会真正成功。" 人的一生,自己才是最顽强的敌人。 人生的战场上,千军万马,杀气腾腾。一位在作战时能够万夫莫敌、屡战屡胜的常胜将军,但他内心是否平安、自在、欢喜,就大有问题。例如拿破仑在全盛时期几乎统治半个地球,战败后被囚禁在一座小岛上,相当烦恼痛苦,难以排遣,说:"我可以战胜无数的敌人,却无法战胜自己的

心。"可见战胜自己的心,才是最懂得战争的上等战将。 要战胜自己不简单,必须破蛹成蝶。 生命的过程就是不断战胜自己的过程,不断完善自己的过程。海伦?凯勒,一个双目失明,双耳失聪的残疾人。小时的不幸使她必须比别人付出更多的努力:因为听不见,朗诵时不能调节自己的声音而影响了周围的邻居;因为看不见,看书时,常因笔尖的锋利而使手指出血。种种的困难却不能使她停止前进的步伐。最终,她以自己百倍、千倍甚至万倍的努力换取来优异的成绩,考上了哈佛女子学院,学会了十多种外语。海伦?凯勒超越的不仅是自我,她超越的更是残疾人生命的极限与常人难以完成的境界。 张海迪,5岁患病,胸部以下全部瘫痪。在残酷的命运面前,她没有沮丧与沉沦,以顽强的毅力和恒心与疾病作斗争。张海迪虽然没有机会走进校门,但发愤学习,学会了小学、中学全部课程,自学了大学英语、日语、德语和世界语,并攻读了大学与硕士研究生的课程。她怀着"活着就要做个对社会有益的人"的信念,唱出了一首首生命的赞歌,谱写了一篇篇辉煌的乐章。 曾经看过一篇文章。说蚕蛹破茧变成美丽的飞蛾要经过一个痛苦的过程。一个小男孩观看了这个过程,他很不忍心,就想帮蚕蛹一把,他把蚕蛹从茧里拉了出来,结果小小的幼虫很快就死了。生命本身就是一个历经痛苦的过程。从蚕蛹到美丽的飞蛾、从毛毛虫到翩翩飞翔的蝴蝶。其实,人最大的敌人就是自己,战胜自己,才能成为一个坚强有力的人。


考试时间主题或题目题材体裁命题形式写作类型 校园生活议论文图表作文观点论证型2015.6 Mobile phone and study internet 社会生活议论文图表作文现象解释、 问题解决型 社会热点议论文图表作文现象解释型Parents’role in children’s growth 校园生活夹叙夹议文字描述解释型2014.12 A classmate in college 校园生活夹叙夹议文字描述解释型 A course in college 校园生活夹叙夹议文字描述解释型 A campus activity in college 校园生活说明文文字现象解释型2014.6 Interesting place on campus 考试时间主题或题目题材体裁命题形式写作类型 社会生活议论文图表文字观点论证型2013.12 Internet and study Mobile phone 社会生活议论文图表文字问题解决型 社会生活议论文图表文字对比选择型2013.6 Comparison of doing small things and great things 2012.12 Education pays 校园生活议论文图表文字现象解释型 社会生活议论文提纲式文字问题解决型2012.6 On excessive packaging 校园生活议论文提纲式文字现象解释型2011.12 Nothing succeeds without a strong will 社会生活议论文提纲式文字现象解释型2011.6 Online shopping

2015.6 范文:Writing:家长角色 There are several possible reasons accountable for this phenomenon(中心句). To begin with, family in growing numbers has only one child; therefore, parents oftentimes focus all their attentions on that child and exert much pressure on him or her(原因一). Moreover, numerous parents intend to realize their unfulfilled dreams by letting their children learn what they failed to learn and apply for the college by which they failed to be accepted, because they have become richer and they believe that they have the power to make what they wanted and want come true now(原因二). For instance, my uncle used to be a poor man and his dream that one day he would become a violinist was broken because of lack of money. But he made a fortune by selling coals, and then forced his son, my younger brother to practice playing violin. My brother was a huge fan of sports, but now he has to play violin everyday unwillingly and ofter quarrels with their parents(举例:原来-然后-结局). To sum up, it is unreasonable for parents to control their children’s life(总结句). In order to help them grow happily and healthily, parents are supposed to communicate with their kids about what they are really interested in(建议一,目的句型). Meanwhile, it is about time that parents let their kids make their own choices(建议二,“是时候”句型). Only in these ways will children grow in a psychologically happy environment and realize their own dreams 2014.12 t he Most Impressive Campus Activity Every university offers numerous kinds of activities to enr ich students’ extracurricular life. As one of the young college students, I have benefited a lot from all of these well-organized activities, but the one impressing me most is the debate competition which I took part in last year.


1995年1月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness) 2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil) 3.我的看法 [范文]Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness. But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness. 1996年1月作文题目及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Two-day Weekend. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 双休日给大学生带来的好处。 2. 双休日可能给大学生带来的问题。 3. 我应当怎样过好双休日。 [参考范文]The Two-day Weekend The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge. Despite the convenience it brings us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lesson, sometimes too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays. In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for the two-day weekend. Of course I should take this chance to relax. But during


小升初快速考试作文题及6篇优秀范文:我想成为 _______的人 作文题目 题目:我想成为_______的人 要求:(1)把题目补充完整。(2)中心明确,内容具体,条理清楚,语句通顺。 优秀作文 我想成为勇敢的人 漫长的人生路上,谁也不会一帆风顺地到达理想的彼岸,总会有坎坷,总会有惊涛骇浪。但有的人能克服挫折,化解痛苦,有的人却只会一味地退缩,放大痛苦。不一样的选择,也许意味着将走不一样的人生之路。 曾经,我问自己:“我想成为怎样的人?”而每当这个问题一出现,心中就会有很多答案,让我无从选择。随着年龄的增长,我开始有了自己的答案:我想成为胆大而勇敢的人。也许我爱哭,很懦弱,怕内心的懦弱会影响自己;也许从小胆小的我,想试着胆大起来,不再害怕困难。但我相信,更多的原因还是希望能走好漫长的人生之路,寻找属于自己的未来。 从小就爱哭的我,常常会给家人带来麻烦,还时不时地引起吵架。虽然我装作不知道,但我心里比谁都清楚,他们都是为了我的哭而吵架的。多少次,我希望自己变得勇敢起来,可总是做不到。又有多少次,我不想家人为了我的哭而争吵,但不知不觉

中眼泪又掉了下来。当我对自己完全失去信心时,却发生了一件意想不到的事……自那以后,我不再哭了,人也变得胆大、勇敢起来了。 那是一个星期五的晚上,当时只有8岁的我正在看着电视,爸爸突然走进我的房间,对我说:“凌凌,我今天上夜班,要到凌晨3点才回来,你等会儿陪妈妈睡!”我“哦”了一声,继续看我的电视。过了一会儿,“当当”一声响,已到了12:30了。我跑到妈妈那,刚躺上床,但又迅速站起来。也许因为从小不习惯和妈妈睡的我不太适应,一时之间又拿不定主意,只能坐在床边干着急。此时,心里出现了一系列的想法:我是和妈妈睡还是一个人睡,如果我不和妈妈睡,那她一个人肯定很害怕,而我又担心她;如果我和她睡,那我又会不太适应,这可怎么办?我的心开始沉重起来,不知道怎么办。眼睛开始模糊的我,一刹那,眼泪又像断了线的珍珠说落就落。这时,一觉睡醒的妈妈很生气,让我滚出这个家。记得她当时还说道:“你给我滚出去,晚上坐在床边哭,你什么意思,是触我霉头吗?快点给我滚出去。”我吓坏了,像一根木头杵在那儿一动不动。“快点给我滚出去。”骂声惊动了熟睡的外公、外婆。他们走了过来,看了看生气的妈妈,又看了看泣不成声的我,终于开口问道:“你们两个是怎么了,大半夜的,吵什么啊!”“你们自己问问她,坐在我床边哭算什么意思?”妈妈生气地说道。“我……我只是不知道该……该跟谁睡?”我委屈地说。这时,外婆把我带到她的房间,对我说:


最新2018高中材料作文题目和范文 2018高中材料作文题目一 阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇文章。 在我们的生命中令人惊喜的东西实在太多了。心情郁闷后的意外发现,愉悦快乐时的意外体验,平淡生活的意外反思,成功时刻的意外领悟,人际交往的意外提醒,处身自然的意外警示…… 可以讲述故事,抒发情感,也可以发表议论,阐明观点。 要求:(1)立意自定,角度自选;(2)除诗歌外,文体不限;(3)不少于700字;(4)不得抄袭。 【范文】 享受生命中的惊喜 高三3班何殷飞 随着日子一天天的过去,年龄一天天的增长,对生命的一天天的

感悟,我忽然发现:活着,真好,真的很好。 从出生到现在,每一天都是不同的惊喜在等着我。每一天对于我来说,都是生命中值得纪念的美好回忆。与其事后自怨自艾,不如现在以乐观的心态面对每一天,你会陡然。……世界仿佛就这么轻而易举地被颠覆了,就这么鲜活起来,变得让你惊喜连连。 每一天的早晨对于我都是一天中最期待的一刻。因为我迫不及待地想要知道,妈妈又为我准备了什么特别的早餐,一碗小米粥喝着喝着突然吃到了桂圆;荷包蛋里面居然还有一层小肉末;有时候,我还会吃惊地看到一个个中式的三明治,里面的配料也只有妈妈才敢这么搭……啊,那么惊喜的感觉让我一整天都心情灿烂,我知道,那花样百出的早餐中饱含了妈妈对我浓浓的爱意。 来到学校里,我也会觉得欢喜,因为这里有敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学,看着他们,你也会有不小的惊喜。比如××老师今天的发型变了,更漂亮了。××老师今天上课的时候又在不停地说他的口头禅了;××同学今天下课的时候给我们讲了一个搞笑的故事;二楼食堂又推出新菜了……细细看来你会发现,原来枯燥乏味的校园生活,就这么七彩斑斓起来。对于我来说,这一切都是一个个小小的惊喜,都值得我放入记忆之匣。


2006年12月23日英语四级作文真题及参考范文 【Direction】 1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会. 3.我的看法. 【参考范文】 The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes. Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives. Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television. I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show. 【点评】 本次四级考试作文总体上来说并不是很难。但表现出两个出人意料:一是体裁,二是题材。 对于体裁来说,本次四级作文属于正反对比论证类的文体。比较出人意料,又回到了老的考查模式。很多学生把考前死背的作文模板派上了用场。但是这只能得到最基本的分数。虽然


2014年6月大学英语四级作文真题汇总分析及范文2014年6月的大学英语四级考试已经落下帷幕,大家最关心的英语四级作文话题也已经面世。 四级写作题目一: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your hometown. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目二: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your campus. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目三: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your China. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 与去年的图画作文模式不同,今年又重新回到了话题作文的形式,并且所给话题也是考生非常熟悉的,很容易展开思路。更令人惊奇的是今年的作文虽然有三个话题,但是话题设定的背景信息是趋同的,都是说外国朋友要来中国或来你的家乡或来你的学校,让你介绍一下中国/家乡/学校的特色,目的还是为了推介我们本土的文化特色,看来出题人是越来越看重中国传统文化的弘扬了。去年的翻译题当中就出现了一系列的对中国传统文化的介绍,像中餐,中国结,茶文化,中国园林,中秋等等。所以说,文化题材,特别是有关中国文化特色的题材要成为以后大家复习的重点内容。以后备考四六级的同学一定要多联系这个文化题材的翻译和写作。


2015河北中考作文题目范文3篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎借鉴参考阅读下载,侵删。您的努力学习和创新是为了更美好的未来! 逃避不一定躲得过,面对不一定难过。----题记 那天,妈妈买回来了一个淡紫色的花瓶,里面还种着一些紫罗兰花,我对它爱不释手。 第二天,我想让它晒一晒阳光,于是把它放到了客厅,之后就和姐姐去玩了。 我看见客厅有一个圆溜溜的排球,便对姐姐说:“我们玩这个球吧!”话音刚落,她便爽快地答应了我,还特别提醒我不要打碎妈妈的花瓶,我点头说好,但根本不把姐姐说的话当一回事。接着,一场激烈的比赛开始了。 一开始,我发挥得很好。可是打着打着,我觉得有点不舒服,就在这时,姐姐把球传给我,没办法的我只好接过球,投了起来。忽然,“砰”的一声惊醒了我和姐姐,这时,我的心里感到惴惴不安。转过身来一看,原来是我不小心打碎了妈妈新买的花瓶。我见到这景象后,惊呆了,双眼发直地说:“坏啦!妈妈回来肯定会批评我的。”于是我嚎嚎大哭起来。姐姐看着地上的花瓶碎片水说:“好了好了,别哭了。妈妈回来后就说花瓶是我打碎的。”我眼里含着泪说:“可是妈妈会责怪你的。”姐姐微笑地说“没事的。” 中午时,妈妈刚回到家就看到地上的花瓶碎片,生气地说:“花瓶是谁打碎的?”姐姐坚定的站了出来:“花瓶是我打碎的,这件事和妹妹毫无关系。”妈妈指着姐姐说:“你这个月的没有零花钱了。”姐姐的坚定,使我的眼角瞬间湿了,这个花瓶分明是我打碎的,可是却让姐姐替我承担错误。这已经是姐姐第二次当我的“替罪羊”了,不行这一次我一定要自己承担后果。自己做错了事,就要自己承担责任,不应该然让别人替自己承担后果。我大声的说:“妈妈,花瓶是我打碎的,你别怪姐姐,姐姐只是想帮我。” 妈妈嘴角扬起了一点微笑:“好吧,看在你勇于承认错误的份上,这次就不惩罚你了,不过下次要小心点。”我也笑了起来。 逃避是个懦弱的选择。现在,曾经选择逃避的我勇敢了,我要面对所有的事,承担自己应有的责任,为自己的未来铺路。


2019安徽高考语文作文题目及范文 2019安徽高考作文详情: 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 “民生在勤,勤则不匮”,劳动是财富的源泉,也是幸福的源泉。“夙兴夜寐,洒扫庭内”,热爱劳动是中华民族的优秀传统,绵延至今。可是现实生活中,也有一些同学不理解劳动,不愿意劳动。有的说:“我们学习这么忙,劳动太占时间了!”有的说:“科技进步这么快,劳动的事,以后可以交给人工智能啊!”也有的说:“劳动这么苦,这么累,干吗非得自己干?花点钱让别人去做好了!”此外,我们身边也还有着一些不尊重劳动的现象。 这引起了人们的深思。 请结合材料内容,面向本校(统称“复兴中学”)同学写一篇演讲稿,倡议大家“热爱劳动,从我做起”,体现你的认识与思考,并提出希望与建议。要求:自拟标题,自选角度,确定立意;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。 2019安徽高考作文范文 《热爱劳动,让亲情升温》 复兴中学的各位老师,各位同学,大家好! 我今天的演讲题目是《热爱劳动,让亲情升温》,我想和大家谈一谈劳动的话题。

其实,劳动对我来说很陌生,我对劳动的理解,主要来自父母的经验。他们经常跟我说几十年前的经历,在那个经济尚不发达的年代,大家起早摸黑,胼手胝足,为了生计疲于奔命。这种生活离我很遥远,父母所说的艰辛我体会不到。 今天我要说的劳动,不像过去那样沉重。劳动不是一种谋生手段,而是一种生活方式,回到家和父母一起做饭,周末在家打扫卫生。这意味着自律,懂生活。但要爱上这样的劳动,也绝非易事。在推崇劳动之前,可以换一个角度,谈一谈很多我们这个年龄的人为什么不那么热爱劳动了。 不热爱劳动,是因为有很多比劳动更有趣的事。手机成了很多人最知心的伙伴,靠着手机我们与同学与陌生人建立友谊。我们也有自己的朋友圈,有属于自己的虚拟世界。在手机面前,我们毫无还手之力,甘心被捆绑被奴役。 不热爱劳动,是因为有很多比劳动更重要的事。上课老师在等着我,下课补习班在等着我,回家作业在等着我。好不容易等到暑假,父母就要带我们“远走高飞”,去看看外面的世界。学习更多的知识,了解更大的世界。人生苦短,重要的事情太多。 不热爱劳动,是因为父母让我们热爱其他的事。从小开始,我们就被教育不能输在起跑线上。从幼儿园到小学,再到中学,我们的目标不仅是要考高分,还要多才多艺,你


2020年英语四级作文题目范文:废除四六级 作文题目: Should CET-4(6) Be Abandoned 1. 有人认为应该废除大学英语四(六)级考试; 2. 其他人认为应该保留四(六)级考试; 3. 我的看法。 参考范文: There has been a heated discussion about whether to keep the College English Test Band 4(6) in the universities. Some people argue that the test has become an obstacle to the teaching of English on campuses, while others maintain that the advantages of the test outweigh its disadvantages. As far as the first group of people are concerned, they give the following arguments. For one thing, many students spend most of their time preparing for the test, therefore their focus is not on learning English better but on getting a high mark. For another, many teachers don't concentrate on how to improve the students' abilities. They only care how many of their students can pass the test. However, there are many people who believe the test should stay. To begin with, the test is the most effective way to measure how well the students have learned English. What's more, we can come up with some ways to lessen the negative effect. As far as I am concerned, each side is right in a certain way. We have to keep the test so students will have better motivation to learn English. However, we can't attach too much importance to the scores of the test.


作文 1、A course that has impressed you most in college. (大学中给你印象最深的一门课) 2、A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college.(大学中对你影响最深的一位同学) 3、A campus activity that has benefited most.(使你受益最深的一项校园活动) 作文一:校园活动 Directions: From this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a camp activity that has benefited you most. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but more than 180 words。 As a college student, it is full of meaning to participate in various camps which are beneficial for us. Among the camps I involved before, the English Summer camp held by our university with a small group of Chinese college students as well as some friends from English Spoken countries made me the most impressive。 There are two factors for my belief. For one thing, I expanded my scope of knowledge for the lecture made by a professor of the Harvard University. Though I have been learning English for almost ten years, getting knowledge from foreign teachers can still be something inspiring. I really want to know about current English countries’culture, such as education, economy, politics and so on. In this way I could know more about the world and it would help me make right decisions when I graduate from university whether going abroad for further study or not. And it would also help me understand more about our own country. The second reason for me is that the activities also changed me a lot, including English corner, English drama play, interesting knowledge competition and the like. Undisputedly, all these activities can not only help us learn more skills but improve our English。 In conclusion, it was my great pleasure to take part in this activity. I do believe that other kinds of outdoor activities would bring us a lot of

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