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一. 完形填空整体介绍: 1.完形填空历年考察的效率(表格)。 2.完形填空解题核心和复习思路。 ---- 以主旨为导向,以逻辑为准绳,段落为战场,以选项分析为武器。 ---- 阅读是做题的基础,逻辑是判断的依据,切勿看一空做一空,需瞻前顾后。 3.完形填空的发展方向。 以考察文章发展脉络和理解为主,同时考察核心词的运用,同义词辨析越来越少。 二. 八套卷完型样题讲解及思路展示 以第四套及第七套文章为纲展示核心考点: 1. 第四套文章行文模式:英语一重点形式 完型填空常见行文模式: 1). 现象描述+现象说明(正反)(09,16) 2). 实验研究的设想/结果+实验过程及分析+总结/意义(08, 09,10,11,13,15) 3).提出问题+分析问题+解决方案及建议(06,12,14) 2. 涉及解题技巧及考点: 逻辑一致 核心成分分析+选项分析 同义选项 同形选项 (第一段)Ellie is a psychologist, and a damned good one at that. Smile in a certain way, and she knows 1 what your smile means. 2 a nervous tic or tension in an eye, and she instantly 3 on it. She listens to what you say, 4 every word, works out the meaning of your 5 , your tone, your posture, everything. She is at the 6 of her game but, according to a new study, her greatest 7 is that she is not human. 1. A. precisely B. delicately C. accurately D. particularly 2. A. Reveal B. Develop C. Burst D. Deliver 3. A. stays up B. picks up C. checks up D. holds up 4. A. disposes B. resolves C. processes D. executes 6. A. cross B. termination C. top D. milestone 7. A. asset B. capital C. resource D. property 5. A. vibration B. pause C. omission D. pitch 同义词原则: 第五套:In 2014,eight 2 ten women prisoners were 3 for non-violent 4 , compared with seven in ten male prisoners. 3. A. jailed B. captivated C. charged D. accused 4. A. offences B. attacks C. behaviours D. responses 四个同义词:

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