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恋练有词高频词汇Unit 10

恋练有词高频词汇Unit 10
恋练有词高频词汇Unit 10

高频词汇Unit 10

【part 1】


A concept is an idea or abstract principle. 概念; 观念

It’s very simple, once you grasp the concept .你一旦掌握了这个概念之后就很简单了。

our basic concepts of decent human behaviour 我们对得体的人类行为的基本观念

the concept that we are citizens of one world 我们是同一个世界的公民的观念

She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. 她补充说包办婚姻的概念在西方被误解了。


the conception of parliamentary democracy 议会民主的概念

have (no) conception of sth.

They have no conception of what women really feel and want. 他们对女性真正的感受和需求一无所知。

the original conception of the book 此书最最初的构想

the moment of conception 受孕的一刻


1. If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it. 想像; 相信

I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money. 我简直无法想像那样一笔数量的钱。(cannot) conceive of (doing) sth.

Many people can’t conceive of a dinner without meat or fish. 许多人无法想象正餐怎么可以没有肉或鱼。

We could not conceive that he might soon be dead. 我们无法相信他可能很快就会死去。

2.If you conceive something as a particular thing, you consider it to be that thing. 认为conceive of sth/sb as sth

The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water. 古人认为地球漂浮在水里。

We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change. 我们认为家庭是处于不断变化之中的。

3. If you conceive a plan or idea, you think of it and work out how it can be done. 构想出

She had conceived the idea of a series of novels, each of which would reveal some aspect of Chinese life. 她已经想出了个关于一个系列小说的主意,每一部都将反映中国人生活的某一方面。

4.When a woman conceives a child or conceives, she becomes pregnant. 怀(胎); 怀孕

Women, he says, should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive. 他说女人在计划怀孕前应该戒酒。


a belief or opinion that you have already formed before you know the actual facts, and that may be wrong.事先形成的看法[想法];先入之见,成见

have preconceptions about/of


to improve something提高;改进;增强

?Good lighting will enhance any room. 良好的照明能给房间增色不少。

?The publicity has enhanced his reputation. 这次宣传提高了他的声誉。


enhancer[C]flavor enhancers 增味剂

enhanced improved or bette提高的;改进的;增强的enhanced access to information 有更多机会接触资料



?augment[??g'ment]v.&n. to increase the value, amount, effectiveness etc of something augment the income

?chancellor n.总理(德、奥等的);(英)大臣;校长(美国某些大学的);(英)大法官;(美)首席法官



boost the economy/tourism

boost sb’s confidence/morale/ego增强(信心、士气)

We need a big win to boost our confidence. 我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。

He boosted her up. 他向上托了她一把。


a major boost to the economy 对经济的大力推动

get/receive a boost

The community will get a boost from a new library and recreation center. 兴建新的图书馆和娱乐中心将会推动该社区的发展。

It did give me a boost to win such a big event.


?boast [b??st] v.&n.吹嘘boast about sth.

?thrive v.繁荣,兴旺(-rive river )

The new policy can thrive our society/community/economy.

If someone or something thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong. 兴旺发达; 茁壮成长

plants that thrive in tropical rain forests 在热带雨林蓬勃生长的植物

Today her company continues to thrive. 如今,她的公司继续蓬勃发展。

If you say that someone thrives on a particular situation, you mean that they enjoy it or that they can deal with it very well, especially when other people find it unpleasant or difficult. 喜欢; 从容应对(尤指别人不喜欢或认为困难的事)

Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle. 许多人喜欢有压力的生活方式。


If something heightens a feeling or if the feeling heightens, the feeling increases in degree or intensity.

The move has heightened heighten racial tensionin the state..加深种族间的紧张局势。Increased levels of fat in the diet could heighten the risk of cancer. 饮食中脂肪摄入量的提升会增加患癌症的风险。

The case has heightened public awareness of the problem of sexual harassment. 这宗案件提高了公众对性骚扰问题的认识。

Cross's interest heightened. 克罗斯的兴趣增强了。

●parallel n.&adj. &v.相似,平行,相关联,并驾齐驱,同时(纬线)

parallels with/between

Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.


There are significant parallels with the 1980s.


in parallel with sb/sth together with and at the same time as something else

She wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband’s. 在丈夫追求事业的同时,她也想追求自己的事业。

have no parallel/be without parallel be greater, better, worse etc than anything else

It's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world.


The poverty of hill farmers had no parallel. 没人比山区农民更穷了。

A be parallel to/with

B A与B类似,平行

the 38th parallel 38度纬线

?unparalleled adj. bigger, better, or worse than anything else无比的,无双的;空前的an achievement unparalleled in sporting history 体育史上空前的成就

?unprecedented [?n'pres?dent?d]

If something is unprecedented, it has never happened before. 史无前例的

Such a move is rare, but not unprecedented. 这样的举动少见,但并非从来没有过。

an event that is unprecedented in recent history 近代历史上没有先例的事件

If you describe something as unprecedented, you are emphasizing that it is very great in quality, amount, or scale. (质量、数量或规模) 空前的

The mission has been hailed as an unprecedented success.


Crime has increased on an unprecedented scale. 犯罪率增幅之大前所未有。

?precede [pr?'si?d]

precede sb. in doing sth.先于某人做某事

If one event or period of time precedes another, it happens before it.

a type of cloud that precedes rain 下雨前出现的一种云

If you precede someone somewhere, you go in front of them.

The guard preceded them down the corridor. 警卫带领他们穿过了走廊

Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question. 请看所谈这一段之前的信息。?precedent n.&adj.If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happened before,and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it again. 先例

set/create a precedent

The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with similar cases.


?precedence [pr?'si?d(?)ns]If one thing takes precedence over another, it is regarded as more important than the other thing. 优先(性) =priority(be prior to)

Have as much fun as possible at college, but don't let it take precedence over work.


a society where appearance takes precedence over skill or virtue一个外表重于才干和品德的


Guests were seated in order of precedence . 宾客们按席次就座。

Safety must be given precedence . 安全必须放在第一位。

?parachute ['p?r??u?t]n. 降落伞vi. 跳伞,空投

1)a parachute jump 跳伞

2)parachute into

They parachuted into Vietnam in 1968. 1968 年,他们跳伞降落到越南境内。

3)To parachute something somewhere means to drop it somewhere by parachute. 空投

Supplies have been parachuted into the area. 补给品被空投到该地区。

4)If a person parachutes into an organization or if they are parachuted into it, they are brought in suddenly in order to help it.

a consultant who parachutes into corporations and helps provide strategic thinking.


●succeed v.

?succeed in doing something.做成某事


1.succeed 成功,达成to do something you tried or wanted to do

?Will they succeed in winning the election? 他们会赢得选举吗?

?He wanted to make her jealous, and he succeeded. 他想要让她嫉妒,而且他做到了。

2.manage 设法完成〔困难的事;日常英语中常用manage to do sth,而不用succeed in doing sth〕to succeed in doing something difficult, after trying hard.

?He finally managed to find an apartment near his office. 他终于在办公室附近找到了一间公寓。

?Don’t worry –I’m sure we’ll manage somehow. 别着急——我肯定我们会有办法的。

3.work在日常英语中,人们表示某个方法或疗法有效时,通常说work ,而不说succeed

?We tried rebooting the computer, but that didn’t work . 我们试过重新启动电脑,但没有用。4.accomplish 完成,实现to achieve something

?The government accomplished its objective of reducing violent crime. 政府实现了减少暴力犯罪的目标。

?What do you hope to accomplish this year? 今年你希望实现什么目标?

5.make it 获得成功;到达某处;进入比赛的某个阶段

to be successful in your career, or to succeed in reaching a place or part of a competition ?Only a few people make it to the top and become professional singers. 只有少数人能脱颖而出,成为职业歌手。

?We finally made it to Chicago. 我们终于赶到了芝加哥。

?Which two teams will make it to the final? 哪两支队伍将进入决赛?

6.pull off 成功完成〔困难的事;pull off较为不正式〕

to succeed in doing something, especially when you could easily have not succeeded. ?Italy pulled off a great victory over Germany. 意大利大胜德国。

?I’d never performed on my own before, and wasn’t sure if I could pull it off. 我以前从来没有独立表演过,不确定自己能否成功。

be succeeded by

If you succeed another person, you are the next person to have their job or position. 接替succeed sb. as…接任某人的职务

If one thing is succeeded by another thing, the other thing happens or comes after it. 继…之后

The presentation was succeeded by a roundtable discussion.


?successive连续的;继承的;依次的;接替的coming or following one after the other


The team has had five successive victories. 这支球队已经连胜五场了。

Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. 历届政府都试图解决这个问题。


1. in succession接连地,连续地happening one after the other without anything different

happening in between

She won the championship four times in succession. 她连续四次夺得冠军。

in quick/rapid/close succession (=quickly one after the other)紧接地,一个紧接一个

He fired two shots in quick succession. 他迅速连发两枪。

2.a succession of sth连续不断的,一连串;一系列a number of people or things of the same kind, following, coming, or happening one after the other(stream)

A succession of visitors came to the door. 登门造访者接踵而至。

3.[U] the act of taking over an official job or position, or the right to be the next to take it接替,继承,继任;继承权?

If the prince dies, the succession passes to his son. 王子如果去世,就由他的儿子继承。

[+ to]the succession to

?successor 继承者(position/career);后续的事物

be one’s successor(to the post as…)接替某人职位的人

?heir [e?]继承人An heir is someone who has the right to inherit a person's money, property,

or title when that person dies.

the heir to the throne.


?heredity /h??red?t?/遗传特性

Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer.


?Inherit v.

1.If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died. 继承(财产)

inherited wealth 继承的财富

inherit sth(a fortune)from sb.

2.If you inherit something such as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it from the people who used to have it, for example, because you have taken over their job or been influenced by them. 接手; 接任

The Endara government inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors.


3.If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it. 经遗传而得(特征、品质等)

We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.



1.[not before noun,不用于名词前] noticing or realizing something注意到的;意识到的

be conscious of (doing) sth/be aware of

I became conscious of someone watching me. 我察觉到有人在监视我。

2. awake and able to understand what is happening around you清醒的,有知觉的

The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. 救护车赶到时,司机仍然神志清醒。


3.conscious effort/decision/attempt etc

an effort etc that is deliberate and intended


deliberate practice 刻意的训练

Vivien had made a conscious effort to be friendly. 维维恩刻意显得很友好。

4.thinking a lot about or concerned about something关注的,有意识的,注重的

politically/environmentally/socially etc conscious

environmentally conscious consumers 有环保意识的消费者

health-conscious/fashion-conscious/safety-conscious etc健康意识/环保意识/安全意识

[+ of]She was very conscious of security. 她非常注重安全。


Someone who is self-conscious is easily embarrassed and nervous because they feel that everyone is looking at them and judging them. 难为情的; 不自在的

5.conscious thoughts, memories etc are ones which you know about


the conscious mind 有意识的思想

Without conscious thought, she instinctively placed a hand on his arm. 她本能地把手放在了他的手臂上,自己都没有意识到。

It affects the audience at a deeper, less conscious level. 它对观众产生了更加深刻的、潜移默



Raiseconsciousness/awareness of/about security

conscience ['k?n?(?)ns]不要和consciousness(神志清醒;意识)相混淆。

1.Your conscience is the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is right or wrong. If you have a guilty conscience, you feel guilty about something because you know it was wrong. If you have a clear conscience, you do not feel guilty because you know you have done nothing wrong.良知,良心

the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong


Well, at least I can face them all with a clear conscience. 好吧,至少我可以问心无愧地面对他们所有人。

I can’t tell you what to do ,it’s a matter of conscience . 我不能告诉你怎么办——这是良心问题。

a crisis of conscience among medical staff 医务人员中的良心危机

a guilty/troubled conscience 愧疚的内心/不安的良心

It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help. 他是因为心中有愧才提出帮忙的。

2.a guilty feeling that you have about something bad you have done


twinge/pang of conscience

I felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her. 我因为错看了她而感到一阵良心上的愧疚。

have no conscience (about sth) (=not feel guilty about something)(对某事)不内疚

They’ve no conscience at all about cheating. 他们对欺骗毫不内疚。

3. Ifyou have something on your conscience, it makes you feel guilty

Could you live with that on your conscience? 你能背着那样的良心包袱生活吗?

4.not in (all/good) conscience

if you cannot in all conscience do something, you cannot do it because you think it is wrong


I couldn’t in all conscience tell him that his job was safe. 出于良心,我不能对他说他的工作肯定保得住。

?conscientious[,k?n??'en??s]认真的careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do

a conscientious and hard-working student

be conscientious about




adj.intended or planned→deliberateness

If you do something that is deliberate, you planned or decided to do it beforehand, and so it happens on purpose rather than by chance. 故意的

a deliberate attempt to

v.to think about something very carefully(reflect on)

The jury deliberated for four days before acquitting him. 陪审团斟酌了四天之后裁断他无罪。

[+ on/about/over]

She deliberated over the decision for a good few years before she finally made up her mind. 在她最终下定决心之前,她仔细考虑了这个决定多年。

?deliberation [d?,l?b?'re??(?)n] careful consideration or discussion of something

Thank you for your deliberation.

?liberate/free sb from sth解放liberaty

women’s freedom to pursue careers liberated from childcare 妇女从养儿育女中解放出来去追求事业的自由

?liberal adj.

Someone who has liberal views believes people should have a lot of freedom in deciding how to behave and think. 开明的

She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception. 大家知道,她对于离婚和避孕持开明的观点。

liberal education文科教育

?liberty n.自由



by design故意地

●spontaneous [sp?n'te?n??s]

1.something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you want to do it自发的,自然而生的;一时冲动的

The crowd gave a spontaneous cheer. 人群自发地欢呼起来。

My spontaneous reaction was to run away. 我的本能反应就是逃跑。

2.someone who is spontaneous does things without planning them first – used to show approval天真率直的,率性的〔含褒义〕



Sensible ideas have been around for a long time,but the state-level bodies that govern the profession have been too conservative to implement them.

implement 执行,实施executive ability 执行力


conserve energy









in the presence of

present v.呈现






absence of mind









homosexual marriage



moral code道德准则




masculine masculinism


feminine feminism



entail sb. doing

give rise to

contribute to




●upset沮丧, 悲伤,肠胃不适,搅乱

upset the balance









ver- turn










recall crisis


critical thinking

it is critical that

criticism self-criticism


criterion 评判标准

【part 2】

1.词根vir- 看见



With time he came to revise his opinion of the profession.


revise sth upwards/downwards

Forecasts of economic growth are being revised downwards. 经济增长的预测正在下调。2)If you revise a price, amount, or estimate, you change it to make it more fair, realistic, or accurate. 调整(使更合理、实际、准确)

?They realized that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.


3. When you revise an article, a book, a law, or a piece of music, you change it in order to

improve it, make it more modern, or make it more suitable for a particular purpose. 修改; 修订(使改进、更时尚、更适于某目的)

4. When you revise for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. (为考试) 复习

?Revising for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course. 考前复习给你一个把课程各独立部分融会贯通的机会。

●visual adj. 视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的


visual angle视界,视角

visual field视野

Artists translate their ideas into visual images. 画家把自己的思想转换成视觉画面。

●supervise v.监督If you supervise an activity or a person, you make sure that the

activity is done correctly or that the person is doing a task or behaving correctly. 监督supervisor 总监,监督人,[管理] 管理人;检查员

supervision 监督,管理

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e818414608.html,plete 完善complete a new paper work

deplete v.消耗,耗尽To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it. substances that deplete the ozone layer. 消耗臭氧层的物质

depletion / d?'pli??? n / [U]the depletion of the ozone layer 臭氧层的损耗


Preferable ['pref(?)r?b(?)l]

Comparable ['k?mp(?)r?b(?)l]


?upfront adj.预付的;在前面的;正直的,坦率的& adv.在前面;提前支付(工资)提前an upfront fee of 500 500美元的预付款

He requires you to pay him upfront. 他要求你预先付款给他。

Mo’s very upfront with him about their relationship. 莫在他们的关系上对他很坦诚。

?onwards 向前pull sb. onwards

1)from ... onwards从…起一直

fromnow onwards=from now on即日起from the 1980s onwards 从20世纪80年代起

2)往前,向前walk/move onwards

He walked onwards to the head of the lake. 他一直向前,走到湖泊源头。

3)onwards and upwards持续发展;不断增加;不断进步

With exports strong, the business is moving onwards and upwards. 随着出口的走强,公司蒸蒸日上。

?backwards 向后

?We cannot connect the dots looking forward,but we can only connect them looking

backwards.——Steve Jobs



5.orchestra ['??k?str?]交响乐团,管弦乐队

●orchestrate ['??k?stre?t] 精心组织,精心设计

If you say that someone orchestrates an event or situation, you mean that they carefully organize it in a way that will produce the result that they want,especially secretly.

a carefully orchestrated promotional campaign 精心策划的广告宣传活动

6.make efforts to curb one's impact on努力控制对……的(消极)影响

?curb n.缰绳,路缘,控制&v.控制(to control or limit something in order to prevent it from having a harmful effect)control

measures to curb the spread of the virus 控制病毒扩散的措施

We are trying to keep a curb on their activities. 我们正设法控制他们的活动

curb an emotion or your behaviour

He curbed his temper.他控制住了自己的脾气。

?impact 消极影响

have an impact on/upon

brace for impact紧急迫降(航空术语)

7. routinely =regularly惯常地,例行地If something is routinely done, it is done as a normal part of a process or job

route n.路线

8.interpret v.

1)to translate spoken words from one language into another口译(translate翻译,笔译) They spoke good Spanish, and promised to interpret for me. 他们西班牙语说得很好,答应替我翻译。

2)把……理解(解释)为interpret sth as sth

His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company. 他拒绝加班被认为是对公司缺少奉献精神。

3)to explain the meaning of something解释,阐释=account for =shed light on

Freud’s attempts to interpret the meaning of dreams 弗洛伊德对梦的含义的解析interpreter口译员



automotive adj.汽车的relating to cars

automobile(=auto) n.汽车An automobile is a car.

the automobile industry. 汽车工业

assembly n.集会,大会;组装,装配

instructions for assembly 装配说明书


Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire,Allen concluded:"We do not attract what we want,but what we are."

chord 和谐

accord with




be hostile to对……有敌意



judiciary adj.司法的

jury n.陪审团

adjudicate v.裁判评判

adjudicater n.裁判


But today,a disruption to family fortunes can not longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

disruption 瓦解,奔溃


pink slip解雇书=be laid off(lay off)=be fired=cut the number of employees裁员unemployment


abundance abundancy


diagnose 诊断dialogue对话


pink news 桃色新闻

scandal 丑闻

rumor hearsay 谣言

pink tea 社交茶话

14.set off the row

a row of cottages 一列房舍


cognitive 认知的



social epidemics狂热流行

考研英语词汇识记与应用大全 Chapter 1: - 高频词汇- unit 01 ·state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm ·public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil ·law claw lawful lawsuit flaw lawyer legislation ·mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication ·influence influential impact ·live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle ·federal federation FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) ·large largely enlarge

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unit 01 state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil law claw lawful lawsuit flaw Lawyer legislation mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication influence influential impact live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle federal federation FBI CIA large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark remarkable landmark blot spot stain symbol system systematic systematically regime organization structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain unit 02 peer gaze at stare at glare at contemporary issue tissue claim proclaim disclaim acclaim lay claim to allege contend patent intellectual property court courteous Line hardline underline decline online offline 2


unit 01 state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil law claw lawful lawsuit flaw Lawyer legislation mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication influence influential impact live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle federal federation FBI CIA large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark remarkable landmark blot spot stain symbol system systematic systematically regime organization structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain unit 02 peer gaze at stare at glare at contemporary issue tissue claim proclaim disclaim acclaim lay claim to allege contend patent intellectual property court courteous Line hardline underline decline online offline

新东方恋练有词考研英语词汇 案场各岗位服务流程 销售大厅服务岗: 1、销售大厅服务岗岗位职责: 1)为来访客户提供全程的休息区域及饮品; 2)保持销售区域台面整洁; 3)及时补足销售大厅物资,如糖果或杂志等; 4)收集客户意见、建议及现场问题点; 2、销售大厅服务岗工作及服务流程 阶段工作及服务流程 班前阶段1)自检仪容仪表以饱满的精神面貌进入工作区域 2)检查使用工具及销售大厅物资情况,异常情况及时登记并报告上级。 班中工作程序服务 流程 行为 规范 迎接 指引 递阅 资料 上饮品 (糕点) 添加茶水 工作 要求 1)眼神关注客人,当客人距3米距离 时,应主动跨出自己的位置迎宾,然后 侯客迎询问客户送客户

注意事项 15度鞠躬微笑问候:“您好!欢迎光临!”2)在客人前方1-2米距离领位,指引请客人向休息区,在客人入座后问客人对座位是否满意:“您好!请问坐这儿可以吗?”得到同意后为客人拉椅入座“好的,请入座!” 3)若客人无置业顾问陪同,可询问:请问您有专属的置业顾问吗?,为客人取阅项目资料,并礼貌的告知请客人稍等,置业顾问会很快过来介绍,同时请置业顾问关注该客人; 4)问候的起始语应为“先生-小姐-女士早上好,这里是XX销售中心,这边请”5)问候时间段为8:30-11:30 早上好11:30-14:30 中午好 14:30-18:00下午好 6)关注客人物品,如物品较多,则主动询问是否需要帮助(如拾到物品须两名人员在场方能打开,提示客人注意贵重物品); 7)在满座位的情况下,须先向客人致歉,在请其到沙盘区进行观摩稍作等

待; 阶段工作及服务流程 班中工作程序工作 要求 注意 事项 饮料(糕点服务) 1)在所有饮料(糕点)服务中必须使用 托盘; 2)所有饮料服务均已“对不起,打扰一 下,请问您需要什么饮品”为起始; 3)服务方向:从客人的右面服务; 4)当客人的饮料杯中只剩三分之一时, 必须询问客人是否需要再添一杯,在二 次服务中特别注意瓶口绝对不可以与 客人使用的杯子接触; 5)在客人再次需要饮料时必须更换杯 子; 下班程 序1)检查使用的工具及销售案场物资情况,异常情况及时记录并报告上级领导; 2)填写物资领用申请表并整理客户意见;3)参加班后总结会; 4)积极配合销售人员的接待工作,如果下班时间已经到,必须待客人离开后下班;

四级恋练有词课程 Unit 1 A. 单词识记 ?m an[n.]男人;人类;(有某类嗜好的)人 ?The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "Impossible".—Napoleon ?凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能"的。 ?同义替换词: ?person, mankind, boy, humanity, guy ?That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.--尼尔·阿姆斯特朗?对于一个人来说,这只是一小步;但是对于人类来说,这却是一大步。 ?形近词 ?manager [n.] 经理;管理人(明星、艺人等的)经纪人;业务管理人?German [adj.] 德国的[n.] 德国人 ?manufacturer [n.] 生产商;制作商 ?policeman [n.] 警察 ?human [adj.] 人的;人类的[n.] 人

?can [aux.] 能;会;可能[n.] 罐头;容器[v.] 开罐 ?[tongue twister] Can you can a can as a canner can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样开罐头吗? ?形近词 ?candidate [n. ] 候选人;投考者 ?cancer [n. ] 癌,癌症;肿瘤 ?scan [n. ] 细看;浏览;扫描 ?candle [n. ] 蜡烛;烛形物;烛光 ?more [adj.]更多的[adv.]更多地;更大程度上 ?同义替换词: ?furthermore, besides, ?additional, additionally ?形近词 ?moreover [adv. ] 再者;加之;此外 ?furthermore [adv. ] 而且;此外 ?p e op le[n.] 人;人们;(与政府或上流社会相对的)人民;民众;大众 ?同义替换词: ?mankind, citizen, nation, folk ?low [adj.] 低的;矮的;低下的 ?同义替换词:flat ?形近词 ?follow [v. ] 跟随;跟着;尾随;遵循(建议、指示等);跟踪 ?flow [v. ] 流动;流向;(信息)传播 ?hollow[v. ] 空的;空心的;空洞的 ?mat [n.] 席子;草席;垫子 ?形近词 ?matter [n.] 事情;(是…的)问题;关乎…的问题;(印刷或阅读的)材料;(有形的)物质[v.] 有关系;要紧;有影响 ?material [n.] 材料;素材[adj.] 物质的 ?l et [v.]允许;让;使 ?同义替换词: ?have, grant, suppose ?形近词 ?completely [adj.] 完整地;齐全地;全部地;彻底地 ?outlet [n.] 出口;出路;发泄;折扣店

1.State: n. 状况,状态,情况,情形condition状况 英译1:the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in. She was in an extremely confused state of mind .她思绪纷乱。 She can’t go home now. Look at the state of her! 她现在不能回家。看看她这副样子! The country was in a state of war这个国家正处于战争状态。 Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid. 水有三种形态: 液态、气态和固态。 PART OF A COUNTRY 国家的一部分 英译2:one of the areas with limited law-making powers that together make up a country controlled by a central government, such as the US and Australia 州;邦n. Queensland is one of the states of Australia. 昆士兰是澳大利亚的一个州 state and federal taxes 州政府和联邦政府征收的税 the state government 州政府 2.statute 英译1:a law passed by a parliament, council etc and formally written down n.法令,法规; Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute (= established by law ) . 保障消费者权益已有法律明文规定。 a formal rule of an institution or organization 〔某机构、组织的〕条例;章程n. ?College statutes forbid drinking on campus. 大学校规禁止在校园内喝酒 3.manifestation n. 表现;显示;示威运动 Fever is one manifestation of cold. 发烧是感冒的一种表现形式。 4. statistic

unit 01 influential stressed-out state impact highlight statute live emphasize manifestation alive strain statistic deliver unit 02 statistical delivery peer stationary outlive gaze at statement liveliness stare at understatement livelihood glare at overstate live off contemporary statesman dwell issue estate reside tissue devastate survive claim devastating survival proclaim workstation inhabit disclaim status settle acclaim assert federal lay claim to affirm federation allege public FBI contend publication CIA patent republican large intellectual publicity largely property publicized enlarge court publicly at large courteous in public bulky Line mass outsize hardline civil huge underline law mark decline claw market online lawful marketplace offline lawsuit marked coastline flaw marketer deadline Lawyer remark incline legislation remarkable baseline mean landmark airline meaning blot outline well-meaning spot lineage meaningless stain pipeline meaningfully symbol guideline means system in line with meanwhile systematic series by means of systematically row by no means regime boundary indicate organization bound implication structure route influence stress succession

四级高频词汇第1讲 Albert Einstein: “Miracles are what happen when you get out of the way of yourself. 关于词汇记忆 The oppressed ________ freedom. A. requires B. demands C. requests Require: ask for firmly Demand: the ruler sets a rule with the expectation that nobody would refute it. Request: ask for politely entail 【真题例句3】【v】尊重,重视 Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers. 【真题例句12】【n】价值,重视 Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect. 关于单词记忆法 1、拆分联想记忆法 in no cent a.无辜的天真无邪的 re ti cent a.沉默寡言

parallel 趴了来哦 lel lul level 平 lullaby lull – baby 2、谐音记忆法 mortal a.致命的 ponderous adj.笨重的、沉重的,文章冗长的 labor v/n.劳动 ambulance n. 救护车 jeopardize v. 冒险 3、形近对比记忆法 adopt adapt adept adopt v.收养采纳 adapt v. 1. 适应~ oneself to She adapted herself to the whole new environment 2. 改编adaptable adept a.娴熟的 be adept at be adept at making up the excuses ConservePreserveReserve 4、串记法

Unit_1(共5题) 1【真题例句1】2007年text 4 The current _____ of affairs may have been encouraged—though not justified —by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. ?[A] status ?[B] state ?[C] estate ?[D] statute 选择答案:A B C D 您的答案: 正确答案:B 试题解析: 参考译文:由于(在美国,而不是欧洲)缺乏对数据泄漏的法律制裁,因此可能会助长这一事态的形成,尽管这一点还未得到证实。 2【真题例句2】2013年text 3 That’s one reason why we have launched Arc, a new _______ dedicated to the near future. ?[A] publicity ?[B] republic ?[C] public ?[D] publication 选择答案:A B C D 您的答案: 正确答案:D 试题解析: 参考译文:这就是我们推出《弧》的原因之一。《弧》是一本致力于不久的将来的新出版物。 3【真题例句3】2014年翻译There is a ______ difference between the education which everyone gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. ?[A] marked ?[B] mark ?[C] market ?[D] make 选择答案:A B C D 您的答案: 正确答案:A

Unit 11 govern vt.统治;管理;?支配;控制;影响government n.政府 governance n.统治?方式,管理?方法 government-funded adj.政府拨款的 self-governing adj.?自我管理的 administrate v.管理 be governed by受约束,被控制 conduct v.引领,引导 interpret v.解释,了解,认为 interpretation n.翻译;解释 misinterpret v.曲解 define v.使明确,解释 misinterpret v.指定,详述 prove v.证明,证实;结果是;证明是;检验;考验;鉴定improve v.提?高;提升;改善;增进 proverb n.谚语 show v.说明,表明,表现出n.(电视或??广播)节??目;秀confirm v.证实,证明,确认 return v.回来;归来 n.回报;利润;收益[常?用pl.] returning adj.回头的 overturn v.(使)翻转;推翻; n.翻转;打翻;颠覆;废除 in return for作为......的回报 industrial adj?工业的;产业的 industry n.产业;?工业,?行业;勤勉 industrialized adj.?工业化的 industrialization n.?工业化 measure v.量,测量;衡量n.衡量;估量;尺?寸;?大?小; oppose v.反对;反抗 opponent n.对?手,敌?手;反对者adj.对?立的;敌对的


unit 01 state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil law claw lawful lawsuit flaw Lawyer legislation mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication influence influential impact live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle federal federation FBI CIA large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark remarkable landmark blot spot stain symbol system systematic systematically regime organization structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain unit 02 peer gaze at stare at glare at contemporary issue tissue claim proclaim disclaim acclaim lay claim to allege contend patent intellectual property court courteous Line hardline underline decline online offline

manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil

claw lawful lawsuit flaw lawyer legislation mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication influence influential impact live alive deliver delivery

liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle federal federation large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark

landmark blot spot stain symbol system systematic systematically regime organization structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain peer gaze at stare at glare at contemporary issue tissue claim


Unit 1 Live 居住,生活;生命;有生命的,现场直播的 alive 【adj】活着的,有生气的,活跃的liveliness 【n】活力 deliver 【v】给…接生;释放;表达;传送【n】传递 livelihood 【n】生计 outlive 【v】比…活得长,比…经久 largely 【adv】主要地;大部分;大量地enlarge 【v】扩大;放大;详述 market 【n】市场,营销,行情【v】出售remarkable 【adj】卓越的,非凡的,辉煌的markedly 【adj】显著的,明显的;有记号的remark 【v】评论;觉察;评论【n】注意;言辞 marketplace 【n】市集,商场,市场landmark 【n】地标;里程碑 guideline 【n】挃导方针 decline 【v】下降;婉拒 discipline 【n】纪律;学科;训练;惩罚incline 【v】倾斜;倾向;易于 underline 【v】在…下划线;强调;突出 linen 【n】亚麻布,亚麻线;亚麻制品【adj】亚麻布(的) loneliness 【n】孤独,寂寞airline 【n】航线,航空公司 pipeline 管线,管道 in the pipeline 在筹备中 headline 【n】大标题,头版头条新闻 outline 【n】轮廓;大纲;概要 in line with 和……成直线,与……一致,按照boundary边界,分界线 bound 界限,限制 succession 继承,连续 procession 队伍,行列 lineage 【n】血统;家系;世系 friendliness 【n】亲切;友谊;亲密coastline 【n】海岸线 live off 依赖……生活,依赖 dwell居住于,存在于 reside 定居于,属于 inhabit 居住于 at large 自由,一般,大体上,详细地 bulky 庞大的,体积大的outsize 特大的 blot 污点 spot 点,斑点 stain 污渍,玷污,污染 symbol 象征,标志Unit 2 value 【n】价格;价值;重要性【vt】评价,估计;尊重,重视 overvalue 对……评价过高,过分重视 devalue 贬值的,减值的 economically 【adv】节约地, 节俭地,节省地;在经济上; productivity 【n】生产力 govern 【v】统治管理 publication 【n】刊物,发表,发布,发行economics 【n】经济 organize 【vt】组织,编组 meaningless 【adj】无聊的,毫无意义的product 【n】产品,产物;乘积 production 【n】成果;产品;生产;作品economic 【adj】经济(上)的,经济学的government-funded 【adj】政府拨款的disorganize 【v】扰乱; 使混乱; 瓦解productive 【adj】生产的, 生产性的; 多产的; 丰饶的; 肥沃的 public 【n】公众,民众;【adj.】公众的,公共的;公开的 uneconomic 【adj】不经济的,不盈利的socioeconomic 【adj】社会经济的 meaning 【n】意义、含义 self-governing 【n】自我管理 well-meaning 【adj】好心的;善意的 identify 【v】识别鉴别把···看成和···一样 by means of 借助于 publicly 【adv】公然地;以公众之名 provide 为…提供… offer for 【v】提供,供给 governance 【n】统治权,管理权 publicity 【n】公开,宣扬,曝光度,知名度 identity 【n】身仹;统一性 meaningful 【adj.】有意义的 offer 【v】提供;提出;呈现;【n】提议;提供 provider 【n】提供者 in public 公开地,当众

unit 01 state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil law claw lawful lawsuit flaw Lawyer legislation mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication influence influential impact live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle federal federation FBI CIA large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge mark market marketplace marked marketer remark remarkable landmark blot spot stain symbol system systematic systematically regime organization structure stress stressed-out highlight emphasize strain unit 02 peer gaze at stare at glare at contemporary issue tissue claim proclaim disclaim acclaim lay claim to allege contend patent intellectual property court courteous Line hardline underline decline online offline coastline

Tammy的恋练有词课程笔记(导学部分) 恋练有词导学部分 (建议新版课程最少听两遍老版课程最少听一遍)(绿色版本版聚焦2004年----现在黄色版本聚焦199 5年-2011年) 关于恋练有词这门课 Why does being your best friend entail me doing everything I don’t want to do? Why does being the most intelligent creature in this blue planet entail us doing everything unfriendly to our living condition? 恋练有词的最佳配套学习方案(范读原版) FT中文网每日泛读1篇(范读成功与否能否1:复述出全文的主旨中心思想2:能否说出文章结构)(电脑上有速度测试至少160-180个单词每分钟) 与恋练有词相关的书籍推荐 1:三本经济学人2:命题人讲真题3:考研英语官方指南4:英语考研写作宝典(红皮) 5:英文应试写作话题素材大全(黑皮)6:朱伟小黄书 恋练有词导学之考研英语备考全攻略 Tip1前期准备(1-5月)背单词+泛读原版 Tip2勤练真题(6-8月)1995年-2006年真题 ①:掐表做题②:精读查阅词汇解析长难句③:模版句型背诵及模仿(写作素材) ④:研究选项答案(阅读理解):感情色彩细节服从主旨逻辑关系 阅读15分钟每篇 新题型20分钟 大作文40分钟 小作文20分钟 完型20分钟 翻译20分钟 冲刺阶段9月-12月英语一2007年----最近真题重复6--8月①---④ 然后错题归类:所有错题的归类:无中生有断章取义偷换概念逻辑颠倒 不要强求不可知要从已知推未知 输在过度推理赢在服从主旨 写作乃成败关键 一阶段:3-8月练句子练结构 二阶段:9-12月全文操练点题 图表作文(英语二英语一)(200字左右)一段what第二段why/effect第三段how 漫画作文(英语一):220-280字

Unit1 正确答案:A 参考翻译:但是在过去的10万年,甚至是刚过去的这100年间,我们的生活已经被改变但我们的身体却没有变化。 正确答案:C Deliver是及物动词,所以~ on错误 Carry on是继续做的意思 Perform on此处为施加在......上面的意思 Apply不及物时搭配for或to, apply for指申请,apply to 指适用于;apply及物时,一般用apply something to或be applied to,指应用于.......上面 参考翻译:关于动物智慧的研究让我很想知道,如果动物也有同等机会的话,他们会在人的身上做什么实验呢。

正确答案:B 参考翻译:然而,当两只猴子被分离开但处于邻接的房间时,它们能够观察到对方在用石头换取物品,结果它们的行为就显然不一样了。 正确答案:D 参考翻译:由于严密的学校纪律已经为大脑做好了准备,美国的男孩们很快就发展成为了熟练工人。 Unit2 正确答案:B 参考翻译:若要避免食物短缺,那就必须在增加农业产量方面下功夫。 正确答案:C 参考翻译:最近对于标准化测试的强调突出的是分析和程序,这意味着我们很少有人生来就使用创造性的和协作性的思维模式。

正确答案:C offer主语一般只能是人,而provide主语既可以是人也可以是物,主语是物时,翻译为“规定”,这里为了使翻译的意思明细顺畅,用了“创造”这个翻法,也体现了翻译时的一个重要原则,符合不同语言的北京和表达习惯,进行翻译是的用词转化。grant指赐予,赋予,有高尚的感觉;supply指补给。 参考翻译:月亮的移动很便捷的创造了“月”这个单位。 Unit3 正确答案:C disapproval:不赞成,不许可,是动词disapprove的名词形式 rejection和refusal都有"拒绝"的意义,但是在表示"遭到拒绝"时,搭配不同, get/meet with a refusal,have many rejections, 另外,a flat refusal(断然拒绝)是一个惯用搭配 参考翻译:我很努力地试着去说服他加入我们组,但是他拒绝了我。

Unit 11 govern : 【vt.】统治;管理;支配;控制;影响 形近词 government (n.)政府 governance(n.)统治方式,管理方法 government-funded(adj.)政府拨款的 self-governing(adj.)自我管理的 同义词 administrate(v.)管理 词组 be governed by:受约束,被控制 近义词 conduct (v.)引领,引导 interpret【v.】解释,了解,认为 形近词 interpretation(n.)翻译;解释 misinterpret(v.)曲解 补充词汇 define(v.)使明确,解释 misinterpret(v.)指定,详述 prove: 【v.】证明,证实;结果是;证明是;检验;考验;鉴定形近词 improve (v.)提高;提升;改善;增进 proverb (n.)谚语 补充词汇 show(v.)说明,表明,表现出 (n.)(电视或广播)节目;秀 近义词 confirm(v.)证实,证明,确认 return: 【v.】返回;回来;归来;回答 【n.】回报;利润;收益[常用pl.] 形近词 returning(adj.)回头的 overturn(v.)( 使) 翻转;推翻;撤销( 判决);颠覆(n.)翻转;打翻;颠覆;废除 词组 in return for:作为......的回报 industrial 【adj】工业的;产业的 形近词 industry(n.)产业;工业,行业;勤勉

industrialized(adj.)工业化的 industrialization(n.)工业化 measure:【v.】量,测量;估量;衡量 【n.】衡量;估量;尺寸;大小;[常pl.]措施,办法 oppose:【v.】反对;反抗 形近词 opponent(n.)对手,敌手;反对者 (adj.)对立的;敌对的 词组 be opposed to:反对....;背道而驰 同义词 repel (v.)排斥;击退 deny (v.) 否认;否认与...有关系;不承认;抛弃 counter(v.)反击;反驳 imagine【v.】想象;设想;料想 形近词 image(n.)形象;化身 imaging(n.)成像 imaginary(adj.)虚构的;想象中的 unimaginable(adj.)难以想象的 imaginative(adj.)创造性的;爱想象的 近义词 dream (v.)梦想;想到;梦到 picture(v.)想象,描写 drop: 【v.】落下;下降;失落;放弃;终止 【n.】滴,落下,微量 词组 drop by:顺道拜访 drop out:退学;退出 engage: 【v.】( 使) 从事于;( 使) 参加;( 使) 订婚;引起;吸引;聘用形近词 engagement(n.)订婚,婚约;约会;约定;雇佣;参与 词组 engage in :从事于;参加 engage with:交战;与...接洽 property: 【n.】财产;资产,所有物;性质;特性 近义词 asset(n.)有用的物(或人);财富;资产;财产

新东方恋练有词考研英语 词汇 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

考研英语词汇识记与应用大全 Chapter 1: - 高频词汇 - unit 01 ·state statute manifestation statistic statistical stationary statement understatement overstate statesman estate devastate devastating workstation status assert affirm ·public publication republican publicity publicized publicly in public mass civil ·law claw lawful lawsuit flaw lawyer legislation ·mean meaning well-meaning meaningless meaningfully means meanwhile by means of by no means indicate implication ·influence influential impact ·live alive deliver delivery outlive liveliness livelihood live off dwell reside survive survival inhabit settle ·federal federation FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) ·large largely enlarge at large bulky outsize huge ·mark

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