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跑题:(给定的题目一定要用),所写内容一定要符合给定的题目,不但内容如此,给定的题目还需要多次出现,如给定的题目“recreational activities”,则文章中一定要反复出现,不能都用“video games”替换,偶尔个别处可以用“recreation”或“entertainment”等同义词替换,但recreational activities一定要多多出现,避免文不对题之嫌。



比如说:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational Activities,You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




那么,第二段应对娱乐活动的正面和反面效果都论及(正面给出2原因,反面给出2 原因)





则第二段只应提及娱乐活动有益的一面(这种只论述一方面的情形要给出3个原因比较合适),当然在第三段(作为大学生,我认为…)可以简单提及其无益的一面,表明其危害性,倡导合理处理学习和娱乐活动。但无论如何,第二段应为main body,要用较多笔墨。


应用文格式不对:大家一定要看清题目要求,“essay”为一般议论文或记叙文,多为“三段式”;如果是应用文的话则有标志性的词语,如“announcement”(口头通知) ”speech”,” letter”“notice”(书面通知),都有其各自固定格式。详细说明见后面。



The opinions on recreational activities always vary from person to person. s ome are in favor of the idea of participating in recreational activities.t hey hold their view for the reason that recreational activities, singing songs or dancing in particular, can help to relax us both mentally and physically.


The opinions on recreational activities always vary from person to person,Some are in favor of the idea of participating in recreational activities,They hold their view for the reason that recreational activities, singing songs or dancing in particular, can help to relax us both mentally and physically.



1991年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Changes in People's Diet. Study the following table carefully and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to: 1.state the changes in people's diet (饮食) in the past five years; 2. give possible reasons for the changes. 3. draw your own conclusions. 4. you should quote as few figures as possible. Food Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Meet 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Fruit and vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Changes in People's Diet 1993年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport. You should write no less than 100 w ords and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.运动的积极因素 2.运动的消极因素 3.你的体会 Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport 1993年6月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Most Favorite Programme. You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.我最喜爱的电视(或无线电)节目是…… 2.这类节目的内容和特点 3.我喜欢它的原因 My Most Favorite Programme 1994年1月CET作文题目 四级作文题: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller. You should write at least 100 wor ds and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.现代的交通工具越来越发达


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea17133823.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) [范文9] importance of education the prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. it is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. there is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor. education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. it is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. education is the driving power. in fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons? yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. in consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country. [范文10] the importance of self education self education brings success. though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to self study. here are some suggestions. first, read outside our class. every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. the more we read, the more we are benefited. as life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can. second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. if we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly. third, develop our character. when we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character. in a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach. 五、图表、信函及其他 [范文1] should women have equal job opportunities with men? this table shows the different opinions about whether women should have equal job opportunities in the following three countries, china, the u.s.a. and japan. as can be seen in the table, the people who agree with this point exceed those who disagree, especially in china. however, there are still some people in the three countries, especially in japan who are against women’s equal job opportunities with men.


1995年1月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness) 2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil) 3.我的看法 [范文]Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness. But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness. 1996年1月作文题目及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Two-day Weekend. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 双休日给大学生带来的好处。 2. 双休日可能给大学生带来的问题。 3. 我应当怎样过好双休日。 [参考范文]The Two-day Weekend The two-day weekend has brought a lot of benefits to college students. It not only offers us more time to get rid of tiredness and have a good rest, but also gives us more chances to take up some hobbies, such as fishing, reading, or gardening. From these activities we can learn many things outside the classroom, which will add to our knowledge. Despite the convenience it brings us, the two-day weekend has also given rise to quite a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with more lesson, sometimes too many. Because our classes are limited to Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays. In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for the two-day weekend. Of course I should take this chance to relax. But during


历年英语四级考试作文真题及范文(2014.12—2010.12) 2010年12月英语四级作文题目 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 120 words folllowing the outline given below. 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该…… (1)2010年12月大学英语四级考试作文范文高分版 How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? It is nothing unusual to find overprotective parents who help their children in all aspects of life. The question is, are they sure their heart loaded with love will bring good to their children? Let’s look at the real situation of the second-rich generation. Some of them, rather than becoming the second-strong generation, becomes the defeated generation which is notorious for their life focused on consumption rather than creation. Because of the changes of education in history, most Chinese parents, though successfully accumulate wealth, don’t know much about the right value


2014年6月大学英语四级作文真题汇总分析及范文2014年6月的大学英语四级考试已经落下帷幕,大家最关心的英语四级作文话题也已经面世。 四级写作题目一: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your hometown. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目二: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your campus. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目三: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your China. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 与去年的图画作文模式不同,今年又重新回到了话题作文的形式,并且所给话题也是考生非常熟悉的,很容易展开思路。更令人惊奇的是今年的作文虽然有三个话题,但是话题设定的背景信息是趋同的,都是说外国朋友要来中国或来你的家乡或来你的学校,让你介绍一下中国/家乡/学校的特色,目的还是为了推介我们本土的文化特色,看来出题人是越来越看重中国传统文化的弘扬了。去年的翻译题当中就出现了一系列的对中国传统文化的介绍,像中餐,中国结,茶文化,中国园林,中秋等等。所以说,文化题材,特别是有关中国文化特色的题材要成为以后大家复习的重点内容。以后备考四六级的同学一定要多联系这个文化题材的翻译和写作。


2006年12月23日英语四级作文真题及参考范文 【Direction】 1.许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 2.但有些人提出取消春节晚会. 3.我的看法. 【参考范文】 The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes. Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people's lives. Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television. I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet young adults' need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show. 【点评】 本次四级考试作文总体上来说并不是很难。但表现出两个出人意料:一是体裁,二是题材。 对于体裁来说,本次四级作文属于正反对比论证类的文体。比较出人意料,又回到了老的考查模式。很多学生把考前死背的作文模板派上了用场。但是这只能得到最基本的分数。虽然


作文 1、A course that has impressed you most in college. (大学中给你印象最深的一门课) 2、A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college.(大学中对你影响最深的一位同学) 3、A campus activity that has benefited most.(使你受益最深的一项校园活动) 作文一:校园活动 Directions: From this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a camp activity that has benefited you most. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but more than 180 words。 As a college student, it is full of meaning to participate in various camps which are beneficial for us. Among the camps I involved before, the English Summer camp held by our university with a small group of Chinese college students as well as some friends from English Spoken countries made me the most impressive。 There are two factors for my belief. For one thing, I expanded my scope of knowledge for the lecture made by a professor of the Harvard University. Though I have been learning English for almost ten years, getting knowledge from foreign teachers can still be something inspiring. I really want to know about current English countries’culture, such as education, economy, politics and so on. In this way I could know more about the world and it would help me make right decisions when I graduate from university whether going abroad for further study or not. And it would also help me understand more about our own country. The second reason for me is that the activities also changed me a lot, including English corner, English drama play, interesting knowledge competition and the like. Undisputedly, all these activities can not only help us learn more skills but improve our English。 In conclusion, it was my great pleasure to take part in this activity. I do believe that other kinds of outdoor activities would bring us a lot of


2006年6月四级作文题目 1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师 2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素 3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题 On Students Selecting Lectures At present, as educational reform finds its way into campuses, some universities and colleges begin to permit students to select their lecturers freely. Students base their selection on a great variety of factors. For some, the first thing they bear in mind is if the professor excels at his or her field and conveys his or her idea with humor and passion, etc. For others, the crucial factor is that if the teacher is mild in grading their essays or papers. The strengths of selecting your favorite teacher on a free market are that the best teachers potential could be fully made use of and students could find more enjoyment in their study. The weakness, however, is that teachers who hand out higher marks maybe popular with some students, which will definitely have negative impacts. 2006年12月题 许多人喜欢看cctv 春节晚会;2、但有的人认为应该取消;3、你的看法It has been a hot topic for a long time whether the CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled or not. Many people advocate that CCTV Spring Festival Gala offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this traditional festival, for the Chinese all over the world can share the same happiness and excitement brought by the TV program. In addition, many performances are very impressive, and some can even positively affect our life value. However, every coin has two sides. Some people hold that CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled. One of the most significant reasons may be that this form of celebration force people to spend the eve more passively. What’s more, a great proportion of the programs are not attractive enough. As to me, my favor goes to the former opinion, because spring CCTV Spring Festival Gala gives us another option to celebrate this important moment. But it is really essential to improve the quality of the programs. And I hope some better forms of celebration will be created in the near future. 2007年6月题 申请加入一个社团An announcement to welcome students to join to a club 1、本社团的主要活动内容 2、参加本社团的好处 3、如何加入本社团 Welcome to our club Welcome to English Club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills. You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies. These extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.


200年1月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 1.建议报考的专业及理由 2.报考该专业的基本条件 3.应当如何备考 A Letter in Reply to a Friend Dear sir, When it comes to which major you should choose, I propose that you apply for the major of English. To begin with, English is the most popular language in the world, which is widely used in all fields such as teaching, translation, foreign trade and so on. What’s more, it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good jo b in the tighter and tighter job market. In order to study at English Department, you have to meet the following requirements. In the first place, you have to spend a lot of time on it, just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. In the second place, the basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are necessary, because they are the foundations for your future study. Last but not the least important, you need an intense interest in learning English since “interest is the best teacher.” As far as the preparation work is concerned, you should first of all review all the required vocabulary. In addition, you’d better spend some time on reading and writing. Only through these measures can you hope to enroll in our university. Yours, Li Ming 作文地带提供参考翻译:给朋友的一封回信 亲爱的…: 你问我关于你应该报考的专业,我建议你选英语为你的主修学科。首先,英语是世界上最受欢迎的语言,它在教学,运输,外贸等许多领域得到广泛应用。此外,在越来越严格的就业市场,英语专业的学生更容易找到一个好的工作。 要想学英语专业,你必须符合以下要求:首先,就像俗语说的那样“熟能生巧”,你必须花费大量的时间在学习上。第二,必须有一定的听说读写技能,因为这是你以后学习的基础。最重要的是,你必须对英语有强烈的兴趣,因为兴趣是最好的老师。 准备工作做好后,你应当首先复习所有生词。此外,最好花费一些时间用于读写。只有这样你才有可能被录用。 李明 2004年6月大学英语四级作文题目及范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction. Y ou should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines: Y our role: a tour guide Y our audience: a group of foreign tourists Y our introduction should include: ● some welcoming words ● the schedule for the day ● a description of the place the tourists will be visiting (e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.) Y ou should make the introduction interesting and the arrangements for the day clear to everybody.


PGG书面表达给学生的时间为35分钟,分数是15分,所以本部分对于整个PGG来说,有着举足轻重的作用,写作的好坏直接关系到考生成绩的优劣。本部分的考察目的很明确,那就是考察学生对所学语言和文化概况等知识的一种实际运用的能力,内容,结构,表达,书写等方面都会被一一考察到。而题目或题材范围肯定是学生所接触到的或者已经掌握的内容,如:生活,文化,教育,环境,兴趣爱好和科技发展这样的话题,学生需要在120个单词左右的数量上完成写作。 而书面表达语篇形式会包括:看图作文,写故事,图表,场景或人物描述,篇章复述,观点讨论(议论)和书信(实际应用)等等。但综合这几年PGG真题书面表达部分来看,写作的命题一般集中于半命题作文,亦称为材料作文(如:提纲整理,图表描述,观点论证等)和命题作文(如:题目已经给出,按照题目要求进行针对性的写作)。 半命题作文可能涉及的范围有: ——Machen Sie bitte eine Zusammenfassung ——Beschreiben Sie dieses Bild ——Erz?hlen Sie bitte die Geschichte ——Schreiben Sie die Geschichte weiter 命题作文可能涉及的范围有: ——Schreiben Sie einen Text mit der überschrift… ——Beschreiben Sie eine wichtige Person

——Berichten Sie einen Verkehrsunfall, den Sie gesehen haben. 对于写作中需要注意的地方,我们一定要留意,首先从内容上讲,务必要做到写出来的文字能如实反应和照应题目要求,空洞无味的文字即使一万个单词也味同嚼蜡;接着是结构需合理,格式一定要正确;再就是表达,这就要求学生在平时要有一定的语言积累,否则临时抱佛脚是根本没有帮助的;再接着是书写问题,首先确保卷面的整洁,拼写单词的时候不要图一时的快而忽略了清晰可读,还要注意尽量遵循新正字法的各种要求;最后贯穿全篇文章就是语法的运用,写作时不要只想着句子的华丽,因为一味追求句子的长度和难度就有可能会导致语法使用的错误,所以,有时一带而过也能起到画龙点睛的作用,这就是说词组和句子的表达追求的点是“精”,而不是“繁”,当然如果你的语言积累很棒,尝试几个自己有把握的难句子和长句子是完全可以的。最后的最后,有时间的话,别忘了再通篇检查一下。历届德语四级作文题目(1995-2007) 补全 1995年 题目:Eine Reise mit dem Zug 要求:用德文写出一篇长度为80-90个单词的短文,描述某乘火车旅行的过程,以及在途中的见闻或经历。 1996年 题目:Ein Brief an einen deutschen Freund

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