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合作意向书,英文 篇一:英文版合作意向书 LOI English Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd And Dart Energy PTE LTD And Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd Letter of Intent on Cooperative Development of Unconventional Gas Dated: May 20, 2013 Cooperating Parties: Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd Party B: Dart Energy PTE LTD Party C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd A. Precondition to the Cooperation 1. Party A is a business entity incorporated under the approval of Henan Provincial Government. It is responsible exclusively for coal bed methane (CBM) exploration, extraction and production, development and utilization in Henan Province and is

the first provincial CBM development and utilization company in China. Party A has obtained the qualification to exclusively cooperate with foreign enterprises. 2. Party B is a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Singapore. The company has the technical and capital capabilities of t assessing CBM resources, designing appraisal and pilot drilling programs and subject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre-drainage of several coal mining areas. 3. Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization of automotive new energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the company has eight CNG gas stations, two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas station in operation. 4. It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry out


北京协和医院病危(重)通知书 一,致患者近亲属/代理人 尊敬的患者近亲属/代理人: 您好!您的家人现在我院治疗。 虽经医护人员积极救治,但患者目前病情危重,病情有可能进一步恶化,已经或随时会出现以下一种或多种危及患者生命的情况: ●肺性脑病,严重心律失常、心功能衰竭、 心肌梗死、高血压危象; ●上消化道出血导致出血性休克、脑出血、 脑梗塞、脑疝; ●感染中毒性休克、过敏性休克、心源性 休克; ●弥漫性血管内凝血; ●多器官功能衰竭; ●糖尿病酮症、酸中毒、低血糖性昏迷、 高渗性昏迷; ●猝死等其他不可预见情况。 上述情况会严重威胁患者生命,医护人员将会全力抢救,其中包括气管插管、气管切开、呼吸机辅助呼吸、电除颤、心脏按压等措施。 特别说明:为保护患者生命健康权益,在抢救时间急迫必须刻不容缓采取措施的情况下,医师可能来不及征得您的同意而先行最必要的紧急处置,之后医师会向您通报情况,请您予以理解并积极配合医院的抢救治疗。如您还有其他问题和要求,请在接到本通知后主动找医师了解咨询。请您留下准确的联系方式,以便医护人员随时与您沟通。 此外,限于目前医学科学技术条件,尽管我院医护人员已经尽全力救治患者,仍存在因疾病原因无法挽回患者生命的可能。请患者 家属予以理解。 二,医生声明 我已经向患者近亲属/代理人告知如下情况: ●目前的病情危重程度 ●可能出现的风险和后果 ●医护人员对于患者病情危重时进行的救治措施 (医生签名) (签字日期) 三,患者近亲属/代理人声明 ●我确认本人具备合法资格签署本同意书。 ●医护人员已经向我详细告知如下情况: ?目前的病情危重程度 ?可能出现的风险和后果 ?医护人员对于患者病情危重时进行的救治措施 ●我已了解如下情况: ?目前的病情危重程度 ?可能出现的风险和后果 ?医护人员对于患者病情危重时进行的救治措施如您知晓以上内容,请签字 (患者近亲属/代理人签名) (签字日期) 病案号 姓名:性别:年龄:科室: 病 危(重)通 知 书


病危通知书模板 病危通知书,没有人愿意写,也没有人愿意收到,但有时候命运就是这么无情,那么病危通知书是什么样子的呢?有没有可以参考的病危通知书样本呢?下面本人给大家带来病危通知书模板范文,供大家参考! 病危通知书模板范文一 ________亲属: 患者____性别____年龄____ 床号____ 病案号____ 诊断为____________现在我院住院治疗,虽经积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病危通知。尽管如此,我们仍会积极救治,请予以理解与配合,如您还有其他要求请在接到“病危通知书”后立即告诉我科。 医师签名:____ 日期:____年____月____日____时____分 亲属签名:____ 亲属与患者的关系:________ 身份证号码:________ 日期:____年____月____日____时____分 ____________医院 病危通知书模板范文二 ____亲属: 患者____同志(先生、女士),身份证号码:____,现在我院________科住院治疗,诊断为____________,虽经积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病危通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院在不能事先征得您的同意的情况下,将

依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如您还有其他要求,请在接到“病危通知书”后立即告诉我科。 主治医生或获得授权的医务人员签字:________ 患者家属/监护人签字:________ 与患者关系: ________ 签字时间:____年____月____日____时____分 ________医院________科 病危通知书模板范文三 姓名:________性别:____年龄:____病历号: ________ 尊敬的患者家属或患者法定监护人及授权委托人: 您好!您的家人________现在我院________科治疗。 目前诊断为: 虽然经医护人员积极救治,但目前患者病情仍然极其危重,并且可能进一步恶化,随时可能出现以下一种或多种危及生命的情况:①肺性脑病、严重心律失常、心衰、心肌梗死、高血压危象;②上消化道出血导致的出血性休克、脑出血、脑 梗塞、脑疝;③感染中毒性休克、过敏性休克、心源性休克;④弥散性血管内凝血(DIC);⑤多器官功能衰竭⑥糖尿病酮症酸中毒,低血糖昏迷、高渗性昏迷;⑦其他难以预料的意外情况(如回家后出现突发意外等)。 上述情况发生会严重威胁患者生命,医护人员将竭尽全力抢救,在我国法律中规定,为抢救患者生命,医师可以在不征得您的同意,依据救治需要对患者进行抢救,并使用必需的药品和医疗仪器,然后履行告知义务,请您理解并积极配合医院的抢救工作。


采购意向书中英文 篇一:MODEL_LOI_采购意向书英文模板 Dated: __________________________ To : Dear Sirs: hereby declare that we are ready, willing and able under the act of perjury to purchase the following commodity as specified below and certify that we have available full funding fo r the purchase: NAME OF THE PRODUCT : SPECIFICATIONS : Quantity: Quantity per shipment per month: Quantity the Letter of Credit will be issued for: Port of Delivery: Contract duration: Packing: Discharge rate per day at port of delivery: Price: Terms of Payment: Please specify the type of LC/payment you wish to offer: DLC, RLC, FFDLC, FFRLC, or SBLC Full Name of the Bank : Full Address of the Bank:Bank Telephone No: Bank Fax No:


病危通知书格式 病危通知书格式1 _________亲属: 患者__________同志(先生、女士),身份证号码:__________,现在我院_____科住院治疗,诊断为_______________,患者目前病情危重。 我们会积极救治但病情可能会出现治疗效果欠佳、病情恶化,甚至危及生命。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院在不能事先与您联系并征得您的同意的情况下,将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持。如果在救治过程中出现意外,院方不承担一切责任。如您还有其他要求,请在接到“病危通知书”后立即告知我科。 主治医生或获得授权的医务人员签字:__________ 患者家属/监护人签字:__________ 与患者关系:__________ 签字时间:_____年_____月_____日_____时_____分 __________科 病危通知书格式2

床号:__________住院号:__________ __________亲属: 患者_____同志(先生、女士),身份证号码为:_______________,现在我院住院治疗,目前诊断为_________________________,虽经积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病危病重通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院在不能事先征得您的’同意的情况下,将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如果在救治过程中出现意外。院方不承担一切责任。如您还有其他要求,请在接到“病危病重通知书”后立即告知我院。 此外,限于我院目前的技术水平和医疗设备条件,尽管我院医务人员已经尽全力救治,但仍存在因疾病原因患者不幸死亡的可能,请患者家属予以理解。同时要求患者及时转院。 经治医生或获得授权的医务人员签字:__________ 患者家属/监护人签字:__________ 与患者关系:__________ 签字时间:_____年_____月_____日_____时 病危通知书格式3 亲属:


意向书中英文 篇一:合作意向书(中英对照) 羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书 Letter of Agreement (For the Cooperation On Knitted Sweater Workshop) 甲方Party A: 乙方Party B: 双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向: Through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following: 一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。 1. Agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是: 额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 Both parties will invest_***$ on the project. PartyA will provide fund and workshop facilities as investment, accounting for 51% share. PartyB will provide the processing equipment, accounting for 49% share. 二、甲乙双方各自负责

2. 甲方应做好以下工作Resonsibilities For PartyA: 1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地XX平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本; 1) Rent out the production and official field XXm2 (including warehouse) to the cooperative workshop. The rental should be lower than the market price and should be listed as a production cost of workshop. 2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本; 2) Provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop. 3、负责设备进口的相关税费; 3) Relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment. 4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本 4) Transportation and installation fee in Chinese Mainland, which is listed as the production cost of workshop.. 乙方应做好以下工作Responsibilities For PartyB: 1. 负责产品开发、销售; 1) Development , marketing and sales of the product


病危通知书最新7篇 病危通知书是医院发出的,在病人病情趋于恶化,有危及生命可能的情况下,发给其家属的病情危急的具体情况通知书。下面是小编给大家整理的病危通知书,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。感兴趣的朋友可以了解一下。 病危通知书1 床号:__________ 住院号:__________ __________亲属: 患者_____同志(先生、女士),身份证号码为: _______________,现在我院住院治疗,目前诊断为 _________________________,虽经积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病危病重通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院在不能事先征得您的同意的情况下,将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如果在救治过程中出现意外。院方不承担一切责任。如您还有其他要求,请在接到“病危病重通知书”后立即告知我院。

此外,限于我院目前的技术水平和医疗设备条件,尽管我院医务人员已经尽全力救治,但仍存在因疾病原因患者不幸死亡的可能,请患者家属予以理解。同时要求患者及时转院。 经治医生或获得授权的医务人员签字:__________ 患者家属/监护人签字:__________ 与患者关系:__________ 签字时间:_____年_____月_____日_____时 病危通知书2 患者姓名性别年龄病历号 尊敬的患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人: 您好!您的家人现在我院科住院治疗。目前诊断为。虽经医护人员积极救治,但目前患者病情危重,并且病情有可能进一步恶化,随时会出现以下一种或多种危及患者生命的并发症:1、肺性脑病,严重心律失常、心功能衰竭、心肌梗死、高血压危象;2、上消化道出血导致出血性休克、脑出血、脑梗塞、脑疝;3、感染中毒性休克、过敏性休克、心源性休克;4、弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC);5、多器官功能衰竭;6、糖尿病酮症、酸中毒、低血糖性昏迷、高渗性昏迷;7、其他。上述情况一旦发生会严重威胁患者生命,医护人员将会全力抢救,其中包括气管切开、呼吸机辅助呼


agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall be mutually agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5. this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed an original when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。party a: party b:甲方:乙方:signed by: signed by:委托人签字:……………………………………….. 委托人签字:………………………………………..date: date:日期:日期: page 2 of 2 篇二:公司英文商函合作意向书模板、格式 合作项目意向书 letter of intent for project date:july 28,2014(日期) attn:ohwan k&c corporation(收件:公司名称) 正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。 sincerely yours, xxxxx公司名称 co., ltd.(英文名称需盖章) 地址:公司地址电话(tel):86-xxxxx传真(fax):86-xxxxxx add: 翻译上述地址电话传真篇三:英文版合作意向书 loi english henan cbm development and utilization co., ltd and dart energy pte ltd and letter of intent on cooperative development of unconventional gas dated: may 20, 2013 cooperating parties: party a: henan cbm development and utilization co., ltd party b: dart energy pte ltd a. precondition to the cooperation 1. party a is a business entity incorporated under the approval of henan provincial 3. party c focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization of 4. it is the intention of the parties that party a and party b will cooperate and carry out exploration work in the 6 cbm blocks under the principle of “easier block/cherry-pick development first” subject to the condition that the choice is beneficial to all parties. technical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of cbm exploration and development within the corresponding areas. to this end, all parties agree to include a confidentiality clause in this loi with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data. 6. party b and party c agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical due diligence b. cooperation intention evaluation of the feasible area selected by party a to determine the potential


病危通知书参考范文 病危通知书,是医院发出的,在病人病情急剧恶化,危及生命的情况下,发给其家属的病情危急的具体情况通知书。下面是学习啦小编整理的病危通知书参考范文,欢迎阅读参考。 病危通知书参考范文篇1 姓名:性别:年龄:床号: (门诊)住院号:尊敬的患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人: 您好!您的家人现在我院治疗。 目前诊断为: 目前患者病情危重,并且病情有可能进一步恶化,随时会出现以下一种或多种危及患者生命的并发症: 1.肺性脑病,严重心律失常、心功能衰竭、心肌梗塞、高血压危象; .上消化道出血导致出血性休克、脑出血、脑梗塞、脑疝; .感染中毒休克、过敏性休克、心源性休克、低血容量性休克; .弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC); .多器官功能衰竭; .糖尿病酮症、酸中毒、低血糖性昏迷、高渗性昏迷; .其他。 等疾病或并发症危及生命,建议转上一级医院进一步诊

治,家属表示放弃转上级医院进一步治疗机会继续在本院治疗,发生任何不良后果(病人死亡)家属表示理解。 患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人意见: 关于患者目前的病情危重、可能出现的风险和后果医护人员已经向我详细告知。我了解了患者病情危重,我同意继续在本院进行救治,对所发生的一切后果我们自行承担责任。 患者授权亲属(签名) 与患者关系签名时间年月日时分 医护人员陈述: 我已经将患者目前的病情危重、可能出现的风险和后果向患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人详细告知。 医护人员(签名):签名时间年月日时分 病危通知书参考范文篇2 亲属: 患者同志(先生、女士)现在我院科住院治疗,诊断为,虽然积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病重(危)通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院不能事先征得您的同意的情况下将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如您还有其他要求,在接到”病重(危)通知书”后立即告诉我科。


羊毛衫加工分厂项目合作协议书 letter of agreement (for the cooperation on knitted sweater workshop) 甲方party a: 乙方party b: 双方就羊毛衫加工车间项目的合作事宜,经过初步协商,达成如下合作意向: through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following: 一、同意就羊毛衫加工车间项目开展合作开发。 1. agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是: 额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 both parties will invest_***$ on the project. partya will provide fund and workshop facilities as investment, accounting for 51% share. partyb will provide the processing equipment, accounting for 49% share. 二、甲乙双方各自负责 2. 甲方应做好以下工作resonsibilities for partya: 1、以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地2000平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列 入合作成本; 1) rent out the production and official field 2000m2 (including warehouse) to the cooperative workshop. the rental should be lower than the market price and should be listed as a production cost of workshop. 2、负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本; 2) provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop. 3、负责设备进口的相关税费; 3) relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment. 4、负责中国境内的运输、安装费用,此费用列入合作分厂成本 4) transportation and installation fee in chinese mainland, which is listed as the production cost of workshop.. 乙方应做好以下工作responsibilities for partyb: 1. 负责产品开发、销售; 1) development , marketing and sales of the product 2. 负责生产技术指导。 2) supervise the production 三、其他others: 1. 甲方负责加工生产,协助乙方销售; 1) partya is responsible for the production and assist partyb for marketing and sales. 3. 项目总负责人由甲方委派,助理负责人由乙方委派; 3) chief responsible person is appointed by partya, and assistant should be appointed by partyb. 4. 此项目财务独立核算,专款专用。经营过程中所产生的风险或利润分配按双方所占股 份比例共同承担或享有 4) the funds are for the project only and respective accounting. according


宠物病危通知书模板 以下是为大家整理的宠物病危通知书模板的相关范文,本文关键词为宠物,病危,通知书,模板,篇一,病危,通知书,模板,病重,亲,您可以从右上方搜索框检索更多相关文章,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注我们并推荐给您的好友,您可以在新闻报道中查看更多范文。 篇一:病危通知书模板 病重(危)通知书 亲属: 患者同志(先生、女士)现在我院科住院治疗,诊断为 ,虽然积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命,特下达病重(危)通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院不能事先征得您的同意的情况下将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如您还有其他要求,在接到"病重(危)通知书"后立即告诉我科。 医院科 医师签名:日期:

亲属∕监护人签名:日期: 亲属与患者病人的关系: 身份证号码: (本通知书一式两份,医院、患者亲属各执一份) 亲属与患者病人的关系: 身份证号码: (本通知书一式两份,医院、患者亲属各执一份) 亲属与患者病人的关系: 身份证号码: (本通知书一式两份,医院、患者亲属各执一份) 年月年月日时日时分分 篇二:病危通知书模板 病重(危)通知书 亲属: 患者同志(先生、女士)现在我院科住院治疗,诊断为 ,虽然积极救治但目前病情趋于恶化,随时可能危及生命, 特下达病重(危)通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者, 医院不能事先征得您的同意的情况下将依据救治工作的需要,使用和采取应急救治所必需的仪器设 备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如您还有其他要求,在接到"病重(危)通知书"后立即


医院病危通知书 医院病危通知书 尊敬的患者家属: 您的亲属,患者:____性不:女年龄:____住院号:________ 在中国医科大学附属盛京医院妇科肿瘤病房____床住院治疗中,诊断为________________________,目前患者病情危重,随时可能出现呼吸、心跳骤停等生命危险,特此告知,请予以理解并积极配合医院的抢救治疗。 为了抢救患者的生命,将疾病带给患者的健康危害减到最低,病危期间,假如患者出现紧急情况,医院将采取抢救所必须的治疗手段,使用抢救所必须的仪器设备,不能事先征得您的同意,假如您有特别要求,请在接到通知后24小时内尽快向我院书面告知。 经治/值班医师:________ ____年____月____日 医师已向我们详细讲明了目前病人的危重病情,家属了解并情愿配合贵医院医师的抢救治疗措施,并承担所发生的费用和可能的风险。 家属签字:____________与患者关系:________ ____年____月____日 注:本病危通知书一式两份,一份留存病志中,一份通知书交患者家属。 医院病危通知书(2) ________亲属: 您好!患者________同志(先生、女士)现在我院________科住院治疗,诊断为________________,虽经积极治疗但目前病情趋于恶化,随时有可能危及生命,特下达病危(重)通知。尽管如此,我们仍会采取有效措施积极救治。同时向您告知:为抢救患者,医院不能事先征得您的同意的情况下将依据救治工作需要,使用和采取应急救治所需的仪器设备和治疗手段,请予以理解、配合和支持,如您还有其他要求请在接到病危(重)通知书后立即告诉我科。 医师签名:________日期:______________ 亲属/监护人签名:________日期:______________ 亲属与患者关系:________ 身份证号:________________ (本通知书一式两份,医院、患者亲属各执一份) 医院病危通知书(3) 病危病重通知书 患者姓名 性不 年龄 病历号 尊敬的患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权托付人: 您好!您的家人__________现在我院______________科住院治疗。 目前诊断为___________________。虽经医护人员积极救治,但目前患者病情危重,同时病情有可能进一步恶化,随时会出现以下一种或多种危及患者生命的并发症: 肺性脑病,严峻心律失常、心功能衰竭、心肌梗死、高血压危象; 1、上消化道出血导致出血性休克、脑出血、脑梗塞、脑疝; 2、感染中毒性休克、过敏性休克、心源性休克;


Now there is an opportunity for low-cost Acquisition of an American University ----California University of Management and Sciences, a private university registered in US Department of Education. Because of retirement, its 82 year old Chairman of the board would like to transfer his possession of the land of 1.2 acres ,on which there are 3300- square-meter(27000square foot ) the school building . The location of the facility is in the Core Commercial Area of Anaheim, the southern part of Los Angles, 15 minutes driving to Disneyland , 1hour driving to northwest to the LA airport, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, 30minutes driving to south to the Irvine airport, 1hour driving to north to the Ontario International Airport. The university is entitled to enroll international students and issue I-20 visa. The university is authorized to grant four master degrees, four bachelor degrees, two associate degrees and ESL. The university has 500 enrolled students, $5.4million the annual income , among which $3.2million cost and $1.4million profit. With the existing school and teachers, the potential enrollment capacity of this university can be doubled. We can assist you to achieve the acquisition with $17million and obtain the net profit percentage 8.24%.we will arrange 60% loan and loan period is 7-10years with yearly interest 4-5%, in addition, plus 1% handling charge. Investment suggestion: 1. Fully using of existing university qualifications and development advantage of the Los Angeles, make the university into a leading university in the medium to long term. 2. With rapid expanding enrollment to increase net profit among to $3million or $4million.


正安县人民医院 病危病重通知书 患者姓名性别年龄病历号 尊敬的患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人: 您好!您的家人现在我院科住院治疗。 目前诊断为。 虽经医护人员积极救治,但目前患者病情危重,并且病情有可能进一步恶化,随时会出现以下一种或多种危及患者生命的并发症: 1、肺性脑病,严重心律失常、心功能衰竭、心肌梗死、高血压危象; 2、上消化道出血导致出血性休克、脑出血、脑梗塞、脑疝; 3、感染中毒性休克、过敏性休克、心源性休克; 4、弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC); 5、多器官功能衰竭; 6、糖尿病酮症、酸中毒、低血糖性昏迷、高渗性昏迷; 7、其他。 上述情况一旦发生会严重威胁患者生命,医护人员将会全力抢救,其中包括气管切开、呼吸机辅助呼吸、电除颤、心脏按摩、安装临时起搏器等措施; 根据我国法律规定,为抢救患者,医生可以在不征得您同意的情况下依据救治工作的需要对患者先采取抢救措施,并使用应急救治所必需的仪器设备和治疗手段,然后履行告知义务,请您予以理解并积极配合医院的抢救治疗。 如您还有其他问题和要求,请在接到本通知后主动找医生了解咨询。请您留下准确的联系方式,以便医护人员随时与您沟通。 此外,限于目前医学科学技术条件,尽管我院医护人员已经尽全力救治患者,仍存在因疾病原因患者不幸死亡的可能。请患者家属予以理解。 患者家属或患者的法定监护人、授权委托人意见: 关于患者目前的病情危重、可能出现的风险和后果以及医护人员对于患者病情危重时进行的救治措施,医护人员已经向我详细告知。我了解了患者病情危重,并 (“同意”)医护人员进行(同意划√,可多选): □气管切开□呼吸机辅助呼吸□电除颤 □心脏按压□临时起搏器□其他有创救治措施。 患者授权亲属签名与患者关系签名日期年月日 关于患者目前的病情危重、可能出现的风险和后果以及医护人员对于患者病情危重时进行的救治措施,医护人员已经向我详细告知。我了解了患者病情危重,我 (“不同意”)医护人员进行上述有创救治措施,我(“同意”或“不同意”)使用药物进行救治,对所发生的一切后果我们自行承担责任。


意向书,英文模板 篇一:英文版合作意向书LOIEnglish HenanCBMDevelopmentandUtilizationCo.,Ltd And DartEnergyPTELTD And HongKongProsperousCleanEnergyCompanyLtd LetterofIntentonCooperative DevelopmentofUnconventionalGas Dated:May20,2013 CooperatingParties: PartyA:HenanCBMDevelopmentandUtilizationCo.,Ltd PartyB:DartEnergyPTELTD PartyC:HongKongProsperousCleanEnergyCompanyLtd

A.PreconditiontotheCooperation 1.PartyAisabusinessentityincorporatedundertheapprovalofHena nProvincial Government.Itisresponsibleexclusivelyforcoalbedmethaneofthe correspondingareasasappropriateand,ifpossible,carryoutanaly sisofphysicalcoalsamplesandavailabledrillcoresavailablefrom previousdrillcoreprogramsundertakeninrespectofthecorrespond ingareas. PartyAshallendeavortoarrangeappropriatestaffandpartyBandPar tyC’ stechnicalpersonneltoworktogether,inordertocompleteallthete chnical,commercialandlegalevaluation,andefficientlyhandleth

英文版合作意向书 LOI English

Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd And Dart Energy PTE LTD And Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd Letter of Intent on Cooperative Development of Unconventional Gas Dated: May 20, 2013

Cooperating Parties: Party A: Henan CBM Development and Utilization Co., Ltd Party B: Dart Energy PTE LTD Party C: Hong Kong Prosperous Clean Energy Company Ltd A.Precondition to the Cooperation 1.Party A is a business entity incorporated under the approval of Henan Provincial Government. It is responsible exclusively for coal bed methane (CBM) exploration, extraction and production, development and utilization in Henan Province and is the first provincial CBM development and utilization company in China. Party A has obtained the qualification to exclusively cooperate with foreign enterprises. 2.Party B is a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Singapore. The company has the technical and capital capabilities of t assessing CBM resources, designing appraisal and pilot drilling programs and subject to technical success of those programs, moving to developing and producing commercially viable CBM. It has developed innovative, low cost horizontal and vertical drilling technology that is instrumental in establishing the sustainable growth of commercial CBM production and pre-drainage of several coal mining areas. 3.Party C focuses on clean energy and is engaged in development and utilization of automotive new energy, including LPG, CNG and CBM. Now the company has eight CNG gas stations, two LPG gas stations and one L-CNG gas station in operation. 4.It is the intention of the parties that Party A and Party B will cooperate and carry out exploration work in the 6 CBM blocks under the principle of “easier block/cherry-pick development first” subject to the condition that the choice is beneficial to all parties. 5.As part of the process of entering into the PSCs, the parties wish to commence a technical evaluation with a view to determining the feasibility and scale of CBM exploration and development within the corresponding areas. To this end, all parties agree to include a confidentiality clause in this LOI with the aim of facilitating the providing and sharing of appropriate data. 6.Party B and Party C agree to cover the costs to carry out the technical due diligence

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