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5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一炸交回。





Do you feel bored during your holidays? Here are some books for the stay-at-home who are fond of reading to pass time during their holidays.

A License to Heal(By Steven Bentley,https://www.doczj.com/doc/e78815268.html,, $11. 95 sc, $ 3. 99 eb)

In the world of emergency medicine,there is pain,blood and tragedy(悲剧),but there is also hope and compassion. The book shows readers the stories from an ER doctor that brings this dynamic world to life. In this highly personal narrative,an emergency room physician describes the world of the ER as one filled with pain,fear and grief,but also compassion,hope,and a surprising amount of humor. Imperfect Family(By Leyland A. King,https://www.doczj.com/doc/e78815268.html,, S 19. 99 sc, $3. 99 eh)

This book is a novel showcasing an ordinary family's union,strength,ambition and determination that made it possible for one generation to climb the slippery and shabby ladder from poverty to the security of American middle-class.

Walking the Stones of Time(By Oswald Brown,https://www.doczj.com/doc/e78815268.html,, $ 18. 99 sc, $3. 99 eb)

It is an extraordinary love story of an awkward young man and an equally awkward young woman who,despite

their lack of social skills,developed a love that was stronger than all their inadequacies.

Honeyball (By Pete Liebengood, https://www.doczj.com/doc/e78815268.html,, $19. 99 sc, $3. 99 eb)

A group of women pull together in a dedicated campaign to find success at the box office while their leader finds the love of her life and the persons responsible for the death of her father in a plane Crash.

Batting Rocks over the Barn(By Lawn Griffiths,https://www.doczj.com/doc/e78815268.html,, S 19. 99 sc, $ 3. 99 eb)

The rhythm of rural life during the 1950s and 1960s comes alive through the eyes of a boy who grew up to become a newspaper journalist and film editor. Follow his journey in this book.

1. What can we learn about Steven Bentley's book?

A. It is a tragedy

B. It is the most expensive.

C. It is written in a narrative way.

D. It is a humorous story about a doctor..

2. Who writes about country life?

A. Lcyland A. King.

B. Lawn Griffiths.

C. Steven Bentley

D. Oswald Brown.

3. Which books contain a love story?

A. A License To Heal and Imperfect Family.

B. Imperfect Family and Honeyball.

C. Batting Rocks over the Barn and Walking the Stones of Time .

D. Walking the Stones of Time and Honeyball.


As anyone who's tried to befriend a baby knows,the very young are a tough crowd. In response to your solicitous babble(喋喋不休),a baby might lock eyes with you. Just as likely,though,she'll stare insistently into an empty distance,spit up,or simply protest by crying loudly.

New research suggests that babies are highly selective-discriminating even-in whom they will pay attention lo. And even before their first birthdays,this research shows,babies distinguish between "people like me"and all others.

For those of us who like to think that prejudice comes with age,this may be disappointing news.But a new study,published Monday in the journal PNAS,offers a fresh perspective on babies' remarkable ability to distinguish between"in-group"members("people like me")and out-group members("others") at such a young age.

Babies are all about learning new stuff,the new research concludes. And they won't waste a minute paying attention to someone they think unlikely to deliver the goods.

The new research shows that,given the choice of listening to someone speaking in their native language and someone speaking another tongue, 11-month-old babies will consistently ignore the foreign speaker and pay attention

to the person speaking the language that's familiar to them. At the moment that those babies made such decisions,researchers detected a distinctive pattern in their brain activity-a pattern consistently seen in babies expecting to learn something new.

Yes,the babies were making"us"versus"them"Judgments which,research has found,become ever more generalized and powerful as we age. But they appeared to be making those selective judgments, the research found,in

a bid to maximize the information they lake in,not to exclude the “other”。

4. If you keep talking to a baby,she may_______

A. be your friend

B. ignore you

C. lock you in the room

D. respond you with words

5. According to the passage,babies can distinguish_______

A. between bad people and good people

B. between researchers and journalist

C. between people who like them and people who dislike them

D. between people who are alike and people who are not alike

6. A baby from China is more likely to be interested in a person who speaks_______

A. Chinese

B. English

C. French

D. Japanese

7. The passage mainly tells us that____

A. babies are born clever

B. babies may lock eyes with you

C. babies are eager to learn new things

D. babies can make selective judgments about people


One August day this past summer, Richard Phibbs was taking photos of Hollywood's hottest couple, Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander. The next day,he was sprawling(趴)on the floor of a 6-by-6-foot animal-examination room at the Humane Society of New York(HSNY),photographing dozens of homeless animals for free.

For the past four years, Phibbs,famous for photographing celebrities,has photographed more than 360 rescued dogs,cats and other animals at the Humane Society in hopes of helping them find loving homes forever. Now 63 of those portraits are featured in a new book Rescue Me,detailing animal's miserable past and their new lives in New York City.

"I was longing lo take a picture that does something more than sell clothes or sell a career, " Phibbs tells The

Post. "In fashion,we're trying to make up fantasy and dreams. When I'm at the Humane Society, I use photography to speak the truth. When people look into the eyes of that animal,the spirit of that being is there. "And his photos work. The animals whose portraits are taken by Phibbs see a much higher adoption rate than others at HSNY,thanks not only to the photographs themselves but also to their high share-rate on social media. "Without doubt,"says Sandra Dereo, HSNY's executive director. "When we post one of his photos on Instagram or Adopt-a-Pet,it's like a flood. All of these people suddenly notice the animal. "

The photo shoots last anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes,and Phibbs will see dozens of animals in a single day. Each of his subjects is given time to adjust to his or her surroundings,so that they open up and let their personalities shine.

Whether it's a human or animal, I'm trying to get the subject to feel safe and to feel confident and comfortable with me, "the photographer says. "We're looking for that spirit,what makes them different. "While Phibbs may not spend hours with each animal,many of them still have a strong impact(影响)on him. "It's not uncommon for me to walk home,and weep the whole way. "

8. What organization is the Humane Society of New York?

A. A fashion photo studio.

B. A shelter for the homeless

C. An animal welfare agency. .

D. A hospital for human beings.

9. What can we know about the photographs taken by Phibbs?

A. They contribute to animal adoptions.

B. They attract the celebrities 'attentions

C. They help dogs to find the way home.

D. They increase share-rate on social media.

10. When taking photos of animals, Phibbs____

A. uses them lo Tell the true story

B. always adjusts lo his surroundings

C. likes to look into the eyes of animals

D. emphasizes the characters of animals

11. Why does Phibbs weep?

A. He has lo walk home

B. He feels pity for the animals.

C. He has adopted too many pets.

D. He is uncomfortable with the animals.


Saving the giant panda from extinction isn't just good for the bears-it's good for the bottom line too,a new analysis by an international team of scientist shows.

The results,published in the journal Current Biology,highlight the economic benefits that they say go hand in hand with environmental conservation. In order to protect giant pandas,the government must protect their forests,which provide a host of often-under appreciated services to the communities that live in and around them. For example,forests allow for the growing of crops and the grazing(放牧)of animals,store clean fresh water and supply firewood,lumber(木材)and many useful plants.They manage storm runoff and help prevent erosion(侵蚀)。

The pandas themselves also hold enormous cultural value that has risen rapidly in recent decades among Chinese residents,the study also points out. "From 1980 to 2010,the cultural values of pandas and their reserves almost doubled,largely driven by tourism use,rising 500-fold from 1980 to 2010, "they said.

Taking all of these factors into account,the scientists calculated a total economic value of Approximately $2. 6 billion in 2010 in China. Keep in mind,the costs of preserving panda habitat at current levels come to about$255 million. The study authors said that including the global cultural Value of the animals would increase the total economic value to $6. 9 billion per year-or about 27 times the cost of habitat preservation.

The researchers also noted that the investment in panda habitat has improved the living conditions of local residents. They pointed to data from the Chinese Statistical Yearbook showing that the annual income in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces,which sit next to panda reserves,rose by an average of 56%from 2000 to 2010. Farmers in counties within these provinces that were next to the panda reserves saw their annual incomes rise by 64%,on average.

The findings provide a promising example of how conservation efforts can pay off,and they could be applied to many other threatened and endangered species,the study authors said.

12. What does the underlined words "bottom line"refer lo in the first paragraph?

A. Moral standard.

B. Economic profits.

C. Overall development.

D. Environmental conservation.

13. Which is one of the results of preserving pandas?

A. Less farmland.

B. More foreign trade.

C. More forest fires.

D. Better farming conditions,

14. In China,about how many times do economic values outweigh preserving cost?

A. 26.

B. 10.

C. 4.

D. 3.

15. What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Protecting pandas takes great efforts.

B. Pandas are a major tourism attraction in China.

C. Conservation of pandas is economically rewarding.

D. Pandas make great contributions to the environment. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人室白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Many international students choose an English nick name when they go to the UK. ___16___Adopting an English name shows a willingness to integrate into British life. However,the process of choosing a name is open to unintended consequences which can result in involuntarily funny names.Here are tips on how to avoid misunderstanding when choosing English names.

Do not name yourself after food items.

Even if you really love food,the name like"Pizza"or"Cheese"are totally inappropriate,not least because your taste in food may change as you get older! Sugar-sounding names such as“Candy" or "Sweetie"are most likely chosen because they sound cute . ___17___ Because they are quite Suggestive names in the UK,often connected to the"Ladies of the night".

Do not choose an old name.

Many students choose old-fashioned,unusual names which they may have read in an old book or seen in an old film. ___18___ So if you choose a name which is not commonly used today,it will sound strange and out of place. For English people,the names"Norman"(most popular in 1931)and "Clyde" (most popular in 1904)suggest old men with walking sticks and flat caps.


Though the idea is nice in theory, "Dumbledore"is not a common name in Britain. By calling yourself"Dumbledore"people may assume that you are associated with the magical. But names like Harry"from Harry Potter is fine because it is a common English name. ___20___

A. Trends in names change over time.

B. The trend of choosing an English name is nothing new.

C. But choosing these sweet names has associated risks.

D. Be cautious when naming yourself after a fictional character.

E. So you should never choose the name of a fictional character.

F. Some of them might have difficulty in picking their English nick names.

G. Therefore,just check whether it is a commonly used English name before using. 第一部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节(共20 小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


In October 2016, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He is the first to receive

this___21___for songwriting. He has been regarded as the ___22___living artist in popular music and culture for more than five decades.

In his___23___ years he listened to the radio-first to blues and___24___,when he was a teenager,to rock and roll. He formed several bands while___25___Hibbing High School. Their___26___ of"Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay"at their high school talent show was so ___27___ that the principal cut the microphone. But this didn't cause him to

___28___ interest in music in and after high school.

At the University of Minnesota,his___29___on rock and roll gave way to American____30____music. He said, "Songs of rock'n'roll weren't____31____ or didn't reflect life in a realistic way. I knew that when I ____32____ folk music,it was more of a serious type of thing. The ____33____are filled with more despair,more sadness,more success,more faith in the supernatural,much deeper ____34____. " However,Dylan ____35____ college at the end of his first year and traveled to New York City where he performed and____36____ materials from other folk singers. He made a lot of attempts to show his talents and

____37____ gained public recognition.

Dylan has____38____more than 100 million records as a____39____ ,making him one of the best-selling artists of all time. On the road to success, Dylan has ____40____ many difficulties with great efforts and persistence.

21. A. honor B. gift C. power D. name

22. A. strangest B. happiest C. greatest D. richest

23. A. senior B. present C. early D. following

24. A. seldom B. immediately C. once D. later

25. A. enjoying B. attending C. witnessing D. leaving

26. A. appreciation B. exhibition C. love D. performance

27. A. loud B. quiet C. calm D. slow

28. A. gain B. take C. show D. lose

29. A. hope B. time C. focus D. opinion

30. A. folk B. jazz C. classical D. popular

31. A. polite B. serious C. inspiring D. interesting

32. A. got into B. gave up C. looked for D. worked out

33. A. poems B. songs C. articles D. books

34. A. hurts B. analysis C. feeling D. questions

35. A. stayed out of B. ran out of C. took charge of D. dropped out of

36. A. watched out B. broke into C. competed for D. picked up

37. A. patiently B. finally C. nearly D. quickly

38. A. bought B. earned C. sold D. publish

39. A. musician B. painter C. dancer D. scientist

40. A. met B. overcome C. noticed D. experienced

第二节(共10 小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


Available in the UK from September 2017, Real Shanghai Mathematics ___41___(consist)of a Teacher Guide, Textbook and Pupil Practice Book for each Year(1-6),and shows the essence of a high quality maths textbook. In the___42___(book),the British pound will replace the Chinese yuan. ___43___ in just about every other way,the versions of Real Shanghai Mathematics available in London will be exactly like those used in China,the

ideas,sequencing and methods kept unchanged.

Experts say England is the first country ___44___ (move)ahead with a bold government-backed plan to remake some classrooms in the image of the East. Under a$54 million program funded by___45___Government,more than half the primary schools in England will adopt a teaching approach to maths ___46___ is used in top-performing places like Shanghai and Singapore.

“I am ___47___(confidence)that the steps we are taking now will ensure that young people are

___48___(appropriate)prepared for further study and the 21st-century workplace,and that the too often

___49___(hear)phrase “do maths” is given to the past, "said Nick Gibbs,the British schools minister.

In China,it represents something ____50____ (significant)than ever before. The export of textbooks a historic moment.





增加:在缺词处加个渊字符号(A), 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I paid a visit for a small old school in a remote town with some volunteers last week. We were shocking by the poor condition of the school. Students can only has lessons during the day because there is no electric. Some of them live so much far away from the school that they have to get up early and walk a long way to get to school. On our arrival,they donated some books and clothes to children.

We not only teach them to sing English songs but played games with them. It is a value experience to help those in need,that gives me a sense of satisfaction.


52.假定你是李华。与你同班的英国交换生Jeff 觉得自己写的汉字特别难看,向你求助。请写一封信帮助他,内容包括:

1. 安慰对方;

2. 书写建议;

3. 邀请对方加入书法俱乐部。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


郎溪县2017 年高中自主招生统一考试英语试卷(满分100 分,时间60 分钟)座位号姓名 一. 单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( )1 ---- Wow, how cool the T-shirt is! Where can I buy like yours? ----In the shopping center. A. this B. one C. it D. that ( )2. ----Look! Matthew is coming. He is full of all the time. ----Well, that’s because he takes lots of exercise every day. A. energy B. courage C. confidence D. knowledge ( )3 ----- Betty, did you reach the top of the hill? ----Yes. Even I myself didn’t believe I could it. A. work B. climb C. get D. make ( )4. If we can our difficulties, then everything will be OK. A. get over B. go over C. take over D. turn over ( )5 ---- Would you like to take a walk in the Swan Lake Park with me tonight? ----Certainly, I’m too busy. A. until B. if C. unless D. or ( )6 ---- Will your sister be at home this Sunday? ----It’s hard to say. She go to the countryside to see my grandparents. A. must B. should C. can D. may ( )7. of them knows French, so I have to ask a third person for help. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ( )8 ---- How do you like my new schoolbag? ----Sorry, but what did you say? I about something else. A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking ( )9 ---- Excuse me. Could you please tell me to park my car? ----Sure. Park it right here. I’ll help you. A. how B. why C. where D. when ( )10 ------ Shall we go to Ann’s birthday next Friday? ---- .............. I might have to work at that time. A. It depends B. Sounds great C. Why not? D. No, thanks. ( )11. The Spring Festival is on the way, and many supermarkets have huge posters with the word “ SALE”. A. put off B. put away C. put up D. put on ( )12. It is not for you to talk with your mouth full at table. A .easy B. proper C. healthy D. awful ( )13 ----- You seem to like chocolate very much. ---- ...................... Y ou know, I have a sweet tooth. A.So I am B.So do I C. So I do D. So am I ( )14 ----- I hope to take the cooking course. ----Good idea. more about it, visit the website for more information. A. Knowing B. To know C. Know D. Known ( )15 ----- How clean your bedroom is! ----It just now. A. was cleaned B. is cleaned C. has been cleaned D. will be cleaned


成都七中2017年外地生自主招生考试英语试卷本试卷共两卷,第一卷和第二卷。第一卷的答案请涂在答题卡上, 第二卷的答案请写在答题卡上的规定位置。在试卷上答题无效。试卷总分为100 分, 考试时间为100 分钟。 第一卷(选择题,共80 分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分20 分)从A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. After an hour’s work, she looked at ______clean and tidy room with ______satisfaction. A.不填;a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a 2. —Hi, honey, which one of the i-phones do you want? —______ Either one will do. A. I don’t mind. B. With pleasure. C. No problem. D. Go ahead. 3. Jim is really good at taking notes. He can ______ almost every word the teachers say in class. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put off 4. Life is like walking in the snow, ______ every step shows. A. because B. when C. although D. unless 5. Kejie, a top Go player, was beaten by AlphaGo in the game which ______ on May 23 in Zhejiang province. A. has been held B. was holding C. was held D. held 6. Donald Trump’s decision of ______ the US out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement has caused a great concern around the world. A. pulled B. pulling C. pull D. to pull 7. The dictionary is ______, missing many new words. A. out of control B. out of reach C. out of sight D. out of date 8. In many ways, the education system in the UK is very different from ______ in China. A. one B. this C. that D. it 9. My friend is honest , warm-hearted and always ready to help. ______, I can depend on him. A. On the other hand B. In short C. By the way D. Or else 10. Someyouths, ______ arewell-educated, choose to starttheir business after college. A. whom B. where C. who D. which 11. ―A ______ of life and death‖ refers to a situation that is very important or serious. A. match B. cause C. tradition D. matter 12. —Jack, let’s go skating this afternoon! —Don’t you think the ice on the lake is too thin tobear your weight? Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word? A. lose B. support C. catch D. become 13. When you board a train, ship, or aircraft, you ______ it in order to travel somewhere.


学生考试作弊万能检讨书600字 导读:本文学生考试作弊万能检讨书600字,来源互联网,仅供读者阅读参考. 学生考试作弊万能检讨书600字(一)敬爱的老师、同学们: 我在考试中自带答案造成作弊行为,今天我怀着愧疚和懊悔写下这份检讨书,我知道这种行为是不对的,但我还是做了,我觉得有必要写这份检讨,以向老师表示我对这次作弊行为的深刻认识。我错了,老师!我犯下的是一个严重的原则性问题。 这次我意识到自己错误的严重性。在考试的时候作弊,这种行为本身就是错误的,在学校造成极坏的影响。我这种行为还在学校同学间造成了极坏的影响,破坏了学校的形象。同学之间本应该互相学习,互相促进,而我这种表现,给同学们带了一个坏头,不利于学校和院系的学风建设。同时,也对班级形象造成了一定损害。这次作弊行为让我更深层次的认识到了错误,事后我已追悔莫及。自己也反省了好长时间,一直都在想:"我在做什么?我怎么会变成这个样子呢!"真的不敢想象我是怎么会丧失了这个一般做人的准则呢。这个作弊的阴影时时在我的脑海里回荡,让我每天都不能安心的学习。对自己作弊的行为感到羞愧,我深知要想通过考试,只有靠平时的努力,不应该像我这样在考试中作弊。我保证以后不在有类似的事情发生了。 老师常教育我们做人要诚信,不应该在考试中作弊,而我没有听从老师的教诲,考试作弊不仅让自己难堪,更让班级丢脸,让老师丢脸。考试作弊说明我是一个不讲诚信的人,同学会从此嘲笑我,老师会看轻我,走上社会,人人都会看不起我,这样对自己影响实在太大了,但自己毕竟已经犯了这样的错误了。 只有好好读书,不再犯错,希望早日找回诚信,今后不仅要把老师教我们的

知识学好,更要学好如何做人做一个对社会有用的人,一个正直的人,老师如同父母对我们的爱都是无私的,通过这件事情我深刻的感受到老师对我们那种恨铁不成钢的心情,使我心理感到非常的愧疚,我感谢老师对我的这次深刻的教育,它使我在今后的人生道路上找到了方向,对我的一生有无法用语言表达的作用。 我所犯的错误的性质是严重的。我在考试的时候作弊实际上就是做假骗人,原本弘扬拼搏精神,走顽强拼搏进取之路既是我的责任,也是我坚定不移的前进方向。然而,我的行为却背道而驰。这是一个关系到如何成人,如何成才的一个重大原则问题。 一个人的成长和进步,不仅仅是学业上的提高,更重要的是思想、作风方面上的培养和锤炼。我忽视了这样一个重要的问题,为此而犯了方向性的错误。我所犯错误的影响是很坏的。考试作弊,这种行为是不尊重同学、不尊重老师、不尊重父母的恶劣影响。 本来,老师是对我很器重的,然而,我的错误深深地伤害了他们的心;我真诚地接受批评。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能够吸取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望老师能继续关心和支持我,并对我的问题酌情处理。 我会改正,希望老师和同学和学校监督我,让我更正确地走我的人生。 检讨人:xxx 20xx年x月x日 学生考试作弊万能检讨书600字(二)亲爱的学校老师: 我是xx中学高二xx班的一名普通学生,我叫xxx,写这封检讨书反省我在这次期中考试中作弊的错误。


高校学生考试违纪作弊认定及处理办法 学院学生考试违纪作弊认定及处理办法 为严格考风考纪,加强考试管理,促进学风建设,根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的精神,特制定本办法。 第一条学生在考试中有下列行为之一者,属违反试场纪律,按情节轻重给予警告或严重警告处分: 1.不按指定位置就坐,且不听监考教师调动; 2.监考教师要求出示考试证或身份证而拒绝出示; 3.考试过程中未经监考教师同意而擅自进出试场; 4.交卷后未及时离开试场,且不听监考教师劝告; 5.考试结束后,在试场内发现有违纪痕迹,或由他人检举揭发其违纪并经查实; 6.其它违纪行为。 第二条学生在考试中有下列行为之一者,属考试作弊,终止考试,按情节轻重给予记过或留校察看处分: 1.交头接耳,索要答案,偷看、抄袭他人答案; 2.传递纸条、交换试卷、有意将自己的试卷让他人抄袭答案的双方; 3.闭卷考试中将与考试有关的资料、存储有与考试内容相关资料的电子设备、通讯工具带入试场,并将其放在考生可及范围之内,开卷考试中交换书籍、笔记本或有关考试的资料(包括交换的双方); 4.交卷中偷看别人答案并涂改答案; 5.交卷后,有意在试场逗留,向他人说题;

6.参与团伙作弊; 7.本场考试第二次违反试场纪律者; 8.其它作弊行为; 9.考试结束后,在试场内发现有作弊痕迹、或由他人检举揭发等,经阅卷查实确有本条上述8款行为之一者。 第三条学生在考试中有下列行为之一者,属考试严重作弊,按情节轻重给予留校察看或开除学籍处分: 1.利用手机、互联网等通讯方式作弊; 2.冒名代替他人考试; 3.请他人代考; 4.涂改他人试卷姓名占为己有; 5.组织团伙作弊; 6.己构成考试作弊,拒不服从监考教师处理,故意纠缠、谩骂; 7.在校期间第二次作弊; 8.其它特别严重作弊行为; 9.考试结束后,在试场内发现有严重作弊痕迹、或由他人检举揭发等,经阅卷查实确有本条上述8款行为之一者。 第四条对扰乱考场纪律、冲击考场秩序的学生,给予警告,直至开除学籍处分。 第五条对受过纪律处分又在考试时违纪、作弊的学生,加重处分。对主动承认考试时违纪、作弊的学生可酌情从宽处理。 第六条涉及考试与成绩情况而行贿教师者,给予留校察看处分。 第七条对学生处分,根据《湖州师范学院学生违纪处分办法》处理。



序言 本报告剖析广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况重要指标即普通高等学校(机构)数量,普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量,普通高等学校(机构)校本部教职工数量,普通高等学校(机构)专任教师数量,普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量等,把握广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况发展规律,前瞻未来发展态势。 广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况分析报告数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并经过专业统计分析及清洗处理。无数据不客观,借助严谨的数据分析给与大众更深入的洞察及更精准的分析,体现完整、真实的客观事实,为公众了解广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况提供有价值的指引,为需求者提供有意义的参考。 广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况数据分析报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。

目录 第一节广东省普通高等学校(机构)初级专任教师数量情况现状 (1) 第二节广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量指标分析 (3) 一、广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量现状统计 (3) 二、全国普通高等学校(机构)数量现状统计 (3) 三、广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量占全国普通高等学校(机构)数量比重统计 (3) 四、广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国普通高等学校(机构)数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国普通高等学校(机构)数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、广东省普通高等学校(机构)数量同全国普通高等学校(机构)数量(2017-2018)变 动对比分析 (6) 第三节广东省普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量指标分析 (7) 一、广东省普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量现状统计 (7) 二、全国普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、广东省普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量占全国普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数 量比重统计分析 (7) 四、广东省普通高等学校(机构)教职工总数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8)


人教版2019-2020学年高一自主招生考试英语试卷C卷 一、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分) (共25题;共25分) 1. (1分)—How do you celebrate Spring Festival ? —_____ getting together with my family and having a wonderful meal. A . By B . With C . In D . For 2. (1分)— Pandas are in danger. What should we do? — give some money to the groups like WWF to protect them? A . Why not B . What about C . Let's D . We should 3. (1分)She doesn't know how to her naughty children. A . deal B . take C . manage 4. (1分)—Must I leave now? —No, you_________. You may still stay here if you like. A . mustn't B . can't C . don't have to D . won't 5. (1分)—Would you like to go fishing with me? —I don't feel like it. I would rather _______ at home and have a sleep. A . stay B . to stay C . staying


Independent Recruitment English Exam (July 2016-C) Time: 90 minutes Student’s Name: School’s Name: Section I:Use of Language 语言运用(Total Marks 25%) Direction: For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice for each question in the answer sheet. 1. It is no longer a problem _______ the poor children in this district can go to school. A. that B. whether C. so D. because 2. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising. A. as results B. which results C. the results of it D. the results of which 3. The organization broke no rules, but ______had it acted responsibly. A. neither B. so C. either D. both 4. Many workers were organized to clear away ______remained of the World Trade Center. A. those B. that C. what D. where 5. My train arrive in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ______by then. A. would leave B. will have left C. has left D. had left 6. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____his arguments in favor of the new theory. A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base 7. — Will you go to the party? — Of course I will if______. A. having invited B. invited C. I was invited D. I will be invited 8. — There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. — It______ a comfortable journey. A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been 9. — We could have walked to the station; it was so near. — Yes. A taxi_____ at all necessary. A. wasn’t B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. won’t be 10. —A man answered the phone. I suppose it was her husband. —It_____ her husband. He has been dead for ages.


浅谈期末考试作弊及诚信问题 1 引言 近年来,学生期末考试作弊的现象频繁发生,考试作弊在本文特指发生在大学生群体中的、在各类考试过程中发生的违背规则、规范的欺骗行为。有考试就必有作弊,大学生亦不例外,有学者曾这样描述道:“在大学,作弊似乎像呼吸一样自然,作弊像阅读、写作、数学技能那样,是大学生的一种重要学术技能”。从个人来说,作弊是一种不讲诚信、道德缺失的表现,我国自古就弘扬以诚信为美的道德标准,但是仍避免不了作弊现象,虽然不讲诚信的人短期可能侥幸获利,但这绝不会是长久之计,终究还是会因为真才实学不足被社会所淘汰。然而,考试作弊不仅是大学生个人的道德问题,也成为一个非常重要和需要研究的社会问题。 2 大学生考试作弊呈现出的新特点 2.1 从作弊手段来看,朝着多样化和高科技化方向发展 大学生的作弊手段朝着多样化和高科技化方向发展,大学生作弊手段包括偷看、夹带、传递、刻桌印/手记、代考/替考、手机作弊、换卷等。近年来,随着新的作弊形式的出现,利用现代复印技术将答案缩小复印后折成手心大小的纸条,不易被监考老师发现;委托其他同学冒名顶替进入考场;雇用“枪手”考试,大学的校园里随处都有“枪手”的广告;大学生使用只有黄豆大小的隐形无线耳机;还有学生一起凑钱上网买答案;等,这些给教学管理秩序提出了新挑战。 2.2 从作弊规模来看,单人作弊比例高 大学生考试作弊行为分为单人作弊和协同作弊。单人作弊可以分为有预谋的作弊、情急之下的作弊协同作弊一般是指提供答案的一方为被动作弊者;获得答案的一方为主动作弊者。一般而言,主动作弊者是行为的直接策划、行动者。总体看,协同作弊比例要低于单人作弊,大学生的作弊行为大多为个人行为。2.3 从作弊范围来看,大学生考试作弊已成普遍现象 高校是培养高素质人才的摇篮,大学生将成为社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。当前大学生的作弊现象存在于各类高校,作弊行为已不是个别现象,而成为十分普遍的现象。作弊现象渗透在大学各种类别的考试中,无论在结业考试还是各种取得资格证书的考试中都能发现作弊现象。另外,作弊主体呈现多元化,不仅成绩差的学生在考试中作弊,很多成绩优秀的学生都存在作弊的行为。曾经是低年级的大学生作弊比例较大,现在高年级大学生和研究生作弊行为也有增多的势头,甚至一些教师为了个人利益和人情关系也参与作弊。


(一)、该高等学校在对该学生作出开除学籍规定的过程中有哪些违反了年教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》的行为? 相关内容: 学生作弊被迫退学的通知被张贴在学校各院系醒目处以及学生活动场所的醒目处,其上盖有学校教务处的公章,者侵害了该同学的权利。而在此过程中,该学生多次试图辩解,但是被监考老师制止。事后该学生也曾试图向其所在院系有关老师进行辩解,也均被拒绝。该同学则在作弊事后天就接到了开除学籍处分的通知,并随后由院系副书记当面通知该学生本人及其家长。 第五条学生在校期间依法享有权利: (五)对学校给予的处分或者处理有异议,向学校或者教育行政部门提出申诉;对学校、教职员工侵犯其人身权、财产权等合法权益,提出申诉或者依法提起诉讼;有第十六条规定:学生严重违反考核纪律或者作弊的,该课程考核成绩记为无效,并由学校视其违纪或者作弊情节,给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。给予留校察看及以下处分的,经教育表现较好,在毕业前对该课程可以给予补考或者重修机会。第五十五条中学校对学生的处分,应当做到程序正当、证据充足、依据明确、定性准确、处分恰当的规定。同时在考试作弊相关规定中只存在:第五十四条 (四)

中规定有——由他人代替考试、替他人参加考试、组织作弊、使用通讯设备作弊及其他作弊行为严重的才会给以开除学籍的处分.第五十六条学校在对学生作出处分决定之前,应当听取学生或者其代理人的陈述和申辩。第五十七条学校对学生作出开除学籍处分决定,应当由校长会议研究决定。第五十八条学校对学生作出处分,应当出具处分决定书,送交本人。对学生开除学籍的处分决定书报学校所在地省级教育行政部门备案。第六十条学校应当成立学生申诉处理委员会,受理学生对取消入学资格、退学处理或者违规、违纪处分的申诉。而材料中则是由了学校教务处和校教学委员会联合作出的对该学生开除学籍的处分决定。同样地,第六十一条学生对处分决定有异议的,在接到学校处分决定书之日起个工作日内,可以向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉。 (二)、如果某认为该处分决定不当,有哪些途径可以救济自己的权利? 一般来说,当公民认为其合法权益受到侵害时,可以通过司法途径和非司法途径两种方式获得救济。对于受


2011年上海市普通高等学校 招收应届中等职业学校毕业生统一文化考试 英语试卷 (满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(共70分) I.听力理解(本大题共20分) Part A 短对话理解:根据所听到的短对话,选出最恰当的答案。(本部分共8分,每小题1分) 1. A. Librarian and reader. B. Consumer and repairman. C. Boss the secretary. D. Shop-assistant and customer. 2. A. At the bus station. B. At the airport. C. At the post office. D. At the bank. 3. A. Library. B. Supermarket. C. Kindergarten. D. Book store. 4. A. The film lasted long. B. The woman didn’t see the film. C. The film isn’t worth seeing. D. The woman wants to see the film again. 5. A. Next to the railway station. B. Opposite the Tower Building. C. Next to the Tower Building. D. Opposite the Bank. 6. A. The yellow button. B. The white button. C. The blue button. D. The red button. 7. A. In a book store. B. At a bank. C. At a post office. D. In a library. 8. A. Sit down. B. Remain standing. C. Find himself a seat. D. Go ahead of the woman. Part B 长对话理解:根据所听到的长对话,选出最恰当的答案。(本部分共6分,每小题1分) (A) 9. A. Worried. B. Amused. C. Disappointed. D. Excited. 10. A. I missed two classes. B. I missed three classes. C. I missed no classes. D. I missed five classes. 11. A. I have balanced my life. B. I haven’t put all my heart into my study. C. I gave up the job. D. I failed in my English examination. . (B) 12. A. The woman doesn’t give the man any help. B. The woman gives the man some advice. C. The man gives the woman some help.


高校考试是检验高校教育能力和教学效果的一种重要手段,目的在于考核评定学生对所学知识的掌握能力,了解学生对某方面知识或技能的掌握程度.考试成绩则是衡量学生学习效果的重要指标,因此,一些学生为了获得超出自己水平的分数,不惜铤而走险,在考试中采取作弊的手段.教育部曾下发了《国家教育考试违规处理办法》.但是考试作弊的风气仍然悄然曼延,如何能够有效的减少和杜绝考试作弊行为,是高校教育近年来首要的工作.1导致学生作弊行为的重要原因 1.1 社会负面因素的影响 考试作弊是一种社会行为,与社会上的不正之风有着不可分割的联系,现实社会中的投机钻营、拉关系、各类职称考试在大学校园中寻找替考等现象,都给学生的学习造成了很大的负面影响.致使一部分学生认为考试作弊不算什么大不了的事,只要自己不作弊,别人怎么样跟自己无所谓.大学生作弊的羞耻感由于此观点而淡化了.1.2 学生考试动机不纯 现行的考试制度往往唯分数论,社会、家长、学校将考试成绩作为衡量学生的唯一标准.学生获奖、当学生干部、解决组织问题、就业找工作都要看分数.学生的成绩直接与学生的切身利益挂钩,部分社会用人单位还会把学习成绩、四六级合格证以及文凭作为衡量人才的硬指标,而并不重视应试者的综合素质.1.3 对考试缺乏正确认识 学生更多的时候只看到了考试结果,而忽视了 考试的本质,以至于不能够认真的对待考试.部分学生没有把考试看成是对知识掌握情况的考查,而是碍于面子,认为帮助他人作弊是培养感情的方式,对是非不加分析.不正确的考试观念加上基本素质的薄弱和价值观的错误,导致了考试作弊行为的发生.1.4 考试监督机制不完善 监考是确保整个考试正常进行的主体.其主要职能是:监督考试的实施,并及时向实施者反馈监督的情况和考试运行过程中出现的问题,从而确保 考试活动规范运行.该项活动的实施者是由监考员及巡考员所担当.如果监考不严,巡查不利,便会助长学生作弊之风,使学生有可乘之机.监考人员的监管尺度不一,为作弊者提供了条件;监考过程中执法不严,纵容了作弊者.加之学生作弊手段多样化、欺骗性、隐蔽性、技术性越来越强,监考难度增大,在一定程度上导致了学生作弊行为的发生.2严格考试制度,遏制考试作弊现象的对策分析 2.1 改进考试方式,进行全面考查 在以考试为检验手段的情况下,为了能够全面 地考查学生的所学情况以及教师的教学效果,防止教师考前临时划重点,学生突击记忆的问题,可采取建立试题库的方式,对学生进行全面考查.试题库的建立,可以增加考核覆盖面,学生只有平时认真学习、复习,不再依靠考前辅导,使学生重视平时知识的积累和全面的掌握.该方式可以有效的减少和以往试卷的雷同率等问题,避免考试内容“客观题多” 、“主观题少”的现象.其次,注重考试形式多样化,采取灵活多样的考试形式和方法,可以做多 Vol.28No.3 M ar.2012 赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)Journal of Chifeng University (Natural Science Edition )浅谈高校考试作弊的原因及对策 赵 涛 (宝鸡文理学院中文系,陕西宝鸡721016) 摘要:严格考试管理制度,杜绝作弊行为,是高校教育的一项重要内容.本文通过从影响考试的内因、外因及考试管理工作三个方面进行分析,探讨了科学有效的遏制考试作弊的对策. 关键词:高校;考试管理;考试作弊中图分类号:G642.474 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-260X (2012)03-0243-02 第28卷第3期(上) 2012年3月243--


本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改,也可直接使用大学生考试作弊检讨书500字 对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请老师相信我能吸取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。下面是由风林网络小编为你整理的“大学生考试作弊检讨书500字”,更多内容请访问风林网络。 大学生考试作弊检讨书500字(一) 尊敬的老师: 由于我在考试的时候使用小纸条传答案,造成严重的作弊行为。今天,我怀着无比愧疚和懊悔的心情在此做深刻的检讨。事情经过是这样的。 xx年x月xx日上午,数学考试。由于这门课平时没有学好,加上考试前复习不充分,等到快考试的时候,我还有很多东西没记好,等到考试的时候,我发现很多题目都不会做,我一时糊涂,就用小纸条向同学发了考题,希望他能给我发答案。 正在这时,老师您发现了我的行为,就将我的小纸条和卷子一起没收了。当时我脑中一片空白,心中涌起愧疚,后悔,不安各种情绪。回来后我寝食难安。然后江辅导员找我谈过了话,我才认识到自己犯下了一个极大的错误。 对不起!我不仅对不起长期默默支持我的家人,对不起和我同甘共苦的同学,更对不起细心教导我的老师,辅导员。我的作弊行为严重影响了考试的公平,影响了学校,学院和班级的荣誉,也影响了我个人的形象。我很后悔我所造成的这些严重后果,如果早知道后果这么严重,我绝不会做这种事的。 发生这件事情,所有的问题都在我。监考老师是很尽责的,老师和辅导员也对我进行了耐心的教育。这些都让我深刻认识到自己的错误。 首先,我没有好好学习。由于上大四以来,我一直无心学习,导致我此们课没有学好,如果我好好学习,就不能够犯下这么严重的错误。21世纪是知识的世纪,是人才的世纪,作为一个学生,一个大学生,尤其是这么好的一个学校的大学生,我应该努力学好科学文化知识,提高自身素质,而我却马马虎虎,虚度光阴,实在是枉为大学生。 其次,我没有注意自己的道德素质的修养。考试作弊是一种严重的原则性问


致同行: 本人参加了2015年广东省高校教师岗前培训(第二期),为了更多的后来者可以更有效的通过广东省高校教师岗前培训的考试,特整理了下述资料,希望对你们有所帮助。 下面提到的2015年第二期岗前培训考试《高等教育学》、《高等教育心理学》、《高等教育法规概论》、《高等学校职业道德修养》真题是本人考试后根据回忆整理出来的,上面的答案是本人整理的,不是标准答案,仅供参考,有些没有答案,希望同行自己看书进行整理。除了选择题不记得外,其它题目内容是不会错的。 第一部分:2015年岗前培训(第二期)考试的四套真题2015年第二期岗前培训考试真题《高等教育学》(B卷) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共10分) 该部分内容考后记得不太清楚,在此省略。 二、名词解释(每小题10分,共30分) 1、通识教育 答:通识教育又称为普通教育、一般教育,是指高等教育中“非专业性教育”,最早起源于古希腊的“自由教育”,目的在于养成健全的个人和自由社会中健全的公民,强调完全摆脱功利和实用,注重陶冶情操和道德,达到身心的和谐发展。【P20,P149】。 2、培养方案 答:培养方案是按照高等学校培养目标制定的指导教学活动的规范性文件,它体现了社会对某一种专门人才培养规格的基本要求,是学校组织和管理教学工作的主要依据。培养方案包括专业培养目标、学习年限(学分总计)、课程设置及主要的教学形式和学时的分学期分配等内容。【P159】 3、高等教育大众化 答:高等教育大众化是马丁.特罗提出的一个概念,用来描述高等教育的一个发展阶段及其特征。高等教育大众化是一个量与质相统一的概念,它表示一个国家或地区的高等教育毛入学率(入学人数/适龄入学人口)达到15-50%。这时,与精英教育相比,大众化高等教育呈现出许多不同的特点。【P255】 三、材料分析(每小题20分,共40分) 材料一:大致内容是:耶鲁大学等高校对于通识教育的看法。


大学生考试作弊及其预防措施 查五生刘翠华冯小平蔡擎 (西华大学材料科学与工程学院四川成都610039) 摘要:本文从思想根源和过程监控缺陷上分析了大学生考试作弊的产生原因,指出了作弊的常用方法和手段,并从加强大学生思想道德教育、改革考试形式、强化监考和调整考试作弊纪律处罚等方面提出了预防措施。 关键词:大学生;考试作弊;原因;手段;预防 考试是教学活动中的一个重要环节,是衡量教学效果、评价教学质量的重要手段。虽然存在着被民众所诟病的缺陷和问题,但考试的公正性和公平性勿庸置疑,在没有更好的方法出现以前,考试仍然不失为检验学生知识掌握情况的、简单易行的评价手段。因此,加强考试过程管理,防止命题、考试和评分等过程中的作弊,是体现考试公平、客观的保证。 大学期间的大学生,除了要参加大学英语四、六级和计算机二级等国家和省级考试外,更多的是要参加课程考试。为了学习和掌握更多的知识、顺利通过考试获得相应的学分,大多数学生都能刻苦学习,以积极的心态迎接考试。但也有部分学生漠视学校的规章制度和考试纪律,抱着各种各样的心理和不同目的,要么平时不认真学习、采用作弊手段以图通过考试;要么通过作弊取得高分以获得各种荣誉。这些学生虽然比例不大,但破坏了考试风气,影响非常恶劣,必须采取积极的措施加以制止和预防。 一、大学生考试作弊的原因 大学生考试作弊的动机和根源各种各样,但主要是个人思想道德中的不劳而获和诚信缺失。 11大学生考试作弊的思想根源。我国正处于经济高速发展和新型经济体制的建立、完善时期,社会的大转型和道德、法制建设的不健全,使人们的价值取向发生偏移,道德规范弱化,拜金、浮躁、功利等社会心理甚嚣尘上。这些社会上的消极因素不可避免地影响了高校的大学生,一些大学生心理浮躁、急功近利,缺少艰苦奋斗的基本素质,缺少/待人以诚、忠实守信0的道德品质,漠视包括学校的规章制度和考试纪律在内的社会规范。艰苦奋斗基本素质的缺少,使学生在学习中害怕吃苦,不想通过认真踏实的努力学习掌握知识,而是想不劳而获,采取作弊的手段通过考试。诚信的缺失,使学生不以弄虚作假为耻,坦然地公开作弊。 除了社会因素外,还存在个体的心理因素。大学生血气方刚、精力充沛,但社会阅历浅,处理问题易于冲动、不计后果,成为他们考试作弊的重要内因。他们或不重视学习过程,害怕/挂科0而铤而走险;或心存侥幸,以为老师和同学发现不了其考试作弊;或/为朋友两肋插刀0,代考或协助其他同学作弊。 21考试及其管理制度存在弊端。教师和教学管理人员对考试的认知存在缺陷,导致平时教学和考试过程的管理中存在很多弊端,在一定程度上给作弊创造了条件,甚至纵容作弊。 在平时的教学过程中,教师不认真备课,教学内容和教学方法不能吸引学生,教学效果很差。对学生要求不严、放任自流,对学生大面积缺课、上课不认真听讲、不认真完成作业等现象不管不顾,把学生掌握该门课程基本知识的希望寄托在期末考试的一纸试卷上。学生由于平时未掌握课程的基本内容,心里没底,导致考试作弊。 考试命题时,或者大比例地延用往年考试题目,或者考试内容过多地需要死记硬背,或者给学生划定了范围非常小的复习重点,为学生作弊,特别是夹带作弊创造了条件。 监考不严也是学生敢于作弊的重要原因。部分监考人员的责任心不强,对作弊不管不顾,甚至帮助学生作弊,使学生有恃无恐、当面作弊。有些考场人员配备不足,给监考造成很大困难。 31考试作弊的纪律处分可操作性差。5普通高等学校学生管理规定6及各高校都明确规定了考试作弊的纪律处分,考试作弊者将受到留校察看处分,严重作弊者将被开除学籍,非常严厉。严厉的纪律处分犹如悬在作弊学生头上的高压线,对预防考试作弊有一定的威慑作用,但过于严厉的处分,其可操作性较差,不够切合实际,让监考教师和教学管理人员/两难0。在发现甚至认定学生作弊后,有些教师和管理人员考虑到纪律处分对学生一辈子产生的严重影响,往往/慈悲为怀0,不按相关规定上报,仅在课程成绩上给予一定的惩罚,或者根本未作任何处罚。由于没有受到应有的处罚,有些作弊的学生并不吸取教训,变本加厉,在其它课程考试中继续作弊。 二、大学生考试作弊的主要手段 为了避开监考人员顺利达到作弊目的,作弊学 第22卷第4期大学生考试作弊及其预防措施2006年12月

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