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1.难以形容地开心:indescribably wild joy

2.极为感动:be overwhelmingly moved

3.几乎无法掩饰他的兴奋的心情:can hardly conceal his excitement

4.既兴奋又开心:a mixture of excitement and happiness

5.激发某人的激情:kindle sb. with/to passion

6.显示出极大的意愿:show a greater readiness

7.被强烈地吸引:be powerfully attracted to

8.心情愉快:in cheerful spirits

9.振作精神:keep up one’s spirits

10.满意的表情:a satisfied look

11.对...感到满意:be content with

12.对...很高兴:be delighted at

13.为成功而欣喜:be excited with joy at the success

14.被...场面所吸引:be fascinated by the spectacle of

15.被她的美貌所吸引:be fascinated with her beauty

16.因...而高兴:be joyful over/about

17.喜爱,对...着迷: be keen on

18.快乐至极:be overwhelmed with

19.高兴地跳起来:dance/jump for joy

20.欣喜若狂:be wild with delight

21. —个令人鼓舞的表情:an encouraging expression

22.过一个愉快的假日:have a pleasant holiday

23.心满意足,非常幸福:on the top of the world

24.对...感到非常高兴:overjoyed at/to do

25.流下幸福的泪水:tears of happiness flowing down

26.乐得大叫:yell with delight

27.使某人心情愉快:brighten sb’s heart

28.使某人安心:set one ’s heart at rest

29.感到鼓舞的:feel inspired/encouraged

30.精神高涨:be in high spirits


1.强烈的失落感:a strong sense of loss

2.陷入绝望:fall into despair

3.让他很伤感:put him into a sentimental mood

4.避免陷入消极的旋涡:avoid getting sucked into a whirlpool of negativity

5.哭泣释放苦闷情绪:crying gives some emotional release

6.减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼:ease sb of his pain/trouble

7.因某人的死亡而痛心:break one’ s heart over one ’ death

8.使某人悲痛:make one’s heart bleed

9.伤心而死:die of a broken heart

10.悲痛欲绝:cry one ’s heart out

11.怀着沉重的心情:with a heavy heart

12.沮丧的:with a sinking heart

13.忧郁的:with sorrowful heart

14.惊慌失措:be seized wilh panic

15.有点惊讶:come as something of a surprise

16.感到极度疲劳和难以招架:feel exhausted and overwhelmed

17.很可能引发一阵挫败感:be extremely likely to raise a storm of frustration

18.感到一阵悲伤:a flash of grief came upon sb.

19.情绪低落:be down in spirits

20.垂头丧气:lose one ’s spirit

21.心里悲伤:be sad at heart

22.意志消沉:a broken spirit


1.引起某人的不快:arouse one’s displeasure

2.对某人的行为感到不满:be displeased at one ’ s conduct

3.易为琐事而恼火:be easily annoyed at trifles

4.气得说不出话:be speechless with indignation

5.不断地抱怨:complain constantly

6.对某人大发脾气:rage at sb.

7.怒火万丈:flame high

8.气得满脸通红:flame with anger

9.勃然大怒:fly into a rage

10.对某人生气:get irritated at

11.对某人勃然大怒:get mad/cross at sb.

12.愁眉苦脸:have a worried look

13.对抱怨不予理会:ignore/disregard a complaint

14.对...表示不满:express/voice a complaint about

15.怒气冲冲地跑出房间:run out of the room in a burst of anger

16.愤怒地跺脚:stamp one’s foot in anger

17.感到尴尬的:feel embarrassed

18.感到困惑的:feel puzzled/confused

19.感到沮丧的:feel frustrated/depressed

20.感到恶心的:feel disgusted/sickened

21.感到恼怒的:feel annoyed

22.感到愤怒的:feel irritated

23.感到泄气的:feel discouraged

24.充满怨恨的眼神:a resentful look


1.激发兴趣:find...highly stimulating

2.宽容的精神:a forgiving spirit

3.以和蔼可亲的态度:with a kindly and good-humored spirit

4.他一点也不感兴趣:not in the least is he interested in …

5.混合着焦虑与希望的情绪:mixed with the emotion of anxiety and hope

6.引起强烈的情感:set off strong feelings in the hearts of…

7.对...彻底上瘾:be hopelessly addicted to

8.在这些情绪的控制下:under the domination of these emotions


1.优美的身段:a graceful figure

2.匀称的形体:a shapely figure

3.痩削的身材:a skinny figure

4.细长的身体:a slim figure

5.发育良好的身体:a well-developed figure

6.仪表堂堂:an imposing/a dashing/a handsome/a striking figure

7.(人)形体很好:have a good figure

8.改善形体:improve one ’s figure

9.看到月光下有一个模糊的人影:see a dark figure in the moonlight

10.显露出她优美的身段:show off her lovely figure

11.中等身材:an average build

12.身材魅梧的人:a well-built man


1.务实的:be down-to-earth

2.脱颖而出:stand out from the crowd

3.保守的性格:conservative personalities

4.缺乏责任感:lack of responsibility

5.具有...的美德:with the virtue of

6.责任感:sense of responsibility

7.—个专心致志进行探索的科学家:a scientist bent on making

a discovery

8.高素质、有经验的老师:highly qualified,well-experienced teaching staff

9.光明的前途:promising future 10.关于...很无知:be ignoranl about

11.具有对教学过程敏锐的洞察力:armed/equipped with a keen insight into the teaching process

12. —夜成名的人:an overnight successful person/an instant successful person

13.生在城市,长在城市:city born and city bred

14.脾气好的人:a good-hummored/good natured person

15.完人:a faultless/perfect person 16.知名人士: a notable personage

17. —个从事专门职业的人:a professional person

18. 一个有自制力的人:a self-possessed pereon

19. 一个疑心重的人:a suspicious person

20.天资高的人:a talented person

21.有抱负的人:an ambitious person

22.留胡须的人:a bearded man

23.聪明人:an intellectual person

24.个性强的人:a man of fine personality

25.个性迷人的女人:a woman of engaging/fascinating personality

26.有突出的个性:have striking personalities

27.温和可爱的个性:lovable and good natured personality

28.容易相处的人:an easy person to deal with

29.冷酷无情的人:a cold-blooded man

30.成年人:a full-grown man

31.性情和善的男子:a good-natured man

32.心肠冷酷的人:a hard-hearted man

33.有前途的青年:a promising young man

34.严肃的年轻人:a serious young man

35.头脑简单的人:a simple-minded man

36.能说会道的人:a smooth-spoken man

37.消息灵通/见多识广的人:a well-informed man

38.娴静有礼的淑女:a quiet, gracious lady

39.说话直率的人:an out spoken man

40.有教养的女子:a cultured woman

41.相貌平平的女人:a homely woman

42.单身女人:a single woman

43.丑女人:an ugly woman

44.未婚妇女:an unmarried woman

45.时髦的社交界妇女:a fashionable lady

46.无辜/无邪的人:an innocent man

47. 一位多才多艺的女子:an accomplished young lady

48. 20 岁出头的姑娘:a girl in her early twenties

49.动人的姑娘:an attractive girl

50.浪漫的人:a romantic figure

51.没有头脑的少女:an empty-headed girl

52.著名人物:a well-known /prominent figure

53.品格纯洁无瑕的女子:a girl of stainless character

54.伟大的历史人物:a great historical character

55.品格正直的人:a man of upright character

56.没有出息的人:a worthless character

57.具有独立的性格:possess an independent character

58.有诚实的好名声:have an excellent character for honesty

59.性格果断:be of a determined character

60.乐观和有抱负的:be optimistic and ambitious


1.给某人造成负担:impose a heavy burden on sb.

2.步态优美地走:walk grarefully

3.不顾对...的忧虑:regardless of concerns over

4.互相谅解,相互理解:mutual understanding

5.鼓起勇气:muster up courage

6.首次露面:make one's first appearance

7.面对斗争与改变:in the face of struggle and change

8.服从志愿者组织的指挥:follow orders from the voluntary organization

9.没有履行职责:fail to carry out one ’s duties

10.有不端行为:display unacceptable behavior

11.损害高中生形象:damage the image of high school students

12.标志着童年到成年的过渡:mark the transition from childhood to adulthood

13.吸引注意:capture the attention

14.完全一团糟:be competely in a mess

15.被认为是权威:be considered an authority

16.对某事不存幻想:be under no illusion about sth.

17.—项有意义的活动:a meaningful /rewarding activity

18.彻底信仰奇迹:believe whole heartedly in the great miracle

19.相信:in the belief that

20.期待...:in the expectation that

21.经受起起落落:go through ups and downs

22.自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone

23.感觉很不适应:feel out of place

24.毫无倦意:show no signs of tiredness

25.关于...很无知:be ignorant about

26.走神:keep drifting away

27.无力改变结果:be powerless to change the outcome

28.不愿改变:be reluctant to make changes

29.赞赏的目光:an admiring gaze

30.嫉妒的目光:an envious glance

31.朝某人匆匆瞥了一眼:cast a hasty glance at sb.

32.向某人投以爱慕的目光:cast admiring glance at sb.

33.凝望着天上的星星:gaze up at the stars

34.首次窥见:gaze the first glimpse of

35.凝视着某人:look at sb. with a fixed gaze

36.好奇地向某人看了一眼:throw a curious glance at sh.

37.听到远处的隆隆雷声:hear the thunder rolling in the distance

38.极力称赞、大肆吹捧某人:praise sb. (up) to the skies

39.从未听说过反对某人的话:never hear anything against sb.

40. —听到声音就知道是某人:recognize sb. at first hearing

41.深受赞扬:be received with much appreciation

42.爆发出阵阵喝彩声:break into shouts of applause

43.不耐心地听:listen impatiently

44.自吹自擂:sing one ’s own praise

45.承担全部责任:bear all the blame

46.收回前言,承认说錯:eat one ’s words

47.无意中得罪某人:offend sb. unintentionally

48.严厉训斥某人:give sb. a sharp scolding

49.致闭幕词:give a closing address

50.说一句妙语:utter a witty remark

51.就某事发表意见:make a remarkupon sh.

52.触犯某人的话:offending remarks of sb.

53.议论某人:pass remarks ahout sb.

54.字斟句酌:pick one ’s words

55.引述某人一段引人深思的评论:quote an illuminating comment from sb.

56.说得明白而深刻:say sth. Clearly and impressively

57.穿过田野的散步:a walk across the fields

58.低声表示赞同:give a murmur of approval

59.故意地说:say sth.deliberately

60.散步,闲逛:have/take a stroll

61. —跃而起:jump to one ’s feet

62.来回跋步:pace back and forth

63.在城里闲逛:stroll about/around/through the town

64.毫无目的地在街上游落:stroll aimlessly through the streets

65.步行穿过马路:walk across a street

66.臂挽着臂走:walk arm in arm

67.以栽培花木为消遣:look upon

gardening as a recreation

68.在倾盆大雨中走:walk through the pouring rain

69.漫步向山里走去:wander into the woods

70.在乡间漫步:wander over the countryside

71.平衡不同水平的学生的兴趣爱好:balance the interests of different levels

of students


1.常常发生的事:a frequent occurrence


3.让某人记忆犹新:remain fresh in one ’ s memory

4.一件身心有益的事情:an enchanting mental and physical business

5.突然繁荣的房地产市场:a sudden boom in the housing market

6.省钱省时间:be less time-consuming and more economical

7.辛劳的任务:an arduous/a painstaking/a laborious task

8.需要紧急处理:require urgent attention

9.值得珍藏的经历:a truly memorable experience

10.回忆高中生活的美好时刻:recall the sweet moment of one's high school life

11.经受起起落落:go through ups and downs

12.自动电话:a dial/an automatic telephone

13.长途电话:a long-distance telephone

14.在会上发表演讲:address a meeting

15.有某人的电话:be wanted on the phone

16.叫某人接电话:get sb. on the phone

17.接通电话:get through

18.拿起听筒:pick up the phone

19.跟某人通电话:speak to sb. over the phone

20.占线:the line is busy/the number is engaged

21.盖过邮戳的邮票:a used stamp

22.通知某人...:inform sb. Of sth.

九、表示天气—— 15个高级词汇

3.多雨的季节:a rainy season

4.暴风雨之夜:a stormy night

5.四面受风:exposed to the four winds of heaven

6.连绵不断的雨:continuous/constant rains

7.在茫茫大雨中:in the blinding rain

8.深埋在雪中:be buried in snow

9.难以忍受的热:unbearably hot

10.在春天温暖的阳光里:in the warm spring sunshine

11.放晴了:clear up

12.狂风暴雨:fierce/heavy/violent storms

13.及时雨,好雨:a timely/seasonable rain

14.沐日光浴:bathe/bask in (the ) sunshine

15.在盛夏灼热的阳光下:under the blazing/scorching/burning sun of midsummer

十、表示地理位置—— 9个高级词汇

1.位置优越的城市:a favorably situated city

2.水下面的暗礁:a hidden rock beneath the surface of the water

3.—个偏僻的小村子:a small village off the map

4.离海滨仅处尺之遥:within a stone’s throw of the beach

5.位于...最北端:be situated at the northern extreme of...

6.在群山环抱的村庄里:in a village among the hills

7.朝南的房间:room facing south

8.人烟稀少的农村地区:the thiny populated rural area

9.位于太平洋沿岸某处:be located somewhere on the Pacific coast



2021高考英语读后续写素材积累(一)一:语料积累 1.Stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy. (人物,肖像描写) 2.Once he started a project he would work on it for years, often going days without sleep. (人物性格) 3. Elya blushed(红脸) when Myra entered the room. (人物,神态描写) 4. His clothes were soaked(被…浸湿的) with sweat. (人物描写) 5. He felt like he was digging his own grave. (心理描写,修辞) 6.Even the people looked broken, with their worn-out(疲惫不堪) bodies sprawled(四肢摊开懒散地坐或躺) over the various chairs and sofas. (环境描写,人物描写) 7. Every muscle and joint in his body ached as he tried to get out of bed. (病痛,人物描写) 8. Now he had such a huge smile it almost seemed too big for his face, like the smile on a jack-o'-lantern. (笑容,人物描写) 9. Zero's mouth was shut tight. As he glared at(怒视) Mr. Pendanski, his dark eyes seemed to expand. (生气,人物描写) 10. If he jerked(猛的一动) too quickly, he felt a throbbing(阵阵的疼痛) pain just above his neck where Zigzag's shovel had hit him. (疼痛,人物描写) 11.A big smile spread across Zero's face. (人物描写) 12. Zero's face looked like a jack-o'-lantern that had been left out too many days past Halloween— half rotten, with sunken eyes and a drooping(颓丧) smile. (人物描写) 13. Zero sat as still as a statue. (人物描写) 14. His legs were sore from remaining rigid for so long. (人物描写) 15. He had dark circles under her eyes from Jack of sleep(因缺乏睡眠). (人物描写) 16. Stanley was overcome by a rush of dizziness and almost fell over. (人物描写) 17. Stanley felt his ears redden. (人物描写) 18.A man was sitting with his feet up on a desk. (人物,动作描写) 19.Stanley could see some kids dressed in orange and carrying shovels dragging themselves toward the tents. (人物,着装与动作描写) 20. Theodore whirled(急转) and grabbed Stanley by his collar. (冲突,动作描写)

高中英语读后续写积累素材积累(一) (1)

续写积累 _______________ 班级:姓名:______________ 一、环境描写的素材环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描 写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。客观环境描写:adj环境描写的要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道Part 1 the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣)(鸟鸣)蓝天)the songs of birds the blue sky((青the green grass;娇嫩的花)(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the fragile flowers (…/冉冉升起的太阳)落日草)the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun()要求verb Part 2 环境描写的(vi&vt blow/click/howl/wail/roar)一.Wind ()1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.冷风吹拂过我的头发)(The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。)Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter).二)1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley.声音:在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear 颜色surface.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank.有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。,离此不远 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour)三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn)The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 1.天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵朵云2.Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 1 主观环境描写:1.Sb found sth adj/doing/done... 某人发现某物(状态/动作/被)2.Sb saw/heard/felt/smelt sth doing/done 被)//听到感到/闻到某物(状态/动作/某人看到3.It was so adj that we find/feel ....以至于它是如此4.Sth kept sb spellbound/amazed// /惊讶景物使我如此陶醉sth held sb entirely in their power景物让我完全惊呆了5.It looked/seemed/appeared/felt like …景物看起来像… (来自原著:追风筝的人)二、场景描写的素材. like paper sharks roaming for prey1. At least two dozen kites already hung in the sky, , and red, blue, and yellow kites glided and spun the number doubled Within an hour, was perfect for kite flying, The wind A cold breeze wafted through my hair. in the sky.


花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 ——唐《金缕衣》 花是大自然对人类最美好的馈赠。花花世界中每个个体都有着独特的色彩、姿态以及生长习性,令人赏心悦目,无人不喜欢这些大自然的精灵。渐渐的,花成为了人类语言的一部份,人们用花表达各种丰富的情感。 本文对英语“名花”的介绍能增进英语学习者学习英语及英语文化的兴趣,在学习英语中找到乐趣。 英语文学世界中,还有那些表示各类“花”的词汇呢?他们主要包括: 从左到右分别为:百合、丁香、郁金香、金盏花、雏菊、大丽花。 根据以上词汇总词族中的所有语境检索词,包括:

在检索到的语境中统计筛选高频搭配词,主要有: 最后,抓取主题词、搭配词共文语境,整理汇总,形成我们今天需要的—— “文学经典花卉搭配语境微型语料库” 1. 【搭配词汇】bare beneath bright 【来源】Great Gatsby 【语境】Under the dripping bare lilac trees a large open car was coming up the drive. It stopped. Daisy's face, tipped sideways beneath a three-cornered lavender hat, looked out at me with a bright ecstatic smile. 在滴落的光秃秃的丁香树下,一辆敞篷车正驶上车道。它停了下来。黛西的脸歪向一边,戴着一顶三角淡紫色的帽子,带着灿烂的欣喜若狂的微笑望着我。 2. 【搭配词汇】bare path 【来源】The Rainbow 【语境】The house stood bare from the road, approached by a straight garden path, along which at spring the daffodils were thick in green and yellow. At the sides of the house were bushes of lilac and guelder-rose and privet, entirely hiding the farm buildings behind. 房子光秃秃地站在路的尽头,沿着一条笔直的花园小径走去,春天的时候,水仙花绿黄相间。房子的两旁是丁香、古尔德玫瑰和女贞树的灌木,完全把农舍藏在后面。 3. 【搭配词汇】bunch cheeks 【来源】The Forsyte Saga 【语境】She looked back across her shoulder, and her face was distorted with anger. But Irene had not moved; in her gloved hands she ceaselessly turned and twisted the little bunch of violets. The tears of rage and disappointment rolled down June's cheeks. 她回头看去,脸因愤怒而扭曲了。但是艾琳没有动,她戴着手套,不停地转着身,扭动着那束紫罗兰。愤怒和失望的泪水从琼的脸颊滑落。


What is a climax of a story?(什么是故事高潮?) More tension=satisfying climax 文学故事中的高潮(climax)----故事的主要场景(key scene)也通常是故事的转折点(turning point),是指故事达到最紧张或扣人心弦的那一部分。高潮有时候是剧情中的 "危机" 点。有时候, 它只是达到关键时刻或者转折点, 发生了一些事情, 或者主角必须做出决定, 从而导致一个结果或其他。我们在分析叙事类故事或者小说故事的时候常常用下面的图表来表示故事情节。 常见故事高潮示例: 1. A little girl has been searching for her lost dog. All of a sudden, she hears a bark coming from around the corner, and she looks around to see . . . 2. Kevin has worked very hard to try out for the soccer team at school. The coach has posted a list of this year's team members on his office door. Kevin walks forward to look at the list . . . . 3. Mary's parents have been discussing whether or not to move to another state. They call Mary and her sister down to talk with them about their decision . . . 4. Lois has performed in the state gymnastics finals. She waits anxiously to hear the names of the winners. The announcer says, "And first place goes to . . ." 文学名著中的一些故事高潮 1. The deaths of Romeo (who kills himself because he thinks Juliet is dead) and Juliet (who kills herself when she awakes and sees Romeo dead). Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare (罗密欧和朱丽叶,莎士比亚) 2. When Gaston and the townspeople come to attack the beast, and Belle admits her love for the beast. Beauty and the Beast, Disney (美女与野兽,迪士尼) 3. In "The Three Little Pigs," suspense builds up until the confrontation between the third pig and the wolf. This confrontation is the climax.(三只小猪) How to create a climax of a story? (如何营造故事的高潮?) 方法1.增加外部冲突 增加外部冲突是一种明显有效的可以达到故事高潮的方式。冲突带来紧迫感, 将故事推向必要的解决或崩溃。 1)角色之间的冲突(人物观点差异, 竞争需要等) 如:2017年11月浙江英语高考:On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for some time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why


专题01 The Description of Snow ——本专题聚焦于雪景、适用于冬日户外的环境描写 ?1-1 The street glistened with fresh snow and the sky was a blameless blue. Snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of the stunted mulberry trees that lined our street. Overnight, snow had nudged its way into every crack and gutter. 街上白雪皑皑,天空一片湛蓝。雪覆盖了每一个屋顶,压在我们街两旁发育不良的桑树枝上。一夜之间,雪就挤满了每一个裂缝和水沟。 glistened闪光; 闪亮; glisten的过去分词和过去式;这里形容雪铺在路上亮晶晶的样子 blameless无过错的; 无可指责的;blameless blue 湛蓝,蓝得毫无瑕疵 blanketed以厚层覆盖; blanket的过去式,blanket有毯子的意思,隐喻雪像一层毯子 weighed有…重; 重; 称重量,量体重; 认真考虑; 权衡; 斟酌; weigh的过去分词和过去式 这里指雪压弯了树梢。 nudged轻推,轻触; 轻推,渐渐推动; 用胳膊肘挤开往前走; nudge的过去分词和过去式 stunted发育不足的; 生长不良的; 未能充分发展的; 阻碍生长; 妨碍发展; 遏制; stunt的过去分词和过去式rooftop屋顶外部; 外屋顶 mulberry桑树; 桑葚; 深紫红色 gutter檐沟; 天沟; 路旁排水沟; 阴沟; 恶劣的社会环境; 道德沦落的社会最低阶 ?1-2 The park was covered in a thick blanket of white, statues peeked out under their new white caps, footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of paths. Aside from the brown of the denuded trees, the only other color was the vivid saffron staining around the base of each lamppost, tree and shrub. 公园像是被一层厚厚的白色毯子覆盖,公园里的雕像从它的崭新的白色帽子下露出头来,在迷宫般的小路上,足迹和爪印交错。除了光秃秃的树的棕色外,唯一的另一种颜色是每个灯柱、树和灌木底部的鲜艳的橘黄色。


高考英语读后续写素材库之环境描写系列(2)Rain 2.1 Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. Stepping off the path and into the shaggy grass I feel the squelch of the mud beneath. The water rises up and runs between my toes. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there, all they want is the worms that have come up for air. 译文:潮湿的地面走起来很冷,被雨水亲吻后闪闪发光。走下小路,走进草丛,我感到脚下泥泞的吱吱声。水涨起来,在我的脚趾间流动。鸟儿们在我周围忙碌着,不关心我在哪儿,他们只想要抓那些爬上来呼吸新鲜空气的虫子。

E.g. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight. 雨落在窗户上,多么平常的场景,但是在这个句子中我们用了drummed on,就是说雨敲打在窗户上好像敲起了小鼓,瞬间变得生动形象。紧接着,写太阳落山、黄昏来临,我们也不直接写,而是转了个弯,说The rain bid farewell to the last beam of sunlight.(雨向最后一缕阳光告别),是 不是很优美。这套材料中,类似的拟人用法还有很多,就不再一一列举,请同学们自己留意,细细体会这种用法的妙处。 ? 2-2. Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as we drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that I can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds. 译文:当我们向前行驶时,溅起的水珠轻轻地落在车窗上。天空覆盖着一层灰色,我几乎看不出天空和云的区别。


文档 专业资料续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描 写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj 要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers ( 娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草)the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun( 落日/冉冉升起的太阳)? Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt )要求 一) .Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain, 一?阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park凉. 爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.(冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二) .Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音: 1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface. 水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三) .Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far蓝蓝的天空高高耸立 1


读后续写细节描写素材二:心理描写 开心 My heart is full of joy. 我的心里乐开了花。 My heart is as sweet as honey. 我心里像喝了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。 The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。 I couldn’t restrain my joy and jumped into the house.我抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。 We were very pleased to hear this encouraging news. 听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。 He was delighted to receive such impressive recognition for his achievements.他的成就获得大家的认可,他很开心。 悲伤 be in tears 含泪 have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水 burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来 fight back tears 抑制住泪水 be close to tears 快要哭了 He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks. 他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。

I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness. 我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。 Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears. 她的手在颤抖。她快要哭了。 It was a time of great sorrow. 这是一个非常悲伤的时刻。 Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。 As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes. 他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。 Their reunion after a long separation brought mixed feelings of joy and sorrow to them both. 两人久别重逢,悲喜交加。 This article brought back sad memories for me. 这篇文章使我想起了伤心的往事。Separation from his friends made him sad. 与朋友们分离使他伤心。 愤怒 fly off the handle 勃然大怒 lose one’s temper 发脾气 His anger has cooled. 他的怒气平息了。


高级词汇,短语表达 1. The extinction of this kind of animals is closely linked to environmental pollution. 这种动物的灭绝与环境污染是紧密联系。 2. This heart attack may be related to his overwork. 这次心脏病发作可能和他工作过劳有关。 3. It's best to find a job which is connected to/with your interest. 最好找到一个与你的兴趣有关的工作。 4. It may be associated with many factors. 它可能与很多因素有关。 5. Hobbies and interests should be relevant to the job you apply for. 爱好和兴趣必须和你申请的职位相关联。 【记住】与...有关/有联系 be linked to ... be related to... be connected to.... be associated with... be relevant to... have an obvious connection with... find a connection/link between...and... 6. The report's focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business 这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类生活而非商业活动。 7. UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention. 联合国在促进和平方面的作用越来越受到国际社会的关注。 8. The talks will focus on economic development of the region. 会谈将着重讨论该地区的经济发展。 9. It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students 'work. 备课和批改学生的作业花费了他很多精力。 10. Your resume should be focused on showing your experience, skills and accomplishments. 简历应该集中展现你的经历、技能和成就。 【记住】focus on... 致力于...; 关注... the focus of... ...的焦点; 中心;重点 be focused on... 把注意力集中于... 11. ..., but they are not necessarily interested in learning. ...,但是他们未必对学习感兴趣。 12. Biggest doesn't necessarily mean best. 最大的不一定是最好的。 13. Anger is not necessarily the most useful or acceptable reaction to such events... 对于这种事,发火不见得是最有用或最能被接受的反应。 【记住】not necessarily 不一定;未必 14. The solution is to praise the process that children are engaged in. 解决方法是表扬孩子们参与的过程。 15. Attempts to find a solution have failed. 试图找到解决办法的努力全都失败了。 16. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies.

最新高中英语读后续写积累素材积累(一) (1)

续写积累 姓名:______________ 班级:_______________ 一、环境描写的素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers (娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起的太阳)… Part 2 环境描写的verb (vi&vt)要求 一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair. (冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音:1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。

【新高考】高考英语读后续写: 这些细节描写素材,必须掌握!

高考英语读后续写:这些细节描写素材,必须掌握! 今天和大家分享的是可以运用在读后续写中的细节描写素材,大家赶紧学起来吧! 《考试说明》中评分原则部分规定,读后续写阅卷时按5个档次给分。参考最高档次第五档(21-25分)的描述并考虑写作部分评分的其它因素,可以认为一篇优秀的读后续写具备以下特征: 1. 内容丰富充实,与所给短文融洽连贯; 2. 连接成分应用得当,行文结构紧凑一体,与所提供各段落开头语 的衔接紧密合理; 3. 使用并用下划线标示5个以上短文中标出的关键词语; 4. 词汇丰富高级,语法准确多变(主被动句式、各类从句、特殊句 式、非谓语动词等的使用情况灵活恰当、不拘一格、游刃有余); 5. 词数充分,150词左右。评分细则规定少于130词的,从总分中减 去2分; 6. 拼写准确,英式或美式拼法皆可; 7. 标点合理,使用得当。 读后续写基本是以记叙文为主,而记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式来反映丰富多彩的现实生活的一种文体。一般来说,完成一篇完整的记叙文写作,需要选取合适的角度、按照一定的顺序组织素材进行叙述,其中包括六个基本要素:时间、地点、人物,事情的起因、经过和结果,即我们通常所说的五个“W”(what,

who, when, where, why)和一个“H”(how)。除此之外,鲜明的主题和生动的语言,也是一篇优秀的记叙文所不可或缺的。 描写作为记叙文的一种辅助的表达方式对加强文章的表现力发挥着重要的作用,它要求我们善于捕捉细节、刻画细节,有时还可以用上比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法。一篇好的作文往往因为一两处细节描写而出彩。同样地,议论、抒情的表达方式对记叙文主题的展现也发挥着重要的作用。 一、情感心理描写 在写作中,对人物情感的描写常常能使人物的形象显得生动鲜活。人的情感可以分很多种,如喜悦、满意、失望、悲伤、憎恨、愤怒、惊讶、恐惧、赞赏等等。在英语中有很多不同的词和句式来表达这些不同的情感。 喜悦 1. He is very happy and sweet. 他又高兴又甜蜜。 2. They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy. 他们高兴得不知道怎么办好。 3. He jumped for fun. 他高兴得跳了起来。 4. Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。 More examples: 1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond. 2. His eyes twinkled with pleasure. 3. I was wild with joy. 4. I was pleased beyond description.


树人中学2019学年第一学期高一故事续写积累(一) 一、环境描写素材 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观为从环境事物本身入手,主观则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行,主观描写比重稍大。 客观环境描写: Part 1 环境描写的adj要求:有声,有色,有质感,有味道 the blue sky(蓝天)the songs of birds(鸟鸣)the thundering clouds(电光闪雷鸣) the fragile flowers (娇嫩的花);(the dark,raining evening 雨夜交加的夜晚)the green grass(青草) the fragrant roses(艳丽的玫瑰); the setting/rising sun(落日/冉冉升起的太阳)… Part 2 环境描写verb (vi&vt)要求 一).Wind (blow/click/howl/wail/roar) 1.A gust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches of the weeping willow like a curtain,…一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。 2.The wind, soft and cold, clicked through tree branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.风,轻柔却寒冷,轻点着树枝,搅动着斜坡下的灌木丛。 3.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 4.A cold breeze wafted through my hair. (冷风吹拂过我的头发) The wind was perfect for kite flying, blowing just hard enough to give some lift. (今日正是放风筝的好天气,强劲的风力带动了风筝的上升。) 二).Water (flow/travel/move/meander/enter) 声音:1.At one point, the faint sound of water tumbling through the valley. 在某处,潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。 颜色2.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。 3.A little way off was a small brook, rushing and sparkling along between green bank. 离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。 4. It murmured in a soft voice like a little innocent girl whispered to her loving mother. 似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。(action, sound, colour) 三).Sky (stand/ appear/turn) 1.The sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. 天空是浓浓灰色,伴着拥挤朵朵云 2.Blue skies stood tall and far 蓝蓝天空高高耸立 主观环境描写:

高中英语续写素材-环境描写02 Rain-读后续写素材之环境描写

专题02 The Description of Rain ——本专题聚焦于雨景、通过不同的雨景烘托或喜或悲的情感 ? 2.1 Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is cold under foot. Stepping off the path and into the shaggy grass I feel the squelch of the mud beneath. The water rises up and runs between my toes. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I'm there, all they want is the worms that have come up for air. 水涨起来,在我的脚趾间流动。鸟儿们在我周围忙碌着,不关心我在哪儿,他们只想要抓那些爬上来呼吸新鲜空气的虫子。 shaggy长而乱的; 乱蓬蓬的; 头发蓬乱的 squelch发吧唧声,发扑哧声; worms蠕虫; 寄生虫; 肠虫; 幼虫; 蠕动,曲折行进; 给驱肠虫; worm的第三人称 E.g. Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground is…… 在这里,我们形容雨落在地上,不直接说the rain fall on the ground(雨落在地上),而是说the ground is kissed by the rain(雨亲吻着路面),就是一个拟人的手法,kiss是一个简单的词,但是用了拟人的手法后,使得整个句子充满文学性,这种写法在续写中是很推崇的,能让你的句子优美、生动、形象、传神。 再比如: E.g. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight. 雨落在窗户上,多么平常的场景,但是在这个句子中我们用了drummed on,就是说雨敲打在窗户上好像敲起了小鼓,瞬间变得生动形象。紧接着,写太阳落山、黄昏来临,我们也不直接写,而是转了个弯,说The rain bid farewell to the last beam of sunlight.(雨向最后一缕阳光告别),是不是很优美。这套材料中,类似的拟人用法还有很多,就不再一一列举,请同学们自己留意,细细体会这种用法的妙处。 ?2-2. Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as we drive onwards. The skies are overhung with a

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