当前位置:文档之家› 重庆市2017-年三年中考英语试题分类汇编:短文填空(AB卷,含解析)




VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


When you talk with someone, you’ll need to end your conversation at some point. And there

are many reasons why you need to do that. Either you or the other person may need to continue an

activity such 78 working or shopping. Or you may have run out of things to say. You just

want to keep the conversation short.

But 79 do you end a conversation in a polite way? It may depend on where and how

the conversation started. It may also depend on your relationship with the 80 person. If you

already know that person, you can just say, “I need to run now.” Or you can say, “I’ll c

---my piano

later.” You may also give a reason for ending the conversation. “I really need to go

class starts in ten 81 .”

Perhaps you just meet someone in a social situation, and you have a nice talk. But then you

82 sometime

have to go. You can say, “It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can talk happily

in the future.”

Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to 83 . If you

see the other person is already not patient, you can say, “Well, I’m sure you have a lot to do today.”

You could use these 84 to end a conversation, and you should notice that others may

also use them. 85 they do so, you should know that it’s time for you to stop and get on with

your day.


78.【解析】考查短语搭配。根据上下文意思,是例如、比如短语such as。注意因书写不规





是两个人,一个是one,那么另外一个则是the other才正确。因此此空只能填other,此空的








我相信你有许多事要做可知,这样此空的答案应该是leave或go,但许多同学填stop这不能接受,前面原因也说是你自动停下,而不是对方停下,“再如句型中不定式的逻辑主语是the other,不是you,因此stop /end /finish答案是不符合此文逻辑关系的。另外注意书写不规范



以是ideas /ways /suggestions /methods /means /tips /skills。我们从文章中知道结束对话的并非



时候了。此句的形式主语是you不是the other,注意与83课的比较和区别,有的同学填stop 的依据可能就在此句,因此本题答案可以是When /If /Once /Whenever均正确。注意此处单



VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


Sometimes we are used to drawing a quick conclusion(结论), But is it right or not? My little

son gave me a ____78___.

One day, I took my five-year-old son to go out for a walk after dinner. On the way, we saw an

79____ my son liked eating

old woman selling fruits. I didn’t take enough money with me. ___

fruit very much, I could buy only two pears and gave them to him.

The little boy held the pears in his hands. I asked him if he could share one ___80____ me. On

hearing this, he quickly took a bite(咬) from one pear, and the ___81___.

I was quite surprised. I ___82___ myself what mistakes I had made in educating my son so

that he acted in such a greedy(贪婪) way. I was lost in thought. Perhaps I was just ___83____ too

much. My son was too young to know about sharing and giving.

Suddenly, my son gave me the pear in his right hand and said, “Mom, you have this one. This

took a bite from ___84___ pear.

one is much sweeter.” Then I knew why my little son

From then on, I always tell myself not to reach a conclusion too ___85___. Try to spend some

more time in understanding things better.







80.【析】考查介词。根据意思是和某人分享某物应该是share sth with sb的固定搭配。

81.【析】根据前面I could buy only two pears,再由吃了one,又吃the other,即两者时,一











85.【析】最后一段与首段的we are used to drawing a quick conclusion意思相照应,再次证明

自己的观点就是不能过早或过快下结论,故此空缺少一个副词,那么应该填quickly( =fast)




43.(16分)As we are growing up,we really need advice from adults.Here are three people

talking about

their experiences.


You're not alone.

Sometimes when you're a teenager,you feel as if you're all alone and there is(1)nobody

you can talk to.Do you know twenty to thirty percent of teenagers in the US have a hard(2)

time going through the period?They feel lonely and sad.I think life is so much easier if you

(3)share your troubles with others.I regret that I didn't take the advice when someone gave

it to me.


Your teachers only want what's best for you.

When I was in school,I never thought I'd become a teacher.I acted badly in class,and feel (4)sorry about that now.I love my job and I know how challenging it is,so I hope kids can show their teachers more respect(尊重).I hope kids can (5)understand that teachers push them

to do their best and not just to give them a hard time.


Money doesn't grow on trees.

When I was a teenager ,I never learned (6)how to save money.I just spent it!My parents

gave me everything I wanted,but I realize now they spent little (7)on themselves.Now

I wish I knew more about planning my money,and I am not the only one! It seems that today's teenagers know about money planning even less (8)than me years ago.I do wish they could

lean about it earlier.



【解答】1.nobody 考查代词,根据you feel as if you're all alone 你觉得自己就像一个人,


2.time 考查名词,根据Do you know twenty to thirty percent of teenagers in the US have a hard…going throu gh the period?你知道在美国有20%到30%的青少年很难经过这段时间吗,

have a hard time doing sth很难做某事,故填time.

3.share 考查动词,根据your troubles with others,可推出是和别人分享你的问题,share…with…和…分享…,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,故填share.

4.sorry 考查形容词,根据I acted badly in class我在课堂上表现得很差,推出感到遗憾


5.understand 考查动词,根据I hope kids can…that teachers push them to do their best and not just to give them a hard time,老师们督促他们尽自己最大的努力,而不仅仅是给他们一段艰


6.how 考查副词,根据I never learned …to save money



7.on 考查介词,根据they spent little ,可知是spend…on sth花费…做某事,这是固定


8.than 考查连词,根据even less ,可知是比较级,推出此处是连词than,结合句意:







We all know that a good night’s rest helps us stay healthy. After we sleep for 7 or 8

hours in bed and 75 up next morning, our mind is better prepared to memorize and

learn something.

But what about getting a rest during the mid dle of the day?

Scientists say, “Short periods of sl eep, napping (小睡), may help learning and memory. Napping can help young children l earn better. It can 76 help ol der people remember longer.”

Take China as an exampl e. Chinese people are used to napping after lunch.

Recently researchers made a survey among nearly 3,000 Chinese people over 65 years

old. The researchers asked them 77 they napped and for how long. They found that about 60 percent of them took a nap and they napped for 60 to 90 minutes. The research

shows that napping for about an hour is the best.

However, these are the findings for those 78 the age of 65. Doctors say that napping for about an hour may be too 79 for young and healthy people. And they believe that half an hour is enough to 80 young and healthy people from feeling tired.

By doing so, 81 will help them stay awake.

Doctors also say, “If you have troubl e falling asleep at 82 , take a daytime nap for less than 45 minutes and d on’t nap after 3 p.m. in the afternoon.

75. [答案] wake

[考点] 动词短语

[解析] 根据本句前半部分sleep,那第二天早晨当然是起床或本来,故此题get也应该正确。

76. [答案] also

[考点] 副词

[解析] 根据空前的前面两句话均表达可以帮助……,那接着也(还)是帮助,本题too 不可接受。

77. [答案] if /whether

[考点] 连词

[解析] 根据后面句子发觉的结果或结论得知是询问是否小睡和睡多长时间,英语中的


78. [答案] over

[考点] 介词短语

[解析] 根据上段中的nearly 3,000 Chinese people over 65 years old和however知道是

相对于65岁以上的人来说的,注意不要受固定短语at the age of的影响而错填at。

79. [答案] long

[考点] 形容词

[解析] 根据78题解析知道65岁以上的人睡1个小时是很好的,但对年青人或健康的

人却是睡久了,这从后面的half an hour is enough更证实了睡长了,另外在最后一段的for

less than 45 minutes也能得到答案,此空实际上填much也是可以。

80. [答案] stop

[考点] 句型搭配

[解析] 根据句型stop / keep /prevent sth. /sb. from d oing 阻止某人或某事不做某事,


81. [答案] it

[考点] 代词

[解析] 根据句意什么帮助保持清醒,显然根据上文是小睡半小时这件事,那就应该用


82. [答案] night

[考点] 名词

[解析] 根据后面的daytime和本句的fall asleep知道应该是晚上。注意evening不可接



VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)


I recently turned 30. Thinking back what I’ve experienced, I took some time to write myself some advice.


Even if it kills your relationship. Even if you lose your friends. Even if it means you end up

getting hurt. __74__ people even if they give you a reason not to.

幼稚). Some people are out to hurt you.

But don’t be too naive(


People are the best and __75__ thing that will happen to you. Some will help you go further

and faster. Others will pull you down to their level and make you lose.

Most are OK. Many are average. Some are excellent. You don’t need a lot of people or

friends around you. You need amazing people who help you just __76__ you help them. Only a

few people will change your life forever. Find __77__.

Value time

Don’t waste time on people who cheat you.

Value other people’s __78__. D

on’t be late. That means that if you’re late, you don’t care


about them or their time. And that also means you think you’re worth more and therefore(

keep them __79__. Some people will tell you that it’s OK to be late. It’s not.


your Fail. Fail a lot. Fail often. Fail in making friends. Fail in work. __80__ please don’heart! Learn a lesson.

If you don’t learn something wh

en you fail, then all you’ve done is failed. If you learn

something, then you’ve grown. Every time you grow and fail and learn, you become better at

finding out the way to __81__.

74. Trust

解析:结合本段的小标题“Trust”和内容尤其是空格后表示让步关系的even if可推知,此


75. worst




76. as/like



77. them


78. time

解析:结合本段的小标题“Value time”和空格后面的两句话可推知,此处指要珍惜他人的


79. waiting



80. But





的道路。the way to success/succeed意为“成功之道”。




You’ve been here in China for a few days, and you may notice that Chinese people can

sometimes be very direct. Bu t don’t be fooled into thinking you can___54___a nything you like to

them. Here are a few things foreigners____55____China should never say.

Have you been on vacation? You look so tanned (晒黑的)!

While many people in the West grow up with the idea that dark skin is a sign of beauty, this is

not true in China. That explains___56___u mbrellas are just as common on sunny days as they are on

rainy days here.

I really love China, but…

ing impolite about Don’t finish that___57___. No place can be perfect. It’s fine if you say someth

your___58___c ountry, but don’t do it about someone else’s. This doesn’t just happen in China, but fair to say the Chinese people show more love to their country.

I think Chinese food is the best food in the world.

What’s that? As e veryone in China should already know this, saying that you love Chinese

food is like saying that sugar is___59___or ice is cold. It’s won’t hurt anybody, but they may think

you know___60___a bout their food culture. Since there are many different kinds of Chinese food, it

sounds better to talk about the local food that you like most.

Keep them in mind and___61___y our stay in China!

【答案】54. say

55. in56. why

57. sentence(complaint)

58. own59. sweet

60. nothing/little

61. enjoy





句意:但不要愚昧地认为你对他们想说什么就说什么。根据后面的句子“Here are a few things foreigners____2____China should never say.”可知,短文介绍了外国人在中国最忌讳说的一



句意:这里有一些外国人在中国不应该说的话。in China在中国,故答案为in。




句意:不要说出那样的话(抱怨)。that是指前面的“I really love China, but…”,是一句抱






句意:说你喜欢中国菜,就像说出糖很甜或冰很冷一样。根据“ice is cold”判断,此处是









补全对话及短文填空 2019 第一节完成对话(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分) 通读下面的对话, 然后根据上下文补全对话。 A: Hi, Linda. Did you have a nice time during the Dragon Boat Festival? B: 61. ___________ I visited my grandparents in a village, and it was so much fun. A: Sounds good. 62.________________? B: It was rainy, as usual! A: Well, 63. ___________________? B: I made zongzi with my grandma, watched the boat races on TV and chatted with my family. A: Oh. nice. 64. _____________________? B: I visit my grandparents once a week. A: Oh, you're so kind and caring. B: 65. _______________________. A: You're welcome. See you. B: See you. 第二节短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分) 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺(每空一词, 每词 限用一次)。 but program over work travel comfortable nurse place with she Diana is Australian. She once 66 _________in a big company. She lived with her friend


名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


集合与简易逻辑专题 1.(2017北京)已知,集合,则 (A ) (B ) (C ) (D ) 2.(2017新课标Ⅱ理)设集合{}1,2,4A =,{}240B x x x m =-+=. 若{}1A B =I ,则B = A .{}1,3- B .{}1,0 C .{}1,3 D .{}1,5 3(2017天津理)设集合{1,2,6},{2,4},{|15}A B C x x ===∈-≤≤R ,则()A B C =U I (A ){2} (B ){1,2,4} (C ){1,2,4,6} (D ){|15}x x ∈-≤≤R 4(2017新课标Ⅲ理)已知集合A ={} 22(,)1x y x y +=│,B ={}(,)x y y x =│,则A I B 中元素的个数为 A .3 B .2 C .1 D .0 5(2017 山东理)设函数A ,函数y=ln(1-x)的定义域为B,则A B =I (A )(1,2) (B )??(1,2 (C ) (-2,1) (D )[-2,1) 6(2017新课标Ⅰ理)已知集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |31x <},则 U =R {|22}A x x x =<->或U A =e(2,2)-(,2)(2,)-∞-+∞U [2,2]-(,2][2,)-∞-+∞U

A .{|0}A B x x =U D .A B =?I 7(2017江苏)已知集合,,若}1{=?B A ,则实数的 值为 . 8(2017天津)设集合{1,2,6},{2,4},{1,2,3,4}A B C ===,则()A B C =U I (A ){2} (B ){1,2,4} (C ){1,2,4,6} (D ){1,2,3,4,6} 9(2017新课标Ⅱ)设集合{1,2,3},{2,3,4}A B ==,则A B =U A .{}1 23,4,, B .{}123,, C .{}234,, D .{}134,, 10(2017北京理)若集合A ={x |–23},则A ∩B = (A ){x |–2,则 {1,2}A =2{,3}B a a =+a }11|{<<-=x x P }20{<<=x Q =Q P Y )2,1(-)1,0()0,1(-)2,1(



2017中考试题汇编——浮力 一、选择题 1.(2017衡阳,6,2分)甲、乙两个完全相同的杯子盛有不同浓度的盐水,将同一个鸡 蛋先后放入其中,当鸡蛋静止时, 两个杯子中液面恰好相平,鸡蛋所 处的位置如图所示,则 A.甲杯中的盐水密度较大 B.乙杯底部所受液体的压强较大 C.甲杯底部所受的液体压力较大 D.鸡蛋在乙杯中收到的浮力较大 2.(2017郴州,18,2分)如图所 示,某同学将两个完全相同的 物体A、B分别放到甲、乙两 种液体中.物体静止时,A漂浮,B悬浮,且两 、液面相平,容器底部受到的液体压强分别为P 甲P乙,物体A、B所受浮力分別为F A、F B.则()A.P甲<P乙,F A=F B B.P甲<P乙,F A>F B C.P甲>P乙,F A=F B D.P甲>P乙,F A<F B

底部,容器对桌面的压强又改变了460Pa.容器的底面积为100cm2,ρ铝=2.7g/cm3,g取10N/kg.下 列判断正确的是() A.铝块浸没在液体中时所受浮力是0.8N B.铝块的体积是100cm3 C.铝块沉底时对容器底部的压力是4.6N D.液体的密度是0.8g/cm3 5.(2017广东,7)将体积相同材料不同的甲、乙、丙三个实心小球,分别轻轻放入三个装满水的相同 烧杯中,甲球下沉至杯底,乙球漂浮和丙球悬浮,如图所示,下列说法正确的是() A.三个小球的质量大小关系是 m甲>m乙>m丙 B.三个小球受到的浮力大小关 系是F 甲=F 丙 p乙>p丙 D.三个烧杯底部对桌面的压强大小关系是


2017年中考冲刺英语试卷1(重庆市有答案含听力mp3) 重庆市2017年中考冲刺卷英语(一)(全卷共九个大题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 第I卷(共100分) I. 听力测试(共30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项 中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. How are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. Nice to meet you. 2. A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. I hope so. 3. A. It’s Friday. B. It’s rainy. C. It’s June 14. 4. A. Three times. B. Twice a week. C. In a week. 5. A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, there will. C. There will be few. 6. A. Yes, please. B. I don’t agree with you. C. Sure. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和 问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. We don’t know. 8. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 9. A. Between a clothing store and a mall. B. Between a hospital and a library. C. Between a hospital and a bookshop. 10. A. She is at work. B. She is at home. C. She is having lunch. 11. A. He used to be outgoing. B. He used to be quiet. C. He is quiet now. 12. A. By listening to the tapes. B. By doing exercises. C. By reading aloud. 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听下面一段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13. What does the woman look for? A. A book. B. A key. C. A bag. 14. What’s in the bags? A. Some tools. B. Some machines. C. Some books. 听下面一段材料,回答第15和16小题。15. What’s the matter with Jack? A. He is tired. B. He has a bad cold. C. He has a headache. 16. How many days’ leave does Jack’s mother ask for? A. Three. B. Two. C. Four. 第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内

拓展训练 2020年中考英语专题分类卷 题型四短文填空 1-8附答案

拓展训练2020年中考英语专题分类卷题型四短文填空1-10 Passage 1(2018.江番) The planet Mars is the closest and most similar planet to Earth.It is very(1)to scientists. For example, Mars has seasons with (2)weather, but other planets have the same temperatures all year round. Was there (3)on Mars ? To find out,scientists need(4)if Mars ever had water. In 2004,two robot explorers (探测器) , or ' rovers', called Spirit and Opportunity were sent to look for(5)of water.These rovers can drive over rocks(6)all kind of rough ground. They can also use cameras and send photos(7)to Earth. First, the two rovers found chemicals and patterns (图纹) in the rocks that were probably made by water. Then,they moved to another area and(8)other rocks which may have been created by water. Now scientists think there was probably water on the planet long ago. Today (9)are still not sure if there was life on Mars. They (10)need more information to decide. The discoveries of the two rovers answered some old questions, but they also brought up many new ones. (1)______ (2)______(3)______ (4)______(5)_____ (6)______ (7)______(8)______ (9)______ (10)______ Passage 2(2018 .达川) A Cloud of Hope and Danger In 2050, a small cloud floats through the air in a hospital operating room(手术室). In the room a patient,suffering from cancer, lies on a table. The cloud surrounds (包围) the patient, (1)her body and filling her lungs (肺). The cloud is not smoke or steam. It is made of millions of microscopic robots called nano-robots(纳米机器人). These tiny robots move from cell(细胞)to cell in the (2)body, destroying the cancer cells. Fighting cancer with nano-robots is only an idea today,(3)scientists say that it would be possible in the future. Using nano-robots for good purposes such as fighting disease or repairing the environment may be the (4)to many of today's problems. However, nano-robots could be a(5)risk as well. Since nano-robots are so tiny, they will have to work in large teams of many thousands to many millions. For this reason, nano-robots will have to be programmed to build(6).Scientists will not have the ability to build millions of nano-robots one by one. This (7)to reproduce(复制)is making some scientists worried. What if something goes wrong in the programming? Quite a lot of crazy nano-robots would be far(8)than any disease. Some people think that if they get out of control, nano-robots could destroy the Earth. What should be done? Should we continue(9)nano-robots or should we search for other methods? This is one of the many difficult(10)that we have to make in the future. (1)______ (2)______(3)______ (4)______(5)_____ (6)______ (7)______(8)______ (9)______ (10)______ Passage 3(2017 .武威)


阅读理解 2019 三、阅读理解(本题20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 12.判断正误 (1)The garden sensor helps the environment and does yard work at the same time. (2)It takes the inflatable chair more than five minutes to fill with air.

(3)The soundbook works indoors or outdoors. (4)A person needs two monofins, one for each foot. (5)Soundbook is the most expensive of the four products while the inflatable chair is the cheapest. 【答案】(1)1(2)0(3)1(4)0(5)0 【考点】广告布告类 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这是关于四种商品的广告,介绍了商品的用途和价格。(1)细节理解题。根据 Do you want to help the environment and do yard work at the same time? This machine knows when your grass needs water. It waters your grass, and you don't have to do anything! 可知智能园丁能同时保护环境和做家务活。故答案为:正确。(2)细节理解题。根据 It fills with air in five minutes. 可知充气椅子可知五分钟内完成。故答案为:错误。 (3)细节理解题。根据 Indoors or outdoors, you can have a good time with this small item on a shelf or in a tree.可知有声书可在室内或室外使用。故答案为:正确。 (4)细节理解题。根据 Put both feet in, get in the water, and feel how it is to flap instead of kick. 可知只需要单鳍,故答案为:错误。 (5)细节理解题。根据garden sensor, Only $ 124.99. ; the inflatable chair; Only $ 49.50. ; soundbook. Only $ 299.99. ; monofin, Only $ 36. 可知monofin才是最便宜 的产品,故答案为:错误。 【点评】此题考查阅读理解。这是一篇广告,内容简单,容易理解。我们先阅读短文 理解短文大意,然后分析问题,从短文的细节中找出和问题相关的信息,确定问题的 正确答案。 13.阅读理解


专题9 有机化合物 Ⅰ—生活中常见的有机物 1.(2017?北京-7)古丝绸之路贸易中的下列商品,主要成分属于无机物的是 A.瓷器B.丝绸C.茶叶D.中草药 A.A B.B C.C D.D 【答案】A 【解析】含有碳元素的化合物为有机物,有机物大多数能够燃烧,且多数难溶于水;无机 物指的是不含碳元素的化合物,无机物多数不能燃烧,据此分析。 A、瓷器是硅酸盐产品,不含碳元素,不是有机物,是无机物,故A正确; B、丝绸的主要成分是蛋白质,是有机物,故B错误; C、茶叶的主要成分是纤维素,是有机物,故C错误; D、中草药的主要成分是纤维素,是有机物,故D错误。 【考点】无机化合物与有机化合物的概念、硅及其化合物菁优网版权所有 【专题】物质的分类专题 【点评】本题依托有机物和无机物的概念考查了化学知识与生活中物质的联系,难度不大,应注意有机物中一定含碳元素,但含碳元素的却不一定是有机物。 Ⅱ—有机结构认识 2.(2017?北京-10)我国在CO2催化加氢制取汽油方面取得突破性进展,CO2转化过程示意图如下。下列说法不正确的是 A.反应①的产物中含有水 B.反应②中只有碳碳键形式

C.汽油主要是C5~C11的烃类混合物 D.图中a的名称是2﹣甲基丁烷 【答案】B 【解析】A.从质量守恒的角度判断,二氧化碳和氢气反应,反应为CO2+H2=CO+H2O,则产物中含有水,故A正确; B.反应②生成烃类物质,含有C﹣C键、C﹣H键,故B错误; C.汽油所含烃类物质常温下为液态,易挥发,主要是C5~C11的烃类混合物,故C正确;D.图中a烃含有5个C,且有一个甲基,应为2﹣甲基丁烷,故D正确。 【考点】碳族元素简介;有机物的结构;汽油的成分;有机物的系统命名法菁优网版权【专题】碳族元素;观察能力、自学能力。 【点评】本题综合考查碳循环知识,为高频考点,侧重考查学生的分析能力,注意把握化 学反应的特点,把握物质的组成以及有机物的结构和命名,难度不大。 C H, 3.(2017?新课标Ⅰ-9)化合物(b)、(d)、(p)的分子式均为66 下列说法正确的是 A. b的同分异构体只有d和p两种 B. b、d、p的二氯代物均只有三种 C. b、d、p均可与酸性高锰酸钾溶液反应 D. b、d、p中只有b的所有原子处于同一平面 【答案】D 【解析】A.(b)的同分异构体不止两种,如,故A错误 B.(d)的二氯化物有、、、、、, 故B错误 KMnO溶液反应,故C错误 C.(b)与(p)不与酸性4 D.(d)2与5号碳为饱和碳,故1,2,3不在同一平面,4,5,6亦不在同 一平面,(p)为立体结构,故D正确。 【考点】有机化学基础:健线式;同分异构体;稀烃的性质;原子共面。 【专题】有机化学基础;同分异构体的类型及其判定。 【点评】本题考查有机物的结构和性质,为高频考点,侧重考查学生的分析能力,注意把 握有机物同分异构体的判断以及空间构型的判断,难度不大。 Ⅲ—脂肪烃

2017年中考试题汇编 13内能

内能--13年中考试题汇编2017. 2017中考试题汇编——内能 一.选择题(共20小题) 1201762)下列关于分子的说法中,山东枣庄,.(,

)正确的是( A .所有物质的分子都是规则排列的B0 ℃时,所有物质的分子都停止了运动.C .分子之间的引力与斥力是同时存在的D .固体的分子之间只有引力,没有斥力【答案】C 【解析】解: A、固体分晶体和非晶体,晶体的分子是规则排列的,非晶体的分子是规则排列的,故A错误; B、分子在永不停息地做无规则运动,在0℃

时,所有物质的分子仍然在做无规则运动,故B错误; C、分子间同时存在着相互作用的引力和斥力,故C正确; D、任何分子间都存在相互作用的引力和斥力,二者同时存在,故D错误. 故选C. 【考点】分子动理论的其它内容及应用.2201732)八月桂花盛开,,微风吹过,.(江苏无锡,)飘来阵阵花香,这说明(. A B .分了间有相互作用力.分子非常小C D .分子处在无规则运动中.分子是可分的【答案】D

【解析】解: 八月桂花盛开,微风吹过,飘来阵阵花香,是桂花的芳香分子扩散到空气中,这种现象说明了分子在不停的做无规则的运动,故D 正确.故选D. 【考点】扩散现象. 3201733分)如图所示,瓶内有一贵州遵义,,.(些水,用带孔的橡皮塞把瓶口塞住,向瓶内打气一会儿后,瓶塞跳起,在瓶塞跳

起的过程中,下)列关于瓶内气体说法正确的是 ( A B.瓶.气体对瓶塞做功,气体的内能减少塞对气体做功,气体的内能减少C D.瓶气体对瓶塞做功,.气体的内能增加塞对气体做功,气体的内能增加【答案】A 【解析】解:向瓶内打气,瓶塞跳起时,在瓶塞跳起的过程中,瓶内气体对瓶塞做功,气体一部. 分内能转化为瓶塞的机械能;故A正确,BCD 错误. 故选 A.


well , soft, sec ond ‘better , may , stron gly, afraid, sand , stay up, if, now, house We can 'stop an earthquake(地震),but we can do things to make sure they don 'tdestroy(毁坏)whole cities. First, it is not a 1 . ___________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ___________ of the earth 'plates(板块)join together. Second, if you think there 3. __________ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4. ___________ . Third, you must make the houses as 5. _________ a s possible. Weak buildi ngs will fall dow n in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ . . Scien tists are 7. _________ that one day an eve n bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Fran cisco(旧金 山).They call it 'The Big One ".However, people today are still building more 8. ______________ . The population in and around San Fran cisco is 9. _________ ten times more tha n it was in 1906. This means that 10. ____________ there is ano ther earthquake, a great many houses and buildi ngs will be destroyed. forget, bring , mend, beside, luck, pick, same, differently, I , every , stop, each Mr. Brow n had an umbrella shop in a small tow n. People sometimes 1 ______ him broke n umbrellas, and the n he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2 __________ there. One day Mr. Brow n went to London by train. He 3 ______ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitti ng in front of him was a man with an umbrella sta nding 4 ______ the seat. Whe n the train arrived in London, Mr. Brow n 5 up the umbrella as he ofte n did duri ng his jour ney by train. Just as he was gett ing off, he was 6 by the man. He said angrily, “That ' s ! " M rBrown ' s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 of them, he said, _______ “ You' ve mended them very well. ” In the after noon he got i nto the train aga in. The 9 ________ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brow n and his six umbrellas, “ You' 10e had a day, ” he said. sec on d, light travels about 300,000 kilometers, but sound travels only 340 meters. You can get some idea of this differe nee by 3. _____________ the start of a running match. If you stand far away from the starter(发令员),you can see smoke 4. ________ f rom his gun 5. ________ t he sound reaches your ears. The fast speed of light produces some stra nge facts. The n earest star is 6. ______ far away that light which you can see from it toni ght started to travel to you four years 7. _____________ at a speed of n early two milli on kilometers every minute. The light from some of tonight 'started on 8. _________ journey towards you even before you were born. So, if we want to be honest(诚实),we 9. ________ s ay , 'The stars are shining brightly tonight. ” We have to say, 'The stars look nice. They were 10. ________ four years ago but their light has just reached our earth. ” 四 other, move, eno ugh, find ,desert, make, use , ano ther, friend , carry , trouble, friend You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can 1. ______ ston es. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the 2. _______ , but it is not 3. _____ for most pla nts. The an imals are 4. ________ to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to 5. _______ shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷).They use the camels(骆驼)for 6. _______ t hi ngs. The people of the desert have to keep 7. ______ from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their ten ts, put them on the camels and move to 8. ______________ place. The desert people are very 9. ______ . No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in 10. ________ and give them food and water.


词汇专题 2019 五、词汇(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) (一)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 61. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the _____________ to it. (钥匙) 62. Follow these small ____________, and you can make a big difference to the Earth.(步骤) 63. The temperature in our hometown usually drops ___________zero in winter. (在…..以下) 64. Tan Dun’s music Water, which is full of the sounds of nature, is _________listening to.(值得) 65. There’re many rocks in unusual shapes- some hang down, and others __________ upwards. (指向) (二)根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 66. Greenhouse gases are ___________ to the environment. (harm) 67. A good neighbour is ___________ than a brother far away. (good) 68. We can’t ____________ judge a book by its cover or its title. (simple) 69. About 300 to 1,300 red-crowned cranes ____________ to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter. (fly) 70. A documentary about Yancheng wetlands was down at the ___________ Nice International Film Festival. (eight) (三)根据短文、页边及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使其意思完整。


三年高考试题分类汇编:名著阅读(2017-2019年) 【2019年高考】 一、【2019年高考江苏卷】下列有关名著的说明,不正确的两项是(5分)(选择两项且全答对得5分, 选择两项只答对一项得2分,其余情况得0分) A.《三国演义》中,张飞在长板桥上睁圆环眼厉声大喝,吓退曹兵,然后迅速拆断桥梁,以阻追兵,可见张飞十分勇猛,又很有智谋。 B.《家》中,许倩如倡导女子剪发,带头剪掉自己的辫子,还以梅的遭遇来激发琴拒绝包办婚姻,鼓励琴做一个跟着时代走的新女性。 C.《狂人日记》中,狂人说将来的社会“容不得吃人的人”,最后喊出“救救孩子”,作者借此表达了对社会变革的强烈渴望。 D.《欧也妮·葛朗台》中,夏尔在父亲破产自杀后,不愿拖累心上人安奈特而写了分手信给她,这一良善之举让偷看信件的欧也妮发誓要永远爱他。 E.《老人与海》中,圣地亚哥经过生死搏斗最终将大马林鱼残骸拖回港口,有游客把它当成了鲨鱼骨,这一误会让小说结尾更意味深长。 【答案】AD 【解析】本题考查识记和理解名著的能力。解答本题,平时一定要熟读名著,识记其中的人物和情节。对于大纲要求的篇目,有时间时就要反复读,只有熟到一定的程度,类似题目才能应对自如。A项,“迅速拆断桥梁”“有智谋”错误。如果不拆断桥,曹军害怕其中有埋伏不敢进兵。现在拆断了桥,曹军会料定张飞心虚,必定前来追赶。故A项错误。D项,“这一良善之举让偷看信件的欧也妮发誓要永远爱他”表述错误。欧也妮发誓要永远爱夏尔的原因不止是这一点,还有信中夏尔表达的对欧也妮的好感和赞美。故D项错误。B、C、E项正确。故选AD。 二、【2019年高考江苏卷】简答题(10分) (1)《红楼梦》“寿怡红群芳开夜宴,死金丹独艳理亲丧”一回中,群芳行令,宝钗摇得牡丹签,上云“任是无情也动人”。请结合小说概括宝钗的“动人”之处。(6分) (2)《茶馆》第三幕,在得知来到茶馆的“老得不像样子了”的人是秦仲义时,王利发对他说:“正想去告诉您一声,这儿要大改良!”这里的“大改良”指的是什么?这句话表达了王利发什么样的情感?(4分)

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