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n. - 连接, 交叉点, 会合处junction junctions(1)(5669) junction

n. - 辩论, 讨论 v. intr. - 辩论, 争论, 讨论, 思考, 参加辩论 v. tr. - 辩论, 争论, 讨论, 思考, 盘算, 与...辩

论debate debated(1)(5664) debate

n. - 迅速, 速率, 速度 v. tr. - 快速传送, 使加速, 促进 v. intr. - 加速, 快进, 超速speed speeded(1)(5650) speed

n. - 预算 v. tr. - 编入预算, 安排 v. intr. - 编列预算 adj. - 低廉的, 收费公道的budget budgeted(1)(5550) budget

n. - 领土, 范围, 领地domain domains(1)(5543) domain

n. - 闪光, 闪耀 v. intr. - 闪光, 闪耀 v. tr. - 使闪耀, 使张

开flare flared(1)(5528) flare

n. - 钢铁制品, 炼钢厂, 钢铁构

造steelworker steelworkers(1)(5509) steelwork

n. - 连续, 继位, 继承权succession successions(1)(5500) succession

n. - 音乐会, 一致, 合奏 v. tr. - 商议, 使协调, 协同安排 v. intr. - 协力, 一致行动, 协调concert concerts(1)(5450) concert

n. - 野营, 兵营, 营地, 帐篷 v. intr. - 扎营, 露营, 宿营 v. tr. - 使扎营住宿, 临时安顿camp camped(1)(5429) camping

n. - 铝aluminum aluminum(1)(5388) aluminium

n. - 陆地, 地界, 地面 n. - 陆地, 田地, 土地, 国土, 国家 v. tr. - 使上岸, 使到达, 使登陆 v. intr. - 靠岸, 登岸, 登

陆land landed(1)(5366) land-1

n. - 邻居关系neighborhoods neighborhoods(1)(5352) neighborhood

n. - 预言, 预报prediction predictions(1)(5322) prediction

n. - 遮盖物, 避难所, 躲避处, 掩蔽, 遮蔽 v. tr. - 掩蔽, 遮蔽, 保护, 庇

护 v. intr. - 躲避, 避难shelter sheltered(1)(5272) shelter

n. - 雄蕊 n. - 毅力, 精力, 持久

力stamina stamina(1)(5268) stamina

n. - 队伍, 游行, 进行行列 v. intr. - 列队行

进procession processions(1)(5257) procession

n. - 间谍, 侦察, 侦探 v. tr. - 侦察, 发现, 找出 v. intr. - 做密探, 侦查spy spied(1)(5255) spy

n. - 运气, 好运, 幸运 v. intr. - 走运, 凑巧碰上, 靠运气, 偶而发

现luck luck(1)(5253) luck

n. - 铅笔, 画笔, 色笔 v. tr. - 用铅笔写或

涂pencil pencilled(1)(5229) pencil

n. - 间谍组织, 间谍活动espionage espionage(1)(5223) espionage

n. - 连接词, 关联, 联

合conjunction conjunctions(1)(5192) conjunction

n. - 退休金, 抚恤金, 养老金, 津贴, 补助金 n. - 退休金, 抚恤金, 养老金, 津贴, 补助金 v. tr. - 发给...退休

金pension pensioned(1)(5187) pension

n. - 边界, 分界线, 界限, 范

围boundary boundaries(1)(5185) boundary

n. - 邻居关系neighborhood neighborhood(1)(5134) neighborhood

n. - 震颤, 刺激性, 激动 v. tr. - 使激动, 使颤动 v. intr. - 震颤, 激动, 抖颤thrill thrilled(1)(5117) thrill

n. - 陷阱, 捕捉器, 罗网, U形弯管, 防臭瓣, 圈套, 阴谋, 诡计, 嘴 v. tr. - 设陷阱捕捉, 阻止, 抑制, 使落入圈套, 堵塞 v. intr. - 设陷阱, 诱捕野兽, 设圈套, 飞靶射击练习trap trapped(1)(5084) trap

n. - 链, 束缚, 连锁 v. tr. - 用锁链拴住, 束缚, 拘

禁chain chained(1)(5060) chain

n. - 造像, 成像imaging imaging(1)(5031) imaging

n. - 门厅, 会堂, 走廊hall halls(1)(5026) hall

n. - 雇用, 工作, 职业workmate workmates(1)(5017) employment

n. - 遗产, 传统, 继承权heritage heritage(1)(4945) heritage

n. - 陌生人, 门外汉stranger strangers(1)(4942) stranger

n. - 锚, 赖以支撑的人, 靠山, 锚状物, 新闻节目主播 v. tr. - 抛锚使停泊, 主持, 系住, 使固定 v. intr. - 抛锚泊船, 固

定anchor anchored(1)(4863) anchor

n. - 迷迭香rosemary rosemary(1)(4823) rosemary

n. - 违背习俗, 过失, 不合情理之事 v. intr. - 违反教规, 犯罪, 违命, 犯过

失sin sinned(1)(4791) sin

n. - 邮差postman postmen(1)(4786) mailman

n. - 边缘, 边沿, 边界, 国界, 边境, 饰边, 滚边 v. tr. - 与...接壤, 接近 v. intr. - 毗邻, 接界, 近似border bordered(1)(4785) border

n. - 运河, 灌溉水渠, 河渠, 水道, 管, 道 v. tr. - 开运

河canal canals(1)(4757) canal

n. - 陶器, 陶器厂, 陶器制造术pottery potteries(1)(4738) pottery

n. - 进步, 前进, 发展 v. intr. - 促进, 进行, 进

步progress progressed(1)(4727) progress

n. - 运动, 运转, 动作movement movements(1)(4723) movement

n. - 重量, 重担, 体重 v. tr. - 加重量于, 使加权, 压

迫weight weighted(1)(4712) weight

n. - 降落, 侵袭, 家系descent descents(1)(4669) descent

n. - 零售 adv. - 以零售方式, 以零售价格 v. tr. - 零售 v. intr. - 零售 adj. - 零售的retailer retailers(1)(4656) retail

n. - 顾客, 购物者shopper shoppers(1)(4595) shopper

n. - 野餐, 远足 v. intr. - 去野餐, 参加野餐, 在户外用

餐picnic picnicked(1)(4590) picnic

n. - 销售者, 卖方, 畅销品seller sellers(1)(4521) seller

n. - 面谈, 接见, 访问 v. tr. - 接见, 会见 v. intr. - 面谈, 面

试interview interviewed(1)(4513) interview

n. - 难民, 流亡者refugee refugees(1)(4498) refugee

n. - 镜子, 典范, 写真 v. tr. - 反映, 映

出mirror mirrored(1)(4411) mirror

n. - 适应, 调和, 调节, 和解, 预定膳

宿accommodation accommodations(1)(4369) accommodation

n. - 顾问, 指导教授, 劝告者advisors advisors(1)(4344) adviser

n. - 顺从, 尊重deference deference(1)(4321) deference

n. - 顾问业务consultancy consultancies(1)(4305) consultancy

n. - 造船shipbuilding shipbuilding(1)(4300) shipbuilding

n. - 随员, 随从, 一套家具, 套房, 系列, 组,

套suite suites(1)(4298) suite

n. - 键盘, 钥匙板, 键盘乐器 v. tr. - 操作的键盘, 用键盘输

入keyboard keyboards(1)(4284) keyboard

n. - 韩国korea korea(1)(4280) korea

n. - 顾问, 指导教授, 劝告者adviser advisers(1)(4260) adviser

n. - 选择, 收获, 精华, 最好的部分, 剔的工具 v. tr. - 挑选, 选择, 挖, 采, 摘, 剔 v. tr. - 挑选, 选择, 挖, 采, 摘, 剔 v. intr. - 挖, 剔, 扒, 采

摘 n. - 选择, 收获, 精华, 最好的部

分pick picked(1)(4242) pick

n. - 院长, 主持牧师dean deans(1)(4203) dean

n. - 连接处, 关节, 接合 adj. - 共同的, 连接的, 联合的 v. tr. - 连接, 使有接头, 接合joint joints(1)(4202) joint

n. - 邮政, 邮件, 邮寄 v. tr. - 邮寄, 投寄, 登入, 使熟悉, 使了

解posting postings(1)(4201) post

n. - 领域, 场地, 田地 v. tr. - 使上场 v. intr. - 担任场外队员 adj. - 田间的, 野外的, 野生的field fielded(1)(4178) field

n. - 输卵管内配子转移 n. - 赠品, 天赋, 礼物 v. tr. - 赋

予gift gifts(1)(4124) gift

n. - 阿斯匹林aspirin aspirins(1)(4101) aspirin-1

n. - 雾, 烟雾, 尘雾, 雾气, 迷惑, 困惑 n. - 雾, 烟雾, 尘雾, 雾气, 迷惑, 困

惑 v. tr. - 以雾笼罩, 使模糊, 使困惑, 使形成雾翳 v. intr. - 被雾笼罩, 变得模糊fog fogged(1)(4008) fog

n. - 辞职, 辞呈, 放弃, 听任, 顺

从resignation resignations(1)(3993) resignation

n. - 部分, 一份遗产, 一份, 一客, 命运, 定数 v. tr. - 把...分成多份, 给...一份嫁妆, 分配portion portioned(1)(3987) portion

n. - 面, 表面, 外观, 外表, 水面 adj. - 表面的, 外观的, 表面上的, 外表上的, 地面上的, 水面上的, 陆路的, 水路的 v. tr. - 对...进行表面处理, 使...浮出水面, 使出现, 在...上加表面 v. intr. - 浮出水面, 起床, 露面, 显露, 呈

现surface surfaced(1)(3952) surface

n. - 雨, 雨天, 下雨, 一场雨 v. intr. - 下雨, 降雨, 雨水般地淌下, 如雨般落

下 v. tr. - 使大量落下, 大量地给, 使如雨

下rain rained(1)(3914) rain

n. - 迷信superstition superstitions(1)(3904) superstition

n. - 陪审团, 评审委员会 v. tr. - 挑选, 评

审jury juries(1)(3827) jury

n. - 道德, 品行, 教训morality moralities(1)(3786) morality

n. - 阿拉伯马, 阿拉伯人 adj. - 阿拉伯人的, 阿拉伯

的arab arab(1)(3785) arab

n. - 障碍, 困难 v. tr. - 加障碍于, 妨

碍handicap handicapped(1)(3775) handicap

n. - 阴影, 影像, 影子 v. tr. - 遮蔽, 预示, 使朦胧 v. intr. - 渐变, 变阴暗 adj. - 影子内阁的, 非正式的, 非官方

的shadow shadowed(1)(3760) shadow

n. - 青春期, 开花期, 妙龄puberty puberty(1)(3734) puberty

n. - 通知, 告示, 通告notification notifications(1)(3697) notification

n. - 运动员, 运动选手athlete athletes(1)(3680) athlete

n. - 页边的空白, 极限, 边缘 v. tr. - 加边于, 加旁注

于margin margins(1)(3646) margin

n. - 里程碑, 划时代的事件milestone milestones(1)(3637) milestone

n. - 顾问, 商议者consultant consultants(1)(3631) consultant

n. - 隔绝, 隔离, 孤立isolation isolation(1)(3588) isolation

n. - 钢模, 冲模, 印模 v. tr. - 开模


n. - 阿根廷argentina argentina(1)(3473) argentina

n. - 顿挫, 退步, 挫折setback setbacks(1)(3470) setback

n. - 面包烘房, 烘烤食品, 面包店bakery bakeries(1)(3467) bakery

n. - 门, 闸 n. - 大门, 围墙门, 栅栏门, 出入口 v. tr. - 给...装大门, 解雇, 限制外出gate gates(1)(3452) gate

n. - 配偶, 夫妻 v. tr. - 和...结

婚spouse spouses(1)(3436) spouse

n. - 非国教徒, 不遵奉英国国教的基督新教徒 adj. - 不顺从一般公认信念习惯的, 不信奉国教的, 不墨守成规

的nonconformist nonconformists(1)(3356) nonconformist

n. - 间隔, 幕间, 休息时间, 距离, 音

程interval intervals(1)(3341) interval

n. - 退休人员, 退休者, 歇业者retirees retirees(1)(3307) retiree

n. - 连张式的车票, 赠券, 联票, 减价优待

券coupon coupons(1)(3199) coupon

n. - 重新开始, 继续, 重返, 恢复, 重

获resumption resumption(1)(3196) resumption

n. - 隧道, 地下道 v. tr. - 在...挖掘隧道, 在...打开通道, 挖, 凿, 打开 v. intr. - 挖掘隧道, 隧穿, 打开通道tunnel tunnelled(1)(3192) tunnel

n. - 阿拉斯加州alaska alaska(1)(3112) alaska

n. - 过程, 进程, 程序, 步骤, 工序 v. tr. - 加工, 用计算机处理, 处理, 办理, 对...起诉 adj. - 经过特殊加工的, 照相板的, 处理过

的process processed(1)(3077) process

n. - 道德规范, 伦理 adj. - 伦理的, 道德

的ethic ethics(1)(3052) ethic

n. - 错误, 过失, 误会 v. tr. - 误解, 弄错 v. intr. - 犯错, 误

认mistake mistaken(1)(3045) mistake

n. - 连接, 前后关系, 关

系connection connections(1)(3043) connection

n. - 邻居 v. tr. - 与...为邻, 使邻接, 使接近 v. intr. - 住在邻近, 位于附近, 邻接, 邻近, 亲近, 交往 adj. - 邻近的, 邻接

的neighboring neighboring(1)(3041) neighbor

n. - 野蔷薇的果实 int. - 加油!好! adj. - 通晓的, 赶时髦的, 熟悉内情的, 嬉皮的 n. - 臀部, 屁股, 髋关节, 髋

部hip hips(1)(2969) hip

n. - 量, 总数, 数量quantity quantities(1)(2919) quantity

n. - 部门, 机关, 系department departments(1)(2915) department

n. - 障碍, 栅栏barrier barriers(1)(2857) barrier

n. - 输出, 生产量, 产品, 输出信息 v. tr. - 生产, 输出, 使

出output output(1)(2854) output

n. - 部分, 切片, 断片, 部门, 线段 v. tr. - 分割, 切割 v. intr. - 分割成部分, 切成片segment segments(1)(2762) segment

n. - 锁子甲, 铠甲 v. tr. - 使披上铠甲, 给...装甲 n. - 邮递, 邮件, 邮政, 一次递送的邮件 n. - 邮递, 邮件, 邮政, 一次递送的邮件 v. tr. - 邮

寄 v. intr. - 邮寄mail mailed(1)(2746) mail

n. - 降格, 退化, 堕落degradation degradations(1)(2703) degradation

n. - 钩, 镰刀, 钩状 v. tr. - 挂...于钩上, 引上钩, 钩住 v. intr. - 弯成钩状, 钩紧hook hooked(1)(2655) hook

n. - 需要, 必然, 必需品necessity necessities(1)(2653) necessity

n. - 遗失者, 损失物, 损失者, 失败者loser losers(1)(2633) loser

n. - 青春, 初期, 青年时期youth youths(1)(2587) youth

n. - 预期, 期望, 预期的事物, 预料, 预感, 预

知anticipation anticipation(1)(2573) anticipation

n. - 降落伞 v. tr. - 伞投 v. intr. - 伞降, 跳

伞parachute parachuted(1)(2532) parachute

n. - 铁, 坚强, 熨斗 v. tr. - 用铁铸成, 熨, 烫平, 用铁包 v. intr. - 烫衣服 adj. - 铁的, 残酷的, 刚强的iron ironed(1)(2528) iron

n. - 金属, 合金, 金属制品 v. tr. - 用金属包, 用碎石筑, 用金属装


n. - 隐约呈现的形象 v. intr. - 隐约地出现, 阴森地逼近 n. - 隐约呈现的形象loom loomed(1)(2480) loom

n. - 部落, 部族tribe tribes(2)(2441) tribe

n. - 野生动植物wildlife wildlife(2)(2424) wildlife

n. - 门door doors(2)(2384) door

n. - 顶点, 天顶, 顶峰zenith zenith(2)(2325) zenith

n. - 银, 银器, 银币 v. tr. - 镀银于, 使有银色光泽 v. intr. - 变成银

色 adj. - 银的, 含银的, 镀银的, 银色的, 有银色光泽

的silver silvers(2)(2255) silver

n. - 闪光 v. intr. - 看一下, 一瞥, 简略提及, 扫视, 影射 v. tr. - 用扫视, 擦过, 瞥见, 使擦过 n. - 一瞥, 一

滑glance glanced(2)(2156) glance

n. - 陈列, 展览会, 装饰, 表演showing showings(2)(2155) showing

n. - 遮蔽物housing housings(2)(2096) housing

n. - 运送者, 带菌者, 邮递员carrier carriers(2)(2068) carrier

n. - 雇主, 老板employer employers(2)(2050) employer

n. - 银行家, 银行业者 n. - 庄家 n. - 工作

台banker bankers(2)(2033) banker

n. - 过错, 毛病, 故障 v. tr. - 挑剔 v. intr. - 弄

错fault faulted(2)(2024) fault

n. - 适合, 相似, 一致conformity conformity(2)(2022) conformity

n. - 道歉, 辩护, 辩解, 赔罪, 勉强的替代

物apology apologies(2)(1983) apology

n. - 逻辑, 推理的方法, 论理学, 逻辑电

路logic logic(2)(1971) logic

n. - 青少年 adj. - 十几岁的, 十几的 n. - 悲哀, 痛

苦teens teens(2)(1956) teen

n. - 边界, 边境frontier frontiers(2)(1926) frontier

n. - 防卫, 防卫设备defense defense(2)(1914) defense

n. - 银河, 一群显赫的人物, 星系galaxy galaxies(2)(1905) galaxy

n. - 音调, 语调, 音质 v. tr. - 用某种调子说, 给...定调子, 装腔作势地说, 给定音调 v. intr. - 呈现悦目色调, 颜色调

和tone toned(2)(1848) tone

n. - 选择权, 选项 v. tr. - 获得...的购买权或出售权, 对...提供选择供应的条

件option options(2)(1832) option

n. - 通知, 消息, 报告, 报导info info(2)(1766) info

n. - 长度, 全长, 长短, 期间, 全程length lengths(2)(1751) length

n. - 需求, 要求, 必要条

件requirement requirements(2)(1750) requirement

n. - 间谍头目spymaster spymaster(2)(1745) spymaster

n. - 陈述, 声明, 指令 v. tr. - 陈

述statement statements(2)(1692) statement

n. - 零售 adv. - 以零售方式, 以零售价格 v. tr. - 零售 v. intr. - 零售 adj. - 零售的retail retailed(2)(1676) retail

n. - 问题, 疑问句, 疑问 v. tr. - 询问, 审问, 讯问, 怀疑, 对...表示疑问 v. intr. - 询问, 探问question questioned(2)(1663) question

n. - 集体移居, 旅行 v. intr. - 艰苦跋涉, 移居, 缓慢地行进, 离

开trek trekked(2)(1641) trek

n. - 限制, 限制因素, 极限, 限度, 局限, 追诉时

效limitation limitations(2)(1626) limitation

n. - 部长, 公使, 牧师 v. intr. - 服侍, 主持圣事, 救助 v. tr. - 供给, 提供, 执行, 主持minister ministered(2)(1603) minister

n. - 隐私, 秘密, 隐居privacy privacy(2)(1597) privacy

n. - 钢盔, 防护帽, 盔 v. tr. - 给...戴头盔 v. intr. - 戴头

盔helmet helmets(2)(1571) helmet

n. - 邮政, 邮件, 邮寄 v. tr. - 邮寄, 投寄, 登入, 使熟悉, 使了

解post posted(2)(1570) post

n. - 错误, 失误, 过失error errors(2)(1454) error

n. - 过度, 超过, 剩于 adj. - 过度的, 额外的 v. tr. - 对...暂不聘

任excess excesses(3)(1439) excess

n. - 队, 组 v. tr. - 把...联成一组 v. intr. - 结成一队, 合

作team teamed(3)(1413) team

n. - 达成, 成绩, 成就, 完

成achievement achievements(3)(1392) achievement

n. - 运输, 交通业, 输

送transportation transportation(3)(1369) transportation

n. - 防卫者, 辩护者, 拥护者defender defenders(3)(1355) defender

n. - 边界, 英格兰和苏格兰的接界地区 v. intr. - 前进, 走过, 通过, 行军 v. intr. - 前进, 走过, 通过, 行军 v. tr. - 迫使...前进, 把强行带走 n. - 三月, 行军, 行进, 行程march marched(3)(1340) march

n. - 钢, 钢铁 v. tr. - 钢化, 使像钢, 给...包上钢, 用钢作...的刀口, 使坚强, 使下决心 adj. - 钢的, 钢制的, 钢铁般的, 坚强的, 钢铁业

的steel steeled(3)(1301) steel

n. - 非洲人 adj. - 非洲人的, 非洲

的african african(3)(1252) african

n. - 迷幻剂hallucinogens hallucinogens(3)(1165) hallucinogen

n. - 远景, 透视, 看法 adj. - 透视

的perspective perspectives(3)(1141) perspective

n. - 领土, 版图, 领地territory territories(3)(1131) territory

n. - 雪, 下雪, 积雪 v. intr. - 下雪, 纷至沓来, 雪片似地落下 v. tr. - 使雪白, 使像雪般落下, 用雪覆盖snow snowed(3)(1103) snow

n. - 非洲africa africa(3)(1073) africa

n. - 钉子, 指甲 v. tr. - 用钉钉牢, 使集中于, 使固

定nail nailed(4)(1059) nail

n. - 重压, 压力, 逼迫 v. tr. - 着重, 重读, 强

调stress stressed(4)(1051) stress

n. - 进化, 进展, 发展evolutionary evolutionary(4)(942) evolution

n. - 降低速度, 减速slowdown slowdowns(4)(911) slowdown

n. - 选举, 选择权, 当选election elections(4)(859) election

n. - 顶部, 顶盖, 墙的顶部coping copings(4)(814) coping

n. - 连续, 丛书, 系列series series(5)(696) series

n. - 铁路, 铁路系统, 铁道, 铁路公

司railway railways(5)(684) railway

n. - 重获, 恢复, 复苏, 复得, 复元, 痊

愈recovery recoveries(5)(679) recovery

n. - 酒精, 含酒精饮料, 醇, 酒alcohol alcohol(5)(673) alcohol

n. - 退休, 退役, 退职retirement retirement(5)(671) retirement

n. - 铁路, 铁路公司 v. tr. - 用铁路运送, 使草率通过, 在...修筑铁路, 以捏造不实之罪使入狱 v. intr. - 在铁路部门工作, 筑铁路, 乘火车旅

行railroad railroads(6)(641) railroad

n. - 运动, 动作 v. tr. - 向...打手势, 向...摇头示意 v. intr. - 打手势, 摆动, 走, 摇头示意motion motioned(6)(605) motion

n. - 革命, 旋转, 大变革revolution revolutions(6)(584) revolution

n. - 集中, 专心, 集

合concentration concentrations(6)(576) concentration

n. - 选择, 精选品, 抉择 adj. - 上等的, 精选

的choice choicest(6)(568) choice

n. - 追踪, 追击, 继续进行, 从事, 追求, 寻求, 事

务pursuit pursuits(6)(547) pursuit

n. - 顶部, 头顶, 山顶, 表面 adj. - 顶的, 最高的, 顶上的, 最优良的 v. tr. - 盖, 达到...的顶部, 给...加盖, 高于 v. intr. - 向高处升, 达到顶点, 结束, 高

出top topped(7)(539) top

n. - 顾客, 买主, 客户customer customers(7)(529) customer

n. - 雇用, 工作, 职业employment employment(7)(506) employment

n. - 重要, 重大, 重要的地位, 重要性, 自大, 傲

慢importance importance(9)(407) importance

n. - 选择, 被挑选出的人, 选拔, 精选

品selection selections(9)(401) selection

n. - 通行, 通路, 通过, 水路passage passages(10)(379) passage

n. - 音乐, 乐曲music music(11)(335) music

n. - 进化, 进展, 发展evolution evolution(13)(270) evolution

n. - 金钱, 财富, 一笔款money money(14)(253) money

n. - 问题, 难题 adj. - 成问题的, 难处理

的problem problems(15)(239) problem

n. - 阅读, 读物, 阅读材料, 朗读, 学

识reading readings(16)(211) reading

n. - 部分, 零件, 局部 v. tr. - 使分开, 使分离, 将分线, 使分成几部分, 使分

裂 v. intr. - 分开, 分手, 断裂 adv. - 部分地, 有些, 多少 adj. - 部分的, 局部的part parted(19)(186) part

n. - 随笔, 评论, 短文 v. tr. - 企图, 尝

试essay essayed(27)(136) essay

n. - 通知, 消息, 报告information information(47)(82) information

n. - 霉, 发霉 n. - 必须做的事, 一定要看的东西, 不可少的事物 n. - 必须做的事, 一定要看的东西, 不可少的事物 aux. v. - 必须, 得, 必然要, 必定会, 一定是, 八成, 谅必, 一定要, 坚持要 v. intr. - 必须, 得, 必然要, 必定会, 一定是, 八成, 谅必, 一定要, 坚持要 n. - 必须做的事, 一定要看的东西, 不可少的事

物must must(52)(74) must

n. - 鹰, 鹰状标饰 v. tr. - 高尔夫中比规定少击两棒入洞 v. intr. - eagle eagles(1)(5608) eagle

n. - 马头鱼尾海怪, 海

马hippocampus hippocampus(1)(5600) hippocampus

n. - 鸡尾酒, 开味菜 adj. - 鸡尾酒

的cocktail cocktails(1)(5483) cocktail

n. - 食盒, 食篮 v. tr. - 妨碍, 阻碍, 束缚, 牵制 n. - 障碍物, 障碍船具, 束缚hamper hampered(1)(5339) hamper

n. - 鸟, 人, 家伙, 禽, 少妇, 小妞, 少女 v. intr. - 观察野鸟, 捕

鸟bird birds(1)(5149) bird

n. - 驳船 v. tr. - 以驳船搬运 n. - 点火者, 点火器, 打火

机lighter lighters(1)(5072) lighter

n. - 骨头, 骨制品, 骨 v. tr. - 剔去...的骨, 施骨肥于, 用鲸骨撑 v. intr. - 苦学, 考前临时抱佛脚bone boned(1)(5055) bone

n. - 颜色, 风格, 气色 v. tr. - 把...涂颜色, 脸红, 粉饰 v. intr. - 变

色color color(1)(5032) color

n. pl. - 收入, 工资, 利润, 收

益earnings earnings(1)(4867) earnings

n. - 风琴, 机关, 器官organ organs(1)(4746) organ

n. - 鼠, 叛徒, 卑鄙小人, 告密者, 讨厌的人 int. - 胡说, 去你的, 真要命! v. intr. - 捕鼠, 密告, 背叛rat ratted(1)(4718) rat

n. - 马刺, 鼓舞, 刺激物 v. tr. - 用靴刺踢, 给...装踢马刺, 鞭策, 鼓励 v. intr. - 策马飞奔, 给予刺激, 急速前进spur spurred(1)(4640) spur

n. - 饵 v. tr. - 以饵引诱, 欺负 v. intr. - 中途休

息bait baited(1)(4609) bait

n. pl. - 布鲁塞尔brussels brussels(1)(4603) brussels

n. - 高地, 高原 v. intr. - 达到稳定时期或状

态plateau plateaux(1)(4587) plateau

n. - 领袖, 指挥者, 领导者, 首席小提琴手, 领先的人, 乐队指

挥leader leaders(1)(4516) leader

n. - 黄色读物, 色情出版物, 黄色印刷

品pornography pornography(1)(4484) pornography

n. pl. - 人们, 民族, 家人 adj. - 民间的, 通俗的, 民众的 n. - 人们, 民族, 家人folk folks(1)(4475) folk

n. pl. - 人员, 职员 n. - 人员, 职

员personnel personnel(1)(4153) personnel

n. - 马达, 汽车, 原动力, 发动机, 电动机 adj. - 马达的, 发动的, 汽车的 v. intr. - 驾驶汽车, 乘汽车 v. tr. - 推动, 以汽车载

运motor motored(1)(4147) motor

n. - 颚, 下巴, 颌 v. intr. - 闲聊, 唠叨, 责骂, 数

说jaw jawed(1)(3936) jaw

n. - 鬼, 幻影, 灵魂 v. intr. - 替人代笔 v. tr. - 鬼魂般缠住, 替...捉刀, 作祟于ghost ghosted(1)(3890) ghost

n. - 餐厅, 饭店, 饭馆restaurant restaurants(1)(3788) restaurant

n. - 黎明, 拂晓, 曙光, 端倪, 开端 v. intr. - 破晓, 刚亮, 开始明白, 开始出现, 渐露端倪, 顿悟dawn dawned(1)(3726) dawn

n. pl. - 电信telecoms telecoms(1)(3684) telecom

n. - 风格, 作风, 文风, 文体, 语调 v. tr. - 称呼, 设计, 命名, 使符合时

势style styled(1)(3320) style

n. - 飞弹, 火箭, 火箭式投射器, 火箭发动机, 火箭弹 v. intr. - 向前急冲, 迅速上升, 飞快行进, 猛涨 v. tr. - 用火箭运载, 用火箭轰

击rocket rocketed(1)(3247) rocket

n. - 马, 脚架, 骑兵 v. tr. - 使骑马, 系马于 v. intr. - 骑马, 作弄

人 adj. - 马的, 骑着马的, 马拉的, 用马作动力的, 大的, 壮的, 强

的horse horsed(1)(3194) horse

n. - 魔鬼, 极残忍的人demon demons(1)(3121) demon

n. - 题目, 科目, 主题 adj. - 受他国统治的, 受制于...的, 未独立的 adv. - 在...条件下 v. tr. - 使隶属, 使受

到subject subjected(1)(2973) subject

n. - 饿, 饥饿, 渴望, 饥荒 v. intr. - 挨饿, 渴望 v. tr. - 使挨

饿hunger hungered(1)(2939) hunger

n. pl. - 航空学, 飞行术 n. - 航空学, 飞行

术aeronautics aeronautics(1)(2896) aeronautics

n. - 马具, 甲胄, 系在身上的绳子 v. tr. - 上马具, 利用产生动力, 披上甲

胄harness harnessed(1)(2869) harness

n. - 高, 高度, 高处, 高地, 海拔, 顶垂线, 高

线altitude altitudes(1)(2770) altitude

n. pl. - 数学 n. - 数

学mathematics mathematics(2)(2401) mathematics

n. - 马尔 adj. - 男性的, 有力的, 属于雄性的 n. - 男人, 雄性动

物male males(2)(2304) male

n. - 鼻子, 嗅觉, 突出部分 v. tr. - 嗅到, 用鼻子触, 探出 v. intr. - 闻, 探听, 嗅nose nosed(2)(2229) nose

n. pl. - 天体物理学 n. - 天体物理

学astrophysicists astrophysicists(2)(2198) astrophysics

n. pl. - 电信telecom telecom(2)(1980) telecom

n. - 香烟, 纸烟cigarette cigarettes(2)(1857) cigarette

n. pl. - 地球物理学 n. - 地球物理

学geophysical geophysical(2)(1780) geophysics

n. - 麻痹, 瘫痪, 停顿paralysis paralysis(2)(1774) paralysis

n. - 飞行 v. tr. - 射击, 使惊飞 v. intr. - 迁

徙flight flights(2)(1704) flight

n. - 鲨鱼, 骗子 v. tr. - 敲诈, 诈取 v. intr. - 诈骗, 行

骗shark sharks(2)(1665) shark

n. - 黄瓜, 胡瓜cucumber cucumbers(2)(1480) cucumber

n. - 飞溅的水, 卖弄, 污点 v. tr. - 溅, 使溅起水, 泼 v. intr. - 溅湿, 飞溅, 溅开splash splashed(2)(1476) splash

n. - 黄金, 金色, 钱财 adj. - 金的, 金制

的gold golds(3)(1225) gold

n. - 鱼, 鱼类, 鱼肉 v. intr. - 捕鱼, 用钩捞取, 钓鱼 v. tr. - 钓, 查出, 钓鱼fish fished(4)(881) fish

n. pl. - 物理学 n. - 物理学physics physics(4)(819) physics

n. - 领袖, 长官, 酋长 adj. - 主要的, 首位的 adv. - 主要地, 大部分, 多半, 首先, 首要chief chiefs(5)(797) chiefdom

n. - 魁北克quebec quebec(5)(670) quebec-city-quebec

n. - 领导能力, 领导阶层leadership leadership(6)(610) leadership

n. pl. - 人, 民族, 人们 v. tr. - 使人住在, 居住于, 使充斥 n. - 人, 民族, 人们people peopled(6)(559) people

n. pl. - 经济学 n. - 经济

学economics economics(6)(552) economics

n. pl. - 市民, 城里人, 镇民townsfolk townsfolk(8)(434) townsfolk

n. - 高度, 高地, 海拔height heights(12)(303) height

n. - 食物, 养料food foods(12)(291) food

n. - 魔术师, 行妖术者, 巫师conjurer spelled(57)(69) conjurer

v. intr. - 浮现, 脱出, 形成emerge emerged(1)(5688) emerge

v. intr. - 皱眉, 不赞成, 蹙额 v. tr. - 皱眉表示 n. - 皱眉, 蹙额, 不悦之色frown frowned(1)(5667) frown

v. intr. - 粘紧, 紧贴, 附着 n. - 坚持, 墨守, 执着, 依附, 粘

核cling clung(1)(5659) cling

v. intr. - 变动, 动摇, 上下 v. tr. - 使动摇, 使起伏, 使波

动fluctuate fluctuated(1)(5658) fluctuate

v. intr. - 合作, 通敌collaborate collaborated(1)(5591) collaborate

v. intr. - 笑, 嘲笑 v. tr. - 以笑表示 n. - 笑, 笑

声laugh laughed(1)(5576) laugh

v. intr. - 活下来, 幸存, 残留 v. tr. - 在...之后仍然生存, 从...中逃生, 丧失, 比...活得长survive survived(1)(5558) surviving

v. intr. - 沐日光浴sunbathe sunbathed(1)(5532) sunbathe

v. intr. - 站立, 站着, 是..., 站起, 处于某种状态 v. tr. - 使站立, 竖放, 使站起, 忍受, 容忍 n. - 站立, 停止, 立定, 停

留stand stood(1)(5515) stand

v. intr. - 叛乱, 起义, 反抗 v. tr. - 使厌恶, 使恶心, 使反感 n. - 叛乱, 反感, 反抗revolt revolted(1)(5512) revolt

v. intr. - 旅行, 移动, 行进 v. tr. - 在...旅行, 游遍, 经过, 驶过, 走过 n. - 旅行, 进行, 游历travel travelled(1)(5511) travel

v. intr. - 到达, 被送来, 到来arrive arrived(1)(5496) arrive

v. intr. - 打仗, 打架, 搏斗, 奋斗 v. tr. - 与...打仗, 反对...提案, 指挥战

斗 n. - 打架, 斗志, 战斗fight fought(1)(5478) fight

v. intr. - 示意, 波动, 致意 v. tr. - 使波动, 挥舞, 使飘扬 n. - 波, 波动, 波浪wave waved(1)(5476) wave

v. intr. - 作总结, 作概括 v. tr. - 总结, 概括, 概

述summarize summarized(1)(5426) summarize

v. intr. - 专攻, 专化, 特化, 专门从事, 详细说明 v. tr. - 使专门化, 使专化, 使特化, 使特殊化, 限定specialize specialized(1)(5424) specialize

v. intr. - 碎裂, 蜕变, 瓦解, 崩溃, 衰变 v. tr. - 分解, 碎

裂disintegrate disintegrated(1)(5364) disintegrate

v. intr. - 攀登 v. tr. - 爬 n. - 蜂群, 一大群 v. intr. - 分群, 被挤满, 成群地移动, 群集 v. tr. - 挤

满swarm swarmed(1)(5307) swarm

v. intr. - 抱怨, 发牢骚, 控诉, 投诉, 诉

说complain complained(1)(5303) complain

v. intr. - 滚, 飘流, 滚动 v. tr. - 使滚动, 绕, 卷 n. - 卷, 名单, 滚

动roll rolled(1)(5295) roll

v. intr. - 轮流, 交替 v. tr. - 使轮流, 使交替 adj. - 轮流的, 交替的, 供选择的, 间隔的, 供替换的 n. - 代理人, 候补者, 代替

者alternate alternated(1)(5269) alternate

v. intr. - 奋斗, 竞争, 斗争 v. tr. - 为...斗争, 坚决主张, 声

称contend contended(1)(5218) contend

v. intr. - 爆炸, 冲, 闯, 破裂, 突然出现 v. tr. - 使爆炸, 突然打开, 使破裂, 冲出 n. - 破裂, 爆发, 突发burst bursting(1)(5189) burst

v. intr. - 深思, 投机, 推测 v. tr. - 推测, 推

断speculate speculated(1)(5172) speculate

v. intr. - 失败, 忘记, 不及格 v. tr. - 辜负, 不及格 n. - 不及

格fail failed(1)(5162) fail

v. intr. - 唱, 唱歌, 呼号, 鸣, 鸣叫, 呜呜作声 v. tr. - 唱, 给...唱, 吟唱, 用诗赞颂 n. - 演唱, 鸣声, 合唱, 呜呜

声sing sung(1)(5146) sing

v. intr. - 战栗, 微动, 忧虑 n. - 战栗, 颤

抖tremble trembled(1)(5143) tremble

v. intr. - 放鹰行猎 v. tr. - 捕捉 n. - 鹰, 隼, 骗子, 贪婪的家伙, 鹰派人物, 主战派成员 n. - 鹰, 隼, 骗子, 贪婪的家伙, 鹰派人物, 主战派成员 v. intr. - 放鹰行猎hawk hawked(1)(5140) hawk

v. intr. - 气喘, 气促, 喷气, 悸动, 剧跳, 喷着气行进 v. tr. - 气喘吁吁地

讲 n. - 气喘, 喷气, 心跳, 喷气声 n. - 气喘, 喷气, 心跳, 喷气

声pant panted(1)(5126) pant

v. intr. - 受痛苦, 受损害 v. tr. - 遭受, 忍受, 经

历suffer suffered(1)(5083) suffer

v. intr. - 发嗡嗡声, 哼曲子, 发哼哼声, 忙碌, 活跃 v. tr. - 闭口哼歌, 嗡嗡

叫 n. - 嗡嗡声, 杂声, 哼声 int. - 嗯, 哦,

哼hum hummed(1)(5070) hum

v. intr. - 出现, 看来好像, 似乎, 显露, 出庭, 到

案appear appeared(1)(5068) appear

v. intr. - 存在, 生存, 发生exist existed(1)(5066) exist

v. intr. - 往上飞舞, 翱翔, 高耸 n. - 高飞, 高涨, 高耸, 猛增的程

度soar soared(1)(5015) soar

v. intr. - 坚持, 坚决认为, 坚决主张, 强调, 一定要 v. tr. - 坚持, 坚决主张, 坚决认为, 坚决要求insist insisted(1)(4989) insist

v. intr. - 呻吟, 受压迫, 渴望 v. tr. - 呻吟地说 n. - 呻吟, 叹

息groan groaned(1)(4974) groan

v. intr. - 组成, 构成, 一致, 符合, 在于, 存在于 n. - 列车编组顺序

表consist consisted(1)(4952) consist

v. intr. - 哭, 喊, 叫 v. tr. - 哭出, 叫喊, 大声地说, 叫卖 n. - 叫声, 大叫, 哭声cry cried(1)(4916) cry

v. intr. - 回答, 答复, 回击, 反响, 回应 v. tr. - 回答 n. - 回答, 答

复reply replied(1)(4903) reply

v. intr. - 赚得, 博得, 获得 v. tr. - 赚得, 挣得, 使得到, 使赢得, 博得, 赢

得earn earned(1)(4881) earn

v. intr. - 禁食, 斋戒 n. - 禁食, 斋戒 adj. - 快的, 速度快的, 迅速的, 完成得快的 adv. - 很快地, 彻底地, 紧紧

地fast fasted(1)(4876) fast-8116

v. intr. - 突击, 出发, 出击 n. - 突击, 旅行, 出

击sally sallied(1)(4862) sally

v. intr. - 跳, 跃起, 跳跃, 猛跳 v. tr. - 跳过, 越过, 使惊起, 使跳跃, 使猛

升 n. - 跳跃, 上涨, 跳动(1)(4784)

v. intr. - 呼吸, 吸气, 呼气, 通气, 透气 v. tr. - 呼吸, 吸入, 呼出, 使喘

息breathe breathed(1)(4782) breathe

v. intr. - 繁荣, 昌盛, 成功prosper prospered(1)(4768) prosper

v. intr. - 谋取, 猎取 n. - 角, 角落, 突出部分, 角度 n. - 角度, 观点, 立场 v. tr. - 在...钓鱼 v. intr. - 钓

鱼angle angled(1)(4731) angle

v. intr. - 打瞌睡, 假寐 v. tr. - 打瞌睡度过 n. - 瞌

睡doze dozed(1)(4725) doze

v. intr. - 流行, 获胜, 盛行prevail prevailed(1)(4722) prevail

v. intr. - 吹牛, 自夸 v. tr. - 自吹自擂说, 吹嘘 n. - 自吹, 大话, 牛皮, 引以为荣的事物 v. tr. - 拥有, 包含, 以有...而自

豪boast boasted(1)(4704) boast

v. intr. - 稳步前进, 突然加速前进 n. - 熔铁炉, 铁工厂, 炼冶场 v. tr. - 打, 锻炼, 锻造, 伪造 v. intr. - 锻造, 伪造, 做锻工, 做铁匠, 犯伪造

罪forge forged(1)(4596) forge

v. intr. - 闲谈, 聊天 n. - 闲

谈chat chatted(1)(4520) computer-conferencing

v. intr. - 倒下, 来临, 落下 v. tr. - 击倒, 砍倒 n. - 秋天, 瀑布, 落

下fall fallen(1)(4517) fall

v. intr. - 获胜, 影响, 达到 v. tr. - 赢得, 成功, 打胜 n. - 赢, 胜

利win won(1)(4487) win

v. intr. - 区别, 辨别, 有差别地对待 v. tr. - 区别, 辨别, 使有区别, 区别

于discriminate discriminated(1)(4426) discriminate

v. intr. - 成功, 办妥, 发迹, 获得成效, 兴旺 v. tr. - 继承, 接

替succeed succeeded(1)(4425) succeed

v. intr. - 升起, 上升, 起立, 产生, 形成, 出现, 复

活arise arisen(1)(4416) arise

v. intr. - 符合, 通信, 协

调correspond corresponded(1)(4402) correspond

v. intr. - 比赛, 竞争compete competed(1)(4387) compete

v. intr. - 逃脱, 溜走, 避开 v. tr. - 逃避, 被忘掉, 避免 n. - 逃亡, 出口, 避难设备escape escaped(1)(4384) escape

v. intr. - 叹息, 叹气 v. tr. - 叹息着说 n. - 叹息, 叹息

声sigh sighed(1)(4343) sigh

v. intr. - 滴下, 掉下, 落下, 下降 v. tr. - 使滴下, 丢失, 放下 n. - 滴, 落下, 微量drop dropped(1)(4312) drop

v. intr. - 消失, 成为零, 突然不见vanish vanished(1)(4244) vanish

v. intr. - 下降, 屈尊, 传下 v. tr. - 下

降descend descended(1)(4239) descend

v. intr. - 道歉, 辩护, 辩解, 认错, 赔不

是apologize apologized(1)(4219) apologize

v. intr. - 回返, 回来, 归还 v. tr. - 归还, 报告, 回报 n. - 回, 返回, 归, 回答, 还, 归还, 报答 adj. - 返回的, 报答的, 回程

的return returned(1)(4218) tax-return

v. intr. - 停留, 暂住, 留下, 继续, 保持 v. tr. - 阻止, 平息, 暂时解除, 抑制, 延缓, 延后 n. - 停留, 逗留, 制止, 停止, 延缓, 延

后stay staying(1)(4207) stay

v. intr. - 冲, 闯, 奔 v. tr. - 使冲, 突袭, 匆忙地做 n. - 匆促, 急流, 冲进rush rushed(1)(4204) rush

v. intr. - 询问, 调查 v. tr. - 讯问, 调查, 查

问inquire inquired(1)(4186) inquire

v. intr. - 一致, 符合coincide coincided(1)(4179) coincide

v. intr. - 赌博, 投机, 打赌, 冒险 v. tr. - 赌掉, 输光, 把...孤注一掷, 以...为赌注, 冒险假设 n. - 赌博, 冒险, 打赌, 无把握的

事gamble gambled(1)(4157) gamble

v. intr. - 坐, 坐着, 就座 v. tr. - 使坐下, 使就座, 可坐得下 n. -

坐sit sat(1)(4156) sit

v. intr. - 收缩, 萎缩, 退缩 v. tr. - 使收缩, 使缩小 n. - 收缩, 畏缩, 萎缩shrink shrinking(1)(4085) shrink

v. intr. - 期满, 断气, 呼气 v. tr. - 呼

出expire expired(1)(4061) expire


Unit 3Inventors and inventions KEY WORDS AND PHRASES 1.call up给……打电话;使想起;回忆 When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset. (教材P20) 当我打电话给乡下的母亲时,她显得焦躁不安。 call back召唤某人回来;再访;回电话call for需要;要求;接(人或物) call in邀请;请来call on拜访(人);号召 call in on简短拜访call at拜访(某地) call off取消 The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily.政府号召青年义务献血。 He is ill;you should call in the doctor right away.他病了,你应该立即请大夫来。2.now and then偶尔;有时(=sometimes,but not often) Snakes come near the house now and then,and they seem to have made their home here,not far from the walnut tree.(教材P20)蛇时不时地爬到屋边来,可见这几条蛇似乎是在胡桃树附近安家了。 We haven't seen each other for years,but we chat online now and then.我们已有多年未见过面了;但是我们有时会上网聊一聊。 表示“有时、偶尔”的词语有: (every) now and again from time to time at times once in a while occasionally a little now and a little then 【提示】from time to time强调经常性;now and then等强调间歇性。3.Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.(教材P20) 这回我有机会来表现一下自己,我要发明某种仁慈的东西,既可以把蛇抓住又不会伤害到它们。 (1)distinguish vt.& vi.显出……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 People who can not distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind.不能辨别颜色的人称为色盲 ①distinguish oneself (as) (作为……)表现突出;使自己与众不同;使自己成名distinguish between...and...区分/辨别……和…… distinguish...from...使……有别于……;使……具有区别于……的特征 distinguish...by...以……为特征 ②distinguished adj.卓越的;杰出的;著名的③distinguishable adj.可区别的 ④distinction n.区别 (2)merciful adj.宽大的;仁慈的 They asked him to be merciful to the prisoners. 他们要求他对犯人要以慈悲为怀。 ①mercy n.仁慈,宽容 show/have mercy to sb.对某人仁慈show no mercy to sb.对某人无情 at the mercy of任由……摆布,在……掌握中It's a mercy...[口语]……真是幸运! ②mercifully幸运地;宽大地 They were lost at sea at the mercy of wind and weather.他们在海上迷失,任由大风和天气摆布。

人教版选修6 UNIT 4 Global warming词汇及句型精讲

(1)She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance. 她心理稳定,这不是偶然发生的。(2016·江苏) (2)How did it come about that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢? It comes/came about that...……发生。 How does/did it come about that...?……是怎样发生的? When it comes to...当谈到…… 名师点拨 come about相当于happen或occur,均无被动形式;且常用it作形式主语。 2.subscribe to同意;赞成;订购;捐助 (1)I subscribed to the magazine for only 32 a year.订阅 (2)How much did you subscribe to the disaster fund?捐助 (3)Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?同意 3.quantities of大量的 4.go up上升;增长;升起 5.result in导致 6.be opposed to反对…… 7.keep on继续 8.on the whole大体上;基本上 9.on behalf of代表……一方;作为……的代言人(=on one’s behalf)代表……一方;作为……的代言人[选词填空] on behalf of,stand for,represent (1)What does WHO __________(代表)? (2)I apologize to you __________(代表) my family. (3)He __________(代表) our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him. 名师点拨 (1)on behalf of是介词短语。 (2)stand for往往用来表示“(字母、数字、符号等)代表什么”。 (3)represent用来表示“代表某人/某个团体(政府等)”“某种标志代表什么”“某物表现的是 什么”和“把某人(物)描绘成什么”。


最新资料推荐 Unit 3 Vocabulary 单词 (1) calculate v. 计算calculation n. 计算calculator n. 计算器calculating adj. 计算的,精明的Northbridge is a cool, ___________ and clever criminal who could strike again. It has been ___________ that at 47,000 jobs were lost last year. (2) analyze v. 分析analysis n. 分析analytical adj. 分析的analytically adv. 分析地 We should _____________ the cause and effect of this event. A teacher can encourage children to think ___________ . We did an __________ of the way that government money has been spent in the past. (3) tech no logy n.科技,技术tech no logical adj.科技的 (4) universe n. 宇宙universal adj. 全球的,全民的,通用的 Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the __________ . Education should be a __________ right and not a privilege. (5) simple adj. 简单的simply adv. 简单地simplify v. 简化simplification n. 简单化 When applying for a visa, you should state __________ and clearly the reasons why you need it. Some puzzles look difficult but once the solution is known are actually quite ________ . Once again, careful planning is the key; good planning _________ program debug. ⑹sum v.总结,总计n.总数,计算 sum up 概括 John ________ hsi weekend _____ in one word: Disast‘rous'. (7) operate v. 运转,操作,动手术operation n. operator n. 接线员,操作员operational adj. 操作的,经营的,军事行动的 (8) logical adj. 合逻辑的illogical adj. 不合逻辑的 logically adv. logic 逻辑,道理 My professional training has taught me to look at things __________ . Only when each _______ step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted. She may think your reaction is crazy or _________ , but she cannot deny what you are feeling. (9) artificial adj. 人造的,认为的,虚假的 If you say that food tastes or looks ____________ , you do not like it because its taste or appearance does not seem genuine, and seems to be created by added substances. (10) in tellige nee n.智力,聪明in tellige nt adj.聪明的,智力的 artificial intelligence 人工智能 (11) solve v. 解决,解答solution n. 解决方法 Such comments are useless because they don't help us ________ our problem.


Module 3 Music SectionⅠIntroduction,Reading&Vocabulary 一、写作词汇检测 根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子 1.lose 1) in thought,I almost ran into the car in front of me. 2)没有时间可浪费。 答案:1)Lost 2)There’s no time to lose. 2.talent 1)Although he’s less ,he won by working hard. 2)他很有写作天赋。 答案:1)talented 2)He has a talent for writing. 3.impress 1)I have a good on the director. 2)你的才华给我们留下了深刻的印象。 答案:1)impression 2)We were impressed with/by your talent. 运用所学的单词或短语造句 4.be known as 5.as well as 6.It is/was...that 答案:略 二、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词或词组的汉语意思 1.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 含义: 答案:天才 2.The audience clapped when the orchestra ended their performance.

含义: 答案:乐队 3.The symphony is composed of many beautiful pieces. 含义: 答案:由……组成 4.These musicians spent two months touring Africa. 含义: 答案:巡回演出 5.The boy turned a deaf ear to what his mother said. 含义: 答案:听而不闻 三、用下列短语的正确形式填空 1.He a pop singer all over the world. 答案:is known as 2.The old lady began because of a serious disease. 答案:to go deaf/going deaf 3.We the beautiful scenery when we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. 答案:were impressed with 4.At present,people farmland wasteland as they have cut so many forests. 答案:are changing;into 5. thought,the girl didn’t notice us come in. 答案:Lost in 6.The club 20 members from other cities. 答案:is composed of 7.Qi Baishi is one of the greatest artists in China . 答案:of all time 8.Have you ever the Red Group?They are a pop group. 答案:heard of 9.Jack his family went on a trip to America last week. 答案:as well as 10.Our monitor is a talented man.He organisation. 答案:has a talent for 四、语法填空


Unit 3 Inventors and inventions The First Period Reading Teaching goals教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 patent, distinguish, product, power, perfume, cube, abrupt, abruptly, convenient, expectation, monitor, passive, criterion, valid, application, file, rod, call up, now and then, set about, in case 2. Ability goals Enable the students to describe the problem of the snakes and what has been done by the writer to solve the problem. 3. Learning ability goals Help the students to learn how to retell the story and how to meet the requirements of getting a patent. 4. Emotional goals Make the students try to be good at discovering some useful things and realize that it’s not easy to get a patent. Teaching important points 教学重点 To get the main idea of the whole passage and each parts. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Learn how to meet the requirements of getting a patent. Teaching methods 教学方法 Reading and Task-based activities. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step Ⅰ warming up Deal with the part of warming up and ask the students to find out the definitions of discovery and an invention, and their differences. An invention is something that is created by a human being, such as the lightning rod. To the contrary, a discovery merely makes known something that already existed in nature, such as the discovery on the New Continent by Columbia. Step Ⅱ Pre-reading


词汇 1. convey vt, 向…表达、传递(感情,思想,意见等) convey sb. to some place 用车送某人去某地 vt convey sb/ sth from ……to…..传送,运送 eg.1. The train conveys both passengers from the airport to your hotel. 2.These results will enable us at least to convey(表明)a sense of progress. 这些结果至少能表明一种进步的感觉。 3.His songs convey a sense of optimism. 【练习】I was so nervous that I couldn’t______my true feelings in front of so many people. A. expose B. deliver C. instruct D. convey 解析:. D 此题考查动词辨析。 句意:我如此紧张,以至于当着这么多人的面,我不能表达自己的真实感情。 expose显露,暴露;deliver传送,发表;instruct指示,吩咐;convey表达(思想、情感)等。 2. concrete adj/n/v混凝土的,确凿的(证据),具体的(建议) The garden had been concreted over. 铺设了混凝土 Concrete evidence Concrete proposals It’s easier to think in concrete terms rather than abstract. 3. contradictory adj引起矛盾的,好反驳的 contradict v反驳,相矛盾contradiction n不一致,矛盾 contradict oneself 自相矛盾 例句 : There were contradictory versions of what happened. 对于发生的事情的说法相互矛盾。 4. flexible adj灵活的,可弯曲的 flexibility n. 灵活 flexibly adv. 灵活地,柔顺地

必修二 unit3词汇练习汇总

I. 单词拼写 结合语境,根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。 1. You will be fined the ________(总数)of £ 200. 2. We have to ________(解决) the problem before the rainy season comes. 3. The new invention would have a wide ________(应用) in industry. 4. The progress of society depends largely on science and ________(技术). 5. The ________(人造的) flower looked exactly like a real one. 6. Of course, this is just a________(个人的) opinion. 7. Such problems are a________(普遍的) feature of old age. 8. He took part in________(革命) at the age of 16. ( 9. Our teacher ________(计算) the average mark of the class just now. 10. The ball missed the ________(球门) by a few inches. II. 单句语法填空 1. The noise was so loud outside ________ I could sleep no longer. 2. You should do it ________ it is too late. Zxxk 3. I’m very pleased to inform you that your ________(apply) has been accepted. 4. He’s trying to figure out a way ________(solve) the problem. 5. The answer to this question is now under ________ (explore). 6. His plans were transformed overnight into ________(real). 7. This dictionary tries to ________(simple) the meanings of words. ) 8. The child made a very ________(intelligence) comment. 9. She calculated on ________(go) to Beijing for a visit this summer. 10. His failure resulted ________ not working hard enough. 11. By my ________(calculate), 5% of the students will fail in the exam. 12. He sought for an adequate ________(solve) to the problem. 13. Please attach a photograph to the ________(apply) form. 14. Do you have much in common ________ your friends 15. He has been teaching in this school from then ________.


Vocabulary Breakthrough Step One语音助记 I' peitant/ P atent /dis, tinqwir/ distinguish r pauda/ P Qwder /fad/ file A组 !f kOltiad courtyard /' pmdAk"卩说曲 l f p3fjU:rrV Perfume

/kjU:b/ cube l f kO:Jn/caution_ /siz/ seize l f vaelld/ valid /stnrV string /df rektan/ directory r daial/ dial

Step Two词性、词义助记 A组 仁慈的mercy n f merciful ? stain n. f stainless MZ?没有污点 的 expect ? ).expectation期望freeze v.—freezi ng仇伉冰冻的identity n. -?identification鉴定head n ? f forehead n.额头practice n. -? practical adj.实际的person t 2. —? pers onnel n.人力资源

B组 sudden adj.^abrupt M/.近义词positive adjL passive a龙?反义词happy adi.f merry同义词guilty adi.f innocent仇伉反义词stand v.—bear p. 同义词energetic adj.f dynamic a"?同义词pat v.tap c.同义词 present 仇伉―current仇伉同义词


高一英语材料 一.词性转换(必修二Unit3 Computers) 1. simplify vt. __________ adj __________ adv 2.operator n. ____________v. ________ n. 3. solve vt. ____________n. 4. explore v._______________ n. _________________ n. 5. reality n. ____________ vt. ________________ adj. ____________adv. 6. application n. _____________ v. _____________ adj. 7. finance n. _______________ adj. 8. appearance n. _________________ v. 9. logical adj. _________________ adv. __________________ n. 10. happiness n. ________________ adj. _______________ adv. 二.单词填空 1. As soon as the students of geology arrived on the island, they were eager to__________(探索). 2. You should ____________(简化) the procedure—it’s too complex (复杂的). 3. Music is the ________________ (通用的) language of human beings. 4. He set a ________________ (目标)for himself of exercising at least three times a week. 5. They ________________ (宠坏) their child with too much praise in the past. 6. We have a lot in c________________, so we often have a lot to talk about. 7. She d idn’t like the plan, but p______________ I see nothing wrong with it. 8. They get along with each other quite well though their personalities are t___________ different. 9. We are all persuaded by his _____________________(逻辑的)argument. 10. Unexpected difficulties a________________ (出现)in the course of their experiment. 11. With the help of his friends, he finally s_________________ the problem. 12. It may rain, but a_________________ (不管怎样)I will go out playing basketball. 13. We can d________________ many songs from the internet nowadays. 14. There are different t____________ of blood, as you know. 15. He said he wouldn’t come, so his sudden a____________________ surprised all of us. in common go by deal with in a way share…with as a result as well as make up with the help of after all watch over win second place be filled with 1. Will you please ___________________ my child while I am out? 2. Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot ___________________. 3. When I am back to school from sick leave, I will __________________ for the missed lessons. 4. _____________________, he has been very successful. 5. I cannot think of ways to _____________________ the salesman at the door. 6. I made great progress in English ______________________ Mr. Lin. 7. Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. ____________________, he is only a boy of six. 8. Three months ____________________ before I knew about it. 9. Your unbelievable story should be ___________________________________ us. 10. When we got the news that we won, the room _______________________________ laughter. 四.单项选择 1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than ________, for it was not a(n)____ day. A. common; usual B. usual, ordinary C. usual, normal D. common, ordinary 2. How do you ____ it and what should you ____ it? A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do with


1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than ________, for it was not a(n)____ day. A. common; usual B. usual, ordinary C. usual, normal D. common, ordinary 2. How do you ____ it and what should you ____ it? A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do with 3. I can’t tell you the exact time I’ll get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. ____, I’ll be there as early as I can. A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore 4. -- John failed his final exam. -- I’m not surprised at the news _______. ________, he is never seen busy with his lessons. A. at all, After all B. in all, After all C. above all, In all D. at all, In all 5. There used to _________ a truck ____________ and I can’t get through. A. be, in the way B. be, in a way C. being,on the way D. being, by the way 6. Great changes ________ in the city , and a lot of factories ________. A. have been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have set up D. were taken place; were set up 7. She had to _______ our young children after her husband died. A. turn over B. go over C. watch over D. take over 8. ---Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday. ---Every time you are absent, you ________ an excuse. A. take up B. give up C. send up D. make up


选修6 Unit3Aheal thy life 要点梳理 ●重点单词 1.abuse n. & vt.滥用;虐待 2.stress 压力vt.加压力于;使紧张→stressedadj.焦虑不安的 3.adolescentn.青少年adj.青春期的→adolescencen.青春期 4.banvt.禁止;取缔n.禁令;谴责 5.dueadj.欠款的;预定的;到期的 6.addictedadj.入了迷的;上了瘾的→addict n.有瘾的人→addiction n.沉溺;嗜好 7.accustom vt.使习惯于→accustomedadj.惯常的;习惯了的 8.automaticadj.无意识的;自动的→_automatically adv.无意识地;自动地 9.mental adj.精神的;智力的→mentallyadv.精神上;智力上 10.quit vt.停止(做某事);离开11?.effect n.结果;效力 12.strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强vi.变强→strength n.力气→strong adj.强壮的13.desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的 14.disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的→disappointing adj.令人失望的→disappointvt.使失望;使扫兴→disappointment n.失望 15.ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的→shamen.羞愧→shamefuladj.可耻的 16.judgement n.看法;判决;判断→judge v.判断 17.embarrassed adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的→embarrass v.(使)尴尬→embarrassment尴尬18.awkward adj.局促不定的;笨拙的 ●重点短语 1.dueto由于…… 2.addicted to 对……有瘾 3.accustomed to习惯于……4?.decide on 对……作出决定5.feel like(doing) 想要(做)…… 6.in spite of 不顾;不管 7.take risks(a risk)冒险8.get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯) 9.atrisk 处境危险;遭受危险10.have an effecton 对……有影响 考点探究 Ⅰ.词汇短语过关1?.abusevt. &n.滥用;虐待 [即学即练1](1)Don’t ______ ________________.不要滥用你的特权。

英语选修8 unit3词汇汉译英及课文翻译

Module 8Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (词汇识记·汉译英)教案序号:31-32 备课人:审核人:2016/5/20 adj. 两栖(类)的 n. 专利证书;专利权 给……打电话 n. 院子;庭院;天井 偶尔;有时 n. 胡桃;胡桃木 vi. & vt. 显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 adj. 宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的 n. 产品 n. 粉末;火药 开始;着手 n. 香水;香味 adj. 无锈的;不锈的;没有污点的n. 果冻;果冻状物 n. 立方体;立方 adj. 立方的 adj. 突然的;意外的 adv. 突然地;唐突地 adj. 便利的;方便的;就近的 n. 小心;谨慎 n. 预料;期待;期望 adj. 被动的;消极的;被动语态的adj. 愉快的;高兴的 adv. 高兴地;愉快地 vt. 抓住;捉住;夺 n. 认出;认可;承认 n. (评判的)标准;尺度 n. & vt. 要求;声称;主张 adj. 有效的;确凿的 n. 文件;档案;文件夹 vt. 提交;将……归档 adj. 熟的;成熟的 n. 线;绳子;一串 n. 胶;胶水vt.粘贴;粘合 n. 杆;棒 adj. 冰冻的;严寒的 n. 果蔬商(pl)蔬菜水果店 n. 鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明n. 电话簿;商行名录 vt. 拨(电话) n. 降雨 n. 法庭;审判室adj. 清白的;无罪的;天真的 n. 灯笼;提灯 vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担 n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱 n. 麦克风;话筒 n. 额头 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例 adv. 偶然地;不时地 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 班级 adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的; 动态的;发展变化的 开始(做) adj. 多种的;多样的;多类型的n.倍数n. 点;小圆点vt. 以小圆点标出;分散vt. 轻打;轻拍;轻敲 n.轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头 n. 金属丝;电线 n. 稻草;麦秆;饮料吸管 vt. 复制;再现……的形象或声音n. (水或气)流;电流 adj. 现在的;当前的 n. 直升飞机 n. 三角形;三角形物体 adj. 稳固的;稳定的;安定的 adj. 无价的;极宝贵的 姓名 vt. 联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴 adj. 实际的;实践的;实用的 n. 冰箱 n. 法庭;法院;朝廷 n. 电话分机;扩大;延伸 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 次序颠倒;发生故障 设法联系上(尤指打通电话); (设法)做完;通过 回复电话 挂断电话 n. 版本;译本 n. 能力;胜利;本领 n. 能胜任的;有能力的;称职的 n. 吉普车 n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员


solve △transistor mop mobile sum network appearance artificial △Mars virus anyhow intelligent coach technology rocket watch over from…on arise web totally in a way finance calculate △android revolution with the help of tube logical technological human race total niece △PDA(=personal digital assistant) simplify reality △programmer goal logically △naughty △abacus electronic deal with downloadvt. △spoil

intelligence so…that… type △chip △calculator operator explore universal △teammate happiness personally as a result signal △PC(=personal computer)△mathematical △supporting △laptop △analytical application personal △designer character

解决;解答 晶体管 拖把;用拖把拖;擦 可移动的;机动的 总数;算术题;金额 网络;网状物 外观;外貌;出现 人造的;假的 火星 病毒 (也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此智能的;聪明的 教练 工艺;科技;技术 火箭 看守;监视 从…时起 (arose, arisen)出现;发生 网 完全地;整个地 在某种程度上 金融;财经 计算 机器人 革命 在…的帮助下 管;管子;电子管 合逻辑的;合情理的 科技的 人类 总的;整个的;总数;合计 侄女;甥女 掌上电脑;个人数码助理 简化 真实;事实;现实 程序员;程序师 目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分 逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 顽皮的;淘气的 算盘 电子的 处理;安排;对付 下载

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