当前位置:文档之家› 七年级全能竞赛英语试卷



新目标七年级下学期期末总复习Unit 7精选题及答案


1.He is tall and he is m________ build.

2.He is not tall or short .He is medium h__________.

3.Her hair is not straight, it’s c _________.

4.Michael Jordan is my f_________ basketball star.

5.I’m new here nobody k_________ me.

6.She is a pretty girl w________ blonde hair.

7.My father often w_________ glasses.

8.He is not heavy ,he is t___________.

9.Jim is the c_________ of the soccer team.

10.I have short s____________ black hair.


()1.My English teacher has a new __________.

A. look

B. good-looking

C. hair

D. glasses

( )2.The woman _________ long hair is our math teacher.

A. in

B. with

C. on

D. of

( )3.Mr Read on the bike _________ a medium build.

A. have

B. has

C. are

D. is

( )4.Mr Brown doesn’t like pop songs , but his daughter _________.

A. is

B. likes C does .D. do

( )5.That old man has ________ beard.

A. a

B. an

C. the


( )5.Pete stops _________ and goes to bed.

A. watching TV

B. watch TV

C. to watch TV

D. to read

( )6.I often write emails to my pen pals , but ________ writes me back.

A. everybody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. nobody

( )7.My aunt is too _________ ,she wants to be slim.

A. heavy

B. tall

C. short

D. thin

( )8.He is medium build , but he looks ________ fat, I think .

A. a lot of

B. a bit of

C. a little

D. a little of

( )9.I have __________ to tell you.

A. important something

B. something important

C. important anything

D. anything important ( )10.Can you _________ the differences between them?

A. say

B. speak

C. talk

D. tell

( )11Please remember ________the window when you leave..

A .close

B .closing C. to closing .D to close

( )12.Jenny ________ her mother, and her mother _________ very young.

A. looks ,like , looks like

B. looks like , looks

C. looks , looks like

D. looks , looks ( )13.-What does Lee look like? -He’s tall _________ blonde hair.

A. in B .on C. with .D has

( )14.The pretty girl has __________ hair.

A. long brown

B. brown long

C. a long brown

D. a brown long

( )15.What about __________ shopping on Sunday? Good idea!

A. go

B. goes

C. to go

D. going


A: Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this team?

B: Really? What does the new teacher look ___1______?

A: He is an old man. He _____2____ no hair.

B: Is he bald ?

A: Yes. And he ____3______ glasses.

B: ____4______ he have a mustache?

A: No, he ___5_______ a beard. He is not good-looking. But he is very kind.

B: What ___6_______ your new classmates? What ____7______ they ______8____ like?

A: They are twins. They look the ___9_______. They ___10_______medium height. They’re not heavy _______11___ thin. They ____12______ curly hair.

B: What’s the ___13_______ ____14______ their hair?

A: Well, they ____15______ blonde hair. They are good-looking.


1.Mike has short brown hair.(对画线提问)

_________ _________ Mike __________ like?

2. Lily does her homework everyday (否定句)

Lily _________ _________ her homework every day.

3 .He doesn’t like staying at home, I think.(合并为一句)

I ________ think he __________ staying at home.

4. The boy is 1.80m tall.(同义句)

The boy is 1.80m __________ ___________ .

5. Lucy and Lily look the same .( 同义句)

Lucy _________ ___________ Lily.



-__________ does your brother _____________ like? -He is tall and has short ______________.

2.她总是戴着一副眼镜。She always _____________ a pair of _______________.

3.我的T恤衫有点大。My T-shirt is a ___________ ___________ large.

4.埃米不胖不瘦,中等身材。Amy isn’t fat or thin, she is _____________ ____________.

5.没有人认识皮特,他有了新形象。Nobody __________ Pete. He has a new ___________.

6.Jim是我们校足球队长。Jim is_________ ________ of the soccer team in our school.

7.我爸爸喜欢读书和下棋。My father likes ___________ and ____________ chess.

8.你认识那个戴眼镜的人吗?Do you ______________ the person ___________ glasses?


She is very good-looking with __________ __________ ___________ hair.

10.我侄女爱说话。她总是说个不停。My niece is very talkative. She never ____________ _____________.

11. 这婴儿不再哭了。The baby ___________ cry ____________ ___________.




七年级英语下册期中测试卷 一、听力 二. 单项选择 ( )21. Dogs are _________ .They are people's __________ . A. friendly; friends B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friend ( )22. –What ______ she ______? --She is a teacher. A. is…do B. is…doing C. does…d o ( )23. --What's your favorite ______? --England. A. world B. country C. city ( )24. The students ______ their classroom every afternoon . A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans ( )25. The child ______ his homework in the evening . A. does B. do C. makes ( )26. ____right at First Street, the bank is _____the left. A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn ,on ( )27. –Look at the monkeys. ______they cute ? A. Isn’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t ( )28. –I love Sports News .What about you ? --_____________, too . A. I do B. I can C. I am ( )29. Peter and I_____ chess . A. am playing B. are playing C. are play ( )30.It’s 8:00 now. Everyone in our class __________ homework . A. does B. are doing C. is doing ( )31.If you are hungry , you can buy some food in the ______________. A. supermarket B. post office C. library ( )32. The scarf looks __________ . I’ll take it . A. ugly B. terrible C. beautiful ( )33. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a job_________ a reporter. A. like B. as C. be ( )34. She likes ______, so she wants to be a ______. A. cooking , cook B. cook, cooking C. cook, cook


2016秋七年级语文能力竞赛试卷 温馨提示:本卷共22题,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。带上美丽的心情,开启属于你的阅卷之旅吧! 一、语文知识积累与运用(16分) 1、读下列这段话,给加点的字注音,根据拼音写汉字:(4分) 太阳从花园里收敛起它金色的余huī(),月亮从地平线上升起来,洒下清辉静柔如水。我坐在树丛下,注视着这shùn ()息万变的天幕,树叶飘舞,袅娜多姿。每一片叶子都是这次舞会的主角。叶子在空中划出一道完美的弧线,热chén( )地摆弄他妖娆的舞姿,为春,夏,秋做个总结,像是一只棕色的蝴蝶飞向大地,安xiáng地卧()在大地的怀中,没有遗憾,没有感伤。 2、按要求默写 (6分) ①南宋志南和尚《绝句》古木阴中系短篷,杖藜扶我过桥东。▲,▲ ②诸葛亮的《诫子书》中有两句话常被人们用作“志当存高远”的座右铭,请写出这两句话。 ▲、▲ ③《潼关》用拟人生动形象的表现了北方山水的壮阔,表现了诗人内心的一种冲破罗网,勇往直前,追求个性解放的少年意气的诗句是▲,山入潼关不解平。 ④但在它驶近黑暗的时候,船上却焚起了大火,使它沉没于灰色的浪涛,▲(《太阳船》) 3、下列句子中,加点成语使用不正确的一项是(▲)(2分) A.周末去滨江路游玩的人很多,大人们漫步江畔,悠闲自得,孩子们则在免费开放的室内沙场堆城堡、玩滑梯,乐此不疲 ....。 B.针对在校初中生能否使用手机的问题,某班向家长进行了专项调查,80%赞同使用手机的结果让班主 任李老师莫衷一是 ....。 C.今年第一季度“泸州好人”出炉,龙润珍等五位普通市民榜上有名,他们助人为乐、孝老爱亲的故 事很快家喻户晓 ....。 D.韩国“岁月号”客轮拥有防破坏设计,但这样的设计并非天衣无缝 ....,一旦有水漫入某些隔间,船体也会迅速下沉。 4、中国平安保险公司有这样一则宣传广告:“买保险,买平安。”请你认真品味这则广告,回答下列的问题。(4分) ①、广告中的“平安”一词,有哪两方面的含义?(2分) ▲ ②、请你谈谈这则广告好在哪里。(2分) ▲ 二、名著阅读(8分) 5、(1)下面是丰子恺先生为《朝花夕拾》画的插图,根据你的阅读和画意,请为三幅图画分别选择对应的篇目,在括号中填入相应的选项。(3分) ①②③ ()()() A、《无常》 B、《父亲的病》 C、《从百草园到三味书屋》 D、《五猖会》 E、《琐记》 (2)下面这段文字选自鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》,仔细阅读并回答一下问题。(3分)“去拿你的书来。”他慢慢地说。这所谓“书”,是指我开蒙时候所读的《鉴略》。因为我再没有第二本了。我们那里上学的岁数是多拣单数的,所以这使我记住我其时是七岁。 我忐忑着,拿了书来了。他使我同坐在堂中央的桌子前,教我一句一句地读下去。我担着心,一句一句地读下去。 两句一行,大约读了二三十行罢,他说:—— “给我读熟。背不出,就不准去看会。”他说完,便站起来,走进房里去了。 我似乎从头上浇了一盆冷水。但是,有什么法子呢?自然是读着,读着,强记着,——而且要背出来。


七年级英语上册竞赛试题 姓名班级考号分数 卷首语 回首即将过去的一学期,既有失败的经历,又有成功的喜悦。我们哭过、笑过、彷徨过;我们输过、赢过、拼搏过。听!新年的钟声马上敲响,让我们挥手告别过去,昂首迎接未来。我们相信在新的起点上,每个人心中都充满了期盼:期盼着更多的成功、期盼着更多的挑战、也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷!祝愿同学们在本次竞赛考试中考出好成绩! (满分100分) 一.单项填空(26分) ()1. It isn’t ______ ring. It’s ________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ()2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是 A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.” B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese. C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book. D Does Jenny come home from school by bike? ()3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk. A a; an Ban; the C /; the D a;a ()4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________. A I; you B my; yours C me; you D my; my ()5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country. A in; at B near; on C over; of D on; in ( ) 6. A: Here you are. B: A. That’s right. B. Let me see. C. Thanks. D. Yes , I like it ()7.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --It’s Simon’s new classmate. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whom ()8.Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A B C D ()9.—Your pen is very nice.—________________. A.OK B. No, it isn’t C. Thank you D. Yes, it is. ()10.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop. A boxes banana B box; bananas C boxes; bananas D box banana ()11.—Would you like a cup of tea? --______I’d like a glass of water, please.


七年级下学期英语单元测试题一 Module 1 一、语音。根据所给音素写出单词。(5分) / ′p??stkɑ:d / / ′rest?r?nt / / dress / /′r??li / /?n′d??I / / stri:t / / draIv / /′ɡri:t??/ /′b?le?/ /′?p?r?/ 二、单项选择。(15分) 1.It’s seven o’clock. I _______ in bed. A. lie B. lies C. am lying D. are lying 2. He’s _______ some presents. A. shop B. shopping C. shops for D. shopping for 3. _______ your presents drinking tea? A. Do B. Can C. Are C. Be 4. What is the old man _______? A. do B. does C. doing D. to do 5. Listen! Someone _______ in the next room. A. sing B. singing C. is singing D. are singing 6. –Are they writing postcards? –No, _______. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they do D. they don’t 7. The Smiths _______ sitting at the table. A. is B. am C. are D. be


七年级语文竞赛试卷及答案 一、积累与运用(共22分) 1、默写(每空1分,共6分) ①《论语》中对别人的优缺点应如何对待有明确的阐述:,。 ②李白的《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中具有浪漫主义色彩的诗句是:,。 ③朱熹的《观书有感》一诗中蕴含哲理的诗句是:,。 2、仔细研读下面的句子,在横线上仿写。(2分) 找到一个解题的角度,知识会为你打开一扇门;结识一个知心的朋友,友情会为你打开一扇 门;_________________________, _________________________________。 3、选出下列句子中加点的成语使用正确的一项。( )(2分) A、奶奶八十多岁了,视力越来越差,看什么都眼花缭乱。 B、在团委的精心策划下,我校“五四”联欢晚会办得栩栩如生,得到同学们的赞扬。 C、北京奥运圣火传递活动每到一个城市都受到群众的

热烈欢迎,吸引了数十万人袖手旁观。 D、四川汶川发生8。0级大地震后,全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾,涌现出无数可歌可泣的动人事迹。 4、阅读下面新华社200的新闻内容,完成下面的题目。 汶川地震让半个亚洲震动,让整个世界震惊。中国经历的磨难大多,但从没在磨难中倒下。面临灾难,中国展现出坚韧与顽强;珍视生命,中国yíng 得了全世界的敬意和赞扬。在这个生死交织、人神共qì的时刻,我们愿共同分担这份痛楚,愿共同祈祷生命的希望。 中国不需要同情,中国需要理解;中国不需要①,中国需要②。 我们愿以杯水之力,尽寸尺之能,和中国人民站在一起。我们知道,一个总理在两小时内就飞赴灾区的国家,一个能够出动十万救援人员的国家,一个企业和私人捐款达到数十亿的国家,一个因争相献血、自愿抢救伤员而造成交通堵塞的国家,永远不会被打垮。 (1).根据拼音写汉字,给加点的字注音。(4分) yíng qì祷塞 (2).仿照画线句子,给选文中空白处填上恰当的词语(2 分) ①② (3).给上面的新闻加上合适的标题(2分)


七年级英语音标竞赛模拟试题 班级:___________姓名:_________学号:__________ 一. 选出下列各组单词中划线部分的发音与其它几个发音不同的单词(20%) ( )1.A.mother B. teacher C. worker D. computer ( )2. A. mother . B. nose C. know D .photo ( )3. A. sit B. listen C. this D .fine ( )4 A. morning . B. or C. door D point ( )5. A .food b. B. book C. cook D good ( )6. A. she B. we C. he D. get ( ) 7. A. game B. cake C. kate D. many ( )8. A. so B. go C. do D. photo ( )9 A. tea B, weather C. bread D. breakfast ( ) 10. A. foot B. book C. tooth D. look 二:找出含有给出音标的发音的单词(10%) ( )1./ i?/ A. please B dear C. there D. sure ( )2. /?:/ teacher B. her C. worker D. doctor ()3 /ai/ A. library B. his C. sixty D. in ( )4 ./?/ A mother B. box C. come D. lot ( )5./ ju:/ A. number B. Computer C. but D. ruler 三、根据音标写出英语与中文。(70%) 1 [bi'haind]____________ __________ 2 .['f?kt?ri] ________________ _________ 3 ['i?gli?]______________ __________ 4 ['lesn]___________________ _________ 5 [klɑ:s]________________ __________ 6 ['stju:d?nt]___________ _____________ 7 [mis]_______________ __________ 8 [milk] __________________ ____________ 9[ji?]________________ __________ 10['θ?:ti:n]___________________ ________ 11['pikt??]_____________ ___________ 12. ['??kl] _______________ ________ 13 [.ais'kri:m]________________ ___________ 14['fifti] _______________ ________ 15 ['?up?n]______________ __________ 16 [m?t?] _______________ __________ 17 [rait]____________ ___________ 18 ['pr?ktis]______________ __________ 19.['laibr?ri]______________ __________ 20. ['θ?:ti:] ________________ __________ 21.['f?:'ti:n]_____________ __________ 22 [i'levn]______________ ______________ 23. ['bl?kb?:d]____________ ______ .24['m?nid??]____________ ________________ 25['f?mili]________________ __________26 [k?n]__________________ __________ 27 ['bɑ:skitb?:l]_____________ _________ 28[pi'?n?u]_______________ __________ 29 ['tenis]_______________ __________ 30 [raid]___________________ __________ 31 [,int?'n???n?l]___________ __________32 [’i:meil]_______________ ____________ 33[h?:s] ___________ ______34 . [ee?]___________ ________ 35[h?:] ______ ________


七年级语文组第一次学生竞赛活动方案 一、活动目的: 为了更好地促进语文教学,丰富学生校园生活,检查学生的语文基础知识和基本技能,考察学生对语文知识的领悟能力和运用能力,提高学生语文素养水平,七年级语文教研组决定开展学生语文竞赛活动。本次活动竞赛重视学生写作、朗读、书写等能力的体现,比赛不但要能检测学生原有的认知水平,而且要能增加学生对学习语文的兴趣。 二、活动程序: 竞赛时间:学生竞赛时间为10月24日(周三)下午第一、二节课。 竞赛地点:各班教室。 参加对象:七年级所有学生,分三组同时进行。 批改时间:10月24日下午。 批改人员:黎美焕、艾娜、贺梅。 评卷要求:公平、公正、公开。 竞赛内容:书写、作文、朗诵、讲故事 三、具体方案 (一)书写比赛活动方案 为弘扬中华民族传统文化,激发学生写字练字的兴趣,培养学生良好的写字习惯,提高学生规范、端正、整洁地书写汉字的能力。我们七年级语文科组将组织七年级书写比赛活动,结合课标精神和七年级教学的实际,特制定本方案。 1.参赛对象:七年级全体学生 2.比赛时间:2018年10月23日早读时间(20分钟) 3.比赛办法: 本次比赛主要考察学生“写字姿势、写字质量、写字速度”的综合水平,各班按统一要求组织比赛。书写内容为古诗《次北固山下》。 4.书写要求: 1)所有参赛者均用黑色笔书写。 2)比赛用纸统一发放。为确保比赛公平,每生仅限一张,不予更换。 3)作品字体为硬笔正楷。要求:书写规范、端正、整洁,姿势正确,并有一定的速度。 5.评分项目及标准本次书写比赛采取10分制。 1)书写姿势:4分(现场打分)坐姿(2分):头正、身直、肩平、臂张、足稳。纸放正,眼睛与纸面保持一尺距离,胸部与桌沿间隔一拳,两腿自然放平。 执笔姿势(2分):笔尖离捏笔的手指约一寸左右,笔杆向右后方倾斜,靠在虎口内第二掌指关节处。大拇指不压在食指上,掌心要有一定的空隙。


七年级下学期英语考试试卷 满分100分 一.单项选择:(20分) ( )1.1. Please late for school. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t be ( )2.. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B.by car C. in car ( )3.The tall boy is good at_________football. A.play B.playing C.played ( )4.Mary is girl, but she knows a lot about science. A. a eight-year-old B. eight-year-old C. an eight-year-old ( )5.--Would you like some drink? --_______. A.Here you are B.Yes, just a little C.Please give me some ( )6.. the weather in Hangzhou? It’s cloudy. A. How’s B. What C. What’s ( )7.I________know where the post office is. A.not B.don’t C.doesn’t ( )8.There some bread and two cakes in the plate. A. is B. are C. has ( )9.--__________hamburger would you like? --A small one ,please A.What kind of B.What size C.How much ( )10 –Do you like playing ____badminton? ---No, I like playing _____ guitar. A the;/ B the; the C / ; the ( )11.Would you like soccer with us ?Sure. I like soccer very much. A. to play, playing B. playing, playing C. to play, play ( )12.Jim usually gets up at 6:30 ____ the morning on weekdays, but ___ Saturday morning he gets up at 9:00. A in ; on B in ; in C on ; in ( )13.--_______did you go last Sunday? -- I went to the zoo A.How B.Where C.What. ( )14 --_____you busy last weekend? --Yes, I helped my mother clean the house and the garden. A Were B Was C Did ( )15. My friend ________a medium build and she ________of medium height. A.has, has B.is , is C.has , is ( )16 – What did they do last weekend? -- They _______in the park. A went a boat B went to a boat C went boating ( ) 17. How many ____did you see on the farm? A sheep B chicken C cow ( ) 18 –Did you have a good weekend? --Yes ,it was good. But I was kind of ______. A interested B happy C tired ( ) 19. Mary _____very late last night .


初一语数英竞赛第一次选拔考试 语文试题 考试时间:120分钟满分:100分 一、积累与运用(共19分) 1、根据提示默写古诗文(每空1分,共10分) ①,思而不学则殆。 ②见贤思齐焉,。 ③几处早莺争暖树,。 ④,听取蛙声一片。 ⑤无可奈何花落去,。 ⑥,青山郭外斜。 ⑦现在人们常引用《次北固山下》中的诗句“,”来形容社会事业逢勃、顺利发展。 ⑧朱熹《观书有感》中蕴含哲理的诗句是,。 2、下面是一副某人挂在书房中的对联,其中有一个字写错了,请你找出来并改正。(2分) 书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。 3、仿写。(2分) 山间的清泉,你何必与遥远的大海比浩瀚呢?你自有你的清纯。 路边的小草,你何必与伟岸的大树比挺拔呢?你自有你的执著。 仿写: 4、读下面材料,按要求答题。(2分) 印度尼西亚爪哇省默拉皮火山喷发在即,印尼政府5月13日发出最高级别红色警报,万名倚山而居的村民开始撤离这片“怒火中烧”的家园。 写出“怒火中烧”一词在文中的意思。5、某市的电话码将由七位升至八位,参照下表的内容,请用简洁的文字说明升位的方法。(3分) 二、古文阅读 阅读下列短文,完成6—10题,共11分。 光生七岁,凛然如成人,闻讲《左氏春秋》,爱之,退为家人讲,即了其大指。自是手不释书,至不知饥渴寒暑。群儿戏于庭,一儿登瓮,足跌没水中,众皆弃去,光持石击瓮,破之、水迸,儿得活。(《宋史·司马光传》) 注释:凛然:严肃的样子,形容令人敬畏的神态。 了:明白。指:同“旨”,意思、意图。 6、解释下列句中加点的词。(3分) ①退为.家人讲 ②光持石击瓮,破之. ③众皆.弃去 7、翻译。(2分) 自是手不释书,至不知饥渴寒暑。 8、短文主要写司马光小时的两件事,请用简洁的语言概括出来。(2分) 9、从文中可以看出司马光其有怎样的品质?(2分) 10、读后,你有什么感受?(2分) 三、现代文阅读: (一)阅读下文,完成11—17题,共15分


初一年级英语单词竞赛试题 一、写出下列英语单词。(20分) 1.地板 2.收集物 3.女儿 4.棒球 5.回答 6.交谈 7.那些8.听起来9.困难的10.例子11.笔记本12.蔬菜13.人;人民14.任何人15.东西16.负担得起17.抽屉18.家庭 19.问题20.夹克衫 二、写出下列英语短语。(20分) 21.失物招领22.请原谅 23.电话号码24.不客气 25.电子游戏26.录像带 27.为了…而感谢28.冰淇淋 29.多少30.廉价出售 31.参加体育运动32.大量;许多 33.生日快乐34.看一看 35.看电视36.给你 37.一套;一副38.每天 39.炸马铃薯条40.吃早餐 三、按要求完成下列各题。(20分) 41.health(形容词)42.run(名词) 43.go(第三人称单数形式)44.too(同义词) 45.no(同音异义词)46.I(宾格) 47.she(形容词性物主代词)48.have(第三人称单数形式)49.strawberry(复数)50.tomato(复数) 51.they(宾格)https://www.doczj.com/doc/e311764415.html,(主格) 53.eat(同义词)54.class(复数) 55.we(形容词性物主代词)56.his(人称代词主格) 57.watch(第三人称单数形式)58.you(反身代词) 59.what’s(完整形式)60.Peter Smith(写出姓氏) 四、根据所给首字母在横线上写出恰当的单词。(10分) 61.Paul and Dave are good f________. 62.My uncle’s son is my c________. 63.What’s your l_____ name? 64.How do you s______ your name? 65.My brother has a g______ sport collection. 66.Do you have a tennis r______? 67.You can b____ food in a store.


读书破万卷下笔如有神 七年级语文知识能力竞赛试题小郭说:“这不是醉翁之意不在酒吗?” (1)“万事俱备,只欠东风”是根据《三国演义》总分100分) (战役)中“周瑜定分钟(时量60 计火攻曹操”的故事演化而来的。小王说的“只欠东风”意思50分)一、积累与表达( 是1.阅读下面文字,请根据拼音在括号内填写相应的汉字。(4分) (2)的天宇下旋转升腾的雨小张的话表达的是什么意坚毅形象总是不断地撞击着我们的心灵:有在凛liè()思? ) 的大海上高傲飞翔的敏感精灵;ng的精魂;有在苍má()有那忍rǔ ( (3)“醉翁之意不在酒”语出欧阳修的《负重却不乏刚气的胡适之母;还有那受尽盲聋折磨却仍能遨游在美妙梦境中的奇女子海》,原意是 (伦。让我们体验到了人们那广mào )无限的内心世界…… 小郭的话意思是2.根据语境从备选词语中选择恰当的填在下文的括号里。(填序号)(4分) 6备选词语:①拘谨②滋润③笨拙④终身受益⑤心旷神怡⑥郑重其事.请你用一句话概括下面这段新闻的主要内容。(不超过20 ⑦振翅高飞个字)(2分)新华网南京愿月圆愿日电(记者蔡玉高、周润健)⑧豁然开朗28 日晚天宇上演了月全食的奇 妙景象。尽管很多地方的天气状况不是很好,但还是有很多公众观测到了“红月亮”和你的心田;一曲美妙的古音乐是人类精神的家园。一首好歌,可以 月全食的后半段过程。筝可以让你在烦恼不安时感到,一阵清亮的笛音则能让你在困惑 据中科院紫金山天文台副研究员曹云通报,28 。亲爱的朋友,不要彷徨等待,赶日我国发生月全食的过程为:16 时51 分迷惘时心中 (北京时间,下同)月亮开始进入地球本影,快 17 时52 ,飞向音乐的圣殿,尽情遨游吧。分整个月亮被地球本影吞没。18 时4分)37 分月亮进入地球本影的最深处。19 时23 分月亮开始离开地球本影,月亮逐渐开.下面的句子有两处错误,请在横线上加以修改。(3始露出亮光,随着时间的推移,作为一名中学教师,使我感到庆幸的是:虽然在生活上始终都是清贫的,但是在校园这亮光面慢慢由小变大,20 时24 分月亮完全离开地球本影,即复圆,此次月食宣告结束。块不滋生毒菌的净土上耕耘却是幸福的。修改 一:7.读下面一则寓言,概括其寓意(2分)


七年级下学期英语第二单元测试题 (一) 选择题:(30个,30分) ( )1._____is the school library? It’s next to the bank. A .What B. Where C. How D. When ( )2.Is there a bank _______your neighborhood? A .in B. on C. with D. to ( )3.It’s a place to get money. What is it? It’s a ____. A.hotel B. bank C. home D. park ( )4.Is there a library near your home? _____. A. Yes, there is B. No, there is C. Yes, it is . D No, it isn’t ( )5.The hotel is _____a park and a restaurant. A. between B. to C. in D. at ( )6.This is the _______of the story. A.beginning B. beginning C. begins D. begin ( )7.Can you tell ___the way to the post office. A. his B. he C. him D. she ( )8.Welcome ____ the Garden District. A. to B. for C. in D. on ( )9. I have a house ____a small beautiful garden. A. on B. to C. of D. with ( )10.Bridge Street is a good _____to have fun. It’s a busy street. A. house B. garden C. bank D. place ( )11.You can buy some food in the market if you ____. A. old B. are old C. hungry D. are hungry ( )12.I hope you ____. A. a good trip B. to have a good trip C. have a good trip D. having a good trip ( )13.Take a walk through the park____ Center Avenue. A.to B .at C. on D. in ( )14.This is the way ___my school. We often ___ a taxi to go to school. A .to; take B. to; make C. for ;drive D .for; turn ( )15.There is a big table ____the left side. A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )16.You can post a letter in the ____. A.library B. supermarket C. post office D. bank ( )17.Where is the Rose Hotel? It’s ___a bank.. A.across B.from C. across from D. through ( ) 18.____,is there a post office near here? ____.I don’t know. A.Excuse me; I’m sorry B. I’m sorry; Excuse me B. C. Excuse me; Excuse me D. sorry; sorry ( )19. Go straight and turn____. You can see the school. A. the left B.to left C. for the left D. left ( )20.Are you busy___5:00___6:00this afternoon ? A. across ; from B. from; at C. between; and D. to from


七年级英语竞赛试题 说明:时间90 分钟满分100 分 I .单项选择( 20 分) ( ) 1. It isn 't ______ ring. It 's _________ eraser. A. an, an B. a, an C. an, a D. a, a ( ) 2.—Your pen is very nice. — ________________ . A.OK B. No, it isn C'. Tthank you D. Yes, it is. ()3. —Please ______ your homework to school tomorrow. -OK , Miss Gao. A.bring B. have C. take D. let ( ) 4.—Are ________ Kate 's ______ ?Ye-s, they are. A.this, book B. that, book C. these ,book D. those, books ( ) 5.—What's six and three? It '-s ______ . A.three B. six C. nine D.eighteen ( ) 6.His father 's name is Tim Green. So his father 's first name is ____________ A. Green B. Mr. Green C. Tim D.Mrs.Green ( ) 7.Thanks ____ the photo ____ y our family. A. for of B. of for C. for for D.for in ( ) 8.—What time do you get up ___ w eekdays? ---- ___ six thirty. A.in;At B.on;At C.of; About D.at on ( ) 9.—Alice is a girl. ____ my good friend. A. She ' s B. She C. It ' s D.Her ( ) 10. —What do you call your mother 's s?iste—r __ . A. Aunt B. Uncle C. Cousin D.Grandmother ( )11.—_____ is the jacket? —It 's black and white. A. Where B. What color C. What D.Which )12.--- does Tom have in A. What class C. How many class )13.For dinner, Tom likes ______ . A. hamburgers, salad, and oranges C. eggs, bananas, and apple )14.--- Draw a map on the blackboard, Tom? --- ___ A. Yes, please B. That'sall right C. All right )15.--- Can I help you? --- _________ A. Yes, please B. Thank you )16.September is the _______ month A. nine B. nineteen D. Thanks C. OK of a year. C. nineth D. You are welcome D. ninth )17.--- How much is this T-shirt? A. dollar B. yuan )18.There are ________ days in May. A. twenty-eight B. thirty-one )19.The man doesn't know how to ___ A. speak B. say )20. --- Are you Han Mei? --- ______ --- Ninety _____ C. yuans D. cent( 美分) D. thirty C. twenty-nine this word in English. C. tell D. talk . I am Wei Hua. the morning? --- Math and Chinese. B. What's your favorite subject D. What subject B. kitchen, tomatoes, French fries D. French fries, sofa, vegetable


2020-2021七年级上语文名著阅读竞赛 班级:________姓名:________座号:________ 1、《水浒传》中“倒拔垂杨柳”的人物是_________ 2、《西游记》中的孙悟空是我们大家比较熟悉的艺术形象。请根据你的阅读体会,说出他令人赞赏的一种精神,并举例证明,语言要简洁。 3、写出鲁滨逊在荒岛救人的一个故事名称(自拟)(6个字以内)。 4、我国先哲孟子说:“天将降大任与斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨……”,这在《名人传》的三位主人公身上得到深刻体现,请以其中一个人为例,说说他是如何在行动中体现孟子这句话的。(要求写出人命和具体事例,不少于30字) 5、某校初三(6)班同学在阅读《西游记》时,对猪八戒这个人物有两种不同的看法,为此语文老师组织了一场

辩论。假如你是正方,针对反方辩词该怎么说?(黄冈课改区) 反方:我方认为,猪八戒好吃懒做,见识短浅,在取经的路上,意志不坚定,遇到困难就嚷嚷着要散伙。而且还经常搬弄是非、耍小聪明、说谎,又爱占小便宜,贪恋女色。是一个贪生怕死、自私自利的人。 正方: 6、下面的对联各是哪部章回小说的目录?请在括号里写出这部小说的名称。 ①及时雨神行太保,黑旋风展浪里白条。《______________》 ②八卦炉中逃大圣,五行山下定心猿。《______________》 7、总的说来,《繁星》、《春水》大致包括三个方面的内容:一是对 的歌颂;二是对的崇拜和赞颂。三是。 8、某校文学社团决定举办“读名著,谈感受”的一系列活动。其活动之一就是围绕上面这一小说主人公的名言召开一个题为“生命的价值”的小型研讨会。请你为主持人


1\给下列加点的字注音正确的一项是:()5% A、惊心动魄.(pò)凶神恶煞.(shā)B、拈.轻怕重(niān)小心翼.翼(jì) C、俯首帖.耳(tiē)销声匿.迹(jì)D、无稽.之谈(jī)戛.然而止( jiá) 一、成语接龙:(至少再各写4个)10% 1、国泰民安安步当车…… 2、沾沾自喜喜出望外…… 三、填字组成成语:填到后面括号内5% 一()难支信口()黄助()为虐()绔子弟运()帷幄 走()无路()指气使千头万()盘()卧龙()会贯通 四、解释下列成语中加点的字:5% 1、精益.求精() 2、如火如荼.() 3、见异思迁.() 4、拍案.叫绝() 5、无济.于事() 6、少见多怪.() 7、销声匿.迹()8、不胜.枚举()9、无稽.之谈() 10、世外桃源.() 五、根据谜面猜谜底:10% 1、运动会上都有(打一字) 2、渴了前边有梅林(打一成语) 3、小和尚念经(打一成语) 趣猜增损谜:增损谜就是用加减笔画造出来的字谜。如谜面是“半放红梅”猜一个字。谜底是“繁”字。 4、严禁烟火 5、还不走,车来了 下列每个成语各影射着一件物品。请你把它猜出来。 6、感人肺腑 7、明察秋毫 8、一身是胆 9、遥相呼应 10、相映成趣 六、用谐音词构成歇后语。根据前半部分,写出后半部分。8% 1、大路上的电杆——飞机上挂暖壶——扁担上睡觉——刚理发碰上大胡子—— 2、梁山上的军师——阎王爷动脑筋——哑巴吃黄连——芝麻开花—— 七、写出成语的上句或下句:10% 1、失之毫厘, 2、谦受益, 3、,铁杵磨成针。 4、尺有所短, 5、一言既出, 6、十年树木, 7、人无远虑, 8、万事俱备, 9、路遥知马力,

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