当前位置:文档之家› 广州执信中学2016届高三英语上学期期末试卷(含解析)









I 卷(共94分)






1 N please listen t the dialgue

2 N please as the speaer three questins


(1) 你第一次听到中国民歌是在什么时候?

(2) 你能告诉我你是怎么学民歌的吗?

(3) 在你学习了民歌之后你会演唱它吗?

3 N please get read t anser five questins in English u’re alled 10 sends t prepare the anser(请把英语回答写在答卷4-8的横线上)



1 It is suh an interesting b ________ e all lie

A that

B hih asD hat



as用作关系代词和关系副词引导限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语、宾语、状语或表语,构成the sae„

as, suh„as, s„as, as„as„等结构,也就是说,先行词之前一旦出现sae, suh, s, as这些词时,而先行词的后面又



N perid in histr has had as an iprtant hanges as have taen plae in the past entur (as 作主语)

It is s eas a b as ever shlb an read (as作宾语)


因为大家会联想到that和hih引导定语从句,做从句里的宾语时可以省略。但是,大家要记住,我们今天讲的是as引导的定语从句,as 在定语从句里做宾语时,是绝不能省略的。没有为什么,这就是语言的习惯。

Nadas, en an reeive the sae pa as en an reeive 这句话里面,as就绝不能省略。而这句话

(2)刚说过的这个例子大家可能已经注意到the sae „ as 和the sae „ that这两个结构了。当先行词被the sae 所修饰时,关系词既可以用as,也可以用that,那么这两者又有什么区别呢?在表示具体事物时,有时两者有一定的区别。一般说,表示同一种类多用as,表示同一事物多用that,看个例子:

This is the sae instruent as I used esterda 这台仪器跟我昨天用过的那台一样。



I have the sae pinin as / that u have

2 as引导非限制性定语从句。as在定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语。as代指整个主句,而as引导的这个定


As e all n, he studies ver hard(as代整个句子,作宾语)

也可说He studies ver hard, as e all n

As is nn t all, he is the best student in ur lass(as代整个句子,作主语)也可说He is the best student in ur lass, as is nn t all

一些常见的句式有:as is said abve, 正如/就像上面所说的,as is alread entined abve, 正如/就像刚才

已经提到的,as is nn t all, 正如/就像大家都知道的,as is reprted in the nespaper, 正如报纸上报道的那样。大家发现特点没有啊?as在句子里面的意思是“正如”“就像”


2 I prefer a flat in Inverness t ________ in Perth, as I ant t live near u’s

A it

B ne thatD hih



3 ________ I adit that there are prbles, I dn’t agree that the annt be slved

A hen

B Beause IfD hile



试题分析:考查连词辨析。连词hen当时;beause因为;if如果;hile 当时;尽管;句意:尽管我承认有问题,我并同意它们不能被解决。根据句意可知hile表示让步关系。故D正确。


4 here as ________ the first eeting f the hinese unist Part as held?

A the plae that

B it that thatD hat



试题分析:考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。强调句型的基本结构是:It is/as+被强调成分+that/h其他成分;本句对被强调成分进行提问,特殊疑问词放在句首,后面使用一般疑问句的形式。句意:中国共产党第一次代表大会究竟在哪里召开的?故B正确。


The anager as rried abut the press nferene his assistant ______ in his plae but, luil, everthing as ging n sthl

A as t give

B uld give

had given D as giving



6 If u ________ the ediine esterda, u ________ ell n

A t, ight be

B had taen, ight have been

had taen, ight beD t, ight have been





7 Hardl ________ hen she ________ sene ning at the dr

A did she sit, heard

B did she sit, had heard

had she sat, had heardD had she sat, heard






a I __________ seen suh a gd harvest!

b __________ I seen suh a gd harvest

A have never, Never have

B never have, Have never

have never, Have never D never have, Never have

此题应选A。这里考查的是否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装的问题。一般说,以下否定词位于句首,句子要用倒装(部分倒装—-用一般问句的形式):seld, never, little, fe, hardl, nt, nt until, in vain, in n a, b n eans, n n aunt, n lnger 等。如:

Never des he e late 他从不迟到。

Little did he n that the plie ere after hi 他一点也不知道警察在找他。

B n eans shall I g there again 我决不会再去那儿了。

Hardl had he arrived at the statin hen the train began t leave 他一到车站,火车就开动了。

Fe students did the see in the lassr 他们在教室没看到几个学生。

Nt a rd did I ever sa t hi 我从未对他说过一句话。

Nt until all the fish in the river died did the villagers realize h serius the pllutin as



8 The b ent ________ in the frest and saved the lst hild, s he as ________ praised fr his urage

A deepl, highl

B deep, high

deep, highl D deepl, high



9 – ________ f us thin the English exainatin as diffiult

– But I still dn’t thin ________ uld pass it

A All, everbd

B Nne, anbd

All, anbd D Nne, everbd




一、all 的否定式:nt all…(或:all…nt)表示”并非都……”、”不是所有的都……”例如:

Nt all en an be asters (= All en annt be asters) 并非人人都能当头头。Nt all bab grs tall 并非所有的竹子都会长得很高。

二、bth 的否定式:nt…bth (或:bth… nt) “并非两个……都……” 例如:

I dn’t ant bth the bs 我不是两本书都要。

Bth (the) inds are nt pen 两扇窗子并不都开着。

三、ever…的否定式:”不是每……都……” 例如:

Nt ever b is eduative (或:Ever b is nt eduative) 不是每本书都有教育意义的。

Nt everne lies this b 并非人人都喜欢这本书。

This fler is nt seen everhere 这花并不是随处可见的。

四、alas的否定式:”并非总是(并非一直)……” 例如:


[标签:标题] 篇一:广州重点初中排名 08年的 24所提前批院校 08公费线 08择校线 1 华师附中728 718(该数据已调整) 2 实验中学720(该数据已调整)701(该数据已调整) 3 执信中学726(该数据已调整)720 4 广雅中学712 709(该数据已调整) 5 第二中学702 696 6 第六中学69 7 690(该数据已调整) 7 第七中学690 682 8 第十六中682(该数据已调整)676 9 广铁一中 675 671 10 广大附中678 670 11 培正中学668(该数据已调整)661 12 培英中学641 638 13 第五中学648 642 14 协和 中学645 640 15 八十六中641 640 16 育才中学647 643 17 第三中学658 648(该数据已调整) 18 第一中学645 640 19 真光中学641 635 20 六十五中641 630 21 四十七中653 685(07年该校择校热已调整) 22 天河中学644 648 23 南武中学642 630 24 玉岩中学641 647 2008年高分保护线预计:690分(该数据已调整) 提前批设档线预计:650分(该数据已调整)择校、自筹经费班630 (新增) 由于许多同学一摸或二摸考的一般,不敢报考前六所名校,因此认为全市只有前7000多名就有机会,其实这是不对的。下面是各分数段的市排名统计数据:状元冉婧(省实):791分(包括10分加分),其中语文:135,数学:148,外语:146,物理:99,化学:100,政治:95,体育:58。 2007年广州中考总平均分前十强学校分别为: 1. 华南师范大学附属中学 2. 广雅实验学 校 3. 育才实验学校 4. 广州市第二中学应元学校 5. 广州市第四十七中学 6. 广州第四中学聚贤中学 7. 中 山大学附属中学 8. 广东实验学校 9. 华侨外国语学校 10. 真光实验学校 广州各初中09年中考成绩平均分 1 华附731 2 广雅实验 3 应元 4 育才实验 5 中大附中 6 玉岩中学 7 西外698 8 六中珠江 9 16中 10 侨外 11 广附 12 花都邝中 660 13 省实 14 7中 15 铁一 16 华附番禺 17 2中 序号学校2009中考平均分 700分以上占比信息来源 1华师附中(公办) 731 --------网络 2广雅实验 % 学校网站 3二中应元 4育才实验 5中大附中 6玉岩中学(公办) 747中本部(公办) 8西关外国语学校(公办) 27 47中汇景(公办) 680 9四中聚贤 10 六中珠江 11 天河中学(公办) 675 12 华附新世界 13 16中(公办) 14 华侨外国语 学校(公办) 15 广大附中(公办) 16 花都邝煜维纪念中学 660 17 省实(公办) 18 7中(公办) 19 广外附设外语学校 20 铁一(公办) 21 华附番禺 22 培英实验中学 23 省实天河 24 二中(公办) 25 八一(公办) 632 26 3中(公办) 28 培正(公办) -------- -------- 69% -------- % 38%-------- %-------- 34%---------------- -------- -------- 49% -------- % % %-------- % -------- -------- -------- -------- 网络网络


执信中学2020年2月第三次测验英语试题 参考答案 第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读理解: 21.A22.B23.D24.C25.C26.A27.D28.D29.B30.D 31.A32.C33.B34.D35.C 七选五:36.F37.B38.D39.E40.A 第三部分语言知识运用(两节共30小题,每小题1.5分,满分45分) 完形填空: 41.B42.A43.C44.D45.A46.B47.C48.A49.D50.C 51.D52.D53.B54.A55.B56.A57.C58.B59.D60.C 语法填空: 61.exposed62.its63.prevention64.the65.to 66.surrounding67.has been put68.as69.temporarily70.till/until 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分) 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1.joined后加in 2.head→headed 3.删除when 4.a→the 5.which→where/或加at/on 6.viewing→viewed https://www.doczj.com/doc/e011790411.html,→ourselves 8.game→games9.extreme→extremely10.are→be 书面表达(满分25分) Dear Mike, How’s everything going?I’m so glad to hear that you are coming to Guangzhou and I can’t wait to meet you and show you around.In response to your concern,I’m writing to offer some suggestions on how to travel efficiently in Guangzhou. Personally,I don’t think it a good idea to rent a car,for you may be caught in traffic jams and waste a lot of time.Instead,I strongly recommend you to use the public transport here.You can travel by metro,which owns a good reputation for its efficiency and punctuality.It is also a wise choice to travel by BRT,a new bus system that shuttles passengers from station to station conveniently.If you want to take a more environmentally friendly alternative,then shared bikes would satisfy your need. Riding one of these bikes will not only free you from the traffic congestion,but also allow you to explore the beauty of this metropolitan city in person. I would be more than happy if these suggestions are of great help to you.Looking forward to your arrival. Yours, Li Hua 2020届广东省执信中学2017级高三2月月考英语参考答案


2019高三英语语法讲解-专项10形容词和副词 一.概念 形容词是用来修饰,描述名词或代词的词,主要用作定语,表语和补足语等. 副词是用来修饰动词,形容词,其化副词,介词短语或全句的词. 二.要点精讲 1.形容词及其用法 1〕直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot。 2〕表达形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid害怕的。 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake等。 3〕形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing 为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后。例如:somethingnice. 3.用形容词表示类别和整体 1〕某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接,如thedead,theliving,therich,thepoor,theblind,thehungry等。例如:Thepoorarelosinghope.穷人行将失去希望。 2〕Onedaytheycrossedthe____bridgebehindthepalace. A.oldChinesestone B.Chineseoldstone C.oldstoneChinese D.Chinesestoneold

Wecouldseeveryclearlyastrangelightaheadofus.我们清楚地看到前面有奇怪的光。 b.方式副词well,badly,hard等只放在句尾。例如:HespeaksEnglishwell.他英语说得好。 6.副词的排列顺序: 1〕时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。 2〕方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。例如:Pleasewriteslowlyandcarefully.请写得慢一些,仔细一些 3〕多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+方式+时间副词。 注意:副词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。 改错:〔错〕IverylikeEnglish. 〔对〕IlikeEnglishverymuch. 注意:副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。例如: Idon'tknowhimwellenough.他我不熟悉。Thereisenoughfoodforeveryonetoeat.有足够的食物供每个人吃。Thereisfoodenoughforeveryonetoeat. 7.兼有两种形式的副词 1〕close与closely close意思是“近”;closely意思是“仔细地”。例如:Heissittingclosetome.他就坐在我边上。 Watchhimclosely.盯着他。 2〕late与lately late意思是“晚”;lately意思是“最近”。例如: Youhavecometoolate.你来得太晚了。 Whathaveyoubeendoinglately?近来好吗? 3〕deep与deeply deep意思是“深”,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,"深深


20XX年广州市高三年级调研测试英语试题及答案 试卷类型:A 20XX年广州市高三年级调研测试 英语 2011.01 本试卷共11页,四大题,满分135分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上的相应位置填涂考生号。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The subject of what separates art and design has been debated for a long time. Artists and designers both create visual works using a/an 1 knowledge background, but their reasons for doing so are 2 different. Some designers consider themselves artists, but few artists consider themselves 3 . So what exactly is the difference between art and design? Perhaps the most fundamental difference that we can all agree on is their 4 . Typically, the process of creating a work of art starts with nothing, a blank sheet of paper. A 5 of art is born from a view or value that the artist holds within himself or herself. They create the art to share that feeling with others, to 6 the viewers to relate to it, learn from it or be 7 by it. The most renowned and successful art today is something that establishes the strongest 8 connection between the artist and their 9 . By contrast, when a designer sets out to 10 a new piece, they almost always have a 11 starting point, whether a message, an image, an idea or an action. The designer’s job isn’t to invent something 12 , but to communicate something that already exists, for a purpose. That purpose is almost always to motivate the audience to do something: buy a product, use a 13 , visit a location, or learn certain information. The most 14 designs are those that most effectively 15 their message and motivate their consumers to carry out a task. 1. A. unique B. separate C. shared D. accepted 2. A. entirely B. occasionally C. hardly D. unnecessarily 3. A. inventors B. designers C. writers D. viewers 4. A. purpose B. product C. interest D. cost 5. A. love B. type C. part D. work


广州市执信中学2021届高三年级第五次月考 物 理 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共6页,满分100分,考试用时75分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题卡前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的校名、姓名、考号、座位号等相关信息填写在答题卡指定区域内。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案;不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。 第一部分 选择题(共46分) 一、选择题(1到7题为单项选择,每题只有一个选项正确,每题4分,共28分;8到10题为多项选择,有两个或两个以上的正确选项,每题6分,漏选得3分,错选得0分,共18分.) 1.关于磁场的说法正确的是( ) A .通电导线在磁场中受到安培力越大的位置,则该位置的磁感应强度越大 B .因地磁场影响,在进行奥斯特实验时,通电导线南北放置时实验现象最明显 C .垂直磁场放置的通电导线受力的方向就是磁感应强度的方向 D .把与匀强磁场垂直的某线圈的匝数减半,则通过该线圈的磁通量也减半 2.单人飞行器由微型喷气发动机和操纵系统组成,可以完成单人上升、下降、悬停和平飞等动作。己知飞行器连同人和装备的总质量为M ,发动机在时间t 内喷出燃料的质量为m ,M m <<,重力加速度为g ,要使飞行器能在空中悬停,则燃料喷射的速度应为( ) A .Gt B . mg Mt C . m Mgt D .M mgt 3.2020年6月23日上午,北斗三号全球卫星导航系统的“收官之星”成功发射,标志着北斗三号全球卫星导航系统全球星座组网部署最后一步完成。“收官之星”最后静止在地面上空(与地面保持相对静止),距地面高度为h ,己知地球的半径为R ,地球表面的重力加速度为g ,万有引力常量为G ,由此可知( ) A .“收官之星”运动的周期为g R π 2 B .“收官之星”运动的加速度为 h R gR + C .“收官之星”运动的轨道一定与赤道不共面 D .地球的平均密度为 GR g π43


2019高三英语语法要点细讲精练:专项12情态动词 专题12情态动词 【考纲解读】 情态动词与虚拟语气有千丝万缕的联系,它们往往放在一起考查。在近年高考题中,对情态动词的考查几乎每年都有纵观近几年的高考题可以看出,高考对情态动词的考查热点依次是:〔1〕推测和可能性;〔2〕“情态动词+havedone〔3〕shall,should,can,must表示特定语气。尤其是对“情态动词+havedone”结构的考查频率较高。试题的情景设置往往生动、真实,但考查的角度趋于细微化和综合化,有效信息较为隐蔽,这就决定了情态动词题是难题之一。情态动词题每年都考,所以本专题在高考中的重要地位是显而易见的。因而在复习中应引起高度重视,且依笔者之见,来年高考中对情态动词考查的可能性依然非常大。 【知识要点】 【一】情态动词的语法特征 1. 2.情态动词除ought和have外,后面只能接不带to 3.情态动词没有人称、数的变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加-s 4.情态动词没有非谓语形式,即没有不定式,分词等形式。 【二】情态动词的基本用法 1.比较can和beableto 1)cancould表示能力;可能(过去时用could),只用于现在时和过去时(could)。beableto Theywillbeabletotellyouthenewssoon. 2)只用beableto 表示成功地做了某事时,只能用was/wereableto,不能用could HewasabletofleeEuropebeforethewarbrokeout. =HemanagedtofleeEuropebeforethewarbrokeout. 注意:could不表示时态,表示 提出委婉的请求〔注意在回答中不可用could〕 —CouldIhavethetelevisionon? —Yes,youcan./No,youcan’t. Hecouldn’tbeabadman. 2.比较may和might 1)表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may MayGodblessyou! Hemightbeathome. 注意:might表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 2)may/mightaswell,后面接不带to

广州市高三英语词汇竞赛(2018 01) -精选文档

2019学年广州市高三英语词汇竞赛(2019 - 01) English Vocabulary Competition for Senior 3 (完成时间:40-45分钟;满分:100分) 一、选择最佳答案(1x40=40) 1. The Chinese ________ for crisis consists of two words — Wei Ji, the former meaning danger and the latter referring to opportunities. A. expression B. impression C. explanation D. information 2. Nowadays some protective parents want to ________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish 3. If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my ________ reaction will be to tell the police. A. physical B. immediate C. sensitive D. sudden 4. Fearing unemployment, almost one million people sat China's civil service examination in order to get ________ jobs. A. proper B. suitable C. generous D. secure 5. This telephone bill is ______ a mistake. It says I owe 3 million dollars. A. accidentally B. purposefully C. obviously D. formally 6. A good teacher should leave some time for the students to ________ the information they receive in class. A. introduce B. receive C. digest D. accept 7. The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as its battery ________ quickly. A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turns out 8. John worked hard at his lessons and gained ________ to a famous university.


2019年高中英语语法填空专题分类训练--名词(含详解) 1.The grand sight of Mount Huangshan is beyond__________(describe) 2.With their help and__________(encourage) , I have made rapid progressrecently. 3.These results suggested that the__________(appreciate) of music may besomething that is unique to humans. 4.Whatever she days will not make any__________(different) to our arrangements. 5.Some schools will have to make__________(adjust) in agreement with thenational soccer reform. 6.The new teacher made a good__________(impress) on the students. 7.I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his__________( curious ). 8.Fill in your address at the bottom of the__________(apply). 9.The environmentalists said the wild go at’s__________(appear) on the vastareas of grasslands was a good indication of the better environment. 10.I came up with the__________(solve) to both problems at once. 11.—Why not buy a second-hand car first if you don’t have enough money for anew one? —Th at’s a good__________(suggest) 12.To avoid__________(confuse), The teams wore different colors. 13.The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has__________(branch)all over the country. 14.I would appreciate it if my application could get your__________(approve). 15.Try to understand what's actually happening instead of acting on


2007学年广州市高三英语调研测试 听力录音材料(11/27/07) 这是2007学年广州市高三调研测试听力部分。该部分分为听独白或对话、听取信息两节。 注意,回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转移到客观题答题卡上。 停顿00’10’’ 现在是听力试音时间。 试音到此结束。 现在开始答题。 停顿00’10’’ 第一节听力理解(5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请 根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选 出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听第一段对话,回答第1至3题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’

(停顿时间打点) 停顿00’02’’ 重复 停顿00’15’’ (停顿时间打点) 听第2段对话,回答第4至第6三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’ (停顿时间打点)

停顿00’02’’ 重复 停顿00’15’’ (停顿时间打点) 听第3段对话,回答第7至第9三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 停顿00’15’’ (停顿时间打点)

停顿00’ 02’’ 重复 停顿00’ 15’’ (停顿时间打点) 听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。停顿00’ 15’’ (停顿时间打点) 停顿00’ 02’’ 重复 听下面一段独白,回答第13至第15三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。停顿00’ 15’’ (停顿时间打点)


2019学年广东省广州市执信中学初三第二学期英语一模 1.语法选择 Have your parents told you that you'll lose all your teeth if you eat too much chocolate? Chocolate may well taste good, but it has a ___(1)___ bad reputation(名声). However, ___(2)___ you return that box of chocolates you have just been given, here are some facts about chocolate that should cheer ___(3)___ up. First of all, although chocolate is high ___(4)___ sugar, eating it does not always lead to ___(5)___ bad teeth. This is because it melts quickly in your mouth, ___(6)___ little time for harmful things to attack your teeth. If you brush them regularly, you ___(7)___ have a problem. You may be wondering about ___(8)___ effect on your skin. Bad skin isn't caused by chocolate itself, but by the milk that it ___(9)___ with. Some people even say ___(10)___ chocolate can help your skin look better, but not everyone believes that's true. And here ___(11)___ some more good news:there's a great deal ___(12)___ caffeine(咖啡因)in a cup of coffee than in ___(13)___ small bar of chocolate, so chocolate won’t ke ep you ___(14)___ at night. So if you love chocolate, don't worry. Eating a bit ___(15)___ time to time will not do you any harm. (1)A. pretty B. prettily C. prettier D. prettiest (2)A. when B. after C. before D. if (3)A. yourself B. you C. your D. yours (4)A. with B. on C. at D. in (5)A. have B. has C. having D. had (6)A. leaves B. leaving C. left D. to leave (7)A. won’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. haven’t (8)A. their B. they C. it’s D. its (9)A. mixes B. is mixed C. will mix D. mix (10)A. what B. how C. that D. why (11)A. is B. are C. was D. were (12)A. many B. much C. less D. more (13)A. the B. a C. an D. /


2018届市高三年级调研测试英语 A Metropolis Book Club Membership: All you need to do is to fill out the order form at the bottom of the page, select your first order from our book list and then post the completed form back to us. Special offers for new members: ●As a special offer, you may choose any reduce-price books from our new members’ book list, to the value of 100 yuan in total. ●Tick the box on your form to order a free watch. ●Join before the end of this month and you receive another free book carefully chosen by our staff. ●Order an audio-book from the many on offer, at half the recommended retail price. When you’ve joined: As a member you get around 50% off the publisher’s price of every book you buy, and what’s more, they come straight to your door. Your free club magazine arrives once a month to keep you up to date with the latest best-sellers we’ve added to our list. On the Internet, you can find all our titles for the year at our exclusive members’website. Our website also has a book swap service where members can request or offer books for exchange. Being a member: All you have to do is order four books during your first years. After that, you can decide on the

'崇德瀹智'解读与构建 从校训看广州执信中学的办学理念和

“崇德瀹智”:解读与构建 ——从校训看广州执信中学的办学理念和发展思路 刘仕森 创建于1921年的广州执信中学经过一代又一代执信人的努力,以其严谨的治学传统,执着的敬业精神,卓著的办学成绩而为社会所称颂,已成为一所省内外知名度高、影响力大的学府式优质品牌中学。面对21世纪来自教育内部和外部的改革,我们必须把握基础教育课程改革和创建示范性高中的大好机遇,以科学发展观为指导,对学校发展进行战略定位,寻求学校发展的新思路,把学校办成国际化和民族化臻于一体的现代化高品位高级中学。 校训是学校办学理念、学校精神和学校文化的核心元素。执信中学至今仍在奉行的校训——“崇德瀹智”,集中体现了“执德至弘,信道至笃”的执信精神和办学风格,反映了中华文化的传统,也符合21世纪的时代精神。它为学校的办学思想、培养目标、课程结构、教育模式、评价体系、管理体制等方方面面,都注入了广泛而又深刻的意蕴和内涵,应该加以挖掘、提升和发扬,作出科学的诠释,为构思学校发展新思路垒实逻辑起点。 一、“崇德瀹智”的解读:育德立人,强智达人 一所学校的校训,是在学校文化传统的基础上,通过长期的教育教学实践,经过反复的积淀、选择、提炼和发展,为学校全体成员认同的精神文化高度凝聚的结晶。以校训为核心的学校文化,体现着学校的办学宗旨、教育理念和价值追求,影响和决定学校的办学风格和精神面貌。中山大学“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”的校训,清华大学“自强不息,厚德载物”的校训等,无不突现了独具特色的学校精神。 据记载,执信中学把“崇德瀹智”作为校训,是原执信校董,上世纪30年代曾任“广东省政府主席”,后任“国民政府主席”的林森先生提出的。从字面上看,“德”指德性、品格;“智”指智慧、才能;“崇”是推崇、尊崇;“瀹”(音:yue)即浸渍、疏通。“崇”与“瀹”为互体结构,意为崇尚、陶冶、培育、养成。合成为一个词组:“崇德瀹智”,意为“追求达德广才,修养大德大智”,这只是从词义学层面的解释。然而,要完整而又正确地把握“崇德瀹智”的深刻意蕴和精神实质,就必须从学校办学实践、民族传统文化和当代社会发展三个维度进行解读,才能作出科学的解答。 (一) “崇德瀹智”生发于执信的办学思想和实践 执信中学是孙中山先生为纪念民主革命家朱执信先生而亲手创办的。朱执信先生是中国民主革命的坚定志士,也是率先在中国介绍马克思主义的播火者。1906年朱执信便在《民报》2号、3号上发表了《德意志社会革命列传》,介绍了马克思、恩格斯的革命活动及其学说,介绍了《共产党宣言》、《资本论》的一些内容。朱执信认为“自待应学尼采的超人哲学,待人应学马克思的唯物史观”。毛泽东在中国共产党“七大”工作报告中说:朱执信是国民党员。这样看来,讲


2016-2017学年第二学期 高一级英语科期中考试试卷 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共15页,满分为150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和学号填写在答题卡和答卷密封线内的相应位置上,用2B铅笔将自己的学号填涂在答题卡上。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案:不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答卷纸上作答,答案必须写在答卷纸各题目指定区域内的相应位置上,超出指定区域的答案无效:如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案:不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答卷无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁和平整。 第I卷(共95分) 二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 11. Jack and his brother do not really ________ each other. They do not look likeeach other. A.resemble B. cross between C. tell apart D. face 12. After the old woman died, her ________ argued over her will. https://www.doczj.com/doc/e011790411.html,munity B. rights C. heirs D. inherits 13. If you cannot come to my party, please let me know ________. A. as of B.by and large C. reserved D. in advance 14. According to Times, which ________ read all over America, the wounded ________ taken to hospital and they recovered soon. A, is; were B.are; were C. are; was D. is; was 5. The young girl usually plays well, but during the last competition, she played ________ well! A. proudly B.exceptionally C. rapidly D. temporarily 16. --I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. --That’s ________ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life. A. how B.what C. where D. when 17. The doctor has advised me to ________ on smoking and drinking. A. cut in B.cut off C. cut away D. cut down 18. ________ is known to us all ________ English is a universal language. A. It; that B.What; that C. As; is D. Which; is 19. It’s I who ________ wrong. He is the only one of the students who ________been to Beijing. A. is; have B. is; has C. am; has D. am; have 20. It is ________ you deal with difficulties ________ shows ________ you arereally like. A. what; which; who B. how; that; what C. what; that; what D. how; which; who 21. ________ he was a big eater; he would eat four cakes________. A. At times; at one time B.At one time; at a time C. At a time; at one time D. At times; at a time 22. That is the only way we can think of ________theoveruse of water instudents’bathrooms. A. reducing B. reduced C. to reduce D.reduce 23. A notice was ________ in order to remind the students that the sports meetwas ________ due to the bad weather. A. put on; put off B. put up; put away C. put off; put away D. put up; put off 24.Jane was so grateful for all ________she had ________ she valued everythingand everyone in

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