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2017 考研英语基础核心辅导讲义尚学考研

2017 考研英语基础核心辅导讲义尚学考研
2017 考研英语基础核心辅导讲义尚学考研


2017 考研英语基础核心辅导讲义(2014 年斩获考研英语92 分学霸的辅导老师)












2016 年4 月





1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

2. 阅读新题型指导





第十部分2017 年考研英语备考书目



















2017 考研备考已拉开序幕,我们为广大考生梳理考研备考最为核心的四个阶段,配合对应的课程,



预备阶段——前一年10 月至12 月


么要考研;同时需要对自己有一个清楚的定位。考研VIP 高辅班教学系统,核心辅导体系为考生规划,在



基础阶段——来年1 月至6 月








强化阶段——7 月-9 月




冲刺阶段——10 月-12 月












1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

1. [A] what [B] why [C] how [D] when

2. [A] defended [B] concluded [C] withdrawn [D] advised

3. [A] for [B] with [C] by [D] on

4. [A] separated [B] sought [C] compared [D] connected

5. [A] tests [B] objects [C] samples [D] examples

6. [A] insignificant [B] unexpected [C] unreliable [D] incredible

7. [A] visit [B] miss [C] know [D] seek

8. [A] surpass [B] influence [C] favor [D] resemble

9. [A] again [B] also [C] instead [D] thus

10. [A] Meanwhile [B] Furthermore [C] Likewise [D] Perhaps

11. [A] about [B] to [C] from [D] like

12. [A] limit [B] observe [C] confuse [D] drive

13. [A] according to [B] rather than [C] regardless of [D] along with

14. [A] chances [B] responses [C] benefits [D] missions

15. [A] faster [B] slower [C] later [D] earlier

16. [A] forecast [B] remember [C] express [D] understand

17. [A] unpredictable [B] contributory [C] controllable [D] disruptive

18. [A] tendency [B] decision [C] arrangement [D] endeavor



19. [A] political [B] religious [C] ethnic [D] economic

20. [A] see [B] show [C] prove [D] tell

2. 阅读新题型指导


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 1-5, choose the most

suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices,

which do not fit in any of the blanks.

Long before Man lived on the Earth, there were fishes, reptiles, birds, insects, and some mammals. Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today, others are now

extinct, that is, they have no descendants alive now. 1) _______________________. Very occasionally the rocks show impression of skin, so that, apart from color, we can build up

a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago. That kind of rock in

which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land, often of the plants

that grew on it, and even of its climate.

2) _________________________. Nearly all of the fossils that we know were preserved in

rocks formed by water action, and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water. Thus it

follows that there must be many kinds of mammals, birds, and insects of which we know nothing.

3) _____________________________. There were also crab-like creatures, whose bodies

were covered with a horny substance. The body segments each had two pairs of legs, one pair for

walking on the sandy bottom, the other for swimming. The head was a kind of shield with a pair of

compound eyes, often with thousands of lenses. They were usually an inch or two long but some

were 2 feet.

4) _________________________________. Of these, the ammonites are very interesting and

important. They have a shell composed of many chambers, each representing a temporary home of

the animal. As the young grew larger it grew a new chamber and sealed off the previous one.

Thousands of these can be seen in the rocks on the Dorset Coast.

5) _______________________________.

About 75 million years ago the Age of Reptiles was over and most of the groups died out. The

mammals quickly developed, and we can trace the evolution of many familiar animals such as the

elephant and horse. Many of the later mammals, though now extinct, were known to primitive man

and were featured by him in cave paintings and on bone carvings.

[A] The shellfish have a long history in the rock and many different kinds are known.

[B] Nevertheless, we know a great deal about many of them because their bones and shells

have been preserved in the rocks as fossils. From them we can tell their size and shape, 中国考研高端辅导首选品牌


how they walked, the kind of food they ate.

[C] The first animals with true backbones were the fishes, first known in the rocks of 375

million years ago. About 300 million years ago the amphibians, the animals able to live both on land and in water, appeared. They were giant, sometimes 8 feet long, and many of

them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal seam, or layer, formed. The amphibians

gave rise to the reptiles and for nearly 150 million years these were the principal forms of

life on land, in the sea, and in the air.

[D] The best index fossils tend to be marine creatures. These animals evolved rapidly and

spread over large areas of the world.

[E] The earliest animals whose remains have been found were all very simple kinds and lived

in the sea. Later forms are more complex, and among these are the sea-lilies, relations of

the star-fishes, which had long arms and were attached by a long stalk to the sea bed, or to


[F] When an animal dies, the body, its bones, or shell, may often be carried away by streams

into lakes or the sea and there get covered up by mud. If the animal lived in the sea its body

would probably sink and be covered with mud. More and more mud would fall upon it until the bones or shell become embedded and preserved.

[G] Many factors can influence how fossils are preserved in rocks. Remains of an organism

may be replaced by minerals, dissolved by an acidic solution to leave only their impression,

or simply reduced to a more stable form.


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

1. [A] signal [B] permit [C] ticket [D] record

2. [A] nothing [B] little [C] another [D] much

3. [A] beaten [B] plugged [C] guided [D] brought

4. [A] message [B] code [C] notice [D] sign

5. [A] under [B] beyond [C] behind [D] from

6. [A] misapplied [B] misinterpreted [C] misadjusted [D] mismatched

7. [A] judged [B] fired [C] replaced [D] delayed

8. [A] unreasonable [B] ungrateful [C] unconventional [D] unfamiliar

9. [A] comfortable [B] confident [C] anxious [D] angry

10. [A] attend [B] turn [C] take [D] point



11. [A] dangerous [B] mysterious [C] violent [D] boring

12. [A] bend [B] resist [C] hurt [D] decay

13. [A] lecture [B] debate [C] conversation [D] negotiation

14. [A] trainees [B] employees [C] researchers [D] passengers

15. [A] reveal [B] choose [C] predict [D] design

16. [A] voyage [B] flight [C] walk [D] ride

17. [A] went through [B] did away [C] caught up [D] put up

18. [A] In turn [B] In fact [C] In particular [D] In consequence

19. [A] unless [B] whereas [C] if [D] since

20. [A] funny [B] simple [C] logical [D] rare

2. 阅读新题型指导


The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 1-5, you are required to

reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A-G to fill in each

numbered box. The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes. [A]―I just don‘t know how to motivate them to do a better job. We‘re in a budget crunch and I

have absolutely no financial rewards at my disposal. In fact, we‘ll probably have to lay some people

off in th e near future. It‘s hard for me to make the job interesting and challenging because it isn‘t —

it‘s boring, routine paperwork, and there isn‘t much you can do about it.

[B ]―Finally, I can‘t say to them that their promotions will hinge on the excellence of their

paperwork. First of all, they know it‘s not true. If their performance is adequate, most are more

likely to get promoted just by staying on the force a certain number of years than for some specific

outstanding act. Second, they were trained to do the job they do out in the streets, not to fill out

forms. All through their career it is the arrests and interventions that get noticed. [C]―I‘ve got a real problem with my officers. They come on the force as young, inexperienced

men, and we send them out on the street, either in cars or on a beat, They seem to like the contact

they have with the public, the action involved in crime prevention, and the apprehension of

criminals. They also like helping people out at fires, accidents, and other emergencies. [D ]―Some people have suggested a number of things like using conviction records as a

performance criterion. However, we know that‘s not fair—too many other things are involved. Bad

paperwork increases the chance that you lose in court, but good paperwork doesn‘t necessarily

mean you‘ll win. We tried setting up team competitions based on the excellence of the reports, but



the guys caught on to that pretty quickly. No one was getting any type of reward for winning the

competition, and they figured why should they labor when there was no payoff. [E]―The problem occurs when they get back to the station. They hate to do the paperwork, and

because they dislike it, the job is frequently put off or done inadequately. This lack of attention hurts

us later on when we get to court. We need clear, factual reports. They must be highly detailed and

unambiguous. As soon as one part of a report is shown to be inadequate or incorrect, the rest of the

report is suspect. Poor reporting probably causes us to lose more cases than any other factor.

[F]―So I just don‘t know what to do. I‘ve been groping in the dark in a number of years. And I

hope that this seminar will shed some light on this problem of mine and help me out in my future


[G]A large metropolitan city government was putting on a number of seminars for administrators,

managers and/or executives of various departments throughout the city. At one of these sessions the

topic to be discussed was motivation—how we can get public servants motivated to do a good job.

The difficulty of a police captain became the central focus of the discussion.


G → 1. → 2. → 3. → 4. → 5. → F


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

1. [A] denied [B] concluded [C] doubted [D] ensured

2. [A] protective [B] dangerous [C] sufficient [D] troublesome

3. [A] Instead [B] However [C] Likewise [D] Therefore

4. [A] indicator [B] objective [C] origin [D] example

5. [A] impact [B] relevance [C] assistance [D] concern

6. [A] in terms of [B] in case of [C] in favor of [D] in respects of

7. [A] measures [B] determines [C] equals [D] modifies

8. [A] in essence [B] in contrast [C] in turn [D] in part

9. [A] complicated [B] conservative [C] variable [D] straightforward

10. [A] so [B] while [C] since [D] unless

11. [A] shape [B] spirit [C] balance [D] taste

12. [A] start [B] qualify [C] retire [D] stay



13. [A] strange [B] changeable [C] normal [D] constant

14. [A] option [B] reason [C] opportunity [D] tendency

15. [A] employed [B] pictured [C] imitated [D] monitored

16. [A] compared [B] combined [C] settled [D] associated

17. [A] Even [B] Still [C] Yet [D] Only

18. [A] despised [B] corrected [C] ignored [D] grounded

19. [A] discussions [B] businesses [C] policies [D] studies

20. [A] for [B] against [C] with [D] without

2. 阅读新题型指导


You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing, followed by a list of examples. Choose

the best example from the list A-F for each numbered subheading (1-5). There is one extra example

which you do not need to use.

The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview. There are

two kinds. One is the familiar ―tombstone‖ that lists where you went to school and where you‘ve

worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the ―functional‖ resume—descriptive, fun to

read, unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview.

It‘s handy to have a ―tombstone‖ for certain occasions. But prospective employers throw away

most of those un-requested ―tombstone‖ lists, preferring to interview th e quick rather than the dead.

What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read—a resume that makes

you come alive and look interesting to employers.

(1) Put yourself first:

In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about


(2) Sell what you can do, not who you are:

Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into

skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.

Toot your own horn!

Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think they have none at all!

But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch—if

only you show it.



(3) Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!

Remember that ―brevity is the best policy.‖

(4) Turn bad news into good:

Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.

(5) Never apologize:

If you‘ve returning t o the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph (summary of background) in place of a chronology of experience. Don‘t apologize for

working at being a mother; it‘s the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher

education, just don‘t mention education.

The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself. Take four or five

hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life,

on or off the job, that made you feel effective. Don‘t worry at first about what it all means. Study

the list and try to spot patterns. As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning:

identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of

accomplishments (leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills etc.) Try to

list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading. Now start writing your resume as

if you mattered. It may take four d rafts or more, and several weeks, before you‘ve ready to show it

to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a reaction. When you‘ve satisfied, send it to a printer;

a printed resume is far superior to photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard jo

b hunting as

serious work, worth doing right.

Isn‘t that the kind of person you‘d want working for you?

[A]A woman who lost her job as a teacher‘s aide due to a cutback in government funding wrote:

―Principal of elementary school cited me as the only teacher‘s aide she would rehire if government funds became available.‖

[B]One resume I received included the following: ―Invited by my superior to straighten out our

organization‘s accounts receivable. Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconciled accounts

weekly, and improved cash flow 100 per cent. Rewarded with raise and promotion.‖ Notice

how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her

reward — all in 34 words.

[C]For example, if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money

management skills.

[D]An acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement

―Ready to learn though not so well educated‖.

[E]One of my former colleagues, for example, wrote resumes in three different styles in order to

find out which was more preferred. The result is, of course, the one that highlights skills and



education background.

[F]A woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis her employer had faced. She‘d agreed to work

without pay for three months until business improved. Her reward was her back pay plus a 20

percent bonus. I asked why that marvelous story wasn‘t in her resume. She answered, ―It

wasn‘t important.‖ What she was really saying of course was ―I‘m not important.‖


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

1. [A] Moreover [B] However [C] Therefore [D] Otherwise

2. [A] off [B] back [C] over [D] around

3. [A] power [B] concept [C] history [D] role

4. [A] reverse [B] resist [C] resume [D] reward

5. [A] silent [B] sudden [C] slow [D] steady

6. [A] for [B] against [C] with [D] on

7. [A] expensive [B] imaginative [C] sensitive [D] productive

8. [A] similar [B] original [C] temporary [D] dominant

9. [A] collect [B] copy [C] provide [D] print

10. [A] give up [B] take over [C] bring back [D] pass down

11. [A] before [B] after [C] since [D] when

12. [A] kept [B] borrowed [C] withdrawn [D] released

13. [A] Unless [B] Because [C] Until [D] Though

14. [A] hide [B] express [C] ease [D] raise

15. [A] analyzed [B] shared [C] stored [D] displayed

16. [A] unsafe [B] unnatural [C] unclear [D] uncommon

17. [A] steal [B] choose [C] benefit [D] return

18. [A] consideration [B] prevention [C] manipulation [D] justification

19. [A] call for [B] fight against [C] adapt to [D] cope with

20. [A] chunk [B] chip [C] trail [D] path



2. 阅读新题型指导


You are going to read a list of headings and a text about plagiarism in the academic community.

Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (1-5). The first

and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need

to use.

[A]What to do as a student?

[B]Various definitions of plagiarism

[C]Ideas should always be sourced

[D]Ignorance can be forgiven

[E]Plagiarism is equivalent to theft

[F]The consequences of plagiarism

Scholars, writers and teachers in the modern academic community have strong feelings about

acknowledging the use of another person‘s ideas. In the English-speaking world, the term

plagiarism is used to label the practice of not giving credit for the source of one‘s ideas. Simply

stated, plagiarism is ―the wrongful appropriation or purloining, and publication as one‘s own of the

ideas, or the expression of ideas of another.‖


The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation. In many universities, the punishment may range from failure in a particular course to expulsion from the university. In the

literary world, where writers are protected from plagiarism by international copyright laws, the

penalty may range from a small fine to imprisonment and a ruined career. Protection of scholars and

writers, through the copyright laws and through the social pressures of the academic and literary

communities, is a relatively recent concept. Such social pressures and copyright laws require writers

to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources.


Students, as inexperienced scholars themselves, must avoid various types of plagiarism by

being self-critical in their use of other scholars‘ ideas and by giving appropriate credit for the source

of borrowed ideas and words, otherwise dire consequences may occur. There are at least three

classifications of plagiarism as it is revealed in students‘ inexactness in identifying sources properly.

They are plagiarism by accident, by ignorance, and by intention.


Plagiarism by accident, or oversight, sometimes is the result of the writer‘s inability to decide

or remember where the idea came from. He may have read it long ago, heard it in a lecture since

forgotten, or acquired it second-hand or third-hand from discussions with colleagues. He may also



have difficulty in deciding whether the idea is such common knowledge that no reference to the

original source is needed. Although this type of plagiarism must be guarded against, it is the least

serious and, if lessons learned, can be exempt from being severely punished.


Plagiarism through ignorance is simply a way of saying that inexperienced writers often do not

know how or when to acknowledge their sources. The techniques for documentation —note-taking,

quoting, footnoting, listing bibliography — are easily learned and can prevent the writer from

making unknowing mistakes or omissions in his references. Although ―th ere is no copyright in news,

or in ideas, only in the expression of them,‖ the writer cannot plead ignorance when his sources for

ideas are challenged.


The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention. The writer, limited by

his laziness and dullness, copies the thoughts and language of others and claims them for his own.

He not only steals, he tries to deceive the reader into believing the ideas are original. Such words as

immoral, dishonest, offensive, and despicable are used to describe the practice of plagiarism by


The opposite of plagiarism is acknowledgement. All mature and trustworthy writers make use

of the ideas of others but they are careful to acknowledge their indebtedness to their sources.

Students, as developing scholars, writers, teachers, and professional leaders, should recognize and

assume their responsibility to document all sources from which language and thoughts are borrowed.

Other members of the profession will not only respect the scholarship, they will admire the humility

and honesty.


1. 每日完型咬文嚼词

1. [A] served [B] performed [C] rebelled [D] betrayed

2. [A] actual [B] common [C] special [D] normal

3. [A] loaded [B] eased [C] removed [D] bore

4. [A] necessities [B] facilities [C] commodities [D] properties

5. [A] and [B] nor [C] but [D] hence

6. [A] for [B] into [C] from [D] against

7. [A] implying [B] meaning [C] symbolizing [D] claiming

8. [A] handed out [B] turned over [C] brought back [D] passed down



9. [A] pushed [B] got [C] made [D] managed

10. [A] ever [B] never [C] either [D] neither

11. [A] disguised [B] disturbed [C] disputed [D] distinguished

12. [A] company [B] community [C] collection [D] colony

13. [A] employed [B] appointed [C] interviewed [D] questioned

14. [A] human [B] military [C] political [D] ethical

15. [A] ruined [B] commuted [C] patrolled [D] gained

16. [A] paralleled [B] counteracted [C] duplicated [D] contradicted

17. [A] neglected [B] emphasized [C] avoided [D] admired

18. [A] stages [B] illusions [C] fragments [D] advances

19. [A] With [B] To [C] Among [D] Beyond

20. [A] on the contrary [B] by this means [C] from the outset [D] at that point

2. 阅读新题型指导


You are going to read a list of headings and a text about how to select a fund. Choose the most

suitable heading from the list A–F for each numbered paragraph (1–5). The first and last

paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to

use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

[A] Watching related expenses and making wise choice

[B] Paying attention to details

[C] Weighing your financial goals and expectations first

[D] Maintaining realistic expectations

[E] Narrowing the search

[F] Not too special

Eating better. Exercising. Investing. There are a lot of things you know should be doing. The

problem is that getting started always seems to be the hardest part. For many investors, mutual

funds are a good way to go, but trying to sort through the number of available choices –now more

than 10,000 –makes this important task appear overwhelming. Let‘s look at some ways to cut that

number down to a reasonable size, as well as other factors to consider when selecting your first





Before you begin examining potential inves tments, it‘s important to take some time to assess

your own goals and risk tolerance. If you start with a clear objective in mind, as well as an

understanding as to how you might react if your investment loses money, you‘ll be less likely to

purchase a fun d that doesn‘t fit your needs. And that‘s what often leads to disappointment. It is

important to look for funds that are appropriate for both your goals and your investment temperament.


One way to begin your search for a good fund is to use the Morningstar star rating. The rating is a useful tool for narrowing the field to funds that have done a good job of balancing

return and risk in the past. To assign ratings, Morningstar uses a formula that compares a fund‘s

risk-adjusted historical performance with that of other funds within four rating groups –domestic

stock funds, international stock funds, taxable bond funds, and municipal bond funds.


Funds that invest solely in a single market sectors, called specialty funds, often have impressive returns and may be great additions to a diversified portfolio. However, the success of

such funds depends largely on the fortunes of a particular market sector. Hence, specialty funds

probably aren‘t the best way to start. For your first fund, look for a diversified stock fund that has


2017年考研英语一真题原文及答案解析完整版 2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold ,and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling that others are there to help 16 difficulty.”


2017考研中医综合真题含标准答案(完整) A型题(1-81题) 1.《素问·疏五过论》“尝贵后贱”可致“脱营”,其影响因素是B A.体质因素 B.社会环境因素 C.地理差异因素 D.季节因素 2.与“阳胜则阴病”,病理变化相关的是B A.互根互用 B.对立制约 C.交感互藏 D.相互转化 3.心火亢盛引动肝火而致心肝火旺,根据五行理论应选择的治则是C A.抑强 B.扶弱 C.泻子 D.补母 答案:C泻子。心为肝之子,子病导致母病,病因在子,因而泻其子。 4.根据《素问》,女子“面始焦,发始堕,面始白”与哪条经脉有关C 5.A.太阴脉衰 B.少阴脉衰 C. 阳明脉衰 D.少阳脉衰 6.“治痰先治气”的理论依据是C A.气能生津 B.气能载津 C.气能行津 D. 气能摄津 7.在奇经八脉中,与精冷不育证最密切相关的是B A.任脉 B.督脉 C.冲脉 D.带脉 8.依据《素问·刺志论》,能够导致气虚身热的原因是D 9.A.伤风

B.伤寒 C.伤湿 D.伤暑 10.下列选项中,属于三焦功能失司的病理变化是C A.水谷精微输布障碍 B.水谷受纳腐熟障碍 C.全身水液代谢障碍 D.糟粕传化排泄障碍 11.温热病过程中,邪热里结,阴液大伤,应选用的治则是D 12.A.治本 B.治标 C.先治标后治本 D.标本兼治 13.症见壮热、神昏,呼吸气粗,喉中痰鸣者属于B A.神乱 B.失神 C.假神 D.少神 14.动脉与紧脉均可见于B A.寒证 B.痛证 C.惊恐 D.宿食 15.促、结、代脉的共同特征是A A.脉来时止 B.脉来迟缓 C.脉来数急 D.脉来无力 13、呼吸微弱,手撒身软,汗出不止,二便失禁,舌淡白,脉微欲绝,所属的证候是D A气陷 B亡阳 C气逆 D气脱 14.症见咳嗽痰黄,发热,微恶风寒,苔薄黄,脉浮数者,宜诊断为D A.风寒犯表证 B.痰热壅肺证 C.风热犯表证


考研阅读技巧 一、考研阅读的整体解题思路与步骤 时间分配:每篇16分钟最佳,最多可延长至20分钟左右。 第一步:快速划出段落序号以及各段首句0.5分钟 第二步:阅读首段,了解文章主题(Theme)1-2分钟 宏观把握,随机应变,根据第一段内容,才能更好的给定位打下基础。 第三步:扫描题干,尽量找出题干能够提供的信息(Key Words)1分钟 定位词的优先考虑顺序: 1、首先标出明确告诉位置的题目所在(某段某行) 2、专有名词优先,包括人名、地名、书名以及带引号的词等 3、数字、时间、时段(包括某些介词短语) 4、较长、较复杂的词组(名词动词词组优先) 5、重要的动词、形容词或副词等实词 6、条件词、因果词、比较词等虚词(往往起到辅助作用) 第四步:变速浏览原文,抓住中心7-8分钟 注意把握三个阅读原则: 原则一:首段原则(文章的第一段逐字读明白,可以反复和回读) 原则二:首末句原则(其余各段的首尾句要细读,其他各句正常阅读即可) 原则三:“路标”原则。所谓路标词,就是表示作者思想衔接和转折的功能词汇。 1、中心词 2、转折词 3、态度词 4、例证词 5、列举词 (具体请见第四部分)

第五步:仔细审题,定位原文3-5分钟 原则一:关键词定位原则 原则二:自然段定位原则 原则三:长难句定位原则 注意一:关键词在原文可能是原词本身,也可能是关键词的同义词。 注意二:问原因的问题,一般问主要原因(major reason) 注意三:“邪恶的眼睛”(in the eyes of),注意问的是谁的观点和态度。 第六步:重叠选项,斟酌答案。3-5分钟 原则:不能仅凭借印象做题,考研阅读的干扰项干扰性巨大,除了理解原文,分辨正确和错误的选项也是一种重要的基本功。一般对原文进行同义替换的是答案: 同义替换的手段有:a)关键词替换b)句型替换c)正话反说d)语言简化(总之,换汤不换药!) 原则一:选最佳答案而不是正确答案(四个选项都要认真看,不能偏心)。 原则二:不放过任何一个选项,仔细读每个选项,鉴于强干扰性,要求必须记住:选一个选项应有选的理由,不选一个选项也应有不选的理由。 原则三:每个选项都当成生命中最重要的句子,其中每个单词哪怕是时态、冠词都有可能引起错误。 二、考研阅读的猜题技巧及救命法则 1、“体现中心思想的选项往往是答案” 考研文章中所有的细节、例子、引语都是为了说明文章主旨、段落主旨,所以考细节的题目,虽然不是主旨题,但能体现中心思想的选项是答案的可能性要远远大于其他选项。 2、“不看文章时,看似极其合理的选项不是答案;看似不太合理的选项往往是答案”


2017年考研英语完形填空全年复习攻略 完形填空是考研英语复习容易忽略的一部分,考研总结了完形填空的命题规律,能力考查和复习方法,希望对2017年考生有所帮助。 一、命题规律 完型填空的文章结构最常采用总分对照型。此种结构对于整篇文章而言,是通过总述句概括出文章的中心思想,然后由分述部分对中心主线展开详细描述。因此文章的首句或首段就是中心句(topic sentence),做题时一定要特别重视。 完型填空的文章体裁以说明文和议论文为主。完形填空所选的短文多是观点鲜明、条理清楚的说明文或议论文,所涉及的多是科普、经济、历史、社会、文化、教育等,具有一定时代感、现实性或科学性的文章。如:1998年:对英国工业革命的看法;2003年:青少年的身心教育;1999年:劳动安全措施;2004年:青少年犯罪;2000年:农业经济;2005年:人类嗅觉的灵敏度;2001年:新闻立法;2006年:美国无家可归人口问题;2007年:殖民地国家独立后的改革;2008年:人类智能。2009年:聪明的代价。考生如果平时多读这一类文章,积累多方面的词汇和背景知识,就能很容易地弄清文章的大意和逻辑关系,为做题打下良好的基础。 二、能力考查 1、巩固、扎实、熟练的英语语法知识和丰富的英语词语知识 当前英语中的完形填空试题,并不直接地去考查语法知识。但是,

解答试题的前提是读懂文章,而读懂文章就必须懂得语法。所以,完型不直接考查语法知识,并不是不需要语法知识,它是通过检查你的理解程度,来间接地考查你的语法知识。一个人的英语语法知识越丰富,阅读速度就越快,理解就会更为、深刻。 2、英语阅读理解能力,良好的阅读习惯,熟练的阅读技巧 特别是快速阅读理解能力,甚至是跳过一些词语(空格),浏览文章,掌握大意的能力很重要。完型填空试题是为阅读理解服务的,其主旨是考查阅读理解能力。对文章内容理解得越、越深刻,就越容易选择正确答案。而这种阅读理解能力是靠平时的练习得来的。 3、分析认识文章结构,理解领会文章各部分、各层次之间逻辑关系的能力 只有明白文章结构,了解各段落之间的关系,才能加深对文章的理解,也就更容易把握有空格的句子所需要内容,就更容易选准答案。 4、逻辑思维能力,特别是总结概括、推理判断和分析归纳的能力 这些能力的发挥,有助于抓住文章的主题思想,加深对文章深层次意义的理解,从而更容易完成“完型”的任务,恢复文章的原貌。 5、在阅读中捕捉并记忆相关信息的能力 在选择每一个答案时,我们要求依据文章的整体内容,这就要照顾文章的方方面面,不能顾此失彼。特别是一些结构词,如but,however,therefore,though等等,更要给予特别的注意。但是,我们在做题的实践中,不可能总是重复地阅读文章。这就需要对关键


兽医传染病学 (一)传染病流行过程 1. 理解传染病的概念,掌握传染病的特征, 按临床表现、按病原体种类、按病程长短等不同,对感染的理解;掌握慢病毒感染、持续性感染的含义。 传染病的概念:凡是由病原微生物引起、具有一定潜伏期和临床表现,并具有传染性的疾病称为传染病。传染病的特征:⒈特异的病原微生物引起的;⒉具有传染性和流行性;⒊被感染的机体发生特异性反应; ⒋耐过动物能获得特异性免疫;⒌具有特征性的临床表现;⒍具有明显的流行规律; 传染病的分类:1按病原体分类病毒病,细菌病,支原体病,衣原体病,螺旋体病,放线菌病,立克次体病和霉菌病2按动物种类分猪传染病,鸡,鸭,鹅,牛,羊,马,犬,猫,兔,多种动物共患传染病及人畜共患传染病3按受侵害的主要器官和组织分全身败血性传染病和以侵害消化系统,呼吸系统,神经系统,生殖系统,免疫系统,皮肤或运动系统等位主要的传染病4按病程长短分最急性,急性,亚急性和慢性5按疾病的危害程度分一类疾病和二类疾病6按疾病来源分外来病,地方病,自然疫源性疾病7其他 构成感染的三要素;病原体:致病力。动物机体:免疫力。环境:二者共同相处的环境。 感染的类型:⒈外源性和内源性感染;⒉单纯感染、混合感染、原发感染和继发感染;⒊显性感染和隐性感染,顿挫型感染和一过型感染;⒋局部感染和全身感染;⒌典型感染和非典型感染;⒍良性感染和恶性感染;⒎最急性、急性、亚急性和慢性感染;8.病毒持续性感染和慢病毒感染; 慢病毒感染:又称长程感染,是指潜伏期长,发病呈进行且最后昌邑死亡为转归的病毒感染 持续性感染:是指动物长期持续的感染状态 2. 掌握传染病的发展阶段,潜伏期的概念,各阶段的对诊断疾病的价值。 潜伏期:从病原体侵入机体并进行繁殖时起,直到疾病的最初临诊症状开始出现为止,这段时间称为潜伏期。 前驱期:从出现疾病的最初症状开始,到传染病的特征症状刚一出现为止这段时间叫前驱期。是疾病的征兆阶段,其特点是临诊症状开始表现出来,但是该病的特征性症状仍不明显。 明显期:前驱期之后一直到传染病的特征性症状逐步明显、充分表现出来这段时间叫明显期。 转归期:是疾病发展的最后阶段。动物体的抵抗力得到改进和增强,可以转入恢复期。如果病原体的致病性增强,或动物机体的抵抗力减弱,则动物可发生死亡。需要注意的是恢复的动物在一定时期内保留免疫学特性(保护自身及其后代),并且在病后一定时间内存在带菌(毒)排菌(毒)现象。 3. 掌握传染病流行过程的三个基本环节及其意义。 传染病流行过程的三个基本环节:⒈传染源;⒉传播途径;⒊畜群的易感性。 4. 理解传染源的概念,以及传染源的划分和它们在传染病中的作用。 传染源:指有某种病原体在体内寄居、生长、繁殖,并能将其排出体外的活的动物机体。 传染源包括:患病动物、病原携带者。 患病动物:患病动物是重要的传染源; 病原携带者:是指表面无症状但携带并排出病原体的动物;(1.潜伏期病原携带者;2.恢复期病原携带者; 3.健康病原携带者) 5.理解传播途径的概念,水平传播、垂直传播的概念。掌握传播途径的多样性,正确运用它们对传染病进行防控和扑灭。 传播途径:病原体由传染源排出后,经一定的方式再侵入其他易感染动物所经历的路径称为传播途径。 传播方式分为:垂直传播与水平传播


第一章 考研翻译基础知识 一翻译的定义 二翻译的标准和翻译的方法 三翻译的基本过程 四考研翻译的核心解题策略 第二章翻译技巧:词法翻译法 一词义选择和词义引申 二词性转换 三增词法 四省略法 第三章翻译技巧:句法翻译法 一名词性从句的翻译 二定语从句的翻译 三状语从句的翻译 四被动结构的翻译 第一讲翻译的定义 翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言。 考研翻译简介 (一)考研翻译考查内容和形式 根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。”以2007年考研翻译题为例,考生在试卷上阅读的是一篇完整的文章,翻译的是5个划线部分。如: (二)考研翻译的评分标准 根据大纲规定,考研翻译的评分标准如下: 5个小题,每题2分,共10分。 ·如果句子译文明显扭曲原文意义,该句得分最多不超过0.5分。 ·如果考生就一个题目提供了两个或两个以上的译法,若均正确,给分;如果其中一个译法有错,按错误译法评分。 ·中文错别字不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分,无0.25扣分。 (三)考研翻译今年考题特点和内容 根据对大纲和最近十几年来考研翻译已经考过的真题的分析,我们发现考研翻译具有如下明显的特点。 首先,考研翻译的短文内容大多是涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、哲学、心理和科普方面的题材。其体裁基本上是议论文。如: 1990年:人的性格和行为分析 1991年:能源与农业


2016 考研英语阅读基 础班讲义 (适合英语一及英语二考生) 正康博士编讲

1994 Passage 2 One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us, the "cashless society" is not on the horizon — it's already here. While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer-analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself. Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers. 55.According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to ________. [A]withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes [B]obtain more convenient services than other people do [C]enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper [D]cash money wherever he wishes to 56.From the last sentence of the first paragraph we learn that ________. [A]in the future all the Americans will use credit cards [B]credit cards are mainly used in the United State today [C]nowadays many Americans do not pay in cash [D]it is now more convenient to use credit cards than before 57.The phrase "ring up sales" (line 2, paragraph 2) most probably means "________". [A]make an order of goods [B]record basic sales on a cash register [C]call the sales manager [D]keep track of the goods in stock 58.What is this passage mainly about? [A]Approaches to the commercial use of computers.


2017年考研计算机统考408真题 一、单项选择题 1.下列函数的时间复杂度是 1 。 int func(int n) { int i = 0; sum = 0; while( sum < n) sum += ++i; return i; } A.O(logn) B.O(n1/2) C.O(n) D.O(nlogn) 2.下列关于栈的叙述中,错误的是 2 。 I.采用非递归方式重写递归程序时必须使用栈 II.函数调用时,系统要用栈保存必要的信息 III.只要确定了入栈的次序,即可确定出栈次序 IV.栈是一种受限的线性表,允许在其两端进行操作 A.仅I B.仅I、II、III C.仅I、III、IV D.仅II、III、IV 3.适用于压缩存储稀疏矩阵的两种存储结构是 3 。 A.三元组表和十字链表 B.三元组表和邻接矩阵 C.十字链表和二叉链表 D.邻接矩阵和十字链表 4.要使一棵非空二叉树的先序序列与中序序列相同,其所有非叶结点须满足的条件是 4 。 A.只有左子树 B.只有右子树 C.结点的度均为1 D.结点的度均为2 5.已知一棵二叉树的树形如下图所示,其后序序列为e,a,c,b,d,g,f,树中与结点a同层 的结点是 5 。 A. c B. d

C. f D.g 6.已知字符集{a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h},若各字符的哈夫曼编码依次是 0100,10,0000,0101,001,011,11,0001,则编码序列0100011001001011110101的译码结果是 6 。 A. a c g a b f h B. a d b a g b b C. a f b e a g d D. a f e e f g d 7.已知无向图G含有16条边,其中度为4的顶点个数为3,度为3的顶点个数为4, 其他顶点的度均小于3。图G所含的顶点个数至少是7 。 A.10 B.11 C.13 D.15 8.下列二叉树中,可能成为折半查找判定树(不含外部结点)的是8 。 A. B. C. D.


考研英语长难句突破讲义 适用对象:考研学子,四级,六级英语学习或相当者。 课程目的:打破英语阅读学习的幻觉,真正获得一扇通向别样美丽世界的窗户,人生从此再无长难句。为英语写作夯实基础。 课程安排:方法论讲解;难句解析;考试实战演练 第一部分方法论讲解 引子我们为什么要精读句子 1.精读能力的要求(消除障碍的阅读) 自由笔记区目标:准确【重要】精读 2.泛读能力的要求(广泛获取信息的阅读) 目标:快速 技能:高职 阅读的实际过程是什么知识:本科 Input(英文)-mind(句子层面)-output(中文)思维:研究生 思想:博士 阅读在句子层面的障碍 1.含义 2.语序 简单句的障碍来源 简单句:只有一套谓语的句子 基本句型包括:主+谓,主+谓+宾,主+谓+双宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,主+系+表 定语,状语,同位语,插入语 简单句的障碍识别及处理方法 定语:在句子中修饰名词的成分problem-定义-细化-solution(思维方式) 前置定语:adj+名词 后置定语: 形容词短语:形容词+介词+名词this is a book useful for your future Ving a woman walked on the road Ved a painting painted by Jane n. + to do a way to solve the problem 介词短语:介词+名词a bottle of water on the table 表语形容词:alive a cat alive 解决方案:前置P.S:I want to be part of something big. Something属于不定代词。 【不定代词定语置后】 定语从句(不属于简单句范畴) 关系代词:人称代词:who whom which that as +非完整句 引导词物主代词:whose +完整句


零基础考生考研英语阅读高分复习经验 考研英语分客观题60分(包括10分完型、40分阅读、10分新题型)和主观题40分(包括10分翻译、10分小作文、20分大作文)。主观题,视水区旱区而定,不同地区没有可比性。而客观题,答案是唯一的,不管英语想过线的还是英语想拿高分的,客观题都不能有失。下面为大家分享一位过来人的阅读复习经验,希望能够帮助大家。 ?词汇 词汇是基础,大纲词汇必须掌握。阅读中如果一句话中有一两个单词不认识,很可能导致这句话的意思搞错,甚至把整篇文章的主导思想搞错;如果问题选项中有单词不认识就更麻烦了。 说一下自己的体会,一开始做阅读练习的时候,错一大片,有时候甚至错一半,当时真是怕英语不过线,然后我痛定思痛,认真总结了阅读错的原因,我发现,是因为词汇关没过,文中一些单词不认识导致对文章关键句甚至作者的主体思想理解错误。 所以我下决心一定要攻克单词关,从论坛上学习了不少前辈的经验,受益匪浅,有一个学长说的很好,不要指望在一个地方将单词记住,关键是要在不同的地方去记忆或者练习同一个单词,我很以为然,于是去寻找快速记忆的捷径,最终搜了一款迈西背单词软件将单词过了一遍,说实话,我不推荐每个人都用软件记单词,因为不方便携带,我在电脑旁足足坚忍了20多天,每天将近2个小时,有时候眼睛都有点酸,终于将单词搞完了一轮,才长出一口气。一轮下来(其实不止一轮,因为软件有循环记忆,不熟练的单词从不同程度上重复记忆了很多次),虽然有些单词还是没有完全记住,但大致都留了一个印象,在做阅读的时候明显有了感觉,结合上下文和脑海中残留的模糊的印象,基本能猜出单词的意思,这样阅读难度就降低了许多,而且这样过后,这个单词我也基本上掌握了,可以说是一举两得。 最后做往年真题的时候,近几年的真题阅读都是错1个或全对,考研时阅读就错了1个,错的那个争议也比较大,不可强求吧。更重要的是英语掌握了得当的方法,节省了很多时间,可以投入更多的精力在数学和专业课上。 因此,要想阅读得高分,必须首先攻克单词。 ?阅读技巧 核心思想就是分块阅读。一篇阅读有5个问题,每个问题是按顺序分布的。比如说一篇阅读有5段,第一问在第一段中找答案,第二问在第二段中找,以此类推,这就是所谓的分块阅读法,分块阅读的基础就是——题目是按顺序分块设置的。至于如何在块中发现答案,要找的就是同义替换,下文中会有详细介绍。(当然诸如这篇文章的题目应选什么? 的问题除外,需要结合整篇文章作答,不过这类问题很少) 因此阅读的技巧和关键就在于通过问题分解文章,缩小每次的阅读内容,各个击破。切记不要一口气读完文章后将5个问题一齐作答,一来记不住文章的要点和细节,二来会中出题人的陷阱(干扰项其实就是在细节上做手脚),如偷梁换柱等。 阅读的方法如下: (1)扫一遍5个问题,对题干信息有个印象,看一眼就行了,不需要记住。然后按顺序精读,对含有题干信息的语句仔细阅读。另外,留意Which of thefollowing would be the best title of the test? 、The author’s attitudetowards… 这之类的问题,在分解阅读时可以顺便留意一下作者的观点态度。 (2)第一个问题,答案一般就在第一段。后面几问同理,这样整篇文章被分解成四五个部分,一部分最多三四个长句,对每个部分认真阅读,目标清晰,很容易得到正解;同时,每个部分,废话居多,真正的答案往往就其中一句话或其中一个关键短语,选对选项的关键在于找


【红宝书】考研英语词汇 基础词 Unit 4 bath 洗澡,淋浴;浴室 bathe 弄湿;游泳,洗澡 batch 一批,一组,一群 acquaint 使认识,使了解 acquaintance 熟悉,了解;熟人 across 横越,穿过;在……对面 satisfaction 满意,满足;乐事,愉快 satisfactory 令人满意的,可喜的,恰当的 satisfy 满意,使满意;使确信 satire 讽刺,讽刺作品 saturate 使饱和,浸透,使充满 sauce 酱汁,调味汁;无礼,莽撞 saucer 茶托,碟子 sausage 香肠,腊肠 saw 锯子;锯,锯开 scan 细看,审视;浏览,扫描 scandal 民愤;引起公愤的举动;丑闻;诽谤 scar 疤,疤痕;精神上的创伤 scarce 缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的 scarcely 几乎不,简直没有,勉强;决不 scare 惊吓,恐惧 scarf 围巾,头巾 scatter 撒播;消散,驱散 scenario 可能发生的事,可能出现的情况 scent 气味,香味;香水 scholar 学者 scholarship 奖学金;学问,学识 school 学校;学院;学派,流派 tablet 药片;碑,匾 taboo 禁忌,戒律;避讳 tackle 用具,装备;对付,处理,解决 tactics 策略,战术 tag 标签,货签 tailor 裁缝;缝制;使适应 tale 故事,传说 tame 平淡的;驯服的;温顺的;驯服;控制,抑制 tan 棕黄色,黄褐色;棕黄色的,棕褐色的 tangle 绞在一起,乱作一团;混乱状态 tank 坦克 tanker 油船,油轮,油罐车;坦克手 tap (水、煤气等管道或容器的)龙头,阀门,塞子;轻扣;窃听


研途宝考研 https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb6783096.html,/ 专业名称:结构工程[081402] 所属门类代码、名称:工学[08] 所属一级学科代码、名称:土木工程[0814] 所属学院:土木工程系 结构工程专业介绍: 结构工程硕士点属土木工程之下的二级学科硕士点,研究建造各类工程设施的科学技术中具有共性的结构选型、力学分析、设计理论和施工建造技术及组织管理方法的学科。既指工程建设的对象,即各种工程设施;也指所应用的材料、设备和所进行的勘测、设计、施工、保养、维修等技术活动,在整个都市与城镇建设领域中占有非常重要的地位。 考试科目: ①101思想政治理论 ②201英语一 ③301数学一 ④854结构力学(含结构动力学) 研究方向: 01新型结构 02结构控制与健康监测诊断 03结构静动力分析与数值仿真 04结构检测、加固与维护 2017结构工程专业课考研参考书目: 《建筑结构抗震》窦立军机械工业出版社 2006年版; 《高层建筑结构设计》钱稼茹等中国建筑工业出版社第二版; 《结构力学(ii)》龙驭球、包世华高等教育出版社第三版; 2017结构工程考研专业课资料: 《2016厦门大学结构力学考研复习精编》 《材料力学考研核心考点解析》(孙训方版) 《结构力学教程考研核心考点解析》(龙驭球版) 《厦门大学结构力学高分考研笔记》 《厦门大学结构力学考研真题及答案解析》 历年考研复试分数线: 2015年总分:320,政治/外语:50;业务1/业务2:80; 2014年总分:320,政治/外语:50;业务1/业务2:80; 【17结构工程考研辅导】 2017厦门大学考研高端保录班


考研英语 阅读备考入门指导

考研英语阅读备考入门指导 一、培养适合自己的方法和习惯 阅读理解是考研英语中的重点,因其占据的分值,也是相对很难的一项。在考研英语复习中要以阅读理解为龙头带动其他各项。阅读理解其实在整个考试试卷中具有承上启下的作用,何以见得呢? 首先,在阅读过程中根据上下文的逻辑联系来理解词汇的词义,这实际上带动了完形填空的复习。 其次,在做阅读理解练习时,注意分析段落结构和语篇结构,这大大有助于选择搭配题的复习。 第三,做阅读理解时把文章中的长难句拿出来分析其语法结构再把它们译成汉语,这就等于复习英译汉。 最后,做阅读理解时把文章中常用的句型和成语抄录下来背记、造句。这肯定有助于短文写作的复习准备。 可见,通过阅读理解练习可以做到一举多得,大大提高整体的复习效率。 阅读能力其实可以归结为包括五方面的能力,分别为:大纲词汇、长难句、逻辑思维能力、篇章分析能力和题型分析能力。就基础阶段而言,前三项能力是非常重要的。一定要在备考初级阶段,把前三项能力真正把握好了,否则会非常影响之后的强化与冲刺阶段的备考。那么我们该养成怎样的阅读习惯? 1.精细阅读

一定要培养自己精细阅读的习惯。要想把阅读搞好,一是要理解、二是要速度。英语考试时间为3个小时,其中阅读部分由4篇阅读文章组成。时间是足够的,但很多人会觉得时间上紧张。建议大家应该养成精读细读的习惯。从现在开始,让自己沉浸在英语阅读的氛围里,计划好每一周时间阅读的量和速度。怎样来进行阅读的练习呢?考生需要做得1周做一套题:周一用1个小时的时间阅读4篇文章。 2.完成 一定要按照规定的时间做,培养自己在有间里精细阅读的习惯。周二至周五精读每篇文章,每天一篇。周六把这套题的阅读部分再整体阅读一遍,周日把最近几周做的题系统复习一遍。基础较差的同学须在6月底之前将阅读材料做一遍,然后再制定出一个详细复习这套阅读材料的计划。基础好的同学可以每周做一套题的基础上扩大自己的泛读量,一直坚持到考试之前。 3.泛听和泛读 要有效地配合大量泛听和泛读。光有精读是不够的,提高你的英语水平还要通过大量的泛听和泛读。根据自己的实际情况,在还有精力的情况下可以锁定《经济学人》、《新闻周刊》、《时代周刊》等英美报刊,好是最近几年的社会科学方面和经济类的文章。考研阅读文章通常是400左右单词量,因此阅读报刊时锁定600左右单词量的文章就可以了。每次找一篇,把文章的语言难点弄明白就可以了。学习过程中要有自己的词汇笔记本,将阅读过程中的常用短语、词汇、长难句等,按照不同阅读的不同类型进行分类,不断复习是学英语重要


2017考研英语:翻译复习重要知识点总结一、理解英语原文,拆分语法结构 由于英语语言具有“形合”的特点,也就是说,英语句子无论多么复杂,都是通过一些语法手段和逻辑手段连接起来的“像葡萄藤一样”的结构。如果搞不清楚句子的语法结构,考生是很难做出正确的翻译的。因此在翻译句子之前,必须先通读全句,一边读一边拆分句子的语法结构,这是正式动笔翻译之前的一项重要准备工作。 怎么拆分呢?具体来讲,考生可以寻找下面一些“信号词”来对英语句子进行拆分,进而更加有效地理解英语原文。 1.基本原则: 把主句和从句拆分出来,把主干部分和修饰部分拆分出来。 2.连词: 如and, or, but, yet, for等并列连词连接着并列句;还有连接状语从句的连接词,如:when, as, since, until, before, after, where, because, since, thought, although, so that, ......等等;它们是考生要寻找的第一大拆分点。 3.关系词: 如连接名词性从句的who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whichever等关系代词和when, where, how, why等关系副词;还有连接定语从句的关系代词,如who, which, that, whom, whose等等;它们是第二大拆分点。 4.标点符号:

标点符号常常断开句子的主干和修饰部分,也是一个明显的拆分点。 5. 除此之外,介词on, in, with, at, of, to等引导的介词短语,不定式符号to,分词结构也可以作为拆分点。 例如:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(35词,2003年62题) 拆分本句的信号词有:which, in, that。注意本句出现的两个and 连接的是几个词汇,并非句子,所以不用作为拆分点。因此这个句子可以拆分成四个片段。拆分后句子的总结构是: (1)主干Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry; (2)定语从句which seeks to study humans and their endeavors; (3)方式状语in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner; (4)定语从句that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena。 二、运用翻译策略,组合汉语译文 正确理解原文后,接下来就是翻译。翻译时,关键是综合运用各种翻译方法将英文的原意忠实地表达出来。主要有如下翻译技巧。 1.词汇的增减转 由于英汉两种语言的差异,在英文看上去比较正常的句子,译成


考研英语 阅读 基础班讲义 主讲:张伟 考研英语微信公众号:张伟爱词汇

内容说明: 考研英语(包括考研英语2)的阅读真题内容,以及部分阅读中长难句句型。在我们的课程体系中,阅读分为基础和强化两个模块,基础重文章阅读能力,强化重解题能力。 课程适用对象: 考研(含考研英语2)英语基础阶段学习; 资料来源: 考研英语历年真题 学习方法: 理解考研英语的难度,特点,考试题型; 掌握基本的考研英语阅读文章的逻辑结构; 对附加的6篇真题文章分析非常熟悉,知道如何利用阅读真题。

考研英语阅读的基本情况 首先我们要对阅读考试的特点有个基本了解。 老张总结考研英语阅读的特点: 出题有题源; 题材有偏好; 体裁有重点; 结构有套路; 文风有特点; 作为阅读理解A部分,4篇文章,一般有1600词,题材来源为:经济商业、社会热点、文化教育、科普知识、法律等方面,出现率最高的是社会生活、科普和经济,其余的还包括体育、人物传记等。社会生活体裁包括文化、历史、家庭、教育、人口、交通、环境能源及其他社会现象。从国家的角度来分析,一般以欧美,特别是美国的话题为主,因为文章主要也是来源于欧美的主流报刊。 考研阅读理解文章的题材多样,有议论文、说明文和应用文。希望大家注意不同体裁的文章不同考试要点:对于说明文,要注意事实和数据;对于议论文而言,要注意作者的结论和观点,作者证明观点的论据部分和逻辑结构,以及作者对其他观点的态度。近几年的真题来看,70%以上的文章都是偏议论文。这对我们写作借鉴也有意义。 历年阅读题材 题材类型具体分类主题年份备注 经济商业时尚品牌对时尚行业的批判2013text1 经济美国中产家庭经济风险2007text3 经济美国经济衰退没有引起恐慌2004text3 网络媒体跟踪用户上网的争议2013text2 网络营销营销中的新媒介2011text3 2004text1 网络求职网络求职的个人搜索代理工 具 工商管理高级经理的裸辞2011text2 工商管理企业信息保护2007text4 工商管理会计准则受到压力2010text4 2015text2 法律个人隐私对智能手机的个人信息的法 律保护 专利保护商业专利保护受到威胁2010text2 移民问题最高法对移民法的判决2013text3 法律改革美国法律行业的改革势在必 行 美欧社会失业救济失业者应该获得救济金2014text1 工会阻碍公共部门改革2012text4 新英格兰的精神生活2009text4 美国社会同化现象2006text1 美国人身高停止增长2008text3 科普知识科学发现可信性的证实2012text2 智商测试2007text2


2017考研英语一真题及参考答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may b e a resounding "yes!" 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 health adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold after being 7 to the virus .People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold ,and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . "Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that's usually 14 with stress," notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging "is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling that others are there to help 16 difficulty."

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