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Unit 4 ②句子翻译

Unit 4 ②句子翻译
Unit 4 ②句子翻译

1.当在聚会上有人给你提供香烟的时候,你怎么办?(用offer的主动和被动语态两种) What would you do if someone offered you cigarette at a party?

What would you do if you were offered cigarette at a party?

2.你们学校给学生提供热水吗?(用offer, provide两种句式)

Does your school offer students hot water?

Does your school provide students with hot water?

3.我同意你的大部分说法,但我不同意你所说的一切。(agree with, disagree with, )

I agree with most of what you said, but I disagree with everything you said.

4.我的好朋友同意帮助我学物理。(agree to do)

My good friend agreed to help me with my physics.

5.我们的老师教学经验丰富。(have lots of experience doing)

Our teachers have lots of experience teaching.

=teaching experience

6.你能给我一些怎样提高听力技能的建议吗?(give sb. advice on how to do)

Can you give me some advice on how to improve my listening skills?

7.马丁·罗宾逊的书给出了在不同情况下该做什么的建议。(give advice on what to do) Martin·Robinson’s book gives advice on what to do in a lot of different situations. 8.他今天早上睡过头了,所以没吃早饭就往学校赶。(hurry to some place)

He overslept this morning, so he hurried to school without (having) breakfast.

9.如果我看见有人从台阶上摔下来,我会赶忙给120打电话。(hurry to do)

If I saw someone fall downstairs, I would hurry to call 120.

10.你为什么这么匆忙?(be in a hurry)

Why are you in such a hurry?

11.赶快,不然你会上学迟到的。(hurry up)

Hurry up, or you will be late for school.


I can’t send e-mail, please show me how to do it.

13.他昨天从树上摔下来伤了胳膊。幸亏他伤的不重。(fall off, luckily)

Yesterday, he fell off a tree and hurt/injured his arms. Luckily, he wasn’t badly hurt.

14.他在跑步时伤了膝盖。(hurt one’s knee)

He hurt/injured his knee while (he was) running.


Three people lost their lives and five (people) were injured in the car crash.

=were killed

16.我头疼。(hurt, have a headache)

My head hurts. / I have (got) a headache. / I have a pain in the head. / There is a pain in my head.


There is/was a pain in his stomachache because he has eaten too much.

18.如果我发现我的腿有些疼,我会停止锻炼。(feel some pains, stop doing)

If I felt some pains in my leg(s), I would stop exercising.

19.我的腿太疼了走不动了。(be painful)

My legs are too painful to walk on.


No pains, no gains. / No gains without pains.


UNIT 4 What Is Happiness? 1、The right to pursue happiness is issued to Americans with their birth certificates, but no one seems quite which way it ran. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift seemed to being well deceived.” The felic i ty of being “a fool among knaves.” For Swift say society as Vanity Fair, the land of false goals. 自从呱呱坠地,美国人就被赋予了追求幸福的权利,但似乎没人确信幸福究竟在哪里。正如它发给我们狩猎证,却不给我们提供猎物。乔纳森?斯威福特似乎持此观点,他抨击幸福的想法是“鬼迷心窍的上当,”是“骗子堆中的傻瓜”的自鸣得意。因为他视社会为虚妄目标聚集的名利场。 2、It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to heaven when we possess enough. 当然用傻子、骗子这样的字眼来形容是不合美国的人的风俗习惯的,然后我们似乎确实沉溺于用金钱购买幸福的想法:只要有足够的钱,我们百年后就能上天堂。 3、And at the same time the forces of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising is one of our major

人教版八年级英语下册Unit 4翻译句子专项练习(含答案)

Unit 4 根据中文,翻译下列句子 1. 把他们的爱好和我们的比很有意思。 It’s interesting________ ________their hobbies________ ________. 2. 她把钱借给他,一定是疯了。 She must________ ________to lend him money. 3. 我发现他正在浏览我的笔记。 I found him________ ________my notes. 4. 我认为你自己能解决这个难题。 I think you can________ ________the problem by yourself. 5. 在悲剧写作方面他不能与莎士比亚相比。 He can’t________ ________Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 6. 马克弄丢了书包,但是他认为那不是什么了不起的事。 Mark lost his schoolbag, but he didn’t think it was a________ ________. 7. 简感到她永远不能与那些人竞争。 Jane feels that she can never________ ________those people. 8. 为了养家糊口,很多人不得不到大城市去找工作。 _______________________________________________ 9. 尽管别人不同意你的观点,也不该和别人争吵。 _______________________________________________ 10. 你能向我解释一下如何解出这道题吗? _______________________________________________ 11. 我爱我的弟弟。我不介意我的弟弟玩我的玩具。 _______________________________________________ 12. 父母应该和孩子多交流。 _______________________________________________ 13. 我妹妹在读完这本书后将它归还于我。 _______________________________________________ 14. 你不应该照抄同学的作业。 _______________________________________________


重点文言句子翻译 《陈情表》 1、臣少多疾病,九岁不行,零丁孤苦,至于成立。 我小时候经常生病,九岁还不会走路,孤苦无依,直到长大成人自立门户。 2. 既无伯叔,终鲜兄弟;门衰祚薄,晚有儿息。 已经没有叔伯,又没有兄弟,家门衰微,福分浅薄,很晚才有儿子。 3、外无期功强近之亲,内无应门五尺之僮;茕茕独立,形影相吊。外面没有什么近亲,家里没有照应门户的童仆。生活孤单没有依靠,只有自己的身体和影子互相安慰。 4、臣欲奉诏奔驰,则刘病日笃;欲苟顺私情,则告诉不许。 我想手捧诏书马上赴京就职,但是刘氏的疾病一天比一天严重;想姑且迁就私情,但是报告申诉又不被允许。 5.今臣亡国贱俘,至微至陋。过蒙拔擢,宠命优渥,岂敢盘桓,有所希冀! 现在我是卑贱的亡国俘虏,十分卑微浅陋。(却)受到过分的提拔,恩惠优厚,哪里还敢徘徊不前,有非分的企求。 6.但以刘日薄西山,气息奄奄,人命危浅,朝不虑夕。 只因为祖母刘氏像太阳接近西山,呼吸短促而微弱,生命垂危活不长久,早晨不能想到晚上会怎样。 7.臣之辛苦,非独蜀之人士及二州牧伯所见明知,皇天后土,实所共鉴。 我的辛酸苦楚,不仅是蜀州的人士和二州的长官看见了解到的,天地神明,实在看得清清楚楚的/明察的。 8.愿陛下矜悯愚诚,听臣微志,庶刘侥幸,保卒余年。臣生当陨首,死当结草。 希望陛下怜悯(我)愚拙的诚心,允许我微不足道的心愿,或许刘氏能够侥幸地安度晚年。我活着应当杀身报效朝廷,死后也当结草报恩。 《逍遥游》 1.怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。 奋起而飞,它的双翅就像天边的云 2.天之苍苍,其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪? 天色深青,是它真正的颜色呢?还是因为太远而看不到尽头呢? 3.莫之夭阏者,而后乃今将图南。 背负青天,而没有什么能阻遏它了,然后才图谋飞到南方。 4. 我决起而飞,抢榆枋而止,时则不至,而控于地而已矣,奚以之九万里而南为?

7aunit1unit2翻译句子 (1)

Unit 1-2翻译句子 1.他戴着眼镜,喜欢玩电脑游戏。 He wears glasses,and likes playing computer games. 2.她留着短发. She has short hair.=Her hair is short. 3.他是校足球队里我最喜欢的足球运动员。 He is my favourite football player in the school football team. 4.我弟弟喜欢打网球,也喜欢听音乐。 My brother likes playing tennis and listening to music。 5.你擅长打篮球吗? Are you good at playing basketball.=Do you do well in playing basketball. 6.埃迪一天好多次走到他的碗那儿。 Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day. 8.丹尼尔放学后和他和同学一起玩。 Daniel often plays with his classmates after school. 9.你的朋友们也在这个俱乐部吗? Are your friends in this club too? 10.我今天下午没有空闲时间。 I don’t have any free time this afternoon. 11.西蒙来自广东,但是现在和家人住在北京。 Simon comes from Guangdong, but 12.我希望你的梦想成真。 I hope your dream comes true. 13.她总是一有空就学习英语。 She always learns English when she is free. 14.那个小伙子想参加下届的世界杯。 The young man wants to play in the next World Cup. 15.我的堂姐看起来很苗条。 My cousin looks very slim. 16.他喜欢听音乐,因为音乐总能让他开心。 He enjoys listening to music, because it always makes him happy. 17.你经常在电视上看足球比赛吗? Do you often watch football matches on TV? 18.你和露西是朋友吗? Are you and Lucy good friends? 19.西蒙游泳游得好吗? Does Simon swim well? 20.丹尼尔不喜欢运动,但他有时打乒乓球。 Daniel doesn’t like sports, but he sometimes plays table tennis. 21.夏天游泳很有趣。 Swimming in Summer is fun. 22.你周末还做些什么? What else do you do at weekends? 23.我喜欢听音乐,因为它使我感觉棒极了。 I like listening to music,because it makes me feel great. 24.我们都在舞蹈俱乐部。 We are all in the Dancing Club. 25.你的妈妈有一个购物袋吗?


Unit 4 (Para. 1) In the last few centuries, marriage has been connected to romantic love.This kind of package deal is not easy to maintain and indeed many people fail while trying to do so. Nevertheless, most people still pursue this deal. This is another type of paradox associated with marriage. 在过去的几个世纪里,婚姻总是和浪漫的爱情联系起来。这一揽子交易可不容易维护,的确,很多人在试图将婚姻和浪漫的爱情结合起来时失败了。不过,许多人仍然追求婚姻。这是和婚姻相关的另一种自相矛盾的情况。 (Para. 2)Some of the main difficulties of this package deal are the following: (a) in modern society, marriage is no longer unique in fulfilling tasks such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation,(b) long-term romantic relationships are problematic in that they lack significant changes, which are so meaningful to emotions in general and love in particular, and (c) the greater flexibility of romantic boundaries in modern society make it harder to maintain strict emotional connections and constraints, such as those recommended in marriage. 要实现这一揽子交易,有如下几点主要的困难:1. 在现代社会,婚姻已不是实现像抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况等任务的惟一形式。2. 长期的浪漫关系的问题在于他们缺乏重大变化,而变化对于普遍意义的情感特别是爱情具有重要意义。3.浪漫的界线在现代社会中更加灵活,这就使得那些在婚姻关系中建议的严格的情感联系和限制难以维持。 (Para. 3a) In modern society, most of the penalties for dissolving a marriage have been removed and many of the incentives that marriage offers can be obtained in other social frameworks. 现代社会中,大多数由于结束婚姻关系所受的惩罚已被取消,而婚姻关系提供的许多奖励也能通过其他社会结构获得。 The choice of staying within a marriage depends, therefore, more on the issue of love than on those traditionally unique advantages of marriage, such as raising children and enhancing one’s status and financial situation. 因此,选择继续留在婚姻中更多的是由于爱情而不是婚姻关系具有的那些传统的独特的优势,例如抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况。 (Para. 3b) If a person feels that her present marital relationship prevents her from experiencing genuine love (and from personal development and satisfaction), there is little incentive for her to stay in the marriage. The fact that most divorce cases now cite a lack of love as the reason for seeking to end the marriage indicates the greater importance that love has in contemporary marriages. 如果一个人觉得她目前的婚姻不能使她体验真挚的爱情,以及她的个人发展和内心满足,她就不太有维持婚姻关系的动机了。许多离婚案件现在会用缺少爱情作


Module 4 Unit 1 1.他不需要很多钱,并且很乐于过着简单的生活。(lead a … life) 2.四代同堂是中国一个值得骄傲的传统习俗。(tradition, generation) 3.老师在讲台前不用看就可以知道哪个学生表现不好。(without doing, behave) 4.如果我们一定要按时完成的话,我们就必须坚持工作。(carry on) 5.当我离开超市的时候,我碰巧遇见了我的老朋友。(come across) 6.老师的话促使我比以前更努力工作。(inspire) 7.保护环境是首要考虑的问题。(consideration) 8.直到回到家我才发现我把钥匙留在办公室了。(only+状语倒装) 9.听取老师的意见,我在英语学习上取得了快速进步。(V+ing 作 状语) Keys: 1.He doesn’t need much money and is happy to lead a simple l ife.

2.It is a proud tradition in China to have four gene rations living under one roof. 3.Without looking up fr om her desk the teacher knew which student was beh aving badly. 4.We must carry on working if we are to finish on time. 5.I came across my friend by chance when I was le aving the supermarket. 6.My teacher’s words inspired me to work harder than ever before. 7.Protecting environment is everyone’s prime consideration.8.I realized I had left my k eys at work only after returning home. 9.By following the teacher’s advice I was able to quickly improve my English. Module 4 Unit 2 1. 多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to) 2. 吉姆悄悄溜进房间,没有打扰父母。(without disturbing) 3. 我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。(would rather…than; struggle for)


M 1 Unit 2 句子翻译练习 1. 电脑在我们的日常生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。(play a part in) 2. 我第一眼在人群中看到他就认出他了。(recognize) 3. 我们要充分利用好业余时间以提高学习。(make use of) 4. 只有经常使用的单词才能被我们记住。(frequently) 5. 她能说流利的英语,因为她去英国生活过两年。(fluent) 6. 电影院要求观众不得大声喧哗。(request) 7. 沿着这条路走两个街区,然后右转,博物馆就在你的左边。(block) 8. 你知道这个角色是以谁为原型的吗?(be based on) 9. 现在,精通英语很重要。(present,command) 10. 信不信由你,《中国好声音》被认为是中国最好的选秀节目(talent show)。(believe it or not, recognize) 11. 天下没有免费的午餐。想要成功,你就得付出努力。(there is no such thing as…) 12. 他生病了,这就是他为什么缺席(be absent from)昨天的会议的原因。(that’s why…/that’s because….) 13. 这个问题在会议上被提出来了。(come up) 14. 对于数学和英语,我更喜欢后者。(latter) 15. 中国学英语的人数正在迅速增加。(rapidly) 16. 事实上,英式英语和美式英语稍微有区别。(different)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/e59783220.html,puters play a more and more important part/role in our daily life. 2. I recognized him in the crowd at first sight. I recognized him the moment I saw him in the crowd. 3. We should make full use of our spare time to improve our study. 4.Only the words (that are) frequently used can be well remembered by us. Only the frequently-used words can be remembered. 5.She speaks fluent English, because she lived in Britain for 2years. 6.The audience are requested not to speak loudly in the cinema. The cinema requests the audience not to speak loudly. 7.Go along the street for two blocks and then turn right. You’ll see the museum on your left. 8.Who do you know who the character is based on ? 9.At present, having a good command of English is very important. At present, it’s important to have a good command of English. 10.Believe it or not, The Voice of China is recognized as the best talent show in China. 11.There’s no such thing as free lunch. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard. 12.He was ill. That’s why he was absent from the meeting yesterday. He was absent from the meeting yesterday, that’s because he was ill. 13.The question came up at the meeting. 14. As for maths and English, I like the latter better. 15.The number of people learning English is increasing rapidly.

Unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit4 无子女家庭:违背十万年来的繁衍规律 课文翻译: 二十好几的凯茜、韦恩夫妇结婚已有五年之久,没有孩子。上次凯茜娘家有人问:“你们打算什么时候要孩子,组成一个家庭呢?”她答道:“我们已经是个家庭啦!” 凯茜与韦恩属于决定不要孩子的年轻已婚夫妇群体,其人数正在日益增长。最近一项调查显示在过去的五年中,年龄在25至29岁之间妇女不愿生养的百分比几乎翻了一番,在18至24岁的已婚妇女中几乎增至三倍。在这个似乎大胆反抗生物性和社会性的决定后面隐藏着什么原因呢? 或许最能公开坦陈心曲的无子女夫妇是《婴儿陷阱》一书的作者:埃伦,派克,其夫威廉,一位广告总经理兼全国不生养夫妇协会主席。派克夫妇认为他们和协会均无意反对生儿育女,不过是反对不管人们是否愿意和需要孩子就迫使人们传宗接代的社会压力。 “这是一种生活方式的选择,”埃伦说,“我们选择自由和自愿,清净和闲暇。这也是一个朝哪个方向付出努力的问题——在你自己的小家庭之内或在一个大的社团之中。这一代人面临有关地球生命延续的严重问题以及生命质量的问题。我们的孙辈也许将购票去观赏最后一批红杉或排队去获取氧气配给。有人抱怨在回到有五个孩子的家途中被交通堵塞困住好几个小时,但是他们不能将孩子与交通堵塞联系起来。在一个受到人口过剩一系列后果威胁的世界上,我们正在参与一项事业使膝下无子的生活模式为社会所接受并受世人尊重。太多的孩子作为一种文化强制的后果而呱呱坠地,离婚和虐待儿童的相关统计充分揭露了这一结果。” 埃伦的丈夫补充说:“每位朋友、亲戚、同事不停地给你施加压力,劝你要孩子,说什么‘发现你生活中失去的东西’。好多好多人很晚才发现,所谓他们失去的东西其实是他们完全不适合做的事情。” 埃伦还说:“从抱第一个洋娃娃开始,大到欣赏电视肥皂剧,成年后参加鸡尾酒会,无形之中,总有一种压力要你为人父母。但是让我们来看看养育失败的比率吧,或许天下父母应该视为像当医生一样的专门职业。有些人擅长此道,他们应当生养孩子;有些人一窍不通,他们应该认为他们还有其他的选择。” 专业观察家同意这一看法:很多人生养孩子没有正当的理由,有时候则完全没有理由。男人常常稀里糊涂就当上了父亲,根本就没有作出审慎的选择;对许多妇女来说,怀孕能够成为一种方式来逃避不可解决的冲突,譬如,迅速获得名分,或改进自己的不良形象,以及满足童年时代未曾得到的关注和关爱的需要。 我与许多人类行为领域的专家交谈,探讨为什么那么多年轻夫妇决定不要孩子,他们的看法也是众说纷纭。一位家庭治疗专家把不要孩子的决定描写为“对当今世界形势基本的本能反应”,暗示像动物群居本能那样的东西正在起作用,来应对人口过剩、城市拥挤、环境污染与核战争危险。群居本能促使妇女感到繁殖人口有违心愿,并指引她们去寻找在家庭生活之外实现自我价值的新方式。 不止一位精神病医生暗示,凡是不愿生育的人有都自恋癖——觉得自己心甘情愿迫不得已,为照顾别人与受人照顾这个互相对立的内心冲突自圆其说。有位精神病医生说:“这些人不能容忍照顾孩子的想法,他们没有多余的爱分享给孩子,”并补充道,“你们这是对亘古以来人类繁衍生生不息的离经叛道。”他的另一位同事插话说:“情有可原嘛,我们谁不想为我们的欠缺找理由? 且不论他

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4课文翻译

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4课文翻译 Unit 4 Body language ―Reading― COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM? 交际:没有问题了吗? Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. 昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们学校的学生会,到首都国际机场迎接今年的留学生。They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. 他们来北京大学学习。我们会首先把他们带到宿舍,然后去学生食堂。After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. 在等了半个小时之后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 站着观察了他们一分钟后,我便走过去跟他们打招呼。 The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼?加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅?史密斯。After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. 在与他们碰面并介绍他们彼此认识之后,我(对看到的情景)感到很吃惊。


Unit4 1.The crisis of global poverty has, at long last, been accorded a high priority on the international agenda. This propitious development has sparked a flurry of discussion and research concerning the means for eradicating this debilitating condition from human life. Yet as renewed pledges for action pour in from governments, as long-held theories and conventional approaches fail to quell long-held prejudices, conflicts, and exploitation, a feeling of rudderlessness looms over the global enterprise of poverty eradication. At the same time, a palpable optimism emerges from the attention and momentum generated by the search for solutions to this worldwide challenge. 2.The mechanisms of poverty eradication have long been defined in primarily material terms. Indeed, the central pillar of the international community’s poverty alleviation efforts has been the transfer of financial resources. Approximately $2.3 trillion have been spent on foreign aid over the last five decades.[1] Tragically, the aid, far from ushering in greater self-sufficiency, has often had a detrimental effect on recipient communities: increased dependency on foreign assistance, subservience to externally dictated priorities, misappropriation of funds and decreased pressure for governance reform. In a resolute push for change, the United Nations has sought to expand the mechanisms for assistance and to galvanize support for poverty alleviation through its Millennium Development Goals.[2] 消除贫困的机制,很久以来主要是用物质的术语界定的。事实上,国际社会努力缓解贫困的主要手段是调配资金。在刚刚过去的五十年里,大约2.3万亿美元花在了外援上1。可悲的是,这些援助不但未能帮助受援群体增强自立的能力,反而常常带给受援群体负面影响——增加了他们对外援的依赖、总是屈从于来自外部的指示、挪用资金、减低了政府自身改革的动力。为了坚决推进变革,联合国通过其制定的《千年发展目标》寻求扩展援助的机制,加大对扶贫的支持力度。 3.It is now increasingly acknowledged that such conditions as the marginalization of girls and women,[3] poor governance,[4] ethnic and religious antipathy,[5] environmental degradation[6] and unemployment[7] constitute formidable obstacles to the progress and development of communities. These evidence a deeper crisis—one rooted in the values and attitudes that shape relationships at all levels of society. Viewed from this perspective, poverty can be described as the absence of those ethical, social and material resources needed to develop the moral, intellectual and social capacities of individuals, communities and institutions. Moral reasoning, group decision-making and freedom from racism, for example, are all essential tools for poverty alleviation. Such capacities must shape individual thinking as well as institutional arrangements and policy-making. To be clear, the goal at hand is not only to remove the ills of poverty but to engage the masses of humanity in the construction of a just global order. 4.Individuals and institutions must work in tandem to take up this task. One of the goals of poverty alleviation, then, centers on the individual: he must be helped to reclaim his dignity and sense of self-worth, must be encouraged to gain confidence to improve his condition and strive to realize his potential. Beyond the achievement of personal well-being, he must be nurtured to become a source of social good—of peace, happiness and advantage to those around him. It is at the level of service to others that our humanity achieves its highest expression. The second goal centers on institutions: at every level of society, they must serve as channels through which the talents and energies of individuals can be harnessed in service to humanity. Resources that help to develop this individual and institutional capacity represent a true source of wealth to the community. 5.Much like the physical principles that govern the material world, the social world, too, is governed by moral principles, which underlie the functioning of an ordered society. Principles such as gender equality,[8] trustworthiness,[9] access to education, human rights and freedom of religion,[10] for example, tend to correlate positively with measures of socioeconomic well-being and stability. The interrelatedness of challenges stemming from poverty calls for the articulation of principles capable of guiding analysis, decision-making and the


人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit4翻译句子练习 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级。 outgoing— long— good— tall— thin— quiet— loudly— short— heavy— funny— friendly— hard-working— smart— lazy— fast— high— hard— early— clear— well— important— cool— talented— popular— serious— shy— easy— kind— comfortable— big— cheap— new— close— quickly— expensive— bad— boring— carefully— comfortably— creative— loud— talented— interesting— exciting— beautifully— seriously— crowded— fresh— 我是班上最外向的男生。 这节课是最难的。(lesson ) 她最胖。 约翰唱的最大声。我曾经跑的最快。莎拉以前一直起的最晚。

她是班上最年轻的。 她是这些人中最年轻的。 我是我们学校第二高的男生。 约翰是我们学校最高的学生之一。 我们学校最高的人之一喜欢你。 她是我最好的朋友。 这是我们镇里最好的电影院。 它有着最大的屏幕以及最好的音响。“阳光影院”有着最舒服的座位。 这是最差的服装店,因为它有着最差的服务。 它有着最无聊的音乐。 我时常以最便宜的价格买衣服。 我喜欢快捷的买票。 这个电台的DJ们选择音乐最谨慎。 最好的电影院是哪家? 要去的最好的电影院是哪家? 它离我家最近。 市区里最差的衣服商店是哪一家? 欢迎你来我们镇。 欢迎来我们镇。 你可以在这里买到最新鲜的食物。 你可以最舒服的坐着。 我是最有创造力的男生。 谁正在谈论一场校园才艺演出? 我喜欢看美国达人秀 中国达人秀 谁是最佳的表演者?(过去) 谁是最有天赋的人? 意译:谁是达人?


翻译下面句子 1. 当有人走近要和你握手时,你最好面带微笑,并友好地伸出手。(approach) 2. 这两个相似的手势竟然表达了如此不同的含义,让我感到很惊讶。(similar) 3. 打个电话向邀请你吃饭的朋友表示感谢,是有礼貌的。(It’s good manners to…) 4. 政府未来一年的一个主要任务是改善农民的生活条件。(major) 5. 对你不应该知道的事情,不要感到好奇。(be curious about) 6. 有一句谚语,说的是“入乡随俗”。(There is a saying that…) 7. 多知道一些身势语,能够帮助你避免交际中的困难,尤其当你的英语说得不好时。(avoid) 8. 有些国家的老师会惩罚那些在课堂上没有看他们的学生,对此,肯定有很多人感到奇怪。(look sb in the eye) 翻译答案 1. When someone is approaching you to shake hands with you, you’d better reach

out your hand, smiling and friendly. 2. It astonished me that the two similar gestures should express such different meanings. 3. It’s good manners to make a telephone to show thanks to your friends who invited you to dinner. 4. One of the major tasks in the coming year for the government is to improve farmers’living conditions. 5. Don’t be too curious about the things that you’re not supposed to know. 6. There is a saying that “When in Rome, do as Romans do”. 7. Learning more about body languages can help you avoid some trouble in communication, especially if you can not speak English very well. 8. Many people must feel it strange that teachers in some countries punish students for their not looking them in the eye.


Module 2 Unit 1 1.除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive) 2.这时目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。 3.他已决定去巴黎渡假,而不去伦敦。( rather than ) 4.我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的。( belong to ) 5.她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感 激。(in return; which; grateful ) 6.他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。( no wonder ) Keys: 1. Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive. 2. This is one of the best films that I have ever seen. 3. He has decided t o go to Paris for his holiday rather than London. 4. The beautiful new car in front of my home belongs to my neighbour not me. 5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return , which made us very grateful. 6. He talked so rudely to his boss. No wonder he was fired.

Module 2 Unit 2 1. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another) 2. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店. (in charge of) 3. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(admit, take part in, crime) 4. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so) 5. 在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。(bargain) Keys: 1.When the bell rang for lunch the students came o ut of classroom one after another. 2.He was left in charge of the shop while the man ager was away. 3.He finally admitted to the police that he had take n part in the crime as well. 4.He’s been training for a long time,so he deserved to win the race.

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