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著名作家Francis Bacon曾说过:“ Reading makes a full man.”可见,阅读对于每个人的成长都有着举足轻重的作用。在孩子学习英语的过程中,阅读能够给孩子带来哪些提高呢?

1. 阅读是单词学习和记忆的最好场所。



2. 阅读是句子学习的大舞台。


3. 阅读可以培养和增强学生的语感


4. 阅读能有效提高英语写作水平

英语写作作为一项重要的技能能反映一个人的综合英语学习水平。在英语学习中,写作既是一个重点又是一个难点。 __用英语写出好




5. 阅读可以使学生了解西方风俗文化,开阔眼界








我在上小学一年级英语口语课Unit3 中的Let’s sing时,刚开始学习了一会儿,我就发现有一部分学生表现出烦躁、注意力不集中的现象,还有些学生甚至在偷着与他人搞小动作,直接影响了我的教学活动。












快乐英语第六册全册教案6 periodplan unit Title Tie 3 Lesson12 Teachingais Toprehendtheneords:shoppingcart,baset,cashier,escal ator,shelf,entrance,exit. Toasandanserthequestionsaboutshopping,anduseitsillf ullyinreallife. Learntosingthechant.Teachingtools tape-recorder,puter,TV eypoints onthefoundationofrevieingtheholeunitordsandsentence patterns,usethelearnednoledgeonreadingandLittlescho

lar.Difficultpoints Littlescholarandtheordsaboutsuperaretshopping. TeachingprocessTheactivitiesoftheteacher Theactivitiesofthestudents Greetings: T:Hi,boysandgirls.Hoareyougoing?hatdayistoday?It’sabeautifulday,isn’tit?Areyouhappytoday? Singachant. Presentation: b.Littlescholar Theteachershostheordsandsentencepatternsofthisunit: shoppinglist,il,bread,fruit,vegetable,Ineed…Let’sgotothesuperaret.Loo,thisisthearet. Shothepicturesofcashier,escalator,shelf,entranceand exit,andteachthe. Theteachergiveoutthepicturestostudents,andlettheput thethingsbaseontheneedofcustoers,andthensaytheords. c.Read,riteandsa

三年级上册英语试题 快乐英语14单元试题 译林版 有答案

3A 快乐英语阅读unit1-4练习 1、()________ little pigs build the houses. A. One B. Two C. Three 2、()The first(第一个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________. A. straw, beautiful B. sticks, lovely C. bricks, stable 3、()The second(第二个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________. A. straw, beautiful B. sticks, lovely C. bricks, stable 4、()The third(第三个)little pig build the house with _________. It’s ________. A. straw, beautiful B. sticks, lovely C. bricks, stable 5、()The wolf is very _________. A. thirsty B. hungry C. lovely 6、()The wolf can blow away the house with straw. (√或×) 7、()The wolf can blow away the house with bricks. (√或×) 8、()At last,the wolf eats the pigs. (√或×) 9、连线 Thailand Faye Festival Pizza pyramid Spain Venice mummy Italy Sphinx the Leaning Tower Bullfighting Egypt Madrid Palace Water Festival 10、()The fox is very ________. He wants to eat the _______. A. thirsty, meat B. hungry, crow C. hungry, meat 11、()The crow’s voice is beautiful.(√或×) 12、()The crow can sing a song well. (√或×) 13、()The fox is very clever(聪明的). He gets the crow. (√或×) 14、()The crow is not beautiful. (√或×) 15、()The hare has a race with the ________. A. wolf B. crow C. tortoise 16、()The hare runs fast. But(但是) the tortoise wins. (√或×) 17、()The hare eats the carrots(胡萝卜)when(当)he has a race. (√或×) 18、()The tortoise can run slowly. (√或×) 19、()The ________ is thirsty. He wants some water. A. ant B. pigeon C. crow 20、()The ant can swim in the river(河). (√或×) 21、()The_______ gives the leaf to the ant. A. hunter B. fox C. pigeon 22、()The hunter wants to shoot the ant down. (√或×) 23、()The ant helps(帮助)the pigeon, but(但是)the pigeon doesn’t(没有)help the ant. (√或×) 24、()The story “The pigeon and the ant”tells(告诉)us(我们)that __________. A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. All roads lead to Rome.


五年级快乐英语翻译(译林出版社,配套苏教版的) 第三课 第十九页 我喜欢很多动物。我最喜欢的动物是狗。狗是很友好的,也是很能帮助人们的。如果不个人失明了,他看不见。一条狗可以帮助他穿过街道。如果一个人失聪了,他听不到,狗狗可以帮助他去开门。如果消防队员在火灾现场找不到被困的人,狗可以帮助找到他。 我的祖父有一条叫丹尼尔的宠物狗。当我放学回到家时,它会在门旁欢迎我。在晚上,我经常在我的房门和丹尼尔玩。周末,我通常带狗去离家不远的公园去玩。我们会在公园玩得很开心。 狗是非常可爱的动物。我非常喜欢狗。你喜欢么? 第二十一页到二十五页 小蜗牛的故事 森林里长着一棵大树。这棵树非常的高。在树的根部,住着一只小蜗牛。小蜗牛有一个梦想,他想爬到树的最高处,他想看到更远、更多、更美的风景。 蜗牛:我是一只小蜗牛。我有一个坚硬的壳。我想去看看更大的世界。 (小蜗牛速度很慢,好不容易爬到了一个大树干。前面来了一只顽皮的猴子。)猴子:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有个长长的尾巴,我能爬得很迅速。而你爬的速度是这样的慢。你是没办法爬到树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (蜗牛又踏上了前进的征程。他一步又一步,艰难地前进。头顶是火辣辣的太阳,天气变得越来越热。这时,蜗牛看到了只漂亮的鹦鹉。) 鹦鹉:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有漂亮的翅膀。我能飞得很高。你没有翅膀,你又不会飞,你是没法到达树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (前面还有很长的路要走,但是蜗牛没有放弃。他重又开始了前面的征程。一步又一步,艰难的前行。当他越过一个大树枝时,他看到了一头长颈鹿。)长颈鹿:蜗牛先生,请看,我有一个长脖子,有四条长腿,我长得这样的高。你是如此地小,那树又是那样的高。你是无法爬到树梢的。


快乐英语第六册全册教案2 period plan unit title:what do you do every day?time 3lesson 2teaching aimsⅰ. enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. ⅱ. introduce own time of work and rest to the others: i…at…ⅲ. enable them to perform the “learn to say”skillfully. ⅳ. enable them to write own timetable of work and rest in english. important points: enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. teaching toolsⅰ. a cartoon clock. ⅱ. several cards and pictures with the phrases, time, sentence patterns. ⅲ. billy’s timetable. ⅳ. everyone prepares a piece of paper and several colored pencils. key points grasp the sentence pattern “i…at…”difficult points enable the students to read, say and write the phrases: have classes, have lunch, go home, go to bed. teaching process the activities of the teacher the activities of the studentsⅰ.warming-up: ⅲ. simon says: get up, eat


三年级(上) bag /b?g/ 包 book /buk/ 书 pencil /'pensl/铅笔 pencil box [b?ks]文具盒、铅笔盒pencil-case /'penslkeis / 铅笔盒eraser / i'reis?/ 橡皮 pen /pen/ 钢笔 knife [naif] 小刀 ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子 chair [t??? ] 椅子 desk [desk]桌子 eye / ai / 眼睛 nose / n?uz / 鼻子 mouth / mauθ/ 嘴 ear / i?/ 耳朵hair / h??/ 头发face / feis / 脸shoulder ['??uld?]肩膀head / hed / 头neck [nek]颈,脖子hand / h?nd / 手arm / ɑ:m /手臂胳膊body ['b?di] 身体 toes[t?u]脚趾;(复数) knee [ni:] 膝盖 foot / fut / 脚 leg / leg / 腿 one [w?n] 一 two [tu:] 二 three [θri:] 三 four:[f?:] 四

five [fa?v] 五 six [s?ks] 六seven:['sevn] 七eight:[eit] 八 nine [nain] 九 ten [ten]十 zero ['zi?r?u]零eleven [i'levn]十一twelve:[twelv]十二 三年级(下) 动物(animals) cat /k?t/ 猫 dog /d?g/ 狗 rabbit /'r?bit/ 兔子monkey /'m??ki/ 猴子tiger /'taig?/ 老虎panda /'p?nd?/ 熊猫 Donald Duck ['d?n?ld] /d?k/唐老鸭Mickey Mouse ['miki] /maus/米老鼠Monkey King ['m??ki] [ki?]美猴王pig /pig/ 猪 lion /'lai?n/ 狮子 cow /kau/ 奶牛 giraffe /d?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿 bear /b??/ 熊 elephant /'elif?nt/ 大象 人物(people)颜色 robot /'r?ub?t / 机器人 red [red] 红色 green [gri:n] 绿色 doll /d?l/ 洋娃娃 yellow:['jel?u] 黄色

快乐英语第一册UNIT 1

Unit 1 My family 一、教材分析 本单元是本册教材的第1单元,学习有关家庭成员的单词和句子。二、教学目标 知识与能力: 1.单词mum dad grandma grandpa 2.句子Look, my dad!. 3.锻炼学生听、说、读单词和句子的基本能力。 过程与方法: 1.教师通过领读单词和句子,指导学生学习发音,并识记单词和句子。 2.结合卡片、录音机等媒体,通过开展游戏等活动,培养学生的学习兴趣。 3.鼓励优秀生帮助后进生,发挥其优势,带动后进生共同进步。 情感态度与价值观: 1.培养学生的学习兴趣。 2.提高学生的英语应用能力。 三、教学重点 单词、词组、句子的识记,使学生能够较好地掌握所学知识,并能够进行简单对话。 四、教学难点 识记单词、词组、句子,并能进行实际对话。 五、课时

本单元共3课时。 六、教具 卡片,录音机

Lesson 1 一.教学目标 1.知识目标 能够听懂、会说以下单词:mum,dad,grandma,grandpa 2.能力目标 在适当的情景中运用句型:Look,my…! 3.情感目标 (1)培养学生学习英语的兴趣; (2)培养学生尊敬长辈的好品质。 二.教学重、难点 1.教学重点 听懂、会说:mum, dad, grandma, grandpa四个单词。 2.教学难点 引导学生正确发音; 听懂、会说本课四个单词,一个句子。 三.课前准备 1.录音机、磁带; 2.教具:图片,单词卡片。 四.教学过程 (一)向学生渗透英语知识 1.询问学生有没有接触过英语; 2.询问学生会说几个单词;

3.出示外国图片,激发学生学习英语兴趣。 (二)学习新知 1.询问学生家里有几口人?都是谁?从而引出本课四个新词; 2.学生学习新词后,分小组读单词,评出读的最好的小组,给予学生奖励; 3.学习新词后,引导学生介绍自己的家庭成员,用上“Look,m y…!”句型; 4.学生分小组拿卡片进行练习,运用简单对话。 (三)巩固新知 学生分小组介绍自己的家庭成员。 (四)总结收获,渗透家庭教育 培养学生尊重长辈,热爱家庭的好品质。 (五)课后作业 把新学的单词说给爸爸妈妈听。 五.板书设计 Unit 1. My Family Lesson 1 Look, my dad! 图片图片 mum dad Look, my…! 图片图片 grandpa grandma


快乐英语第六册全册教案3 period plan unit 1 title what do you do every day? time 7 lesson 4 teaching aims 1. ask the students to read ,say and write the words: clean the classroom, play basketball, sweep the floor, play games. 2. ask them to grasp the new sentences teaching tools tape-recorder, computer, tv, word cards key points learn to say and try to use, ask students to use freely. difficult points master the sentence; what do you do after school….. i play games. teaching process the activities of the teacher the activities of the students 1、sing a song:can you tell me what this is? 2、free talk. hello, boys and girls. how are you ? what’s this/that? can i have a look at your book/ pencil-box… 3 presentation: a : new words: clean the classroom, play basketball, sweep the floor, play games b what do you do after school….. i play games. practice: i will ask the students to write the sentences on the book. presentation: 1. ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it. 2. ask the students to translate the sentences. practice: 1. read the dialogue and answer the question with the new sentence pattern. 2. ask the

译林快乐英语 六年级下册课外阅读3

小学六年级英语下册课外阅读期中检测 一、单项选择15” ( )1.An ugly helped princess get the ball back ,and be wanted to with her. A frog ,play c B frog live C frog, dance ( )2.asked the princess to keep her word A The prince B The queen C The king ( )3.The next day ,the princess open the door and saw the frog. She was A happy B excited C frightened ( ) 4.In London people like to get a double-decker to give everywhere. A red B black C green ( )5.After school Mari ,Matilde and Daniel often share the A chores B cakes C homework ( )6. Because of those little ,the shoemaker became rich. A customers B students C elves ( )7. After the shoemaker became rich,he helped neighbours . A never B always C didn't ( )8. The chiming of is a key part of London’s culture. A London Eye B Tower bridge C Big Ben ( )9.The doctor says that is the most important meal. A breakfast B lunch C supper ( )10. At first the wolf into the field but it to be nearer. A stayed tried B didn't stay C stayed didn't try ( )11.Fnally,tfhe wolf ate of the shepherd's lock. A.most B. a few C .a little ( )12.In ,the driver will be fined if the water splashed onto the pedestrians. A.China B .the U k C. Japan ( )13.Ping has aunts ,uncles and cousins .A .eleven ,seven, forty-two B, seven, eleven, forty-three C .seven, eleven ,forty-two ( )14.Ping couldn't find his family .He felt A .sad B .sadly C .excited ( )15.At last, Ping back. A.was B. wasn’t C .didn't 二、判断。(对的写T,错的写F) ( )1.Turtle didn't stop running when Rabbit was sleeping. ( )2.While the prince was playing with the gold ball, ,it fell into the pool ( )3.The shoemaker and his wife made some pants and shirts for the elves. ( )4.The shepherd took his flock of sheep out onto the fields every early morning. ( )5.The last duck to cross over the bridge always got a spank on the head. 三、填空。(每空一词)6制语品 1.There lived a pretty princess ,and she only liked b things. 2. Each of the elves put on his c and was very happy. 2Ping watched the wise-eyed boat ( slow) sail away down the Yangtze River. 4.There (be)something wrong with Judy's stomach 5.At last the prince and the princess lived (快乐的)there. 6.Judy doesn't have a (健康)diet. 四、将单词与相应的释义用线连起来。5’ 1.leather a. without wearing any clothes 2.customer b. animals skin which is used for making shoes ,clothes ,bags and furniture 3, naked c. someone who buys goods from a shop 4.curious d. they go away and nobody can find them 5.disappear e be interested in something and want to know more about it


1. What are you going to do next? 下一步你将做些什么呢? What are you going to do next saturday? 下星期六你准备做什么? 2、Ok, please wait a minute.好的,请等一会儿。 4、wait a minute 等一会儿 5、What are you going to do here? 你要在这里做什么? 6、What are you going to do this afternoon? 今天下午你要干什么? 7、We're going to anthony's on saturday.['s?t?di]['?nt?ni]我们星期六打算到安东尼的家去。 8、Aren't you going to sleep? 你不准备睡觉吗? 9、I'm going to sleep too. 我也要睡觉了。 10、But where they going to sleep? 但他们在哪儿睡觉呢? 11、This sofa is very comfortable. 这张沙发很舒服。 12、I am going to have a swim tomorrow. 我打算明天去游泳。 13、Where am I going to have lunch today? 我今天到哪里吃午餐呢? 14、Am I going to have a birthday party? 我会有一个生日聚会吗? 15、give up 1.放弃 16、问:when the wind blows,you walk away slow. white sheep, white sheep, where do you go? 答:当风儿吹来,你慢慢走开。白绵羊,白绵羊,你要去哪里? 17、we played the game “Rock, paper,scissors”.英译汉 答:我们玩了剪刀石头布。 18、sleep on a fire?英译汉 答:睡在炕上 19、it is warm place with a fire in it.的意思是什么 答:it应该是指屋子屋子里有火,是一个暖和的地方。


学段目标 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使学生们建立初步学习英语的自信心;培养他们一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,并初步打下良好的书写基础;培养良好的学习习惯;培养他们初步使用英语进行简单的日常交际能力。同时注重培养学生的观察力、记忆力、想象力和创造力。

Unit 1 Hello 教学目标: ⒈学生能在教师的带领下进行上课问候。并会用hello 打招呼;会说 stand up , sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 ⒉学生能够听懂教师在课堂上的一般英语发令方式,如class begins, hands up, class is over等。 ⒊学生能够了解英语在国际事务中的地位以及以英语为母语的国家。 4.学生可以在操练游戏中产生对英语学习的兴趣。 教学重点、难点: 会用Hello打招呼,并作自我介绍;会说 stand up ,sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 课时安排: 6课时

课前小研究自制一个头像卡课题Lesson 1 part1 教学目标知识目标:学会并运用Hello!和Hello! I'm … 能力目标:会用Hello!与人打招呼,并介绍自己。情感目标:要求尊敬师长,礼貌待人。 重难点运用Hello!和Hello! I'm …来介绍自己。Hello!的发音。 学习方式小组合作 教具、课件录音机、图片、玩具、书。 教师活动多媒体运用学生活动 教学过程Step1导言 1.走进教师,热情向学生挥手并说: “Hello!” 2介绍学习英语的重要性。 Step2 Presentation 1用Hello!打招呼,并板书Hello! 2边说英文边解释。 3师指自己用“I'm Miss/ Mr …” 介绍自己。 4用图片介绍介绍单词:Miss,Mr. Step3 Practice 1、Look and listen. 2、Listen and point. 3、Read the dialogue. Step4 Consolidation 1表演对话。 2学唱歌曲。 Step5 Homework 对所学的对话进行交际与应用。 录音机 大屏 投影机 1.引导学生说Hello! 2.听、想 1.看,想其意。 2.听课堂用语,齐读、男生读、女 生读。 3.记、想大意。 练读 1.听、看。 2.听、指。 3.分角色朗读 1.几组到前面表演。 2.齐学歌 板书设计 Lesson 1 Hello! I'm Linda. Miss/Mr×. 小 测 试 连线 Hello 林老师 Miss Lin 琳达 Linda 你好 教学反思


第一课 【教材分析】本节课是围绕着“向别人介绍身边的人、事物”和“对别人表示欢迎”的语言项目展开话题的,利用“ This is our …”和“ Welcome ”进行交流。并在此基础上复习和巩固“问候他人”语言项目,例: Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. 三个单词 teacher 、 student 和 classroom 都贴近生活实际,很容易理解他们的概念,但由于单词比较长,所以要通过各种方式让学生熟读。 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: 1.To enable the students to listen , read and speak three new words : teacher student classroom 2. To train the students to use the two patterns “ This is our … . Welcome. ” in real life. Ability aims: 1. To develop the students ’ abilities of speaking and listening. 2. To train the students ’ ability of working in groups. 3. To be able to introduce people to others more freely 4.To train students to use English in real life. Emotion aims: 1. Education students to be a child hospitality . 2. To develop the students ’ interest in English. Important points and difficult points: 1. Make sure students can use the pattern “ This is our …


Unit 1 Lesson 1 【教材分析】 《快乐英语教材》根据教育部《英语课程标准》 (实验稿)》的精神编写,以功能训练为主,突出语言的实践性和交际性,符合儿童的认知特点,有利于培养他们的学习兴趣与语感;有利于学生了解英语国家的文化、习俗,培养他们对异国文化的正确态度;有利于培养学生用英语进行交流和做事情的能力,提高他们的思维能力和认识世界的能力。本单元的重点是学习有关生活作息方面的动词及动词短语,需要掌握What time is it? 等几个重点句型。作为第一单元的第一课,主要是向学生呈现动词词组:go to school\gut up\have breakfast\hurry up 及重点句型:What time is it? It ' s….It' s time to…。并复习数字的内容。 【教学目标】 1. Knowledge Aims: (1) The Words: get up, time, hurry up, breakfast, slippers. (2) The Structure: What time is it? It ' s … . It' s time to … . (4) The Functions: talk about the time. 2. Ability Aims: (1) Listening: Listen and answer. / Listen and repeat. (2) Speaking: Make sentences with the new structure/ look and say. (3) Reading: Read the text/ Read and answer the questions. (4) Writing: The new words./ The key structures. / Listen and write. 3. Emotion Aims: Let the students make a timetalbe and do something on time. 【教学重点难点】 1. Focuses: The new words and the key structures. Improving English abilities. 2. Difficulties: The key structures. 【教学流程】 一、Leading in by guessing 1. Warm Up (1) Greeting T: Good morning, everyone! Ss: Good morning, Mr Yin. T: How was your spring festival? Ss: That ' s great. T: Who is the busy person in your family? 2. free talk and Lead In (Let them talk about who the busy person is.)


三年级(上) /b?g/ 包 /buk/ 书 /'pensl/铅笔 [b?ks]文具盒、铅笔盒/'penslkeis / 铅笔盒/ i'reis?/ 橡皮 /pen/ 钢笔[naif] 小刀 /'ru:l?/ 尺子 [t??? ] 椅子[desk]桌子 / ai / 眼睛 / n?uz / 鼻子 / mauθ/ 嘴 / i?/ 耳朵 / h??/ 头发/ feis / 脸 ['??uld?]肩膀 / hed / 头[nek]颈,脖子 / h?nd / 手 / ɑ:m /手臂胳膊['b?di] 身体 [t?u]脚趾;(复数) [ni:] 膝盖 / fut / 脚 / leg / 腿 [w?n] 一[tu:] 二 [θri:] 三 [f?:] 四 [fa?v] 五 [s?ks] 六 ['sevn] 七

[eit] 八 [nain] 九 [ten]十 ['zi?r?u]零 [i'levn]十一[twelv]十二 三年级(下) /k?t/ 猫 /d?g/ 狗 /'r?bit/ 兔子 /'m??ki/猴子 /'taig?/ 老虎 /'p?nd?/ 熊猫 ['d?n?ld] /d?k/唐老鸭['miki] /maus/米老鼠['m??ki] [ki?]美猴王/pig/ 猪 /'lai?n/ 狮子/kau/ 奶牛 /d?i'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿/b??/ 熊 /'elif?nt/ 大象 /'r?ub?t / 机器人[red] 红色[gri:n] 绿色 /d?l/ 洋娃娃['jel?u] 黄色[blu:] 蓝色 /kait/ 风筝 /b?'lu:n/ 气球[pi?k] 粉色 ['p?:pl] 紫色 /kɑ:/ 小汽车[bl?k] 黑色[hwait] 白色 /b?:l/ 球


阳光英语阶段测试二 姓名: 一、根据例子看图选单词,在所选单词的序号上画圈。(每题2分,共12分) 二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(12分) 三、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。(9分) B E F 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(12分) ( )1. What's your name? A. Ok! ( )2. Glad to meet you. B. My name is Linda. ( )3. Goodbye. C. Glad to meet you,too. ( )4. Let's play a game! D. Bye. 1. 3. 5.

五、情景填空。(每题4分,共20分) ( ) 1. 教师节对老师说: A.I’m fine. B. How are you ? C.Happy Teacher's Day ( ) 2.“Hi!”的另一种表达方式是: A. Bye ! B. Hello ! C. OK ! ( ) 3. 早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning.”。你会说: A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon ! C. Good morning ! ( ) 4. 表示道歉,对不起应说: A. Oh, sorry. B.OK. C. Excuse me. ( ) 5. 当你与人再见时,应说: A.Bye. B. Hi C. Me, too. 六、为下列句子选择正确译文。(每题5分,共35分) ( )1. Let’s play a game, OK? A: 让我们去做游戏,好吗?B:让我们去打乒乓球,好吗? ( )2. Glad to meet you too. A:很高兴见到你。B:见到你也很高兴。 ( )3.What's your name? A:请坐。B:你叫什么名字( )4.Are you Linda? A: 你是琳达么?B:请起立。 ( )5.Good morning. A:晚上好。B:上午好。 ( ) 6. I 'm Linda. A: 我叫琳达B: 你好 ( ) 7. Here you are. A: 给你。B:你好么?


快乐英语第六册全册教案1 第六册教案 全册教学总目标 一、知识目标: 1、词汇:本册书中出现的四会单词、短语有137个,其中包括书左下钥匙上的单词和短语。 2、音标:共有48个。要求能听说读写和拼读。 3、句子:钥匙上的句子要求四会。 4、会话:达到“三会”的要求。 5、阅读理解:能认读、理解对话,并能正确回答文后的问题。 6、兴趣活动:这部分内容是为词汇和语言服务的,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,能听懂任务要求,进行语言交流。会唱教材中的歌曲,会说教材中的儿歌和绕口令。 二、能力目标: 本册书的能力目标依据课标中的二级目标和教参的要求,主要要完成听、说、读、写、译、演、唱、音标拼读等项目标,培养学生的这几方面的能力。听说读写的内容是本册书的钥匙上的所有单词、短

语和句子,也包括对音标和音标词的掌握达到四会的要求。对会话的要求达到三会要求,也包括语音中的句子。认读、理解part 4。演和唱的内容是本册书的会话部分和兴趣活动部分。 三、情感目标: 通过本册书的学习,养成良好的生活习惯,培养学生养成独立自主、关心家庭的生活习惯,培养学生如何待人处事,培养学生合理放置自己的生活物品的习惯。 四、文化意识: 了解中外生活作息习惯的不同,了解超市的购物程序、标记及日常用语,了解一些中外的风土人情。 五、学习策略: 在课堂教学中要有意识地对学生进行学习策略方面的指导,使学生能有一套适合自己的学习英语的策略。包括学习的计划、目标和方法等。而最重要的是对学生学习英语的方法的指导。 六、教学重点: 四会的音标、单词、短语和句子,三会的会话、句子,音标的拼读,对第四部分的阅读和理解。 七、教学难点:


快乐英语第六册全册教案3 period planUnit1Titlewhatdoyoudoeveryday?Time7Lesson4Teach ingaims1.Askthestudentstoread,sayandwritethewords:c leantheclassroom,playbasketball,sweepthefloor,playg ames.2.AskthemtograspthenewsentencesTeachingtoolsta pe-recorder,computer,TV, wordcardskeypointsLearntosayandtrytouse,askstudents tousefreely.Difficultpointsmasterthesentence;whatdo youdoafterschool…..Iplaygames.Teaching processTheactivitiesoftheteacherTheactivitiesofthes tudents1、Singasong:canyoutellmewhatthisis?2、Freetalk.Hello,boysandgirls.Howareyou?what’sthis/that?canIhavealookatyourbook/pencil-box…3Presentation:A:Newwords:cleantheclassroom,playbask etball,sweepthefloor,playgamesBwhatdoyoudoafterscho ol…..Iplaygames.Practice:Iwillaskthestudentstowrit ethesentencesonthebook.Presentation:1. Askthestudentstolistentothetapeandreadafterit.2.


补习班快乐3期末测试(一) 一、根据汉语意思,重新组合单词 1、t a c 猫() 2、 g i p 猪()3、l o I n 狮子() 4、w o c 牛() 5、n m o e y k猴子() 6. e b a r 熊() 7、g r e t i 老虎()8、 a r b b i t 兔子()9、 g o d 狗() 10、e l p e h a n t 大象() 二、找出每组单词中不是同类的选项。 ()1、A. orange B. banana C. balloon ()2、A. cake B. bread C. robot ()3、A. coke B. giraffe C. lion ()4、A. water B. brown C. tea () 5、A. cookies B. bread C. watermelon 三、连词成句。 1、who it is _______________________________________________ 2、in please come . , _______________________________________________ 3、you here are . _______________________________________________ 4、I may a have loo k _______________________________________________ 四、找出下列句子的正确汉语意思。 ()1、May I come in A.吃点面包吧。 ()2、Have a seat, please. B.我可以进来吗 1

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