当前位置:文档之家› 英语作文(诚信是商业道德之本)



Good Faith is The Foundation of Business Ethics

Good faith is honest and trustworthy. No matter for enterprise or individual, the good faith is living and mandatory for fight the market. Good faith also the foundation of sustainable development is indispensable. "Integrity, dedication, love" as the enterprise and staff conscientiously abide by business ethics and professional ethics, is the inherent requirement of "everything for customers" core values, and create "the first brand" and the inevitable choice of foundation in one hundred.

People should have good faith, the enterprise also. Good faith, just don't cheat customer, do not do anything against social morality. As a businessman in the future, we should pay more attention to good faith. Every profession has its own industry essential quality and requirement, the doctor asked good-hearted; Teachers demand accountability. In our life, there are a lot of enterprise by the loss of good faith towards collapse examples, how ever before have a good reputation, as Benjamin Franklin said, slip, can you stand up immediately; Faithless, you may never recover. When companies lose honesty, its credibility in consumers' mind decline substantially. An enterprise of dishonesty, not only can destroy their hard-won brand management for many years, it will also bring tremendous negative influence to the society and consumers.

Business is essentially to provide goods and services for society, in order to let the masses of consumers to smooth consumption, convenient to get to the service they want. On the basis of this, due your business profits. Only when bring happy about your product or service to consumers, benefit from it, is to satisfy the conditions in front of, behind will have a long-term profit. For this purpose, to a greater emphasis on the importance of integrity, no consumer satisfaction, there will be no interest, it is an immutable law. Just like the relationship between environment and economy development, blindly pursue economic development, ignored the role of nature, then it will be merciless to destroy everything for the sake of economic development construction. Only when the economy develops, pay attention to the harmony with nature, ability is lasting.

In good faith on this, ]many of China's enterprises do some developed western countries enterprise case worthy of our in-depth study, such as in just a few short years, the rapid development of the Krispy Kreme Doughnu. It has the advantage that adhere to the consistent belief, put customers' health first, continue to provide customers with delicious, high quality products. Every day in the "krispy kreme theater", customers can watch the whole process of krispy kreme production through the transparent glass. When the customer can see the production process, not only for their long wait to increase some interesting, but also adds credibility to your business. This is the performance of the enterprise honesty, food industry, also do a is established on the basis of consumer demand, people-oriented, and seek another, at the cost of their lives. Of course, god is fair, the corresponding practice will get the corresponding returns, a ladder, a come to an end.

Integrity, simply put, can make two big enterprises get two completely different

results. Therefore, the good faith is the human this, is also the foundation.

Good faith is an important part of Chinese traditional ethics and a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Integrity business in ancient China's business ethics also occupies a dominant position. However, with the rapid development of China's economy, a large number of "integrity" phenomenon appears in commercial activities, which seriously affects the normal development of China's business. Therefore, it is very important to inherit and carry forward the essence of the Chinese traditional "good faith" thought, correctly understand the reasons for the lack of "good faith" at present, and strengthen the construction of business ethics centering on "good faith".

The spirit of good faith is the core of business ethics. The spirit of good faith is an important symbol of enterprise value and competitiveness. Integrity is also the moral code of China's traditional culture, and throughout the history of China's enterprise management culture. Bank of communications in the exchange and integration, eternal integrity and other corporate spirit reflected in the cultural ethics, integrity as the foundation of business. How to embody the good faith in the construction of enterprise culture and morality is to abide by the reputation. Enterprises in business activities to seriously perform the contract, the pursuit of credibility above all the moral standards. Corporate reputation is the direct reflection of the level of corporate ethics, the image and reputation of the products and services produced by enterprises in the society, and the key and foundation of corporate brand. Second, be honest. Enterprises in business activities to be honest as a principle, against fraud, is strictly prohibited from producing counterfeit and shoddy goods, not to deceive consumers, not to endanger the health and safety of consumers three is to customer first. The customer is the terminal which the enterprise product faces, is the enterprise survival fundamental, the customer is god said the customer to the enterprise value. What the enterprise thinks and does must be for all customers, for all customers. Modern enterprise culture is the embodiment of regularization, persistence, stabilization and institutionalization of the principles, ways and methods of dealing with various relations inside and outside the enterprise. It should be established and perfected on the basis of economy and technology as well as morality and social culture. Modern enterprise culture must is economically efficient, technically is a scientific, on the social culture is the progress of civilization, is morally fair so enterprise ethics construction is essential to establish and perfect the modern enterprise culture of infrastructure, enterprise of the fundamental principles of morality should become the important component of modern enterprise cultural theories. It can be said that economic ethics and corporate ethics will have a prominent position and play an increasingly important role, which is an obvious and irresistible historical trend in the development of contemporary market economy and enterprises. Only by adhering to the principles and contents of the construction of business ethics can an enterprise build its corporate culture well and realize its sustainable development.

Enterprises are the main body that promotes social and economic development, creates and accumulates wealth. "People-oriented" is the essence of enterprise culture -- "people-oriented" has been deeply rooted in China for a long time, and

Confucianism has great reference value for modern enterprise management. No matter large enterprises, or small and medium-sized enterprises, especially for enterprise managers, in the management of the essence of traditional Chinese culture, and with the modern enterprise management is really well combined, so that the enterprise can be long-term stability and steady development.

Must establish the good faith consciousness, constructs the enterprise good faith culture. The person does not have the letter not to establish, the enterprise does not have the letter not to be long, the good faith is the enterprise survival and the development basic condition. If an enterprise wants to remain invincible in the fierce competition, it must improve the awareness of integrity, break away from the idea of only paying attention to economic benefits and ignoring enterprise reputation, and combine integrity and development, integrity and efficiency. Enterprises should regard integrity as a kind of social resources and cultivate a good corporate culture of integrity. Establish honest corporate integrity values, form "and trustworthy glory, faithless shameful" enterprise culture atmosphere, let integrity permeates the enterprise each organization system, each activity, every employee's behavior, by the good faith to guide the management and development of the enterprise, in the management and development embodies rich connotation of sincerity.

To establish a scientific assessment mechanism. Integrity management requires enterprises to establish a scientific and fair assessment and management mechanism to restrain the integrity of employees. In particular, it should focus on the credit behavior of employees within the enterprise, and should focus on strengthening the tracking and monitoring of key personnel. The evaluation and assessment results shall be fairly and reasonably rewarded, and scientific incentives shall be used to fulfill all kinds of promises of managers on time, so as to enhance the management prestige of managers. Mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, form the consensus that employees obtain various deserved benefits and realize self-value through integrity work, realize harmonious cultural atmosphere and efficient enterprise benefits with the help of integrity management, and enable employees and enterprises to develop in harmony.  


硕士英语作文范文 英语应该是四个考研科目里面战线拉得最长的科目,也应该是花费时间最多的一个科目。从大三确定考研开始,直到考研面试结束这个漫长的过程,都需要学英语。考研英语的水平会比英语六级难一点,如果复习不好,英语不好的同学很容易过不了英语单科的国家线。因为数学科和专业课都是150分,过国家线还是比较容易的,政治科只要答完也基本能过线。 所以同学们必要要充分复习好英语科目,从考研英语试卷的分值分布来看,除了阅读理解,分值最多的就是作文了。所以平时花点心思在写作文上也是值得的,如果只是想背背网上的总结的作文模板就想拿到比较高的作文分数,恐怕是有点难的。 今天和大家来分享一下英语作文复习的方法,让大家在复习中努力跟着这写方法走,争取考试时拿个不错的分数。 一、研究评分标准 不知考研的同学们还有没有没看过英语作文评分标准的,如果有,那么请你紧快拿一份去研究。根据《全国硕士研究生入学考试英语大纲》的规定,同学们应该掌握私人和公务信函、 ___、摘要、报告等,还应能写一般描述性、叙述性、说明或议论性的文

章。所以自己每写一次作文都要拿评分标准来对着打分,检查作文的语法、拼写、标点,用词等是否正确。 如果你的英语作文不是很好,建议你在写作文后,拿着评分标准和作文给英语特别好的同学看,并请他们给你打分,并提出意见。最好请教两位同学,这样子一篇作文就基本上比较完美了,自己也知道问题出在哪里,能够及时地改正。 二、高级模板和真题范文兼备 网络上的英语作文模板基本大同小异,看来看去都是同样的内容。英语不好的同学就去背网络上的模板,然后就应用到作文中去的。其实,这样做并不妥,因为那种模板每个考生都看过,这容易造成在考试的写作当中雷同的现象,就连阅卷的老师可能都看过,你还想得高分吗。所以要想拿到高分,那要就写一些高级的句式,写一些别人没有的句式。 这些句式怎么来?上篇文章说过的外文的杂志、国外的网站新闻或英文的名著等都是比较好的借鉴内容。然后把这些比较好句子段落摘抄在英语专用笔记本上。


关于诚信的英语作文 诚信做人名言 1、Sincere message is to learn to act as an immortal originally.诚信为本,学做真人。 2、Believes really is to link the intelligent bridge up , to be expert in the people who cheats , to arrive at forever the bridge another one holds without end. The sincere message, is one strands of Qing Quan诚信是沟通心灵的桥梁,善于欺骗的人,永远到不了桥的另一端。 3、Here\'s the rule for bargains \"Do other men, for they would do you.\" That\'s the true precept.Charles Dickens. British novelist这里有一条交易法则:“欺骗他人,因为他们也欺骗你。”这是真正的经商之道。英国小说家狄更斯 C 4、The sincere message is the most beautiful overcoat of person , is an intelligent the holiest and purest fresh flower.诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。

5、The sincere message is your no humble price shoes , traverses the length and breadth of a journey filled with numerous difficultiesanddangers,mass can\'respondtoeternal invariable.诚信是你价格不菲的鞋子,踏遍千山万水,质量也应永恒不变。 6、sincere message resembles a mirror , break in a single day, crack will appear over your personality.诚信像一面镜子,一旦打破,你的人格就会出现裂痕。 7、Be honest rather than clever.诚实比聪明更重要 8、Promise is debt 一诺千金。 9、It will wash away Augean stable cheating ,lets everyone the world corner be flowing cleanly. 诚信,是一股清泉,它将洗去欺诈的肮脏,让世界的每一个角落都 流淌着洁净。


篇一:关于诚信的英语作文一篇 关于诚信的英语作文一篇 第二节读写任务(共1小题,满分25人) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 good morning, ladies and gentemen. this is li hua from senior three. i’m here today to share with you a good lesson from an overseas chinese student living in germany. it is a true story. what was wrong you might wonder the truth is, shortly aften he arrived in germany, this clever student found that it was easy to skip buying subway tickets. so, to save money, he often went without a ticket. as a result, he had been caught without a ticket in the subway three times. that’s all for my speech. thank you! [写作内容] 1.以约30个词概括这篇演讲稿的主要内容; 2.然后以约120个词写一篇读后感,说明“诚信的重要性”,内容包括: (1)你读后的感受; (2)以你或他人的经历说明; (3)谈谈你从中悟出的道理。 [写作要求] 1.在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引 用原文中的句子。 2.作文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 honesty is the best policy by 兰银清 today i read an instructive speech, in which the speaker argues that honesty is the best policy by telling us a true story about an overseas chinese student who couldn’t find a job because of his dishonest records. i can’t agree with the speaker more. honesty means all the difference between success and failure. honesty will eventually bring people benefits while dishonesty may bring people short -term benefits but will surely bring disasters to them in the long run. honesty is important in our study and future career .therefore, we should always remember honesty is the best policy and promise to be honest all our life.篇二:英语作文话题:有关诚信 高考英语作文话题:有关“诚实、诚信” 高考英语话题作文:有关“诚实、诚信” 例:1、生活中确实存在不讲诚信的现象… 2、举一例说明(如,有毒奶粉、冒名顶替上大学、考试作弊等)… 3、讲求诚信的意义…


一、社会民风问题(诚信、节约、食品安全) 互信 mutual trust 诚信 credibility 品德 morality 创新 innovation 共赢 all-win 欺诈 fraud 代价 cost 社会文明 social civilization 假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities 社会危害 harm to society 学术造假 academic cheating 诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy. 减少浪费 reduce waste 促进改革 promote reform 减轻负担reduce the burden of…… 调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure 物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice 二、道德问题(尊老【扶不扶】、爱幼、奉献爱心) 伦理 ethics,moral principle 道德 moral,morality 逃避责任 shirk the duty, shun the responsibilities 中国文化传统美德 traditional virtue of Chinese culture 经济支持financially support, 严厉惩罚 severely punish 培养意识 cultivate the awareness, 遏制不良现象 curb evil phenomenon 虐待 mistreatment, be ill-treated, be neglected, be reduced to utter poverty 老年人 aged father, senior citizens, old and helpless parents, elderly people, the old 三、科技对生活带来的改变(科技发展、纸质书与电子书、电子商务发展、在线教育、交流沟通方式的改变、网络与生活、网恋、个人隐私泄露) 网恋cyber romance 网购online shopping 团购Group shopping 秒杀Sec-kill 网店online shop/store 信誉credit

大学英语作文-诚实 Honesty

大学英语作文:诚实 Honesty Recently, I have seen an impressive film"Meet theParents", which is about a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to herparents' home to spend holiday. In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm'sparents that Palm's father is suspicious of his behavior and quality. As aresult, Greg is obnoxious to all and has to leave. As far as I am concerned,the consequence is heavily caused by his dishonesty. If Greg could be real himall the time, he would get much respect and appreciation and would not get muchfrustration. From the film, I have learned that being honest was extremelyimportant and necessary. In other words, being honest is a basic principle forus to deal with others. 最近,我看了一部印象深刻的电影《见家长》。这部电影是关于一名叫帕姆的女性带她的男朋友格雷格去父母家度假的事故。剧中,格雷格最帕姆的父母很不诚实,因此她父母怀疑他的行为品质。结果,所有的人都讨厌格雷格,他不得不离开。在我看来,他的不诚实带来了严重影响。如果格雷格能够展现真实的他,他就会得到更多的尊重和赏识,就不会有那么多的无奈。从影片中,我懂得了诚实是相当重要和必要的。换句话说,诚实是我们与他人交往的基本原则。 For one thing, we will not get others' trust unless weare honest. If we deceive others, we would get the same in return, and even noone would make friends with us or even communicate with us. For another, wewill get others' respect and appreciation if telling the truth. Telling thetruth and being ourselves, we will get a healthy and peaceful surrounding togrow up better. 一方面,除非我们队别人诚实,否则我们得不到别热的信任。如果我们欺骗别人,我们也会得到同样的对待,甚至没有人会和我们做朋友或者沟通。另一方面,如果我们说真话,我们会得到别人的尊重和赏识。说真话,做自己,我们会拥有健康平静的环境以更好的成长。 However, something strange happens in our society.There is a strange phenomenon that honest people suffer but the dishonestbenefit a lot. It made some people have a suspicion that being honest is not soimportant. 然而,社会上仍有一些奇怪的事情发生。有这样一个奇怪的现象,老实人吃亏,不老实人获益良多。这使得有些人怀疑诚实是否没那么重要了。 But I still believe that these are just a few cases,since honesty is deeply rooted in our minds and we still consider it as a basicprinciple in social contacts.


关于诚信的英语作文 诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。那么关于诚信的英语作文有哪些呢?以下是小编推荐的诚信的英语作文,供大家参考。 诚信的英语作文篇一Almost all of us heard the story Here Comes the Wolf when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。 Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. T ake the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end。 Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you.


《诚信英语作文》 诚信英语作文(一): It is true that most of us value honesty highly。 However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging,fake modities and so on。 I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society。 The reasons can be listed as follows。Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time。 Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious。 Thirdly,honesty can make our society more stable。 A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a paratively low criminal rate。 Responsbility can be understood in many ways。 for the parents ,they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby。for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say,teahers are the second parents of children somewhile。 for us,as a friend of others,it is our responsibility to help our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties。 each one has the different responsibily based on their roles but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society。 诚信英语作文(二): Almost all of us heard the story Here Comes the Wolf when we were little kids。 What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest。However, therere lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。



英语专业本科生学术诚信教育的实现路径 张春芳 摘要:通过调查发现,英语专业本科生论文存在文内和文后参考文献引用不规范、部分论文存在抄袭和剽窃现象以及论文统计数据随意性较大等问题,主要原因在于学术诚信教育机制不够健全以及师生的学术诚信意识不够强。建立健全学术诚信教育“管一监一检一惩”机制、完善学术诚信教育体系以及强化学生的学术诚信主体意识,是提高英语本科生学术诚信教育的有效途径。 关键词:英语专业;本科生;学术诚信教育;路径 作者简介:张春芳,常州大学周有光语言文化学院副教授,博士。(江苏常州213164) 基金项目:本文系江苏省教育科学十二五规划项目“MOOC环境下普通高校外语教师专业发展路径 研究”(项目编号D/2015/01/42)、常州大学怀德学院教育研究课题(项目编号2011HDJY29)的阶段性成果。中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-5968(2015)12-00048-02 学术诚信是大学生重要的学术品德之一。然而,大学生学术不诚信现象屡屡发生,引起了社会各界对高校学术诚信教育的担忧,由此对我国人才培养质量产生质疑。英语写作是英语本科教育中的一门主干课程,贯穿整个大学生涯。经过各阶段的写作训练,学生是否已掌握了基本的学术写作规范,形成了良好的学术素养?为了解英语专业学生学术诚信现状,笔者对某高校2015届英语专业120名本科生的课程论文、学期论文和毕业论文进行了调研,旨在发现问题,分析原因,提出相应的改进对策。 一、英语本科生论文写作中学术不诚信的主要表现 笔者采用观察法,以英语专业本科120名学生为研究对象,以其撰写的课程论文、学期论文和毕业论文为语料,调研其文内引文和文后参考文献著录情况。英文文献的著录依据美国语言学会出版的《MLA科研论文写作规范》(MLA Han,dbook for Writers of Research Papers)和美国心理学会出版的《APA格式手册》(2010年版)(Publication, Man-ual of The American, Psychological Association,);中文文献的著录主要根据中华人民共和国新闻出版署2005年颁布的《文后参考文献著录规则》(GB 7714-2005)(该版本替代了旧版GB 7714-1987)的规定。然后,利用中国知网“学位论文学术不端行为检测系统(TMLC2)”,对120篇毕业论文的总复制比、第一段和第二段的复制比进行检测。最后,通过分析,概括出英语本科生学术诚信的状况。经统计发现,学生论文中存在学术失范和学术不诚信两种情况。 第一,文内引用格式错误。主要问题有:英文人名写错;论文为多个作者时,格式写错;未写文献年代。 第二,文后参考文献著录不规范。主要问题有:漏写或误写作者、题名、文献名、出版地、出版年代等;著录格式错误,如期刊本应用[J],却用了[M]表示,等等;遗漏或用错符号,比如出版地后面应用“冒号”,却写成“逗号”,等等。 第三,引用他人文献而未标明出处。120篇毕业论文复制比统计结果如下:论文总复制比大于30%的占10%,其中有4篇论文复制比分别达50%、55%、70.8%和85.9%;介于20%- 30%的占15%;介于10%- 20%的占41.7%;介于10%-20%的占33.3%。论文第一段复制比统计结果如下:大于30%的占12.5%;介于20%- 30%


诚实的初中英语作文带翻译 诚实 Today, miss huang to give us a theme class meeting lessons all kua DD honest child. In class, the class meeting miss huang said: students also views, very eager to speak their own thoughts, there are a lot of students also worked himself bravely dishonest things speak out, I cant speak his fault in the class, so I write it out now, said I have to correct determination. On one occasion, I am very greedy, but without something to eat, so I secretly took mother 2 yuan of money, bought a bag of melon seeds and a bag of potato chips in the market, is happy and eat together. Until now, my mother didnt find my money was gone. Another time, I stole the father of the iron to sell, three yuan, and I get on the market to buy something to eat, I bought a small cake 3 yuan. Back home, my father asked me to buy a cake where money comes from, I have to admit that is stolen fathers iron to sell. Dad education I, from now on, I never do such a stupid thing. Do you also like me had such a mistake? If youve ever made the same mistakes that you can want to rectify, to form the good habit of honesty as a child. Remember: all kua honest child.

honesty is the best policy(诚信英语作文)

As we all know,honesty is defined as a word which describes a person who always tells the truth and never stealing or cheating. And now in the modern society, with the growth of science and technology, the little but significant word gained new meanings such as being honest in scientific researches and keep the public from mislead, deceit or fraud. However, the society seems to always neglect the crucial importance of being honest particularly in scientific researches. In my opinion, the consequence of this phenomenon is pretty serious which can directly damage the scientific enterprise and can also erode the public’s faith in science. So, how can people not see the value of being honest? First of all, it may related to the development of the society and we are at a different time where our old but crucial traditions are not treasured as before, thus people seems to be numb on the moral behavior such as being honest. Also, I think the lack of supervise from the government is another unnegligible reason to the problem. Furthermore, being dishonest in various ways can bring people things they acquire, such as money, fame, or even power. In the researching area, scientists with bad intentions may fabricate results to get an expecting outcome which can lead other researchers and public to wrong directions. It is dangerous, but with the temptation inside, it’s getting more and more popular for scientists and researchers to lie on their research recently. Anyway, for the long-term health of the research community and our society, honesty is the best policy.


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/e79953521.html,) 〔关于诚信的英语作文三篇〕 诚信是人立足之本,却在现代被抛弃殆尽,这是一个可怕的现象,希望大家能重新重视它,构建和谐美好的社会。下面是小编为大家带来的 关于诚信的英语作文一Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。 Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end。 Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that


学术诚信英语作文 【篇一:四级写作20篇】 topic 1 directions: for this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. you should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the influence of smart phone addiction. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 【范文】 smart phone addiction has it ever happened to you? have you been among friends,whose eyes focused on their smart phones, without saying a word for a long time? as is illustrated in the picture above, lots of people suffer from that “smart phone addic tion”. ironically, modern technology, which is supposed to enhance our contact with each other, has actually become the barrier to personal communication. that phenomenon is superficially plausible, but it is harmful in the long run. as for individuals, the unwillingness to communicate may produce the estrangement between people. concerning groups, relations are indispensible for interpersonal communication in the course of team work. from a social aspect, the survival and growth of a group is mainly dependent upon the sound communication with others. if not, the world would become a horrible place filled with misunderstanding and indifference. we can conclude from the previous discussion that interpersonal communication is of vital importance to us. it is high time that we put down the smart phones and resume communication with others. only in this way can we make our society more peaceful and harmonious.【译文】 智能手机瘾在你身边发生过这样的事情吗?你是否经历过与一群朋友在一起,大家却都只 盯着自己的手机,相互之间长时间一言不发?如上图所示,现在有很多人都有这种“智能手机瘾”。现代科技本该用来增强人们之间的联系,但极具讽刺意味的是,它反而成了人际交往的障碍。这种现象看似合理,但从长远来看,贻害无穷。就个人来说,不愿与人交

大学英语作文-诚实 Honesty

大学英语作文 诚实 Honesty Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, because the boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walk away with the pen. Many years passed, every time when I think of it, I will be ashamed of myself, I lost the important thing once, but I will not lose it again.曾经有一次,我在买笔的时候没有付款,因为老板忘记向我收钱,因此我装作不知道,拿着笔就走了。多年过去了,每次我想到这件事,我就会为自己感到羞愧,我曾经失去了重要的东西,但是我再也不会弄丢了。The merit of honesty occupies great importance today. In the old time, without the camera’s supervisor, people kept their honesty according to their self-consciousness. It seems that if they are not honest, they would not get any punishment. But today, as the technology develops, people are supervised by the high-technologies all the time, once they are caught cheating, their files will have the spot, which affect their career badly.诚信的品质在今天占据重要的地位。在过去,没有摄像头的监督,人们是通过自觉性来


英语精选作文:大学校园学术诚信缺失Academic Dishonesty on Campus It is shown in the recent surveys that many college students copy papers from the Internet to save the trouble of doing their homework. In my opinion,this kind of academic dishonesty is very harmful to these students. First, copying papers from the Internet makes students lazy. Copying papers from the Internet seems easy and can save some time and trouble, therefore, students will do this more and more often and seldom work hard to complete their papers on their own. In other words, students will become lazier and lazier. Second. students can learn little from copying others’work. Students cannot improve their abilities just by downloading papers from the Internet without their own thinking and working. What’s worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them. To prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishment by the school may be necessary. But the most important thing is that teachers should talk to those students, and make them aware of the fact that copying others’ work cannot bring them


诚信的英语作文15篇 诚信的英语作文(一): Honestymeansspeakingthetruthandbeingfairanduprightinact。Hewholiesandcheatsisdishonest。Thosewhogainfortunesnotbyhardlabourbutbyothermeansisdishone st。 Honestyisagoodvirtue。Ifyouarehonestallthetime,you’llbetrustedandrespectedbyothers。Aliarisalwayslookeddownuponandregardedasablacksheepbythepeo plearound。Onceyoulie,peoplewillneverbelieveyouevenifyouspeakthetruth。 However,inthetideofmodityeconomytoday,itseemsthatmoreandmorepeoplebelieveinmoneyatthesacrificeofh onesty。Tothem,amongsuchthingsashealth,beauty,money,intelligence,honesty,reputationandtalent,honestyistheonlythingthatcanbeeastaway。Theydon’tunderstandorpretendnottounderstandthathonest yisthebiggestfortunehumansown,andthatitistheprerequisitefordoingeverythingwell。

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