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Exam Orientation: English for Studying

?This document is prepared based upon the structure of the actual test paper for this course. You need to be familiar with the test components and

then refer to the purple fonts below for review foci in each unit before the

final examination.

General Notes on the Sample Test Paper

Part 1: Summary (Unit 3, Activity 4)


?General-specific: differentiating between general and specific ideas.

?Paragraph construction

?Cohesive devices: logical connectors


1.Identify and focus on key information and leave out unimportant specifics;

2.Attend to coherence when writing the summary paragraph.

3.Summarize in your own words and DO NOT copy from the original

4.Stay close to the original in meaning, tense, point of view and sequence of

information presented.

5.DO NOT add your personal views!!!

6.Stick to the length requirement (70-100 words).

Compare Sample Summaries:

Sample 1

The Swedes are among the most attractive peoples in Europe. Their charm comes from an obvious contradiction in the national character. All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions, which are expressed in a specific rite. The Swedish acceptance of modern technological equipment is equally attractive. Since the Swedes are an efficient people, punctuality is more than a virtue to them. It is the way they respect their friends.

Sample 2

Known as the most attractive peoples in Europe, the Swedes are traditional in social relationships, yet modern in technological advances. They follow strict rules and traditions in social situations. Moreover, they stick to punctuality in the respect for their people and people from other countries. On the other hand, they show their progressiveness by equipping their homes and outdoor places with efficient modern devices. They have also made use of the modern technology to modify the social system.

Marking Criteria for Summaries:

?Check that all the information is included on the main aspects. (20 points)

?Check that all the information is organized logically– main points listed in

the order they are presented, the use of transitional markers such as

“moreover”, “also”, “on the other hand”, etc. (8 points)

?Check that the language used is appropriate and accurate. The summary is

written in the stud ents’ own words. (12 points)

Part 2: Essay Writing (Units 6 & 7)


?Exposition (Unit 6: Activities 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)

?Argumentation (Unit 7: Activities 2 & 3)


?Do read the instructions carefully to fully understand the requirement on the topic, the type, the length, the audience, the format, etc.

?Do wisely manage the time: 2 minutes to study the instruction, 5 minutes to brainstorm and form an outline, 30 minutes to draft, 15 minutes to check

grammar and spelling or to polish.

?Remember there should be a title for this essay, which should follow proper title rules.

?During proofreading stage, focus on subject-verb agreement, tense consistence, comma splice sentences, proper article use, proper pronoun

reference, sentence patterns, and punctuation marks.

?Do keep nice layout and neat handwriting.

Marking Criteria:

?Check the unity of the passage –the idea presented in each paragraph is

related to the topic statement. (20 points)

?Check the organization of the passage – three paragraphs, topic statement,

conclusion, ideas supported by relevant examples, use of transitional markers. (15 points)

?Check the language use of the passage –use of grammar and punctuation,

spelling, sentence structure, word choice. (15 points)

?Check the length of the passage –300~400 words (5 points)

?Check the layout of the passage –handwriting, space, paragraphing (5 points)

Essay writing – An example

Write an expository essay of 300~400 words on the following topic: Pollution Around Us. You should write 3~5 paragraphs including the following 3 sections:

1. An Introductory Paragraph: An introduction to the topic;

2. Body Paragraph(s): A discussion of kinds of pollution we have in everyday lives (propose at least three kinds);

3. An Concluding Paragraph: Conclusion.

Note: The style of your essay should be formal, and the logical development should be clear.

?How do you classify?

?Nature: air pollution, water pollution, sea pollution

?Place: home pollution, office pollution, public place pollution

?Visibility: obvious pollution, hidden pollution


?What is your logical development pattern?

?Should you explain in detail the cause and effect of pollution? Common problems and remedies in student essay writing:

?Going off the topic →Read the prompt carefully before committed to writing. Ask relevant questions about the given topic to help you get started.

Then decide on one particular question and center your writing around the answer to it and nothing else :)

?Common grammar mistakes → Always leave out some time for revising. Pay close attention to subject-verb agreement, tense consistency, comma splice, pronoun reference, spelling, dangling modifiers.

?Lack of time → No, no, no, this may happen in a nightmare but never in this test. You will have plenty of time for the final summary and essay. If I were you, I would read the essay topic as soon as I get the test paper to get my inspiration going on in the back of my brains, and then start working on the reading test. *Do not spend too much time on one section, at least not more than the suggested time for that section. Otherwise your essay section will be at risk.* By the time I reach the actual essay, I might already know my focus for this essay (again, remember that your focus should be relevant to the given topic :). All I need to do now would be to sketch a rough outline to my thesis for this essay, and 2-3 relevant sub-points to prove my thesis.

Also I might jot down some examples/reasons to support my sub-points in the outline. Then when I start drafting, I would already have got a plan well set. That would help me stay focused in the writing process. After the actual writing, I would go back and check the unity, coherence and grammar to make sure I have done my best.

Appendix 1: Sample Test


This examination consists of TWO sections. They are:

Section I: Summary Writing (40 points, 40 minutes)

Section II: Essay Writing (60 points, 80 minutes)

Section I Summary Writing [40 points]

Question 1: Please summarize the following passage in 70-100 words on the Answer Sheet.

The Swedes are among the most charming peoples in Europe. And their charm comes from an apparent contradiction in the national character. They are extremely conservative in social relationships; within the family and when meeting friends, their conduct is governed by strict social patterns. At the same time, they are one of the most intellectually progressive people in the world. They are always open to new ideas.

All social occasions in Sweden are regulated by rules and traditions. And these traditions are expressed in a specific ritual made up of formal bows, handshakes, and greetings. When a visitor enters a Swedish home, he is invariably received with a “Welcome”; wh en he leaves, his host will tell him “You will be welcome again.” These charming phrases are indestructible part of Swedish social life and they give it an old-world flavor of good manners.

The Swedes are also efficient people. Punctuality is more than a virtue to them--it is a rule of life originating from the most attractive characteristic of this northern people. This is their respect for their friends and acquaintances and especially for the visitors to their country. At whatever cost to themselves, they take care not to give another people the slightest degree of discomfort.

Equally attractive is the Swedish acceptance of modern technological equipment. A traveler never needs to search for a telephone in Sweden: telephone booths are placed at regular intervals along the main streets and highways. And in church, for example, long benches are fitted with hearing aids for worshippers who may be hard of hearing. Swedish homes are among the best equipped in the world and travelers in Sweden find their journeys made easy by the use of the most efficient modern devices.

This respect for technology runs through the whole Swedish social system. Sweden, and the Swedish people, have made an important contribution to world technology, especially in the field of communication. The Swedish telecommunications firm Ericsson is an example of this. The modern technology allows modify and adapt new social reforms and structures with ease. Section II Essay Writing [60 points] Question 2: Please write an expository essay of 300-400 words on the following topic: Pollution Around Us. You should write 3~5 paragraphs including the following 3 sections:

1. An Introductory Paragraph: An introduction to the topic;

2. Body Paragraph(s): A discussion of kinds of pollution we have in everyday lives (propose at least three kinds);

3. An Concluding Paragraph: The Conclusion.

Note: The style of your essay should be formal, and the logical development should be clear. Write your exposition on the Answer Sheet.

Appendix 2: Editing Checklists

Revision Checklist

______ 1. Does the introductory paragraph attract reader’s attention?

______ 2.Is the thesis statement clearly phrased in the introductory paragraph?

Does it include the topic and its controlling ideas? Does it promise how you are

going to proceed in the following body paragraphs?

______ 3. Do all the body paragraphs directly relate to your thesis statement? How are the body paragraphs logically ordered?

______ 4. Do all the facts, examples, statistics and analysis in the body paragraphs relate to the main idea of the paragraph? Do they actually explain, illustrate and support the topic sentences?

______ 5. Is the conclusion consistent with the information presented in the essay?

Does the conclusion include new ideas? (If yes, get rid of them…) Does the

conclusion make overgeneralizations or absolute claims? (If yes, adjust the


______ 6. Check to see whether the title is relevant or well-chose. Check to see whether the title follows correct title style using our “Style Tips for Titles”


______ 7. Does the essay enjoy unity?

______ 8. Does the essay flow well? (coherence)

Proofreading Checklist

Language Issues 检查语言结构

______ 9. Is my pronoun use consistent in my writing? (Point of View) (文章视角选择与代词运用一致性)

______ 10. Is there any subject-verb disagreement? (主谓一致)

______ 11. Is there any comma splice? (错误使用逗号连接句子)

______ 12. Is there any false parallelism? (平行结构)

______ 13. Is there wrong use of articles? (Check singular nouns first: abstract nouns do not take articles unless qualified; No singular countable noun

should stand alone. Never! Then check plural nouns: specific reference or

generic reference? If specific, add the; if generic, get rid of the.) (冠词使用)

______ 14. Is my tense use correct and consistent? (时态正确一致)

______ 15.Is there any “there be” structure that is not necessary?

______ 16. Is there any fragment? (Incomplete sentences set off by a period) (不完整句子)

______ 17. Is there any spelling mistake? (拼写错误)

______ 18.Is there any capitalization mistakes? (大小写错误)

______ 19.Is there any punctuation mistake? If I have used dialogues, is my use of quotation marks correct? (标点符号运用)

Good luck in your finals, dear all!


西方经济学(微观部分)期末考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:微观经济学 考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 一、单项选择题(每题0.5分,共15分,将正确答案填入答题纸上) 1.看不见的手一般指() A、机会成本 B、政府 C、利润 D、价格 2.经济学中的“稀缺性”是指() A 世界上大多数人生活在贫困中B、相对于资源的需求而言,资源总是不足的C用资源必须考虑下一代 D、世界上的资源终将被人类消耗光 3.如果x与y商品是互补品,x价格下降,将使y() A、需求量增加 B、需求增加 C、需求量减少 D、需求减少 4.冰棒的需求价格弹性()药品的需求价格弹性 A、大于 B、小于 C、等于 D、大于或等于 5.下列命题中哪个是规范经济学的命题?( ) A.征税对中等收入家庭是不公平的 B. 1982年8月政府把贴现率降到10% C. 1981年失业率超过9% D.社会保险税的课税依据现已超过30000美元 6.如果消费者的预算收入为50美元,商品X和Y的价格均为5美元,消费者打算购买6单位X和4单位Y,商品X、Y的边际效用分别为25和20,那么,要达到效用最大化,他应该() A、按原计划购买 B、减少X和Y的购买量 C、增加X、Y的购买量 D、增加X的同时减少Y的量 7.消费者预算线发生平移时,连接消费者均衡点的曲线称为() A、需求曲线; B、价格-消费曲线; C、收入-消费曲线; D、恩格尔曲线。

8.当某人面对一张彩票时,如果是212111UW P W PU W P PW U )()(])([-+?-+,则意味着这个人是属于下列哪一类人 ( ) A .风险回避者 B .风险喜爱者 C .风险中立者 D .都不是 9.如果某厂商增加一单位劳动使用量能够减少三单位资本, 而仍生产同样的产出量,则MRTS LK 为:( ) A 1/3 B 3 C -3 D 6 10. MC 曲线达到最低时( ) A MP 最大 B AV C 最小 C TC 最大 D AC 最小 11.某厂商每年从企业的总收入中取出一部分作为自己所提供的生产要素的报酬,这部分资金被视为( )。 A 、显成本; B 、隐成本; C 、会计成本 D 、经济利润。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee9561678.html,C 曲线( )。 A 当LMC <LAC 时下降,而当LMC >LAC 时上升 B 随LM C 曲线下降而下降 C .随LMC 曲线上升而上升 D.通过LMC 曲线的最低点 13. 在完全竞争市场中,( )。 A 消费者是价格接受者,而企业不是 B 消费者和企业都不是价格接受者 C 消费者和企业都是价格接受者 D 企业是价格接受者,而消费者不是 14.一个企业在以下哪种情况下应该关闭?( ) A P <AVC B P <SAC C 发生亏损时 D SMC >MR 15.短期内,完全竞争厂商只能通过对( )调整来实现最大利润。 A.生产规模 B.价格 C.全部生产要素 D.产量 16. 完全竞争厂商的短期供给曲线应该是( ) A 曲线上超过平均成本最低点的部分 B 曲线上超过收支相抵点的部分 C 曲线上的停止营业点和超过停止营业点以上的部分 D 曲线上的收支相抵点和超过收支相抵点以上的部分 17.下列哪一种情况对单一价格垄断者是不正确的?( ) A. 由于只有一个企业,企业的需求就是行业的需求 B. 由于没有替代品,需求缺乏弹性 C. 平均收益曲线就是需求曲线 D. 边际收益小于价格 18.寡头垄断和垄断竞争之间的主要区别是( )。 a.厂商的广告开支不同 b.非价格竞争的种类不同 c.厂商之间相互影响的程度不同 d.以上都不对 19. 下列那一个不是垄断竞争的特征( ) A.厂商数目很少 B.进出该行业容易 C.存在产品差别 D.厂商忽略竞争对手的反应


词汇和语法 5 Questions 1-15: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 从A,B,C,D选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。 1.We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison, __________ who invented the electric light and many other things. A. man B. the man C. a man D. the men 2.It wasn’t such a good dinner __________ she had promised us. A. that B. which C. as D. what 3.When the fire was put out, we saw that the house __________. A. was damaged B. was being damaged C. has been damaged D. had been damaged 4.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become __________. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoiled D. harmed 5.Readers will find that a library’s collection of books usually ________ two categories: fiction and non-fiction. A. runs into B. turns into C. divides into D. falls into 6. A recent __________ in corporate organization is to reduce the number of levels of management. A. trend B. tend C. bend D. blend https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee9561678.html,cation is a lifelong experience that starts long __________ the start of school. A. after B. before C. past D. since 8.Finding out information on the latest scientific breakthroughs has been becoming easy for anyone with Internet __________. A. path B. entry C. access D. admission 9.His work is so good that I __________ it. A. hardly need to edit B. hardly need edit to C. need hardly to edit D. need to hardly edit


第1页(共3页) 管理学作业答题纸 微观经济学作业02(第5-8单元)答题纸 学籍号:姓名:分数: 学习中心:专业: ___国际贸易_________________ 本次作业满分为100分。请将每道题的答案写在对应题目下方的横线上。 题目1 试从短期成本曲线推导长期总成本曲线,并说明长期总成本曲线的含义。 (出自第五单元) [50 分] 企业在长期对生产要素的投入量的调整也是对企业生产规模的调整。换言之,在长期内,根据产量既定条件下的成本最小原则,企业总是可以在每一产量水平上选择成本最低的方式进行生产。因此,可以由短期总成本曲线(STC)出发推导出长期总成本曲线(LTC)。如图所示。 最优生产规模的选择与长期总成本曲线

第 2 页 (共 3 页) 在图中,STC 1、STC 2和STC 3分别是三条短期总成本曲线。短期总成本曲线在 纵轴上的截距表示固定总成本的大小,即企业的厂房、机器设备等资产的多少。因此三条短期总成本曲线STC 1、STC 2和STC 3分别代表三种不同的生产规模,而且STC 3、STC 2和STC 1曲线所代表的生产规模依次递减。 假定企业生产的产量是Q 1。在短期内,企业可能面临的生产规模是STC 2,于 是企业只能在STC 2曲线上的d 点进行生产。如果企业面临的生产规模是STC 3,则企业只能在STC 3上的e 点进行生产。但是在长期内,企业必然要依据产量既定条 件下的成本最小化原则,选择STC 1曲线上的a 点进行生产。也就意味着企业在长 期内可以变动全部的要素投入量,选择最优的生产规模。同理,当企业生产的产 量是Q 2时,在长期内,企业必然选择STC 2曲线代表上的b 点进行生产。而当企业 生产的产量是Q 3时,在长期内,企业必然选择STC 3曲线代表的生产规模上的c 点 进行生产。从而使企业在每一个既定的产量水平上实现了最低的总成本。 按类似的分析思路可以推知,企业可以在每一个产量水平上,都能找到相应的一 个最优生产规模,把总成本降到最低水平。换言之,无数个类似于a 、b 和c 的点 的轨迹构成了图中以粗线条表示的长期总成本曲线(LTC)。显然,长期总成本曲线 是无数条短期总成本曲线的包络线 (Enveloping curve)。在连续变化的每一个产 量水平上,都存在着与长期总成本曲线相切的一条短期总成本曲线。


单选题 1. He won't come. He has his mind changed 2. I remember _seeing_ the Alps for the first time. The sight was impressive. 3. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _spoiled_. 4. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time Cto get up. 5. What a mess! This room needs to be cleaned up. 6. Even though I was not sleepy, I went to bed early. 7. If I had enough time now, I would writee to my parents. 8. Education is a lifelong experience that starts long before the start of school. 9. John went to town yesterday and had his bike repaired there. 10. When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she had taken a shower with her clothes on. 11. Children are very curious by nature 12. As long as I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. 13. During the flood of 1927, the Red Cross, operating out of emergency headquarters in Mississippi, set up shelters for the homeless. temporary 14. In sales, shops may say “1,000 items at half-price” when only a few are available at such a drastic reduction. 15. A recent trend in corporate organization is to reduce the number of levels of management. (C D C C A A B B B A D C D D A ) 完形填空 Children rate their fathers as among their least popular playmates because fathers are too competitive. According to research among more than 1,000 children, fathers always “play to win”, have no imagination or are simply at a loss as to how to play games. Children up to the age of 12 would rather play with their friends, their mother or their brothers and sisters. Only one in 16 chose their fathers as their ideal companion. Tim Gill, director of the Children’s Play Council, said, “Dads have difficu lty not being too competitive. Several fathers said they found it hard to get down to their children’s level. It is not easy for them to let children win, but children will get fed up if they lose all their time.” The competitive dad sometimes puts his children to constant challenges they can never live up to. It’s also partly a power control issue. Fathers want to let their children know they are still “players”. But being competitive was not altogether unhealthy. The thing is not to be obsessive about it. One father of two, who declined to be named {as he didn’t want his children to feel embarrasseD., told The Telegraph: “I don’t think I am overly competitive but it is better my children learn to lose with someone who cares for them.” (C A B D C B D B C A ) 阅读理解 “The public can have this car in any color they like as long as it is black.” Henry Ford, the first of the world’s great car makers, said those famous words back in 1911. Since then everyone has tried to show that he was wrong. The development of the car economy has resulted in a move away from standardization. Marketing professionals often use car ownership as a kind of shorthands for different social or economic groups. The “Sierra man” is a young junior executive. He is sales oriented, very ambitious and likes sports. He drives a large, powerful


北外网络教育商务交际英语单元测试1题库答案 单选题 1. ----I’m sure we’ve met somewhere before, but I simply cannot ________ you right now. ----I’m Kate Cambo from C2 Microsystems. We met at the international trade fair inMunichhalf a year ago. A、think B、put C、place D、find C. 这道题其实考察的是大家对于place这个词的词义理解。整句话的意思是“我确信我们在什么地方碰到过,但就是一下子想不起来了”。A中的think,不能直接和you搭配,如果是换成think of your name就可以了;B中的put意思不符;D中的find明显意思也不相符。 2. We went to the same conference inRomelast year, ________________? A、aren’t we? B、weren’t we? C、didn’t we? D、haven’t we? C. 这个题目考察的是反问句。我们需要从主句中提出助动词,然后再看主句是肯定句还是否定句,如果是肯定句,那么反问句中就要加not,如果是否定句,则不用加not。这个句子中的动词是went,所以助动词当然就是did了。 3. Hello, you ______________Mr. James. I’ve heard a lot about you from your colleagues. A、must be B、will be C、may be D、might be A. 在我们不是十分肯定的时候,我们可以用must be,表示一种较有把握的猜测。从上下文看,句中的这两个人未 曾谋面,只是听说了不少对方的信息而已,所以用must be比较好。may be也表示猜测,但把握性就非常小了,在别人面前这么说明显不太礼貌。might be这个过去式的用法就更无从提起了。will be意思不符。 4.


北京外国语大学2018年校内推免资格名单公示 序号本科院系本科专业姓名 1英语学院英语祝麦伦2英语学院英语武晓钰3英语学院英语王思琳4英语学院英语丁敏学5英语学院英语许霖川6英语学院英语田逸功7英语学院英语毛翩翩8英语学院英语王嘉 9英语学院英语毛嘉敏10英语学院英语马生晴11英语学院翻译吴昊12英语学院翻译李智镕13英语学院翻译王静怡14英语学院翻译伊人15英语学院翻译宗琬晶16俄语学院俄语语言文学唐国恩17俄语学院俄语语言文学侯若芸18俄语学院俄语语言文学林琳19俄语学院俄语语言文学邱烨20俄语学院俄语语言文学李玲慧21俄语学院俄语语言文学张凯琪22法语系法语语言文学罗婉匀23法语系法语语言文学孙家悦24法语系法语语言文学何润哲25法语系法语语言文学王诗凡26法语系法语语言文学李阳竹27法语系法语语言文学沈逸舟28德语系德语语言文学罗舒云29德语系德语语言文学陈若茵30德语系德语语言文学关宇彤31德语系德语语言文学叶继琳32德语系德语语言文学韩昕彤33德语系德语语言文学商健华34德语系德语语言文学朱佳音



B1 计划投资若超过计划储蓄,那么 A. 总供给将大于总需求 B. 在未充分就业情况下将增加就业 C. 将产生通货膨胀缺口 D. 经济将处于非预期状态 D2 下列()项不属于要素收入但被居民收到了。 A. 租金 B. 银行存款利息 C. 红利 D. 养老金 D3 我们通常用下列哪项指标来反映人民生活水平的变化 A. 实际国民生产总值 B. 名义国民生产总值 C. 人均实际消费额 D. 人均实际国民生产总值 C4 某国有企业为其总经理购买一辆汽车和该企业支付给总经理一笔钱让他自己购买一辆汽车,在国民收 入帐户中的区别在于 A. 前者使投资增加,后者使消费增加 B. 前者使消费增加,后者使投资增加 C. 前者使政府购买增加,后者使消费增加 D. 前者使消费增加,后者使政府购买增加 B5 一国的国内生产总值大于国民生产总值,则该国公民从国外取得的收入()外国公民从该国取得的收入。 A. 大于 B. 小于 C. 等于 D. 不能确定 C6 下列选项中,哪一项不属于总需求 A. 政府支出 B. 净出口 C. 税收 D. 投资 B7 如果个人收入是570美元,而个人所得税是90美元,消费是430美元,利息支付总额为10美元,个人储蓄为40美元,个人可支配收入则等于 A. 500美元 B. 480美元 C. 470美元 D. 400美元 C8 如果中国一个公司在国外建立一个工厂,那么这个活动将被 A. 排除在中国的GNP外 B. 全部计入中国的GDP内 C. 只对中国的资本和劳动有贡献的那部分计算在 中国的GNP内 D. 计入中国的GDP,但不计入GNP B9 若实际产出位于储蓄函数和投资曲线交点的左方,则 A. 存在超额产出 B. 存货中包含有非计划投资 C. 计划储蓄多于计划投资 D. 以上各项都是 B10 总支出由四个部分构成,以下哪一项不是这四个部分之一 A. 消费 B. 储蓄 C. 投资 D. 政府开支 判断题 B1 私人家庭购买轿车在GDP的核算中被计入投资。 A. 对 B. 错 B2 住宅建筑是消费者的耐用品,所以,在国民收入账户中,被作为消费支出处理。 A. 对 B. 错 B3 本年生产但未销售出去的最终产品的价值不应该计算在本年的国民生产总值之内。 A. 对 B. 错 B4 某种物品是中间产品还是最终产品取决于它本身的性质,例如,汽车一定是最终产品,煤只能是中间 产品。 A. 对 B. 错 A5 若一个经济中今年的资本存量与去年的资本存量相同且折旧率为正,则其本年度的净投资为零。 A. 对 B. 错 B6 一古董商出售一幅旧字画的收入应被计入其所在国家的GDP内。 A. 对 B. 错 B7 房主把房屋出租所获得的租金和自己居住所形成的虚拟租金均应计入GDP之中。 A. 对 B. 错 B8 核算GDP采用的支出法和收入法分别衡量GDP的不同方面,因而彼此并不关联。 A. 对 B. 错



课程编号:BWME2010学籍号:______________________ 学习中心:______________________姓名:______________________ 注意事项:1、本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟; 2、请将答案一律写在答题纸上。 一、单选题(每题2分,共30分。) 1. 下列关于负外部性的表述正确的是 A、负外部性是对买方造成的成本 B、负外部性是对卖方造成的成本 C、负外部性是对旁观者造成的成本 D、负外部性存在于所有市场交易中 2. 生产函数 A、描述产量和收入的关系。 B、描述产量和成本的关系。 C、描述投入要素数量和产量之间的关系。 D、描述产品价格和产量的关系。 3. 消费者做出最优选择的依据是 A、用于商品X的每一元钱所获得的边际效用等于在商品X消费中省下的每一元钱所获得的边际效用 B、用于商品X的每一元钱所获得的边际效用大于用于商品Y的每一元钱所获得的边际效用 C、用于商品X的每一元钱所获得的边际效用等于用于商品Y的每一元钱所获得的边际效用 D、用于商品X的每一元钱所获得的边际效用小于用于商品Y的每一元钱所获得的边际效用 4. 供给曲线是表示 A、某商品的价格和其供给量之间的关系的图形,往往向上倾斜 B、某商品的价格和其供给量之间的关系的图形,往往向下倾斜 C、收入和商品供给量之间的关系的图形,往往向上倾斜 D、收入和商品供给量之间的关系的图形,往往向下倾斜 5. 电影市场中往往有很多企业提供差异化的产品,企业可以自由进出市场,则电影市场是 A、寡头垄断市场 B、垄断竞争市场 C、完全竞争市场 D、完全垄断市场 6. 在福利经济学中,


北外网院高起专、高起本入学考试英语题目汇编 Part I Vocabulary and Grammar 词汇和语法 1 Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 从A, B, C, D选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。 1. —The film “A World Without a Thief” is on in the Theater nearby tonight. —What ______ pity! I haven’t got ______ ticket for it. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a 2. After the earthquake, many people ______ hunger and cold; we must do something to help them. A. bear B. stand C. suffer D. have 3. Scarcely had her husband arrived home ______ his wife started complaining. A. when B. that C. than D. and 4. I advised my daughter that she should not say anything in the presence of the President G.W Bush until ______. A. being asked B. asked C. having been asked D. to be asked 5. I’m not sure ______ attend the meeting or not. A. how to B. when to C. if to D. whether to 6. A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, ______ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant. A. if B. so that C. while D. whenever 7. Be sure to meet him at the airport on time, ______? A. will you B. aren't you C. can you D. don't you 8. —How did you ______ the football match yesterday ? —______. A. think, Very boring B. like, Very bored C. feel, Very bored D. find, Very boring 9. Your task is to clean the floor ______ the windows. A. as well as B. also C. either D. too 10. When I entered the teacher’s office, she ______ at me and then buried her nose to the homework again. A. stared B. looked C. noticed D. glanced 11. The boy required that he ______ treated as a kid. A. would not be B. wasn’t C. not be D. was not going to be 12. —Will you spare me a few minutes now ? —______. But I’ll be free this af ternoon. A. No, I don’t B. Of course, I will C. Yes, with pleasure D. I’m afraid not 13. The lorry driver was badly ______ when his lorry crashed into a wall. A. pained B. hurt C. hit D. damaged 14. You ______ go now. It’s getting late.


English at Work Assignment 1 Sample writing “Essay Writing” is a compulsory course during the second semester in my campus life. The course will be held during the first eighteen weeks of the second semester from 8:15 to 11:00 on Monday mornings. It will be principally conducted through classroom activities. Learners will, at times, be asked to talk in groups, read a topic and analyse it, then we brainstormed to make a list of possible theme and points, like a draft. Previewing lessons is essential for each session. The course will deal specifically with essay-writing. The course aims to get learners master of essay writing. There are four procedures of writing an essay, discovering a thesis-often through prewriting, developing solid support for the thesis-often through more prewriting, organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft, revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective, error-free essay. These activities are all carried out through informal and colloquial English. The best way to learn to use it is to insist on writing, form daily diary to formal essays. Final assessment will be held at the end of the term, which will account for 50 percent of the final mark. There will be four assessed assignments during the course, which will account for 50 percent of the final mark.


2018年北京外国语大学网络教育招生简章 北京外国语大学—中国外交官的摇篮 北京外国语大学(简称“北外”)是教育部直属、国家首批“211工程”建设的全国重点大学之一,是目前我国高等院校中历史悠久、教授语种较多、办学层次齐全的外国语大学;是我国培养外交、外贸、对外文化交流及外事翻译人才的主要基地。其中英语专业是**重点学科,拥有国内首屈一指的师资力量。北外毕业的校友中,先后出任驻外大使的有400多人,出任参赞的近1000人,北外因此赢得了“共和国外交官摇篮”的美誉。近十年来,为适应我国经济的快速发展,北外陆续建设了一批优秀的商科专业,致力于打造中国的“跨国商业精英的摇篮”,培养具有国际化视野的跨国、跨文化管理人才。 北外网络教育学院—中国外语网络教育专家 2000年,国家教育部批准北外成为现代远程教育试点院校。北外网络教育学院(简称“北外网院”)自成立以来秉承北外一贯严谨治学的传统,积极利用北外丰富的学习资源和教学优势,并结合现代网络的技术优势,开展学历教育和非学历教育项目。北外网院在教学领域大胆探索、积极创新,坚持贯彻“资源、服务、过程、监控、质量、效益”的十二字办学宗旨,为学生提供“全人”教育,培养学生具备“十大素质”。十余年来,北外网院获得多项办学殊荣,在社会上树立了良好的口碑,办学质量得到毕业生及用人单位的一致好评。 ■招生专业、招生层次、学分、学制、入学测试科目 北外网院实施学分制,弹性学习期限;学生在网上自主学习,不受时间、地点限制;适合在职人员,学习工作两不误。

特色专业:英语 推荐专业:工商管理、会计学、信息管理与信息系统、国际经济与贸易、电子商务、金融学、计算机科学与技术 ■招生对象 高起专、高起本:持有高中(或相当于高中的中专、技校、职高)及以上学历毕业证书者,报读时须年满18周岁。 专升本:持有国民教育系列的专科或专科以上毕业证书者。 ■报名办法 报名时间:春季2017年11月20日-2018年03月11日 秋季2018年06月01日-2018年08月31日 报名方式:请报名者登录北外网院网站首页“我要报名”栏目中进行在线报名(也可前往学习中心在老师指导下完成),并携带身份证、毕业证书原件及复印件各一份、近期免冠蓝底彩色电子证件照;报专升本的学生需要携带《教育部学历证书电子注册备案表》(可通过“中国高等教育学生信息网”下载);前往当地学习中心办理报名手续。 报名地点:北外网院校本部学习中心以及授权本次招生的各地学习中心。 ■入学条件 参加北外网院组织的入学测试,由北外网院统一录取。 免试入学条件(见下表):


某商品需求的价格弹性是缺乏弹性,则该商品价格上升()。 增加、该商品销售收益不变、会使销售收益下降 凯恩斯的消费心理规律,以下说法正确的是()。1 11 者预期某物品未来价格要上涨,则对该物品当前的需求会()、减少加、不变 消费者消费了两单位某物品之后,得之边际效用为零,则此时()。 获得了最大平均效用、消费者获得的总效用最大 小 ,则厂商() 停产、亏损但继续生产、亏损,生产或不生产均可 品的消费量随着消费者收入的增加而减少,则该商品是()、替代品 补品、正常品 的价格下降将造成()。 移动的需求曲线向左移动的需求曲线向右移动

平均收益曲线的斜率的()。倍倍倍 生产的帕雷托最优的条件是()。MRSAXY=MRSBXY MRTSCLK=MRTSDLK MRSXY=MRTXY 。 、商品价格下降、其他有关商品价格下降 。替代品互补品、正常品 种商品在两个人之间分配,能被称为帕累托最优的条件为()。 人受损失就不能使另一个个人受益、个人都处在其消费契约曲线上 都处在他们的效用可能性曲线上 全竞争厂商的短期供给曲线应该是()。 曲线上超过收支相抵点的部分 停止营业点的部分 际收益递减规律发生作用的前提是()。、存在技术进步 不变、具有两种以上的可变要素的生产

。、通货膨胀 被充分利用、该国可利用的资源减少以及技术水平降低 济学中短期与长期的划分取决于()。、时间长短、可否调整产量可否调整产品价格 哪种情况下,一个完全竞争厂商处于短期均衡()。AVC=MC P=MR P=AC 项生产活动存在外部不经济时,其产量()帕累托最优产量。、大于于、等于 ()。外部经济问题内部经济问题规模报酬问题 他条件不变,牛奶价格下降将导致牛奶的、需求下降、需求增加需求量下降 ( )、一国资源总能被充分利用 物品的生产改进技术引起生产可能性曲线向内移动 。 、供给曲线向左方移动、需求曲线向右方移动


1、北外网院都有哪些专业? 答:英语、工商管理、会计学、信息管理与信息技术、电子商务、国际经济与贸易、金融学共七个专业。 2、北外网院学历教育招生层次? 答:北外网院学历教育有高起专、高起本和专升本三个层次。 3、学习时间是多长? 答:高起专和专升本是2.5年学制,最长5年学习年限。高起本是5年学制,最长8 年学习年限。学制是教育部统一的规定,高起专和专升本最短不得少于两年半,高起本不得 少于五年。 4、北外网院招生对象? 答:高起专、高起本:持有高中(或相当于高中的中专、技校、职高)及以上学历毕业证书者; 专升本:持有国民教育系列的专科或专科以上毕业证书者。 报读高起专和高起本的学生,报读时年龄需满18周岁;报读专升本的学生,报读时年龄需满21周岁。 5、一年有几次招生?什么时间开学?

答:一年分春、秋两季招生。春季一般在3月开学,秋季一般在9月开学。 6、北外网院有入学测试吗?是否有免试入学? 答:除符合免试入学条件的学生外,报名学生必须本人到学习中心参加入学测试。 免试入学条件(见下表) 层次专业 免试入学条件 (凡具备以下条件之一者可申请免试入学) 高起专高起本 英语专业 □持有国家承认的大专及以上毕业证书者,专业不限; □持有当年高考或成人高考成绩,达到当年当地高考或成人高考录取分数线 者; □持有大学英语水平考试四级证书(CET4)或四级考试425分以上者; □持有公共英语(PETS)三级或以上证书者; □持有剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)标准级或以上证书者; □持有全国高职高专英语应用能力测试(A)级证书者。 经管类专业 □持有国家承认的大专及以上毕业证书者,专业不限; □持有当年高考或成人高考成绩,达到当年当地高考或成人高考录取分数线 者。 (在入学注册时年满28周岁的学生可免考英语) 专升本 英语专业 □持有国家承认的英语专业大专毕业证书者; □持有国家承认的本科及以上毕业证书者,专业不限(同时可学分互认全部公 共基础课,包括免考教育部统考课程); □持有大学英语水平考试四级证书(CET4)或四级考试425分以上者; □持有公共英语(PETS)三级或以上证书者; □持有剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)标准级或以上证书者; □持有全国高职高专英语应用能力测试(A)级证书者。 经管类专业 □持有国家承认的本科及以上毕业证书者,专业不限(同时可学分互认全部公 共基础课,包括免考教育部统考课程)。 (在入学注册时年满40周岁的学生可免考英语) 7、入学考试考什么? 答:高起专入学测试科目:英语、语文 专升本入学测试科目:大学英语、大学语文


单选题 1. VOB系统一般用于? A、 A. 一般的在线答疑或交流 B、 B. 面授辅导 C、 C. 线下助学活动 D、 D. 课程终结考试 2. 关于转换学习中心,下列说法错误的是? A、A.因生活或工作的原因迁往其他地区,或不方便继续在原学习中心学习的学生,允许其转往其他学习中心。 B、B.转学后,仍可回原学习中心参加考试。 C、C.转学须在新学期开学前于学习平台上提出申请。 D、D.学生转学后,须按照目的地收费标准交纳或补交学费。 3. 经管专业绝大多数专业课和专业基础课以形成性考核为主,以下获取相关考核辅导资源的方式中,哪个最准确? A、 A. 查看并归纳书本教材中的章节重点 B、 B. 收看并归纳网络多媒体课件中的章节重点 C、 C. 查看课程论坛中辅导老师发布的知识贴 D、 D. 收听作业考核在线VOB辅导节目,根据教师讲解,归纳书本教材或网络课件中的相关知识重点。 4. 如果学生第一学期没有参加公共课(《大学英语》系列课程除外)的在线自测考核,那么则? A、 A. 视为该课程没有进行学习,课程状态不变,学生可以在以后学期继续学习并参加在线自测考核。 B、 B. 该课程需重新学习。 C、 C. 课程状态变为“需补考”。 D、 D. 不可以在以后学期继续学习。 5. 除《大学英语》系列课程之外,其它公共课的最终总评成绩即为? A、 A. 课程终结考试(笔试)的成绩 B、 B. 课程作业的成绩 C、 C. 在线自测的成绩 D、 D. 在线练习的成绩 6. 课程的网络课件在哪里可以看到?

A、 A. 学习平台-我要交流-课程论坛 B、 B. 学习平台-我要学习-学课程 C、 C. 学习平台-我要交流-参加VOB D、 D. 学习平台-学生手册 7. 关于毕业论文及答辩,下列说法错误的是? A、 A. 如毕业论文写作成绩不及格,学生可在学制期限内申请重新学习毕业论文课程。 B、 B. 毕业论文写作成绩达到良好及良好以上可以有资格申请学士学位,申请学士学位的学生必须参加毕业论文答辩。 C、 C. 申请学士学位的学生,如毕业论文总评成绩不及格或成绩及格但未达到良好,有且仅有一次毕业论文重新写作的机会。 D、 D. 未选够教学计划中的相应学分,也可进行毕业论文写作。 8. 公共课的最主要学习资源是什么? A、 A. 在线练习 B、 B. 在线自测 C、 C. 网络课件 D、 D. 作业习题 9. 以下哪门课程不可以申请学分互认? A、 A. 《经济学基础》 B、 B. 《大学语文》 C、 C. 《邓小平理论》 D、 D. 《计算机文化基础》 10. 以下哪种情况,不需要进行该门课程的补考? A、 A. 进行了考试预约,考试后总评成绩未达到60分。 B、 B. 进行了考试预约,但未参加考试。 C、 C. 未进行考试预约 D、 D. 以上都不对 11. 关于单元自测,下列说法错误的是? A、 A. 单元自测必须在线完成并在线提交。 B、 B. 学生需在规定时间内完成所有单元的单元自测题。 C、 C. “练习”部分记录成绩。 D、 D. 应先做单元练习再做单元自测。 12. 关于退学与退费的规定,以下说法哪个是错误的?

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