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A.9 B.8 C.3 D.7














三年级上册易错题集 第一单元测量 长度单位质量单位 10毫米=1厘米 10厘米=1分米 10分米=1米 1000米=1千米 ※公交车站,一站路大约有1千米 1000克=1千克 1000千克=1吨 ①一粒药片有1克②两包盐有1千克 ③一头大水牛重一吨 1、(1)3米=()分米70毫米=()厘米8千米=()米 5069米=()千米()米4厘米8毫米=()毫米 6吨=()千克7621克=()千克()克 (2)比一比,然后在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 (单位相同直接计算或比较数字大小,单位不同换成相同单位再计算或比较。) 30分米○13米1999克○2千克9900千克○9吨600米○6千米 37吨-6000千克=()吨4千米+7000米=()千米 600克+2千克=()克8分米-43厘米=()厘米 2、不从0刻度开始测量物品,或者断尺量物品,就用终点刻度减起点刻度。 3、有关路程的问题要注意“往返”、“出门后又返回”的情况。 (1)兰兰家距图书馆800米,她出门前往图书馆借书,走了100米后发现忘了带借书证,连忙回家拿借书证再去图书馆。兰兰这段时间走了多远? (2)小梅家离学校250米,小梅每分钟走50米,如果她步行往返学校,要用多长时间? 第二单元万以内的加法和减法 ※列竖式,要牢记,数位要对齐,符号要看清,加法式子里,满10要进1,减法式子里,不够减时向前借1作10 。 1

4、把一个铁丝围成的长9厘米,宽7厘米的长方形框架,变成一个正方形框架,这个正方形框架的边长是多少厘米? 5、计算下列图形的周长。 6、(1)请在方格纸上画出一个平行四边形(2)加一条线段,把方格纸中的图形改成一 个平行四边形 第四单元难点 ★在有余数的除法里,余数一定小于除数。 1、把竖式填写完整。 □ 8 )□7 □□ 3 □ □)□9 7 □ 7 □ □) 2 8 □□ 4 □ □)□8 4 5 3 2、括号里最大能填几? ()×5< 39 6×()< 23 40>7×() 3、□÷9=3……□余数最大是()。 □÷□=□……6 除数最小是()。 □÷5=4……□被除数最大是()。 □÷□=7……3 被除数最小是()。 4、在()里填上适当的数。 3

暑期班三年级英语错题集(朱俊豪)一,单项选择题。 ()1.Where'syourcap,MikeIt's________thetreenow. A.on B./ C.in ()2._____yourrulerIt'sunderthebook. A.What's B.Is C.Where's ()3._____nicepicture! A.How B.What C.Whata ()4._______They'recows. A.What'sthis B.Arethey C.Whatarethese ()5.Aretheychickens_______ A.Yesthey're B.No,theyare C.Yes,theyare ()6.Icanseesome______onthetree A.orangesBbirdsCcars ()7.It'sseveno'clock.It'stimefor______ A.breakfast B.lunch C.bed ()8.YangLi,it'stime______meet. A.to B.for C.at ()9.I'mseven._______you A.What's B.Whatabout C.Howare ()10._______aretheyThey'rerobots. A.What B.Where C.Who ()11.Putthe______inthe_______. A.chair;bag B.jacket;bed C.pen;box

()12.________,Where'smytoytrain A.Sorry B.How C.Excuseme ()13.I_______mydress.Whereisit A.can'tknow B.can'tlook C.apie ()14.Mum______ismyfriend.David. A.it B.she C.thisis ()15.Isthe_______yourbrother A.boy B.sister C.girl ()16.Who'sthat_______________myaunt. A.man;He's B.woman;She's C.girl;She's ()17.AreyoutwinsYes,________ A.weare B.Iam C.we're ()18.Mybrotheris_______thelibrary. A.on B.under C.in ()19._______anewschoolbag A.Thisis B.Isthat C.Itis ()20._______isitAnewpencil. A.How B.Where C.What ()21.______areyou,BobbyIt's_______ A.Whatcolour B.Where C.What ()22.This_______apencil. A.'s B.isn't C./ ()23.Wouldyoulike________apples A.a B.an C.two. ()24.Therulers________tooshort.

7A Unit 5错题集 一.单项选择. ( ) 1.My uncle wants to buy a house _______ a garden. A. has B. Have C. there is D. with ( )2. ------Can you _____ it in Chinese? ------Sorry, I know ______ about it. A. speak, a little B.say, little C.says, many D. say, much ( )3.There will ______ a nice film in the school hall. A. have B. has C.be D.is ( )4. Where ______ you ______ this winter? A.do, going B. are, go C. will, going D. are, going ( )5.-----I will make some dumplings _______ the Spring Festival. ------ Let me help you. A. to celebrating B. for celebrate C.for D.to ( )6.What _____ you do in the coming week? A. do B.are C. does D. will ( )7. Tomorrow is Halloween. What will you _______? A. dress B. dress as C. dress up D. dress up as ( )8.I’d like _______ up ______ a red dress. A.to dress; in B.dressing; in C.to dress; as D.dressing; as ( )9.We have a holiday ______ the first seven days ______ October in China. A.in; of B. at; on C. on; of D. at; in ( )10. The woman ______ the USA is my son’s English teacher. A.is from B. from https://www.doczj.com/doc/e218249059.html,es from https://www.doczj.com/doc/e218249059.html,es ( )11. Do children ________ on that day? A. have a fun B. have a good time C. have the fun D. have fun ( )12.-----What could I get my father for Father’s Day? ------_________ getting him a tie? A.Why not B.How about C.Why don’t you D.How often ( )13----What does Tony want _________ Christmas? ------He would like a model plane. A.for B.to C.in D.by ( )14.______ a beautiful picture! A. How B.Whose C.Where D. What ( )15. I am ______ holiday in New York. I often go to cities ______ a holiday. A.in; on B.on; for C.in; for D.for; in ( )16.They have shows _______ different festivals _______ the world. A.abort; about B.around; about C.about; around D.around; around ( )17.Each of them _______ a new book. A.have B.to have C.has D.having ( )18.You can have ______ fun on Children’s Day. A.many B. much C.lots of D.B&C ( )19.People usually eat moon cakes and enjou the moon ______ the evening _____ the Mid—Autumn Festival.

2015年三年级下学期错题汇总测试 1、长城大约长7000千米。() 2、一个月至少有4个星期,至多有5个星期日。() 3、相邻的两个月是大月的只有7月和8月。() 4、公历年份数除以4没有余数的都是闰年。() 5、一年有春夏秋冬四个季节。() 6、吃掉一个汉堡包的一半后,再次吃掉剩下汉堡包的一半,这时还剩下原来汉堡包 的1/4。() 7、900+60×4读作900加上60乘4的积,和是多少?() 8、每年的下半年天数都相等。() 9、22时15分就是10时15分。() 10、公历年份是4的倍数的一定是闰年。() 11、小张加班6小时,从11时开始,17时结束。() 12、把一根1米长的绳子平均分成3份,取其中的一份,就是1/3米。() 13、在一张长52厘米,宽34厘米的长方形纸上剪一个最大的正方形,剩余图形的周 长是()厘米。 14、2014上半年有()天,下半年有(),全年一共有()天,共()个星 期零()天。 15、学校艺术节10月12日开幕,一共举办8天(含双休日)。应到10月()日闭幕。 16、1998年是()年,这一年的2月份有()天,全年有()天。 2012年是()年,这一年的2月份有()天,全年有()天。 17、一年有()个季度,平年的第一个季度有()天,闰年的上半年有()天。 18、第四季度有()天,其中10月和()月是31天。 19、2012年2月有()天,2009年2月有()天,2009年全年有()天是() 个星期零()天,上半年有()天。 20、上班时间8:30----18:00 是一个单位的上班时间,这家单位一天的工作时 间是()小时()分钟。 21、用两个边长3厘米的正方形,拼成一个长方形,这个长方形的周长是()厘米, 面积是()。 22、一块校牌的长6(),宽(),面积是( ) 23、李生同学参加暑期夏令营活动,从7月15日到8月10日一共有()天。 24、妈妈8:30上班,路上要花25分钟,她至少在()从家里出发。 25、刷牙洗脸需要5分钟,烧水需要10分钟,完成这些事最少需要的时间是()分 钟。 25、教学楼占地约1200()。 26、2008年的2月有()天,全年有()天。每年的五月一日是()节,这一年 在第()季度,这一季度共()天。 27、一份文件共有22行,每行有29个字,这份文件大约有()个字。 28、东东看一本150页的故事书,每天看32页,第三天应从第()页看起。 29、48的20倍是(),15个34相加的和是()。 30、美术课上同学们做纸花,每人做18朵,全班41名同学大约一共做了()朵。

1、估一估,在 里填上>、<或= 914× 6300 364×4 1600 612×8 793×6 2.我们7:50到校,下午3:50离校,在校时间一共是( )小时。 3.一场足球比赛用了45分钟,下午4:20结束,足球比赛时间是从下午( )时( )分开始的。 4.给右边花坛的四周围上篱笆,篱笆长度是( ) A.25米 B.30米 C.比30米短一点 D.比30米长一点 5. (接头处长15厘米) 6.聪聪和茗茗各自从家里同时出发,下图是他们走了20秒后所在的位置,这时他们一共走了40米,聪聪家与茗茗家相距多少米? 2016学年期末测试易错题集 一、填空题。 1.在一个长方形中,一条长与宽的和是27分米,这个长方形的周长是( )分米。 2.用3,0,6三个数字组成的最大三位数与最小的三位数相差( )。 3.一堆小棒有18根,拿走这堆小棒的6 2,还剩( )根。 4.一头牛的体重是595千克,一头大象的体重是一头牛的8倍,大象约是( )千克。 5.爸爸今年27岁,恰好是女儿年龄的9倍,1年后爸爸的年龄是女儿的( )倍。 6.将一样大小的长方形纸像右图一样重叠粘在一起,如果每张纸的长是1分米,这样的3张纸连接起来(重叠处长都是2厘米)的长度是( )。 7.水果店有梨和苹果共240箱,梨卖出了40箱,苹果又运来了80箱,这时苹果的箱数正好是梨的3倍,水果店原来有梨( )箱。 8.A 组有15人,A 组人数的 51分到B 组后,两组人数相等,那么B 组原来有( )人。 9.计算198×时,小明不小心把第一个因数抄成了189,他算出的积就少了63,正确的得数应该是( ) 10、507×8=( )+56

三年级英语(上)错题集 1.This is my friend.(改成一般疑问句) _______ _______ your friend? 2.My tail is long.(改成否定句) My tail ______ ______. 3.My name is Eddie.(对划线提问) _______ ________ your name? 4.I’m eight .(对划线提问) __________________________? 5.Are you fat?(否定回答) No,________________________. 6.She’s my English teacher . (改成一般疑问句) __________________________? 7.I’m a teacher.(改成否定句) __________________________. 8.We can sing and dance in the hall.(改成一般疑问句) ___________________________________________? 9.Is this girl tall?(改成否定句) _____________________________________. 10.Peter’s mother is happy.(对划线提问) _____________________________________? 11.Alice is short.(改成否定句,句意不变) ______________________________ .

12.The cake is white.(对划线提问) ______________________________? 13.The bananas are ten yuan.(对划线提问) _____________________________________? 14.It’s a ball.(对划线提问) ____________________? 15.There are books in the library.(对划线提问) ______________________________________? 16.That’s our school.(改成疑问句) _____________________________________? 17.Open your books.(改成否定句,句意不变) _____________________________________. 18.This is a big hall.(改成否定句) _______________________________. 19.We can read in the library.(对划线提问) ____________________________________? 20.Is this school big and beautiful?(改成肯定句) __________________________________________. 21.My good friend is Alice.(换种说法,句意不变) _____________________________________________. 22.This is a nice cake.(改成疑问句) _______________________________________. 23.Is he your brother?(肯定回答)

人教版三年级下册数学 易错题集 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

人教版三年级下册数学易错题 一、填空题。 1、一位数除三位数,商最多是()位数,最少是()位。 2、两位数乘两位数,积可能是()位数或者是()位数。 3、□÷8=25……□,余数最大是(),这时被除数是();余数最少是(),此时被除数是()。 4、最大的一位数除最小的三位数,商的最高位在()位上。 5、在下面的括号里最大能填几? 8×()< 452 ()×7<514 7、判断下面的年份是平年还是闰年。 1976 年() 2004 年() 2011 年() 2100 年() 1900 年() 2010 年() 8、王叔叔 4 月 27 号去上海出差,月底回来,王叔叔出差了()天。 9、6 月有()个星期余()天;8 月有()个星期余()天。 10、中国共产党是 1921 年 7 月 1 日成立的,到今年 7 月 1 日是建党()周年。到()是建党 100 周年。 11、把下面的 24 时计时法改成普通计时法。 2 时() 17 时() 20 时() 12、把下面的普通计时法改成 24 时计时法。 凌晨 4 时()上午10 时()下午4 时() 13. 用小数表示。 1 米 3分米=()米 1米3厘米=()米 1米 12厘米=()米 50厘米=()米 1元3角=()元 2 元 15 分=()元 9 厘米=()米 30 分米=()米 8 元 8 分=()元 2角3分=()元 2元3分=()元 14、一间超市每天上午9:30开门,晚上10:15关门,这间超市每天营业()小时()分钟。 15、2平方米=()平方分米 5公顷=()平方米 600 平方厘米=()平方分米 400 公顷=()平方千米 二、判断。 (1)24 时计时法中,5 时就是 17 时。() (2)李文的生日是 2000 年 2 月 29 日。() (3)妈妈的生日是 1975 年 2 月 29 日。() (4)所有的小数都比 1 小。() (5)一个边长 4 分米的正方形,它的周长和面积相等。() (6)1900 年是闰年。() (7)2 米 5 厘米写成小数是米。() (8)边长为 4 分米的正方形,它的周长和面积相等。() (9)每相邻两个长度单位间的进率是 10,每相邻两个面积单位间的进率是 100。 () 三、计算。 1、估算。

小学三年级英语错题 集

英语错题集 1.r bbit i ea aper 2.Look!The boy can in the water.(swing,swim) 3.英译中:go there 4.字母邻居: S ; H ; T U X 5.读句子排顺序: ()Its name is Ming. ()Ming can hear a dog. ()It is white. ()Ming can’t hear the bird. ()I have a cat. ()Ming is eating a fish. 6.选词填空:your little my pink 1)Who’s he?He’s my brother. 2)Is this ruler?Yes, it’s my ruler.Thank you. 7.选择题: ()They are big. They are brown. They have long tails. What are they? A. Cats. B. Monkeys. C. Lions 8.今天天气很热,妈妈想让你把窗打开,可以说: 9.你想对玛丽讲你喜欢游泳,可以说: 10.圈出表示动作的单词:We like making snowmen in winter.

11.There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, ,summer,autumn and winter. Winter is very cold. The wind blows and blows. I don’t like winter. I like autumn best. It is cool and dry. The leaves are not green. Some are yellow. Some are brown. The leaves fall down. They look like butterflies. I can eat much fruit in autumn. And Mid-autumn Festival is in it. I can eat mooncakes, taros and beans. I feel happy in autumn. 1)I like . A. autumn B. summer C.winter 2)I winter, but I autumn. A.like…don’t like B.like…like C.don’t like…like 3)I like eating in autumn. A.taros B.mooncakes C.A and B 12.Here we are. Let’s get (in/off) the bus. It is sunny today. Let (us/is) go out. 13.Look at the light. It’s the traffic light. It has three colours, red , yellow and green. You can see the red light. Please stop. The light is yellow. You must slow down, wait, wait, wait. The light is green. The car go very fast. You can go. You must walk on the zebra crossing. 1)This is a light. It has colours. ,yellow and . 2)There are many on the . 14.How many ? Two. A. dresses B.dress 15.My name is Alice. I am a pupil. My name is Danny. I am a pupil, .A.to B.two C.too 16.I a new bag. My brother a new bag, too.

Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 一、用所级单词的适当形式填空。 1.There(be)many apples in the basket. 2.My mother is sitting in front of(she). 3.There aren’t(some)sofas in the bedroom. 4.There(be)some soup in the fridge. 5.There isn’t any(coffee) there. 6.I can see the park is between(they). 7.There(be) a pen and two pencils on the desk. 二、请你用所学的句型“There is / are…和This…is too…”来简单介绍一下你的卧室。(至少写10句话) My bedroom Unit2 A new student 一、用is, are , isn’t , aren’t填空 1. There ______ a spoon on the plate. 2. There ______ some milk on the table. And there _______ any coffee here . 3. There ______ some clouds in the sky. There ______ some boats on the river. 4. There ______ any knives in the box. 5. There ______ a sofa in the living room. 6. ______ there any books in the room? Yes, there ______. 7. There ______ a policeman in the kitchen. 8. There ______ 60 minutes in an hour. 9. There ______ a pencil, a ruler and two books on the desk. 10. There ______ two glasses and a cup on the table. 11. What ________ in this box? There is a present in it. 12. What _______ in that box ? There are two clothes in it. 二、用some, any填空 1. There’s ______ water in the cup. There isn’t ______ tea in the cup. 2. Is there ______ bread here ? Yes , there is . There’s ______ on the table. 3. Are there ______ cars in front of the building? No, there aren’t. 4. There isn’t _____ chocolate on the table. 5. Is there ______ soup on the table? 三、用there be的适当形式填空: 1. ____________ a bookcase in the study room . 2. ______ a sofa and two beds in the bedroom 3. ______ two beds and a sofa in the bedroom 4. ______ some milk in the glass .

三年级错题集 一、填空。35分 1、最小的三位数乘最大的一位数,积是( ) 2、1吨—300千克=()千克 7000千克=( )吨 75秒=()分()秒1吨-600千克=( )千克 13千米-6千米=( )米 10毫米– 20厘米=()厘米 1厘米- 6毫米=()毫米 ()比603少289, 870比582多() 3、昨天商店进了香蕉、桔子、梨、菠萝、西瓜,今天商店进了梨、菠萝、香蕉、桔子、草 莓。商店两天一共进了( )种水果,相同种类的水果有()种。 4、在千米、米的换算中,进率是()。 长江是我国第一大河,全长大约6300( ) 5、一个三角形三条边的长都是12厘米,它的周长是( )厘米。一个正方形的周长与 这个三角形的周长相等,这个正方形的边长是( )厘米。 6、写出钟面所指的时间。 ()时( )分 ( )时( )分 ( )时( )分 5、在里填上“﹥、﹤或﹦”。1600千克 1吨60千克 6、5×6=( ),表示()个( )相加是( );还表示( )的( )倍是()。 7、6个3可以说成()的()倍;7的3倍可以说成()个( )。 二、判断:9分 1、分针走一圈是12分。() 2、4条边相等的四边形一定是正方形。( ) 3、下面图形的周长是10厘米。 ( )

4、四边形都有四个角 ( ) 5、最大的两位数与最小的两位数的乘积是9900 ( ) 6、分母相同的分数,分子大分数就大( ) 7、把一个生日蛋糕分成8块,每块是这个蛋糕的( ) 8、最大的三位数加上最大的一位数等于最大的四位数( ) 9、周长相等的两个正方形,边长也一定相等。 ( ) 三、选择题:7分 1、比较下面两个图形的周长。( ) 2、最小的三位数减去65,差是( ) A、35 B、45 C、165 3、478+281,下面说法错误的是( ) A、它们的和大约等于760 B、它们的和比1000大一些 C、478不到500,281不到300,它们的和不到800 4、妈妈用36米长的篱笆围成了一个正方形的鸡舍,那么这个鸡舍得边长为( ) A、9米B、6米C、4米 5、一年的是指( )个月。 A、6 B、12 C、2 D、4 6、一个水桶( ) A、20千克 B、200千克C、2000千克 7、两个同样大的蛋糕,小明吃了一个的,小红吃了另一个的。( )剩下的多。 A、小明 B、小红 C、一样多 四、计算 1、口算:4分 480+120= 456+234= 780+120= 367+278= 378+41≈ 502+348≈ 498+124≈625-506≈2、列式计算:8分 720×8=835-627= 948-488= 524×6=

[错例1] 蓝色书屋新进8包故事书,每包20套,每套50元。(根据问题连一连) [思路点拨]在解答这一题时,一定要搞清楚每一个问题跟哪些条件是相关的。因为只有条件和问题时相关联的,才能解答出来。 [指点迷津]做这种连线的题目时,一般的做法是:(1)理解题目,把条件按顺序标上序号。比如在这里共有3个条件,分别是:① 8包故事书②每包书有20套③每套书50元;(2)看问题,找相关的条件,排除无关的条件。比如:“一共有多少套?”这个问题就与条件①②有关,而跟条件“③每套的钱”无关,所以连线选择“20×8”。所以正确的解答如下: [错例2] 小芳家去年上半年缴纳电费360元,下半年平均每月缴纳电费70元。小芳家去年一共缴纳电费多少钱?上半年比下半年平均每月少缴纳电费多少元? [思路点拨]这一类型的题目在小学三年级的解决问题中出现的频率非常高,但是解答方法不难,要求学生一定要认真读题,标注出题目中的关键词,读懂题目后再作答。 [指点迷津]在这一题中,学生的错误主要集中在第二问,一定要看清楚题目要求的是“上半年比下半年平均每月少缴纳的钱”而不是“上半年比下半年少缴纳的钱”。所以正确解答:360÷6=60(元)70-60=10(元)。

[错例3] 商店有三种钢笔,价格分别是8元、15元、24元;有两种笔记本,价格分别是6元、9元。小亮带100元去商店购买钢笔和笔记本。 (1)买1支钢笔和3本笔记本,最多要用多少元?最少呢? (2)买1支钢笔和1本笔记本,最多找回多少元?最少呢? [思路点拨]在这一题中,有几个关键的词语:最多(少)要用、最多(少)找回,一定要搞清楚“要用”是指的买东西花掉钱,而“找回”是指买东西剩下的钱。搞清这一点后,再去判断“最多(少)要用”是指买价钱最高(低)的物品花的钱,“最多(少)找回”是指买价钱最低(高)的物品后剩下的钱。 [指点迷津]现在我们来看问题“(1)买1支钢笔和3本笔记本,最多要用多少元?最少呢?”最多要用多少钱,就是去买价格最高的物品,也就是1支24元的钢笔和3个9元的笔记本,列式为:24+3×9=51(元)。类似的可以解决最少用的钱。问题“(2)买1支钢笔和1本笔记本,最多找回多少元?最少呢?”中,要求最多找回的钱,那么就要花去最少的钱,所以购买的是价格最低的钢笔和笔记本,列式为:8+6=14(元)100-14=86(元)。类似的可以解决最少找回的钱。 [错例4] 淘淘从图书馆借了一本《笑猫日记》,共146页,看了4天后还剩62页,平均每天看多少页?如果只能借阅6天,从第5天起,平均每天要看多少页? 【错因分析】 问题二中的“从第5天起”,学生往往理解为“接下来5天”,就会用还剩的页数除以5。 【思路点拨】 理解题意,分析好数量关系是关键。“如果只能借阅6天,从第5天起,平均每天要看多少页?”的意思就是“还要看2天,平均每天要看多少页?”,就要去找两个条件“还剩的页数”和“还要看的天数”。正解解答为:6-4=2(天) 62÷2=31(页)

五年级英语下学期易错题2017.2 20页用所给动词的适当形式填空 1、-Why can't she ____(have) ice cream ? -Because she ___(have) a fever. 2、-The brown trousers __(be)short. Please _(try)on this pair. 3、Why ____ people ______ off their clothes? 4、The prince wants _________(find) his girl. 5、_________ Mike _______ (come) back late? 6、He is________(take)off his coat. 7、Who usually (come)home early? 8、My head (hurt). 9、I like (listen)to stories very much. 10、(be)the doctor late for the party? 11、The boy wants____(make)a kite. 12、The old woman____(sit)on the sofa now. 13、Do you want____(ride)a bike in the park? 14、The boy ________(wait) for me now 15、The driver _________(not know) the way. 16、---What are you (do)? ---I'm (make) TV in the evening,but now he is (read) a storybook. 17、---Where's your mother? ---She's (wash) clothes in the bathroom. 18、She is very happy ______(see)his friend. 19、Can his father come________(help)him? 20、My father ________(have) a rest at home now. 21、They like________(China) food very much. 22、______ the giraffe's neck______(hurt)? 23、Would you like_________________(drink) some warm water?

17-18学年第一学期三年级错题汇总 姓名:班别: Unit 1 一、选择填空。 ( ) 1. – I have a pencil. -- _________________ A. Me too. B. What’s your name C. I’m Miss White. ( ) 2.—Wu Yifan, close your book. -- _____________ A. Hello! B. OK! C. Bye! ( ) 3. –Hi, I have an __________. A.bag B. eraser C. pencil ( ) 4. – Hello, Sarah! -- _________________ A.Bye! B. I’m Mike. C. Hi, Wu Yifan. ( ) 5. – What’s your name -- _____________ A.My name’s Chen Jie. B. No. C. Hi. 二、小朋友,下面是两组对话,只是次序打乱了,请把它们整理成通顺,合理的对话,并把答案代号写在括号内。 第一组:第二组: ( ) My name’s John. ( ) Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name ( ) Hello, I’m Mike. ( ) Nice to meet you, too. What’s your name ( ) Nice to meet you. ( ) Bye, Miss White. ( ) My name is Chen Jie. ( ) Goodbye! Unit 2 一、选择填空。 ( ) 1. – Miss White, this is John. -- _____________ A.Hi, John. B. OK! C. Bye! ( ) 2. – Let’s paint! -- ________________ A.Hello. B. Good afternoon. C. OK! ( ) 3. – Goodbye, Mr Yu. A.Good. B. Morning. C. Bye, Chen Jie. ( ) 4. Hi, mum. This is John. -- ______________ A.Nice to meet you. B. What’s your name C. I am Wu Yifan’s mum. 二、小朋友,下面是两组对话,只是次序打乱了,请把它们整理成通顺,合理的对话,并把答案代号写在括号内。 第一组:第二组: ( ) Good morning, Mr. Jones. ( ) Nice to meet you, too.

上海牛津英语错题整理 8.---May I open the window ?It’s a bit hot inside. ---_____ A)It doesn’t matter. B)Go ahead, please. C)I’m glad to hear that. D)Thank you. 14.Aunt Polly told me that I must draw the farmer's painting ______ great care. A. at B. with C. of D. about 18.Do you see ______ young man standing near the entrance? He is our class teacher. A. a B. an C. the D./ 23.To his disappointment(失望),Sam ______ to take part in his girl friend's birthday day. A. refuse B. have refused C. was refused D. to refuse 29.I'd like to share my chocolates with you _____ for your help with my homework. A. in addition B. in return C. in fact D .in time 30.President Obama said that his ______ visit to China was wonderful. A. four-days' B. four-day C. four days D. four-days 40.Neither of the scarves fits you. You’d better try on _____ one. A)other B)the other C)another D)others 41.James usually goes to work _____ his bike. A)by B)on C)little D)a little 48.Do you know how many cars _____ in Shanghai every year ? A)produce B)will produce C)are producing D)are produced 49.-Let’s go to the car exhibition this Sunday. - _____ A)You’re welcome B)Thank you very much. C)I don’t feel like it D) I don’t think so. 54. The robber escaped from the prison last night. The police ______ him everywhere. A) are searching B) had searched C) are searching for D) had searched for 55. For the time being, it is still early to come to any conclusion. The underlined part means ____. A) First of all B) At present C) At first D) For the first time 57. We look orderly when we do morning exercises _______ uniforms. Do you agree? A) on B) in C) for D) with 64. Surfing the Net is already _______ small children. They learn many things on the Net. A) famous for B) familiar to C) busy with D) interested in 86.People in France often eat gras (鹅肝)_________Christmas. A)in B)on C)at D)of 95.At the police station, the boy admitted _______some books from the bookstore. A)stole B)to steal C)stealing D)steals 98.The old man moved here to live with his son five years ago, so he _______ the life here. A)used to B)is used to C)isn’t used to D)used not to 100.Would you please give him the notebook if you_______ to see him tomorrow? A)are happened B)happen C)will happen D)happened 107.While travelling, you should give yourself a day to______ the time and know the way nearby. A)used to B)be used to C)use to D)be used 1.A careless driver and the terrible weather were responsible for these people’s_____.(die) 3.The road in my hometown will be _____ next year.(wide) 8.My brother has a good _______ because he can remember all the words quickly. (memorize) 10.Shanghai will limit the number of _______ to wetlands on Chongming Island.(visit) 12.Nowadays we can find many ways to ____ ourselves.(relaxing) 21.Everybody here knows Mr. Smith has a __________knowledge of French history.(widen) 30.Mary is the most _________ member in the school dancing group.(act) 3.Giving up a bad habit is more difficult than starting it.(同义) It is ______ to start a bad habit _______ to give it up. 5.Be quick, or you will miss the school bus.(同义) You will miss the school bus _______ you _______ quick.

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