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Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.


Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!


Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.


arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.


I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.


In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.


May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.


May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.

Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!


May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year!


Christmas greetings and best wishes!



圣诞节祝福语之英文版|祝福语英文 圣诞节祝福语英文版1、may the joy of christmas be with you throughout the year.愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。 2、may joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐。 3、may happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。 4、a special card from your grandson.您的孙子,寄上一张特别的卡片。 5、a christmas wish from your nephew.您的侄儿祝您圣诞快乐。 6、wishing you

and yours a happy happy new year.万事如意,合家平安。 7、your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy christmas.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。 8、merry christmas, my best friend.祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。 9、a christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。 10、take your passion and make it e true.发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。 11、i hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过圣诞节。 12、to hong


happiness forever ! 8、愿圣诞之夜的烛光,开启你心头 一喜悦,使你新的一年更亮丽辉煌。May the Christmas candle, open a touch your heart with gladness and make your New Year a more beautiful future o 9^ 我的每一下心跳想你一次,直到我生命停止,心不再跳动!我爱你!圣诞快乐!My every heartbeat miss you once, unt订my life stop,heart no longer beating! I love you! Meiry Christmas ! 10、满天的雪花是飞舞的音符,以思念谱成乐 章,用祝福奏出所盼,带给你欢欣快乐的一年!Snowflakes in the sky is dancing notes, which are set to music, hope of played by blessings, brings you a happy New Year! 11、您的平安是我的愿望,您的真心是我的幸福,而我给您的礼物是我一生的祝福!节日快乐。Your peace is my desire, your heart is my happiness, and my gift to you is the blessing of my life! A happy holiday。12、听,圣诞老人的铃声,快去看看啊,怎么这么快就回来了,什么,倒垃圾的,别太急哦! Listen, Santa? s ringing, go and take a look at ah, how to come back so soon, what, taking out the trash, dor/ t worry! 13、这是我发给你的三天后的信息,别偷看哦,叫你别看,还看,祝你圣诞快乐!This is information I sent to you three days later, don' t peep oh, call you don' t look, look, also wish you a merry Christmas ! 14、愿你的 圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶, 新年乐无限。May your Christmas be filled with special mome


最新圣诞节的英文祝福语(广告词) 圣诞节本是宗教节日。十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,使圣诞节开始渐 渐流行起来。圣诞庆祝习俗在北欧流行后,结合着北半球冬季的圣诞装饰也出现了。 十九世纪初发展至中叶,整个欧洲、美洲开始过起了圣诞节。并衍生出了相应的圣诞 文化。 我有一个美丽的愿望:与你相约平安夜,然后捉紧你的手,一起敲响圣诞节的钟声, 开始我们的浪漫爱之旅…你愿意帮我实现愿望吗? 圣诞节传播到亚洲是在十九世纪中叶,日本、韩国、中国等都受到了圣诞文化的影响。 At Christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days. 圣诞的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满, 愿你一切称心如意,快乐无比。 With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you. 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意! 改革开放后,圣诞节在中国传播地尤为突出,至二十一世纪初,圣诞节有机地结合了 中国当地习俗,发展日趋成熟。吃苹果、带圣诞帽、寄送圣诞贺卡,参加圣诞派对,圣诞 购物等成了中国人生活的一部分。 Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐! May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness. The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take


圣诞节中英文祝福语大全(免费) It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满! May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you. 愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。 A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year. 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。 With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season. Hope things are going all right with you. 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意! Here is wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a New


圣诞节英文祝福语(带翻译) 导读:本文是关于圣诞节英文祝福语(带翻译),希望能帮助到您! 圣诞节英文祝福语 may the beauty and joy of christmas remain with you throughout the newyear! 愿圣诞美景与欢乐常伴随你! christmas greetings and best wishes! 致圣诞贺忱与最美好的祝福! wishing you every happiness when christmas is near, and expressingappreciation for your cares and concerns during the year. 圣诞即将来临,祝你快乐幸福,对你一年来的关心和照顾表示衷心的感谢。 thinking of you at christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere. have awonderful christmas and joyous new year! 以真挚热诚的祝福,在圣诞之际思念你。祝圣诞快乐,新年快乐! forget, forgive, for who may say that christmas day may ever come to hostor guest again. touch hands! 愿知道圣诞节会不断来临的人们,忘却和宽恕以往的一切不快,让我们携手共进吧! a wish for a truly merry christmas and may the joy of christmas linger inyour heart all the year! 圣诞快乐!愿圣诞的喜悦整年萦绕你心间。


圣诞节贺卡英语祝福语 May the Christmas candle bring you peace and happiness. 愿圣诞之夜的烛光,带给你温馨和芬芳。 With music,candle and bell may peace and happiness be with you. 乐声环绕,烛光闪烁,钟声飘向远方,让幸福、安康、快乐,降 临到你和家人的旁边。 Best wishes at Christma.I miss you. 圣诞的祝福,真诚的思念。 Mountains and rivers cannot separate us.Maerry Christmas. 远隔千山万水,也隔不断我对你的思念。祝你圣诞快乐。 May peace and happiness be your every moment of the Christmas tide.

在这特别的日子里,愿这小小的圣诞贺卡,带去我对你特别的思念 Stars are shining.May Santa Claus e to you with joys and happiness. 星光闪烁,圣诞老人来到你的床前,将欢乐与祝福,洒满你的房间。 May the spirit of Christmas bring you joys and happiness all through the New Year. 圣诞老人的祝福,陪伴着你,保佑着你,地久天长。 Red candle,pine tree and Christmas are greeting you,wishing youth and happiness be your. 红烛、松树、圣辰,祝福你,我的友人,青春永驻,幸福长在。 Three hundred and sixty-five miles,everywhere be filled with my season greeting.Three hundred and sixty-five days,everywhere be touched with my warmest blessing.


最新圣诞节英语祝福语 More friendship-and friendship-closer and closerto our heart. 圣诞快乐,好友,我们的情谊,更加深厚;我们的心灵,愈加相印。 My wishes come to you with the flying snow. May you be happy at Christmas and always. 我的心和雪花一起,飘落到你的门前,祝福,等待着你;快乐,每一个圣诞。 Merry Christmas.Many happiness returns of the day. 恭贺圣诞,岁岁似今朝。 May the angel bring you peace,happiness,joys and fortunes. 愿可爱的小天使带给你平安,幸福,快乐和如意。 May the Christmas candle bring you peace and happiness. 愿圣诞之夜的烛光,带给你温馨和芬芳。 Best wishes at Christma.I miss you. 圣诞的祝福,真诚的思念。 Mountains and rivers cannot separate us.Maerry Christmas. 远隔千山万水,也隔不断我对你的思念。祝你圣诞快乐。 Let`s share the happiness of Chirstmas. 让我们一同分享这快乐的圣诞。 At this happy moment.I miss you very much. 在着幸福的时刻,我更加的怀念你。 May peace and happiness be your every moment of the Christmas tide. 在着特别的日子里,原着小小的圣诞贺卡,带去我对你特别的思念。 Stars are shining.May Santa Claus come to you with joys and happiness. 星光闪烁,圣诞老人来到你的床前,将欢乐与祝福,洒满你的房间。 May the spirit of Christmas bring you joys and happiness all through the New Year. 圣诞老人的祝福,陪伴着你,保佑着你,地久天长。 With music,candle and bell may peace and happiness be with you. 乐声环绕,烛光闪烁,钟声飘向远方,让幸福、安康、快乐,降临到你和家人的旁边。 Red candle ,pine tree and Christmas are greeting you,wishing youth and happiness be your. 红烛、松树、圣辰,祝福你,我的友人,青春永驻,幸福长在。


From its modest beginnings, Christmas has evolved into the biggest celebration in the world. Now Let’s read it in detail. If you get any questions about this article, please contact WeTrans without hesitation! 从开始到现在,圣诞节已经发展成为世界上最大的庆祝活动。如此受欢迎的节日,是不是该好好了解哈勒,那就随Trans来看吧.......据说认真学东西的人最美哦 First the word feast prepared for you guys: 难点词汇意思都给你奉上啦,小伙伴们,咱先来场词汇盛宴吧: drunkenness n. 沉醉;酩酊feast 盛宴;宴会;节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动)ascend v. 上升;升高;登高daunting v.使气馁 commission n.佣金;回扣;委员会v.正式委托(谱写或制作、创作);任命…为军官mistletoe n.槲寄生(结白色小浆果,寄生于其他树木,常用于圣诞节装饰)reconciliation n.和解;协调;调解;palm tree n.棕榈树;棕树; confectioner n.甜食业;糖果店;糖果制造者divinity n.神;神性;女神; stripe n.条纹;线条;mint adj.完美的;新造的n.薄荷;薄荷糖;铸币厂;v.铸(币)Yule n.圣诞节fir tree n.冷杉树manifestation n.显示;表示;infant n.婴儿;幼儿;四岁到七岁之间的学童adj.初期的;初创期的oak n.栎树log n. 日志;原木;飞行日志v.记录;把…载入正式记录;行驶;采伐(森林的)树木solstice n.(夏或冬)至hearth n.壁炉炉床fertility n.丰产;富饶;能生育性;sprinkle v.洒;撒;把…撒(或洒)在…上;mull n.乱七八糟v.〈美口〉仔细考虑[讨论];splinter v.分裂;(使)裂成碎片;boisterous adj.热闹的;充满活力的;活蹦乱跳的 iron stove n.铁炉pagan adj.异教的;非基督教的;无宗教信仰的n.异教徒nativity n.圣诞;耶稣降生;耶稣降生图centerpiece n.中心装饰品;核心Evergree n.常青树;常绿树adj.常绿的somber adj. 忧郁的;昏暗的;阴森的pastry n.油酥面团;油酥面皮;油酥糕点secular adj.现世的;世俗的;非宗教的;crucifixion n.钉死在十字架上;十字架苦像(耶稣受难的画像或艺术品) bishop n.主教berry n.浆果;莓accoutrement n.装备 哈哈,看完词汇的小伙伴们,是不是已经有点晕晕了,若想继续挑战自己,那就继续享受下面精彩的文化盛宴吧!!记住有问题找WeTrans 哦,么么哒!! A Common Date 通用日期 December 25 was a significant date for various early cultures. The ancient Babylonians believed the son of the queen of heaven was born on December 25. The Egyptians celebrated the birth of the son of the fertility goddess Isis on the same date, while ancient Arabs contended that the moon was born on December 24. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a feast named for Saturn, god of agriculture, on December 21,


圣诞节新年祝福语中英 对照 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

圣诞节、新年祝福语(中英对照) good luck, good health, hood cheer. i wish you a happy new year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 with best wishes for a happy new year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 i hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 with the compliments of the season. 祝贺佳节。 may the season's joy fill you all the year round. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生。 season's greetings and best wishes for the new year. 祝福您,新年快乐。 please accept my season's greetings. 请接受我节日的祝贺。 to wish you joy at this holy season. wishing every happiness will always be with you. 恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。 good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.

恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 may the joy and happiness around you today and always. 愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。 please accept my sincere wishes for the new year. i hope you will continue to enjoy good health. 请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。 allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the new year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity. 恭贺新禧,祝身体健康、事业发达。 best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the new year. 恭贺新禧,万事如意。 with very best wishes for your happiness in the new year. 致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。 please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy new year. 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。 may the coming new year bring you joy, love and peace. 愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the new year. 祝节日快乐,新年幸福。 a happy new year to you.


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/e39981065.html,)/祝福语 12月圣诞节英语祝福语 HopeallyourChristmasdreamsetrue! 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真! HopeyouenjoythehappinessofChristmasandallthetrimmings. 祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。 WarmheartedwishesforanoldfashionedChristmasandahappyNewYe arfilledwithallyourfavoritethings. 传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意! IwishyouamerryChristmas.Allaffectionandbestwishestoyouandyours . 以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

IntheseasonofjoyIpresentmysincerewishesandkindthoughts.Maythe kindofChristmasoutshinealltherest. 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。 MaythebrightandfestiveglowofChristmascandlewarmthedaysallthey earthrough.HopingyouwillhaveawonderfultimeenjoyingChristmasD ayandwishingyouaNewYearthatishappyineveryway. 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞,高高兴兴过新年! MayyourChristmasbefilledwithspecialmoment,warmth,peaceandha ppiness,thejoyofcoveredonesnear,andwishingyouallthejoysofChrist masandayearofhappiness. 愿你的圣诞充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝圣诞乐陶陶,新年乐无限。ThinkingofyouatChristmaswithawishthatiswarmandsincere.Haveaw onderfulChristmasandjoyousNewYear!

圣诞节祝福语(英文版) 大全

圣诞节祝福语(英文版) 大全 merry christmas and a happy new year.敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。 best wishes on this holiday season. 献上最诚挚的节日祝福。 wishing you and yours a merry christmas this holiday season.值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。 we wish you a merry christmas. 我们祝你圣诞快乐。 wishing you a beautiful holiday season.节日愉快。 happy holidays! 节日快乐! season\'s greetings.顺颂时祺。 wishing you a white christmas.愿你有一个银白色的圣诞。 have you been naughty or nice this year? 你今年乖不乖? don\'t forget to hang up the sock! 别忘了挂上袜子! we\'ve had a rather uneventful year! 我们度过了平安无事的一年 may the holidays fill your heart with happiness.祝您节日快乐。

给父母亲的祝福语. mom and dad: thank you for everything this holiday season! 爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。 i\'ll be home to enjoy this christmas with you. 我将回家与你们共度佳节。 a present from me is on the way. hope you\'ll like it. 寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。 i wish i were home for the holidays. 但愿我能回家共度佳节。 thinking of you at christmas time. 圣诞佳节,我想念你们。 best wishes from mark, janet and the kids. 马克、的珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。 warmest thoughts and best wishes form your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。 a holiday wish from your son tom. 寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子汤姆敬上。 may you have the best christmas ever. 愿你过个最愉快的圣诞节。 merry christmas to the world\'s best parents!


圣诞英文祝福语大全 the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest. 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。 the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。 , forgive, for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands! 愿知道圣诞节会不断来临的人们,忘却和宽恕以往的一切不快,让我们携手共进吧! loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me. 无尽的爱恋与祝福,献给我的爱妻,你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切! is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses. the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.


圣诞节的英文祝福语 merry christmas, my best friend. 祝我挚友节日快乐。 a christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 希望节日祝福给你带来欢乐,我好朋友。 take your passion and make it come true. 发挥你热情,让理想变为现实。 i hope we can spend the holidays together. 希望我们能一起过节日节。 to hong from your good friends at peking u. 送给红——北大一群好友。 best of luck in the year to come. 愿你在未来一年里,吉星高照。 a merry yuletide! 节日快乐! wish all the best wishes for you.

献上最美好祝愿。 wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. 新一年,向你献上最诚挚祝福。 wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season. 愿你拥有美丽节日所有祝福。 may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear. 祝福你及你所爱人新一年中万事如意。 to wish you special joy at the holidays and all year. 祝你在节日和新一年中享有无限快乐。 给长辈上司的圣诞祝福: for you and your family,boss,during this holiday season! 在这个佳节里,老板,向您和您全家人祝福! there s no place like home for the holidays. 在这个佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。 best wishes for a wonderful newyear.

世界各地圣诞节 英文介绍

世界各地圣诞节英文介绍 Christmas in the UK 英式圣诞节 An American Christmas 美式圣诞节 A Spanish Christmas 西班牙圣诞节 Christmas in Other Countries 其他国家圣诞节 Christmas in the UK 英式圣诞节 In Britain, Christmas Day is normally spent at home, with the family, and it is regarded as a celebration of the family and its continuity. Preparations start well in advance, with the sending of Christmas cards and installation of a decorated Christmas tree in a prominent place in the home. Although it is now a firmly established tradition, the Christmas tree was first popularised by Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, who introduced the custom from his native Germany in 1840. 在英国,圣诞节往往在家和家人一起过,且被视为对家庭和睦的一种庆祝。准备工作很早就开始了,大家寄贺卡且在家最显眼的地方装饰圣诞树。尽管这已经成为了根深蒂固的传统,圣诞树最早是由维多利亚女王的丈夫,阿尔伯特王子在1840年从德国引入这一风俗,且开始流行起来。


圣诞节中英文祝福语大全 导读:本文是关于圣诞节中英文祝福语大全,希望能帮助到您! 1. 友情 from majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。 it's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know. 认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。 a friend is a loving companion at all times. 朋友是永久的知心伴侣。 when i think of you the miles between us disappear. 当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。 you're wonderful friend, and i treasure you more with every year. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。 2. 爱情 precious things are very few—— that must be why there's just one for you. 可贵的东西世间稀少—— 这正是为什么属于你的只有我一个。


给同事的圣诞节祝福语中英文 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season. 愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。 Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season. 祝节日幸福如意。 Hope all your Christmas dreams come true! 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真! Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings. 祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。 arm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things. 传统佳节之际,献上圣诞的殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意! I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours. 以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。 In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest. 在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的圣诞比往年更璀璨。

May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。 May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled Christmas and New Year! 愿圣诞的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你的圣诞和新年充满爱。 May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way. 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞, 高高兴兴过新年! Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!


圣诞祝福语 1、Best wishes on this holiday season. 献上最诚挚的节日祝福。 2、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season. 值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。 3、Wishing you a beautiful holiday season. 节日愉快。 4、Wishing you a white Christmas. 愿你有一个童话般的圣诞。 5、Don't forget to hang up the sock! 别忘了挂上袜子! 6、We've had a rather uneventful year! 我们度过了平安无事的一年 7、Thank you for everything this holiday season! 感谢您们所给予的一切。 8、A present from me is on the way. Hope you'll like it. 寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。 9、Thinking of you at Christmas time. 圣诞佳节,我想念你们。 10、Warmest thoughts and best wishes form you. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿。 11、May you have the best Christmas ever. 愿你过个最愉快的圣诞节。 12、Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年充满快乐。 13、Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season. 值此佳节,谨对您的辛勤栽培表示感谢。 14、There's no place like home for the holidays. 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。 15、May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。 16、Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year. 万事如意,合家平安。 17、A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。 18、Take your passion and make it come true. 发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。 19、Best of luck in the year to come. 愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。 20、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season. 愿你拥有美丽的圣诞所有的祝福。 21、May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.


简单圣诞节英语祝福语 ★以下是###英语资源频道为大家整理的《简单圣诞节英语祝福语》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。 ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满! Wishing you a sparkling Christmas and bright happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you. 愿你的圣诞光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐! Peace and love for you at Christmas from all your students. 祝老师圣诞节充满平安和爱。 A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。 May you have the best Christmas ever. 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节! I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours. 以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。 In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.

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