当前位置:文档之家› 如何制作论文海报【英语】




Posters are much more similar to talks than they are to papers. However, most posters suffer from being prepared like manuscripts. Remember that people at meetings are usually burnt out! Do you enjoy reading a lot of fine print when you are viewing posters? The take-home message should be a simple readily available package. You should present only the headlines and the briefest explanation to make your point. Everyone who walks by your poster should immediately know your question and know the answer: those people who are interested can ask you to explain in more detail and can read the paper when it is published.

Your introduction should be no more than a few sentences stating the conventional wisdom or explaining the justification for your question. Next, present your results as pictures (figures and photographs) that tell your story. Move logically from one result to the next, making sure not to include more information than your viewer can easily and quickly digest. You should either skip the methods completely or include only enough to make your results meaningful. The details of your experimental design, sample sizes, and so on should not be included. After each result, you can include one sentence of ‘discussion’ that makes each result more gene ral or relates it to your big question. At the end of your poster you might want to include a sentence or two that explicitly answers the question that you posed at the start. Similarly, a sentence or two (but no more) explaining the significance of your results, how they fit into the big picture, is a useful way to conclude.

One advantage of presenting a poster is that you can walk interested people through your story. This is more effective than asking them to read it. In addition, they have the opportuni ty to ask you questions about things they don’t understand or suggest other experiments and directions. Thus it can be a good use of your time to stay beside your poster and interact with viewers as much as possible when at a conference poster session.

In summary, the poster should tell only a single story using only headlines. It contains few, if any, references and no methodological details. It has figures and photographs, but rarely tables. Details and statistical analyses are not included.


- Does the title summarise the main result?

- Did you limit the introduction of your question to one or two sentences?

- Did you clearly present the question(s) your poster will address?

- Is your methods section extremely brief?

- Are your results mainly presented as pictures?

- Do you briefly explain the significance of each result?

- Are each of your results presented in terms of your overall story?

- Did you include a sentence or two briefly answering the question(s) posed at the start? - Does your poster contain only the headlines?

Karban & Huntzinger 2006 How to do Ecology – A Concise Handbook. Princeton University Press.

Points to consider when making a poster

?Posters can be made using PowerPoint software or Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop

?The poster will be printed out at A4: it can be designed to fit A0 but shrunk to fit A4 and needs to be readable at this size

?Use a very large font size – it needs to be able to be read by people standing a meter or so away at A0 size. If you can read A4 print when holding the paper hand straight in front of you, the font size is good

? A sans serif font is easier to read than a serif font –for example, this is Verdana (sans serif) and this is Times New Roman (serif)

?Do not make the background too complicated as it can distract

?Keep the story simple and keep the text concise:

Readability is a measure of how easily the ideas flow from one item to the next. Text that has lots of grammatical problems, complex or passive sentence structure, and misspellings is difficult to read

?Break the text up into panels –it is not easy to read very long lines. The most common mistake is to add too much text

?Use good illustrations, graphs and photos

?Colours: avoid combinations like blue and yellow, and red and green (colour blindness is quite common), especially for lines that cross or symbols that need to be distinguished. Combining colours with different shaped symbols is a good way of ensuring everybody can interpret your graphs

?Keep graphs as simple as possible – remove panels that do not add to the story being told and remember to make the font size large

?When looking at a poster, eyes go first to the upper left corner and last to the lower right corner; consider putting something catchy or important on these spots

?Remember to include your name and affiliation

?If you can, save your poster as a pdf

?Take a look at the posters around the department and critically appraise them to learn what is good and what is not

?When presenting your poster, present the poster instead of reading the text aloud;

think as if you are giving a tour of the poster and highlight only the main findings


1. My view on…(就...问题,我的观点) Model 1 模板一 Para 1第一段 Different people have different views on... It is held/ believed/ thought/ recognized/ acknowledged that...But it is also held that ... 就 ...而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为...但也有人认为... Those who hold the first opinion feel…In contrast/however/on the contrary, those who hold the second view believe/suggest/argue/believe/think that… 持第一个观点的人认为...相反地,持第二个观点的人认为 Para 2 第二段 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admittedly… /后者 In my opinion, I am for From my standpoint / viewpoint, I am in favor of From my point of view, I am supportive of As far as I am concerned What’s more,… Moreover,… Furthermore,… ,… Para 3 结尾段 In a word, … In sum In brief In short It’s necessary to take a correct attitude to…. Only …, can we … In conclusion 对...持正确的态度是有必要的。只有...,我们才能... To sum up As is mentioned above, Taking all the above into consideration, Model 2 模板二 Para 1第一段 随着...到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中...变得越来越... When asked about ..., different people will offer different opinions.


第一次英语演讲比赛作文范文3篇 第一次英语演讲比赛作文范文3篇 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编收集整理的第一次英语演讲比赛作文范文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 第一次英语演讲比赛作文范文1这个学期,我们班上英语课之前,都要进行演讲活动。这个星期三,就轮到我和我的同桌演讲了。 时间过得可真快啊,一转眼就到第三节课了,我的心怦怦地跳个不停,手直冒冷汗。先是我的同桌上台演讲。只见他胸有成竹的走上讲台,大声的说了起来,而且特别的流利。我更加紧张了,因为这是我从小学到初中第一次演讲,一但说错了,或者是中间忘词了,那不就太丢人了。 同桌还不到一分钟,就演讲完了,也就是说,该轮到我演讲了。我胆战心惊地走上讲台,眼睛盯着后黑板,大声的说:“Good morning!Boys and girls. My name is……”当我说

到”Her favorite color is red!”的时候,突然脑子里一片空白,后面的内容都给忘记了。怎么办啊?怎么办啊?我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。这是,只听见老师说:“别紧张,仔细想想!”时间一分一秒的过去,我渐渐地冷静下来,有把内容从新想了一遍……啊!我想起来了,于是我又继续讲下去…… “That’s all!Thank you!”我的演讲结束了,顿时班里想起一片热烈的掌声,我看了看老师,只见老师嘴角露出了一丝笑容! 我回到了座位上,心想,其实演讲也没有什么可怕的.嘛! 第一次演讲,每个人都会有一种紧张害怕的感觉,但是当你演讲完,就会感觉到演讲其实也没有什么可怕的! 第一次英语演讲比赛作文范文2记得第一次我参加英语演讲比赛时,我的心跳加速,砰砰砰的跳呀跳,像冲过头的火车,让我十分紧张。快轮到我时,我的心里一直想:“只要努力一点,镇静一点就会成功。” “欢迎第三位——王文上场!”当我两脚发抖的站到台上时,我的脑袋一片空白,现场鸦雀无声,只听到我的心脏发狂跳动的声音。从一开始到最后,我的脑袋里只想着:“我一定可以办得到。”我聚精会神,一字一句的脱口而出。当我讲完故事之后,全场热烈的为我喝采,我好感动,我终于讲完这篇精采万分的故事了。


英文通知范文格式 书面通知 是英语作文的一种常见类型。下面是小编帮大家整理的英文通知范文格式, 希望大家喜欢。 书面通知的英语作文格式要求 1.通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用 Notice 作标题。 2.出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角。不过,这两项有时可以省略。 3.通知的正文:要写明所做事情的具体时间、地点、概括性内容、出席对象 及有关注意事项。 4.通知的对象:一般用第三人称,但如果带有称呼语,则用第二人称来表示。 5.通知的文体:注意用词贴切,语句简洁。 通知的英文格式范文 ( 一 ) An English Evening to Be Held Notice It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage 。So an English evening is going to be held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p。m。 next Friday 。 You will enjoy English stories,songs,poemsand short plays at the evening 。 Mr and Mrs Green from the USAworking in our school,together with their children,will be invited to our evening 。 They will give us wonderful performances。 All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening 。 We hope all of you will like the performances。 Student's Union Nov。 16 , 1998 通知的英文格式范文 ( 二 ) Dear classmates, I ’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League membersthis weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are


海报1 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于12月16日5:30P. m.在学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报。 Poster A MATCH Time: Dec. 16 th, 5:30 p.m Place: The School Soccer Field Item: A football match Teams: Class 1, Grade 2 Class 5, Grade 3 Come anti,cheer for them No. 1 Middle School 海报2 请以学生会文体部的名义为一场足球友谊赛写海报。 内容: 参加者:某方足球队和我校足球队 地点:足球场 时间:08年3月15日 组织者:校文体部 观众身穿运动装前往观看助阵, 如果天气下雨比赛延期下周五。 发出时间:3月14日 Poster There will be an exciting football match! Teams: Another school football team vs our school football team Place: the football court. Time: March 15, 2008 Organzier: Department of Recreation and Sports of the School Audiences should go to cheer our team in their sportswear. If it rains, the match will be put off till next Friday. Department of Recreation and Sports of the School March 14, 2008 海报3篮球比赛 【内容提示】 写一则篮球比赛海报,内容如下: 篮球比赛 沈阳队——上海队 时间:11月6日下午3∶00 地点:市体育场


英语演讲比赛获奖感言范文5篇600字左 右 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇一 亲爱的老师、同学们,大家好! 我叫崔允航,今年10岁,是科技少年宫英语中心张莉老师新概念班级的学生,喜欢唱歌、看书及弹钢琴。 为了培养我对英语的兴趣,2008年2月,我参加了“ACT全国青少年英语口语电视大赛”并获得了小学A组金奖。2008年8月我到包头市科技少年宫学习新概念英语,我把每周上课的两个小时当做了一周里最快乐的时光,使我感受到了英语带给我的无穷乐趣,我的英语也有了很大的提高。 我非常喜欢英语,也渴望能够将自己内心对英语的热爱通过舞台展现给大家,这次演讲比赛给了我锻炼的机会和展示的平台,能够在这次比赛中获得二等奖的成绩,我非常惊喜。我要感谢老师们对我的信任和支持、培养和关爱。 通过学习英语,我明白了英语不仅仅是交流的工具,它也使我的生活更加色彩斑斓。 妈妈常对我说“学好一门外语,你就像长了一对飞向世界的翅膀”。是老师们给了我这对展翅欲飞的翅膀,我希望自己将来能飞得更高更远。 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇二 经过海事附中的复赛和决赛,我终于又一次站在领奖台上。此时此刻,感慨颇多。比赛一轮接一轮,一切终于结束。一直自信应该进入总决赛,但真的没有想到能得特等奖。算是圆了自己的一个小小的梦想,也算是给育明高中争来了一个小小的荣誉。 首先,我要感谢英语组的长虹老师,晓娜老师,还有韩非老师。长虹老师忙前忙后为我争取了比赛名额,给予了我这次弥足珍贵机会。晓娜老师还有韩非老师一直陪我比完了两场比赛,为我加油鼓劲。难怪其他学校的选手听说我有老师陪着嫉

妒地说你真幸福。哎,谁叫我是育明这个团结上进而又温暖的集体中的一员呢? 现在回首那一个星期马不停蹄的准备,心中升腾起一阵蓦然的温暖与幸福。尤记得晓娜老师利用自己的休息时间,一遍又一遍的听我背稿,又从网上下来海量问题与我练习即兴演讲这部分的比赛项目,让我在走上舞台时心中满溢着无比的自信。尤记得临赛前同学们澄澈的祝福,让我坚实而坦然地走好了每一步。 同时,我还要谢谢一直伴着我走过九年英语学习历程的我的母亲。是她的严格要求让我有了今天的成绩。从cctv英语演讲大赛的省优胜奖,到未来被英语演讲比赛特等奖,再到枫叶杯初中组金奖,从全国奥林匹克英语小学组全国二等奖,到全国奥林匹克初中组大连市第一名全国一等奖,到如今海附杯特等奖,都有她不可磨灭的功劳。遥想来,母亲付出了太多太多。小时候,在外面学英语。她担心我一个人在学校会害怕,会被人欺负(我从来都是和比我大很多的同学一起上课),她便舍弃悠闲周末的时光,整个下午泡在外语学校里,经常一坐就是五六个小时。现在想来,心里总是有点酸涩的怅然,不知不觉又红了眼圈。甚至可以说,没有母亲的付出,就不会有我今天的辉煌。 换个话题把。谈到学习英语的体会和经验,我想说积累足够的词汇量是最重要的。词汇量大的英语学习者一般听说读写译每一项都很出色,词汇量小的人怎么听,怎么说,怎么写,怎么译都很难有实质性的飞跃。总有人问学英语有什么窍门,我回忆过去的路,想到的只有认认真真的学习和踏踏实实的慢慢进步。更多的人问学英语有什么方法,我觉得最重要的可能是随时叩问自己现在的方法有效吗,自己在进步吗。如果付出了汗水而没有收获果实,那就说明方法需要调整。我不想明确的描述一种或几种方法,应为我觉得大家应该各有不同的最适方法。但是方法永远只是形式,汗水才是真金子。最好的学生应该是既刻苦,又知道有效得刻苦的人。 最后再一次感谢在这次比赛中支持我的老师、同学、家长。同时祝愿所有的同学们在各科学习中能青云缓步共升平,无愧于育明人这一光荣的称号。谢谢。 英语演讲比赛获奖感言篇三 作为中澳班一年一度的特色活动,今年的09级英语演讲比赛历时约半个月。在全年级同学的参与下,先后经历了班内初赛、年级半决赛、决赛三轮。


英语作文范文英语作文书信格式范文 一,英语作文书信格式: 1,最上面顶格写你要把信写给谁。 2,第二段写你要对这个朋友要说的话。 3,写完后最后的一行写上你自己的名字。 二,范文: Dear Mike, I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. At weekend he alwaysgoes to

factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me yours sincerely Tom 拓展资料:英语写作文的注意事项: 英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me ___ you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.


英语俱乐部海报范文 英语俱乐部简介 英语俱乐部成立于xx年,至今已走过了九年的历史,它是海外院给学生们一个展示自我的平台。它是我们学校第一个最具活力、最具魅力的社团。每一个刚踏入海外院的同学都不禁对它好奇,想了解并融入到这个集体中。我们的口号是“one for all,all for one”——意思是团结就是力量,人人为我,我为人人。让爱在你我之间传递,涌动在你我的心间,让人感觉到家的温暖。 英语俱乐部是一个和谐,充满关爱和关怀的社团,它的宗旨是和 同学们一起交流、学习、共同进步,把我们的口语变得更好。英语俱乐部为同学们提供了很多的常规活动,如英语角、英语播音、下班级活动等。每周四晚9:40,英语角就会如火如荼的在二号教学楼前大 榕树下展开,同学们在那里围成一个圈谈论英语。只要环境许可英语俱乐部的部员们都会准时来到这里和同学们交流,给同学们提供交流、学习英语的平台,相互促进、相互进步。我们始终坚持这一传统活动是因为我们不想看到那些热情四溢的,对英语热爱的同学失望而归,只要有同学在那里想交流英语,不管有多晚,我们部员都会耐心的留在那里和同学们交流。同学们的积极和部员的配合使得每次英语角都圆满结束。同学们的口语也从中得到了锻炼和提高。英语角把我们和各班同学联合起来,它成为我们部的一道亮丽风景线。还有英语报,那是我们部的成员用自己的智慧和汗水编制出来的。英语报是用来给同学们当成一种课外阅读的材料,让同学们学习上面的短语和句子,

给同学们日后的写作提供参考。每周六下午我们部还会组织部员进行校 园英文广播,通过广播向同学们介绍一些西方的文化,丰富同学们的业余生活。此外,我们部的下班负责人还安排部员到五年一贯制的班级进行下班活动。旨在提高同学们的学习兴趣,帮助他们解决一些英语学习方面的问题。我们的下班活动一直备受五年一贯制的同学们的热烈欢迎,我们部员和同学们的关系更加融洽、和谐。 同时我们社团内部有着严格的管理制度,每次正式会议之前,都有秘书长负责点名,记录考勤情况。无特殊情况下不参加会议四次者,劝其自动退社。有事不得不请假者要事先跟部长、副部长或秘书长请假,否则做缺勤处理,活动缺勤次数越多者,将劝其退社。我们把部员参加英语角以及下班活动的等表现作为考察部员的准则,并以他们的表现作为每年评选社团优秀积极分子的准则,做到对每一名社员都公平公正、负责。 总而言之,英语是最热门的学科,同时还具有新热就业前途的优点,我们有责任学好它,使英语专业成为学院的优势科目。英语俱乐部是海外院的一颗闪亮明珠,相信在将来的每一天,会绽放出最耀眼的光芒。 关于英语俱乐部“每日一句”口语测评比赛策划方案 负责人目的:增加社团凝聚力,提高社团成员的英语水平。让13级新成员热爱英语俱乐部。吸引更多志同道合的同学加入我们英语俱乐部。前期准备:


英语六级作文万能模板 一、常见开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……)二、阐述观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同)三、结束语 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)


1.现象解释类 In modern society, _________________(现象或趋势)。On the one hand, _____________. One the other hand, _______________________. The reason for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. Firstly, ___________________. Secondly, _______________________. Finally, _______________________. As a matter of fact, _____________________. For one thing, _________________. For another, ____________________. All in all, ____________________. 范文: Craze for National Civil Servant Test. 1.当前,越来越多的人参加公务员考试。 2.产生这一现象的原因。 3.我对该现象的看法。 In modern society, the number of people taking part in the national servant test has increased dramatically. On the one hand, college graduates are busy in preparing for such examination. On the other hand, some people who have already worked for a couple of years also join in this team. The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. Firstly, in recent years, it is hard for college students to find satisfactory jobs


全国大学生英语竞赛C类资料整理 I听力 特别注意:听力内容均是只播放一遍! A 5段短对话,分别1个小问题。 B 2段长对话,分别5个小问题。 前两部分的长短对话难度其实不是很大,主要是尽快让自己进入状态,听力只有一遍,上一题没听到,就赶紧猜一个,千万不要影响后面的题目。 C 5段短新闻,分别1个小问题,内容均是摘自或的新闻。 现在只剩下一个月时间,要大家一直对着或是广播听也不是办法,建议大家上沪江英语学习的或小组,里面的内容一般都是筛选过的,每天听一些,熟悉一下英美人士的发音就好。 D 1段长文章,共有10个空格,注意要填写的可能是单词也可能是短语。 最后就是关于考听力的一些提示,毕竟英语竞赛的听力考试是播放录音的,各考场分配到的带子质量不一,考场环境有好有坏。假设你实在太倒霉了,带子播放不清晰,环境吵杂(监考老师也很可能帮不了你,因为大多监考老师不是英语老师),也不要心慌,冷静下来尽量听到关键词,加上自己的大胆猜测,蒙对的概率也是很大的。 情景词汇大归纳 在学校: 等级;分数;学期;作业;演讲,讲稿;奖学金; 测试;假期;学分;小测验;优等生 在医院: 药;注射;诊断;处方;病人;疼痛;麻疹; 胃疼,肚子痛;牙痛;头痛;发高烧;腮腺炎;兽医;肝癌;嗓子痛;心脏病发作;内科医生;外科医生;儿科医生;肺癌;() (病后)痊愈,恢复;手术; 医生;护士;病房;急诊病房;咳嗽; 体温;血压; 在宾馆: 接待处;前台;空房;单人间;双人间;小费;预定;登记住入;结帐离开;行李搬运工;客满;房间服务部,服务到屋 在商店: 便宜货;出纳;售货员;店员;假冒伪劣商品;颜色;式样; 价格;保修; 保质期;售后服务;时髦,时尚;便宜的;昂贵的;柜台尺寸;收据; 在机场: 航班;护照;签证;登机;预约;空中小姐;飞行员;免税店;机场 在餐馆: 服务员;女服务员;点菜;菜单;帐单;饮料;不含酒精的饮料;色拉;汤;甜点;烤牛肉;猪肉;羊肉;羔羊肉;鸡肉;鱼肉;牛排;各付各的,制;免费; (’s )我请客 在法院: 控告;合法的;控告;被告;原告;控诉;宣告有罪;委托人,当事人;法官;判刑;关押,监禁;死罪;死刑 在邮局: 邮资;信件;明信片;邮票;信封;包裹;挂号信;航空邮件;普通邮件;快件;电报;汇款 在银行:


英语作文开头、结尾及作文模板 (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why? (二)中间段落句 1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。 On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____. 2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___. 3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是…… ______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.


小学英语作文:足球比赛海报 海报 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于月16日5:30p. m.在学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报。 poster a match time: dec. 16 th, 5:30 p.m place: the school soccer field item: a football match teams: class 1, grade 2 class 5, grade 3 come anti,cheer for them no. 1 middle school 海报 足球比赛 二年级一班对三年级五班 时间:月16日下午5:30 地点:学校足球场 一中 2017-03-11

海报 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于月16日5:30p. m.在学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报。 poster a match time: dec. 16 th, 5:30 p.m place: the school soccer field item: a football match teams: class 1, grade 2 class 5, grade 3 come anti,cheer for them no. 1 middle school 海报 足球比赛 二年级一班对三年级五班 时间:月16日下午5:30 地点:学校足球场 一中 2017-03-11 海报 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于月16日5:30p. m.在

学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报。 poster a match time: dec. 16 th, 5:30 p.m place: the school soccer field item: a football match teams: class 1, grade 2 class 5, grade 3 come anti,cheer for them no. 1 middle school 海报 足球比赛 二年级一班对三年级五班 时间:月16日下午5:30 地点:学校足球场 一中 2017-03-11 海报 一中二年级一班和三年级五班将于月16日5:30p. m.在学校足球场举行一场足球比赛,请你代表一中用英文写一份海报。


英语信范文英语作文书信格式范文 一,英语作文书信格式: 1,最上面顶格写你要把信写给谁。 2,第二段写你要对这个朋友要说的话。 3,写完后最后的一行写上你自己的名字。 二,范文: Dear Mike, I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. At weekend he alwaysgoes to

factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me yours sincerely Tom 拓展资料:英语写作文的注意事项: (一) 英文书信的组成部分 英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address), 称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature), 有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。


(3) Follow Positive Fashions, Resist Negative Fashions. 韩蕊蕊 临淄雪宫中学 Fashions refer to the things that most people tend to do. Some fashions are positive and meaningful while some are negative and harmful. So we can’t simply say we should follow fashions or we shouldn’t follow fashions. It’s the effect fashions have on society that counts. When it comes to clothes, fashions should not be followed. What others wear may not fit you. Also, you don’t need to change your likes and dislikes in order to follow fashions. It’s stupid to run after fashions without consideration. What clothes we should buy depends on our financial ability, our tastes, our identity and so on. If everyone follows fashions without thinking, people will lose their own personality and our society will lack the motivation to develop. In a nutshell, we shouldn’t follow wearing fashions. It’s important that we dress what we like and feel comfortable in it. Fashions also include donating money and items. It’s the fashion that we should follow. We nchuan and Yushu earthquake destroy many people’s homes. As Chinese, we have the res-ponsbility[*1] to give a hand to them. To help them rebuild their houses and pick up their courage, we should do what we can. At one time, many people give out a large number of money and items without hesitation. We are glad to see that the fashion has been formed. On no condition should we give up helping others. That fashion represents Chinese spirits. Everyone following the fashion, [12] we will over come[*3] any difficulties and head to the bright future. Should we follow fashions? At some time, we should; at some time, we shouldn’t . If the fashion has a positive effect on our society, it should be encouraged. If the fashion does harm to our society, it must be resiste d. It’s the principle we should insist on. Only in this way can our country develop rapidly. Treat fashions correctly, and everyone will live a better life. 专家点评: 从文章的字里行间能明显感觉到该同学对于英语语言本身的休养较高:包括词的选择使用,难句的把握,整体的流畅性,都是值得赞扬和学习的,这是一篇很优秀的文章。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*1]responsibility [12]句子缺东西,再者与后句缺乏逻辑关系。 [*3]overcome


作文格式范例 1.. My View on Money Money is regarded by some people as the most important thing in life. _______________________________________________________________________ However/ By contrast/ On the contrary, there are some others who hold that money is the source of all crimes. _______________________________________________________________________ In my opinion, money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On the one hand, ______________________________ On the other hand, ______________________________ In addition, ______________________________ 2. Shopping on the Internet: With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. With the development of modern technique, shopping on the internet has become increasingly/more and more popular all over the world. Shopping on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. Like a coin, shopping on the Internet has two sides. Here, the most important is perhaps its convenience.____________________________________________________________ However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that__________________. The second disadvantage is that _______________________________________________________ I hold the point of view that shopping on the internet is___________________. We should take advantages of the internet.________________________________________ Shopping on the Internet should be developed in the right direction. 3. Test for National Civil Servants In recent years, there are a large number of/ more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention. The following reasons can account for this kind of craze. Above all, _______________________________________________________. Moreover,_______________________________________________________________.Besi des,___________________________________. In my opinion, __________________________________________. 4. The Best Means of Transportation Nowadays, with the development of people’ life there appears a large number of motor vehicle. As a result of this phenomenon, our country has been exposed not only to the problem of environmental pollution, but to the problem of traffic congestion. In fact, there are many different means of transportation can be chose, such as subway, public bus, bicycle and so on. As far as… is concerned/ considering/ in view of/ take… into consideration health, energy conservation and environment protection I’m in favor of/ like/ prefer… I’d like to take the public bus. __people from all walks of life____________________________________________________. 5. an associate degree holder Florida International College of Zhengzhou University Service and Managements of Sports/ PE (Physical Education) Electronic Application Safety Technology Managements of Safety Technology 1.. In reply to your advertisement in today’s newspaper, I respectfully offer my services for the situation. 拜读今日XX报上贵公司广告,本人特此备函应征该职位。 2. Replying to your advertisement in today’s newspaper, I wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm. 拜读贵公司在今日(报章)上广告,特此备函应征贵公司该职位。 Although short on experience, I am long on effort and enthusiasm. I am an outgoing, friendly individual who would enjoy building strong interpersonal relationships with valued customers. I am sure that my honesty, carefulness, patience, commitment and extensive knowledge will produce an excellent job performance. I believe I am well prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post. Dear Mr. Li, I am Zhang Ming, a would-be

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