当前位置:文档之家› 120个热门话题流行词汇




1.AA制Dutch treatment; go Dutch

2.按揭/抵押贷款mortgage loan

3.八卦the Eight Diagrams/Trigrams/Hexagrams, gossip, nosy/snoopy/gossipy

4.白手起家starting from scratch / build up from nothing

5.摆架子put on the airs

6.拜年pay New Year calls or visits

7.搬迁户relocated families

8.傍大款(of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags

9.变相涨价disguised inflation

10.不可再生资源non-renewable resources

11.产业结构升级upgrading of an industrial structure

12.长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta

13.超前消费over-consuming, excessive consumption

14.朝阳产业sunrise industry

15.炒作speculation, sensationalization

16.筹资raised capital/funds/money

17.出风头show off; in the limelight

18.传销pyramid selling; multi-level marketing

19.窗口行业service trades

20.春运Spring Festival travel season, transport during the Spring Festival

21.打白条issue IOU

22.打黑crack down on speculation and profiteering

23.打假crack down on counterfeit goods



26.盗版VCD pirated VCD

27.保持低调keep a low key/ a low profile, low-key(ed)/low-pitched/low-profile(d)

28.低碳经济low-carbon economy

29.第三产业tertiary industry; service sector

30.第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3G mobile

31.点球penalty kick

32.点子公司consultancy company


34.豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

35.夺冠take the crown

36.二手房second-hand house

37.发烧友fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan

38.反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government

39.房产house property 房地产real estate

40.分期付款installment payment

41.风险投资venture capital; risk investment

42.扶贫poverty alleviation

43.福利彩票welfare lotteries

44.工薪阶层salariat; state employee; salaried person

45.公费医疗medical services at state expense /free medicare

46.公积金public accumulation funds, public reserve funds

47.股本share capital

48.国际惯例international common practice

49.国内生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)

50.航母aircraft carrier

51.好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster


53.户口簿residence booklet

54.黄金时段prime time

55.回扣(return) commission, rake-off

56.灰色收入income from moonlighting

57.机构臃肿overstaffing in organizations (government)

58.基层组织organizations at the grass-roots level


60.基因工程genetic engineering

61.基因突变genetic mutation


63.集体婚礼collective wedding ceremony

64.加班work extra shifts / overwork

65.假日经济holiday economy

66.减负alleviate burdens on sb.

67.减员增效downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency

68.剪彩cut the ribbon

69.节能减排energy (saving/conservation/efficiency) and emission reduction

70.进修班class for further studies

71.京剧票友Peking Opera fan

72.经济全球化economic globalization; economic integration

73.经济头脑commercially minded people; people with business sense

74.精简机构streamline government organs

75.居委会neighborhood committee; residents' committee

76.举报电话informants' hot-line telephone

77.开夜车burn the midnight oil; work over night

78.科技含量technology content

79.空头支票accommodation note, lip service

80.扣帽子put a label on

81.扩大内需to expand domestic demand

82.拉关系try to curry favor with

83.拉拉队cheering squad

84.老字号a time-honored brand

85.礼仪小姐ritual girl

86.连带责任joint liability

87.猎头公司head-hunting company

88.流动人口transient/floating population

89.龙头企业leading enterprise; flagship of the industry

90.裸机bare computer / mobile phone

91.孟子Mencius 孔子Confucius

92.模拟测试mock test; simulated exam

93.脑残brain impairment/disfunction, brain-impaired, illogically-minded, idiot, moron

94.年夜饭family reunion dinner

95.碰钉子get snubbed, get the cheese

96.皮包公司bogus company

97.啤酒肚beer belly

98.票贩子/黄牛scalper, ticket tout

99.票房box office

100.强化班intensive training program/class

101.勤工俭学part-work and part-study system; work-study program

102.全能冠军all-around winner

103.全天候服务round-the-clock/all-weather service

104.绕/兜圈子beat around the bush

105.人才流失brain drain

106.人均住房per-capita housing

107.人情债debt of gratitude

108.软新闻soft news

109.三八红旗手woman pace-setter

110.三维电影three-dimensional movie

111.沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm

112.商品房commercial housing

113.世界末日doomsday, judgment day

114.提成take/deduct a percentage (as commission)

115.伪娘pseudo girl

116.猥琐wretched in appearance, lewd/obscene (猥亵的), freak/weirdo (怪人)

117.蜗居Dwelling Narrowness

118.无线应用协议W AP (Wireless Application Protocol)

119.选秀talent show

120.赈灾disaster relief, relieve the people in disaster


词汇学的基本知识 词汇学是研究词语的学问,它是传统语言学(语法、语音、词汇)的一个分支。词汇学的 主要研究的内容是:词的性质、词的构成、词义的本质及发展、词的各种关系(同音、同 义、反义等)。 一、什么是词 词是有意义的能够独立运用的造句的最小单位,它具有固定的语音形式。汉语词的划分有一 定的困难,因为在书写时词和词之间是不分开的。就“独立运用”而言,许多虚词和量词是 不能独立运用的。于是增加了一条补充,一句话中把能独立运用的词划分出去,剩写的也是词。如:“我把这本书包了个书皮。”这个句子中的“本”“个”和“把”也是词。汉语中词 和短语的界限也不很清楚。一般可以用扩展插入法来区分。能插入的是短语,不能插入的是 词(意义不能变)。比如:钢笔——钢的笔、白菜——白的菜、白布——白的布、吃饭——吃 了饭、鸡蛋——鸡的蛋、睡觉——睡不睡觉。“钢笔”不能插入词,“白菜”插入后意思变了,它们肯定是词。“白布”可以插入且意思不变,可以做为短语。“吃饭”可以插入,“鸡蛋”可 以插入,但“鸡蛋”的频度很高,可以把它做为词。睡觉可以插入,但两个语素的组合是固 定的,把这类词做为离合词(理发、洗澡、打仗等)。 一个语素(有意义的汉字)能独立运用就是词。(米、吃、红、个、从) 两个语素组合后,意义不是它们的简单相加,就是词。(钢笔、金鱼、) 两个语素组合后,不能扩展插入词,就是词。(钢笔,白菜) 两个语素组合后,虽能扩展插入词,但它们是不能用别的语素替换的,则是一种特殊的词 ——离合词。 两个语素组合后,虽能扩展插入词,但它们的使用频度很高,且大家约定俗成认为它是词。(“鸡蛋”是词、“鹰蛋”就有人认为是短语)。 综上所述,汉语的词与短语之间的界限是有模糊地带的。 人们对客观世界的认识形成了概念,词是反映概念的,但它们之间的关系不是一一对应的。 比如,“月亮”、“月球”对应的是一个概念,“人民”这个词可以对应不同的概念。 二、现代汉语词汇的构成 词汇由词和固定的短语——熟语、谚语等构成。 词可以从不同的角度分类: 1.语法分类——实词、虚词(词类) 2.结构分类——单纯词、合成词 3.音节分类——单音节词、多音节词 4.常用——常用词汇(基本词汇)、一般词汇 5.口语词汇——书面词汇 6.普通话词汇——方言词汇 7.汉语词汇——外来语词汇 8.古词语——新词语 熟语可以包括成语、谚语、歇后语等。成语表意凝炼、形象,在书面语中广泛运用。它来源 于古代的典故,有的选取原句中最能概括原句意思的成分(乘风破浪——愿乘长风,破万里浪),有的用四个字概括寓言、故事等(刻舟求剑、狐假虎威),有的增加个别字(短兵相接——车错毂兮短兵接)。成语的意思有的是语素义的简单相加(汗流浃背、无稽之谈、自圆其说);多数成语的意思不是语素义的相加,有的意思是约定俗成的(高山流水——表示知己知音),有的是取字面的比喻义(水落石出——比喻真相毕露了)。


大学英语四六级翻译常用词汇汇总1. 中国经济发展 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy


1.校园生活类 相关话题:学生兼职/就业、出国留学、校外住宿、大学生选课以及课外活动等。 热门词汇: Part-time job兼职工作economic burden经济负担 working experience工作经历competition and cooperation竞争与合作 tuition学费course arrangement课程安排 extracurricular activities课外活动distance education远程教育 required course/compulsory course必修课 take an examination/sit an examination参加考试 live outside campus住在校外food services饮食 application form申请表withdraw/draw cash取钱 instructor辅导老师student union学生会 undergraduate本科生postgraduate研究生 credit学分degree学位 经典句式: ①In recent years, studying abroad has become a new craze among college students. 如今,留学在大学生中成为一种新的热潮。

②With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fi erce competition in the job market. 随着大学的扩招,越来越多的毕业生在就业市场面临激烈的竞争。 ③Diploma and certificates are still significant standards by which many employers m easure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students co mpel themselves to run from one exam to another. 学位和证书仍然是很多雇主衡量一个人能力的重要标准。为了增加找工作资格条件,学生们被迫不断参加考试。 ④During the holidays, a growing number of students choose to be volunteers, take p art-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. 在假期,大量的学生选择做志愿者,做兼职工作或者参加其他类似的实践活动。 ⑤Some students spend too much time in taking part time jobs so as to ignore thei r study. Therefore, we are supposed to try to balance the relationship between social pract ice and study. 有些学生花大量的时间做兼职工作,从而忽视了他们的学业。因此我们应该平衡社会实践和学习之间的关系。 2.网络科技类 相关话题:电脑/互联网的普及、信息安全、媒体广告、通讯设备的进步、网络教学及网上阅读、网上娱乐(游戏、博客、开心牧场等) 热门词汇:


申论热点:精准扶贫 中公教育2014-10-29 09:28:54 背景链接 2014年1月发布的《关于创新机制扎实推进农村扶贫开发工作的意见》,提出了改进贫困县考核机制、建立精准扶贫工作机制、改革财政专项扶贫资金管理机制。 2014年政府工作报告中提出,“实行精准扶贫,确保扶贫到村到户。”传递出国家扶贫开发方式创新转变的新思维、新思路。【查看详细】 深度解析 [权威论述] 扶贫要实事求是,因地制宜。要精准扶贫,切忌喊口号,也不要定好高骛远的目标。 ——习近平[综合分析] “木桶理论”告诉我们,一个木桶能够装多少水,取决于最低的那一块板。同样,衡量一个社会的经济社会发展水平的高低,要看它的穷人的生活状况怎样。在迈向全面小康的进程中,贫困人口不能掉队。在同心共筑中国梦的进程中,不能没有穷人的梦想构筑。也正因为如此,习近平总书记多次讲过,“小

康不小康,关键看老乡”。 这些年来,我国的扶贫工作取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,探索出了扶贫开发的中国道路。坚持扶贫到村入户,积极创新扶贫机制,农村贫困人口大幅减少,温饱问题基本解决,但贫困人口仍然占到很大一个比例,扶贫工作还存在诸多不如人意的地方,其中最突出的表现就是扶贫方式粗放的问题,导致一些地方怎么扶也扶不起来,甚至越扶越穷。 习近平总书记在湖南考察工作时指出:“必须切实抓好脱贫致富这个战略性任务。”“要分类指导,把工作做细,精准扶贫。”总书记的嘱托,强调了做好扶贫工作的责任感和使命感,也指明了做好新时期扶贫工作的方向——精准扶贫。 [扶贫面临的问题] 精准扶贫的背面就是粗放扶贫。一些地方低质、低效扶贫的主要表现有: 一是扶贫人口不清,扶贫对象常由干部“毛估估”,扶贫资金轻洒“杨柳水”,以致“年年扶贫年年贫”; 二是舍不得脱“贫困帽”,数字弄虚作假,挤占浪费国家扶贫资金; 三是人情扶贫、关系扶贫,造成应扶未扶、扶富不扶穷等社会不公,滋生腐败。表面上看,粗放扶贫是工作方法存在问题,实质反映的是干部群众观和执政理念的大问题,不可小觑。 四是现行的扶贫制度设计存在缺陷,不少扶贫项目粗放“漫灌”,针对性不强,更多的是在“扶农”而不是“扶贫”。 [[对策措施] 一,精准扶贫要制定好发展规划。 “授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”对于贫困村而言,不仅需要村民们转变思想、提高认识,团结一致抓生产、出效益,还需要有关部门在基础设施建设、产业规划布局上立足实际,因地制宜制定扶贫计划,帮助当地村干部理清思路,制定好发展规划,实事求是帮困难群众选出一条致富的好路子;针对各贫困村的不同情况,找出标本兼治的办法,在政策、产业、技术、信息、培训等致富要素上有针对性地帮困扶贫。 二,精准扶贫要瞄准扶贫对象。 明确工作对象是做好任何工作的前提,扶贫工作也是如此。首先就要自上而下从“贫困区域—贫困村—贫困户”逐步细化扶贫对象,划分层次、各负其责,各相关部门瞄准扶贫对象,集中力量做好“极贫户”的扶贫工作,并建立贫困对象档案管理制度,为后续扶贫工作有序开展打下坚实基础。 三,精准扶贫要规范扶贫资金。


四六级必背翻译词【文化类】 1.发源地:birthplace 2.文化遗址:the culture site 3.象征:the symbol of... 4.见证、经历:witness 5.杰作:masterpiece 6.世界文化遗产名录:lists of World Cultural Heritage 7.奠基者:founder 8.著名的:renowned 9.文明:civilization 10.吉祥物:mascot 11.吉利的:auspicious 12.纪念:commemorate 13.由......组成:comprise of 14.追溯到:date back to 15.继承:inherit 16.发扬:carry forward/promote 17.传统的:traditional 18.特征:characteristic 19.独特的:unique 20.特产:specialty

21.民间的:folk 22.传说的:legendary 23.名垂青史:win someone’s place in history 24.文化交流:cultural exchange 25.元素:element 【历史类】 1.皇室的:imperial 2.朝代:dynasty 3.妃嫔:concubine 4.历史的:historic 5.庆典:celebration 6.祭祀:sacrifice 7.等级制度:hierarchy system 8.在......的鼎盛时期:flourishing period 9.儒家的:Confucian 10.瓷器:porcelain 11.象形文字:pictographic character 12.原始社会:primitive society 13.封建的:feudal 14.古老的:ancient 15.革命:revolution 16.爱国的:patriotic


高考英语作文热点话题词汇 话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣 Spare time(业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), Interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感 兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。 话题二:劳动与劳动观念 Work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), produce(生产), worker(工人), labor force(劳 动力), labor(劳动), voluntary labor(义务劳动),serve the people(为人民服务),heart and soul(全 心全意),physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor Day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式), honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉 献于..), value(价值), earn money(赚钱) , personal interests(个人利益)等。 话题三:创建和谐社会 harmonious(和谐的), friendly(友好的), civilized(文明的), honest(真诚的), credible (诚信的), be public-spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in order(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harmony(生活和谐), sustainable development(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care for each other(互相关心), have deep love for (热爱), be concerned with (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(积极参与), pay attention to social moral(讲究社会公德), protect the environment(保护环境), save energy(节省能源)等。No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。…can be achieved by hard wok. …可以通过劳动获得。It is difficult to find work in the present situation. 在当前形势下,很难找到工作。It is honorable to … …是光荣的。If everyone … for others and the society, our world will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…,我们这个世界将会…。Every one should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该…, 为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量。 话题四:招聘与求职 employ(雇佣), look for(寻找), take in(吸纳), full-time(全职的), part-time(兼职的), well-paid(薪 水高的), be paid by the hour(按小时发工资), requirement(要求), résumé(个人履历),schooling(受 教育情况), subjects(课程), working experience(工作经历), qualification(合格证明), transcript (成绩单), health(健康状况), present address(现在通讯地址)等,apply for(申请…), graduate from(毕业于), major in(以…为专业), degree(学位), scholarship(奖学金), good grades(良好的成绩), hobby(爱好), favorite(最喜欢的), be skilled in(在…方面熟练), be good at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), confident(自信的), English and computer ability(英语和计算机能力), healthy(健康的)等。 话题五:中学生的健康问题 Physical and mental condition(身体与精神状态), strong(强壮的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(近视的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健 全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不 健康的饮食习惯), eat much junk food (吃太多的垃圾食品)等,Stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s' health(强身健体), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), roper diet(合理的饮食), good living habits(良好的生活习惯), lose weight(减肥), remove heavy burdens(减轻负担), be good for/do good to(对…有益处), nutrition(营养), go on diet(节食), form a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯) Breathe in as much fresh air等。

2019高考作文十大押题 热点话题新闻素材有哪些

12019年高考作文话题预测 1、重庆綦江彩虹大桥垮塌前,一个小学生写了一篇题目叫“彩虹桥要垮”的作文,文中写道:“桥上有的铁棒有裂缝,我看见了好几条。我觉得太危险了,仿佛马上就会落下去,眼前像地震发生一样,我飞快地跑下了大桥……”可是,作文尚未拿到老师那里去批阅,其母亲就毫不犹豫地将标题改掉,并将上述文字删去,郑重地告诉孩子:“彩虹桥是美丽綦城的标志之一,多用优美的词句去描绘它……” 上述事件给了你什么启示、感悟,请联系现实生活写一篇不少于800字的文章。题目、立意、文体自定。 2、在北京大学120周年庆典致辞时,林建华校长把发言稿件里的“鸿鹄之志”误读成了“鸿浩之志”。对于林校长这个错误,一时间舆论纷纷,有批评否定的,也有表示理解的…… 对于此事,你怎么看?请同学们结合自身经历并联系生活实际写写自己的思考和感悟,不少于800字。题目、立意自定,角度、文体自选,但不可脱离材料含义。 3、《中国诗词大会》(第二季)是今年春节期间中央电视台最火的节目,其中的优秀选手,比如武亦姝,也迅速成为了网络红人。从本质上说,《中国诗词大会》也属于一档真人秀类节目。当今中国,真人秀类节目占了中国电视节目的半壁江山,而且收视率居高不下,但质疑和抨击之声也不绝于耳,能像《中国诗词大会》一样得到众口一词追捧的,其实不多。从中,我们能得到一些什么启示呢? 4、共享单车是指企业与政府合作,在校园、地铁站点、公交站点、居民区、商业区、公共服务区等地提供自行车单车共享服务,是共享经济的一种新形态,而共享经济是一种信用经济。共享单车符合低碳出行理念,为解决城市出行的最后一公里提供了有力支撑。 但也随之产生一系列问题,比如乱停乱放、单车被盗、私自加锁、用户私藏、改装兜售等。特别是近日三圣花乡共享单车被烧案件,引发社会强烈关注。有人据此断言:凭国人现在的素质,共享单车我们还玩不起。


Language Language is a system of symbol based on physiology, psychology, and physics. It’s a special social action and a carrier of information used for human communication in a society. The relationship between Language, Society, and Thought: 1. any language reflects the culture of the society in a particular period. Therefore language is the mirror reflecting the culture of a society. 2. Language is a product of society. Language is inseparable from human society. 3. Language is used as a means of communication in a society. Outside society there is no language. 4. Society depends upon language for its existence. For example, there are many words connected with carriage. Buggy, a light one-horse carriage with two wheels. Coach, a large closed four-wheel horse-drawn carriage. 5. moreover, man’s thought is indispensable to language just as language is indispensable from society. We know that language is used to express man’s thought. The process of thinking is closely connected with language. That is to say, without thinking, there would be no human language. 6. language serves society as a means of intercourse between people. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. The scope of linguistics include phonology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, philology, lexicology, stylistics, general linguistics, descriptive linguistics…… Lexicology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning, and application. Aim of English Lexicology is to give a systematic description of the English vocabulary. It offers students an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary. The significance of English Lexicology: help the learners to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their ability to analyze and use the words. Two approaches to the study of English Lexicology: synchronic and diachronic. Synchronic means describing a language as it exists at one period of time. Diachronic means concerned with the historical development of a language. For example: January, February, march, synchronically, they are the words of the months of one year. Diachronically, they are all borrowed words. Synchronically, we consider words like eventful, talkative as derivatives. Diachronically, they are hybrids, that is, words that are made of two parts, each from a different language. Etymology is the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings. Significance: 1.to provides background information and knowledge about the history, origin and development of the English language. 2. To increase the learner’s enjoyment and real understanding of English words from their changes of forms including their spelling and pronunciation to that of meanings. English is classified as a Teutonic language, that is, a Germanic language. English belongs to the Low West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family. Division of the history of the English language: 1. the period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period. It’s described as the period of full inflection. 2. The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the Middle English period, also as the period of leveled inflections. 3. The period from 1500 to the present day is called the Modern English period, also as the period of lost inflection. There are two classes of language in the world: synthetic and analytic. A synthetic language is one which shows the relation of word in a sentence largely by means of inflection. An analytic language is one which indicates the relation of words in a sentence by means of word order, preposition or auxiliary verbs, rather than by inflection. Old English the a synthetic language, while Modern English is an analytic language. Modern English can be divided into two parts: the early Modern English period and the Late Modern English period. Dean Swift was a conservative and he opposed the tendency to shorten words, such as ad


全面禁烟(可能性大) China is mulling a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising,sponsorship and pr omotion of tobacco products, according to adraft regulation on Monday. 据周一发布的一份条例草案规定,中国拟全面禁止任何形式的烟草广告、赞助活动以及烟草产品促销。 此次公开征求意见的控烟条例明确,所有室内公共场所一律禁止吸烟 (smokingis banned in all kinds of indoor public places);体育、健身场馆的室外观众座席、赛场区域 (outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers)、公共交通工具的室外等候区域(outdoor waiting areas of public transportation)等也全面禁止吸烟。 送审稿还规定,新闻出版广电总局负责对电影、电视剧及其他节目中的吸烟镜头(smokingscenes in films and TV shows)进行监督管理,违者最高罚款3万元。 这样的禁烟令堪称carpet(地毯式,全面) smoking ban。 驾照自学自考 Under the reform, if someone wants toobtain a driver's license, they can learn the necessary skills on their own andregister online for an examination, said Huang Mi ng, vice-minister of publicsecurity. 公安部副部长黄明表示,按照改革,人们可以自行学习驾车技能然后上网登记报考驾照。


下面这些范文值得认真背诵。班级:__________姓名:_________①越来越多的人沉迷于玩手机。相信你也经常使用手机,所以对于这个现象,你有什么看法呢?假如你校的英语报正在征稿,请你就此写一篇英语短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1.你平时使用手机的情况;2.描述你身边过度使用手机的现象;3.提出有效戒除手机瘾的建议(至少两点)。 As we know, smart phones are very popular now. The smart phones help us relax and know the latest information about the world. I often use my phone to listen to music and read news. I think it is very convenient. However, some people play their phones so much that they are addicted to them. They spend most of time playing games or chatting with their friends on the mobile phones. Some even stay up so late to play the phones that they can't focus on their study or work the next day. To give up the bad habit, we should play more with our friends rather than our phones in our free time. Also , we can develop an interest, so we won't play with smart phones just because of boredom. I hope that everyone can use the smart phone wisely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ②随着“抖音”等各种各样的网络直播软件的出现,越来越多的人喜欢在网上分享自己的生活,请你写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对这种现象的看法。内容包括:1. 人们通常在网上分享哪些内容(至少两点)? 2. 在网上分享自己生活的利与弊 3. 呼吁人们正确使用网络直播来分享自己的生活。 With the popularity of live streaming, more and more people like to share their daily life on the Internet. Some show tasty food they are eating, some show places they are visiting or activities they are having and others show their special talents which interest viewers. In fact, sharing everyday life on the Internet is a good way of not only making our life become more colourful , but also making other people know more about us. Moreover, some people can even make money by doing live streaming. But every coin has two sides. Our private information may be stolen by some bad persons and used to do something illegal. In a word, we should always keep an active mind and share our life on the Internet in a good way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ③除了交通安全,近年来,学生意外伤害事故也频频发生,给许多家庭带来永久的伤痛。作为中学生,我们该如何有效地自我保护,免受伤害呢? 我市正在举行以“How to Keep Safe”为题的中学生安全知识英语征文比赛,请你根据下表提示,写一篇短文参赛吧。 Do you know that many dangerous things will happen if we are not careful enough? As a student, how to keep safe is very important. First, we should obey the traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we shouldn't cross the road. And we shouldn't ride the electric bicycles. Second, we shouldn't swim in the river because it's dangerous. We can go swimming with our parents in a swimming pool. Third, we shouldn't tell strangers our ID number or code when we are surfing the Internet. We shouldn't surf unhealthy websites. What's more, we shouldn't go out with friends without our parents' permission. If we are in danger, we can ask for help from our parents or teachers , even police. After all, life is very important. We should learn something about self-protection so that we can protect ourselves well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ④假设你是李华,你的英国朋友了解过京剧后,对茶文化也特别感兴趣。请写一篇英语短文介绍中国茶文化。内容包括:1.历史悠久,约5,000年前神农首次发现茶可以饮用;2.种植广泛,安溪和杭州尤以茶闻名:3.喝茶有很多好处:有利健康,醒脑提神等;4.世界各地许多人喜欢喝茶并收集茶具。China is famous for tea. Chinese tea has a long history. It’s said that Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink about 5,000 years ago. Tea is produced in many different areas. Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. There are lots of advantages of drinking tea. It’s good for health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and fresh. It seems that many people all over the world love drinking tea and collecting tea sets. As middle school students, we should know about tea culture and spread it around the world.


《英语词汇学》重要术语 One: 1. Native words 本族词 Words of Anglo-Saxon origin or of Old English are native words. 2. Loan words 借词 Words borrowed from other languages are loan words or borrowed words. 3. Slang words 俚语 Slang words are those words of a vigorous, colourful, facetious, or taboo nature, invented for specific occasions, or uses, or derived from the unconventional use of the standard vocabulary. 4. Function words 功能词 Function words are often short words such as determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries that serve grammatically more than anything else. 5. Content words 实义词 Content words are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning. 6. Free forms 自由形式 Forms which occur as sentences are free forms. Two: 1. Morphemes 语素 Morphemes are the smallest meaningful linguistic units of English language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. 2. Allomorphs 语素变体 Allomorphs are any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. 3. Free morpheme 自由语素 Free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning. 4. Bound morpheme 粘着语素 Bound morpheme cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance and must appear with at least one other morpheme, free or bound. 5. Root 词根 Root is the basic unchangeable part of a word and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word. 6. Affix 词缀 Affix is a collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme. 7. Inflectional affix 屈折词缀 Inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree. 8. Derivational affix 派生词缀 Derivational affix is the kind of affixes that has

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