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Unit 3 enjoy the great outdoors 习题答案

Unit 3 enjoy the great outdoors 习题答案
Unit 3 enjoy the great outdoors 习题答案

Unit 3 enjoy the great outdoors 习题答案

tourist resort旅游胜地 landscape scenery 山水风光

virgin forest 原始森林 hitchhiking 沿途免费搭乘他人便车 outdoor adventures户外冒险活动 a camper 野营者

antibiotic 抗生素

gene 基因 El Nino 厄尔尼塔

marine 海产的,海运的;舰队,海运业 vitamin 维生素

远足hike 兜风go for a ride

观光sight-seeing 探险explore, exploration

交游go outing 滑雪 skiing

冲浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag

导游图 tourist map 夏令营summer camp

accessible to push off at a rice a craving for negotiate accommodate unique consistently

1、Housing could be obtained at a price .

2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

3、Patrick is not sure whether he can negotiate the turn at the bottom.

4、The hungry beggar had a craving for food, any food left by the geests.

5、Let's push off early so that we'll get there before


6、John and Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard.

7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campus for a three-week orientation program.

8、Each person's signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery.

1.Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by


2.The building has been made accessible to disabled people.

3. She is constantly changing her mind.

4. He is consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed people.

5.They convert an old stable into a little comfortable house.

6.Because the normal word order is revered in passive voice sentences,

they are sometimes hard to follow.

7.If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you.

8.I reckon it’s warm enough to eat outdoors this evening.

9.The Tibetan highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshine.

10. She looked out over the rooftops and the open sky.


There is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges had done. At the same time there is a growing uneasiness about their products. The young men and women who carry away our degrees are a very attractive lot in looks, in bodily fitness, in kindliness, energy and courage. But what of their intellectual equipment? That too is in some ways admirable; for in spite of President Lowell’s remark that the university should be a repository of great learning, since the freshmen always bring a shock with them and the seniors take little away, the fact is that our graduates have every chance to be well informed, and usually are so. Yet the uneasiness persists. When it becomes articulate, it take the form of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more at-homeness in the world of ideas, and more of the firm, clear thoughtfulness.

1. The tenth and last chapters are (be) translated by Bob.

2. Each man and each woman is (be) asked to help.

3. Either Trina or Maria is (be) sure to know the answer.

4. Making the beds, together with other light jobs, keeps(keep) grandma busy until noon everyday.

5. He is the only one of those boys who is(be) willing to take on another assignment.

6. What I say think have/has (have) nothing to do with you.


1.The Police says (say) that they have arrested twenty people following

the disturbance.

2. Business managers are focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available mean (means).

3. The taste of vitamins is not so nice, so the flavour sometimes need (needs) to be disguised.

4. In Wai Wen Bookshop is (are) to be found books in various languages.

5. An expert together with some assistants were (was) sent to help resolve the problem.

6. They’ve got two hundred books; one hundred and twenty are in Chinese and the rest is (are) in English.

7. Lake Superior is such a large freshwater lake that the waves that breaks (break)on its shores are like the waves of the sea.

8. Here are things(things) you can do in the European “great outdoors ”include camping, snow-mobiling, skiing, hunting and horseback riding.


1. He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first.

2. That is the usual way the telecommunications company deals with complaints.

3. Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of the escaped prisoner has been found.

4. About 1,000 local workers were employed in the tourism industry last year.

5. At the heart of Dr.Piaget’s theories was an orderly schedule of stages, of children’s perceptions by age.


The unique contribution of the United States to those who love the great outdoors are the National Parks and State Parks. They are beautifully organized and give particular thought to campers. There are also campsites by the sea, which are hidden from the beach by a lion of sand dunes, or a thick belt of trees. Wherever you go, you can nearly always find picnic places complete with wooden tables, benches, garbage cans and restrooms.美国为野外活动爱好者所做的特殊贡献是建立了众多的国家公园和州立公园,这些公园布局漂亮,体现了对野营爱好者的特殊关爱。海边也有许多野营营地。这些营地,或在海滩一连串的沙丘后,或在海滩茂密的林带后面。无论你走到哪里,几乎总能找到地方野餐,这些地方设备齐全,全都配有木制桌子、凳子、垃圾桶和洗手间。


Few countries have such a varied and tempting Outdoors as the USA. It has different kinds of climate and a spectacular landscape. Freeways and highways lead you to any places where there are things worth seeing. Many Americans, young and old, prefer camping in vehicles called “campers”. Some retired couples put a large part of their saving into

such “home on wheels” and spend half of the year roaming the country, enjoying the great outdoors.


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ “少先队辅导员考试题库” 1、单项选择题队章中的我们队的目的,也是党交给少先队组织三个方面的任务。其中第二项任务 C.引导队员努力学习,锻炼身体,参与实践,培养能力 2、小队旗的形状是_____C.直角三角形。 3、诚实,就是要求我们队员说老实话、__C.办老实事做老实人。 4、我省少先队经常性工作领导机构的全称是A.中国少年先锋队福建省工作委员会 5、党的十七届六中全会提出C.文化强国 6、C.小队建设要做到自愿组合、合理编队、自取队名、自定目标、经常活动、建立阵地、辅导员自聘,每周开展一次活动。 7、中共福建省委九大提出福建发展的三个更加是:B.更加优美、更加和谐、更加幸福 8、共产主义必将得到光荣的胜利,全世界必将红旗飘扬!这句话是革命烈士D.李大钊 9、少先队员绝不做___A.损害公共利益的事情。10、A.1949年10月13日当新中国刚刚诞生,党就委托青年团建立了全国统一的少年儿童组织中国少年儿童队。11、在共产儿童团时期,一位15岁的女宣传员,不幸被捕,在刑场上,她用歌声鼓舞群众,英勇就义,这位少年英雄是:_C.张锦辉 12、少先队小型鼓号队人数:B.16-20人 13、红领巾的底长为__A.100 _____厘米,腰长为60厘米。14、星星火炬代代相传是党和国家领导人__C.江泽民对少先队员的题词。15、少先队员对学习、工作、_A.生活 _中遇到的困难或挫折,要努力战胜它。16、我们是中华人民共和国跨世纪 1 / 21


7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town单元测试卷 一、选择题(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.Yi Jianlian,______ NBA star,will continue_______match this season. A an;the B.an;a C.a;the D.the:a ( )2.The boys don’t.have to go far if they need help_________ the homework.A.do B.with C.about D.doing ( )3.一How far is your family from here 一It’s about ten________walk.A.minute’s,B.minute C.minutes’D.minutes ( )4.一What shall we do tomorrow 一Why ________to the cinema A.don’t go B.not go C.don’t going D.not going ( )5.一_______meat do you want to buy 一six kilos,please. A.How many B.How much C.What D.How ( )6.Will you please______us________ your city A.take;visit B.take;visiting C.show;to visit D.show;around ( )7.一_________do the calendars belong to A.Whose;Mine B.Who;Me C.Whose;Me D.Who;Mine ( )8.一How much________would you like —three loaves,please.A.apple B.apples C.bread D.meats ( )9.The post office is _______from our school. A.ten metres far B.ten metres away C.ten metres far away D.ten metre away ( )10.You call ________in the park. A.walking B.walks C.go walking D.are walking ( )l1.When will you________in Shanghai tomorrow A.get B.arrive C.reach D.take ( )l2.Millie lives on_________floor in a tall building. A.five B.fifth C.the fifth D.the five ( )13.I can’t swim.What_________you A.about B.can C.are D.is ( )14.The light is still on.Mr Li________in the office. A.can be B.must be C.mustn’t be D.can’t be ( )15.Tom has ________house to live in in the city. A.no B.not C.none D.some 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Uncle Wang has 1 big farm at the foot of Mount Tai(泰山).2 name is Red Star Farm.Uncle Wang lives there 3 his family.There are many tall trees 4 bamboos(竹子)there.Uncle Wang grows vegetables on the farm,SHCII as carrots,potatoes, 5 and so

牛津译林版九年级上册9AUnit3 Teenage problems词汇趣味讲解(配练习含答案)

牛津译林版九年级上册9A Unit3 Teenage problems词汇趣味讲解 teenage adj. 青少年的 Millie is talking with her mum about teenage problems. teenager n. 青少年 By that time, my daughter will already be a teenager. 到了哪个时候,我的女儿已经进入青少年时期了。 mark n. 分数,标记,污点 v. 做标记,做记号,使有污点Sometimes I got low marks in exams. I feel sad. mark...with... 用...表明 Mark you clothes with your name. = Mark your name on your clothes. 在你的衣服上标记你的名字 mad adj. 发疯的,生气的 比较级:madder 最高级:maddest I'll go mad if I have to wait much longer. 如果还要等更久的话,我会发疯的。 drive sb mad 使人受不了 The TV is always on at my home. The noise almost drives me mad. exam (=examination) n. 考试,测试 If you work harder, you will pass the exam. 如果你学习更努力一点,你会通过考试的。Kate's exam results were excellent. 凯特的考试成绩非常优秀。 perhaps adv. 或许,可能 Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier. This is perhaps his best novel to date. 这也许是他迄今最好的小说。


第二章信用、利息与利率 本章重要概念 信用:是以还本付息为条件的,体现着特定的经济关系,是不发生所有权变化的价值单方面的暂时让渡或转移。 信用制度:信用制度即为约束信用主体行为的一系列规范与准则及其产权结构的合约性安排。信用制度安排可以是正式的,也可以是非正式的。正式的信用制度是约束信用主体行为及其关系的法律法规和市场规则,而非正式的信用制度是约束信用主体行为及其关系的价值观念、意识形态和风俗习惯等。 商业信用:商业信用指工商企业之间相互提供的、与商品交易直接相联系的信用形式。它包括企业之间以赊销、分期付款等形式提供的信用以及在商品交易的基础上以预付定金等形式提供的信用。 银行信用:银行信用指各种金融机构,特别是银行,以存、放款等多种业务形式提供的货币形态的信用。银行信用和商业信用一起构成经济社会信用体系的主体。 国家信用:国家信用又称公共信用制度,伴随着政府财政赤字的发生而产生。它指国家及其附属机构作为债务人或债权人,依据信用原则向社会公众和国外政府举债或向债务国放债的一种形式。 消费信用:消费信用指为消费者提供的、用于满足其消费需求的信用形式。其实质是通过赊销或消费贷款等方式,为消费者提供提前消费的条件,促进商品的销售和刺激人们的消费。 国际信用:国际信用是指国与国之间的企业、经济组织、金融机构及国际经济组织相互提供的与国际贸易密切联系的信用形式。国际信用是进行国际结算、扩大进出口贸易的主要手段之一。 出口信贷:出口信贷是国际贸易中的一种中长期贷款形式,是一国政府为了促进本国出口,增强国际竞争能力,而对本国出口企业给予利息补贴和提供信用担保的信用形式。可分为卖方信贷和买方信贷两种。 卖方信贷:卖方信贷是出口方的银行或金融机构对出口商提供的信贷。 买方信贷:买方信贷是由出口方的银行或金融机构直接向进口商或进口方银行或金融机构提供贷款的方式。 银行信贷:国际间的银行信贷是进口企业或进口方银行直接从外国金融机构借入资金的一种信用形式。这种信用形式一般采用货币贷款方式,并事先指定了贷款货币的用途。它不享受出口信贷优惠,所以贷款利率要比出口信贷高。 国际租赁:国际租赁是国际间以实物租赁方式提供信用的新型融资形式。根据租赁的目的和投资加收方式,可将其分为金融租赁(Financial Lease)和经营租赁(Operating Credit)两种形式。


少先队员知识竞赛试题(有答案) 、填空题 1、少先队的创立者和领导者是( 中国共产党 ) 2、少先队的队礼表示(人民的利益高于切 ) 3、少先队的队旗图案是(五角星加火炬) 4、少先队的队徽是( 五角星加火炬和写有“中国少先队”的红色绶带) 5、少先队的.队歌是故事片“英雄小八路”的主题歌,那么原名是(我们是共产主义接班人 ) 6、我们的队名是(中国少年先锋队 ) 7、少先队的呼号前句“呼”指的是(理想和目标),后句“答”指的是什么?(决心和行动) 8、“中国少年信息服务网”简称是(雏鹰网) 9、中国少年先锋队的建队纪念日是(10月13日) 10、少先队由(中国共产党委托中国共青团)直接领导 11、“队章”规定的入队年龄是(六周岁到十四周岁) 12、少先队员的标志是什么?(红领巾) 13、少先队的队礼是(是右手五指并拢,高举头上,它表示人民的利益高于切.)

14、1937年到1945年抗日战争时期的少年儿童革命组织名称是什么?(抗日儿童团) 15、少先队的呼号是(准备着:为共产主义事业而奋斗!回答:时刻准备着!) 二、选择题 1、下列哪个场所未成年人不得进入? A、动物园 B、营业性舞厅 C、博物馆 2、是否可以在队旗上印制或书写学校名称? A、不可以 B、可以 C、随便 3、怎样产生新届少先队大、中队委? A、由上届的大、中队委选举 B、由辅导员、班主任选举 C、由队员选举 4、《未成年人保护法》正式施行的时间是( ) A、1991年9月4日 B、1992年1月1日 C 、1991年10月1日 5、下列未成年人的物品哪些不能传阅? A、少儿图书 B、信件 C、作业本 6、中国少年先锋队的建队纪念日是( ) A、1949年10月1日 B、1954年6月1日 C、1949年10月13


7BUnit3基础练习附答案 班级:姓名:得分: 一、完成单词:(25%) l.She is a to go out at night. 2.There's a big supermarket in the(西」匕)of the town . 3.Tm(确信)he doesnt know the way . 4.The ____________ (抢劫犯)are running to the station . 5.Does the computer w very well ? 6.He tries again , but I think he'll f again . 7.What does the word m? 8.Pm s to see you here . 9.Turn left at the t lights . 10.S, the door opened . 1 l.Can you j so high ? 12.My father always walks a the river after supper . 13.Why don't you take differents r? 14.Therere many big h in our hometown . 15.1 put the big box in the c of the room . 16.The bird flies out t the window . 17.Take your u with you .It's going to rain . 18.It's so c.Its going to rain . 19.Take the third t on the left. 20.The farmers are working hard in the f. 2LBuy some vegetables when you walk p the shop . 22.He can answer the question(容易) 23.We all choose Chen Dan to be our m of Class 2 24.Would you please show me a one ? I don't like this one . 25.Turn left when you come to the crossroads.The e is on your right. 二、选择填空:(25%) ()1 .There any homework tonight .Shall we go to see a film ? A.isn't going to be B.isn't going to have C.aren't going to have D.aren't going to be ()2.My father often goes to the supermarket to buy things . A.in B.near C. nearby D.into


9A 复习Unit 3 Teenage problems 1. People feel __more tired__(tire) easily than any other season(季节). 2. An ant(蚂蚁) has two _stomachs____(stomach). ’t you think the radio is too __noisy__(noise) (be + adj.) too much is _unhealthy____(health) for you. should have more _communication_(communicate) with parents _to improve___(improve) you're your relationship(关系). to do 表目的 shop opens at 9 . and __closes (close) at 7 .( close v.关闭) students kept___talking___ (talk) until the teacher ___came______(come) into the room. ~ 一直做某事 keep doing until后面的从句与主句时态一致 8. The noise always drives me __mad(mad), please keep __quiet___(quiet). 保持安静 keep quiet 使得某人发疯 drive sb mad 9 Would you please _not turn____(not turn) on the TV 你愿意不….吗 Would you please not do Would you like ___to tell_______(tell) students __do_____(do ) more sport. 想要做某事 would like to do 让某人做某事 let sb do 10. I have no __choice_(choose) but __to finish __(finish) my work. * 除了…外别无选择 have no choice but to do Last year I _was chosen __(choose) to be the monitor of the class. 某人被选为… sb be chosen to be homework must __be handed___(hand) in on time. Homework做主语,用被动情态动词 +be done 12.. I hope the film is worth _watching___(watch). 值得被…. be worth doing 13. Everyone needs a_close___(close) friends to talk to. (close adj.亲密的) The shop is __closed____(close) at this time of the day. It is _open______(open) after eight every morning. (closed adj.关着的 open adj.开着的) - 14. The man lived __alone_______. He felt very _lonely________. (alone, lonely) alone adv.独自 = by oneself= on on e’s own lonely adj.孤独的


第二章练习及答案 一、填空题 1、带动其他构件运动的构件,叫原动件。 2、在原动件的带动下,作确定运动的构件,叫从动件。 3、低副的优点:制造和维修容易,单位面积压力小,承载能力大。 4、低副的缺点:由于是滑动摩擦,摩擦损失比高副大,效率低。 5.低副是两构件通过面接触而构成的运动副;高副是两构件通过点或线接触而构成的运动副。 6、火车车轮在铁轨上的滚动,属于高副。 二、判断题(正确√;错误×) 1、两构件通过面接触组成的运动副是低副。(√) 2.机构的原动件数应等于自由度数,否则机构没有确定运动。(√) 3.在平面机构中一个低副引入两个约束。(√) 4、由于两构件间的联接形式不同,运动副分为低副和高副。(×) 5、点或线接触的运动副称为低副。(×) 6、面接触的运动副称为低副。(√) 7、若机构的自由度数为2,那么该机构共需2个原动件。(√) 8、机构的自由度数应等于原动件数,否则机构不能成立。(√) 9、平面低副引入的约束数为1。(×) 10、当m个构件用复合铰链相联接时,组成的转动副数目也应为m个。(×) 11、局部自由度与机构的运动是有关的。(×) 12、在机构运动简图中运动副和构件都应用规定的符号和线条表示。(√)

三、选择题 1.当机构中主动件数目(2)等于机构自由度数目时,该机构具有确定的运动。 (1)小于;(2)等于;(3)大于;(4)大于或等于。 2.下图中的平面机构由(1)复合铰链组成。 (1)复合铰链;(2)局部自由度;(3)虚约束;(4)凸轮机构; 3.在计算平面机构自由度时,应选用(3)c)图。 (1)a);(2)b);(3)c); a) b) c) 4.机构具有确定运动的条件是(3)自由度数目= 原动件数目。 (1)自由度数目>原动件数目;(2)自由度数目<原动件数目; (3)自由度数目= 原动件数目;(4)自由度数目≠原动件数目;5.下图中的平面机构由(3)虚约束组成。 (1)复合铰链;(2)局部自由度;(3)虚约束;(4)凸轮机构;


少先队知识测试题题库(试题附答案) 1、我们的队名是(中国少年先锋队)。 2、我们队的创立者和领导者是(中国共产党)。 3、我们的队旗是(五角星加火炬的红旗)。 4、我们的标志是(红领巾),它代表(红旗的一角,是革命先烈的鲜血染成的)。 5、中国少年先锋队的队歌(《我们是共产主义接班人》)。 6、“四有”新人指的是哪四有?(有理想有道德有文化有纪律) 7、中国少年先锋队简称(“少先队”)。 8、《队章》规定的入队年龄是(六周岁到十四周岁) 9、我们的队徽是(五角星加火炬和写有“中国少先队”的红色绶带) 10、少先队的队礼表示(人民的利益高于一切)。 11、关于少先队干部标志以及红领巾,我们对少先队员的要求是(时时、处处要佩戴)。

12、少先队是由(中国共产党委托中国共青团)直接领导。 13、少先队建队日是(1949)年(10)月(13)日。 14、“中国少年信息服务网”简称什么?(雏鹰网) 15、我们的队礼应该(手五指并拢,高举头上) 16、我们的作风:诚实、勇敢、活泼、团结。 17、中队长向辅导员报告人数前,向全中队发出的口令是什么?(立正) 18、全国代表大会原则上每(五年)召开一次。 19、少先队的呼号是(“准备着:为共产主义事业而奋斗!”回答:“时刻准备着”) 20、《中国少年先锋队队章》是(1954)颁布的。 21、入队仪式要(庄严生动,简单朴素)。 22、少年儿童革命组织的发展大体上可以分为几个阶段?(五个阶段) 23、小队长和中队、大队委员会都由(大队委)产生。 24、中国少年先锋队至今已有(71)年的光辉历史。

25、中队组织下设小队,小队一般由(5-13)人组成。 26、队员犯了错误的,(队组织)要进行耐心帮助、批评教育,帮助改正 27、大队干部每届任期为(一学年)。 28、为了帮助失学儿童重返校园,共青团中央、全国少工委、全国学联等单位联合开展了什么活动?(希望工程) 29、少先队组织的标志是什么?(队旗) 30、我们队的作风:(诚实、勇敢、活泼、团结) 31、队长和队委会委员都应在左臂佩戴白底红条标志,大队长和大队委员会委员标志中间是(三条杠),中队长和中队委员会委员标志是(二条杠),小队是(一条杠)。 32、少先队代表大会的召开年限为(每年一次) 33、中国少年雏鹰行动启动用(A)年。 A、1993 B、1994 C、1995 D、1996

牛津译林版英语7B Unit3 Reading(课文阅读)同步练习含答案

Reading (课文阅读) 一、请在课文中找出表示下列意思的新词语。 1. a place you can watch plays or films _________________ 2. not noisy, have no sound _________________ 3. a very short time later _________________ 4. known by a lot of people _________________ 5. in the area near where you live _________________ 二、翻译下列词组 1.呆在一个幽静的小镇_______________________ 2.乘地铁_______________________ 3.新鲜的空气_______________________ 4.青山_______________________ 5.离市中心不远_______________________ 6.大多数东西_______________________ 7.许多西餐馆_______________________ 8.当地的剧院_______________________ 9.唱京剧_______________________ 10.期盼见到你_______________________ 11. 为家人买礼物________________________ 12. 喜欢慢跑________________________ 三、根据句意及提示写出句中所缺单词。 1.We can’t drink sea water, but there is not enough f____________ water for us on the earth. 2.--Where is the hotel? -- It’s _________ (not near) from here. You’d better take a taxi. 3.It ___________ (花费) him about two hours to do his homework every day. 4.The writer isn’t so ______________ (著名的), but I like reading his works. 5.My uncle lives in Canada, but he doesn’t like W____________ food. He likes Chinese food. 6.I can’t make a paper plane. Can you ___________ (教)me?

2018年中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit3)

中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit3) 一、词汇检测(13分) 1. Simon has a habit of being (醒着)at night,worrying about things. 2. (也许)they have been here before, or they can't know the place so well. 3.Your (建议)seem to be of great help to me. I will take them. 4. Do you know the (原因)of the accident? 5. A scream broke the (寂静)of the night. 6. We have reasons to believe that (进步)can be made through our effort. 7. He seems to be very (担心的).Do you know what's the matter with him? 8. Can you (想象)what our school will be like in 20 years? 9. The letter "b" is not (发音)in the word "climb". 10. For me, friendship seems more (宝贵的)and I feel comfortable being with my friends. 11. to the traffic law, people under 18 can't get a driving license. 12. —What did you do last night? You seem so sleepy. —I up late to see the basketball game. 13.—Thank you so much. I can't imagine how I could finish this task without you. —Don't it. I just did what I should. 二、单项填空(20分) ( )1. Never the people in trouble. We should try to help them instead. A. laugh at B. agree with C. care about D. worry about ( )2.—What's the of her sadness? She is usually a cheerful girl. —It's the death of her loved cat. A. reason B. idea C. cause D. mistake ( )3. Fred loved Maths, but believe it or not, he passed the last exam. A. only B. easily C. almost D. hardly ( )4. It was so late at night, but the lights were still in my parents' bedroom. A. open B. closed C. on D. off ( )5 .Your son just has a cold, Madam. There is nothing . A. worried B. to worry C. to be worried D. to worry about ( )6. share you photos in the USA with us? A. How about B. Why not C. Why not you D. Would you like ( )7. They had no choice but more people part in charity activities. A. encourage; to take B. to encourage; to take C. to encourage; take D. encourage; take ( )8.—Thank you for your on my plan for the summer holiday. —You're welcome. I hope they are worth . A. advice; to take B. suggestions; taking C. advice; taking D. suggestions; to take ( )9. We must ourselves and our work. A. strict in; with B. be strict in; with C. be strict with; in D. strict with; in ( )10. that the old man has a lot of money. A. It seemed B. He seemed C. It seems D. He seems ( )11.—Have you prepared for your coming entrance exam well yet? —Not really. I'm still my lessons carefully. A. catching up with B. going over C. getting on with D. insisting on ( )12. I never doubt . A. if he can deal with these problems B. whether can he deal with these problems C. whether he can deal with these problems or not D. that he can deal with these problems ( )13. The young wine to some countries. A. isn't allowed buying B. isn't allowed to buy C. doesn't allowed buying D. are not allowed to buy ( )14. The maths problem is difficult. Can you ? A. do with it B. work it out C. deal it with D. work out it


一、基于自己创建表的操作 1:创建一张学生表student,拥有stuid,stuname,sex,三个字段,其中stuid为主键。 create table student( stuid int primary key, stuname VARCHAR(20), sex VARCHAR(20) ) 2:为该表增加一个新列score。 alter table student add(score varchar(10)); 3:修改该表score列名为stuscore。 alter table student rename column score to stuscoree; 4:为student表插入5条记录。 insert into student values(1,'张三丰','男',80); insert into student values(2,'阿悄','女',70); insert into student values(3,'陈龙','男',90); insert into student values(4,'章子怡','女',50); insert into student values(5,'张卫健','男',60); 5:查询student表中的全部数据,其中列名为中文。 select STUID as 学号,STUNAME as 姓名,SEX as 性别,STUSCOREE as 分数from student; 6:查询学生姓名和分数,并是查询结果按照学生成绩降序排列。 select STUNAME,STUSCOREE from student order by STUSCOREE desc; 7:修改所有性别为“男”的学生信息为性别为“male”。 update student set SEX='male' where SEX='男'; 8:删除所有记录。 delete from student; 9:删除student表。 drop table student; 二、基于emp表的操作 1:创建一张新表emp1,和emp表结构和记录完全一样。 create table emp1 as select*from Scott.Emp; 基于emp1表的操作: 1:选择部门30中的雇员。 select*from emp1 where DEPTNO=30 and JOB='CLERK';


少先队知识题库50题 1、我们的队名是(中国少年先锋队)。 2、我们队的创立者和领导者是(中国共产党)。 3、我们的队旗是(五角星加火炬的红旗)。 4、我们的标志是(红领巾),它代表(红旗的一角,是革命 先烈的鲜血染成的)。 5、中国少年先锋队的队歌(《我们是共产主义接班人》)。 6、“四有”新人指的是哪四有?(有理想有道德有文化有 纪律) 7、中国少年先锋队简称(“少先队”)。 8、《队章》规定的入队年龄是(6周岁到14周岁) 9、少先队的队礼表示(人民的利益高于一切)。 10、关于少先队干部标志以及红领巾,我们对少先队员的要求 是(时时、处处要佩戴)。 11、我们的入队誓词是怎样的? (我是中国少年先锋队队员。我在队旗下宣誓:我热爱中国共产党,热爱祖国,热爱人民,好好学习,好好锻炼,准备着:为共产主义事业贡献力量!) 12、我们的队歌是哪一首?(《我们是共产主义接班人》) 你能不能演唱一小段?(关键是看歌词是否准确。辅导员可以帮忙起个头,队干能从开头唱到“鲜艳的红领巾飘扬在前胸”就可以停了。至于音准、节奏等音乐要素的问题暂不计较)

13、少先队员标志是什么?(红领巾。它代表红旗的一角,是革命先烈的鲜血染成。每个队员都应该佩戴它和爱护它,为它增添新的荣誉。) 14、党对少先儿童的希望是什么? (1) 立志向、有梦想,爱学习、爱劳动、爱祖国 (2) 记住要求、心有榜样、从小做起、接受帮助 15、请说出24字社会主义核心价值观 (富强、民主、文明、和谐 自由、平等、公正、法治 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善) 16、少先队员的呼号是什么? (我们的呼号是“准备着:为共产主义事业而奋斗!”回答:“时刻准备着!”) 17、少先队队礼有什么涵义? (我们的队礼是右手五指并拢,高举头上。它表示人民的利益高于一切。)


9A Unit 3阶段性测试 (时间:90分钟分值:100分) I .单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分) 1. There aren't many tickets left for the dram a; you'd better_______ that you get one today. A. make sure of B. make a decision C. make sure D. make plans 2. _______ your parents strict _______ you and_______ your study? A. Is; with; in B. Are; in; with C. Is; in; with D. Are; with; in 3. It is helpful to_______ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 4. -Are you the last one to go to school today? -_______ not. I'm always the first one. A. Certainly B. Usually C. Generally D. Finally 5. it's so_______ in the classroom that he can't focus on his homework. A. noise B. noisy C. noisier D. noisily 6. -Where are you going this month? -We_______ go to Xiamen, but we're not sure. A. needn't B. must C. might D. mustn't 7. If you are feeling stressed, you should_______. A. shout at your parents B. share your problems with parents C. quarrel with your friends D. blame your parents 8. -You look_______,What's up, sir? -I can't find my ticket, but it's time to check in. A. sleepy B. hungry C. tired D. worried 9. Though he is_______ at home, he doesn't feel_______ for he has many things to do. A. alone; lonely B. lonely ; alone C. alone ; alone 10. -Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, ? -_______ He got up too late. A. had he; Yes B. hadn't he; Yes C. did he; No 11. Could you please tell me_______ a great actress? A. how Zhao Wei has become B. how did Zhao Wei become C. how became Zhao Wei D. how does Zhao Wei became 12. -Do you know_______ the girl in red is? -I'm not sure, but she looks like a teacher. A. how old B. what C. who D. where 13. -Helen, do you know if Martin_______ to my party next week? -I think he will come if he_______ free. A. will come; will be B. will come; is C. come; is D. comes; will be 14. -Please don't throw paper on the ground. -_______, I won't.


思考与练习 一、单项选择题 1.下列各项中属于产品成本项目的有 ( ) A. 制造费用 B. 外购材料 C. 折旧费 D. 外购动力 2.下列各项中不应计入产品成本的是( ) A. 生产工人薪酬 B. 车间、分厂管理人员薪酬 C. 厂部管理人员薪酬 D. 车间一般耗用材料 3.下列各项中应计入产品成本的是( ) A. 因筹资支付给银行的手续费 B. 职工教育经费 C. 专设销售机构人员的薪酬 D. 车间一般耗用材料 4.下列各项中,属于直接生产费用的是( ) A. 机物料消耗 B. 辅助生产工人工资 C. 基本生产工人工资 D. 厂房折旧费用 5.下列各项中,属于间接生产费用的是( ) A. 原料费用 B. 主要材料费用 C. 车间折旧费用 D. 基本生产工人工资 6.下列各项中属于期间费用的是( ) A. 直接材料 B. 机物料消耗 C. 机修费用 D. 直接人工 7.“生产成本”账户借方登记( ) A.完工入库产品成本 B.生产过程中发生的各项生产费用 C.分配转出的劳务费用 D.尚未完工的在产品成本 8.基本生产成本应该按( )分设专栏或专行进行登记。 A.产品名称 B.成本项目 C.费用要素 D.费用项目 二、多项选择题 1. 下列各项中不应计入成本费用的支出有( ) A. 对外投资的支出 B. 购置无形资产、其他资产的支 出 C. 滞纳金、罚款、违约金 D. 专设销售机构人员的薪酬 2.下列各项属于工业企业费用要素的有( ) A. 折旧费 B. 职工薪酬 C. 直接人工 D. 税金 3.下列各项中应列入“财务费用”账户的有( )

A. 利息支出 B. 汇兑损失 C. 利息收入 D. 金融机构手续费 4.工业企业生产费用按其计入产品成本的方法进行分类,可以分为() A. 直接生产费用 B. 直接计入费用 C. 间接生产费用 D. 间接计入费用 5.下列各项中,应该列入直接生产费用的( ) A. 原料费用 B. 机物料消耗 C. 基本生产工人工资 D. 主要材料费用 6.为了进行成本的审核和控制,必须做好的基础工作包括() A. 制定先进可行的消耗定额 B. 建立健全原始记录制度 C. 建立健全财产物资的盘点验收制度 D. 制定企业内部结算价格7.在划分各种产品的费用界限时,应特别注意()之间费用界限的划分。 A.盈利产品和亏损产品 B.生产费用和经营费用 C.可比产品和不可比产品 D.完工产品和在产品 8.以下税金中,属于工业企业要素费用的是( ) A.增值税 B.房产税 C.土地使用税 D.车船使用税 三、判断题 1.产品成本项目是指生产费用按其经济内容所进行的分类。 () 2.企业为了形成和扩大生产能力,购建固定资产和无形资产等,使企业在较长的时期(多个会计年度)内受益的支出,均属收益性支出。() 3.直接生产费用大多是直接计入费用。( ) 4.“制造费用”账户属于损益类账户。 ( ) 5.机物料消耗和辅助生产车间工人工资等, 均属间接生产费用。 ( ) 四、综合题 1.某企业2010年3月份的支出情况如下: ⑴本月生产甲、乙两种产品。其中,甲产品发生直接费用77 000元,乙产品发生直接费用33 000元,共计110 000元。 ⑵本月车间一般消耗用材料5 200元,车间管理人员薪酬3 400元,车间管理人员办公费等1 400元,共计10 000元。 ⑶购买某项固定资产,支付3 700元。 ⑷预付车间经营性租入固定资产的改良支出6 000元。(摊销期为20

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