当前位置:文档之家› 高二必修5第一单元练习题



高二英语必修5 Unit 1练习题



1. This new e _______________for the car works well.

2. She has a strong c_________________.

3. The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________farming.

4. The doctor had my eyes e_____________for weakening.

5. The meeting c________________at eight o'clock.

6. They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.

7. The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).

8. He was a____________________in the book.

9. He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).

10. I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.

11. He finished his work in a__________________(积极的) way.

12. We must try to _________________(分析)the causes of the strike.

13. He became____________________(狂热的) about classical music.

14. He has______________________(完成)the whole job already.

15. In the factory the workers______________(纺成线)wool into thread.

16. Be c_________________when you cross the street.

17. You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.

18. What is your v__________________on Chinese education?

19. The police are watching the man's m_________________secretly.

20. The class needs a s__________________teacher.

21. Kindness is one of the prime minister's __________________(特征).

22. Britain_________________(议定) a trade agreement with China.

23. Don't ________________(暴露) your skin to the sun or you will be burned.

24. The ________________(贵重的) culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.

25. The famous Korean play actor got an________(热情的) reception in Hong Kong.

26. The most important thing is not to admit ________________(失败)-

27. Water and salt are _____________(吸收) into our blood stream everyday.

28. If a doctor or a medical treatment c__________someone's illness, they make the

people well again.

29. A v_________________is a kind of germ that can cause disease.

30. If you a_____________something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.


1.蒸汽机_____________________ 2.提出_____________________

3.得出结论____________________ 4.也,另外___________________ 5.将……和……连接起来______________________


7.有意义_________________________ 8.通向,导致_________________________

9.态度,观点________________________ 10.继续工作__________________________


1. 除了这些理由以外,他无话可说了

______________ ___________these reasons, he said nothing.

2. 我们的英语老师对我们要求严格。

Our English teacher_____________ __________ ___________us.


Let's _____________the lecture by professor Li from Beijing University.

4. 他的粗心大意的驾驶导致了这起严重的交通事故。

His careless driving _________ ____________the serious traffic accident.

5. 他捐赠食物和衣服给红十字会。

He _____________food and clothing __________the Red Cross.


As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this 1 at work in people of all ages. For example, on Christmas morning, children are 2 about playing with their new toys. But their 3 soon wears off and by January those same toys can be found put away in the basement.

The world is full of 4 stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someone’s 5 interest. When parents bring home a pet, their child 6 bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a 7 time, however, the burden of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents.

Adolescents enter high school with great excitement but are soon looking forward to 8 . The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many 9 , who now complain about the long drives to work, 10 drove for hours at a time when they first 11 their driver’s license ? Before people retire, they usually 12 to do a lot of 13 things, which they never had time to do while working. But soon after retirement, the golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes (消遣) become as boring as the jobs they 14 . And, like the children in January, they go searching for “new 15 ” .

1. A. principle B. habit C. weakness D. power

2. A. surprised B. moved C. excited D. satisfied

3. A. confidence B. interest C. anxiety D. sorrow

4. A. well-organized B. colorfully-printed C. newly- collected D. half-filled

5. A. missing B. passing C. developing D. falling

6. A. silently B. impatiently C. gladly D. worriedly

7. A. interesting B. short C. long D. boring

8. A. graduation B. independence C. responsibility D. success

9. A. children B. students C. adults D. retirees

10. A. carefully B. eagerly C. nervously D. bravely

11. A. required B. obtained C. noticed D. discovered

12. A. need B. learn C. start D. plan

13. A. great B. strong C. difficult D. correct

14. A. lost B. chose C. left D. quit

15. A. pets B. toys C. friends D. colleagues

五.语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

___1______(finish) their shopping at the supermarket, a middle-aged couple found their

new car ______2____ (steal). They filed a report ______3____the police station and a detective drove them back to the parking lot to look for evidence.

To their 4___________ (amaze), the car had been returned and there was ___5___note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby __6______ I had to send her to the hospital as soon as possible. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets for tonight's concert.”

Their faith in humanity restored(恢复). The couple attended _____7____ concert. But ____8______they returned home, ___9______ immediately found that their house

____10_______(be)ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was another note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?”


I am a professor of sports and exercise so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.

If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make a list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.

Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they can't control become a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.

Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you can't control any of these things. Accept that you can't control everything. Once you understand this, it becomes easier not to worry.

If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.

It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that makes you nervous—then close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.

()1.Who wrote this passage?


A.A reporter. B.A sportsman. C.A patient. D.A professor.

()2.The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because .

A.most are not very important

B.they are not the real causes of the problem

C.they cannot be controlled by people

D.it's better to deal with one cause at a time

()3.If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?

A.Go swimming often to get used to it. B.Avoid going to the swimming pool.

C.Find a swimming teacher. D.Imagine watching others swim.

()4.What is TRUE about nervousness according to the passage?

A.It usually has only one cause. B.It is usually caused by people.

C.People can easily manage it. D.Most people suffer from it.

()5.What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce the writer's sports experience.

B.To advise on how to deal with nervousness.

C.To help people remember their fears.

D.To explain the dangers of nervousness.


一 1. engine 2. character 3. scientific 4. examined 5. concluded

6. defended

7. exposed

8. absorbed

9. blamed 10. Severe 11. positive

12. analyse 13. enthusiastic 14. completed 15. spin 16. cautious

17. reject 18. view 19. movement 20. strict 21. characteristics 22.concluded 23. expose 24. valuable 25. enthusiastic 26.defeat 27. absorbed 28. Cures 29. virus 30.analyse

二. 1. steam engine 2. put forward 3. draw a conclusion 4. in addiction

5. link…to

6. be strict with

7.make sense

8. lead to

9. point of view work on

三。 1. Apart from 2. is strict with 3. attend 4. led to 5. contributed to 四:1.Finishing 2.stolen 3.at 4. Amazement 5. a 6.and

7. the 8. when 9. they 10. had been

五.1-5 ACBDB 6--10 CBACB 11--15 BDACB

六.1-5 DCADB


1.D细节题。读文章第一句“I am a professor of sports and exercise”可知,作者是一位教授。







数学必修5试题 (满分:150分 时间:120分钟) 一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分) 1、数列1,-3,5,-7,9,…的一个通项公式为 ( ) A .12-=n a n B.)21()1(n a n n --= C .)12()1(--=n a n n D.)12()1(+-=n a n n 2.已知{}n a 是等比数列,4 1 252==a a ,,则公比q =( ) A .2 1- B .2- C .2 D .2 1 3.已知ABC ?中,?=∠==60,3,4BAC AC AB ,则=BC ( ) A. 13 B. 13 C.5 D.10 4.在△ABC 中,若 2sin b B a =,则A 等于( ) A .006030或 B .006045或 C .0060120或 D .0015030或 5. 在ABC ?中,若cos cos a B b A =,则ABC ?的形状一定是( ) A .锐角三角形 B .钝角三角形 C .直角三角形 D .等腰三角形 6.若?ABC 中,sin A :sin B :sin C =2:3:4,那么cos C =( ) A. 14 - B. 14 C. 23 - D. 23 7.设数}{n a 是单调递增的等差数列,前三项的和为12,前三项的积为 48,则它的首项是( ) A .1 B .2 C .2± D .4 8.等差数列}{n a 和{}n b 的前n 项和分别为S n 和T n ,且 1 32+= n n T S n n , 则 5 5 b a =( ) A 32 B 149 C 3120 D 9 7 9.已知{}n a 为公比q >1的等比数列,若20052006a a 和是方程24830x x -+=的两根,


必修五综合测试题 一.选择题 1.已知数列{a n }中,21=a ,*11 ()2 n n a a n N +=+ ∈,则101a 的值为 ( ) A .49 B .50 C .51 D .52 2.2 1与21,两数的等比中项是( ) A .1 B .1 C . 1 D . 12 3.在三角形ABC 中,如果()()3a b c b c a bc +++-=,那么A 等于( ) A .0 30 B .0 60 C .0120 D .0 150 4.在⊿ABC 中, B C b c cos cos =,则此三角形为 ( ) A .直角三角形 B. 等腰直角三角形 C. 等腰三角形 D.等腰或直角三角形 5.已知n a 是等差数列,且a 2+ a 3+ a 10+ a 11=48,则a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 6.在各项均为正数的等比数列{}n b 中, 若783b b ?=, 则3132log log b b ++…… 314 log b +等于( ) (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D)8 7.已知数列 是等差数列,若,且它的前n 项和有最大值,则使得 的n 的最大值为 A. 11 B. 12 C. 21 D. 22 8.一个等比数列}{n a 的前n 项和为48,前2n 项和为60,则前3n 项和为( ) A 、63 B 、108 C 、75 D 、83 9.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 10.已知△ABC 中,∠A =60°,a =6,b =4,那么满足条件的△ABC 的形状大小 ( ). A .有一种情形 B .有两种情形 C .不可求出 D .有三种以上情形 11.已知关于x 的不等式的解集为,则 的最大值是

高中数学必修五综合测试题(卷) 含答案解析

绝密★启用前 高中数学必修五综合考试卷 第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题 1.数列的一个通项公式是() A.B. C.D. 2.不等式的解集是() A.B.C.D. 3.若变量满足,则的最小值是() A.B.C.D.4 4.在实数等比数列{a n}中,a2,a6是方程x2-34x+64=0的两根,则a4等于( ) A.8B.-8C.±8D.以上都不对 5.己知数列为正项等比数列,且,则()A.1B.2C.3D.4 6.数列 1111 1,2,3,4, 24816 L前n项的和为() A. 2 1 22 n n n + +B. 2 1 1 22 n n n + -++C. 2 1 22 n n n + -+D. 2 1 1 22 n n n + - -+ 7.若的三边长成公差为的等差数列,最大角的正弦值为,则这个三角形的面积为() A.B.C.D. 8.在△ABC中,已知,则B等于( ) A.30°B.60°C.30°或150°D.60°或120° 9.下列命题中正确的是( ) A.a>b?ac2>bc2B.a>b?a2>b2 C.a>b?a3>b3D.a2>b2?a>b 10.满足条件,的的个数是( ) A.1个B.2个C.无数个D.不存在

11.已知函数满足:则应满足()A.B.C.D. 12.已知数列{a n}是公差为2的等差数列,且成等比数列,则为()A.-2B.-3C.2D.3 13.等差数列的前10项和,则等于() A.3 B.6 C.9 D.10 14.等差数列的前项和分别为,若,则的值为()A.B.C.D. 第II卷(非选择题) 二、填空题 15.已知为等差数列,且-2=-1,=0,则公差= 16.在中,,,面积为,则边长=_________. 17.已知中,,,,则面积为_________. 18.若数列的前n项和,则的通项公式____________ 19.直线下方的平面区域用不等式表示为________________. 20.函数的最小值是_____________. 21.已知,且,则的最小值是______. 三、解答题 22.解一元二次不等式 (1)(2) 23.△的角、、的对边分别是、、。 (1)求边上的中线的长;


高一数学月考试题 一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.已知数列{a n }中,21=a ,*11()2 n n a a n N +=+∈,则101a 的值为 ( ) A .49 B .50 C .51 D .52 211,两数的等比中项是( ) A .1 B .1- C .1± D .12 3.在三角形ABC 中,如果()()3a b c b c a bc +++-=,那么A 等于( ) A .030 B .060 C .0120 D .0150 4.在⊿ABC 中,B C b c cos cos =,则此三角形为 ( ) A . 直角三角形; B. 等腰直角三角形 C. 等腰三角形 D. 等腰或直角三角形 5.已知{}n a 是等差数列,且a 2+ a 3+ a 10+ a 11=48,则a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 6.在各项均为正数的等比数列 {}n b 中,若783b b ?=, 则31 32log log b b ++……314log b +等于( ) (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D)8 7.已知b a ρρ,满足:a ρ=3,b ρ=2,b a ρρ+=4,则b a ρρ-=( ) A B C .3 D 10 8.一个等比数列}{n a 的前n 项和为48,前2n 项和为60,则前3n 项和为( ) A 、63 B 、108 C 、75 D 、83 9.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 10.已知△ABC 中,∠A =60°,a =6,b =4,那么满足条件的△ABC 的形状大小 ( ). A .有一种情形 B .有两种情形


数学综合试卷 一、 选择题(共10题,每题3分,总计30分) 1、执行如图1所示的程序框图,如果输入的[2,2]t ∈-,则输出的S 属于( D ) A. [6,2]-- B. [5,1]-- C. [4,5]- D. [3,6]- 2、一台机床有 的时间加工零件A ,其余时间加工零件B ,加工A 时,停机的概率是,加工零件B 时,停机的概率为 ,则这台机床 停机的概率为( A ) A. B. C. D. 3、设集合{|32}M m m =∈-<


高二年级数学必修五综合检测试卷 姓名 得分 一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分). 1.在等差数列{}n a 中,若210,a a 是方程2 1280x x +-=的两个根,那么6a 的值( ) A .-12 B .-6 C .12 D .6 2.△ABC 中, =cos cos A a B b ,则△ABC 一定是 ( ) A .等腰三角形 B .直角三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .等边三角形 3.若 11 0a b <<,则下列不等式中,正确的不等式有( ) [ ①a b ab +< ②a b > ③a b < ④2b a a b +> 个 个 个 个 4.若}{n a 是等比数列,124,5128374=+-=a a a a 且公比q 为整数,则10a 等于( ) A 、-256 B 、256 C 、-512 D 、512 5.已知△ABC 中,a =4,b =43,∠A =30°,则∠B 等于 ( ) A .30° B .30°或150° C .60° D .60°或120 6. 下列不等式中,对任意x ∈R 都成立的是 ( ) A . 2111x <+ B .x 2+1>2x C .lg(x 2+1)≥lg2x D .x x +244 ≤1 < 7. 二次不等式2 0ax bx c ++>的解集是全体实数的条件是( ) A . 00a ?>??>? B. 0a >???? D. 0 0a


期末测试题 考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分. 在每小题的4个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.在等差数列3,7,11…中,第5项为( ). A .15 B .18 C .19 D .23 2.数列{}n a 中,如果n a =3n (n =1,2,3,…) ,那么这个数列是( ). A .公差为2的等差数列 B .公差为3的等差数列 C .首项为3的等比数列 D .首项为1的等比数列 3.等差数列{a n }中,a 2+a 6=8,a 3+a 4=3,那么它的公差是( ). A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 4.△ABC 中,∠A ,∠B ,∠C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .若a =3,b =4,∠C =60°, 则c 的值等于( ). A .5 B .13 C .13 D .37 5.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 6.△ABC 中,如果A a tan =B b tan =C c tan ,那么△ABC 是( ). A .直角三角形 B .等边三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .钝角三角形 7.如果a >b >0,t >0,设M =b a ,N =t b t a ++,那么( ). A .M >N B .M <N C .M =N D .M 与N 的大小关系随t 的变化而变化 8.如果{a n }为递增数列,则{a n }的通项公式可以为( ). A .a n =-2n +3 B .a n =-n 2-3n +1 C .a n = n 21 D .a n =1+log 2n


高一数学月考试题 1.选择题(本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分) 1.已知数列{a n }中, a 1 2 , a n 1 a n 1 2 (n N ) , 则 a 101 的值为 ( ) A .49 B .50 C .51 D .52 2. 2 + 1 与 2 - 1,两数的等比中项是( ) A .1 B . - 1 C . ± 1 D . 1 2 3.在三角形 ABC 中,如果 a b c b c a 3bc ,那么 A 等于( ) A . 30 B . 60 C .120 0 D .150 0 4.在⊿ABC 中, c cos C b cos B ,则此三角形为 ( ) A . 直角三角形; B. 等腰直角三角形 C. 等腰三角形 D. 等腰或直角三角形 5.已知 { a n } 是等差数列,且 a 2+ a 3+ a 10 + a 11 =48,则 a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 6.在各项均为正数的等比数列b n 中,若b 7b 83, 则 log 3 b 2 …… log 3 b 14 等于( ) (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D)8 7.已知 a , b 满足: a =3, b =2, a b =4,则 a b =( ) A . 3 B . 5 C .3 D 10 8.一个等比数列{a n } 的前 n 项和为 48,前 2n 项和为 60,则前 3n 项和为( ) A 、63 B 、108 C 、75 D 、83 9.数列{a n }满足 a 1=1,a n +1 =2a n +1(n ∈N + ),那么 a 4 的值为( ). A .4 B .8 C .15 D .31 10.已知△ABC 中,∠A =60°,a = 6 ,b =4,那么满足条件的△ABC 的形状大 小 ( ). * 0 r r r r r r r r


朝阳教育暑期辅导中心数学必修5测试题(B 卷) 考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 出卷人:毛老师 考生姓名: 一、选择题(每小题5分,共50分) 1.在等比数列{n a }中,已知11 = 9 a ,5=9a ,则3=a ( ) A 、1 B 、3 C 、±1 D 、±3 2.在△ABC 中,若=2sin b a B ,则A 等于( ) A .006030或 B .006045或 C .0060120或 D .0 015030或 3.在△ABC 中,若SinA :SinB :SinC=5:7:8,则B 大小为( ) A 、30° B 、60° C 、90° D 、120° 4.已知点(3,1)和(- 4,6)在直线3x -2y +a =0的两侧,则a 的取值范围是( ) A. a <-7或 a >24 B. a =7 或 a =24 C. -7的解集是11 (,)23 -,则a b +的值是( )。 A. 10 B. 10- C. 14 D. 14- 8 1 1,两数的等比中项是( ) A .1 B .1- C .1± D . 12 9.设11a b >>>-,则下列不等式中恒成立的是 ( ) A . 11a b < B .11 a b > C .2a b > D .22a b > 10.已知{}n a 是等差数列,且a 2+ a 3+ a 8+ a 11=48,则a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 二、填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 11、在△ABC 中,=2,=a c B 150°,则b = 12.等差数列{}n a 中, 259,33,a a ==则{}n a 的公差为______________。 13.等差数列{}n a 中, 26=5,=33,a a 则35a a +=_________。


数学必修5测试题 考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:100分 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分. 1.在等差数列3,7,11,…中,第5项为(). A .15B .18C .19D .23 2.数列{a n }中,如果n a =3n (n =1,2,3,…),那么这个数列是(). A .公差为2的等差数列B .公差为3的等差数列 C .首项为3的等比数列D .首项为1的等比数列 3.等差数列{a n }中,a 2+a 6=8,a 3+a 4=3,那么它的公差是(). A .4B .5C .6D .7 4.△ABC 中,∠A ,∠B ,∠C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c .若a =3,b =4,∠C =60°,则c 的值等于(). A .5 B .13 C .13 D .37 5.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4的值为(). A .4B .8C .15D .31 6.△ABC 中,如果 A a tan = B b tan =C c tan ,那么△ABC 是(). A .直角三角形B .等边三角形 C .等腰直角三角形D .钝角三角形 7.如果a >b >0,t >0,设M =b a ,N =t b t a ++,那么(). A .M >N B .M <N C .M =N D .M 与N 的大小关系随t 的变化而变化 8.已知函数y =cos x 与y =sin(2x +φ)(0≤φ<π),它们的图象有一个横坐标为π 3的交点, 则φ的值是(). A .2π3B .π 4 C .π3 D .π6 9.如果a <b <0,那么( ). A .a -b >0B .ac <bc C . a 1>b 1 D .a 2<b 2


高中数学必修5 命题人:魏有柱 时间:100分钟 一、选择题 1.数列1,3,6,10,…的一个通项公式是() (A )a n =n 2-(n-1) (B )a n =n 2-1 (C )a n =2)1(+n n (D )a n =2 )1(-n n 2.已知数列3,3,15,…,)12(3-n ,那么9是数列的() (A )第12项 (B )第13项 (C )第14项 (D )第15项 3.已知等差数列{a n }的公差d ≠0,若a 5、a 9、a 15成等比数列,那么公比为 () A . B . C . D . 4.等差数列{a n }共有2n+1项,其中奇数项之和为4,偶数项之和为3,则n 的值是 () A.3 B.5 C.7 D.9 5.△ABC 中,cos cos A a B b =,则△ABC 一定是() A .等腰三角形 B .直角三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .等边三角形 6.已知△ABC 中,a =4,b =43,∠A =30°,则∠B 等于() A .30° B .30°或150° C .60° D .60°或120° 7.在△ABC 中,∠A =60°,a=6,b=4,满足条件的△ABC( A ) (A)无解 (B)有解 (C)有两解 (D)不能确定 8.若110a b <<,则下列不等式中,正确的不等式有 () ①a b ab +< ②a b > ③a b < ④2b a a b +> A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 9.下列不等式中,对任意x ∈R 都成立的是 () A .2111x <+ B .x 2+1>2x C .lg(x 2+1)≥lg2x D .244 x x +≤1 10.下列不等式的解集是空集的是(C) A.x 2-x+1>0 B.-2x 2+x+1>0 C.2x-x 2>5 D.x 2+x>2 11.不等式组 (5)()0,03x y x y x -++≥??≤≤?表示的平面区域是 ( )


试卷类型:A 2010-2011学年度上学期高二学分认定考试 数 学(必修5) 本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分.I 卷1至2页.第II 卷3至9页.共150分.考试时间120分钟. 第I 卷(选择题 共60分) 注意事项: 1.答第I 卷前,考生务必将自己的、号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上. 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答,不能答在试题卷上. 3.考试结束,监考人将本试卷和答题卡一并收回. 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设,>>a b c d 则下列不等式中一定成立的是 A .d b c a +>+ B .bd ac > C .d b c a ->- D .c b d a +>+ 2.数列{}n a 满足13(1)+-=-≥n n a a n ,17a =,则3a 的值是 A . -3 B . 4 C . 1 D .6 3.若1>a 则1 11 -+ -a a 的最小值等于 A .a B C .2 D .3 4. 不等式3260-->x y 表示的区域在直线3260--=x y 的

A .右上方 B .右下方 C .左上方 D .左下方 5. 在?ABC 中,已知8=a ,0 60=B ,0 45=A ,则b 等于 A .64 B .54 C .34 D .3 22 6.已知{}n a 是等比数列,141 4,2 a a ==,则公比q 等于 A .2 1- B .-2 C .2 D . 2 1 7.若不等式2 8210++f x g x D .随x 的值的变化而变化 11.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和1 2 +=+n n S n ,则3=a A. 32 1 B. 281 C. 241 D. 201 12.在ABC ?中,80,100,45a b A ? ===,则此三角形解的情况是 A.一解 B.两解 C.一解或两解 D.无解


必修五阶段测试四(本册综合测试 ) 时间: 120 分钟满分: 150 分 一、选择题 (本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共60 分 ) 3x-1 ≥ 1 的解集是 () 1.不等式2-x 3 ≤ x≤23 ≤ x<2 C. x 3 D .{ x|x<2} A. x 4 B. x 4x>2或 x≤4 2. (2017 存·瑞中学质检 )△ ABC 中, a= 1, B= 45°, S△ABC=2,则△ ABC 外接圆的直径为 () A .4 3 B .5C. 5 2D. 6 2 3.若 a<0 ,则关于 x 的不等式 22 ) x - 4ax-5a>0 的解为 ( A .x>5a 或 x<- a B.x>- a 或 x<5a C.- ab,则下列不等式成立的是() 1 111a b A. ab2 C.c2+1>c2+ 1D. a|c|>b|c| 7.已知等差数列 { a n} 的公差为d(d≠ 0),且 a3+ a6+ a10+ a13= 32,若 a m= 8,则 m 的值为 () A .12B. 8C. 6 D . 4 x+ y≤8, 8.若变量 x,y 满足约束条件2y- x≤4, 且 z= 5y- x 的最大值为 a,最小值为 b,则 a— b 的值是x≥ 0, y≥ 0, () A .48B. 30C. 24D. 16 17S n-S2 n* 为数列 { T n} 9.设 { a n} 是等比数列,公比 q= 2,S n为 { a n} 的前 n 项和,记 T n=(n∈N ),设 Tn0 a n+1 的最大项,则 n0= () A .2B. 3C. 4 D .5 10.设全集 U=R, A= { x|2(x- 1)2<2} 122 ,,B= { x|log (x + x+ 1)> -log2(x + 2)} 2 则图中阴影部分表示的集合为()

高中数学必修五测试题 高二文科数学(必修五)

2014—2015学年度第一学期期中考试 高二文科数学试题(A ) (必修五) 一、选择题(每题5分,共10小题) 1.设a 、b 、c 、d∈R,且a >b,c >d,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .a+c >b+d B .a-c >b-d C .ac >bd D . a d > b c 2 1 1两数的等比中项是( ) A .2 B .-2 C .±2 D .以上均不是 3.若三角形三边长的比为5∶7∶8,则它的最大角和最小角的和是( ) A .90° B .120° C .135° D .150° 4.数列{a n }中,2 n a 2n 29n 3=-++,则此数列最大项的值是( ) A .103 B .11088 C .11038 D .108 5.若△ABC 的周长等于20 ,面积是BC 边的长是 ( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 6.在数列{a n }中,a 1=1,a n a n-1=a n-1+(-1)n (n≥2,n∈N *),则 3 5 a a 的值是( ) A . 15 16 B . 15 8 C . 3 4 D . 38 7.在△ABC 中,角A ,B 均为锐角,且cosA >sinB ,则△ABC 的形状是( ) A .直角三角形 B .锐角三角形 C .钝角三角形 D .等腰三角形 8.在等差数列{a n }中,2(a 1+a 4+a 7)+3(a 9+a 11)=24,则此数列的前13项之和等于( ) A .13 B .26 C .52 D .156 9.数列 2222222 35721,,,,122334(1)n n n +??????+的前n 项的和是 ( )


第一章 解三角形 测试一 正弦定理和余弦定理 Ⅰ 学习目标 1.掌握正弦定理和余弦定理及其有关变形. 2.会正确运用正弦定理、余弦定理及有关三角形知识解三角形. Ⅱ 基础训练题 一、选择题 1.在△ABC 中,若BC =2,AC =2,B =45°,则角A 等于( ) (A)60° (B)30° (C)60°或120° (D)30°或150° 2.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若a =2,b =3,cos C =-41,则c 等于( ) (A)2 (B)3 (C)4 (D)5 3.在△ABC 中,已知32sin ,53cos == C B ,AC =2,那么边AB 等于( ) (A )45 (B)35 (C)920 (D)5 12 4.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,已知B =30°,c =150,b =503,那么这个三角形是( ) (A)等边三角形 (B)等腰三角形 (C)直角三角形 (D)等腰三角形或直角三角形 5.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,如果A ∶B ∶C =1∶2∶3,那么a ∶b ∶c 等于( ) (A)1∶2∶3 (B)1∶3∶2 (C)1∶4∶9 (D)1∶2∶3 二、填空题 6.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若a =2,B =45°,C =75°,则b =________. 7.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若a =2,b =23,c =4,则A =________. 8.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若2cos B cos C =1-cos A ,则△ABC 形状是________三角形. 9.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若a =3,b =4,B =60°,则c =________. 10.在△ABC 中,若tan A =2,B =45°,BC =5,则 AC =________. 三、解答题 11.在△ABC 中,三个内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别是a ,b ,c ,若a =2,b =4,C =60°,试解△ABC .


高二数学必修5质量检测题(卷) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.第Ⅰ卷1至2页.第Ⅱ卷3至6页.考试结束后. 只将第Ⅱ卷和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将姓名、准考号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上. 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上. 一、选择题:本答题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个 选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1. 3,…那么 A .第12项 B .第13项 C .第14项 D .第15项 2. 已知数列{a n }中,12n n a a -= (n ≥2),且a 1=1,则这个数列的第7项为 A .512 B .256 C .128 D .64 3. 已知等差数列}{n a 中,610416,2,a a a +==则6a 的值是 A . 15 B . 10 C. 5 D. 8 4. 数列{n a }的通项公式是n a = 331 n n -(n ∈* N ),则数列{n a }是 A .递增数列 B .递减数列 C .常数列 D .不能确定该数列的增减性 5.在ABC ?中,6016A AB ∠=?=,,面积S =,则AC 等于 A.50 B. C.100 D. 6.对于任意实数a 、b 、c 、d ,以下四个命题中的真命题是 A .若,0,a b c >≠则ac bc > B .若0,,a b c d >>>则ac bd > C .若,a b >则 11 a b < D .若22,ac bc >则a b > 7. 在等比数列{a n }中,3S =1,6S =4,则101112a a a ++的值是 A .81 B .64 C .32 D .27 8. 已知等比数列{}n a 满足1223412a a a a +=+=,,则5a =


数学必修5测试题 考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:100分 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分、 1.在等差数列3,7,11,…中,第5项为( ). A.15 B.18 C.19 D.23 2.数列{a n }中,如果n a =3n (n =1,2,3,…) ,那么这个数列就是( ). A.公差为2得等差数列 B.公差为3得等差数列 C.首项为3得等比数列 D.首项为1得等比数列 3.等差数列{a n }中,a 2+a 6=8,a 3+a 4=3,那么它得公差就是( ). A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 4.△ABC 中,∠A ,∠B ,∠C 所对得边分别为a ,b ,c .若a =3,b =4,∠C =60°,则c 得值等于( ). A.5 B.13 C.13 D.37 5.数列{a n }满足a 1=1,a n +1=2a n +1(n ∈N +),那么a 4得值为( ). A.4 B.8 C.15 D.31 6.△ABC 中,如果A a tan =B b tan =C c tan ,那么△ABC 就是( ). A.直角三角形 B.等边三角形 C.等腰直角三角形 D.钝角三角形 7.如果a >b >0,t >0,设M =b a ,N =t b t a ++,那么( ). A.M >N B.M <N C.M =N D.M 与N 得大小关系随t 得变化而变化

8.已知函数y =cos x 与y =sin(2x +φ)(0≤φ<π),它们得图象有一个横坐标为π3得交点,则φ得值就是( ). A. B. C.π3 D. π6 9.如果a <b <0,那么( ). A.a -b >0 B.ac <bc C.a 1>b 1 D.a 2<b 2 10.我们用以下程序框图来描述求解一元二次不等式ax 2+bx +c >0(a >0)得过程.令a =2,b =4,若c ∈(0,1),则输出得为( ). A.M B.N C.P D.? 开始 输入a ,b ,c 计算Δ=b 2-4ac 判断Δ≥0? 计算 a b x a b x 2221?+-=?--= 判断x 1≠x 2? 输出区间 N =(-∞,x 1)∪(x 2,+∞) 输出区间 M =(-∞,-a b 2)∪(-a b 2,+∞) 输出区间 P (-∞,+∞) 就否 就否


编者:大成 审核:程倩 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.在△ABC 中,若a = 2 ,b =,30A = , 则B 等于( ) A .60 B .60或 120 C .30 D .30或 150 2.在等比数列{n a }中,已知9 1 1= a ,95=a ,则=3a ( ) A .1 B .3 C . 1± D .±3 3.等比数列{}n a 中, ,243,952==a a 则{}n a 的前4项和为( ) A . 81 B .120 C .168 D .192 4.已知{a n }是等差数列,且a 2+ a 3+ a 8+ a 11=48,则a 6+ a 7= ( ) A .12 B .16 C .20 D .24 5.等差数列{}n a 的前m 项和为30,前2m 项和为100,则它的前3m 项和是( ) .170 C 6.已知等比数列{}n a 的公比13 q =-,则 1357 2468 a a a a a a a a ++++++等于( ) A.13- B.3- C.1 3 D.3 7.设b a >,d c >,则下列不等式成立的是( )。 A.d b c a ->- B.bd ac > C.b d c a > D.c a d b +<+ 8.如果方程02)1(2 2=-+-+m x m x 的两个实根一个小于?1,另一个大于1,那么实数 m 的取值范围是( ) A .)22(,- B .(-2,0) C .(-2,1) D .(0,1) 9.已知点(3,1)和(- 4,6)在直线3x -2y +a =0的两侧,则a 的取值范围是( ) A. a <-7或 a >24 B. a =7 或 a =24 C. -7},B ={x |2 340x x -->},且A B = R ,则实数a 的取值范围( ) A. 4a ≥ B.4a ≥- C. 4a ≤ D. 14a ≤≤ 11.设,x y 满足约束条件360x y --≤,20x y -+≥,0,0x y ≥≥,若目标函数 (0,0)z ax by a b =+>>的最大值为12则23 a b +的最小值为( ) A. 256 B.256 C.6 D. 5 12.有甲、乙两个粮食经销商每次在同一粮食生产地以相同的价格购进粮食,他们共购进粮食两次,各次的粮食价格不同,甲每次购粮10000千克,乙每次购粮食10000元,在两次统计中,购粮的平均价格较低的是( ) A.甲 B.乙 C.一样低 D.不确定 二、填空题(每小题4分,共16分) 13.在ABC ?中, 若2 1 cos ,3- ==A a ,则ABC ?的外接圆的半径为 _____. 14.在△ABC 中,若=++=A c bc b a 则,2 22 _________。 15.若不等式022 >++bx ax 的解集是?? ? ??-31,21,则b a +的值为________。 16.已知等比数列{a n }中,a 1+a 2=9,a 1a 2a 3=27,则{a n }的前n 项和 S n = ___________ 。 三、解答题 17.(12分)在△ABC 中,求证:)cos cos (a A b B c a b b a -=- 18.(12分)在△ABC 中,0120,ABC A a S ===c b ,. 19.(12分)21.某种汽车购买时费用为16.9万元,每年应交付保险费及汽油费共1万元;汽车


高中数学必修五测试卷 姓名 得分 一、选择题(60分) 1、下列函数中,周期为π的偶函数是( ) A.cos y x = B.sin 2y x = C. tan y x = D. sin(2)2y x π =+ 2、△ABC 中,cos A =135 ,sin B =53 ,则cos C 的值为 ( ) A.6556 B.-6556 C.-6516 D. 6516 3、已知c b a ,,满足0<< B 、0)(>-a b c C 、22ca cb < D 、0)(<-c a ac 4、钝角三角形ABC 的面积是1 2,1AB =,BC =AC =( ) (A )5 (B (C )2 (D )1 5、等差数列}{n a 中,若39741=++a a a ,27963=++a a a ,则前9项的和9S 等于( ) A .66 B .99 C .144 D .297 6、若O 为ABC ?的内心,且满足()(2)0OB OC OB OC OA -?+-=,则ABC ?的形状为( ) A .等腰三角形 B .正三角形 C .直角三角形 D .以上都不对 7、如果kx 2+2kx -(k+2)<0恒成立,则实数k 的取值范围是( ) A. -1≤k≤0 B. -1≤k<0 C. -1


必修五阶段测试四(本册综合测试) 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.不等式3x -1 2-x ≥1的解集是( ) A.??????x ?? 34≤x ≤2 B.??????x ?? 34≤x <2 C.?????? x ? ? x >2或x ≤34 D .{x |x <2} 2.(2017·存瑞中学质检)△ABC 中,a =1,B =45°,S △ABC =2,则△ABC 外接圆的直径为( ) A .4 3 B .5 C .5 2 D .6 2 3.若a <0,则关于x 的不等式x 2-4ax -5a 2>0的解为( ) A .x >5a 或x <-a B .x >-a 或x <5a C .-a b ,则下列不等式成立的是( ) A.1a <1b B.1a 2>1b 2 C.a c 2+1>b c 2+1 D .a |c |>b |c | 7.已知等差数列{a n }的公差为d (d ≠0),且a 3+a 6+a 10+a 13=32,若a m =8,则m 的值为( ) A .12 B .8 C .6 D .4 8.若变量x ,y 满足约束条件????? x +y ≤8, 2y -x ≤4, x ≥0, y ≥0,且z =5y -x 的最大值为a ,最小值为b ,则a —b 的值是 ( ) A .48 B .30 C .24 D .16 9.设{a n }是等比数列,公比q =2,S n 为{a n }的前n 项和,记T n =17S n -S 2n a n +1 (n ∈N *),设Tn 0为数列{T n } 的最大项,则n 0=( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 10.设全集U =R ,A ={x |2(x -1)2<2},B ={x |log 1 2(x 2+x +1)>-log 2(x 2+2)}, 则图中阴影部分表示的集合为( )

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