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2016— 2017学年度第一学期期中试卷

A. must

B. mustn '

C. can't

D. needn't 九年级英语

( )3. ---How far is your family from here?

A. ten minute '

B. ten-minute

---It ' about


C. ten-minu


D. ten minutes ( )4. Joh nson, the new stude nt, is older tha n _____ stude nts in our class.

A. any other

B. any

C. the other

D. any of the other

( )5. A tourist will easily lost his way in Beiji ng _____ he has a map or a guide.

A. if

B. because

C. uni ess

D. whe n

( )1. A. repeat B. i ncrease C. spread D. steal ( )2. A. pronqypce B. aloud C. backgrou nd D.enough ( )3. A. suggest B. grape C. gen eral D. stra nge

( )4. A. chemistry B. chicke n C. French D.speech ( )5. A. silent B. public C. pride D. politely

一、单词辨音(每题1分,共5分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与其余三个单词的划线 部分读音不同的选项。


)6. I tried several jackets on, but _______ o f them looked good.

A. both

B. either

C. none

D. neither

( )7. ---Tom will go to cin ema toni ght.

A. So will I

B. Neither do I

C. Nor shall I

D. So I will

二、词汇(每题1分,共15分) A. 根据句意和汉语提示写单词。

1. Do you have ____________ (对话)with friends in English?

2. Hou Yi quickly laid out his wife ' favorite fruits and desserts in the ___________ (花园).

3. P eter, could you please tell me your e-mail ___________ (地址)?

4. Is it __________ (有用的)to learn English well?

5. In China, people like to use _________ (筷子)to have meals. B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. I can 'get the ___________ (pronounce) of this word right.

7. He now treats every one with kindn ess and __________ (warm).

8. It might seem more difficult to speak ___________ (polite) tha n directly. 9. I know my parents love me and they 're always _________ (pride) of me. 10. When the ________ (leaf) are ready, they are picked by hand. C. 选出与句子中划线部分意思最为接近的解释。 ( )11. People say that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea. A. It ' says that B. It is said that C. It is believed that D. It seems that

( )12. China is famous for tea. A. is know for B. is knew for C. is well-k nown for D. is famous as


)8. ---Ca n you guess _____ the new schoolbag yesterday?

---Sorry, I ' vdrieo.

A. how much did he pay for

B. how much he spe nt

C. how much he paid for

D. how much did he spe nd

( )9. There ________ a new buildi ng in our school n ext year.

A. will have

B. is

C. will be

D. is going to have (

)10. ---Did Kate do best in the final exam?

---No, but of all the stude nts she did _______ A. the most careful B. more careful ( )13. The teachers in this board ing school look after him well. A. take care of him B. take good care about C. take good care of him D. take good care for ( )14. My sister is less in terested in sports tha n me. A. as in terested in sports as B. more in terested in sports tha n

C. not so in terested in sports as

D. not in terested in sports at all ( )15. His parents decided to send him to a boarding school. A. wan ted B. cha nged their mind C. make a decisi on D. made a decisi on

三、单项选择(每题 1分,共25分) ( )1. My best friend Neil is _____ hon est boy. You can believe him. A. a B. an C. the D. /


)2. ---Must I hand in my homework today?

---No. You_______

C. the most carefully

D. more carefully

( )11. It _________ M r. White about half an hour to drive to work every day.

A. spe nds

B. costs

C. pays

D. takes

( )12. Tom worked for a long time, so he wan ted to stop ________ .

A. to have a rest

B. have a rest

C. havi ng a rest

D. has a rest (

)13. ---May I smoke here?

---Sorry, you d better not. Smoking __________ in public places now. A. is allowed B. should be allowed C. is n 'allowed

D. does n'tallowed

( )14. ---Have you ever see n the movie called Los An geles 2011"?

---Yes, but I think it ' _________ . I fell asleep when I saw it. A. excit ing

B. bori ng

C. bored

D. excited ( )15. David finds ______ difficult to com muni cate with his pare nts

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that

( )16. What do you think of my shirt ? It ______ cott on .It looks nice on you.

A. is made in

B. is made of

C. is made into

D. is made by

( )17. Many trees and flowers ______ in our city last year and they made our city a beautiful garden.

A.have pla nted

B.are pla nted

C. were pla nted

D. is pla nted ( )18. Remember to _____ your mobile pho ne whe n the pla ne takes off. A. turn on B. turn dow n C. turn off D. turn up ( )19. It is _______ a difficult problem _______ few stude nts can work it out. A. so; that

B. such; that

C. too; to

D. eno ugh; to


)20. Danny, _____ more careful ,or you will fall dow n.

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______ ________ you study for a test?

2. Where are the restrooms? Could you please tell me?(合为宾语从句) Could you please tell me _______ the restrooms ________ ?

3. I'm not sure how I can get there.(同义句) I ' not sure ________________ get there.

4. Paula used to be really quiet.(否定句) Paula ______________ to be really quiet.

5. They cover the lantern with paper.(改为被动语态 ) The Ian tern _______________ with paper.

七、 把下列句子翻译成英语。 (每空1分,共10分) 1. 因为我想理解这个故事,所以我在词典里查阅他们。

I ______ them _______ in a dicti onary because I wan ted to un dersta nd the story. 2. 我每天吃五顿饭,所以我胖了五磅。

I ate five meals a day, so I have ________________ five poun ds. 3. 上周五,在去餐馆的路上他们路过了一个公园。

On their way to the restaura nt last Friday, they ________________ a park. 4. 我害怕在公共场合演讲。

I am afraid of givi ng a speech _____________ . 5. 不论你会买什么,你也许认为这些产品是造于这些国家。

______________ what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those coun tries. 八、 完形填空(每题 1分,共10分)

One Sun day after noon, I was 1 alone at home. I was doing my homework. Sudde nly, the doorbell ran g. I thought it was my pare nts, so I ope ned the door quickly. A tall man stood outside and asked politely 2 my pare nts were at home.

Without thi nkin g, I said, ” No. ” When I wan ted to close the door, he sudde nly pulled the door


hard and came into my house. He took out a rope( 绳索)to tie up my han ds. Then he 3 me to the kitche n.

Quickly, he went to the bedroom to look for 4 for him. I tried to find a 5 to cut the rope.

But it ' s hard to cut off it. Just the n I heard some one speak ing and there were steps upstairs. SoeInt to the door quietly and knocked at the door loudly with my foot. “ 6

?” asked the man outside. I still

kno cked at the door loudly. Then I heard him 7 my father and 110. At that time, the thief came out of the bedroom and bullied (恐吓)me. I pretended to be afraid and said nothing.

B. being

C. to being

D. be )21. --D on't keep the water running whe n you wash your

hands. A. to be A.I hope so B. I'm afraid not C. Sorry, I won't D it's nothing

)22. ____ of stude nts have fini shed their work on time. A . Two thirds B. Two third )23. --Who taught you En glish ? A. Somebody B. An ybody )24. _____ delicious food it is! A. What

C. Two three

D. one thirds ___ . I taught it myself. C. Nobody

D. Everybody B. What an

C. How

D. How an )25. I won dered A. why

B. who

四、动词考查(每题 1分,共5 分) (

Lin Tao said about Mount Emei.

C. what

D. whe n

)1. I don 'have a partner __________ . A. to practice En glish B. to practice En glish with C. practice En glish

D. practici ng En glish

)2. If you are in terested in ______ En glish, you can join an En glish club. A. learn

B. to lear n

C. learni ng

D. learned

)3. Mr. Wang won dered if they _________ t he races aga in next year. A. will have B. would have C. are havi ng D. have

)4. Paula used to _______ late, but now he gets used to ______ early. A. get up, get up B. gett ing up, gett ing up C. getti ng up, get up D. get up, gett ing up

)5. The classroom ________ by the stude nts every day.

A. is clea ned

B. is clea ning

C. clea ned

D. clea ns

选择方框内短语并用其正确形式完成句子。 (每题1分,共10分)


1. Th dep at nd 關val i R a Ch ?an n M ? to ,


__the W esimi vapd sh emai with …

卩皆 min d …of …, inn eed, on one ' way to, deal with, be used for .


2. He also gives gifts to people_____________

. 3. ___________________________________ W hether or not you can do this well ___________

4. She used to be really shy and took up singing

your lear ning habits. _______ her shyness.

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Soon the police came and my father came home, too. The thief 8 and I was not hurt badly. I 5. We should ______________ s ometh ing importa nt in class.

6. The story takes him back to his childhood and ___________ him ____ days.

7. I decide to go hik ing this weeke nd __________ watch ing TV at home.

8. After this, people started the traditi on of admiri ng the moon and ______ moon cakes ________ their families.

9. ______________ school, he met an old friend of his. 10. What _________ t he shoes with heels __________ ? 六、句型转换(每空 1分,共10分)

1. I study for a test by working with a group.(划线部分提问)

his happier

kne w it was my fault. I should stop the 9

from going into the door. I learned a new



( )1. A. put

B. missed

C. left

D. stayed

( )2. A. what B. if C. whe n D. why

( )3. A. gave

B. put

C. took

D. pushed


)4. A. someth ing importa nt B. importa nt someth ing

C. anything importa nt

D. importa nt anything


)5. A. sto ne

B. rope

C. knife

D. chopstick


)6. A. What are you doi ng ? B. I can do someth ing for you.

C. What 's wrong with you?

D. Don 't knock at the door loudly

( )7. A. call B. called C. calls D. to call

( )8. A. caught B. was caught C. was tied D. was hurt

( )9. A. thieves B. policema n C. stra nger D. pare nts

( )10. A. safe B. safety C.danger D. dan gerous



Find and keep your friendship. Every one of us ,rich or poor, should at least have one or two good frien ds. Your friends will liste n to you whe n you speak, will take care of you whe n you are sick, and will be together with you in your jour ney through life.

Everyone n eeds frien ds. Frie ndship can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other? Here is some advice.

★Make friends with a pers on who is easy to get along with.

★You should make friends with a pers on who has someth ing in com mon with you.

★Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble .Frie nds should always be ready to help each other.

★Believe in each other. This is the most important thing in a friendship.

★Even the best friends may have quarrel (争吵)sometimes. If this happens ,don ' t let your quarrel last too long. Try to make up with(禾口好)your friends soon.

A. Can dies and DVD player.

B. Clothes and books.

C. Cloth ing and home-use products.

D. mobile phones

( )7.Taobao is ______________ .

A. a shopp ing mall

B. an on li ne shopper

C. an on li ne shopp ing site

D. a shopp ing cen ter

( )8.Most on li ne shoppers are _________ .

A. young

B. old

C. babies

D. men

( )9.What does the underlined word “ security ” mean?





( )10.Which is the best title(标题)of the passage?

A. Wang Lin ' s life.

B. Online shopping in China.

C. Shopp ing on line is not safe.

D. the security of on li ne shopp ing


Are you interested in country music? I like it very much !It will take me away for a while after I am

tired .The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields. Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings. It ' s the spirit of America ,easy to understand ,slow and simple.

Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of American coun tryside. Many of songs tell about the lives of famers .They talk about love, crops or death.

The life of the countryside can be hard, so the words in country music are often sad. At first, people

Frie ndship is a kind of treasure in our life. It is like a bottle of wine, the Ion ger it is kept, the better it played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular later. In the 1920s,people played

will be.


( )1.Rich people don ' t need friends.

( )2.If your friends are in trouble, you should help them.

( )3.Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.

( )4.Don ' t believe in your friends.

( )5.Best friends don ' t have a quarrel.


“Who needs a shopping mall if you have Taobao? ” says Wang Lin,28,a writer in Beijing.

Taobao, China's largest online shopping site (网站),has become an important part of Wang Lin 's life. She spe nds lots of money on Taobao.

A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping. Most on li ne shoppers are stude nts or young workers .More wome n shop on line tha n men. Clothi ng and home-use products are the most popular on lin e. It was reported that more tha n 250 billi on yua n was spe nt on on li ne shopp ing last year,80% through Taobao.

Taobao means "looking for treasure(珍宝)"in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books , from can dies to DVD players .

You may question the security of online shopping ,Wang Lin said, “” It's very safe and convenient. Uni ess you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money .You can also get your money back if you want to return the products. ”


( )6.What are the most popular on line?

country songs on the radio, and they made them into records.

When people in the coun tryside moved to tow ns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Country music continued to cha nge and became popular across America.

Joh n Denver was one of America ' s most famous country sin gers in the 1970s. His song “ Take Me home, Country Roads ” is well-known and people still play it today.


( )11.Co untry music is usually about ______ .

A. everyday life and feelings

B. farmers' s feelings

C. the lives of workers

D. farmers 'love

( )12.Co untry music developed _______ .

A. in John Denver ' s city

B. in the Southern United States

C. in the Northern Uni ted States

D. in the Western Un ited States

( )13.People bega n to make country song records ________ .

A. in the 1920s

B. in 1920

C. in the 1970s

D. i n 1970

( )14.Why did Country music become popular in America?

A. Because city people liked the music.

B. Because farmers moved to cities with their music and it continued to cha nge.

C. Because country music talked about city people ' s lives.

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D. Because it was the folk music of America n coun tryside.

( )15.Who is famous for the song “ Take Me Home, Country Roads ” ?

A. A farmer in the coun tryside.

B. A pers on who moved to tow ns

C. Joh n Den ver.

D. the writer

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The students' life today can be very stressful (紧张的).They are under pressure (压力)every day. They need a (1)break from it. Parents should ask children to do something else. But don 'tlet them relax in front of the TV . A hobby is the perfect answer.

There are many differe nt kinds of hobbies. Chess is a good example. It is a very enjoyable game and it also helps childre n develop their thinking skills.

Collecting something is also a good hobby for children. A child can collect almost anything: key rin gs, stamps, postcards, old coi ns and so on. (2)Many of these collect ing can be both in teresti ng and fun. They teach children a lot and broaden (开阔)their knowledge. For example, gardening (园艺)is a useful hobby because it is a physical activity and it also teaches childre n about n ature.

(3) A hobby can be a useful lear ning tool. Childre n may become experts in someth ing if they really love their hobbies. Children will also learn to become more organized and make places, for example in collecti ng someth ing. Hobbies will also teach childre n a lot about resp on sibility(责任).


16. ___________________________________________ 用一个适当的词替换(1)处划线的词。 _______________________________________________________

17. 在短文中找出可以替换下面所给句子的一句话。

It is a good hobby for childre n to collect somethi ng.

3. 除夕(on Ch in ese New Year 'Eve),家人团聚,吃年夜饭,守夜(stay up till mid ni ght),放烟花爆竹

(play fireworks and crackers);

4. 大年初一,穿新衣服,向父母拜年,收压岁钱( get lucky money )。

The Spring Festival

18. How many kinds of hobbies can you find in this passage? ____________

19. 在下面句子的横线上填上恰当的词,改写原文中的句子(2)为否定句。

Many of these collecting can be _______ interesting ________ fun.




B A B A Oh, __________ 3 __________ .

You 're right. Chinese tea is drunk by people all over the world. Wow, this cup is beautiful and a little heavy. ___________ 4

It 'made of silver. I have many tea sets like this. ____________ 5 Sounds like a great hobby.



“ The Spring Festival ”为题写一篇短文,向外国朋友介绍我国的春节。

提示:1.春节是中国农历年(the lunar year)的第一天;

2.春节前,一个月前开始准备食物,打扫卫生,装饰( decorate)房子;


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2016— 2017学年第一学期期中试卷答题



1. _________


3. __________

4. _________

5. 二、词汇。(每题1分,共15分) A. 根据句意和汉语提示写单词。

1. ____________

2. ____________

3. _____________

4. ___ B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. ____________

7. ____________

8. _____________

9. ___

C. 选出与句子中划线部分意思最为接近的解释。 5. _____________ 10. ___________

11. ___________ 12. ___________ 13. ____________ 14. ____________ 15. _____________ 三、单项选择(每题 1分,共25分) 4 _______________________ 5 _____________ 八、完形填空(每题 1分,共10分) 九、阅读理解(每题 2分,共40分)

1. _________


3. __________

4. _________

5. ___________

I ^一、书面表达(10分)

The Spring Festival



九年级英语期中测试卷 (时间100分钟满分100分) 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 1.—Is Total Soccer weekly round-up of soccer? —Yes.It provides us with latest news on soccer. A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.the; 2.My mother is strict with me.She doesn't allow me to go outside to play football my homework is done.I have to do some reading at home instead. A.unless B.until C.before D.though 3.—Your grandfather looks very healthy. —he plays sports every day,he is very healthy. A.Because;so B.Since;though C.Because;/ D.Though;/ 4.—It's raining again.What bad weather! —Yeah.And it is reported that the terrible weather will for another week. https://www.doczj.com/doc/e44165386.html,st B.change C.take D.become 5.Jim has made this term that his parents will award him a new computer. A.such a great progress B.so great progress C.such great progress D.so a great progress 6.The old man had to sell his house even though it was his own wishes. A.above B.against C.with D.for 7.—No one would like to talk with Jack.Why? —Because he always excuses to cheat us. A.makes up B.dresses up C.puts up D.looks up 8.—I can't decide which film to watch. —you read the film review? A.Why not B.How about C.Why don't D.What about 9.—What did you say just now? —I said I would like some eggs and bread for breakfast. A.what B.if C.that D.whether 10.—Can I watch TV,Mum? —No,unless your homework. A.will be finished B.is finished C.will finish D.has finished 11.—I think necessary to work with friends and share different ideas.Do you agree? —Of course. A.it B.this C.that D.its 12.—There are so many policemen here.What happened? —It is said that a man a shop and took away many things. A.24-year-old;broke into B.24-years-old;broke into C.24-year-old;broke out D.24-years-old;broke out 13.—My brother has never been abroad.


Unit 6 When was it invented? 一、单词默写。 1.样式,款式n.__________________ 2. 项目,工程n.__________________ 3.高兴,愉快n. __________________ 4. 每日的,日常的adj. _____________ 5.提到,说到v. ___________________ 6.列表,清单v./n.__________________ 7. 几乎,差不多adv._______________ 8. 煮沸,烧开v. _________________ 9.保持不变,剩余v._______________ 10. 气味n. 闻起来v.______________ 11. 国家的,民族的adj.____________ 12. 贸易,交易v./n.______________ 13.疑惑,疑问n./v. ________________ 14. 冰箱n.__________________ 15. 低的,矮的adj._________________ 16. 某人,重要人物pron./n. __________ 17.翻译v._______________________ 18. 锁上,锁住v._________________ 19. 地震n._____________________ 20.突然地adj.____________________ 21.钟,铃n.____________________ 22.音乐的,有音乐天赋的adj.___________ 23. 器械,工具n._______________ 24.加拿大人的,加拿大人adj./n._________ 25.分开,分散v.________________ 26. 篮,筐n.__________________ 27.英雄,男主角n._______________ 二、短语默写。 1.这是我的荣幸(thank you的回答)_________________ 很乐意________________ 2.如此伟大的发明________________ 3.在日常生活中___________________ 4.有道理____________________ 5.它提到…_______________________ 6.被广泛使用____________________ 7.在那时_______________________ 8.变得受欢迎____________________ 9. 据说_________________________ 10.偶然的__________________ 11.人们相信_____________________ 12. 第一个做某事的人______________ 13. 掉入_______________________ 14.一种很好的味道____________________ 闻起来很好__________________ 15.最…之一____________________ 16.被用来做…______________________ 17. 直到…才…_________________18.发生(无被动)____________________ 19. 毫无疑问_____________________20.少于/多于______________________ 21. 5000年前_____________________ 22. 成千上万________________________


A A few years ago, I worked at a church(教堂) and since my son was home schooling, he went with me to the church every day. Most mornings, we’d stop at a local convenience store, getting a chocolate drink for him and a cup of coffee for me. The clerk at the store we chose to visit refreshed our lives each day, and so we returned again and again. She had found her own way of enjoying life and her job. I’m not even sure that she was realizing that her energy put a smile on the face of each customer. When a customer brought cookies to the counter, any other clerk could have asked: “Would you like some milk with those cookies? ”Instead, she inquired,“Would you like a lottery ticket(彩票) with those cookies?” She might have asked me if I wanted a donut with my coffee. But instead, she asked: “Would you like some batteries(电池) with that coffee?” Yes, life is what you make of it. This clerk’s method of dealing with what some think is a boring job, and with the customers she met daily, made the hours in her day more enjoyable. In doing that, she also refreshed the lives of others and made them laugh. Sometimes, if my day at the church had been particularly tiring, we’d stop at that store before heading home. We’d giggle (咯咯笑) as we left the store, the clerk’s words echoing (回响) behind us. “Would you like some shampoo with that soda?” 16. What did the writer do a few years ago? A. She was a teacher in a school. B. She was an office worker. C. She was a doctor in a hospital. D. She was a worker at a church. 17. When did the writer and her son usually stop at the local store? A. In the morning B. At noon C. In the afternoon D. In the evening. 18. Why did the writer and her son usually stop at the local store? A. Because the drinks were delicious there. B. Because the food was cheap there C. Because they felt happy there D. Because there was only store 19.what was the clerk like? A. She was serious.


第1页 共10页 九年级英语 期 中 测 试 卷 (全卷四个部分,时间:120分钟,总分:120分) 题 号 一 二 三 四 总 分 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 第一节 第二节 第三节 A B C 第一、二节 第三节 得分 第一部分 听力 (共四节,满分30分) 第一节 听句子,选择与句子内容相关的图片。每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分, 共5分) ( )1、A B C ( )2、A B C 春节 端午节 中秋节 ( )3、A B C ( )4、A B C ( )5、A B C 得 分 评卷人 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: —— ○ —— 密 ○ 封 ○ 线 ○ 内 ○ 不 ○ 得 ○ 答 ○ 题 —— ○ ——

第二节听句子,选出你所听句子内容相符的正确答案。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 6. A. Good morning, Miss Black. B. Nice to meet you , too. C. Fine thanks, And you ? ( ) 7. A. Three years ago. B. For three years. C. Since three years. ( ) 8. A. Thanks for asking me B. Certainly.Here you are. C. Yes,I’m all right. ( ) 9. A. I’m sue. B. The same to you. C. You’re welcome. ( ) 10. A. It’s still early B. It’s not very easy C. It’s cloudy. 第三节听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。 每段对话听两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 听第一段对话,回答11—12小题。 ()11、Where does this conversation take place? A、In the classroom. B、In the library. C、At home. ()12、When will the boy take a test? A、This week . B、Next week. C、Next day. 听第二段对话,回答第13—14小题。 ()13、Why does Peter have to get up at 6:30pm? A、Because of the test. B、Because of the school trip. C、Because of his part-time job. ()14、What does Peter want to buy? A、A football. B、A computer. C、A new jacket. 听第三段对话,回答第15—17小题。 ()15、What does Maria want to do today? A、go shopping. B、To go to see a movie. C、To buy a CD called the Lion King. ()16、What time does the movie start? A、At 2:45. B、At 3:15. C、At 4:05. ()17、what’s the girl’s mother doing now? A、She’s watching TV. B、She’s walking in the park. C、She’s having a meeting. 听第四段对话,回答18—20小题。 ()18、Who is the man? A、He’s a P.E teacher. B、He’s an Englesh teacher . C、He’s a student. ()19、What are the girls going to do this Sunday? A、To see Mr.Smith. B、To have an English test. C、To have a football match. ()20、What is important to win the game according to (根据)Mr.Smith? A、Confidence. B、Strength. C、Teamwork(团队合作). 第2页共10页


九年级英语期中测试题08年10月 第Ⅰ卷(共75分) 一.听力测试(30分) 二.单项选择(15分) 1.Couldyoutellme_____________? A.whatdidhesayatthemeeting B.whathesaysatthemeeting C.whathesaidatthemeeting 2.Somepeopledestroy(毁坏)theenvironment______. A.whereanimalslive B.whichanimalslive C.whereanimalslivein 3.---Haveyouheardof ---Yeah,S.H.Eis_____femalessingerswhohavebeautifulvoices. A.madeof B.madefrom C.madeupof 4.Theremustbesomethinggoodforme,__________? A.mustn’tit B.needn’tthere C.isn’tthere 5.Theoldman______alotofdifficultiesinthepast.Hissad______madeusthinkalot. A.experienced,experienced B.experiences,experienced C.experienced,experiences 6.–Whatdidyou_____thebadboy?--Sorry.Idon’tknowhowto____him. A.dealwith,dowith B.dowith,dealwith C.dealwith,dealwith 7.Theworld’spopulationisgettinglargerandlarger,soofficialswillhaveto______n ewwaystosolvetheseriousproblem. A.catchupwith B.keepupwih https://www.doczj.com/doc/e44165386.html,eupwith 8._____hardworkitis!Idon’tthinkyoucanfinishitbyyourself. A.Whata B.How C.What 9.Doyourememberthedays______weusedtospendtogetheronthefarm? A.who B.which C.when 10.Weare______ofhelp.Theywilldecide___asuitablewaytohelpus. A.intheneed,for B.inneed,for C.inneed,on


灵璧县杨疃中学九年级英语摸底考试试卷 Ⅰ..单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --What is Miss Gao's favorite________? --She is always in pink. Don't you know? A. colour B. book C. song D. movie 2. You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A. wouldn't B. shouldn't C. couldn't D. mightn't 3. -- Would you like some milk? --________. A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure 4. -- ________ can you finish this English examination? -- In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 5. Smile to the world, ________ the world will smile back to you. A. nor B. but C. or D. and 6. -- I can't find David. Where is he? -- He ________ for tomorrow's competition at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 7. Mrs. King put a coat ________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 8. --I am a little hungry, Mom. --There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________. A. it B. one C. that D. this 9. I will meet Jane at the station. Please ________ what time she will arrive. A. count B. choose C. check D. catch 10. -- Tony, ________ are you in such a hurry? -- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late. A. where B.how C. when D. why 11. -- What was Jim wearing at the party? -- Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 12. -- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. --________ You can make it! A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. kook out! D. Have a good time. 13. It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 14. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 15. -- Our school bus will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. -- OK. I will be there ten minutes________. A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 16. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn D. has learned 17. I'm surprised to hear from her. ________, we last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words 18. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven't ________ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for 19. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which 20. --TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. -- ________I planned to go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 21 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 22 , but with no success. When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 23 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 24 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 25 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said. "But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak." "It's certainly very 26 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day." 27 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 28 word. Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 29 and said, "Pass me the salt, please." Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 30 so long to speak?" "I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes." 21. A. because B. when C. though D. before 22. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 23. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked 24. A. never B. often C. usually D. always 25. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind 26. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet


最新教学资料·人教版英语 同山中心学校期中试卷 九年级英语 满分:120分考试时间:100分钟 第一部分:听力部分(25分) 一、听力 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。(每题1分)( )1. What is Tom allowed to do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )2. What did Mr. Black use to do? A. B. C. ( )3. How does the boy study English? A. B. C. ( )4. Who used to be afraid of the dark ? A. B. C. ( )5. What has Mary bought for Susan’s birthday? A. B. C. 第二节:听对话,回答问题(每题2分, 共10分)

听第一段对话,回答6-7两小题(对话读两遍) ( )6. What are they talking about? A. How to memorize new words. B. How to memorize the text. C. How to make flashcards. ( )7. What is the boy’s idea? To A.make flashcards is certainly useful B.make flashcards is not much useful. C.make flashcards is a waste of time. 听下面一段较长的对话, 回答8--10三小题。(对话读两遍) ( )8. What do you have to say first if you want Jane to tell what kind of person you are . A.The color you like best. B. The color you like least. C. The color you often wear. ( )9. What kind of person is Jeff’s sister? A.If she is kind to others ,she hopes others can be the same to her . B.She is a good listener. C. She does things according to her plans. ( )10. Who is a good listener that doesn’t like yellow. A. Jane B. Jeff’s sister C. Jeff 第三节:听短文,回答问题,(短文读两遍)(每题2分,共10分) 提示词:model (模特) ( )11. Where did the story happen? A. In a book shop. B. In a clothing shop. C. In a fruit shop. ( )12. What did the woman want to buy? A. A dress. B. A skirt. C. A sweater. ( )13. How many times did the woman ask the girl? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( )14. How did the girl treat the woman ? A. Coldly. B. Warmly. C. Friendly. ( )15. How did the girl feel when she heard the woman’s words? A. She felt happy. B. She felt surprised. C. She felt angry. 第二部分:笔试部分(95分) 二、选择填空(每题1分,共10分) ()16.I met with ocean of problems when I was in that country. A. a B.an C. the D. / ( )17.You won’t feel happy at school ________ you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because ( )18. Don’t __________ him. He is too young to finish the work by himself. A.care about B. be strict with C. worry about D. be afraid of ( )19.---- Why is the classroom so dirty ! ---- Sorry , sir ,it yesterday . We forgot to do it . A.doesn’t clean B.didn’t clean C.isn’t cleaned D.wasn’t cleaned ( )20. The whole country is fighting against the H7N9 , a disease has caused many deaths. A.who B.which C.whom D.what ( )21. ---How was your National Day?


2019~2020学年第一学期期中考试 初三英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷选择题(55分)和第Ⅱ卷非选择题(45分)两部分,共6大题,满分100分,用时80分钟。注意:请同学们将答案填写在答题纸上。 第I 卷(选择题,共55分) 一、选择填空(共25小题:每小题1分,满分25分) A)单项填空。从A, B. C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I never doubt ______ his advice is ______ to me. A. that; valuable B. if; value C. whether; valuable D. that; value 2. Yesterday I was reminded by my mother______ late for the exam A. not be B. not to C. not to be D. don't to 3. The book will _____ you when you need help. A. help to B. be some helpful with C. be of some help to D. be of some help with 4. Would you please_________ these grammar rules______ us? A. repeat; for B. repeat; to C. repeating; to D. repeating; for 5. ﹣When shall we travel to Australia, this year or next year? ﹣______ is OK. You decide. A. Neither B: Every C. Either D. Each 6. Some scientists ______all their lives _______their homeland. A. devoted; into building B. devoted; to build C. devoted; to building D. devoted; for building 7. Could you keep these old clothes_______ good order? A. with B. for C: at D. in 8. His father looks young, but ______ fact he is________. A. in ; in the forties B. in ; in his forties C. in the ; in his fortieth D. in the ; in the forties 9. -Let's go to the community if it _______ tomorrow. -But nobody knows if it_______ tomorrow. A. won't rain; rains B. doesn't rain; rains C. doesn't rain; will rain D. won't rain; will rain 10. We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict ______ our work. A. in , with B. with, in C. in , in D. with . with 考场号______________ 座位号____________ 班级__________ 姓名____________ 成绩____________ ————————————————————————装订线————————————————————————————


第一部分听力部分 一、听力(本题有15小题。第一节每小题1分。第二、第三节每小题2分。共25分。) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 第二节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 6. What would Lucy like A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Oranges. 7. How much is the red T-shirt A. $15. B. $20. C. $25. 8. Who is the tallest of the three A. Mary. B. Tom. C. Susan. 9. What does the woman speaker do A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policewoman. 10. How long has Mrs Green had the watch A. More than three years. B. Less than three years. C. Just three years. 第三节:听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。

()11. A. front B. back C. end ()12. A. friend B. teacher C. classmate ()13. A. watch B. remember C. understand ()14. A. make B. play C. learn ()15. A. some B. little C. most 第二部分笔试部分 二、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 16.--- How do you study a test --- I study working a group. A. for, in, with B. for, by, at C. for, by, with D. of, in, by 17. --- Hey! Don’t you remember me --- Wow! Paula You used to ________ curly hair. A. be B. are C. have D. has 18. Sixteen-years-olds shouldn’t ______ to go to an Internet bar. A. be allowed B. be allow C. allow D. are allowed 19. -– Do you feel tired --- No, I don’t. If I were tired, I ______a rest. A had B would have C will have D have 20. --- Tom, where is your father? --- I’m not sure. He_______ in his office. A. is B. may be C. maybe D. may 21. I don’t like p eople ______ talk much but do little. A. who B. that C. which D. whose 22. ---Where would you like to go ---I’d like to go ________. A. warm somewhere B. place warm C. somewhere warm D. warm place 23. ---You look so , don't you


九年级上学期英语期中考试模拟试题(附答案) 一、完形填空(共1题;共10分) 1.完形填空 How do teenagers get along with their parents? We had a 1 with students from different schools several days ago. Quite a few of them said they loved their parents very much, but they didn't think they got on well 2 their parents. Some people may think only school children do not agree with their parents, 3 , it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's 4 for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here is some 5 for you to build a bridge between you and your parents. ※Stop arguing with your parents Try not to 6 with your parents. Arguing is not love. Don't talk to your parents when you are 7 . Your parents probably won't think about your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express(表达)yourself 8 if you are angry. Take some time to find out 9 you are unhappy. Then 10 what you want to say. If you don't think you can speak to your parents at the moment, try it later. ※Learn from your parents Your parents are much older than you are, so they have more 11 doing things. It's helpful to listen to their suggestions. ※Try to understand your parents Your parents are people who love you best. Sometimes they stop you doing what you love to do, that's not because they don't love you. 12 , that's because they love you so much and they care about you a lot. II you understand this, it will be 13 for you to feel their love. A good relationship(关系)with your parents can make you a happy person. It also 14 a happy family. Go for it! It's never too early for 15 to have it. 1. A. drink B. talk C. game D. meal 2. A. in B. with C. for D. at 3. A. because B. so C. however D. although 4. A. simple B. interesting C. exciting D. difficult 5. A. advice B. paper C. water D. money 6. A. argue B. play C. talk D. stay 7. A. happy B. mad C. busy D. free 8. A. good B. nice C. well D. fine 9. A. what B. which C. where D. why 10. A. hear about B. take away C. end up D. think about 11. A. freedom B. experience C. money D. food

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