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1. Samuel:Nice shiner.
Tristan:Yeah, well, I hit her back.
2. [last line of the movie]
One Stab:It was a good death.

3. Alfred:Susannah, you know how much I loved Samuel. And I think you know. Out of respect for him I wanted to say it in this place. I think you know that I'm in love with you. From the first moment I saw you. Like in a novel. That's my mother's romantic imagination coming out in me, I suppose. You're not making this very easy for me, Susannah.
Alfred:Is there any hope that you could learn to love me? Not the way you loved Samuel, of course, but enough to. Susannah, we could make a life together. A happy life.
Susannah:I don't think so, Alfred.
Alfred:It seems like you're not sure though. Maybe there's a chance. What?
Susannah:I think I can only cause you pain, Alfred.

4. Alfred:You don't have to be a genius to figure out they're coming after you for this.
Tristan:Yeah. Alfred?
Tristan:I want to ask you to watch over my children. Watch over Samuel.
Alfred:Brother, it will be an honor.

5. Tristan:Samuel! Samuel, come here! Run along now. Go to Pet. Get him in the house!
John T. O'Banion:He's a fine boy. You know we're not here to arrest you.
Tristan:You take me to the woods. I don't want my boy to see. Let's get on with it.

6. One Stab:Every hunter hopes that a good death finds him.

7. Alfred:I don't know what to say. Tristan's always been wild. You love him for that.
Susannah:Do I? Yeah, I suppose I do.
Alfred:Susannah, he does love you.
Colonel Ludlow:Alfred! She's to be your brother's wife.
Alfred:Yes, though you might better remind him of that.
Colonel Ludlow:He's not here to defend himself.
Alfred:No, he's not but I see you are here to defend him and what is his. Even though he's abandoned her and you. And I won't even speak of who else he abandoned.
Colonel Ludlow:Damn you, boy. Don't you blame my son for Samuel's death! Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die. Sent to be slaughtered by the men in the government. Parasites like you! Damn and blast you!
[turns to Susannah]
Colonel Ludlow:Damn you too!
Alfred:Shut your mouth! You leave her out of this!
Colonel Ludlow:You get out of my house and off my land.
Alfred:Why? Because I want to serve my country like you did? Or because, like you, I love a woman who doesn't love me? He used her and he deserted her. Your darling Tristan.
Susannah:Alfred, don't, please.
Alfred:I loved her! I love her still. And he stole her from me. If you want to know the truth of it he stole her from Samuel before the war.
Colonel Ludlow:God help me, I'll kill you.

8. Colonel Ludlow:Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die! Sent to their slaughter by men in governments! Parasites like you!

9. One Stab:She was like the water that freezes inside a rock and breaks it apart. It was no more her fault than it is the fault of the water when the rock shat


10. Alfred:When are you planning to be married?
Alfred:Damn you, Tristan. You will marry her.
Tristan:And make a honest woman out of her?
Alfred:Yes! God damn you to hell.
Tristan:Yes, I will marry her if she'll have me.
Alfred:If she'll have you? Do you love her? Or did you seduce her just to spite me?
Tristan:It's not what I did.
Alfred:And what about Samuel?
Tristan:What about Samuel?
Alfred:You tell me about Samuel.
Tristan:We all loved Samuel. Samuel's dead. What?
Alfred:How convenient that is for you.
Tristan:Because you love her I will forgive you for that. Once! You say that again and we're not brothers.

11. Tristan:Because you love her, I will forgive that, ONCE! Say that again, and you are no longer my brother.

12. Alfred:Don't mind my brother. Your dog has more breeding than he has.

13. Alfred:Please excuse my father. It makes him feel young and powerful to treat us like idiot children.

14. [Alfred's letter to Tristan]
Alfred:You have won her. I am bringing her home.

15. One Stab:It is hard to tell of happiness. Time goes by and we feel safe too soon.

16. Tristan:Alfred's going to do well wherever he is.
Colonel Ludlow:Except here with us.
Tristan:That's my fault.
Colonel Ludlow:I didn't say that.
Tristan:I couldn't bring Samuel back home alive either, could I?
Colonel Ludlow:Don't you dare say that boy! That was in God's hands.
Tristan:Was it?

17. Canadian Soldier:MacKenzie was just brought in, his leg's turned bad. He said...
Alfred:He said what? Go on man, what is it?
Canadian Soldier:He said your brother, he volunteered to take his place and go over on the reconnaissance.
Alfred:[to Tristan] God damn it! I told you to stay with him!

18. Samuel:Tristan! Get back to your unit!
Tristan:Those boys are boring. I'd rather have you watching my back.

19. Young Isabel Two:Tristan calls me a half breed.
Colonel Ludlow:Tristan calls you a half breed!
Young Isabel Two:He says I'm half gopher and half hawk.

20. Colonel Ludlow:There will be no more talk of wars in this house, DAMN IT!

21. Young Isabel Two:You're going to marry Samuel.
Susannah:That's right.
Young Isabel Two:I'm going to marry Tristan.
Susannah:Then we'll be sisters.

22. Tristan:Miss Finncannon. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you and ugly here find every happiness together.

23. Tristan:You guys look like a bunch of ice-cream cones!

24. Colonel Ludlow:Don't talk to me boy as if I've never seen a war!

25. [going off to war]
Samuel:I'll bring you back the kaiser's helmet.
Colonel Ludlow:Bring yourself back. That'd please me more.

26. One Stab:I thought Tristan would never live to be an old man. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about many things. It was those who loved him the most that died young. He was a rock they broke themselves against however much he tried to protect them.

27. Alfred:I followed all of the rules, man'

s and God's. And you, you followed none of them. And they all loved you more. Samuel, Father, and my... even my own wife.

28. Tristan:You know when Samuel died... when Samuel died, I cursed God. Did I damn everybody around me as well as myself?

29. Tristan:Samuel, God bless you. You are good at everything you try to do. I'm sure it'll be the same with fucking.
Samuel:Tristan, really. We're talking about my future wife.
Tristan:Oh, you're not gonna fuck her?
Samuel:No! I'm planning to be with her.
Tristan:I recommend fucking.
Samuel:You're impossible!
Tristan:You brought it up!

30. One Stab:Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends.

31. Susannah:Forever turned out to be too long.

32. Susannah:I still sometimes dream that I'm the mother of your children. I wanted her to die.

33. Susannah:Were you going to say goodbye? Tristan? How long will you be gone?
Tristan:Not long. A few months.
Susannah:I can make it better for you.
Susannah:If we'd had a child or if I were pregnant, would you still be going?
Susannah:Just give me a chance.
Tristan:Don't do that.
Susannah:Look at me. Please, look at me. I'll wait for you. However long it takes. I'll wait for you forever.

34. Samuel:Still hung over?
Tristan:Still drunk!

35. Susannah:Tristan, I have no where to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it. I write it only for myself. And so I will hide it away with all things left unsaid and undone between us.

36. Alfred:Susannah, you deserve to be happy.

37. Colonel Ludlow:Screw'm! Screw'm all! Screw the gov'm'nt!

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