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8B Unit 7 Poems


1. recite v. 背诵—recitation n. 背诵;朗诵

2. poem n.诗歌---two poems—poet n.诗人one of the most famous poets 最著名的诗歌之一

3. All right. =OK 好吧That’s all right. 没关系。You’re right. 你是对的;你说得对。

That’s right. 那是对的。

4. sometimes 有时;时而=from time to time =at times =now and then

5. some times 几次e.g. I have been to Garden City some times. 我去过花园城几次。

6. sometime 某个时候 e.g. sometime next week 下个礼拜的某一个时候

sometime last month 上个月的某个时候sometime this year 今年的某个时候

7. some time 一段时间经常用在for,after后

e.g.I stayed there for some time. 我在那里待了一段时间。

After some time, the baby stopped crying. 过了些时候,那个婴儿不哭了。

8. wonder v./ n.想知道;奇迹—wonderful a.精彩的;美妙的—wonderfully adv.

wonder v. =want to know seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇迹

9. call me Hi 叫我Hi;把我叫做Hi He is called Hi. 他被叫做Hi.

A man called John called you just now. 一个名叫约翰的人刚才打电话给你了。

10. He would like to know. =He wants to know. 他想知道。

11. I would like to know why they didn’t call me Lo. (宾语从句中的从句用陈述的语序)


1. poetry n. 意思也是“诗”,但为诗的总称,是不可数名词


2. on the Internet 在因特网上

3. difficult a. =hard =not easy 困难的---difficulty n. (difficulties)

have difficulty in doing sth. 在做某事方面有困难

4. must 应该;必须;一定mustn’t 不准;不能

5. rhyme n. 节奏;韵律;押韵词--- rhymes

6. poems about our feelings and ideas 关于我们情感和思想的诗歌

7. the answer/ key to the question 这个问题的答案

8.taste n.滋味;风味taste v. 品尝;风味(连系动词后+形容词)--tasty a.美味的;有品味的=delicious

9. not … at all 一点儿也不;根本不 e.g. I don’t like spicy food at all. 我一点儿也不喜欢辛辣食品。

10. smell n.嗅觉;气味v. 闻起来(连系动词+形容词)

连系动词:look, smell, taste, sound, feel, become, turn, get, grow 11. waterfall 瀑布pump 水泵 a well 一口井


1. be at work 在上班

2. have/ take a shower 淋浴have/ take a bath 盆浴;泡澡

3. have/ eat dinner 吃晚饭eat—ate—eaten

4. sit v.—sat—sat—seat 座位—sitting sitting room 起居室;客厅= living room

5. read a newspaper 看报纸two newspapers 两份报纸read—read—read—reader读者

6. watch television 看电视watch too much television =watch television for too long 看电视太久=watch too many TV programs

7. go to bed 去睡觉;就寝go to sleep 入睡;睡着= fall asleep

8. boring a.无趣的;单调的;乏味的= uninteresting= dull

9. on the building site 在建筑工地上

10. high up 离地面高的;高高在上的He’s high up in the clouds. 他高高地站在云里

11. cloud(s) n.云—cloudy a.多云的wind n.—windy a. sun n.—sunny a. rainy;snowy;foggy 表示天气的形容词:一般+y 问天气:What’s the weather like? =How is the weather?

12. fix v. =repair =mend 修理

13. crane n. 起重机;吊车;鹤fix a crane 修理吊车

14. so 如此;这么;那么;因此;所以so little/ few very little/ few (so,very后跟否定词)

15. clever a. =bright =smart =intelligent =wise 聪明的

16. a narrow plank 窄的板条walk on a narrow plank 走在狭窄的板条上

17. narrow a. —narrower—narrowest 狭窄的

18. scared a.害怕的;恐惧的= frightened =afraid ---scare v.使害怕,使恐惧---scary a. 吓人的

=frightening e.g. He is not scared. Don’t scare me. a scary moment 吓人的一刻

19. verse(s) n. 诗节

20. on one’s own =by oneself =alone 独立的;靠自己 e.g. Finish your homework on your own. 独立


21. be pleased with…对…满意= be satisfied with pleased a. =happy =delighted = satisfied 高兴;满意

22. please v.请;使高兴—pleased a. 感到高兴的;满意的—pleasant a. 令人愉快的;宜人的

—pleasure n. 快乐

23. talk about 谈论talk to/ with sb. 跟某人谈话

24. cross a.恼怒的;坏脾气的= angry= annoyed v.横跨;穿越n. 十字架get cross 发火

be cross with sb. 对某人生气---crossly adv.恼怒地;生气地

25. cross the road = go / walk across the road 穿过马路

26. silence n. =be quiet 安静---silent a.沉默的;无声的;寂静的keep silent 保持沉默

27. pay attention 注意attention n. 注意力;立正Can I have your attention please? 请注意听我讲话

好吗?pay attention to sth. 注意某事/ 某物

28. scold v. 训斥;责骂—scolded—scolded

29. put them in detention 罚他们留堂;让他们放学后留下

30. in every way 在各方面;以各种方式

31. chat v.闲聊;聊天—chatting love chatting with her class 喜欢和她的学生一起聊天

32. seem like 好像

33. It seems that+句子= Sb./ Sth. seems to do…看起来;似乎

e.g. It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park.= No one seems to know what has

happened in the park. 似乎没有人知道在公园里发生了什么事。

34. puzzle v.使迷惑;使困惑---puzzled a.感到困惑的---puzzling a. 令人困惑的

e.g. Her voice sounded puzzled. 她的声音听起来很困惑。

His answer was puzzling. 他的回答令人困惑。

n.智力玩具do puzzles v.拼拼图;玩智力玩具Joe likes doing puzzles. 乔喜欢拼拼图。

35. explain v.解释;说明;讲解---explanation n.explain to sb.

e.g. Don’t explain it to me. I don’t want to listen to your explanation.no explanation没有解释

36. staff n.全体职员(是复数名词)

37. real a. 真的—really adv.—realize v.意识到;实现


1. look up a new word in a dictionary 在字典中查找一个生词

2. make sure 确定;确保;务必

3. be sure 确信;对……有把握

4. look for 寻找find—found—found 找到;发现find out 找出;查明;弄清

5. breathe v.呼吸breathe in 吸入(气体)breathe out 呼出(气体)

breath n.呼吸take a deep breath 深呼吸be out of breath 上气不接下气;喘不过气来

hold one’s breath 屏住某人的呼吸enjoy breathing pure, cool air 喜欢呼吸洁净凉爽的空气

6. pretend v.假装pretend to do sth. 假装做某事


1. author =writer n.作者

2. score n./ v.得分

3. introduce v. 介绍—introduction n. Let me introduce myself to you. 让我做自我介绍。


1. marry v.结婚;嫁marry sb. 与某人结婚;嫁给某人be married to…与某人结婚

2. wife n.妻子---wives pl.(以“f”、“fe”结尾的名词的复数,去“f”、“fe”+ves)

e.g. knife—knives wolf—wolves 3. some information much information What useful information it is!

4. cousin n.堂、表兄妹


1. repeat v.重复

2. speak v.—spoke—spoken—speech n.演讲;发言make a speech

3. a tape recorder 一个(磁带)录音机

4. an electronic dictionary 一个电子词典—dictionaries

5. a pair of scissors 一把剪刀

6. a driving licence 一本驾照

7. an electronic calculator 一个电子计算器an electronic mail 一封电子邮件

8. The dictionary is mine. =The dictionary belongs to me.

9. report sth. to sb. 向某人汇报某事---reporter n.记者

10. drive v.驾驶;驱动---drove—driven---driver n. 司机

11. an accountant 一个会计

12. a hairdresser 理发师


1. the Li family= the Lis 姓李的一家

2. opposite our school 在我们学校的对面

3. instead of 代替;而不是(通常“做某事,不做某事”这样的两个句子可以用instead of连成一句。)

e.g. We went to the beach. We didn’t go to the cinema.-- We went to the beach instead of going to the

cinema. 我们去了海滩而没有去看电影。

4. 替代词one和ones的用法:

one只能代替单数名词(可数名词)。e.g. I don’t like this cup. I like the blue one.

ones替代复数名词。e.g. Do you want the red apples or the green ones?

5. freeze v.使结冰---froze---frozen

◆frozen a.冷藏的;结冰的;惊呆的frozen ground 结冰的地面frozen food 冷冻食品

◆freezing a.严寒的;极冷的in freezing weather 在极冷的天气里

6. a loaf of bread 一条面包two loaves of bread

7. pork chops(带骨)猪排

8. sausage(s) 香肠

9. a plastic cup 一个塑料杯


1. This is Penny. / This is Penny speaking. 我是潘尼。(电话用语)

2. Who’s that?/ Who’s that calling? 你是谁;你是哪一位?(电话用语)

3. Is that Penny?/ Is that Penny speaking? 你是潘尼吗?(电话用语)

4. Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number. 对不起,你打错电话了。(电话用语)

5. Hold on, please. 请别挂断;请稍等。(电话用语)

6. Penny’s out. =Penny’s not in.= Penny’s not at home. 潘尼不在。(电话用语)

7. as usual 像平常一样

8. be unusual for sb. 对某人来说不寻常。

9. starve v. 挨饿

10. break down 损坏---broke—broken

11. arrive late 晚到get up late go to bed late late a./ adv. 晚的;迟到的lately adv. 近来

12. prefer to do sth. 偏爱做某事;宁愿做某事= would rather do preferred

13. by the way 顺便问一下;顺便说一句

14. do me a favour =help me =give me a hand 帮我一个忙

15. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物

16. lend sth. to sb. =lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人

17. a couple of days 几天

18. make some mistakes 犯些错误

19. listen to the recording 听录音record v. 记录—recorder n. 录音机—recording n.录音

20. sign n./ v.标志/ 签名---signature n. 署名---signal n. 信号

21. blow away 吹走—blew—blown

22. go away =leave 离开

23. sandwich(es) 三明治

24. Thank goodness! 谢天谢地;幸亏


1. concern n. 关心show concern 表示关心express concern 表达关心

2. make a suggestion 提出一个建议suggest sb(主格I/ we/ you/ he/ she/ they) do

3. reject v.拒绝;抛弃=refuse refuse to do 拒绝做某事

4. accept v. 接受

5. What’s the matter with you? =What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?;你哪儿不舒服?

6.bore v. 令人厌烦—bored a.(感到)乏味的;厌烦的---boring a. 令人乏味的;无趣的=dull=uninteresting I’m bored. get/ make/ fell/ become bored a boring film

7. Why don’t we go skating? =Why not go skating? 为什么不去滑冰?=Shall we go skating?= Let’s go skating. 我们去滑冰,好吗?=What/ How about going skating? 去滑冰怎样?

8. feel like doing (觉得)想要做某事I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。

9. go bowling 去打保龄球10. afterwards adv.然后;后来

11. go for a snack somewhere 去某个地方吃小吃


1. Would you like me to do…? 你想要我做……吗?=Do you want me to do…?

2. You’d better是You had better的缩写had better do最好做某事had better not do 最好不做某事You’d better do, hadn’t you? You’d better not do, had you? Had you better do?

3. have a stomach ache 胃疼= have a pain in the stomach

4. have toothache 牙疼

5. feel well 感觉(身体)好don’t feel well 感觉身体不舒服

6. bad/ badly/ ill---worse更坏的;更厉害的;更严重的---worst

7. drink—drank—drunk drinking water 饮用水drinkable water 可以喝的水

8. take some medicine 吃些药

9. lie down 躺下lie—lay—lain—lying

10. offer v.提供;给予;拿给=give/ provide offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事

11. the missing money 那笔失踪的钱

12. steal v.—stole—stolen 偷steal sth. from sb.

13. leave it at home 把它忘在家里;把它落在家里leave my umbrella on the bus 把伞忘在车上

leave his book in the library 把他的书忘在图书馆里

14. forget后只能+to do/ doing或that+句子forget to do sth. 记得要做;记得去做

forget doing 记得做过I forget that I have invited you. 我忘记已经邀请过你了。

15. on the shelf 在架子上---shelves

16. in order of importance 按重要性的顺序

17. generous a. 大方的;慷概的---more generous—most generous

18. good-looking a.好看的;美貌的—more good-looking—most good-looking

19. cheerful a. 高兴的;欢乐的—more cheerful—most cheerful cheers举杯敬酒的用语;谢谢;再见

20. honest a.诚实的—dishonest不诚实的—honesty n.诚实

Honesty is very important. 诚实很重要。

21. patient a./ n.耐心的;病人be patient to sb. 对某人耐心--impatient a. 不耐烦的-- patience n.耐

22. keep healthy= keep fit 保持健康healthy—healthier

23. polite a. 礼貌的—impolite 不礼貌的—politely adv.—politeness n.礼貌

24. proud a.骄傲的—pride n. 骄傲be proud of sth./ doing sth. 为……而骄傲/自豪

I’m proud of being a student of Yangguang Foreign Language School. 我为我是阳光学校的一名学生而自豪。

25. be friendly to me/ us =be kind to me/ us 对我/ 我们友好

26. gentle a.温和的—gently adv. –gentler—gentlest

27. fair a. 公平的;公正的—unfair a. 不公平的be unfair to sb. 对某人不公平

28. result n.结果


1. complete v./ a. =finish 完成/ thorough 彻底的completely =thoroughly 完全地;彻底地

2. quiet a. 安静—quieter—quietest quieter =less noisy 比较安静

3. You are welcome. 欢迎你!Welcome to sp. 欢迎来到某地welcome—welcomed-~

4. good look s n. 美貌;姿色—good-looking a. 美貌的;好看的;好相貌的

e.g. He is a good-looking man. =He is a man with good looks. 他是个好相貌的男人。

5. come into =enter 进入—entrance n. 入口

6. break the rules 违反规则break—broke—broken

7. You’ll be very welcome. 你将非常受欢迎。

8. guess 猜guest 客人


1. never a dull moment 一刻也不会无聊dull a. =uninteresting=boring

2. lively a.活泼的;轻快的---live v.生存;居住;生活—living a.活着的living things 生物

alive a.活着的keep alive 使活着He is still alive. 他还活着。find himself alive 发现他自己还活着living后可以+名词alive后不能+名词

3. hate being bored 讨厌无聊

4. come down to our house 一路来我家

5. knock on / at the door 敲门

6. noise n.噪音—noisy a. 吵闹的—noisier—noisiest—noisily adv.

7. always =all the time 一直;总是

8. slam v. :shut with a loud noise 砰地关上;猛烈抨击—slamming

9. keep shouting =don’t stop shouting =go on~=continue ~ 不停地大叫

10. bite v.咬;叮—bit—bitten

11. run rings 绕圈跑=run in circles

12. scream v. 尖叫---screamer n.尖叫者

13. roar v.吼叫;咆哮

14. deaf a.:unable to hear 聋的;不愿听的—deafer—deafest

15. stone deaf =completely deaf 完全聋的

16. need the address 需要地址----否定:don’t need the address

17. needn’t 后+动词原形18. don’t need to do =don’t have to do =needn’t do 不需要做某事

19. ten miles away 十英里远(How far)

20. one mile =1609.3 metres

21. The outside’s a mess. 屋子外一团糟

22. mess n. 混乱;困境

23. mind n./ v.头脑/ 介意keep it in your mind 把它记在你的脑子里

Never mind. 不要紧;别在意Would you mind doing…? 你介意做……吗?

Would you mind my doing…? 你介意我做……吗?=Would you mind if I do…?

---Would you mind doing…? 回答:Certainly not./ Of course not. / I’m afraid…/ You’d better not...

24. racket n. 喧哗;吵闹= din :loud noise


1. an adult 一个成年人

2. male a.男性的;雄性的---female a.女性的;雌性的

3. speaker n. 说话者;扬声器---speech n.演讲

4. visitor =tourist =traveler 参观者

5. imagine doing 想象做某事

6. on page 2 =on the second page 在第二页


1. pretend to do sth. 假装做某事

2. alone =by oneself =on one’s own 单独;独自;独立地

3. author n.= writer 作者

4. medicine n. 药take some medicine 吃些药medical a.医学的;医疗的medical team 医疗队medical workers 医务工作者

5. novel(s) n.小说

6. She didn’t know me at all. 她根本不认识我。

7. coss less 开销较少;花费较少

8. make money =earn money 挣钱

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