当前位置:文档之家› 2020大学英语四级词汇带音标:P字母开头




pace/ peis/ n.步,步速 vi.踱步

pacific/ p’sifik/ a.和平的 n.太平洋

pack/ pk/ vt.捆扎;挤满 n.包

package/ ‘pkid/ n.包裹,包,捆

packet/ ‘pkit/ n.小包(裹),小捆

pad/ pd/ n.垫;本子 vt.填塞

page/ peid/ n.页

pain/ pein/ n.痛,疼痛;辛苦

painful/ ‘peinful/ a.使痛的;费力的

paint/ peint/ vt.画;油漆 vi.绘画

painter/ ‘peint/ n.漆工,画家,绘画者

painting/ ‘peinti/ n.油画;绘画;着色

pair/ pe/ n.一对 vi.成对,配对

palace/ ‘plis/ n.宫,宫殿

pale/ peil/ a.苍白的;浅的

palm/ pa:m/ n.手掌,手心;掌状物

pan/ pn/ n.平底锅,盘子

panel/ ‘pnl/ n.专门小组;面,板

paper/ ‘peip/ n.纸;官方文件;文章

parade/ p’reid/ n.*;检阅 vi.*

paragraph/ ‘prgra:f/ n.(文章的)段,节

parallel/ ‘prlel/ a.平行的;相同的

parcel/ ‘pa:sl/ n.包裹,小包,邮包

pardon/ ‘pa:dn/ n.原谅;赦免 vt.原谅

parent/ ‘pernt/ n.父亲,母亲,双亲

park/ pa:k/ n.公园;停车场

parliament/ ‘pa:lmnt/ n.议会,国会

part/ pa:t/ n.一部分;零件;本份

partial/ ‘pa:l/ a.部分的;不公平的

participate/ pa:’tisipeit/ vi.参与,参加;分享particle/ ‘pa:tikl/ n.粒子,微粒

particular/ p’tikjul/ a.特殊的;特定的particularly/ p’tikjulli/ ad.特别,尤其,格外partly/ ‘pa:tli/ ad.部分地,不完全地

partner/ ‘pa:tn/ n.伙伴;搭挡;配偶

party/ ‘pa:ti/ n.党,党派;聚会

pass/ pa:s/ vt.经过;通过;度过

passage/ ‘psid/ n.通过;通路,通道

passenger/ ‘psind/ n.乘客,旅客,过路人

passion/ ‘pn/ n.激情,热情;爱好passive/ ‘psiv/ a.被动的;消极的passport/ ‘pa:sp:t/ n.护照

past/ past/ a.过去的 n.过去

paste/ peist/ n.糊,酱;浆湖

pat/ pt/ n.&vt.&n.轻拍

patch/ pt/ n.补钉;碎片 vt.补缀

path/ pa:θ/ n.路,小道;道路patience/ ‘peins/ n.忍耐,容忍,耐心patient/ ‘peint/ a.忍耐的 n.病人pattern/ ‘ptn/ n.型,式样,模,模型pause/ p:z/ n.&vi.中止,暂停

paw/ p:/ n.脚爪,爪子

pay/ pei/ vt.支付;付给;给予

payment/ ‘peimnt/ n.支付,支付的款项pea/ pi:/ n.豌豆;豌豆属植物

peace/ pi:s/ n.和平;和睦;平静peaceful/ ‘pi:sful/ a.和平的;安静的peach/ pi:t/ n.桃子,桃树

peak/ pi:k/ n.山顶,巅 a.的

pear/ pe/ n.梨子,梨树

peasant/ ‘peznt/ n.农民

peculiar/ pi’kju:lj/ a.特有的;特别的

pen/ pen/ n.钢笔,自来水笔

pencil/ ‘pensl/ n.铅笔

penetrate/ ‘penitreit/ vt.穿过 vi.穿入

penny/ ‘peni/ n.(英)便士;(美)分

people/ ‘pi:pl/ n.人民,民族;人

per/ p:/ prep.每

perceive/ p’si:v/ vt.察觉,发觉;理解

percent/ p’sent/ n.百分之…

percen tage/ p’sentid/ n.百分比,百分率

perfect/ ‘p:fikt, ‘p:fekt/ a.完美的;完全的perform/ p’f:m/ vt.履行,执行;演出performance/ p’f:mns/ n.履行;演出;行为perhaps/ p’hps/ ad.也许,可能,多半

period/ ‘pirid/ n.时期;学时;句号

permanent/ ‘p:mnnt/ a.永久的,持久的permission/ p(:)’min/ n.允许,许可,同意permit/ p:’mit, ‘p:mit/ vt.允许 n.执照persist/ p:’sist/ vi.坚持,固执;持续

person/ ‘p:sn/ n.人;人身;本人

personal/ ‘p:snl/ a.个人的;本人的personnel/ p:s’nel/ n.全体人员,全体职员perspective/ p:’spektiv/ n.透视;远景;观点persuade/ p:’sweid/ vt.说服 vi.被说服pessimistic/ pesi’mistik/ a.悲观的;厌世的pet/ pet/ n.爱畜;宠儿a.宠爱的

petrol/ ‘petrl/ n.(英)汽油

petroleum/ pi’truljm/ n.石油

phase/ feiz/ n.阶段;方面;相位

phenomenon/ fi’nminn/ n.现象

philosopher/ fi’lsf/ n.哲学家

philosophy/ fi’lsfi/ n.哲学;哲理;人生观phone/ fun/ n.电话,电话机;耳机

photo/ ‘futu/ n.照片,相片

photograph/ ‘futgra:f/ n.照片,相片phrase/ freiz/ n.短语;习惯用语

physical/ ‘fizikl/ a.物质的;物理的physician/ fi’zin/ n.医生,内科医生physicist/ ‘fizisist/ n.物理学家

physics/ ‘fiziks/ n.物理学

piano/ pi’nu/ n.钢琴

pick/ pik/ n.镐,鹤嘴锄

pick/ pik/ vt.拾,摘 vi.采摘

picnic/ ‘piknik/ n.郊游,野餐 vi.野餐picture/ ‘pikt/ n.画,图片 vt.画

pie/ pai/ n.(西点)馅饼

piece/ pi:s/ n.碎片,块 vt.拼合pierce/ pis/ vt.剌穿 vi.穿入

pig/ pig/ n.猪,小猪,野猪

pigeon/ pidin/ n.鸽子

pile/ pail/ n.堆 vt.堆叠,累积

pill/ pil/ n.药丸,丸剂

pillar/ ‘pil/ n.柱,柱子;栋梁

pillow/ ‘pilu/ n.枕头

pilot/ ‘pailt/ n.领航员;飞行员

pin/ pin/ n.针,饰针 n.别住

pinch/ pint/ vt.捏,拧,掐掉

pine/ pain/ n.松树,松木

pink/ pik/ n.粉红色 a.粉红色的

pint/ paint/ n.品脱

pioneer/ pai’ni/ n.拓荒者;先驱者

pipe/ paip/ n.管子,导管;烟斗

pit/ pit/ n.坑,地坑;煤矿

pitch/ pit/ n.沥青

pitch/ pit/ vt.投,掷 vi.投掷

pity/ ‘piti/ n.怜悯;遗憾 vt.同情

place/ pleis/ n.地方,地点;住所

plain/ plein/ n.平原 a.清楚的

plan/ pln/ n.&vt.计划,打算

plane/ plein/ n.平面;飞机

planet/ ‘plnit/ n.行星

plant/ pla:nt/ n.植物;工厂 vt.栽种plantation/ pln’tein/ n.种植园;栽植plastic/ ‘plstik/ a.可塑的 n.塑料

plate/ pleit/ n.板,片,盘 vt.电镀platform/ ‘pltf:m/ n.平台;站台;讲台play/ plei/ vi.玩,游戏;演奏

player/ ‘plei/ n.游戏的人;比赛者playground/ ‘pleigraund/ n.操场,运动场pleasant/ ‘pleznt/ a.令人愉快的,舒适的please/ pli:z/ vt.使高兴,请vi.满意pleasure/ ‘ple/ n.愉快,快乐;乐事plentiful/ ‘plentiful/ a.丰富的,富裕的

plenty/ ‘plenti/ n.丰富,充足,大量plot/ plt/ n.小块土地 vt.密谋

plough/ plau/ n.犁 vt.&vi.犁,耕plug/ plΛg/ n.塞子;插头 vt.塞plunge/ plΛnd/ vt.使投入;使陷入plural/ ‘plurl/ a.复数的 n.复数plus/ plΛs/ prep.加,加上 a.正的pocket/ ‘pkit/ n.衣袋 n.袖珍的poem/ ‘puim/ n.诗,韵文,诗体文poet/ puit/ n.诗人

poetry/ ‘puitri/ n.诗,诗歌,诗作pint/ pint/ n.点;要点;细目;分

pison/ ‘pizn/ n.毒,毒药 vt.毒害pisonous/ ‘pizns/ a.有毒的,有害的pole/ pul/ n.杆,柱

pole/ pul/ n.极(点),磁极,电极police/ p’li:s/ n.警察;警察* policeman/ p’li:smn/ n.警察

policy/ ‘plisi/ n.政策,方针

polish/ ‘pli/ vt.磨光;使优美

polite/ p’lait/ a.有礼貌的;有教养的

political/ p’litikl/ a.政治的,政治上的politician/ pli’tin/ n.政治家;政客politics/ ‘plitiks/ n.政治,政治学;政纲pollute/ p’lju:t/ vt.弄脏,污染,沾污pollution/ p’lu:n/ n.污染

pond/ pnd/ n.池塘

pool/ pu:l/ n.水塘,游泳池,水池

pool/ pu:l/ n.共用物 vt.共有

poor/ pu/ a.贫穷的;贫乏的

pop/ pp/ n.流行音乐,流行歌曲

pop/ pp/ n.砰的一声,爆破声

popular/ ‘ppjul/ a.民众的;流行的population/ ppju’lein/ n.人口;全体居民pork/ p:k/ n.猪肉

port/ p:t/ n.港,港口

portable/ ‘p:tbl/ a.轻便的;手提的porter/ ‘p:t/ n.搬运工人

portion/ ‘p:n/ n.一部分;一分

portrait/ ‘p:trit/ n.消像,画像position/ p’zin/ n.位置;职位;姿势positive/ ‘pztiv/ a.确定的;积极的

possess/ ‘p’zes/ vt.占用,拥有(财产) possession/ p’zen/ n.有,所有;占有物possibility/ ps’biliti/ n.可能;可能的事possible/ ‘psbl/ a.可能的;可能存有的possibly/ ‘psbli/ ad.可能地;也许

post/ pust/ n.柱,桩,杆 vt.贴出

post/ pust/ n. 邮政,邮寄;邮件

post/ pust/ n.岗位,哨所;职位

postage/ ‘pustid/ n.邮费,邮资

postman/ ‘pustmn/ n.邮递员

postpone/ pust’pun/ vt.延迟,推迟,延缓pot/ pt/ n.锅,壶,罐,盆

potato/ pu’teitu/ n.马铃薯,土豆potential/ p’tenl/ a.潜在的 n.潜力pound/ paund/ n.磅;英磅

pound/ paund/ vt.捣碎;舂烂;猛击

pour/ p:/ vt.灌,倒 vi.倾泻

poverty/ ‘pvti/ n.贫穷,贫困

powder/ ‘paud/ n.粉末;药粉;火药

power/ ‘pau/ n.水平;力;权;幂

powerful/ ‘pauful/ a.强有力的;有的

practical/ ‘prktikl/ a.实践的;实用的practically/ ‘prktikli/ ad.实际上;几乎practice/ ‘prktis/ n.实践;练习;业务practise/ ‘prktis/ vt.练习,实习,训练praise/ preiz/ n.赞扬,赞美 vi.赞扬

pray/ prei/ vt.&vi.请求;祈祷

precaution/ pri’k:n/ n.预防;警惕preceding/ pri(:)’si:di/ a.在前的;在先的precious/ ‘pres/ a.珍贵的,宝贵的

precise/ pri’sais/ a.精确的,准确的precision/ pri’sin/ n.精确,精密,精密度predict/ pri’dikt/ v.预言,预告,预测preface/ ‘prefis/ n.序言,前言,引语prefer/ pri’f:/ vt.宁可,宁愿

preferable/ ‘prefrbl/ a.更可取的,更好的preference/ ‘prefrns/ n.偏爱,优先;优先权prejudice/ ‘predudis/ n.偏见,成见preliminary/ pri’liminri/ a.预备的,初步的preparation/ prep’rein/ n.准备,预备;制备prepare/ pri’pe/ vt.&vi.准备,预备preposition/ prep’zin/ n.前置词,介词

prescribe/ pris’kraib/ vt.命令;处(方) presence/ ‘prezns/ n.出席,到场;在present/ ‘preznt/ a.现在的 n.当前present/ ‘preznt/ vt.赠送; 介绍; 提出present/ ‘preznt/ n.礼物,赠送物presently/ ‘prezntli/ ad.一会儿;当前preserve/ pri’z:v/ vt.保护;保存;腌渍president/ ‘prezidnt/ n.总统;校长;会长press/ pres/ vt.压,按,揿;催促

pressure/ ‘pre/ n.压力;压力;压,按pretend/ pri’tend/ vt.假托,借口vi.假装pretty/ ‘priti/ a.漂亮的,标致的

prevail/ pri’veil/ vi.胜,优胜;流行prevent/ pri’vent/ vt.预防,防止;阻止

p revious/ ‘pri:vjs/ a.先的;前的 ad.在前price/ prais/ n.价格,价钱;代价

pride/ praid/ n.骄傲;自豪 vt.自夸primarily/ ‘praimrili/ ad.首先;主要地primary/ ‘praimri/ a.最初的;基本的

prime/ praim/ a.首要的 n.春,青春primitive/ ‘primitiv/ a.原始的;粗糙的

prince/ ‘prins/ n.王子,亲王

princess/ prin’ses/ n.公主,王妃

principal/ ‘prinspl/ a.主要的 n.负责人

principle/ ‘prinspl/ n.原则,原理;主义

print/ print/ vt.印刷 n.印刷;正片

prior/ ‘prai/ a.在先的;优先的

prison/ ‘prizn/ n.监狱,监禁

prisoner/ ‘prizn/ n.囚犯

private/ ‘praivit/ a.私人的;私下的

privilege/ ‘privilid/ n.特权,优惠

prize/ praiz/ n.奖赏,奖金 vt.珍视

probability/ prb’biliti/ n.可能性;概率

probable/ ‘prbbl/ a.或有的;大概的

probably/ ‘prbbli/ ad.或许,大概

problem/ ‘prblm/ n.问题;习题,问题

procedure/ pr’si:d/ n.程序;手续;过程

proceed/ pr’si:d/ vi.实行;继续实行

pr ocess/ ‘pruses/ n.过程;工序 vt.加工

procession/ pr’sen/ n.队伍,行列

produce/ pr’dju:s, ‘prdju:s/ vt.生产;产生;体现product/ ‘prdkt/ n.产品,产物;(乘)积

production/ pr’dΛkn/ n.生产;产品;总产量profession/ pr’fen/ n.职业

professional/ pr’fenl/ a.职业的 n.专业人员professor/ pr’fes/ n.教授

profit/ ‘prfit/ n.益处;利润 vi.得益

program/ ‘prugrm/ n.节目单;大纲;程序

progress/ ‘prugres, pr’gres/ n.前进,进展;进步progressive/ pr’gresiv/ a.进步的;向前进的prohibit/ pr’hibit/ vt.禁止,阻止

project/ pr’dekt, ‘prdekt/ n.方案,工程 vi.伸出prominent/ ‘prminnt/ a.实起的;突出的

promise/ ‘prmis/ n.诺言;指望 vt.允诺

promote/ pr’mut/ vt.促动,发扬;提升

prompt/ prmpt/ a.即时的 vt.敦促

pronoun/ ‘prunaun/ n.代名词

pronounce/ pr’nauns/ vt.发…的音;宣布pronunciation/ prnΛnsi’ein/ n.发音,发音法proof/ pru:f/ n.证据;证明;校样

proper/ ‘prp/ a.适合的;合乎体统的

property/ ‘prpti/ n.财产,资产;性质

proportion/ pr’p:n/ n.比,比率,部分

proportional/ pr’p:nl/ a.比例的;相称的

proposal/ pr’puzl/ n.提议,建议;求婚

propose/ pr’puz/ vt.提议 vi.求婚

prospect/ ‘prspekt, prs’pekt/ n.展望;前景,前程prosperity/ prs’periti/ n.繁荣;昌盛,兴旺prosperous/ ‘prsprs/ a.繁荣的,昌盛的

protect/ pr’tekt/ vt.保护,保卫,警戒

protection/ pr’tekn/ n.保护,警戒

protective/ pr’tektiv/ a.保护的,防护的

protein/ ‘pruti:n/ n.蛋白质,朊

protest/ pr’test, ‘prutest/ vt.&vi.&n.*

proud/ praud/ a.骄傲的;自豪的

prove/ pru:v/ vt.证明 vi.结果是

provide/ pr’vaid/ vt.提供;装备,供给

provided/ pr’vaidid/ conj.以…为条件

province/ ‘prvins/ n.省;领域,部门

provision/ pr’vin/ n.供应;预备;存粮psychological/ saik’ldikl/ a.心理的,心理学的public/ ‘pΛblik/ a.公众的 n.公众

publication/ pΛbli’kein/ n.公布;出版;出版物publish/ ‘pΛbli/ vt.公布;发表;出版

pull/ pul/ vt.拉,拖;拉,拉力

pulse/ pΛls/ n.脉搏;脉冲,脉动

pump/ pΛmp/ n.泵 vt.用抽机抽

punch/ pΛnt/ vt.冲出 n.冲压机

punch/ pΛnt/ vt.用拳猛击 n.拳打

punctual/ ‘pΛktjul/ a.严守时刻的;准时的punish/ ‘pΛni/ vt.罚,惩罚,处罚

pupil/ ‘pju:pl/ n.学生,小学生

pupil/ ‘pju:pl/ n.瞳孔

purchase/ ‘p:ts/ n.买,购买 vt.买

pure/ pju/ a.纯粹的;纯洁的

purple/ ‘p:pl/ n.紫色 a.紫的

purpose/ ‘p:ps/ n.目的;意图;效果

purse/ p:s/ n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋

pursue/ p’sju:/ vt.追赶,追踪;实行push/ pu/ vt.推,逼迫 vi.推

put/ put/ vt.放,摆;使处于

puzzle/ ‘pΛzl/ n.难题;谜 vi.使迷惑


英语音素分类表 写出下列单词的音标。 1)[ i:] 发音字母组合:e ee ea he we three sheep east tea 2)[ i ] 发音字母组合:i y sit pig big happy sunny 3)[ ?: ]发音字母组合:ir ur girl shirt bird turn nurse hurt 4) [ ? ] 发音字母组合:er or teacher farmer actor doctor visitor 5)[ a: ] 发音字母组合:ar a car far farm arm art park 6)[ ? ] 发音字母组合:u o up fun bus must 7)[ e ]发音字母组合:e a ea egg desk bed west head bread

8)[ ? ]发音字母组合:a ant hand hat sad bad bag 9)[ ?: ]发音字母组合:or oor al short horse pork door floor small 10)[ ? ]发音字母组合:o a hot fox box hobby not 11) [ u: ]发音字母组合:oo o u ou food room boots shoe soup blue 12) [ u ]发音字母组合:oo o u ou look good foot book wood put 13)[ ei ]发音字母组合:a ai ay ea ey name cake lake plane play day 14)[ ai ] 发音字母组合:i y igh bike fine rice my fly light night 15)[ ?i ]发音字母组合:oy oi boy toy soil point 16)[ ?u ]发音字母组合:o oa ow home go no boat goat snow 17) [ au ]发音字母组合:ou ow house mouse south now cow


1.元音: 1) [i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei three tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speak clean he she me Chinese piece believe ︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i] i / y / e / a sit picture list mix fix fit pig build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village 3) [? ] a hand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e] ea / e / a *ai/ei head bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sell hotel many any 5) [?:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve *work worm word world 6) [?] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a / e / u 元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor author delicious generous various jealous pleasure measure leisure culture


英语国际音标新旧对照表 Vowels 元音20个新i:?e??:??u: ??:旧i: i e??:??u: u ?:新?a: e?a?????a???e???旧?ɑ: e i a i ?i?u au i?ε?u? Consonants 辅音28个无 变 化 p b t d k g f v s z em n ?l r h w j ??t?d?tr dr ts dz 48个国际音标对应的字母组合 英语国际音标四线三格书写规范 长元音 [i:][u:][?:][ ?:][ ɑ:] 短元音 [ ?[ ?[ ?[ ?][ e ]? ][?] 双元音 /e?//??//a?//??//??//e?//??//a?/轻辅音 /p // t // k // f// ? // s //θ/ 浊辅音 /b //d// g // v // ? // z // e / 轻辅音/ ts// t?// tr// h/ 浊辅音/ dz//d?//dr// r/ 鼻音 /m// n // ? / 半元音 / j //w/ 舌侧音/ ? / 含糊音/ ? /

1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei ①ee: three[θri:](三)tree [tri:](树)green [ɡri:n](绿色) sheep [?i:p](绵羊)meet [mi:t] (遇见、会见) ②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea [ti:](茶、茶叶)meat [mi:t](肉、肉食) please [pli:z](请、使高兴)teacher [,ti:t??](老师) ③e: he [hi:, i] (他) she [?i:, ?i](她)me [mi:, mi](我,宾格) be[bi:, bi]( [be v-ing]构成进行式) ④ie\ei:piece [pi:s](片, 块)receive [ri,si:v](收到, 接到) ceiling .[,si:li?] (天花板, 顶棚) 2) [i] 发音字母:①i ②y ③e ①i : sit [sit] ((使)坐)it [it] (它) is .[iz;z;s] (是) six .[siks] (六;六个(人或物)) pig [piɡ] (猪) big.[biɡ]( 大的) ②y : any [,eni]( 一点, 一些)dictionary [‘dik??n?ri]( 词典, 字典) twenty .[‘twenti:, ,tw?n ti:] (二十;20) myth .[miθ]( 神话) happy [‘h?pi]( 愉快的, 高兴的)many [‘meni]( 许多, 多的) ③e : defect .[di,fekt]( 缺点, 过失)decide .[di,said] (下决心; (使)决定) de licious .[di’li??s]( 美味的, 可口的) 3) [?] 发音字母: a a : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包) hand .[h?nd] (手) and .[?nd, ?nd]( 和, 与) happy .[,h?pi] (愉快的, 高兴的)black .[bl?k] (黑色的, 黑暗的) 4) [e] 字母组合: ①ea ②e ③a ①ea : head .[hed]( 头部)bread .[bred]( 面包) breakfast .[,brekf?st](早餐)weather .[,wee?](天气) ②e : desk .[desk](书桌, 办公桌)bed .[bed](床, 床位) lesson .[,les?n] (功课, 课)better .[,bet?](更好的) ③a : any [,eni]( 一点, 一些)many [,meni]( 许多, 多的) 5) [?:] 字母组合: ①ir ②ur ③ear ④er ⑤or ①ir :girl .[ɡ?:l] (女孩、少女)shirt .[??:t](衬衫、衬衣) bird .[b?:d](小鸟)first .[f?:st](第一, 最早, 首先) ②ur :turn .[t?:n](翻转、旋转) burn .[b?:n](燃烧) murder .[,m?:d?] (谋杀; 谋杀案)nurse ③ear :learn earn earth heard early ④er :term her serve


英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个) 輔音(28个)

英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen


英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar


常见的字母与字母组合发音规则 (I)元音字母及元音字母组合拼读规则 元音字母的发音 (一)元音字母a 1.重读开音节[ei] paper ; late ; make ; lake ; face 2.重读闭音节[?] bag ; fat ; cat ; ladder ; mass (*例外:any一些[e] ;many许多[e]) 3.非重读音节[?]或[i] 即:[?]—— ago ; along ; among ; above ; aloud [i]—— comrade ; village ; manager ;palace ; private ;necklace *连续相同的辅音(字母),一般只发一个音,而且归属后一个音节段。如上的ladder,village . 4.在字母w或wh后面,发[?] was ; wash ; what ; want ; (*例外:water水[?:]) 5.a在诸如-ance;-ask;-ass;-ast;-ath组合里,重读时均发[a:] 即:dance ;France ; chance ask ;mask ;task ;basket class ;grass ;glass;pass ;——(*例外:mass[?]) fast ;cast ;past ;last ;master ; father ;path ;bath ;——(*例外:maths[?]) (二)元音字母e 1.重读开音节[i:] me ;he ;she ;these ;evening 2.重读闭音节[e] hen ;get ; set ;tell ; echo

3.非重读音节[i] useless ;ticket ;basket ;pocket ;before ;below ; (三)元音字母i或y 1.重读开音节[ai] China ; try ; my ; hi ; time ; guide; 2.重读闭音节[i] sit ; hit ; ill ; little ; system ; 3.非重读音节[i] unit ;study (四)元音字母o 1.重读开音节[?u] no ; so ; go ; home ; photo ; 2.重读闭音节[?] not ; hot ; box ; fox ; cock ; cost ; 3.非重读音节[?] purpose ; concern 4.o在字母m,n,v或th之前,均发[?] son ; month ; come ; ton ; (*例外:Tom[?]) love ; dove ; glove ; above ; another mother ; brother ; become ; some 5.两个单词:woman[‘wu-m?n]女人(单数); women[‘wi-min]女人(复数) (五)元音字母u 1.重读开音节[ju:] pupil ; student ; use ; cube 2.重读闭音节[?]或[u] 即:[?]——cut ; luck ; umbrella ; us [u]——put ; full ; pull 4.非重读音节[?] autumn ;August ; support ●元音字母组合的拼读规则 (一)元音字母a的字母组合

最佳 英语音标及字母 组合 对照表

英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音 [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei ey ee:three[θri:] 三tree[tri:] 树green[gri?n] 绿色sheep[?i?p] 羊meet[mi?t]遇见bee[bi?]蜜蜂see[si:]看 ea: eat吃tea茶meat肉leave离开leaf树叶teacher教师speak说话clean干净的please 请 e: he他she她me我piece块receive收到 [ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u ey i:sit [sit] 坐pig [piɡ] 猪big [biɡ] 大的it [it] 它is [iz] 是fish [fi?] 鱼busy ['b?z?] 忙的 y:many许多的happy 快乐的dictionary字典money钱 [ ? ]发音字母: a a:bag[[b?ɡ]]书包hand[h?nd]手happy['h?pi]快乐的hat[h?t]帽子map[m?p]地图bad[b?d]坏的black黑色back后面dad爸爸man男人at在 [e]字母组合: ea e a ai ea:head [hed]头bread[bred]面包bell[bel]钟leg[leg]腿egg[eg]蛋remember[ri'memb?]记得 e:Pen钢笔lesson功课better 更好的desk书桌hotel旅馆yes是 [З:] ?: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or ir:girl [ɡ?:l] 女孩shirt [???t] 衬衫skirt [sk?:t] 裙子thirty ['θ?:ti] 三十third [θ?:d] 第三bird [b??d] 小鸟ur:turn转动nurse护士turtle海龟Thursday 星期四 ear:learn学习earth地球er:term学期her她的or: work工作world世界 [?]字母组合er or ar o a ur er:teacher ['ti:t??] 教师remember [ri'memb?] 记得mother ['m?e?] 妈妈father ['fɑ:e?] 爸爸 or:doctor医生actor男演员author作家 ar:familiar熟悉的dollar美元panda熊猫picture图画together一起tomorrow明天today今天lesson功课around周围 a: ago以前的panda熊猫banana香蕉 [a:]字母组合: ar a au ar:car [kɑ:] 小汽车farm[fɑ:m] 农场laugh[lɑ:f] 笑park[pɑ:k] 公园star[stɑ:] 星 fast快速的class班级glass眼镜grass草aunt 姑妈 [?]发音字母: u o ou oo u:sun[s?n]太阳but[b?t]但是run[r?n]跑luck[l?k]运气cup[k?p]杯子bus[b?s] 公共汽车come 来mother妈妈love爱 ou: aboue上面的trouble烦恼 oo: blood血flood淹没 [?:]字母组合: al or au our ar oor a al:small[sm?:l]小的wall[w?:l] 墙壁talk[t?:k]讲tall[t?:l]高的ball[b??l]球walk[w??k]走or:short短的more更多的horse马for为了forty四十sport运动 au: author作家autumn秋天caught捉住 our:four四warm暧和的floor地面door门water水 [?][?] 发音字母: o a o:on[?n]在...上面hot[h?t]热的fox[f?ks]狐狸dog[d?ɡ]狗shop[??p]商店stop[st?p]停止 a:want想要wash洗watch看 [u:]字母组合: oo o u oe ui ue oo:food[fu:d]食物room[ru:m]房间tooth[tu:θ]牙齿school[sku:l]学校moon [mu:n]月球 o:do做two真实的 oe:shoe鞋true二blue蓝色ruler尺 [u]字母组合: u oo ou u:put[put] 放,摆full[ful] 全部push[pu?] 推 oo:look 看good好foot足book书wood木头 ou:should应该could能cook煮move 移动


26个字母发音规律 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: /want dance /o/ what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз /age orange h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/ is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ apple bowl tell old m/m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /Λ / son month mother love p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket s /s/ sit miss this smile book s


英语音标发音表 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开。确实不易。笔者对音标的教学采用了相对集中的方法,即从字母名称教学过渡到部分音标教学。 国际音标(英语语音) 元音单元音 前元音[i:] [i] [e] [?] 中元音[?] [?:] [?] 后元音[u:] [u] [?: ] [?] [a:] 双元音 开合双元音[ei] [ai] [? i] [? u] [au] 集中双元音 [i ?] [ε ?] [u ?] 辅音爆破音 清辅音[p] [t] [k] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] 摩擦音 清辅音[f] [s] [?] [θ] [h] 浊辅音[v] [z] [?] [e] 破擦音 清辅音 [t ?] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[d[dr] [dz]

?] 鼻音(浊辅音)[m] [n] [?] 舌则音(浊辅音)[l] [r] 半元音(浊辅音)[w] [j] 48个国际音标的发音—元音: [i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。 [i] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。 [?:] 嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舍身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高。 [?] 嘴唇微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。 [?:] 双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。 [?] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆。 [u:] 嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。 [u] 嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。 [ɑ:] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音。[?] 嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起。 [?] 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。 [e] 嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。 [ei] 由[e]和[i]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[i]轻读,口形由半开到合,字母A就发这个音。 [ai] 由[a]和[i]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[i]轻读,口形由开到合,与字母I的发音相同。


英语音标发音规律的归纳 1 .元音 1) [i:] 发音字母: ee ea e ie ei ①字母组合ee发/i:/音,如:feed see fourteen thirteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen knee sheep meet three tree green ②字母组合ea发/i:/音,如:easy sea peach speak clean eat cheap east leave leaf leaves team season tea teacher please ③字母e发/i:/音,如:people me she he fever email Chinese ④字母组合ie发/i:/音,如:piece field ⑤字母组合ei发/i:/音,如:receive 2) [i] 发音字母i y e ①字母i发/i/音,如:chip instead winner ill biskuit fix animal visit bit river fifteen still American America finish dirty invent important printing print practise win finger difficult expensive village in into stick fantastic ring capital Australia lift invitation his thirty-six inside miss nothing office sandwich delicious amazing click scissors history ticket building sit picture it is big build ②字母y发/i/音,如:easy lovely naughty worry twenty fifty thirty forty sixty seventy eighty ninety dirty bicycle angry only thirsty any anything every everywhere everyone country heavy stuty carry


[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrad e orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: buil d [?:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtl e purpl e curtain ear: early learn or: word work worl d our: journey [?] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar d ollar or: d octor actor


英语字母和常见字母组合的发音规律1、总领:元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 辅音字母显易单,见面就把音来念。 字母组合固定音,千锤百炼习语感。 遇见生词找规律,划分音节顺口连。 元音字母在中间,辅音字母两边站。 字母组合算一个,熟能生巧难亦简。 2、元音字母及字母组合的发音口诀。 元音字母a、o、e、i(y)、u 的发音口诀: 元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。 元音字母发音单词举例 e [i:] he she we me [e] red desk pencil [i] pretty [?] children 元音字母发音单词举例 i [ai] right night bike [i:] police [i] this which his [?] holiday 元音字母发音单词举例 a [ei] name table [a:] father class [?] basket [?] map cat [?:] water [e] America [i] orange

常见的元音字母组合的发音: 字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变,千锤百炼习语感。元音字母发音单词举例o [?u] no cold those [?:] hot sorry [?] orange [u:] whose do [?] today 元音字母发音单词举例u [ju:] music use [?] umbrella mum [u] put full push [u:] ruler blue [i] busy minute 元音字母 发音单词举例y [ai] why try [j] yes you [i] very boy 元音字母组合 发音单词举例ay [ei] day say play ar [ a:] cay star farm are [ ?] dollar grammar al [?:] ball all walk [a:] half [?l] shall


1 元音: [i:] [i] [A] [e] [[:] [[] [a:] [Q] [R:] [R] [U:] [U] [ei] [ai] [aU] [EU] [Ri] [i[] [Z[] [UE] 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [i] 发音字母i y e sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [] 发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear ur or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7) [a:] 字母组合ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) [] 发音字母u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9) []字母组合al or au our ar aw small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumn four mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter draw saw flaw 10) [] 发音字母o a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not want wash 11) [u:] 字母组合oo o u food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do two true truth blue full 12) [u] 字母组合oo ou u o look good foot book should could put full bull pull push woman wolf 13) [ei] 发音字母a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey 14) [ai] 发音字母i y bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) [au] 字母组合ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse flower down now cow how town 16) [εu] 发音字母o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow boat coat goal 17) [] 字母组合oy oi boy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18) [iε] 字母组合eer beer deer ear idea near here fierce 19) [] 字母组合ear air pear bear chair air fair care there where 20) [uε] hour tour poor flower shower



二发元音字母的组合 这种字母组合主要有两种构成:元音字母+元音字母,元音字母+辅音字母。下面是详细内容: ai、ay:/ei/ 比如:wait,plain,stain;play,clay,gay,pray. au、aw/?:/ 比如:caugh,caught,taught;draw,lawn. al/?:/、/a:/ 比如:talk,walk;palm,calm. ar/a:/ 比如:park,bark,mark,harm. ea/i:/ 比如:seat,tea,beach,meat. ee/i:/ 比如:jeep,deep,indeed,see,flee. oa/?u/ 比如:throat,boat,coat. oo/u:/ 比如(长音,大多数情况下):boot,shoot.(字母k之前,发短音,)/u/,比如:cook,hook,look. ou/au/ 比如:outside,cloud,mouth. oi、oy/?i/ 比如:boil,oil;toy,boy. or/?:/、/?:/ 比如:tort;worm,work,word ew/ju:/ 比如:new,nephew,few. ow/au/、/?u/ 比如:down,town,cow;crow,grow,blow. all/?:l/ 比如:tall,hall,mall,ball. ank/?ηk/ 比如:tank,thank. ass/a:s/ 比如:grass,class,glass,brass. ask/a:sk/ 比如:task,mask,basket. air/ε?/ 比如:hair,air,pair. are/ε?/ 比如:hare,mare,bare,glare. ear/i?/、/?:/ 比如:hear,tear,clear;heard,learn.


英语国际音标表(48个) 1.元音(20个) 长元音:/ɑ:/ /?:/ / ?:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音:/ ?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ 双元音:/e?/ /??/ /a?/ /a?/ /??/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ 2.辅音(28个) 清辅音:/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /?/ / h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/ 浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/ /?/ /d?/ /dz/ /dr/ / r/ 鼻音:/m/ /n/ /?/ 半元音:/ j/ / w/ 边音:/ ?/ 英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [ ? ] 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother dose brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 2) [a:] 字母组合 ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt calm 3) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 4) [ ? ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 5) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 6) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling


字母及字母组合发音规律整理 1.单元音字母的发音规律。 重读弱读 字母在开音节 中的发音 例词在闭音节中 的发音 例词发音例词 a /e?/ate /?/at /?/ /?/zebra e /i:/be /e/bet /?/ /?/absent i /a?/kite /?/kit /?/ /?/terrible o /??/note /?/not /?/ parrot u /ju:/ use / ?/us /?/ /?/bonus 2.单个辅音字母的发音规律 辅音字母发音例词 不变化的辅音字母p /p/nap lip tap b /b/lab bat t / t/bat fit rat d /d/ zed kid k / k/kid kin f /f/fat fan v /v/van vet z /z/ zed zen h / h/hat him hot r / r/ run rat j /d?/jet jam l / ?/lam lab lot

m /m/map man him n /n/ ten nap w / w/win wet 3. 变化的辅音的发音规律: 变化 c /s/cycle nice rice(在“e、i、y前”) 的辅 音字 母 / k/ fact came cute g /d?/ age gym gin /g/ get gift foggy(不在字母“e、i、y 前”) quit quick quiz (跟字母“u”) q / kw/ x / ks/ next box text fox /gz/ exam s /s/在词首、双写和在清辅音后面 sad safe same miss kiss glass its cats likes caps maps /z/ 在元音和浊辅音后面 beds bags animals smiles photos

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