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英文成绩单格式 Transcript( xxx University/Institute )Name: Specialty: Enrollment Year: September XXXX School system: 4 yearsStudent No.:Academic Year Course Credit Score Hours/week


1st Semester Military Theory & Practice

College English(1)

English Listening & Speaking(1)



English Compositive Course(1)

Chinese Foreign Trade History

Political Economics



Physical Education(1)

Moral Education

2nd Semester Computer Theory and Application

College English(2)

English Listening & Speaking(2)

Reading Guidance(2)

English Compositive


Ancient Chinese

Chinese Revolutionary History


Linear Algebra

Physical Education(2)

Moral Education


1st Semester LOTUS 1-2-3

College English(3)

English Listening & Speaking(3)

Reading Guidance(3)

English Compositive

International Trade

Framework of Chinese Foreign Trade



Chinese Culture and Ethics

Physical Education(3)


Semester Macro-Economics

College English(4)

English Listening & Speaking(4)

Reading Guidance(4)

English Compositive Course(4)

Regional Economics

China Economic Framework

Applied Statistics

Applied Statistics Practice

Money & Banking

Physical Education(4)


1st Semester Financial Accounting(B)


Selected Science Readings in Business & Economics(1)

International Finance(B)

World Political Economics &

International Relationship International Trade Practice

World Trade Organization


2nd Semester International Investment

Year Thesis

Foreign Trade Correspondence

Business & Economic Scientific Thesis & Writing

Foreign Trade Applied Writing

Company Financial Management

International Marketing


成绩单英文版怎么弄 前路动荡,如何获取下一站的车票? 往年的春夏两季,各种留学事项正当时:2月,开始准备雅思、托福等语言考试,报班突破薄弱项目;3、4月准备成绩单等学业资料,制作CV;一切顺利的话,6、7月收到offer;8月底登机,落地熟悉校园环境、办理入学手续;9月顺利开学。对于目标院校是“常春藤”、“C9”的同学来讲,准备时间甚至会拉得更长,提前到一年、甚至两年之前。 谁曾想,突发的疫情,将思路完全打散:雅思、托福等语言考试叫停、线下教育培训机构被迫停业,加之海外肆虐的疫情…… 但明眼人都明白:疫情对海外留学的冲击只是暂时性的,国内学子追求国际视野的步伐从未曾停止 “新东方”创始人俞敏洪表示,现阶段疫情的发生的确给留学行业带来不确定性和挑战,但总的来说这种冲击只是暂时的。中国走向世界全球化是一个必然的过程,一旦疫情过去,中国的学生和家长还是会希望自己的孩子能够到海外去学习和体验。因此对于留学行业来说,原则上不会受到很大影响。 目前民航的相关政策和少数国家的青少年留学签证的放宽恰印证了这一点; 而出国留学所学的一系列准备工作中,国内的学业成绩证明(成绩单)是必不可少的一环,不论是美国大部分高校要求出具的WES认证、还是国内的学信网认证,都是需要同学们上传自己的中英文大学成绩单的; 这时有相当一部分同学就犯难了:学校教务部门出具的成绩单都是中文的啊,英文版的怎么弄? 的确,国内绝大部分的公立院校是不能出具英文版成绩单的,就需要同学们找

一个靠谱的、正规的翻译公司或者机构来将自己的成绩单翻译成英文,然后再上传学信网等官方机构。 因为成绩单与驾照、护照、身份证、银行流水、出生证明等证件一样,在涉外事项中所起的作用比较重要,所以学信网、国外高校等官方机构都会对翻译文件有极高的要求,要求申请人所提交的英文翻译件必须能够保证与原件相符,即提交有效的英文翻译文件;这时候就要寻找市场上有正规翻译资质的翻译公司或者机构来进行合作了,经正规翻译公司出具的翻译文件学信网等涉外机构才会承认; 正规翻译公司的翻译流程 1、稿件承接与评估 正规翻译公司接到成绩单稿件后首先要与客户进行沟通,明确专业术语、稿件数量和交稿时间等,进行翻译报价,敲定交稿时间。 2、专业译员翻译 接稿后,项目经理会根据实际的工作安排,从译员库中分析挑选出合适的专业译员,统一专业术语(学校、专业、课程英文名称)和标准,进行翻译。 3、译文校对排版 译员提交初稿后,进一步对照原文进行校对,查错补漏,重点核查数字、课程名称,进一步统一术语,并按原件进行排版,保证与成绩单原件版式一致。 4、翻译盖章 译件经审核无误后会进行翻译盖章服务,即在英文译件末加盖翻译公司公章和翻译专业用章已表明此译件由正规机构出具,保证与中文原件一致。 以上工作完全符合《中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T19363.1-2003 翻译服务规


大学中英文成绩单模板范文 到了大学,你看到的成绩单是否是中英文版本的呢?下面是给大家带来大学中英文成绩单模板,供大家参阅! 北京信息科技大学学生中英文成绩单Beijing Information Science & Technology(BISTU) University Report Card 姓名:Name: 学年学期/School Year 学号:Student ID: 学院:School: 专业:Specialty: 课程名称/Courses 班级:Class: 学分/Credits 学制:年 Years:Schooling Length: 成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 学年学期/School Year 课程名称/Courses 学分/Credits

成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 毕业应取得总学分(Total Credits Required for Graduatior)/ 已获得总学分(Total Credits Earned) 其中包括(including) 必修课(Required) 专业选修课(Specialized Elective) 公共选修课(Common.Elective) 实践课(Practical Course) 必修课平均学分绩点(GPA of equired Course) 此成绩单仅供出国使用This report is only for going abroad 北京信息科技大学教务处Academic Administration of BISTU 打印日期(PRINT DATE): 吉林大学中英文本科成绩单模板Key Comprehensive University Directly Under The Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China 本科生成绩单Academic Transcript of Undergraduate 姓名: Name: 院系: Dept.: 学制:


Academic Transcript Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Name: Sex: Date of birth: School: Major: Academic Period: From to First Term Moral Education and Basic of the Law91 Physical Education (1) 84 Theory of Marxism Philosophy82 College English (1)88 83 Fundamental Mathematical Analysis for Engineering (1) Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry70 C Programming Language 70 Fundamental Application of Microcomputer76 Military Training P Basic Cartography and Computer Cartography73 Second Term Courses Credit Scores Marxism Politics & Economics 73 Physical Education (2)85 General Physics (1)80 Physics Experiment (1) B College English (2) 88 82 Fundamental Mathematical Analysis for Engineering (2) Circuit Analysis 85 Electrocircuit and Signal Experiment (1) 83 Discrete Mathematics 73


成绩单课程翻译参考表 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学网络英语资源 Advanced Mathematics 高等数学网络英语资源 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析网络英语资源 Algorithmic Language 算法语言网络英语资源 Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路网络英语资源 Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计网络英语资源Audit 审计学网络英语资源 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统网络英语资源 Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论网络英语资源 Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术网络英语资源 Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础网络英语资源 Calculus 微积分网络英语资源 Catalysis Principles 催化原理网络英语资源 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索网络英语资源Circuitry 电子线路网络英语资源 College English 大学英语网络英语资源 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 网络英语资源 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 网络英语资源 College Physics 大学物理网络英语资源 Communication Fundamentals 通信原理网络英语资源


兰州理工大学学生学业成绩单 姓名性别民族汉族学院设计艺术学院 学号专业艺术设计(室内环境艺术方向)班级艺术设计(室内环境艺术 方向) 10 级 00 班学籍照片 学制四年入学日期离校日期 离校原因 以下为该生在校期间所修课程及学习成绩 课程名称学分成绩课程名称学分成绩课程名称学分成绩 2010-2011 学年第 1 学期毛泽东思想与中国特色 6 66 建筑装饰构造及施工 3 85 社会主义理论体系概论 大学计算机基础 B 2 74 体育 4 1 80 家具设计(室内方向) 4 81 大学英语 C1 72 大学生实用心理学 1 通过景观设计 3 良好 思想道德修养与法律基 3 中等当代中国政治制度 1 通过室内设计 1 7 82 础 体育 1 1 60 认识实习 1 及格2013-2014 学年第 1 学期 军训(含军事理论) 2 良好法理学77 社会实践 2 良好 画法几何与阴影透视 3 60 民法总论 4 毕业论文 6 良好(室内方向) 室内设计史70 西方法律思想史71 国际私法60 素描 E 4 82 宪法学76 环境与资源保护法60 美学与艺术欣赏 2 91 中国法制史 2 78 劳动与社会保障法73 中外设计史 2 91 建筑装饰材料 2 90 司法文书 2 61 2010-2011 学年第 2 学期室内设计基础一81 知识产权法61 大学英语 C2 82 陈设设计(室内方向) 3 84 专业实习(假期完成) 4 中等体育 2 1 72 2012-2013 学年第 1 学期装饰工程预算与报价 2 100 网页制作与设计技术中等风景园林规划概论 2 82 装饰雕塑设计 2 中国近现代史纲要 2 75 中国建筑史 2 75 室内设计 2 7 86 大学生就业指导 1 通过社会实践 1 1 良好2013-2014 学年第 2 学期 形式与政策 1 良好案例教学 2 87 创新项目 1 1 通过计算机辅助设计 C1 3 良好经济法 3 60 以下空白 色彩 E 4 84 民法分论 3 室内设计初步 1 2 82 民事诉讼法学 3 71 形态构成学(室内方向) 6 86 刑法学68 2011-2012 学年第 1 学期室内设计基础二75 大学英语 C3 77 专业摄影(室内方向) 2 86 大学语文良好室内绿化与庭院设计 3 85 马克思主义基本原理 3 66 展示设计(室内方向) 3 84 体育 3 1 82 室内环境技术与设备 3 75 材料激光加工技术 1 通过2012-2013 学年第 2 学期 测绘学概论 1 通过室内物品设计与制作 1 良好 计算机辅助设计 C2 5 85 工程认知实习中等 室内设计初步 2 5 85 国际法61 室内设计原理(室内方 3 87 国际经济法68 向) 建筑设计基础 3 71 商法 3 73 2011-2012 学年第 2 学期刑事诉讼法 3 61 大学英语 C4 64 行政法与行政诉讼法 3 75


华中科技大学自学考试本科课程成绩一览表 中华人民共和国,湖北省武汉市 准考证号: *********** 姓 名: X X X 入学日期 : 1997/09/01 院 系: 成人教育学院 专 业: 计算机及应用 制表日期 : 2006/10/30 序号 课 程 名 称 分数 01 高等数学(I ) 60 02 英语(一) 66 03 线性代数 94 04 电工电子学 61 05 计算机操作技术 80 06 高级语言程序设计 80 07 电子线路与数字逻辑 74 08 数据结构 87 09 汇编语言程序设计 77 10 计算方法 84 11 计算机组成原理 63 12 操作系统(一) 61 13 微型机及其应用 66 14 数据库概论 68 15 离散数学 85 16 C 语言程序设计 79 17 概率论与数理统计(二) 65 18 计算机图形学 81 19 操作系统(二) 77 20 编译原理 89 21 软件工程概论 78 22 接口与通讯 89 23 计算机网络与通信 89 24 数据库应用 76 25 上机实习 77 26 专业实验 89 27 毕业考核 89 注:采用以下三种计分制: 1. 百分制:60分为及格,100分为满分; 2. 五分制:优(A),良(B),中(C),及格(D),不及格(E ); 3. 选修课:“通过”或“不通过”。 档案馆馆长:江洪洋 华 中 科 技 大 学 VERIFICA TION: TEL: +86-27-87559510 E-mail: UNIVERSITY WEB: 自学考试本科学生中文成绩单格式 每 五 门课 加 一 条线 ! 此乃自学考试本科成绩的中文基本格式。请按原始成绩单的顺序打印全部课程,相同课程合并。


四川大学英文成绩单样本 2 24 south Section 1 Ring Road No.1 ChengDu, SiChuan 610065 P.R.China Sichuan University SICHUAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT ACADEMIC RECORD (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) NAME(姓名): Dudie XU(徐都爹) SCHOOL CODE(学号):1043004134 DATE OF BIRTHDAY(出生年月): Aug. 1919 (1919.8) SEX(性别): Male MAJOR(专 业):Polymer Material and Engineering(高分子材料与工程) SCHOOLING(学制):4 YEAR(4年) DURATION OF SCHOOL(在校期间):Sept. 2008-July 2012(2010.9-2014.7) HOURS CREDITS MARKS(分数) st nd (学时) (学分) COURSE(课程) 1 SEM. 2 SEM. First Year(Sept.2008-July2009)(第一学年) Physical Education-1(体育-1) 32 1 97 College English-1(大学英语-1) 64 4 97 Fundamentals of Modern Chemistry(?)-1(近代化学32 2 94 基础(?)-1) Situation and Policies-1(形势与政策-1) 16 0.25 92 Basics of Computer (大学计算机基础) 36 2 90 Chemical Experiment (?)-1(工科化学实验(?)18 1 90 -1)



Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值 分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技 术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分 Catalysis Principles 催化原理 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理

Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论Computational Method 计算方法Computer Graphics 图形学原理computer organization 计算机组成原理computer architecture 计算机系统结构Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术 Database Principles 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计 Developmental Economics 发展经济学discrete mathematics 离散数学 Digital Electronics 数字电子电路 Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理


英文成绩单格式 英文成绩单格式 Transcript( xxx University/Institute )Name: Specialty: Enrollment Year: September XXXX School system: 4 yearsStudent No.:Academic Year Course Credit Score Hours/week 1996-1997 1st Semester Military Theory & Practice College English(1) English Listening & Speaking(1) Reading

Guidance(1) English Compositive Course(1) Chinese Foreign Trade History Political Economics Chinese(1) Calculus Physical Education(1) Moral Education 2nd Semester Computer Theory and Application College English(2) English Listening & Speaking(2) Reading Guidance(2) English Compositive

Chinese(2) Ancient Chinese Chinese Revolutionary History Probability Linear Algebra Physical Education(2) Moral Education 1997-1998 1st Semester LOTUS 1-2-3 College English(3) English Listening & Speaking(3) Reading Guidance(3) English Compositive


Student Transcript R-Retake M-Minor D-Delay A-Absent C-Chea t

Except these documents above, I would like to tell something about my study plan if I can gain the offer. To be honest, I regard this opportunity as a turn of my study life.Through this opportunity I can practice my English greatl y and widen my sight of not only my major, but also the nice world. To begin with, in the last semester in Zhongyuan University of Technology, I will remain studying hard and learn more kno wledge about my major which I have not learnt in school. And I will participate more projects in which I can do a somethi ng to improve my knowledge and ability of practicing, which will help me study better in your university. Meanwhile I will a lso practice my English, especially majority English. And I plan to get a 6.5 IELTS before May. What’s more, after I go abo ard, I will accommodate the new surroundings as soon as possible, and then devote myself to the study and research. Abo ve this passage, I have written down that my interest major is Robotic of the “Engineering and Technology”. And now my exact major is Automatic. It fits my interest major very well because I have learnt almost all of the basic courses. Then m y intelligence is not bad, besides I am very very willing to devote to the study. I believe these two can support me to stu dy well in your university. I hope the day when I can learn a lot from my guider. For the more, in the future after my gra duation, I would like to continue my major and apply a master of engineering in English or other countries. Because I pref er the study culture of European and America where most people apply the degree for gaining knowledge rather than a gu arantee for higher salary. Maybe I will also study for a master degree of economics or finance meanwhile, or after my mas ter degree of engineering finished. Because I like the economics very much. I believe economic is the kind of majority whi ch likes philosophy most. It is very fascinating. I want to explore how can the finance wield over the money in their hands. Certainly, high salary is also a very important reason. hah. I have determination for achieving my dream no matter how hard it might be. Because this is my dream, and this is the r oad I chose. So it's ok to endure hardship. I will devote to my study plan in this kind of mind. And I think I must be able to overcome all of the troubles that will be in my journey of study. Anyway, I will finish my study plan step by step ,no matter what kind of hardship I will meet. Now the application is the f irst step of my study plan. I will really appreciate it if I can gain the offer. In additional to all my documents provided, I would like to take this opportunity to write a Study plan to clarify the main learning direction and are area. When in I was young, I began to like to make plan and carry out it. This habit kept until now. After that I started to learn how to keep abreast of the modern society by learning the new knowledge and skills in my College.Here is a study plan for my coming Senior Year maybe in your College. I have known the ‘Practice makes perfect’. The process I worked on my college curriculum make me realize the important of well grasp of basic knowledge, which is the requirement if I want do better on scientific research. So I will go over the main subject of engineering science (Circuit Theory, Electronic Technology, Principles of Automatic Control I, Microcomputer principle and application, Principle of Sensor and Detection Technology, Microcomputer principle and application) and keep on learning the new subject( Principle of Single Chip Microcomputer and Interface Technology,


XX大学学生成绩一览表 姓名:院系:专业:学号: 性别:出生年月:年月日籍贯:入学年月:年月学制:年 第一学年(-- 学年)第二学年(-- 学年)第三学年(-- 学年)第四学年(-- 学年) 第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩 毕业最低学分应为:已获得学分为:授予学位: 成绩记载说明:1、百分制:60分及60分以上为及格,100为满分: 2、五级计分制:优秀(A)、良好(B)、中等(C)、及格(D)、不及格(F);教务处长:注册主任: 3、二级计分制:合格(P)、不合格(F)。 年月日

XX UNIVERSITY Student’s Academic Record Name: Department: Major: Student Identification: Sex: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Entrance: Years of program: 1st Academic Year 2nd Academic Year 3rd Academic Year 4th Academic Year Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Number of credits required: Number of credits obtained: Degree Granted: *Cr=Credits;*Sc=Score; Three grade systems used simultaneously in XXX university,specifically as follows: 1.The percentage system:Above 60 is passing,100 is full mark; 2.Five degree grading: Excellent(A),Good(B),Fair(C),passing(D),Failed(F); Dean of Academic Affairs: Registrar: 3.Two degree grading: Passing(P),Failed(F) Date Issued:


成绩单 英文解释 report;report card;transcript ; 例句: 1. 我可以看一下你的学业成绩单吗? Can I see your school report? 2. 你想看我的成绩单吗? Wanna see my report card? 3. 我们拿到她的成绩单了真的? We got her transcripts. Really? 4. 我可以看看你在大学时的成绩单吗?我想知道你的优势所在。 Is it possible to have your score sheet in the university? I would like to understand whe re your strength is. 5. 你看见我的成绩单吗? Have you seen my report card? 6. 为了一份更好的成绩单? For getting a good report card? 7. 你拿到成绩单了吗? Did you get a report card? 8. 你的成绩单告诉了你父母你所取得的进步. Your school report tells your parents about your progress. 9. 从她的成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩很差。 Her school report shows that she is weak at arithmetic and biology. 10. 成绩单表明她生物学成绩差。在生物学方面很差。

The school report shows that she is weak in biologic. 11. 我需要看你的成绩单,你在学校必须更专心些. I saw your report card, you need to focus more on school. 12. 有无成绩单,学生参加学校活动或体育活动的评价? School report, lists of grades, any clubs or sports? 13. 当我的父母收到成绩单时,他们并不生气,而是难过。 When my parents received the school report, they were angry, disappointed. 14. 她觉得爸爸不会让你唱,尤其是在看了你的成绩单后. She thinks dad won't let you, especially after he sees your report card. 15. 爸爸在看我的学校成绩单,但他看起来没有很高兴的样子。 My father is looking at my school report now, and he doesn't look too pleased.


英文成绩单模板 篇一:大学英文成绩单模板 Henan Polytechnic University Student Grades Record Note: The Percentage System: 60 is passing, 100 is full mark; A=95, B=85C=pulsory Course, O=Optional Course, PE=Public Elective Course. Henan Polytechnic University Student Grades Record Note: The Percentage System: 60 is passing, 100 is full mark; A=95, B=85C=pulsory Course, O=Optional Course, PE=Public Elective Course. Date Issued (M/D/Y): 06/24/2021 篇二:高中出国成绩单模版(中英文) 学生成绩报告单(20xx--2021) SCHOOL REPORT FOR HIGH SCHOOL(20xx--2021) 姓名:性别:男出生日: 1990 年 8月 16 日 Name: zhang Sex: Male Birth Date: Aug. 16,1991 兹证从20xx年9 月进入本校学习至今,已完成所有课程,并于2021年6 月正式毕业。 This is to certify that Wang Hanzhang has studied at Zibo Experimental High School from

成绩单 英语翻译

Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言 Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分 Catalysis Principles 催化原理 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路 College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理 Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论 Computational Method 计算方法 Computer Graphics 图形学原理 computer organization 计算机组成原理computer architecture 计算机系统结构Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术 Database Principles 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计 Developmental Economics 发展经济学 discrete mathematics 离散数学 Digital Electronics 数字电子电路 Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理


学生学习成绩单姓名:系别:学位: 它戶. 序号课程名称学分成绩 I II III IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 工程制图 4.0 2 高等数学(I )6.0 3 基础英语 4.0 4 思想道德修养 2.0 5 计算机文化基础3.0 6 C 语言程序设计 4.0 7 大学物理(I )3.0 8 法律基础 2.0 9 线性代数 2.0 10 高等数学()5.0 11 计算机软件基础(I)2.5 12 复变函数 2.0 13 大学物理(II)4.0 14 大学物理实验(I)1.0 15 军事理论 2.0 16 电路原理 5.0 17 体育1.0 18 电子技术基础 4.0 19 大学物理实验(II)1.0 20 电机学 3.0 21 概率论与数理统计3.0 22 计算机软件基础(II)3.0 23 电力拖动基础 4.0 24 检测技术 2.0 25 工厂供电 3.0 26 自控原理 5.0 27 马克思主义哲学原理 3.0 28 科技英语(II)2.0 29 现代控制理论 2.0 30 自动控制系统实验1.0 31 电力电子技术 3.0 32 自动控制系统 5.0 33 微机原理及实验4.0学习时间: 专业:学 号: 2002.9~2005.7

学生学习成绩单姓名:系别:学位: 它戶. 序号课程名称学分成绩 I II III IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 工程制图 4.0 2 高等数学(I )6.0 3 基础英语 4.0 4 思想道德修养 2.0 5 计算机文化基础3.0 6 C 语言程序设计4.0 7 大学物理(I ) 3.0 8 法律基础 2.0 9 线性代数 2.0 10 高等数学(II)5.0 11 计算机软件基础(I)2.5 12 复变函数2.0 13 大学物理(II) 4.0 14 大学物理实验(I) 1.0 15 军事理论 2.0 16 电路原理 5.0 17 体育 1.0 18 电子技术基础 4.0 19 大学物理实验(II) 1.0 20 电机学 3.0 21 概率论与数理统计 3.0 22 计算机软件基础(II) 3.0 23 电力拖动基础 4.0 24 检测技术 2.0 25 工厂供电 3.0 26 自控原理 5.0 27 马克思主义哲学原理 3.0 28 科技英语(II) 2.0 29 现代控制理论 2.0 30 自动控制系统实验 1.0学习时间: 专业:学 号: 2002.9~2005.7


英文成绩单格式 英文成绩单格式Transcript( xxx University/Institute )Name: Specialty: Enrollment Year: September XXXX School system: 4 yearsStudent No.:Academic Year Course Credit Score Hours/week 1996-1997 1st Semester Military Theory & Practice College English(1) English Listening & Speaking(1) Reading Guidance(1) English Compositive Course(1) Chinese Foreign Trade History Political Economics Chinese(1) Calculus Physical Education(1) Moral Education 2nd Semester Computer Theory and Application College English(2) English Listening & Speaking(2) Reading Guidance(2) English Compositive Course(2) Chinese(2) Ancient Chinese Chinese Revolutionary History Probability Linear Algebra Physical Education(2) Moral Education 1997-1998 College English(3) English Listening & Speaking(3) Reading Guidance(3) English Compositive Course(3) International Trade Framework of Chinese Foreign Trade Sociology Philosophy Chinese Culture and Ethics Physical Education(3) 2nd Semester Macro-Economics College English(4) English Listening & Speaking(4) Reading Guidance(4) English Compositive Course(4) Regional Economics China Economic Framework Applied Statistics

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