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中考考点点击(either 和 neither)



―― Do you know either of his parents?

――No, I don’t know either (of them).

―― Has either of your parents visited you?


You can do it in either way.

此外,either作形容词时,还可指“两个都”,常用于end 和 side 前面作定语。如:There are shops on either side (= both side) of the street.

3、作连词时,常与or 连用,构成短语“either…or…”,在句中起并列连词的作用,且所连接的成分必须相同。若连接并列主语,通常要求谓语动词与最邻近的主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的"就近原则。如:

――Either he or you are wrong= Either you or he is wrong.

――Are either you or I going there tomorrow? 明天是你还是我去那里?

――Either you or he has lunch at school.

其一般疑问句应为:Do either you or he have lunch at school? 是你还是他在学校吃午饭?


Either you or she is good at drawing. 变为否定句应为:Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画。

4、作为副词,意为“也”,用于否定句或否定词组后加强语气。常放在句尾,作状语。如:She doesn’t like it. I don’t like it, either. I f you do not go, I shall not either. either...or...意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。例如:

When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either...or...连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的形式。)



――You don't like this book. Neither do I. 你不喜欢这本书, 我也不喜欢。

――I don't know that neither. 那个我也不知道。

2.作形容词,与单数名词或代词连用]即非此又非彼的; (两者)都不的

――Neither statement is true. (=Neither of the statements is true.)两种说法都不正确。

――On neither side of the street are there any trees. 街道两旁都没有什么树木。--Neither book is satisfactory. 两本书都不令人满意.


――Neither was satisfactory. 二者都不使人满意。

――I like neither. 我两个都不喜欢。


He likes neither cheese nor butter. 她既不喜欢乳酪也不喜欢黄油。在这句中neither...nor...连接两个宾语。当neither...nor...连接两个主语时,应遵循"就近原则"。例如:

Neither Bob nor Tom is at home today. 今天胞勃和汤母都不在家。


neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。例如:

She doesn't go to school by bus. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是乘公交车去上学,我也不是。

They didn't go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。


both, either, neither用法各不同(复习) both, either, neither这三个词都可以作代词及形容词,在考试中频频亮相,许多同学都容易将他们混淆,现将它们的用法归纳如下,让大家看个明白,轻轻松松掌握它们的词义、词性及用法。 简表说明: 补充说明: both意思是"两者都",either意思是"两者中的任何一个",neither意思是"两者都不",三个词在句中都可以充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语。 ①作主语时,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,其中both接谓语动词要求用复数形式;either,neither接谓语动词一般用单数形式,但这两者在口语中作主语时,其后的谓语动词也可以用复数。例如: Both are right.= Both of the answers are right.这两个答案都对。 Either(of them)is OK. (他们两个中)任何一个都行。 ②作宾语,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,放在动词或介词之后。例如: I don't know which book is the better;I shall read both.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读。 I like neither.(两个)我一个也不喜欢。 ③作定语,both后面接复数名词,either和neither后面接单数名词。例如: Both answers are right.两个答案都对。 On either side of the river there are a lot of trees.河的两边都有许多树。 Neither boy is going there.两个男孩儿都不打算去那里。 ④both作主语的同位语,一般放在实义动词前,系动词be、情态动词、助动词后;作宾语的同位语,直接放在其后(either和neither做同位语的情况较少)。例如:


e i t h e r 和n e i t h e r 用法及区别

either 与neither 一、用作形容词。起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。either表示这个或者那 个”;neither表示既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如: You may use either book .两本书你可以随便用一本。 Neither answer is right .两个答案都不对。 二、用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。either表示二者之一”;neither表示两者都不”,其反义词是both “两者都。如: Either of the kn ives is useful .两把刀都有用。 Neither of them was in good health, but both worked very hard . 他们两人身体都不 好,但都努力地工作。 三、用作副词。either只用于否定句中,表示也(不)” I don't like him ,either.(中间有逗号) 四、用作连词。either …or ??不是... 就是.... neither …nor ??既不.... 也不……常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。但应注意以下几占:八、、? 无论either ?…or ?还是neither ?…nor ?… Either Mary or Lucy is comi ng . 不是玛丽来,就是露西来。 2.若连接两个复数名词/代词作主语,后面动词用复数Neither my pare nts nor my gran dpare nts are coming 我的父母不来,我的爷爷奶奶也不来。 Either my pare nts or Lucy is coming . 不是我的父母来,就是露西来。 another 与other 的区别。 ①Some stude nts like En glish and other stude nts (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理 【解析】other表示别的” 另外的”只能与复数名词连用。但other前有冠词the即


完形填空 After her husband had gone to work, Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too 1 to do any housework that morning, 2 in the evening she was going to an interesting fancy dress party (化装舞会) with her husband. What she 3 was a terrible genie (妖怪) and as she had made that special dress of hers the night before, she was anxious to try it on. 4 the dress was just a big piece of old cloth which was red, green, black and white, it would be very effective (有效的) to make her like a real genie. After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs happily. She wanted to find out 5 it would be comfortable to wear. Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining-room there was a 6 at the door. She thought that it 7 be the baker (面包师). She had told him to come straight in if she 8 to open the door and leave the bread on the kitchen table. Now not wanting to 9 the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly 10 in the small storeroom under the stairs. She heard the front door open and a man came in. When Mrs. Richards 11 that it was the man from the electricity board (供电局) who had come to read the meter (电表), she walked out of the hiding-place on a sudden and tried to explain the matter, saying with a smile, “It’s only 12 ! It is not 13 for you to be 14 !” But it was too late. The man let out a sharp cry (发出尖叫) and jumped back several paces (步) . Then he ran away, 15 the door behind him with great force and noise. 1. A. angry B. ready C. frightened D. excited 2. A. for B. but C. so D. and 3. A. wanted to see B. wanted to play C. was afraid to see D. was afraid to play 4. A. Though B. But C. And D. If 5. A. that B. how C. whether D. when 6. A. knock B. voice C. man D. baker 7. A. may B. must C. wouldn’t D. couldn’t 8. A. not B. had C. tried D. failed 9. A. see B. frighten C. help D. scold (责怪) 10. A. went B. lay C. appeared D. hid 11. A. thought B. wondered C. imagined D. realized 1


neither,either的用法比较 A. 1. neither意为“既不是甲,也不是乙”,“两者都不……”,后面跟单 数动词的肯定式。它可以单独使用,后面也可跟名词或of +the/these/those/所有格代词或人称代词: (a)I tried both keys but neither(of them)worked. 两把钥匙我都试了,但(两把)都不行。 (b)Neither of them knew the way/Neither boy knew… 他们俩/两个男孩都不认得路。 (c) I’ve read neither of these(books). 这两本(书)我都没看过。 2 either意为“两者之一”,“两者中任何一个”。它后面跟动词单数形式。同neither一样,它可以单独使用,或跟名词/代词及of+the/these/those 等连用。 3 either+否定动词可代替neither+肯定动词,但neither是主语时除外。所以either不能用于上面Al例句(a)或(b)中,只能用于例句(c)中: I haven’t read either of these(books). 这两本(书)我都没看过。 虽然either不能作否定句的主语,但它可作肯定句或疑问句的主语或宾语: Either(of these)would do. 这两个中任一个都可以。 Would you like either of these? 你喜欢二者中的任一个吗? 4 代词和所有格形容词与代表人的neither/either连用时,从语法上说应当用he/him,she/her及his/her,但是在英语的口语中用复数形式较为普遍: Neither of them knows the way,do they?


中考英语完形填空难题及答案 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.完形填空 Letting kids learn more about science at an early age is easier than you think. It is happening all around us, and you can 1 everyday things to encourage your children's interest. Most parents believe it is difficult to help their children with science. But you don't need a high scientific 2 to teach your children science. All you need is that you're willing to try, to see the world, and to 3 the time to encourage their natural curiosity(好奇心). You can help by having an active attitude towards science yourself. Then start 4 by asking your children questions about the things you see every day. And then listen to their answers without judging(评判)them, which will 5 their confidence, and help you decide just what your children know or do not know. Different kids have different interests, 6 they need different kinds of science projects. Collecting rocks may interest your young daughter, but your older son may need something more to deal with it. Knowing your children is the best way to 7 enjoyable learning activities. Here are some more pieces of advice: Choose activities that are the right 8 of difficulty. If you are not sure, pick something easier. Read the suggested ages on any projects, books, and then make sure that the activity is 9 for your child. Let your child choose the project or activity himself. It's easy enough to ask rather than force him. Suggest choosing 2 or 3 things your child can do. When a child picks something he is 10 in, he will enjoy it and learn more from it. 1. A. buy B. make C. use 2. A. degree B. place C. brain 3. A. follow B. solve C. take 4. A. seriously B. simply C. cheaply 5. A. lose B. create C. improve 6. A. so B. if C. though 7. A. delete B. find C. cancel 8. A. answer B. way C. level 9. A. proper B. famous C. cheap 10. A. proud B. interested C. known 【答案】(1)C;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)C;(9)A;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍激励孩子学习科学兴趣的方法。 (1)句意:它正在我们所有人周围发生,你可以使用日常用品来激发自己孩子的兴趣。A.买;B.制造;C.使用。use sth to do sth使用某物做某事,此处表示用身边的东西激发孩子的 兴趣,用use,使用,故选C。 (2)句意:但是你交自己的孩子科学不需要高学位。A.学位;B.地方;C.大脑。根据下句


either与neither可用作形容词、代词、副词和连词等,它们的用法如下: 一、用作形容词。起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。either表示“这个或者那个”;neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如: You may use either book.两本书你可以随便用一本。 Neither answer is right.两个答案都不对。 二、用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。either表示“二者之一”;neither表示“两者都不”,其反义词是both。如: Either of the knives is useful.两把刀都有用。 Neither of them was in good health, but both worked very hard.他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作。 三、用作副词。either只用于否定句中,表示“也(不)”;neither通常用在句子的开头,表示“也不”,其后要用倒装语序(即:将主语放在助动词、情态动词、连系动词be之后)(neither用于简略答语时,结构为主语+neither)。如: I don't like him. Me,either.(中间有逗号)= Neither do I.= Me neither.(中间无逗号) If she won’t go, I won’t, either =If she won’t go, neither shall I.要是她不去,我也不去。 四、用作连词。either…or…不是……就是……neither…nor…既不……也不……常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。但应注意以下几点: 无论either…or…还是neither…nor… 1.若连接两个单数数名词/代词作主语,后面动词用单数。 Either Mary or Lucy is coming.不是玛丽来,就是露西来。 2.若连接两个复数名词/代词作主语,后面动词用复数。 Neither my parents nor my grandparents are coming. 我的父母不来,我的爷爷奶奶也不来。 3.如果一个单数名词/代词和一个复数名词/代词一起作主语时,动词的单复数形式必须和最靠近的一个主语保持一致。(就近原则) Either my parents or Lucy is coming.不是我的父母来,就是露西来。


neither/either与人称代词连用的注意事项 neither/either/someone/everyone/no one等要接单数动词,因此它们的人称代词应该是he,she,形容词性物主代词则是his,her(h e,his用于阳性和两性都有的场合;she,her用于指阴性)。但许多以英语为母语的人感到这太麻烦,从而常常用 they 和their:Neither of them remembered their instructions. 他们俩谁也没记住自己得到的指示。 Would someone lend me their binoculars? 谁能借给我望远镜用一用? Everyone has read the notice,haven’t they? 大家都看到通知了,是吗? No one objected,did they? 没人反对,对吗? either的句法功能 either“两个当中的任何一个”,可用作主语、宾语和定语。1.作主语

Either of the plans is equally dangerous. 两个计划同样危险。 2.作宾语 Do you like either of these? 这两个当中你喜欢其中一个吗? 3.作定语 Either one will suit me. (两个当中)任何一个都适合我。 On either side of the river lie cornfields. 河的两岸都是玉米地。 注意:either的否定形式是neither。 neither的句法功能 neither具有名词、形容词的性质,代替人和事物。表示“两者之中一个也不”。在句中可作主语、宾语及介宾、同位语、定语。作主语时,动词多用单数形式。作定语时,后面的名词用单数。


【英语】英语│英语中考英语完形填空(有难度)1 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Charlie Chaplin's parents separated a year after his birth in 1889. He lived with his mother and elder brother in a flat in London. Mrs. Chaplin managed to 1 her children on her own with the money she made as a singer. 2 , their economic (经济的) situation changed when she became ill with laryngitis(喉炎) in 1894. Instead of resting her 3 until it got better, Mrs. Chaplin kept on singing. Her voice got weaker and weaker and she began to find it 4 to find well-paid work. One evening Charlie happened to be in the theatre 5 his mother singing on stage. Suddenly, her voice 6 . She tried to finish the song, but the audience (观众) began to whistle and got angry. Mrs. Chaplin could not continue any longer and walked 7 the stage crying. The stage manager knew he had to do something quickly to 8 the embarrassing situation. He remembered Charlie once sang at a party. He 9 took Charlie by the hand to the stage. After a brief introduction, he left Charlie to please the audience. Charlie began to sing and dance in front of hundreds of people. The audience enjoyed the 10 very much and began to throw money. 11 Charlie saw this, he immediately stopped singing and announced to the audience that first he would 12 the money and then he would finish the song. The audience found this announcement especially 13 and started to throw even more money onto the stage. Charlie felt perfectly at home on stage. He did not feel 14 at all and danced and sang more songs to the audience. To his amazement, there was more 15 and more money throwing. That night was Charlie's first public performance on the stage and his mother's last. 1. A. support B. leave C. ask D. face 2. A. Though B. So C. However D. Besides 3. A. sight B. voice C. smell D. hearing 4. A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. boring 5. A. feeling B. keeping C. realizing D. watching 6. A. rested B. dropped C. broke D. raised 7. A. onto B. off C. towards D. around 8. A. create B. save C. continue D. explain 9. A. slowly B. patiently C. quickly D. coldly 10. A. thought B. description C. speech D. performance 11. A. If B. Till C. When D. Before 12. A. take out B. throw away C. put down D. pick up 13. A. funny B. lucky C. helpful D. painful


e i t h e r...o r和n e i t h e r...n o r的用法区别 一、either……or…… either……or……意为"或者……或者……;不是……就是……"之意。表示两者之一,连接句子中两个并列的成分。例如: When the girl is happy,she either sings or dances.那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳。(此句中either……or……连接两个动词,因为主语是单数第三人称,谓语动词要用其相应的形式。) either……or……连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说的"就近原则".例如: Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。 注意:如果把上句变成一般疑问句,助动词形式与主语you保持一致,所以要用are提问,而不是am.例如: Are either you or I going there tomorrow 明天是你还是我去那里 Either you or he has lunch at school. 其一般疑问句应为:Do either you or he have lunch at school 是你还是他在学校吃午饭 若要对either……or……句型进行否定时,只需把either……or……换成neither……nor……即可。例如: Either you or she is good at drawing. 变为否定句应为:Neither you nor she is good at drawing. 你和她都不擅长绘画。 我们还可以单独使用either,其意为"两者中的任何一个".例如: There are many shops on either side of the street. 街道两边有许多商店。 或:There are many shops on both sides of the street. 在街道两边有许多商店。 either用在否定句的句末,表示"也"的意思。例如: If you don\'t go there. I won\'t,either. 如果你不去那里,我也不去。 二、neither……nor…… neither……nor……表示"既不……也不……".其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例如: She likes neither butter nor cheese.她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。此句中neither……nor……连接两个宾语。当neither……nor……连接两个主语时,也应遵循"就近原则".例如:Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。 若将neither……nor……句型变为肯定句,只需把neither……nor……改为both……and……即可,同时谓语动词必须用复数形式。例如: Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。 还可以单独使用neither作主语,表示"两者中没有一个".例如: Neither of them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。 neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为:Neither / Nor+助动词/ 情态动词/ be动词+主语。例如: He doesn\'t go to school by bike. Neither / Nor do I. 他不是骑自行车上学,我也不是。 They didn\'t go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。 [更多例句] either you come in person ,or you entrust someone with the matter你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事in a position like this one can neither stand up nor lie down处在这样的位置,一个人既不能站直,也不能躺倒 You can come either on Monday or Sunday. You can speak either English or hinese Either you are mad,or I am (要么你疯了,要么我疯了 I can neither speak nor write French =Neither can I speak French nor can I write it


最新中考英语完形填空难题及答案(word)1 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Finally, after nearly half a month, the Christmas letter was here in my hand. Yes, writing letters is how my friend in the U.S. and I 1 our greetings every Christmas. People ask why not send our greetings on Facebook, or on WeChat 2 , and by the way, it'll save money. For me, writing letters is more of a 3 habit than a quirk (怪癖) in modern times I, an experienced letter writer. can tell you that writing letters brings me more emotional(情感的)communication. In fact, only parts of our emotions can be found. Some 4 in California State University found that electronic devices, like smart phones, can greatly influence people in many ways. Such devices prevent people from 5 their inner (内心的) feelings. Compared with modern communication, writing letters has more advantages. 6 we write, our brain is given the chance to discover connections between things we didn't see before. And we are 7 to show our emotions fully. If I am here to tell you why I love writing letters, one of the 8 would be its sense of touch-feeling of my hand running through the pages, feeling of pen sliding across the paper, and feeling of the 9 of ink (墨水) in the air. It 10 that both your words and the letter itself can help you express your feelings. Letters build a bridge between the writer and receiver. People experience more when they receive messages in the: form of a letter, rather than any other media. 1. A. introduce B. exchange C. describe D. repeat 2. A. completely B. recently C. simply D. exactly 3. A. natural B. boring C. crazy D. national 4. A. composers B. visitors C. inventors D. professors 5. A. discovering B. shaking C. spreading D. refusing 6. A. When B. Before C. Till D. Though 7. A. recommended B. encouraged C. invited D. forced 8. A. customs B. reasons C. challenges D. achievements 9. A. colour B. quality C. smell D. price 10. A. gives out B. breaks out C. comes out D. turns out 【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是在现代社会作者喜欢写信和朋友交流而不使用电子设备,他认为电子设备在很多方面会影响人们,它们会阻止人们表达内心的感情。而写信有更多的优点。我们能把我们所有的情绪充分表达出来。当人们收到书信形式的信息而不是其它媒体的信息时,会体验更多。 (1)句意:是的,写信是我和美国的朋友每年圣诞节交换问候的方式。根据前文的the


either与neither 一、用作形容词。起定语作用,常放在单数名词前。either表示“这个或者那个”;neither表示“既非这个、也非那个,两者皆非的”。如: You may use either book.两本书你可以随便用一本。 Neither answer is right.两个答案都不对。 二、用作代词。范围多限定于两者之间,常用作主语。作主语时谓语动词用单数。either表示“二者之一”; neither表示“两者都不”,其反义词是both “两者都。如: Either of the knives is useful.两把刀都有用。 Neither of them was in good health, but both worked very hard.他们两人身体都不好,但都努力地工作。 三、用作副词。either只用于否定句中,表示“也(不)” I don't like him, either.(中间有逗号) 四、用作连词。either…or…不是……就是……neither…nor…既不……也不……常用来连接两个并列成分,如并列主语、并列谓语等。但应注意以下几点: 无论either…or…还是neither…nor… 1.若连接两个单数数名词/代词作主语,后面动词用单数。 Either Mary or Lucy is coming.不是玛丽来,就是露西来。 2.若连接两个复数名词/代词作主语,后面动词用复数。 Neither my parents nor my grandparents are coming. 我的父母不来,我的爷爷奶奶也不来。 3.如果一个单数名词/代词和一个复数名词/代词一起作主语时,动词的单复数形式必须和最靠近的一个主语保持一致。(就近原则) Either my parents or Lucy is coming.不是我的父母来,就是露西来。another与other的区别。 ①Some students like English and other students (others) like physics. 有些学生喜欢英语,有些学生喜欢物理。


中考英语完形填空难题及答案1 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.先通读下面短文,读懂大意,然后从后面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以 填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish? Maybe you will think it is 1 . However, it can be true! Nothing is a waste if we have a creative mind. Let me show you something about 2 rubbish. Sometimes we can see tons of rubbish in the streets, on the roads, near the buildings... here and there. Many large cities became so ugly 3 it. Nobody likes rubbish, but in fact, some rubbish can be used again. All of us want to solve the problem, we must do something to 4 rubbish. We should take action from now on. 5 , some good things will not be wasted. Do you often throw away things you don't need any more? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? For Example, when a car gets too old, it may not run any more. But we can use the metal of the car to make something else. When a bottle is empty, it 6 as waste. You don't know bottle glass can be made into sand and used to build streets. Rubbish 7 food can be changed into fertilizer to make plants grow better. It is cheap and safe. And other rubbish can also be used to make building blocks. Now, 8 machines are designed for that. 9 , people will watch films in a beautiful cinema which is built out of rubbish. Besides buildings and roads, cities may be made from rubbish. But so far, building beautiful cities made from rubbish is only 10 . 1. A. important B. understanding C. unbelievable D. possible 2. A. returning B. reusing C. reflecting D. repeating 3. A. because B. because of C. instead of D. as for 4. A. make a living as B. make promises to C. make up our mind to D. make use of 5. A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. Out of the way 6. A. will be thrown B. will throw away C. threw away D. was thrown away away 7. A. from B. in C. on D. to 8. A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. more and more D. more and less 9. A. Some day B. The other day C. Nowadays D. In the day 10. A. a symbol B. a letter C. a lesson D. a dream 【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)A;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇文章主要介绍了用垃圾建造城市的梦想,垃圾让城市变 得丑陋,但是有一些垃圾是可以被回收利用的,现在很多垃圾被用于制造别的东西,未来 垃圾可能被用于建造美丽的城市。 (1)考查形容词。句意:或许你会觉得这是难以置信。important重要的,understanding 善解人意的,unbelievable难以置信的,possible可能的,结合上文,Can you imagine that

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