当前位置:文档之家› 移动通讯专业术语(中英文对照)






1/4比特数quarter bit number

AGC恢复时间AGC recovery time

AGC启动时间AGC attack time ATM技术asynchronous transfer technics, 异步转移模式,为多种速率信息的情况下研究的一种合适的传输与交换方式。

GSM 泛欧数字蜂窝移动通信系统GSM PLMN接入能力GSM PLMN access capability

GSM PLMN连接类型属性 GSM PLMN connection type attribute



J-K触发器J-K flip-flop


N进制数字信号 n-ary digital system

RS-232总线RS-232 bus


安全地线 safe ground wire

安全特性 security feature

安装线 hook-up wire

按半周进行的多周期控制multicycle controlled by half-cycle

按键电话机push-button telephone set

按需分配多地址demand assignment multiple access(DAMA) 按要求的电信业务demand telecommunication service

按组编码 encode by group


八木天线Yagi antenna

白噪声white Gaussian noise

白噪声发生器white noise generator

半波偶极子halfwave dipole 半导体存储器semiconductor memory

半导体集成电路semiconductor integrated circuit

半双工操作semi-duplex operation


包络负反馈peak envelop negative feed-back

包络延时失真envelop delay distortion

薄膜thin film

薄膜混合集成电路thin film hybrid integrated circuit

保护比(射频)protection ratio (RF)

保护时段guard period

保密通信secure communication



报文优先等级message priority 报讯alarm

备用工作方式spare mode

背景躁声background noise

倍频frequency multiplication


倍频程滤波器octave filter

被呼地址修改通知 called address modified notification

被呼用户优先priority for called subscriber

本地PLMN local PLMN

本地交换机local exchange 本地移动用户身份 local mobile station identity ( LMSI)

本地震荡器local oscillator 比功率(功率密度) specific power


比特并行bit parallel

比特号码bit number (BN)

比特流bit stream

比特率bit rate

比特误码率bit error rate

比特序列独立性bit sequence independence



闭环电压增益closed loop voltage gain

闭环控制closed loop control 闭路电压closed circuit voltage

边瓣抑制side lobe suppression



non-linear crosstalk

边带线性串扰sideband linear crosstalk

边带抑制度sideband suppression

边角辐射boundary radiation 编号制度numbering plan



编码律encoding law


编码器输出encoder output

编码器总工作时间encoder overall operate time

编码效率coding efficiency

编码信号coded signal

编码约束长度encoding constraint length

编码增益coding gain


鞭状天线 whip antenna

变频器 converter

变频损耗converter conversion loss

变容二极管variable capacitance diode

变形交替传号反转modified alternate mark inversion

便携电台 portable station

便携设备 portable equipment

便携式载体设备portable vehicle equipment

标称调整率(标称塞入率) nominal justification rate (nominal stuffing rate)

标称值 nominal value

标称呼通概率nominal calling probability

标准码实验信号 standard code test signal (SCTS)

标准模拟天线standard artificial antenna

标准频率 standard frequency

标准时间信号发射standard-time-signal emission

标准实验调制standard test modulation

标准输出功率standard power output

标准输入信号standard input signal

标准输入信号电平standard input-signal level

标准输入信号频率standard input-signal frequency

标准信躁比 standard signal to noise

表面安装 surface mounting

表示层 presentation layer

并串变换器parallel-serial converter (serializer)

并馈垂直天线shunt-fed vertical antenna

并行传输 parallel transmission 并行终端 parallel terminal

拨号错误概率dialing mistake probability

拨号后延迟 post-dialing delay

拨号交换机 dial exchange

拨号线路 dial-up line

拨号音 dialing tone

拨号终端 dial-up terminal

波动强度(在给定方向上的)cymomotive force (c. m. f)

波段覆盖 wave coverage

波峰焊 wave soldering

波特 baud

泊送过程 Poisson process

补充业务 supplementary service (of GSM)

补充业务登记supplementary service registration

补充业务询问supplementary service interrogation

补充业务互连supplementary service interworking

捕捉区(一个地面接收台) capture area (of a terrestrial receiving station)

捕捉带 pull-in range

捕捉带宽 pull-in banwidth

捕捉时间 pull-in time

不连续发送discontinuous transmission (DTX)

不连续干扰discontinuous interference

不连续接收discontinuous reception (DRX)

不确定度 uncertainty

步谈机 portable mobile station


采样定理 sampling theorem

采样频率 sampling frequency

采样周期 sampling period

参考边带功率 reference side band power

参考差错率reference error ratio

参考当量 reference equivalent 参考点 reference point

参考结构reference configuration

参考可用场强 reference usable fiend-strength

参考灵敏度reference sensibility

参考频率 reference frequency

参考时钟 reference clock

参考输出功率 reference output power

残余边带调制vestigial sideband modulation

残余边带发射vestigial-sideband emission

操作维护中心operation maintenance center (OMC)

操作系统 operation system (OS) 侧音消耗 sidetone loss

层2转发 layer 2 relay (L2R)

插入组装through hole pachnology

插入损耗 insertion loss

查号台 information desk

差错控制编码error control coding

差错漏检率 residual error rate 差分脉冲编码调制(差分脉码调制)differential pulse code modulation (DPCM)

差分四相相移键控 differential quadrature phase keying (DQPSK)

差分相移键控differential phase keying (DPSK)

差模电压,平衡电压 differential mode voltage, symmetrical voltage 差拍干扰 beat jamming

差频失真 difference frequency distortion

长期抖动指示器long-term flicker indicator

长期频率稳定度long-term frequency stability

场强灵敏度field intensity sensibility

场效应晶体管field effect transistor (FET)

超长波通信 myriametric wave communication

超地平对流层传播 transhorizon tropospheric

超地平无线接力系统transhorizon radio-relay system

超高帧 hyperframe

超帧 superframe

超大规模集成电路very-large scale integrated circuit (VLSI)

超再生接收机 super-regenerator receiver

车载电台 vehicle station

撤消 withdrawal

成对不等性码(交替码、交变码)paired-disparity code (alternative code, alternating code)

承载业务 bearer service

城市交通管制系统urban traffic control system

程序设计技术programming technique

程序设计环境programming environment

程序优化 program optimization 程序指令 program command

充电 charge

充电率 charge rate

充电效率 charge efficiency

充电终止电压end-of charge voltage

抽样 sampling

抽样率 sample rate

初级分布线路primary distribution link

初始化 initialization

处理增益 processing gain

传播时延 propagation delay

传播系数propagation coefficient

传导干扰conducted interference

传导杂散发射conducted spurious emission

传递函数 transfer function

传递时间 transfer time

传声器 microphone

传输保密 transmission security 传输层协议transport layer protocol

传输集群 transmission trunking 传输结束字符end of transmission character

传输媒体 transmission medium 传输损耗 transmission loss

传输损耗(无线线路的)transmission loss (of a radio link)

传输通道 transmission path

传输信道 transmission channel 传真 facsimile, FAX

船舶地球站 ship earth station

船舶电台 ship station

船舶移动业务ship movement service

船上通信电台on-board communication station ,ship communication station

船用收音机 ship radio

串并变换机 serial to parallel (deserializer)

串并行变换serial-parallel conversion

串话 crosstalk

垂直方向性图vertical directivity pattern

唇式传声器 lip microphone

磁屏蔽 magnetic shielding

次级分布线路secondary distribution link

猝发差错 burst error

猝发点火控制burst firing control

存储程序控制交换机stored program controlled switching system


大规模集成电路large scale integrated circuit (LSI)

大信号信躁比signal-to-noise ratio of strong signal

带成功结果的常规操作 normal operation with successful outcome 带宽 bandwidth

带内导频单边带pilot tone-in-band single sideband

带内谐波 in-band harmonic

带内信令 in-band signalling

带内躁声 in-band noise

带通滤波器 band-pass filter

带外发射 out-of-band emission 带外功率 out-of-band power

带外衰减 attenuation outside a channel

带外信令 out-band signalling

带状线 stripline

单边带发射single sideband (SSB) emission

单边带发射机 single side-band (SSB) transmitter

单边带调制 single side band modulation

单边带解调single side band demodulation

单边带信号发生器 single side band signal generaltor

单端同步single-ended synchronization

单工、双半工simplex, halfduplex

单工操作 simplex operation

单工无线电话机 simplex radio telephone

单呼 single call

单频双工single frequency duplex

单频信令single frequency signalling

单相对称控制symmetrical control (single phase)

单相非对称控制asymmetrical control (single phase)

单向 one-way

单向的 unidirectional

单向控制 unidirectional control 单信道地面和机载无线电分系统SINCGARS

单信道无绳电话机single channel cordless telephone

单信号方法single-signal method

单音 tone

单音脉冲 tone pulse

单音脉冲持续时间tone pulse duration

单音脉冲的单音频率tone frequency of tone pulse

单音脉冲上升时间tone pulse rise time

单音脉冲下降时间tone pulse decay time

单音制 individual tone system 单元电缆段(中继段) elementary cable section (repeater section) 单元再生段elementary regenerator section (regenerator section)

单元增音段,单元中继段elementary repeater section

当被呼移动用户不回答时的呼叫转移call forwarding on no reply (CFNRy)

当被呼移动用户忙时的呼叫转calling forwarding on mobile subscriber busy (CFB)

当漫游到原籍PLMN国家以外时禁止所有入呼barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BIC-Roam)

当前服务的基站 current serving BS

当无线信道拥挤时的呼叫转移calling forward on mobile subscriber not reachable (CENRc) 刀型天线 blade antenna

导频 pilot frequency

导频跌落pilot fall down

倒L型天线 inverted-L antenna

等步的 isochronous

等幅电报continuous wave telegraph

等权网(互同步网) democratic network (mutually synchronized network)

等效比特率 equivalent bit rate 等效地球半径 equivalent earth radius

等效二进制数 equivalent binary content

等效全向辐射功率equivalent isotropically radiated power (e. i. r. p.)

等效卫星线路躁声温度 equivalent satellite link noise temperature 低轨道卫星系统 LEO satellite mobile communication system

低气压实验low atmospheric pressure test

低时延码激励线性预测编码 low delay CELP (LD-CELP)

低通滤波器 low pass filter

低温实验 low temperature test

低躁声放大器low noise amplifier

地-空路径传播 earth-space path propagation

地-空通信设备ground/air communication equipment

地波 ground wave

地面连线用户land line subscriber

地面无线电通信terrestrial radio communication

地面站(电台)terrestrial station

第N次谐波比 nth harmonic ratio 第二代无绳电话系统cordless telephone system second generation (CT-2)

第三代移动通信系统third generation mobile systems

点波束天线 spot beam antenna

点对地区通信point-area communication

点对点通信point-point communication

点至点的GSM PLMN连接 point to point GSM PLMN

电报 telegraphy

电报电码 telegraph code

电波衰落 radio wave fading

电池功率 power of battery

电池能量energy capacity of battery 电池容量 battery capacity

电池组 battery

电磁波 electromagnetic wave

电磁波反射reflection of electromagnetic wave

电磁波饶射diffraction of electromagnetic wave

电磁波散射scattering of electromagnetic wave

电磁波色射dispersion of electromagnetic wave

电磁波吸收absorption of electromagnetic wave

电磁波折射refraction of electromagnetic wave

电磁场 electromagnetic field 电磁发射electromagnetic field

电磁辐射electromagnetic emission

电磁干扰electromagnetic interference (EMI)

电磁感应electromagnetic induction

电磁环境electromagnetic environment

电磁兼容性electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

电磁兼容性电平 electromagnetic compatibility level

电磁兼容性余量electromagnetic compatibility margin

电磁脉冲electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

电磁脉冲干扰electromagnetic pulse jamming

电磁敏感度electromagnetic susceptibility

电磁能 electromagnetic energy 电磁耦合electromagnetic coupling

电磁屏蔽electromagnetic shielding



电磁骚扰electromagnetic disturbance

电磁噪声 electromagnetic noise 电磁污染electromagnetic pollution

电动势 electromotive force (e. m. f.)

电话机 telephone set

电话局容量capacity of telephone exchange

电话型电路telephone-type circuit

电话型信道telephone-type channel

电离层 ionosphere

电离层波 ionosphere wave

电离层传播ionosphere propagation

电离层反射ionosphere reflection

电离层反射传播ionosphere reflection propagation

电离层散射传播ionosphere scatter propagation

电离层折射ionosphere refraction

电离层吸收ionosphere absorption

电离层骚扰ionosphere disturbance

电流探头 current probe

电路交换 circuit switching

电屏蔽 electric shielding

电视电话video-telephone, viewphone, visual telephone

电台磁方位 magnetic bearing of station

电台方位 bearing of station

电台航向 heading of station

电文编号 message numbering

电文队列 message queue

电文格式 message format

电文交换 message switching

电文交换网络 message switching network

电文结束代码end-of-message code

电文路由选择 message routing

电小天线 electronically small antenna

电信管理网络 telecommunication management network (TMN)

电信会议 teleconferencing

电压变化 voltage change

电压变化持续时间 duration of a voltage change

电压变化的发生率rate of occurrence of voltage changes

电压变化时间间隔voltage change interval

电压波动 voltage fluctuation 电压波动波形voltage fluctuation waveform

电压波动量magnitude of a voltage fluctuation

电压不平衡 voltage imbalance, voltage unbalance

电压浪涌 voltage surge

电压骤降 voltage dip

电源 power supply

电源电压调整率 line regulation 电源抗扰性 mains immunity

电源持续工作能力continuous operation ability of the power supply

电源去耦系数 mains decoupling factor

电源骚扰 mains disturbance

电子干扰 electronic jamming

电子工业协会Electronic Industries Association (EIA)

电子系统工程electronic system engineering

电子自动调谐electronic automatic tuning

电子组装electronic packaging

电阻温度计resistance thermometer

跌落试验 fall down test

顶部加载垂直天线top-loaded vertical antenna

定长编码 block code

定期频率预报periodical frequency forecast

定时 clocking

定时超前 timing advance

定时电路 timing circuit

定时恢复(定时抽取)timing recovery (timing extration)

定时截尾试验 fixed time test

定时信号 timing signal

定数截尾试验fixed failure number test

定向天线 directional antenna

定型试验 type test

动态频率分配 dynamic frequency allocation

动态信道分配dynamic channel allocation

动态重组 dynamic regrouping

动态自动增益控制特性 dynamic AGC characteristic

抖动 jitter

独立边带 independent sideband 独立故障 independent fault

端到端业务 teleservice

短波传播short wave propagation

短波通信short wave communication

短路保护short-circuit protection

短期抖动指示器short-term flicker indicator

短期频率稳定度short-term frequency stability

短时间中断(供电电压) short interruption (of supply voltage) 段终端 section termination

对称二元码 symmetrical binary code

对地静止卫星geostationary satellite 对地静止卫星轨道 geostationary satellite orbit

对地同步卫星geosynchronous satellite

对讲电话机 intercommunicating telephone set

对空台 aeronautical station

对流层 troposphere

对流层波道 troposphere duct

对流层传播troposphere propagation

对流层散射传播troposphere scatter propagation

多次调制 multiple modulation

多点接入 multipoint access

多电平正交调幅multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

多分转站网 multidrop network

多服务器队列 multiserver queue 多工 multiplexing

多工器 nultiplexer

多功能系统 MRS

多级处理 multilevel processing 多级互连网络multistage interconnecting network

多级卫星线路multi-satellite link

多径 multipath

多径传播multipath propagation

多径传播函数nultipath propagation function

多径分集multipath diversity

多径时延 multipath delay

多径衰落 multipath fading

多径效应 multipath effect

多路复接 multiplexing

多路接入 multiple access

多路信道 multiplexor channel

多脉冲线性预测编码multi-pulse LPC (MPLC)

多频信令multifrequency signalling

多普勒频移 Doppler shift

多跳路径 multihop path

多信道选取 multichannel access (MCA)


multiple-channel mobile communication system with automatic dialing

多优先级multiple priority levels

多帧 multiframe

多址呼叫 multiaddress call

多址联接 multiple access

多重时帧 multiple timeframe

多用户信道 multi-user channel


额定带宽 rated bandwidth

额定射频输出功率 rated radio frequency output power

额定使用范围 rated operating range

额定音频输出功率rated audio-frequency output power

额定值 rated value

爱尔兰 erlang

恶意呼叫识别malicious call identification (MCI)

耳机(受话器) earphone

耳机额定阻抗 rated impedance of earphone

二十进制码binary-coded decimal (BCD) code

二十进制转换 binary-to-decimal conversion

二十六进制转换binary-to-hexadecimal conversion 二进制码 binary code

二进制频移键控binary frequency shift keying (BFSK)

二进制数 binary figure

二频制位 binary digit(bit)

二频制 two-frequency system

二维奇偶验码horizontal and vertical parity check code

二线制 two-wire system 二相差分相移键控binary different phase shift keying (BDPSK)

二相相移键控binary phase shift keying (BPSK)


发报机 telegraph transmitter 发射 emisssion

发射(或信号)带宽 bandwidth of an emission (or a signal)

发射机 transmitter

发射机边带频谱transmitter sideband spectrum

发射机额定输出功率rated output power of transmitter

发射机合路器transmitter combiner

发射机冷却系统 cooling system of transmitter

发射机启动时间transmitter attack time

发射机效率transmitter frequency

发射机杂散躁声spurious transmitter noise

发射机之间的互调iner-transmitter intermodulation 发射机对答允许频(相)偏

transmitter maximum permissible frequency(phase) deviation

发射类别 class of emission

发射频段transmit frequency band

发射余量 emission margin

发送 sending

发送响度评定值 send loudness rating (SLR)

繁忙排队/自动回叫busy queuing/ callback

反馈控制系统 feedback control system

反射功率 reflection power

反射卫星 reflection satellite 反向话音通道reverse voice

channel (RVC)

反向控制信道reverse control channel (RECC)

泛欧数字无绳电话系统 digital European cordless telephone

方舱 shelter

方向性系数 directivity of an antenna

防爆电话机explosion-proof telephone set

防潮 moisture protection

防腐蚀 corrosion protection

防霉 mould proof

仿真头 artificial head

仿真耳 artificial ear

仿真嘴 artificial mouth

仿真天线 dummy antenna

放大器 amplifier

放大器线性动态范围linear dynamic range of amplifier

放电 discharge

放电电压 discharge voltage

放电深度 depth of discharge

放电率 discharge rate

放电特性曲线discharge character curve

非等步的 anisochronous

非归零码nonreturn to zero code (NRZ)

非均匀编码 nonuniform encoding 非均匀量化nonuniform quantizing

非连续干扰discontinuous disturbance

“非”门 NOT gate

非强占优先规则 non-preemptive priority queuing discipline

非受控滑动 uncontrolled slip 非线性电路 nonlinear circuit

非线性失真nonliear distortion

非线性数字调制nonlinear digital modulation

非占空呼叫建立off-air-call-set-up (OACSU) 非专用控制信道non-dedicated control channel

非阻塞互连网络non-blocking interconnection network

分贝 decibel (dB)

分辨力 resolution

分布参数网络distributed parameter network

分布式功能distributed function

分布式数据库distributed database

分别于是微波通信系统distributed microwave communication system

分布式移动通信系统 distributed mobile communication system

分布路线 distribution link

分段加载天线 sectional loaded antenna

分机 extension

分集 diversity

分集改善系数diversity improvement factor

分集间隔 diversity separation 分集增益 diversity gain

分集接收 diversity reception

分接器 demultiplexer

分频 frequency division

分散定位 distributed channel assignment

分散控制方式decentralized control

分散式帧定位信号 distributed frame alignment signal


(super-synchronous) satellite

分谐波 subharmonic

分组交换 packet switching

分组码 block code

分组无线网 packet radio network 分组循环分散定位 block cyclic distributed channel assigment

分组组装与拆卸 packet assembly

and disassembly

封闭用户群 closed user group (CUG)

峰包功率 peak envelop power

峰值 peak value

峰值-波纹系数peak-ripple factor

峰值包络检波peak envelop detection

峰值功率 peak power

峰值功率等级(移动台的) peak power class (of MS)

峰值检波器 peak detector

峰值限制 peak limiting

蜂窝手持机 cellular handset

蜂窝系统 cellular system

缝隙天线 slot antenna

服务基站 serving BS

服务访问点 service access point (SAP)

服务弧 service arc

服务可保持性service retainability

服务可得到性service accessibility

服务提供部门 service provider 服务完善性 service integrity 服务小区 serving cell

服务易行性service operability

服务支持性service supportability

服务质量 quality of service

服务准备时间service provisioning time

符号率 symbol rate

幅度检波 amplitude detection 幅度量化控制amplitude quantized cntrol

幅度失真 amplitude distortion 幅度调制 amplitude modulation (AM)

幅频响应amplitude-frequency response

幅相键控 amplitude phase keying (APK)

辐射 radiation

辐射单元 radiating element

辐射方向图 radiation pattern

辐射干扰 radiated interference 辐射近场区radiating near-field region

辐射能 radiant energy

辐射强度 radiation intensity

辐射区 radiated area

辐射实验场地radiation test site

辐射效率 radiation efficiency 辐射源(电磁干扰) emitter (of electromagnetic disturbance)

辐射杂散发射 radiated spurious emission

辐射阻抗 radiation impedance

俯仰角 pitch angle

负极 negative electrode

负离子 negative ion

负荷容量(过荷点) load capacity (overload point)

负逻辑 negative logic

负码速调整(负脉冲塞入) negative justification (negative pulse stuffing)

负载调整率 load regulation

负阻放大器 negative resistance amplifier

负阻效应negative resistance effect

负阻振荡negative resistance oscillation

附加符号 additional character 附加位 overhead bit

复合音 complex sound

复接器 multiplexer

复节-分接器 muldex

复接制multiple connection system

复位 reset

复用转接器 transmultiplexer

复帧 multiframe

副瓣 minor lobe

副瓣电平 minor level

覆盖区(一个地面发射台的)coverage area (of a terrestrial transmitting station)


概率 probability

概率分布probability distribution

概率信息probabilistic information

概率译码probabilistic decoding

干扰 interference

干扰参数interference parameter

干扰限值 limit of interference 干扰信号 interfering signal

干扰抑制interfering suppression

干扰源 interfering resource

干线 trunk line

感应近场区reactive near-field region

港口操作业务 port operation service

港口电台 port station

港口管理系统harbor management system

港口交通管理系统harbor traffic control system

高[低]电平输出电流high (low)-level output current

高[低]电平输出电压high (low)-level output voltage

高波 high-angle ray

高层功能 high layer function

高层协议 high layer protocol

高级数据链路控制规程high level data link control (HDLC) procedure

高级通信业务advanced communication service

高级研究计划署Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)

高级移动电话系统Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)

高频放大器high frequency amplifier

高频提升 high frequency boost 高频增益控制high frequency gain control

高斯信道 Gauss channel (AWG)

高斯最小频移键控Guassian minimum shift keying (GMSK)

高频制频率时的发射频偏transmitting frequency deviation of high frequency

高通滤波器 highpass filter

高温高湿偏置试验high temperature high humidity biased testing (HHBT)

高温功率老化 burning

高温试验 high temperature test 告警接收机 warning receiver

告警指示信号 alarm indication signal (AIS)

戈莱码 Golay code

戈帕码 Goppa codes

格码调制trellis codes modulation schemes (TCM)

隔离放大器isolation amplifier

个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA)

个人电台 personal station (PS) 个人电台系统personal radio system

个人识别号码personal identification number (PIN)

个人通信personal communications

个人通信网personal communication networks (PCN)

个人携带电话personal handy phone (PHP)

个人移动性 personal mobility

个体接收(在卫星广播业务中)individual reception

跟踪保持电路track and hold circuit

跟踪带宽 tracking bandwidth

更改地址插入 changed address interception

工科医用(的) ISM

工科医用频段 ISM frequency band 工业干扰industrial interference

工作最高可用频率 operational MUF

工作比 duty cycle

工作范围 working range

工作频率范围operating frequency range

工作站 work station (WS)

工作周期 cycle of operation

公共分组交换网 public packet switched network

公共耦合点point of common coupling (PCC)

公开密匙体制 public key system

公路交通管制系统highway traffic control system

公用数据网 public data network 公众陆地移动电话网 public land mobile network (PLMN)

功能键 function key

功能群,功能群令 function group, function grouping

功率合成 power synthesis

功能控制报文power control message

功率控制电平power control level

功率谱密度power spectrum density

功率损耗 power loss

功率因子 power factor

供电系统阻抗supply system impedance

共道抑制co-channel suppression

共道信令 co-channel signalling 共模电压,不平衡电压common mode voltage, asymmetrical voltage 共模电流 common mode current

共模转换 common code conversion 共模干扰common code interference

共模抑制比common code rejection ratio (CMRR)

共模增益 common mode gain

共模阻抗 common code impedance 共信道再用距离co-channel re-use distance

贡献路线 contribution link

固定电台 fixed station

固定基地电台 fixed base station 固定信道指配fixed channel assignment

固态发射机solidstate transmitter

固有可靠性inherent reliability

固有频差inherent frequency error

故障 fault

故障安全 fault safe

故障保护 fault protection

故障弱化 failsoft

故障修复 fault correcting

故障原因 fault cause

故障准则 fault criteria

挂机信号 hang-up signal

管理中心 administration center (ADC)

广播控制信道(BCCH)划分 BCCH allocation (BA)

广播寻呼系统 broadcast paging system

广域网 wide area network (WAN) 归零码 return to zero code (RZ) 归一化的偏置 normalized offset 规程 protocol

规范 specification

规则脉冲激励编码regular-pulse excitation (RPE)

规则脉冲激励长时预测编码regular-pulse excitation LPC (RPE-LPC)

轨道 orbit

国际标准international standard

国际单位制 international system of units

国际电报电话咨询委员会 CCITT

国际电工委员会 IEC

国际电信联盟 ITU

国际互连网 Internet

国际民航组织ICAO , international civil aviation organization

国际通信卫星组织 INTERAT

国际海事卫星组织 INMAR-SAT

国际无线电干扰特别委员会 CISPR 国际无线电干扰委员会 CCIR

国际移动识别码international mobile station equipment identity (IMEI)

国际移动用户识别码international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)

国际原子时间international automatic time (TAI)

国家标准 national standard

国家信息基础结构national information infrastructure (NII) 过充电 overcharge

过滤带 transition band

过放电 overdischarge

过荷保护电路overload protecting circuit

过荷分级控制 overload control category

过荷控制 overload control

过调制 overmodulation

过流保护overcurrent protection

过压保护overvoltage protection


海岸地球站 coast earth station 海岸电台 coast station

海事卫星通信maritime satellite communications 汉明距离 Hamming distance

汉明码 Hamming code

汉明重量 Hamming weight

航空地球站 aeronautical earth station

航空电台aeronautical station

航空器地球站aircraft earth station

航空器电台 aircraft station

航空移动业务aeronautical mobile service

航天器(宇宙飞船) spacecraft 毫米波 millimeter wave

黑格巴哥码 Hagelbarger code

恒比码 constant ratio code

恒步的 homochronous

恒流电源constant current power supply

恒温恒湿试验constant temperature and humid test

恒压充电constant voltage charge

恒压电源 constant voltage power supply

恒电磁波小室transverse electromagnetic wave cell (TEM cell)

喉式传声器 throat microphone

后瓣 back hole

厚模电路 thick-film circuit

呼叫 call

呼叫支持 call hold (HOLD)

呼叫存储 call store

呼叫等待 call waiting (CW)

呼叫改发 call redirection

呼叫建立 call establishment

呼叫建立时间 call set-up time 呼叫接通率percept of call completed

呼叫控制信号call control signal

呼叫清除延时call clearing delay

呼叫释放 call release

呼叫序列 calling sequence

呼叫转移 call transfer (CT)

呼救 distress call

呼救系统 distress system

呼损率 percept of call lost

呼通概率 calling probability


complementary MOS integrated circuit (COMOS-IC)

互连 interworking

互连的考虑interworking consideration

互连功能interworking function (IWF)

互调 intermodulation

互调产物(一个发射台的)intermodulation products (of a transmitting stastion)

互调抗扰性intermodulation immunity

互调失真intermodulation distortion

互通性 interoperability

互同步网mutually synchronized network

话路输入电平voice circuit input level

话路输入电平差异 voice circuit input level difference

话务量 telephone traffic

话音活动检测 voice activity detection (VAD)

话音激活 voice exciting

话音激活率 speech activity

话音数字信令speech digit signalling

话音突发 speech spurt

环境试验 environment test

环境系数 environment factor

环境应力筛选environment stress screening (ESS)

环境躁声 ambient noise

环路传输 loop transmission

环路高频总增益 loop RF overall gain 环路可锁定最底(最高)界限角频率 loop lockable minimum (maximum) margin angular frequency

环路滤波器比例系数loop filter proportion coefficient

环路躁声带宽loop noise bandwidth

环路增益 loop gain

环路直流总增益 loop DC overall gain

环路自然谐振角频率loop natural resonant angular frequency

环形波 ring wave

环形混频器 ring mixer

环行器 circulator

环行延迟 rounding relay

恢复 recovery

恢复规程restoration procedure

汇接交换 tandem switching

汇接局 tandem office

会话(在电信中) conversation (in telecommunication)

会话层 session layer

会议电话 conference telephone 混合ARQ hybrid ARQ

混合差错控制hybrid error control (HEC)

混合分集 hybrid diversity

混合集成电路hybrid integrated circuit

混合扩频hybrid spread spectrum

混合路径传播mixed-path propagation

混合信道指配hybrid channel assignment

混频器 mixer

混频器的寄生响应mixer spurious response

活动模式 active mode

“或”门 OR gate

“或非”门 NOR gate


机壳辐射 cabinet radiation

机载电台 aircraft station

基本传输损耗(无线线路的) basic transmission loss (of a radio link)

基本接入 basic access

基本业务(GSM的) basic service (of GSM)

基本越区切换规程basic handover procedure

基本最高可用频率basic maximun usable frequency

基波(分量)fundamental (component)

基波系数 fundamental factor 基带 baseband

基地(海岸)(航空)设备 base (coast)(aeronautical) equipment 基地电台 base station (BS)

基站控制器base station controller (BSC)

基站识别码base station identity code (BSIC)

基站收发信台 base transceiver station (BTS)

基站系统 base station system (BSS)

基站区 base station area

基准条件 reference condition

基准阻抗 reference impedance 奇偶校验码 parity check code 奇偶校验位 parity bit

激活 activation

吉尔伯特码 Gilbert code

级联码 concatenated code

即时业务 demand service

急充电 boost charge

急剧衰落 flutter fading

集成电路 integrated circuit

集成电路卡 integrated circuit card

集群电话互连 trunked telephone connect

集群电话互连器trunked telephone connector

集群基站 trunked base station 集群效率 trunking efficiency 集群移动电话系统trunked mobile communication system

集体呼叫 group call

集体接收(在卫星广播业务中)community reception

集中控制方式centralized control

集中式帧定位信号bunched frame alignment signal

计费信息 advice of charge

计算机病毒 computer virus

计算机辅助测试 computer-aided test (CAT)

计算机辅助工程 computer-aided engineering (CAE)

计算机辅助管理 computer-aided management (CAM)

计算机辅助教学 computer-aided instruction (CAU)

计算机辅助设计 computer-sided design (CAD)

寄生反馈 parasitic feedback

寄生调制 parasitic modulation 寄生振荡parasitic oscillation

加密 encipherment

加密保护encipherment protection

加密方案 encipherment scheme 加权(互同步)网hierarchic (mutually synchrohous) network

假负载 dummy load

假设参考电路hypothetical reference circuit

尖峰信号 spike

间接分配indirect distribution

间接调频indirect frequency modulation

监测音峰频偏supervisory audio tone peak deviation


audio tone (SAT)

兼容话 compatible telephone

兼容性 compatibility

检波器的充电时间常数electrical charge time constant of a detector

检波器的电流灵敏度 detector current sensitivity

检波器的电压灵敏度 detector voltage sensitivity

检波器的放电时间常数electrical discharge time constant (of a detector)

检波失真 detection distortion 检波效率 detection efficiency 检错 error detection

检错反馈系统error-detecting and feedback system

检错码 error detecting code

检错能力error-detecting capacity

减载波单边带发射reduced carrier SSB emission

减载波发射reduced carrier emission

减振器 damper, antivibrator

剪音 clipping

建筑物穿透损耗building penetration loss

鉴定测试 characterization test 鉴权中心authentication center (AUC)

鉴频器frequency discriminator

鉴相鉴频器phase detection discriminator

鉴相灵敏度discriminator sensitivity

鉴相器 phase discriminator

鉴相器输出误差电压discriminator output error voltage

键控 keying

键盘 keyboard

降额 derating 降级 degradation

降灵 desensitization

降落物散射传播 precipitation scatter propagation

交变温热试验alternate humid heat test

交叉干扰cross interference

交叉失真cross-over distortion

交换机无线接口 exchange radio interface

交换局 exchange

交换连接 switched connection 交换区 switched area

交流声 hum

交替代号反转码alternate mark inversion code (AMI code)

交替信号反转破坏点(双极性破坏点) alternate mark inversion violation (bipolar violation)

交调 cross-modulation

角度分集 angle diversity

角度调制 angle modulation

角反射天线 corner reflector antenna

校验位 check bit

校验字符 check character

校准 calibration

接地 grounding

接地电感线圈 earth inductor

接口标准 interface standard

接口集成电路interface integrated circuit

接口结构 interface structure 接入能力 access capability

接入争用 access contention

接入信道 access channel

接收机 receiver

接收机保护装置receiver protector

接收机的过载系数overload factor of receiver

接收机动态范围receiver dynamic range

接收机分路器receiver multi-coupler

接收机门限电平receiver threshold-signal level

接收机前端front-end of receiver

接收至发射的回波耗损 receive to transmit echo loss (RTEL)

接收至发射的稳定耗损 receive to transmit stability loss (RTSL) 接收响度评定值receive loudness rating (RLR)

接线信号 connect signal

接续(连接) connection

结点 node

解码 decoding

解码器 decoder

解码器保护时间decoder required protection time

解码器报讯时间 decode alarm time

解码器的选择性decoder selectivity

解码器工作电平范围decoder operate level range

解码器恢复时间decoder recovery time

解码器启动时间 decoder attack time

解码器假码虚报 decoder false code falsifying

解码器噪声虚报 decoder noise falsifying

解密 decipher

解扰器 descrambler

解调 demodulation

解调载频控制demodulation carrier frequency control

紧急呼叫 emergency call

紧急指位无线信标台 emergency position-indicating rediobeacon station

近场区 near field region

禁止对国际的呼叫 barring of outing international calls (BOIC) 禁止所有对外呼叫 barring of all outgoing calls (BAOC)

禁止所有呼入呼叫 barring of all incoming calls (BAIC)

紧密度 precision

静电放电electrostatic discharge (ESD)

静噪 squelch

静噪开启电平和闭锁电平squelch opening level and closing level

静噪开启时延和闭锁时延squelch opening delay and closing delay

静噪失谐门限 squelch detuning threshold

静噪调谐 mute tuning

静噪阻塞门限 squelch blocking threshold

静止图象电视电话still picture video-television

静止卫星 stationary satellite 镜频抑制比image frequency rejection ratio

镜频抑制混频器image frequency rejection mixer

纠错码 error correcting code

纠错能力error correcting capability

纠突发错码burst error correction codes

纠突发错和随机错码 burst and random error correction codes

救生台 safeguard station

局域网local area network (LAN)

句子可懂度sentence intelligibility


APC with adaptive bit allocation (APC-AB)

卷积码 convolutional code

绝对射频信道号absolute RF channel number (ARFCN)

绝对相移键控 absolute phase shift keying (APSK)

绝对增益 absolute gain

均步的 mesochronous

均方根值(有效值) rms value (effective value)

均方根-波纹系数 r.m.s.-ripple factor

均方根检波器 root-mean square detector

均衡网络equalization network

均匀编码 uniform encoding

均匀量化 uniform quantizing


喀声 click

喀声率 click code

开发系统 development system

开放系统 open system

开放系统互连open system interconnection (OSI)

开放系统互连参考模型open system interconnection (OSI) reference model

开关电容网络switched capacitor network

开关电源 switch power supply 开户入网 subscription

开环电压增益 open-loop voltage gain

开环控制 open-loop control

开环增益 open-loop gain

开路电压open-circuit voltage

开门码 opening code

抗骚扰性immunity (to a disturbance)

抗扰度 immunity

抗扰试验电平immunity test level

抗扰性电平 immunity level

抗扰性限值 immunity limit

抗扰性余量 immunity margin

抗躁声送话器antinoise microphone 可编程终端programmable terminal

可变电容器微音效应 microphone effect of variable capacitor

可变分频器 variable division frequency divider

可擦可编程只读存储器erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM)

可达性 accessibility

可服务性 serviceability

可焊性 solderability

可焊性试验 solderability test 可见弧 visible arc

可接收质量水平acceptable quality level

可靠性 reliability

可靠性测试reliability testing

可靠性分配reliability allocation

可靠性和维修性保证reliability and maintainability assurance

可靠性设计 reliability design 可靠性预计reliability prediction

可靠性增长 reliability growth 可拓展性 expansibility

可视电话television telephone

可视电话机television telephone set

可适应性 adaptability

可调数位时隙(可塞入数位时隙)adjustable digit time slot (stuffable digit time slot)

可听声 audible sound

可维修性 maintainability

可信度 certainty factor

可移植性 portability

可用场强usable field strength

可用功率通量密度 usable power flux density (Pu)


财务专业术语中英文对照表 英文中文说明 Account Accounting system 会计系统 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会 Audit 审计 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Bookkeepking 簿记 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测 Certificate in Internal Auditing 部审计证书 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书 Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师 Cost accounting 成本会计 External users 外部使用者 Financial accounting 财务会计 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 Financial forecast 财务预测 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则 General-purpose information 通用目的信息 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室 Income statement 损益表 Institute of Internal Auditors 部审计师协会 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会 Integrity 整合性 Internal auditing 部审计 Internal control structure 部控制结构 Internal Revenue Service 国收入署 Internal users部使用者 Management accounting 管理会计 Return of investment 投资回报 Return on investment 投资报酬 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会


专业音频术语中英文对照 A AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度控制 AB AB制立体声录音法?Abeyancd 暂停,潜态 A-B repeat A-B重复?ABS absolute 绝对得,完全得,绝对时间 ABSamerican bureau ofstanda rd 美国标准局?ABSS autoblank secrion scanning 自动磁带空白部分扫描Absti me绝对运行时间?A、DEF audio defeat音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静噪 ADJ adj ective 附属得,附件?ADJ Adjust 调节 ADJ acousticdelay line声延迟线 Admission 允许进入,供给 ADP acousticdata processor音响数据处理机 ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器ADRES automaticdynamic range expansion system?动态范围扩展系统 A DRM analog todigital remaster 模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘 ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系统 A、DUB audio dubbing配音,音频复制,后期录音 ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量?ADV adversum对抗 ADV advance r 相位超前补偿器?Adventure惊险效果 AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除 AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备Aerial天线 AESaudio engineering society美国声频工程协会AF audio fidelity 音频保真度?AF audio frequency音频频率 AFC active field control自动频率控制?AFC automaticfrequency control 声场控制 Affricate 塞擦音?AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监听 A-fader 音频衰减 AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频 AFS acoustic feedback spea ker 声反馈扬声器 AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调 AFTAAS advancedfast time acousti canalysis system?高级快速音响分析系统 After 转移部分文件 Afterglow余辉,夕照时分音响效果 Again st 以……为背景 AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制AHDaudiohigh density音频高密度唱片系统 AI advanced integrated预汇流AI amplifier input 放大器输入 AI artificial intelligence 人工智能AI azimuth indi cator 方位指示器 A-IN 音频输入 A-INSEL audio input selection 音频输入选择 Alarm 警报器 ALC automatic level control自动电平控制?ALC automatic load control自动负载控制


Chemntherapeutic agents 化学疗法 thus xue fiao fa) Chemothcrjipy 化学疔,Z (hija xue Aaa fa) hns the goal of killing or stopping rhe development nf rapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplat in, Bkomycin I 博来霉嗪1 (ftd l3f Sg S-fltinrncjrao 5 氟尿瞪喘(ft/ HiAO m dfinfl), mrthotrExate 甲員媒时{Jia 的 did /ioffk Vincristine fifr chun xJTj/a^, Vinblastine 衣祚碱 (chang chun ;ian}. Taxol and Tawiuvirtn .木戟题(SSfi ben 阳ng 钠* Since the sanK nicchanism (hat kilh malignant cdl or blocks de vela pment of a malignant cell cm have similar effects on a nnrnuil, rap idly dividing celt any of LhcNt agents ciin hax r c btid side clfccts. Some terms of cancer ircitLcd with chemcthera 卩、may cjus,e ihe cancer (o "disappear


1. 热力学thermodynamics 2. 热源heat source 3. 热力学平衡状态thermodynamic equilibrium state 4. 稳态steady state 5. 非稳态unsteady state 6. 可逆过程reversible process 7. 不可逆过程irreversible process 8. 热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics 9. 热力学第二定律second law of thermodynamics 10. 热力学第三定律third law of thermodynamics 11. 内能internal energy 12. 焓enthalpy 13. 熵entropy 14. 热量heat 15. 理想气体ideal gas 16. 相变change of phase 17. 汽化vaporization 18. 蒸发evaporation 19. 沸腾boiling 20. 沸点boiling point 21. 凝结condensation 22. 饱和状态saturation state

23. 饱和温度saturation temperature 24. 饱和压力saturation pressure 25. 饱和液体saturation liquid 26. 饱和蒸汽saturation vapor 27. 过饱和supersaturation 28. 湿蒸汽wet vapor 29. 过热superheat 30. 过热蒸汽superheated vapor 31. 过热度degree of superheat 32. 过冷subcooling 33. 过冷液体subcooled liquid 34. 气-液混合物liquid-vapor mixture 35. 干度quality 36. 冷凝点condensation point 37. 冷凝液condensate 38. 共沸混合物azeotropic mixture 39. 共沸性azeotropy 40. 共沸点azeotropic point 41. 凝固solidification 42. 熔化fusion 43. 熔点melting point 44. 升华sublimation


银行英语: 出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 exchange dumping 优惠关税 special preferences 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone 对外贸易值 value of foreign trade 国际贸易值 value of international trade 普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT -------------------价格条件 ---------------------- 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价 price 码头费wharfage 总值 total value 卸货费landing charges 金额 amount 关税customs duty 净价 net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价 retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailingprice 国际市场价格 world (International)Marketprice 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价) CIF-cost,insurance and freight --------------------交货条件 ---------------------- 交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间 time of delivery


语文课程与教学论 名词术语中英文对照表 the Chinese Course and Teaching and Learning Theory in Chinese and English Teaching materials editing teaching materials /Chinese Teaching Materials /edit teaching materials /Uniformed Chinese Teaching Materials /Experimental Teaching Materials /Mother Tongue Teaching Materials /Teaching Materials of the New Course *textbook *reading book *teaching reference book *exercises book *studying plan Technology /Educational Technology /Modern Educational Technology /Educational Technology in Chinese Teaching /multi-media technology /net technology /cloud serving technology *white board *net meeting *chat room *blog Teaching Basic Theory of the Teaching teaching aim teaching task teaching objective teaching model teaching tactics teaching principle teaching program teaching reform teaching case Courseware teaching resources teaching experiment /mother tongue teaching A Term List of 1. 教材( JC ) 教材编写 /语文教材 /编写教材 / 统编教材 /实验教材 /母语教材 /新课程教材 * 课本 * 读本 * 教学参考书(教参) * 练习册 *学案 2. 技术( JS ) / 教育技术 /现代 教育技术 /语文 教育技术 /多媒 体技术 / 网络 技术 /云服务技 术 * 白板 *网 络会议 *聊天室 * 博克 3. 教学 (JX ) 教学基本理论 教学目的 教学 任务 教学目标 教学模式 教学 策略 教学原则 教学大纲 教学 改革 教学案例 教学课件 教学 资源 教学实验 /母语教学


1、the airframe 机身,结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼) 19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) 20、slats 缝翼 21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)

23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整 25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破 35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破 38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼) 39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上) 40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。 41、The flaps are jammed. 襟翼被卡死。 42、the emergency extention system 应急放下系统 43、to crank the gear down 摆动放下起落架 44、the brakes 刹车



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期: ?

各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学ChinesePhilosophy 外国哲学ForeignPhilosophies ?逻辑学Logic?伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion?科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science andTechnology?经济学Economics?理论经济学Theoretical Economics ?政治经济学PoliticalEconomy ?经济思想史History ofEconomic Thought ?经济史History of Economic 西方经济学WesternEconomics?世界经济World Economics ?人口、资源与环境经济学Population,Resources andEnvironmentalEconomics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics?区域经济学Regional Economics ?财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (includingTaxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)?产业经济学Industrial Economics ?国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics ?统计学Statistics ?数量经济学Quantita tive Economics ?中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics?法学Law 法学Science of Law ?法学理论Jurisprudence?法律史Legal History ?宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)Civil Law and Commercial Law (i ncluding Science of LabourLawand Science ofSocial Sec urityLaw)?诉讼法学Science of ProcedureLaws ?经济法学Sc ience ofEconomic Law ?环境与资源保护法学Science ofEnvironment andNatural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、)Internationallaw (including International Public law, International PrivateLaw a


房务部:Rooms Division 前厅部:Front Office 客房部:Housekeeping 大堂副理:Assistant Manager 宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer 前台:Front Desk 接待处:Reception/Check-in 收银处:Cashier/Check-out 领班:Captain 主管:Supervisor 班次负责人:Shift Leader 商务中心:Business Center 客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA 电话总机:Switch Board 接线员:Operator 预订处:Room Reservation 礼宾服务处:Concierge 大厅服务处:Bell Service 金钥匙:Golden Key 行政楼层:Executive Floor 行政酒廊:Executive Lounge 行李生:Bellman 迎宾员:Doorman 夜审:End of Day /Night auditor 2.前厅服务项目专业术语介绍 入住:Check-in 退房:Check-out 外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange 问询:Information 接送机服务:Pick up service 叫醒服务:Wake up call 请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed 失物招领:Lost and Found 国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDD Domestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dial对方付费电话:Collect Call 3.前厅常用物品术语介绍: 住宿登记单:Registration card 欢迎卡:Welcome card 订房凭证:Voucher 交接本:log book 信封:Envelope 房卡钥匙:Room key 安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box 客房统计和出售率统计的术语 预离房:Expected Departure 预抵房:Expected Arrival


仓库专业术语参考中英 文对照 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

收发存专用的英语大全; 收货组ReceivingTeam; 收货区ReceivingArea; 散装区BulkStorage; 货架区RackStorage; 入库Entry; 入库单"Warehouseentry;"; 收货单ReceivingNote; 收货产品ReceivingProduct; 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate;物品数仓库收发存专用的英语大全 收货组ReceivingTeam 收货区ReceivingArea 散装区BulkStorage 货架区RackStorage 入库Entry 入库单"Warehouseentry"

收货单ReceivingNote 收货产品ReceivingProduct 物品接收时间GoodsReceiveDate 物品数量总计GoodsTotalMaterialQuantity重量weight 毛重GrossWeight 净重NetWeight 最大重量MaximumWeight 最小重量MiximumWeight 总计容量TotalCapacity 出库单DeliveryList 拣货PickingGoods 拣货区PickingArea 转储单TransferOrder 检验报告单InspectionDocument 物料清单BillofMaterial 料号PartNumber 电子单据ElectronicsNote

码盘Pallet-Sorting 分拣Picking/Sorting 采购订单PurchaseOrder(PO)手写单HandNote 到货通知ArrivalNotice 报关到货ImportingGoods 检验单InspectionNote 入库扫描EntryScanning 扫描Scan 存货InStock 冻结的BlockedStock 库存Inventory/Stock 库存清单StockList 发货区ShippingArea 发货单Deliverysheet 盘点Count 日盘DailyCount


一.电气名词 Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments 四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material 十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables 十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage 残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage 脉动电压 Pulsating voltage 供电电压 Supply voltage 电力电压 Power voltage


术语表 Acceptance Criteria–接受标准:接受测试结果的数字限度、范围或其他合适的量度标准。Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient(API)(or Drug Substance)-活性要用成分(原料药)旨在用于药品制造中的任何一种物质或物质的混合物,而且在用于制药时,成为药品的一种活性成分。此种物质在疾病的诊断,治疗,症状缓解,处理或疾病的预防中有药理活性或其他直接作用,或者能影响机体的功能和结构。 API Starting Material–原料药的起始物料:用在原料药生产中的,以主要结构单元被并入该原料药的原料、中间体或原料药。原料药的起始物料可能是在市场上有售,能够根据合同或商业协议从一个或多个供应商处购得,或者自己生产。原料药的起始物料通常有特定的化学特性和结构。 Batch(or Lot)-批:有一个或一系列工艺过程生产的一定数量的物料,因此在规定的限度内是均一的。在连续生产中,一批可能对应与生产的某以特定部分。其批量可规定为一个固定数量,或在固定时间间隔内生产的数量。 Batch Number(or Lot Number)-批号用于标识一批的一个数字、字母和/或符号的唯一组合,从中可确定生产和销售的历史。 Bioburden–生物负载:可能存在与原料、原料药的起始物料、中间体或原料药中的微生物的水平和种类(例如,治病的或不治病的)。生物负载不应当当作污染,除非含量超标,或者测得治病生物。 Calibration–校验:证明某个仪器或装置在一适当的量程范围内测得的结果与一参照物,或可追溯的标准相比在规定限度内。 Computer System–计算机系统:设计安装用于执行某一项或一组功能的一组硬件元件和关联的软件。 Computerized System–计算机化系统与计算机系统整合的一个工艺或操作。Contamination–污染:在生产、取样、包装或重新包装、贮存或运输过程中,具化学或微生物性质的杂质或外来物质进入或沾染原料、中间体或原料药。 Contract Manufacturer–协议制造商:代表原制造商进行部分制造的制造商。 Critical–决定性的:用来描述为了确保原料药符合规格标准,必须控制在预定范围内的工艺步骤、工艺条件、测试要求或其他有关参数或项目。 Cross-Contamination–交叉污染:一种物料或产品对另一种物料或产品的污染。 Deviation–偏差:对批准的指令或规定的标准的偏离。 Drug(Medicinal)Product–药品:经最后包装准备销售的制剂(参见Q1A) Drug Substance–药物见原料药 Expiry Date(or Expiration Date)-有效期:原料药容器/标签上注明的日期,在此规定时间内,该原料药在规定条件下贮存时,仍符合规格标准,超过这以期限则不应当使用。 Impurity–杂质:存在与中间体或原料药中,任何不希望得到的成分。 Impurity Profile–杂质概况:对存在于一种原料药中的已知和未知杂质的描述。 In-Process Control(or Process Control)-中间控制:生产过程中为监测,在必要时调节工艺和/或保证中间体或原料药符合其规格而进行的检查。 Intermediate–中间体:原料药工艺步骤中生产的、必须经过进一步分子变化或精制才能成为原料药的一种物料。中间体可以分离或不分离。 Manufacture–制造:物料的接收、原料药的生产、包装、重新包装、贴签、重新贴签、质量控制、放行、贮存和分发以及相关控制的所有操作。 Material–物料:原料(起始物料,试剂,溶剂),工艺辅助用品,中间体,原料药和包装及贴签材料的统称。

电影专业术语 中英对照

电影专业术语中英文对照 A Above-the-line 线上费用 A-B roll A-B卷 AC 交流电 Academy ratio 学院标准画框比 Adaptation 改编 ADR editor ADR 剪辑师 Aligator clamp=gaffer grip 固定灯具的弹簧夹,又称鳄鱼夹 Ambient Sounds 环境音 Amp 安培 Amplification 信号放大 Amplitude 振幅 Analog 模拟 Anamorphic lens 变形镜头 Aperture 光圈 Answer Print 校正拷贝 Arc 摄像机的弧度运动 Art director 艺术指导 Aspect ratio 画框比 Atmosphere sound 气氛音 Attack 起音 Audio board 调音台 Audio mixer 混音器,混音师 Automatic dialogue replacement 自动对白补录 Automatic focus 自动对焦 Automatic gain control 自动增益控制 Automatic iris 自动光圈(少用) Axis of action 表演轴线 B Back light 轮廓光 Background light=Scenery light 场景光 Balance 平衡 Balanced 平衡电缆 Barndoor 遮扉(灯具上的黑色金属活动板,遮光用的) Barney 隔音套 Base 片基(用来附着感光乳剂的胶片基底) Base plate 底座(固定灯的) Baselight level 基本亮度 Batch capturing 批次采集 Below-the-line 线下费用 Bidirectional 双向麦克风 Bit depth 位元深度(在数字声音中每次取样的数目,通常是8,12,16)



CDB工程专业术语中英文对照(二) 添加时间:2013-4-24 节流截止放空阀 2011-08-10 16:50:46| 分类:English | 标签:|字号大中小订阅 六、仪表及自动控制 通用描述 COMMON DESCRIPTION 设备名称Equipment Name 缩写 ABB. 分散控制系统Distributed Control System DCS 安全仪表系统Safety Instrumentation System SIS 紧急切断系统Emergency Shutdown system ESD 火气系统Fire and Gas system F&G 监视控制和数据采集系统 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA 可编程逻辑控制器Programmed Logic Controller PLC 远程终端单元Remote Terminal Unit RTU 站控系统Station Control System SCS 中央控制室Central Control Room CCR 操作间Operation room 机柜间Equipment room/ Cabinet room 大屏显示系统Large Screen Display system LSD 流量类仪表 FLOW INSTRUMENT 设备名称Equipment Name 孔板Orifice Plate 文丘里流量计Venturi Flowmeter 均速管流量计Averaging Pitot Tube 阀式孔板节流装置 Orifice Plate in quick change fitting 涡轮流量计Turbine Flowmeter



加工processing 反应性加工reactive processing 等离子体加工plasma processing 加工性processability 熔体流动指数melt [flow] index 门尼粘度Mooney index 塑化plasticizing 增塑作用plasticization 内增塑作用internal plasticization 外增塑作用external plasticization 增塑溶胶plastisol 增强reinforcing 增容作用compatibilization 相容性compatibility 相溶性intermiscibility 生物相容性biocompatibility 血液相容性blood compatibility 组织相容性tissue compatibility 混炼milling, mixing 素炼mastication 塑炼plastication 过炼dead milled 橡胶配合rubber compounding 共混blend 捏和kneading 冷轧cold rolling 压延性calenderability 压延calendering 埋置embedding 压片preforming 模塑molding 模压成型compression molding 压缩成型compression forming 冲压模塑impact moulding, shock moulding 叠模压塑stack moulding 复合成型composite molding 注射成型injection molding 注塑压缩成型injection compression molding 射流注塑jet molding 无流道冷料注塑runnerless injection molding 共注塑coinjection molding 气辅注塑gas aided injection molding 注塑焊接injection welding 传递成型transfer molding


专业术语常用名词缩写中英文对照表 来源:河北电视台网站时间:2007年8月27日点击:13 专业术语常用名词缩写中英文对照(A-L) A:Actuator 执行器 A:Amplifier 放大器 A:Attendance员工考勤 A:Attenuation衰减 AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器 AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学 AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器 ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务 ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统 AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器 ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器 ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈 AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应 AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制 AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组 A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈 AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号 AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作 ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制 ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒 ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元 AM:Administration Module管理模块 AN:Access Network 接入网 ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会 APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制 ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元 ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式 AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整 AU:Administration Unit 管理单元 AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组 AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失 AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整 AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针 AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置 AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格 BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器


Banboo Spine 竹节脊 Auto lock bottom/Bottom with auto lock 自动扣底 Lock bottom扣底 Cross grain 十字纹(指坑纸和面纸纹路) Web printing/Web press/Web-fed press 轮转印刷机 Offset printing 平版印刷、胶版印刷、柯式印刷 Grommet/Eyelet 鸡眼 Limp bound串线胶装 Section sewn/Smyth sewn/thread sewing 锁线 Perfect binding/adhesive binding 无线胶装(磨脊) Notch binding 通气胶装 Saddle stitching骑马钉 Singer sewn 车中线 Soft cover 平装 Hardcover/casebound/hardbound/Edition binding /hard back 精装 Velcro 魔术贴 Flexible binding假精装 Spiral binding 蛇仔装订 Wire-o /YO binding 双线圈装订(YO外露) Conceal wire-o 隐藏YO Semi -conceal wire-o 半隐藏YO Plastic comb bind 蟹爪装订/胶梳装订/塑料环活页装订 Library bound图书馆装订(一般指衬纸加白杨布,车侧线后上壳的装订)Board book binding 板仔书 Calendar 日历 Desk calendar台历 Wall calendar 挂历 Accordion folds/Z folds/Accordion/Concertina fold风琴折 Zip lock bag 锁口袋/密实袋 Grosgrain ribbon涤纶横纹丝带 Polyester ribbon涤纶色丁丝带 Rivet 铆钉、锅钉 Anti-dust Workshop 无尘车间 Pre-production sample(PPS)产前样 Solid coated (印刷颜色)实地100% Pearl lusting printing珠光油墨 Anti-forgery ink 防伪油墨 Luminous ink发光油墨、夜光油墨 Virgin board 原木浆 Hot stamping 烫金银 Shrink wrap 收缩 Emboss击凸 Deboss击凹 Mounted on 对裱

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