当前位置:文档之家› should用法总结





We should arrive before dark. 我们按说能在天黑前到达.


If I was asked to work on Sundays I should resign. 要是叫我星期天上班, 我就辞职(fml文).



I'm anxious that he should be well cared for. 我盼望他能受到很好的照顾.

We're sorry that you should feel uncomfortable. 你觉得在这儿不舒服, 我们非常抱歉.


If you should change your mind, do let me know. 万一你要改变主意, 一定要告诉我.

5.should(fml 文) (用於so that/in order that之後表示目的或动机):

He put the cases in the car so that he should be able to make an early start. 他把箱子放在汽车里, 这样他就可以早点动身了.

6.should与疑问词连用, 表示不感兴趣﹑难以相信等):

How should I know? 我怎麽知道呢?

summary: should 竟然+目的+it is 高兴担忧等that+推断+虚拟+周末上班我就辞职shall 语气(允诺+命令+建议+推断)

推测may might can should shall


by的用法小结: 1、介词prep. 在…旁;靠近 · Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边。 · Stand by me! 站到我的身旁来! · We spent our holiday by the sea. 我们在海边度假。 2、介词prep. 经过 · He walked by me without speaking. 他走过我的身旁,没有说话。 · My brother goes by the building every day. 我弟弟每天从这楼旁走过。 3、介词prep. 用;靠;通过 using (showing who or what did something) · I know it by heart. 我把它记在心头。 · They can read by touch. 他们可以通过手摸来阅读。 · By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning. 靠起得早,我每天早晨有一小时时间阅读英语。 4、介词prep. 不迟于 not later than · I shall be back by 5 o'clock. 最迟五点我一定回来。 · How many English parties had you had by the end of last term? 到上学期末,你们举行了几次英语晚会? 5、介词prep. 通过;沿着 through; along; over

· We came through the fields, not by the road. 我们是穿过田野而不是沿那条路来的。· to send a letter by post 通过邮局寄信 6、介词prep. (表示作者)被;由 word that shows the author, painter, etc. · Thirty divided by two is fifteen. 三十除以二得十五。 · The child was saved by a PLA man. 这孩子是由一位解放军战士救活的。 · This bridge was built by the soldiers. 这座桥是士兵们造的。 7、介词prep. (指交通等)乘;用 word that shows what kind of transport, etc. · The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。 · They went to Shanghai by air. 他们坐飞机去上海。 8、介词prep. 在…情况下;在…时间during · Do you prefer travelling by day or by night? 你喜欢在白天还是在夜晚旅行? 9、介词prep. (表示部分)在…部位word that shows which part · She led the child by the hand. 她拉着孩子的手往前走。 10、副词adv. 在旁边

as well as的用法

as well as的用法 曲靖市第二中学 as well as后接动词到底该用什么形式,这是一比较复杂的问题,归纳起来有以下几点值得注意: 一、as well as构成同级比较结构,意为“和…… 一样好”。 第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,引导一个状语从句,表示同级比较。 在否定句中可用not so well as代替not as well as。 He speaks English as well as a native speaker. 他讲的英语是和英语是母语的人一样好。 He can operate the machine as well as I do. 他操作这台机器和我一样熟练。 He speaks English as well as she. 他说英语说得跟她一样好。 She plays every bit as well as the men. 她打得一点不比男人们差。 He doesn’t play half so well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。 He sings as well as, if not better than, Mary. 他要是唱歌不比玛丽唱得更好,但至少也是一样好。 She cooks as well as her mother (does). 她烧菜和妈妈一样好。 二、as well as用作连词,连接两个并列的同等成分,其意义为“不但……而且……”,“既……又……”,这时相当于not only ... but also ...。 它所连接的部分既可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子。 在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在A,不在B。翻译时要特别注意。The girl is lively as well as healthy.(连接两个表语)这女孩既健康又漂亮。 He can speak Spanish as well as English. (连接两个宾语) 他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语。 In China, as well as in Canada, the weather changes from season to season. (连接两个状语) 中国的天气和加拿大一样随季节的变化而变化。 The teacher as well as the students enjoys listening to English songs.(连接两个主语)老师和学生都爱听英语歌曲。 He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花。 She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。 They have a flat in town as well as in the Country. 他们在城里有一套公寓,在乡村还有一所房子。 We are repairing the roof, as well as painting the walls. 我们既油漆墙壁,又修房顶。 It is important for you as well as for me. 这对我很重要,对你也很重要。 Lily as well as her parents is very fond of classical music. 不但莉莉的父母,而且连


一、并列连词and所连接的分句在语义上的含义 1.表示在动作或事物的前后,一般译为“然后、随即”。 She came in and sat down. 她走了进来,随后就坐了下来。 I pulled the trigger and the gun went off. 我扣动扳机,枪随即响了。 2.表示递进关系,一般可译为“甚至、何况、还”等。 Friction is not always undesirable and can be very useful. 摩擦并不总是不好的,它甚至可能是有用的。 It was not easy to carry such a heavy load,and during the dog day. 提那样的重物已经是够困难的了,何况是在三伏天。 3.表示意义上的转折或让步,可译为“虽然、尽管、但、却”等。 He tried hard and (yet) he failed to get the job. 他努力尝试,却(仍然)没能得到那个工作。 You are not lazy,and still you are an idler. 你并不懒,但多少有点游手好闲。 4.表示对照、对比关系,可译为“而、却”。 She bought me cakes,and I helped her do her homework. 她买蛋糕给我吃,而我帮她做作业。 It can be difficult when you don’t think something is important and someone else does. 如果你并不认为某事重要而某人却认为重要,这时情况就可能不大好办。 5.表示对前面所述事项的结论或看法,and后可加分句或名词组,and一般不译出。 You gave him a piece of your mind,and a very good thing too. 你率直地批评他,这是件好事。 They disliked Joe——and that’s not surprising. 他们不喜欢乔,这并不让人惊讶。 6.表示因果关系,当前面的部分表示原因时,and=so that,译为“因此、从而、所以”;也有将表示原因的部分放在and后的,这时and=because,直接译为“因为”。 Sound is carried by air,and without air there can be no sound. 声音靠空气传播,因此没有空气也就没有声音。 Aluminum is used as the engineering material for planes and spaceships and it is both light and tough. 铝用作制造飞机和宇宙飞船的工程材料,因为铝质轻且韧性好。 7.引起一个插入句,用于中断语气,以便表示意见、看法。这时,and引起的句子中的主语多为第一人称,and引起的句子与句子其余部分用逗号隔开。


by 的用法小: 1、介prep. 在?旁;靠近 ·Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我的老正坐在窗旁。 ·Stand by me! 站到我的身旁来! ·We spent our holiday by the sea. 我在海度假。 2、介prep. ·He walked by me without speaking. 他走我的身旁,没有。 ·My brother goes by the building every day. 我弟弟每天从楼旁走。 3、介prep. 用;靠;通 using (showing who or what did something) ·I know it by heart. 我把它在心。 ·They can read by touch. 他可以通手摸来。 ·By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning. 靠起得早,我每天早晨有一小英。 4、介prep. 不于 not later than ·I shall be back by 5 o'clock. 最五点我一定回来。 ·How many English parties had you had by the end of last term? 到上学期末,你行了几次英晚会? 5、介prep. 通;沿着 through; along; over ·We came through the fields, not by the road. 我是穿田野而不是沿那条路来的。 ·to send a letter by post 通局寄信 6、介prep. (表示作者)被;由


使役动词make用法说明 1、make用作使役动词,表示“使”,使用时注意以下几点: (1)后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,不定式不能带to;如: You have made me feel secure。 但是,若make为被动语态,则不定式必须带to。如: Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister.虽然他曾经常把他小妹妹弄哭,但今天他被他小妹妹弄哭了。 注意,若make不表示“使”,而表示其他意思则情况不同,比如下面两句,make 后的不定式不是宾语补足语,而是目的状语: We make candles to give light.我们做蜡烛照明。 He made a box to put his money in.他做了个盒子来装钱。 (2)接过去分词作宾语补足语。如: He tries to make his ideas known.他设法让别人知道他的想法。 She had to shout to make herself heard.她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。(3)接形容词作宾语补足语。如: Have I made myself clear?我的意思说清楚了吗? We’ll do our best to make you happy.我们会尽一切努力使你幸福。 (4)接介词短语作宾语补足语。如: Sit down and make yourself at home.请坐,不要拘束。 (5)跟由名词构成的复合结构 His scientific pursuits had made him a very observant man. Its excellent properties makes graphene a good candidate for metamaterials. (6)make (使)通常不接现在分词的复合结构作宾语。要表示使某人或某事一直做某事或处于做某事的状态中,英语也可用have sb doing sth。如: 他讲的滑稽的笑话使大家都笑了。 His funny joke made everyone laugh.


and的用法及含义 And是英语中一个普通的连词,然而and并非只作并列连词用,它还具有一些不太常见的表达方式和意义,应根据上下文的特殊环境,作出判断才能准确理解其用法和意思。 1.and作并列连词,译为“和、并且”等,当连接三个以上的并列成分时,它放在最后一个成分之前,其余用逗号分开,例如: He bought a book and a pen.他买了一本书和一支笔。 Solid,liquid and gas are the three states of matter.固态、液态和气态是物质的三种状态。 2.名词+and+名词,若这种结构表示一个概念时,and+名词相当于介词with+名词,译为“附带、兼”的意思,例如: Noodle and egg is a kind of delicious food.(and egg=with egg)鸡蛋面是一种美味食物。 Whose is this watch and chain?(and chain=with chain)这块带表链的手表是谁的? 3.名词复数+and+同一名词的复数,强调连续或众多的含义。例如: There are photos and photos.照片一张接着一张。 They saw film hours and hours last week.上星期他们一小时接一小时地看电影。 4.形容词+and+形容词,这种结构形似并列,实际并非并列结构。例如: This roon is nice and warm(=nicely warm). The coffee is nice and hot(=thoroughly hot). 5.用and连接动词的用法:and+动词作目的状语。动词go(come,stop等)+and+动词,此时,and+动词相当于in order to+动词,例如: ①I'll go and bring back your boots,(go and bring back=go in order to bringback)我去把你的靴子拿来。 ②and+动词,起现在分词的作用,表示方式或伴随情况。例如: He sat and waited.(and waited=waiting)他坐着等。 ③and+同一动词表示动作长时间地“继续”或“重复”,例如:


by用法的练习题 1. Come and sit _______ (我旁边). 2. There is a big tree _______ (在河边). 3. _______________ (到上星期日)I had finished the book . 4. Can you finish the work _____ (在五点之前). 5. Her mother goes to work ____ bus every morning. A.by B.at C.take D.o n 6.She came home _________ (乘飞机). 7.Did you make the desk ___________ (自己独自)? 8.She made a meal for her parents __________ (独自)for the first time. 9. _______________ (顺便问一下)how many people are there in your family? 10. You should know her ______________ (逐渐地). 11.Ice has been turned into water ___________ (受热). 12. ________________ (不久以后)more and more people bega n to study En glish . 13. he Great Wall was built ____________ (用手). 14. He makes a livi ng _________________ (通过教书). 15. -How do you lear n En glish? -I learn English ________________________ (通过向老师请教的方式). used to相关用法的练习题 一、翻译 1. 我妈妈习惯早起。 2. 王先生曾经是一位工人。 3. 他过去常常骑自行车上学。 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. We used to _ (go )swimming last year. 2.1 am used to ___ (run)every morning. 3. Bamboos are used to _(build) houses there. 4. They have bee n used to ___ (live ) in the coun tryside. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子: 1.1 ___________________ the food here.(我习惯于吃这儿的食物。)


The loud music makes me nervous. 嘈杂的音乐会让我觉得紧张。(Grammar Foucs) The color red makes me nervous. 红色会使我紧张。 The exciting music makes me want to dance.兴奋的音乐使我想跳舞 【2014重庆38】He lost his key.It made him in the cold to wait for his wife’s return. A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D. stay We were made to work days and nights.我们被迫日夜工作。 But that music makes me sleepy. 但是那种音乐会让我昏昏欲睡。( 1c )

The color red makes me nervous. 红色会使我紧张。 As for our next meeting, let’s make it the day after tomorrow. make faces 做鬼脸make sure 查明,弄清 make kites 制作风筝make the bed 整理床铺make sentences 造句make a noise 制作噪音make mistakes 犯错make money 赚钱 make progress 取得进步make friends with… 与……交朋友make a telephone 打电话make fun of 取笑 make one’s at home 随便,不拘束make a milk shake 制作一份奶昔make a living谋生make up 组成,编造be made up of 由……组make a plan 制定计划make one’s plan 制定某人的计划make a decision 做决定 make one’s mind 下定决心make one’s bed整理床铺make tea 沏茶


as...as...的用法总结 as...as...的用法其实很简单,快来一起学习吧。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 as...as...的用法其实很简单 as是英语中用得比较多的一个词,也是很多小伙伴反映较难掌握的一个词。as的词性较多,用法也较复杂,我们今天先讲一下很常用的as...as...的用法 as...as...的基本意思为“与……一样”,"像...一样的"。例如: The tree is as tall as the building(is). 这棵树和那栋楼一样高。 其中的第一个as为副词,其后通常接形容词或副词(用原级) ,第二个as可用作连词(后接从句)。 as...as...的用法 1 基本用法: 虽然都是as...as...但在不同的语境下,意思也不同。例如:

1.表示不同人或物同一性质的比较,意为“……和……一样……" Michael is as bright as George(is). 迈克尔和乔治一样聪明。 2. 表示同一个人或物不同性质的比较,意为“既……又……” Alice works as happily as(she)plays(happily). 艾丽丝愉快地工作,尽情地玩。 3. 用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相同或相当,意为“……且/而……”。 He was as handsome as his wife was beautiful. 他长得非常英俊,他的妻子也长得非常漂亮。 He was as experienced as his brother was green. 他经验丰富,而他兄弟却涉世未深。 使用时应注意以下几点: 1. 在否定句中,第一个as 也可换成so: He doesn’t study as [so] hard as his brother. 他学习不如他弟弟努力。 2. 在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+可数名词复数+as” :



. . 教学过程 一、课堂导入 本堂知识是初中最常见的介词by的一个整理与总结,让学生对这个词的用法有一个系统的认识。页脚.

. . 二、复习预习 复习上一单元的知识点之后,以达到复习的效果。然后给学生一些相关的单选或其他类型题目,再老师没有讲解的情况下,让学生独立思考,给出答案与解释,促进学生发现问题,同时老师也能发现学生的盲点,并能有针对性地进行后面的讲课。 页脚.

. . 三、知识讲解 知识点1: by + v.-ing结构是一个重点,该结构意思是“通过……,以……的方式”,后面常接v.-ing形式,表示“通过某种方式得到某种结果”,即表示行为的方式或手段。 I practice speaking English by joining an English-language club. 我通过加入一个英语语言俱乐部来练习讲英语。 Mr Li makes a living by driving taxis.先生靠开出租车为生。 页脚.

. . 页脚. 介词by + v.-ing 结构常用来回答How do you...?或How can I...?之类的问题。 —How do you learn English? 你怎样学习英语呢? —I learn English by reading aloud. 我通过大声朗读来学英语。 —How can I turn on the computer? 我怎样才能打开电脑呢? —By pressing this button. 按这个按钮。 知识点2:by 是个常用介词,其他用法还有: 1【考查点】表示位置,意思是“在……旁边”,“靠近……”,有时可与beside互换。 The girls are playing by (beside) the lake. 女孩们正在湖边玩。 此时要注意它与介词near有所不同,即by 表示的距离更“近”。比较: He lives by the sea. 他住在海滨。 He lives near the sea. 他住在离海不远处。

make 用法归纳

make 用法归纳 作者:张若红文章来源:英语辅导报 一、make用作及物动词,在主动语态中的含义主要有: 1. 做;制作;制造。如: Can you make any mooncakes? 你会做些月饼吗? ◆make后可跟双宾语,间接宾语后移时一般用for引导。如: My uncle will make me a kite. = My uncle will make a kite for me. 叔叔将为我做一只风筝。 2. 使;使之。如: Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了没有? 3. 迫使;令。如: I don't like milk, but she made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝。 4. 总计;等于。如: Two and two makes four. 二加二等于四。 5. 准备;布置;整理。如: You must make the bed after you get up. 你起床后必须整理好你的床铺。 6. 构成;组成;成为。如: Daniel scored another goal, but one player does not make a team. 丹尼尔又踢进了一球,但是独木不成林。 二、make用作及物动词,意为“使;让”,在主动语态中其后要跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,而在被动语态中,to不能省去。如: Don't make the baby cry anymore. 不要再让那个孩子哭了。 She was made to wait for over an hour. 她被迫等了一个多钟头。 ◆英语中,类似于make这种用法的动词还有let, have, hear, see, watch, notice, feel等。如: I saw him put the key into the keyhole, turn it and open the door. 我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔,转动钥匙,然后打开了门。 She was seen to go into the classroom.


Or和and的用法 一、连词or主要用法分述如下: 1、用在选择疑问句中连结被选择的对象,意为“或者,还是”。例如: Is he a doctor or a teacher? 他是医生还是教师? Did you do your homework or watch TV last night?你昨晚做作业还是看电视了?Are they singing or reading English? 他们是在唱歌还是在读英语? 下列两个疑问句中的并列成份由于使用了不同的连词,因而句式有所不同。试比较: A、Does he like milk and bread? 他喜欢牛奶或者面包吗? B、Does he like milk or bread? 他喜欢牛奶还是面包? 分析:A 句中使用了连词and,是一般疑问句,对其作肯定或否定回答应用:Yes,he does.No,he doesn`t.B句中使用了并列连词or,因而是选择疑问句,对其回答不用“yes”或“no”,而应根据实际情况直接选择回答:He likes milk.或:He likes bread. 2、用于否定句中连结并列成分,表示“和,与”之意。例如: There isn`t any air or water on the moon.月球上既没有空气也没有水。 The baby is too young. He can`t speak or walk.那婴儿太小,他不会说话,也不会走路。 He hasn`t got any brothers or sisters.他没有兄弟和姐妹。 肯定句中并列连词应用and,在把含有and的肯定句改为否定句时,莫忘把连词and改为or。例如: The students sang and danced in the park yesterday. →The students didn`t sing or dance in the park yesterday. 3、用于句型“祈使句+or+陈述句”中,表示在以祈使句为条件下的相反假设,意为“否则,要不然”。例如: Work hard,or you will fall behind.你要努力学习,否则会落后。 Get up early tomorrow,or you will miss the early train.你明天要早点起身,要不然就赶不上早班火车了。 Don`t jump the queue,or other peopoe will not be pleased.别插队,否则别人会不高兴的。 可以把这类句型中的祈使句换为一个条件句(注意改写时应去掉连词or)。例如:Hurry up,or you will be late for the meeting.→If you don`t hurry up,you will be late for the meeting. 4、用于“either…or…”结构中,意为“不是……就是……”,“要么……要么……”。连结的并列成份可在句中作主语、表语、谓语、宾语等。(注意:连结并列成份作主语时,谓语动词通常与or后的部分保持一致。)例如: Either she or I am right.不是她对就是我对。(连接主语) The shoes in the shop were either too big or too small for me. 店里的鞋对我来说不是太大就是太小 He either does his homework or watches TV on Sundays.他星期天要么做作业,要么看电视。( We play either football or basketball in the afternoon.下午我们不是踢足球就是打篮球。 5、用于连结并列成份,表示不确切、模糊的陈述。例如: This story happened five or six years ago. 这个故事发生在四、五年前。


make用法及训练make是初中英语中用法比较多的一个动词,主要有: 1.make 构成的一些固定搭配 make faces做鬼脸 make friends with…与…交朋友 make breakfast 做早餐 make noises制造噪音 make money赚钱 make the bed铺床 make flashcards制作抽认卡 make progress取得进步 make mistakes犯错 make decisions to do…下决心干… make yourself at home使某人感到宾至如归make up占…/ 编造,组成,拼凑成make a living(by) doing谋生 make a fire生火 make it earlier把时间订早一点 make up for弥补 make sure确保,弄清楚 make use of利用 be made of (看出原料)/ from(看不出原原料)由…制成 be made in在…制成 be made into被制成… be made up of由…组成 2.make 的各种用法 ①make 宾语+n. 意为“使,让某人/某物(成为)…” We made him our monitor. 我们选了他做班长。 ②make 宾语+adj. 意为“使,让某人/某事(变得)…” What he did made me unhappy. 他所做的事使我不高兴。 We will make our country more and more beautiful.我们将会使我们的国家越来越美丽。 ③make 宾语+do(不带to的不定式)…意为“使,让某人干…” Our teacher makes us feel more confident.我们的都是使我们更加自信。 此类结构变被动to必须还原。类似的词还有“一感二听三让四看” ④make 宾语+doing…意为“使,让某人一直干…” He makes the boys standing all the time.他使那个男孩一直站着。 ⑤make 宾语+done…意为“使,让某人被…” make oneself understood/ heard / known让别人听懂/ 听见/ 知道 He raised his voice to make himself heard.他提高声音使别人听见。 Make专练 1. -- What do you think of what she did. -- What she did still us feel very sad now. A. makes B. make C. is making D. is made 2. The baby was made ______ (cry) by the other kids. 3. The paper is made_______ ( of / from) the wood. 4. You should do better in math. Because it ______ 30% of the exam. A. makes of B. makes from C. makes up D. makes up of 5. His father makes a living __________ (sell) newspaper. 汉译英。 1.刚才什么使他笑?。______________________________________________________ 2.他已经下定心了吗?______________________________________________________


一、and可以连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,表示并列或对称的关系,可翻译为“和”、“并”、“又”、“兼”等。 1. 连接两个并列主语。如: Millie and Amy go to the park every week. Millie和Amy每周去公园。 2. 连接两个并列谓语。如: You must take care of yourself and keep healthy.你必须照顾你自己并保持健康。 3. 连接两个简单句。如: They love playing football and we love playing football too.他们喜欢踢足球,我们也喜欢踢足球。 4. 如果连接两个或两个以上的词语,通常把and放在最后一个词语前面;为了强调,可在两者之间分别加上and;把词语连接起来时,通常把较短的词语放在前面。如: I like eggs, meat, rice, noodles and dumplings.我喜欢鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面条和饺子。 All that afternoon we jumped and sang and did all kinds of things.整个下午我们又唱又跳,做各种各样的事情。 但是有些用and连接的词语,顺序是固定的,不能随意改变。如:Men, women and children男人、妇女和儿童,fish and chips 炸鱼加炸土豆片。 二、表示动作的先后关系

And常用来连接两个动词或动词词组,后面一个动词所表示的动作比前面的动作发生得迟一点,可翻译为“然后”。如:Go along the street, and take the second turning on the right,you will find the cinema.沿着这条街走,然后在第二个路口向右拐,你就会发现电影院。 He got out of the lift and climbed the fifteenth floor on foot.他从电梯里走出来,然后步行爬上第十五层楼。 三、表示目的 在口语中,and常用在come,go,try等动词后连接另一个动词,表示目的,此时and相当于to,不需要翻译。如:Let us go and ask Miss Green.让我们去问格林小姐吧。Come and meet this family.来见见这家人吧。 四、表示因果关系 And连接两个动词或者两个分句,带有因果关系,此时and 相当于so,可以翻译为“便”、“于是”、“因而”、“结果”等。如:She could not find her mother and began to cry.她找不到妈妈,于是哭了起来。 It is a fine day today,and everyone is busy.今天是个好天气,因而人人都很忙。 五、表示条件和结果 在祈使句中,经常用and连接一个简单句,表示条件与结果的关系,相当于if引导的条件状语从句。它们在语法上是并


by的用法小结 1.用于被动语态的句子中,表示动作的执行者,意为“被;由”。 He was praised by the teacher.他受到了老师的表扬。 The book was written by Lu Xun.这本书是鲁迅写的。 2.表示方式、方法、手段等,后常接无冠词的名词或动名词,意为“通过;靠;用”。 Don't judge a person by appearances. 勿以貌取人。 He made a living by teaching.他以教书为生。 3.表示时间,意为“到……时(为止”或“不迟于……”。 He ought to be here by now.他现在应该在这儿了。 By the time he was ten, he had learnt about 1,000 English words.到十岁时,他已学了约一千个英语单词。 4.表示(增减)程度,尺寸数量等,意为“至……的程度”。 the bullet missed me by two inches.那子弹以两英寸之差未击中我。 the rope needs to be longer by two feet.这绳子需要再长两英尺。 5.表示交通路线或工具,后接名词不用冠词,意为“乘;坐”。 go by bus / plane / train 乘汽车(飞机、火车)去 travel by land / sea / air 陆上(海上、空中)旅行 6.表示位置,意为“在近旁;在……旁边”。 There is a pumping station by the river.河边有个抽水站。


71. Make的用法和判别 一、make作“做”、“制造”、“构成”等解: 1. They make many kinds of machines. 他们制造许多种机器。 2. We made two experiments yesterday. 我们昨天作了两个实验。 3. Hydrogen and oxygen make water. 氢和氧构成水。 4. Two and three make five. 二加三等于五。 5. They are making us a new-type device. 他们正在为我们制造一台新型装置。 二、“make+某些抽象名词”表示作出某种举动。例如: 1. to make an answer 作出答复 2. to make measurement 量度 3. to make efforts to fulfill the plan 努力完成计划 4. to make contributions to the revolution 对革命作出贡献 5. to make adjustments 进行调节 6. to make a calculation 计算 7. to make application 应用,使用 8. to make a correction 校正、更正 9. to make use of…利用…… 10. to make much account of oil 很重视石油 在科技英语中,诸如此类的搭配用法甚多,必须予以注意。翻译时多半译出名词的意思即可。 三、make作“行走”、“行使”解: This automobile makes 70 kilometers an hour. 这辆汽车每小时行驶70公里。 四、“make+直接宾语+宾语补语(名词、形容词、不带to的不定式、过去分词、介词短语等)”,其中make作“使得”、“使……成为”解:

惯用语as well as用法归纳

惯用语as well as用法归纳 作者:mydekt 文章来源:本站原创点击数:25917 更新时间:2011-10-11 热★★★【字体:小大】 惯用语as well as用法归纳 一、分清本义与引申义 1. 用于本义 as well as 用于本义,可视为as…as结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与……一样好”,在否定句中可用not so well as代替not as well as。如: He speaks English as well as her. 他说英语说得跟她一样好。 She plays every bit as well as the men. 她打得一点不比男人们差。

He doesn’t play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。 He sings as well as, if not better than, Mary. 要是他唱歌不比玛丽唱得更好,但至少也是一样好。 2. 用于引申义 用于引申义,表示“不但……而且”“既是……也是”“而且”“还”。如: He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花。 She shares (in) my troubles as well as my joys. 她与我同甘共苦。 They have a flat in town as well as a place in the country. 他们在城里有一套公寓,在乡村还有一所房子。 注:有时还可译为“除……之外,还”,与介词:besides, in addition to的用法相似。如:

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